VESSEL Aurora Chenega Columbia Fairweather Hubbard Kennicott Leconte Lituya Malaspina Matanuska Taku Tazlina Tustumena Contract Vessels Non Vessel Revenue TOTAL
FY11 2,522 3,428 8,939 1,805 7,154 794 724 10,520 6,100 2,265 3,318 39 89 47,697
FY12 1,898 2,889 13,014 1,659 8,151 2,537 822 5,765 9,003 4,001 3,755 12 180 53,684
FY13 2,679 2,221 16,635 1,537 9,195 2,006 774 3,133 9,217 3,839 1,875 2 121 53,234
FY14 2,421 2,358 6,682 1,415 8,425 2,499 769 12,051 7,154 4,789 2,106 207 50,877
FY15 4,059 1,914 11,778 1,684 8,265 854 848 11,036 3,989 5,474 3,828 167 53,896
FY16 2,721 675 7,471 2,049 7,705 3,634 812 11,316 7,192 3,566 16 47,157
FY17 3,228 5,500 2,418 11,198 4,015 1,117 7,481 7,863 2,865 74 45,759
FY18 3,458 10,929 2,516 9,873 4,356 1,069 7,785 4,329 2,981 21 47,316
FY19 3,359 15,060 2,024 11,296 4,587 1,159 8,355 782 4,133 47 50,804
FY20 2,325 6,118 4,193 981 1,067 5,580 2,586 2,504 2,863 3 39 28,257
FY21 783 11,775 3,239 935 8,556 2,374 200 27,862
*These figures are close approximations based on reservations and ticketing information. They may be used to show relative magnitude of different vessel operations. They are not accounting figures. Therefore, attempts to reconcile the figures with accounting documents may yield small discrepancies.
FY10 3,115 1,392 7,924 1,945 3,125 1,757 620 11,446 6,211 4,755 3,525 54 46 45,914
Alaska Marine Highway System Unrestricted Revenue by Vessel* Fiscal Years 2010 - 2021 (In Thousands)