2015 spring alaska native dir 14th edition magazine & native regions section

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Mark Hoover, Galina Vladi, Shaman + Raven

2015 Spring - 727-7049

Big Tobacco sees YOU as the next replacement smoker. STAND UP to Big Tobacco.



In Remembrance John Jay Hoover 1919 - 2011

CONTENTS 2 - Meet Raven 9138 Arlon St #A3-592 Anchorage, AK 99507 907-727-7049 | www.CBGUSA.net

by John Hoover

6 - Blessing from a Bear by Galina Vladi

10 - Alaska Native Regions 16 - Alaska SBA - 8(a) 18 - Tribal Gov’t - Alaska 20 - Tribal Gov’t - Lower 48 26 - Yellow Pages - A to Z



By Mark Hoover

The myth and stories of Raven in Northwest Native history are spiritual in nature, thousands of years old and passed down from generation to generation. Raven known as “Creator” and “Trickster” is the one who stole the sun and provided light for Earth. Raven is portrayed in Native narratives, art and dance. There is a plethora of information online. A site titled sacred-texts. com have transcripts of of myths recorded in English.

world. I have heard where people of good character were adopted into the Raven clan of the Tlingit people but my good fortune was to have actually been adopted by Raven.

I was born in Cordova in 1948 in the territory of Alaska. When I was 5 years old my family moved to Edmonds, Washington where my father studied art. It was amazing to see the scope of his artwork develop I learned of Raven from my father, John Hoover, from art class oil paintings to the wood carvings he (1919-2011) who explored the relationship of the human, became famous for. He returned to Cordova each year to purse seine for salmon in Prince WIlliam Sound. At animal and bird spirit which was woven into all aspects age 9 he started taking me with him to crew on his boat. of physical and mental health here and into the dream Upd a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • G et y our F R E E M obi le page at w w w. C B G U S A . net

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As a teenager my mom, brother and 3 sisters EHFDPH RXU IXOO FUHZ DQG ZH ZHUH RQH RI WKH Âż UVW IDPLO\ RSHUDWLRQV LQ WKH Ă€ HHW , WKLQN P\ DZDUHQHVV of our relationship with nature was learned from him WKHQ :H ZRXOG DOZD\V VDYH Âż VK DW WKH HQG RI WKH GD\ to share with eagle on the beach. They would always acknowledge our gift, something I notice now with the Ravens I live with. $V , JUHZ XS , FRQWLQXHG DV D Âż VKHUPDQ EXW lived many adventures each winter traveling as a PXVLFLDQ SKRWRJUDSKHU DQG Âż OP PDNHU ,Q , IRXQG myself at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C for a week of rehersals leading up to an event called “Night of the First Americans. I was fortunate to perform back up vocals for the great Jim Pepper, the musical director for the evening. I was in awe that a kid from a small village in Alaska was a part of a concert that included Sammy Davis Jr., Loretta Lynn, Hoyt Axton, Will Sampson and many more.

In 1994 I moved home to Cordova with my partner Sue Jantz. We lived on a hill over looking the town at an apartment complex we managed. At that WLPH ZH EHJDQ WR QRWLFH WZR UDYHQV Ă€ \LQJ WRZDUGV WRZQ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ DQG WKHQ Ă€ \LQJ EDFN LQ WKH ODWH DIWHUQRRQ $W Âż UVW , ZRXOG ZDYH HYHU\ WLPH , VDZ WKHP and would see them circle sometimes as if to check me out. We named them Kushka and Feathers and we were suprised one day when they landed near us to take the food we left them. As winter set in and the snow began to fall they began to stop each day to visit and share food. I remember my dad telling me once about bringing shiney objects to the Ravens at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle and on one occasion Raven accepting his gift and saying to him “Hey Boyâ€? I began to wonder if I would be able to get that close to Raven.

I worked with Phil Lucas Productions during that time and worked on “Images of Indiansâ€? a series about how Hollywood stereotyped Indans in the old movies. That show was aired nationally on Public Television. Our goal was to set right the history we had all been taught in school about what really transpired between the tribes that inhabited this land and the manifest destiny that attempted to erradicate their existence. So much wisdom was ignored and suppressed during those times. Today, the our people continue to use that wisdom passed down for thousands of years to change the conditions forced upon the last 2-3 generations. Š 2015 CBG USA, Inc. An Alaska Corporation - Est. 1990 • publish@ak.net • 907 727-7049 - 907 257-2670

A R T I C L E Over the years to follow they began to bring their À HGJHV GRZQ GXULQJ WKH VXPPHU 7KH \RXQJ ELUGV ZHUH taught by their parents they knew we could be trusted and even began to take food out of our hands. When people in town would see injured Raven or Eagle they began to call me to see if I could help them. Many a Raven with broken wings, or damaged eyes ended up in our dining room until we built a large cage for them to rehab in. I would always take the injured birds for rides each day in my truck and people would be shocked to see one of them named Taz that insisted on perching on my head. In the years that I rescued both Raven and Eagle I learned to trust that they were as gentle with me as I was with them. I know that in the old days the elders spoke of communication with animals, when wisdom was shared for the survival of all, even the ability to assist each other’s spirit in time of ill or disease. I take this relationship very seriously, especially in this time of irresponsibility perpetrated by humanity on the rest of creation. Today, as humanity wantonly destroys the environment in exchange for riches, as we eliminate species from the face of the planet it behoves

us to become more sensitive to our surroundings and to act with compassion for all living things and make all our actions bring about unity and love. It seems so simple but for me it has opened that ancient door to the spirit world we used share with all of creation. I don’t claim to speak with Raven but I have come to exist equally with them and found our goals to be very similar.

U p d a t e y o u r l i s t i n g v i s t t h e " l i v e " s i t e : w w w. c b g u s a . c o m • G e t y o u r F R E E M o b i l e p a g e a t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t

I quit tobacco so my kids can have a healthy future.

We respect our culture – tobacco doesn’t belong.

One step begins a journey. A thousand steps can make a journey. A thousand more can complete a journey. If we rise as one, we can be tobacco free.


Supported by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services

We support family members trying to quit!

As Tribal leaders we protect our people by creating tobacco free workplaces.

F E A T U R E Blessing From a Bear By Galina Vladi

It happened in Alaska, on my friend’s Hillside property—an undisturbed wilderness with birch and spruce trees, and a small creek running below. It was a summer time, around solstice: the time of white nights, tall grass, and full leafage. The downstairs studio where I stayed faced my friend’s property. There I practiced my Qi-Gong meditation. After months of darkness, a long daylight of Alaskan summer felt like a well-deserved luxury. Every morning, I walked into a world of mid-night sun shining, birds singing, their gentle songs weaving into a waking fullness of the day. The day of this magical event started as usual. I woke up early, pulled on my meditation clothes, and stepped outside. Fresh mountain air gently breezed over my face; I took a deep breath

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and … paused. There was a sound. It was coming from a hidden behind the trees next-door property - as if someone shoveled things around. It was odd, but I couldn’t find a better explanation than that it was a next-door neighbor working on his backyard. Hoping that the noise would end soon, I stepped down from a wooden porch and proceeded to the place of my meditation. A soft carpet of moss sprung under my feet. I walked a few steps and stopped by a spruce tree - its branches lit up with a green abundance of new growth. There was my Qi-Gong launch pad. After arranging my feet on a bare circle on the ground, I positioned my body, and closed my eyes. The noise stopped, but it was immediately replaced by a different sound - grass hissing, yielding to one’s forceful passage. “The neighbor,” I thought. Assuming that he’d walk away at the sight of someone’s private exercise, I didn’t open my eyes but proceeded with my meditation.


The sound approached but didn’t stop. Surprised and slightly annoyed, I slowly turned my head in the direction of the sound and glanced through my half-open eyes. I saw a black animal that looked like a large dog. Something, however, was odd in the way the animal moved. Straining my nearsighted eyes, I waited, and when it finally came to focus, I almost stopped breathing. There was a black bear! In a relaxed stroll, as if on his regular morning promenade, with his head down, the bear slowly waddled on his path, not expecting anyone in his way. And here I was, standing motionless in my Qi-Gong stance. There was nothing I could do in the moment. In the past other wild animals had visited me during my Qi-Gong practice—in Minnesota, a deer and a raccoon, and in Alaska, a moose. And now it was a bear! I closed my eyes and returned to my meditation.

© 2 0 1 5 C B G U S A , I nc . An Al a s k a C o r p o rat ion - E s t . 1990 • publis h@ ak . net • 9 0 7 7 2 7 - 7 0 4 9 - 9 0 7 2 5 7 - 2 6 70


I hoped the bear would pass without acknowledging my presence. He, however, stopped right behind my back. My awareness split between a space of my meditation and the reality. For a moment it was quiet. Then I heard him sniffing the air. A second later, a poke of his moist nose on my right calf made me aware of his close proximity. With my past experiences that taught me to trust the moment, I was alert, but had no fear. I sensed a movement behind my back. Before I could comprehend what was happening, the bear’s heavy paw lay on my shoulder. Here he was now—standing right by my side—puffing into my ear. Surprisingly, nothing inside of me moved. I stayed calm. The bear’s presence didn’t feel frightening at all! His paw lay on my shoulder with firmness, yet it was a gentle touch. I sensed the bear’s curiosity and innocence, and my heart expanded with overwhelming emotions of joy, gratitude, and love. In this intimate moment of trust it felt as if long ago we had parted and forgot about our connection, but now we were back together, merged as one. I slightly turned my head toward the bear, and gently greeted him with a soft and long H– a - i! The sound startled the bear. He dropped on all fours and made a few leaps toward the spruce tree. There he stopped, looked back—I was watching him—and trotted away. I could feel the bear’s touch for that whole day. It felt like a blessing. Since childhood, I have admired these powerful and intelligent animals. I was never afraid of them. On some level,

Upd a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • G et y our F R E E M obi le page at w w w. C B G U S A . net


I had a feeling that there was a special connection between us. I always wanted to meet a bear, and never felt that a bear would bring me harm. In fact, for the last few years while living in a bear country in California and in Alaska, I was looking for such an encounter. And finally it happened! At a gathering of shamans in California in the fall of 2000, one of the shamans handed me a gift: a black bear’s claw. “You are a Bear Woman,” he told me then. In my heart I knew that it was true. I could feel strength and gentleness in me, healing power and the ability to teach. I could easily be a Bear Woman. Thus, I accepted the gift. --------------------------Galina Vladi is a shaman, healer, QiGong Master, storyteller and Master Acupuncturist. Galina, originally from Siberia, is a Mongolian Shaman and received her shamanic initiation in Mongolia. For (3) three years, Galina became world-reknown for her stories of wisdom and healing Galina can be reached at: 415-8710363 or galina.vladi@gmail.com

© 2 0 1 5 C B G U S A , I nc . An Al a s k a C o r p o rat ion - E s t . 1990 • publis h@ ak . net • 9 0 7 7 2 7 - 7 0 4 9 - 9 0 7 2 5 7 - 2 6 70



A L A S K A N AT I V E R E G I O N S Arctic Slope Region


Arctic Slope Regional Corporation


The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act land provision divided Alaska into 12 regions, each administered by an Alaska Natve Corporation.


P.O. Box 129 Barrow, Alaska 99723 907-852-8633 - 800-770-2772 Anchorage Office 3900 C St, Ste 801Anchorage, AK 99503 907-339-6000 - 800-770-2772 ▪ www.asrc.com

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Alaska Growth Capital.......................... 339-6760 www.alaskagrowth.com | Anchorage


3900 C Street Ste 303 Anchorage, AK 99503






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Includes the Chain of Aleutian Islands extending 1200 miles to the west.

Ahtna Region Ahtna Incorporated

PO Box 649 Glennallen, Alaska 99588 907-822-3476 - F 822-3495 Anchorage 907-868-8250 110 W 38th Ave Anchorage AK 99503 • www.ahtna-inc.com | 866-475-0420

• Government Contracting, Vertical & Civil Construction Oil & Gas Pipeline Construction, Surveying Environmental Remediation Services, Janitorial Services, Food Service Contractors, Fuels Management, Tourism, Facilities Support

Family of Companies Ahtna Const & Primary Products Co... 929-5612 www.ahtnaconstruction.com | Anchorage Ahtna Contractors LLC..................916-329-1591 www.ahtnacontractors.com | West Sacramento Ahtna Design-Build Inc.....................714-824-3471 Ahtna Dev Corp..................................... 868-8250 www.ahtna-inc.com | Anchorage Ahtna Engineering Services LLC......... 646-2969 www.ahtnaes.com | Anchorage Ahtna Ent Corp...................................... 644-0760 www.ahtnaes.com | Anchorage Ahtna Facility Services Inc................... 770-1488 www.afsiak.com | Anchorage Ahtna Gov’t Services Corp................... 561-2705 www.ahtnagov.com | West Sacramento Ahtna Heritage Foundation.................. 822-5778 www.ahtnaheritagefoundation.com | Glennallen Ahtna Professional Services Inc.......... 334-6477 Ahtna Support & Training Services LLC......................................... 334-6477 www.ahtnasts.com | Anchorage Ahtna Technical Services Inc............... 334-9664 www.atsiak.com | Anchorage Ahtna Technologies Inc........................ 865-3841 AKHI fmrly Ahtna Contractors......916-329-1591 3100 Beacon Blvd West Sacramento CA ▪ www.ahtnacontractors.com ---------------------------------------------------------C L I Const Inc....................................... 768-2008 Cheesh-na Tribe.................................... 822-3503 www.cheeshna.com | Gakona

Chitina Native Corp (CNC).................... 823-2223 www.chitinanative.com | Chitina Chitina Traditional Indian Village Council...................................... 823-2215 Copper Basin Sanitation Svc Co.......... 822-3600 Gulkana Village Council....................... 822-3976 Koht’aene Ent Co LLC.......................... 868-8203 www.kohtaene.com | Anchorage Mentasta Lake Traditional Council...... 291-2319 Native Village of Cantwell..................... 768-2591 Native Village of Gakona...................... 822-5777 www.nvgakona.com | Gakona Native Village of Kluti-Kaah (aka Copper Center).............................. 822-5541 Tazlina Village Council.......................... 822-4375 Tetlin Village Council............................ 324-2130

Aleut Region the Aleut corporation 4000 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage AK 99503 907-561-4300 - Fax: 563-4328 • www.aleutcorp.com

• Government Contracting, Fuel/Energy Sales & Operations, Real Estate Investments, Commercial Property Rentals, Finance, Investments & JVs, Transportation Services, Commercial Fisheries, Water Utility Aleut Family of Companies

Aleut Enterprise LLC............................ 562-5444 www.adakisland.com |Anchorage Alaska Instrument Co LLC................... 561-7511 www.alaskainstrument.com | Anchorage Aleut Communications Services...719-531-9090 www.aleutcomm.com | Colorado Springs Aleut Facilities Support Services LLC..................................719-531-9090 www.aleutfacilities.com | Colorado Springs Aleut Global Solutions LLC...........719-531-9090 www.aleutglobal.com | Colorado Springs Aleut Management Services LLC.. 719-531-9090 www.aleutmgt.com | Colorado Springs Aleut Northwest Services..............719-531-9090 www.aleutnws.com | Colorado Springs Aleut Real Estate LLC........................... 561-4300 Aleut Technologies LLC................719-531-9090 www.aleuttech.com | Colorado Springs

Analytica Group-Env Laboratories...... 229-9816 www.analyticagroup.com | Anchorage Aleut Community of St Paul Island - Tribal Gov’t.......................................... 546-3200 www.tgspi.com | St. Paul Island The Aleut Foundation........................... 646-1929 www.thealeutfoundation.org | Anchorage ARS International...........................225-381-2991 ------------------------------------------------Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove.............. 497-2648 Akutan Corp.......................................... 698-2206 Aleutian Pribilof Islands Assn.............. 276-2700 www.apiai.org/ | Anchorage ATKA Native Village of.......................... 839-2229 C&H Testing LLC............................661-589-4030 Chaluka Corp......................................... 576-2203 Isanotski Corp....................................... 548-2217 www.isanotski.alaska.com | False Pass Native Village of Akutan....................... 698-2300 Native Village of Belkofski.................... 497-3122 Native Village of False Pass................. 548-2227 Native Village of Nikolski (IRA)............ 576-2225 Native Village of Pauloff Harbor........... 383-6075 www.pauloffharbortribe.org | Sand Point Nelson Lagoon Tribal Council.............. 989-2204 Nondalton Community Ctr.................... 294-2288

Ounalashka Corp 400 Salmon Way Unalaska, AK 99685



Land Leasing, Storage Space, Apartment Rentals Patrick Mechanical LLC........................ 452-3334 Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities..... 859-2205 Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point............................... 383-5616 www.qttribe.org | Sand Point Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska............. 581-2920 Sanak Corp............................................ 383-6075 Shumagin Corp..................................... 383-3525 www.shumagin.com | Sand Point St George Traditional Council.............. 859-2205 St George Tanaq Corp.......................... 272-9886 www.stgeorgetanaq.com | Anchorage Unga Corp.............................................. 383-5215 Unga Tribal Council.............................. 383-2415 www.ungatribe.org | Sand Point

ASRC Civil Const LLC.......................... 339-5600 www.asrccivilconstruction.com | Anchorage ASRC Const Technologies Inc............. 339-5930 www.asrcconstructiontech.com | Anchorage ASRC Constructors Inc........................ 339-6725 www.asrcconstructors.com | Anchorage ASRC Energy Services Inc................... 339-6200 www.asrcenergy.com | Anchorage ASRC Federal..................................301-837-5500 www.asrcfederal.com | ASRC SKW Eskimos Inc....................... 339-6700 www.askw.asrc.com | Anchorage Atqasuk Corp........................................ 633-6414 Atqasuk Village Council....................... 633-2575 Beluga Const Co LLC........................... 569-2707 www.cullycorp.com | Anchorage Bowhead Support Group LLC.......256-382-3260 www.bowheadlogistics.com | Anchorage Coldfoot Env Services Inc.................... 770-9936 www.coldfootenv.com | Anchorage Cully Corp.............................................. 833-2705 www.cullycorp.com | Anchorage Inupiat Community of Arctic Slope IRA.................................... 852-4227 www.inupiatgov.com | Barrow Kaktovik Native Village of..................... 640-2042 Kuukpik Corp........................................ 480-6220 www.kuukpik.com | Nuiqsut Naqsragmiut Tribal Council.................. 661-2575 Native Village of Barrow....................... 852-4411 Native Village of Point Lay................... 833-2575 Nuiqsut Native Village of...................... 480-6126 Nuiqsut Native Village Office............... 480-3010

Nunamiut Corp

P.O Box 21009 Anaktuvuk Pass, AK 99721


Home of the Inland Eskimo Olgoonik Const Services LLC.............. 562-8712 www.olgoonik.com | Anchorage Olgoonik Corp....................................... 763-2613 Olgoonik Oilfield Services LLC............ 868-5112 www.olgoonikoilfieldservices.com | Anchorage Petro Star Inc......................................... 339-6600 www.petrostar.com | Anchorage Point Hope Native Village of................. 368-2330 Tikigaq Corp.......................................... 365-6299 www.tikigaq.com | Anchorage Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corp (UIC)............... 852-4460 www.uicalaska.com | Barrow Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corp UIC................. 677-5200 www.uicalaska.com | Anchorage UMIAQ.................................................... 677-8220 www.ukpik.com | Anchorage Village of Wainwright............................ 763-2535

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w w w. c b g u s a . c o m Bering Straits Region Bering Straits Native Corporation

PO Box 1008 | 110 Front Street, Ste 300 Nome, AK 99762 907-443-5252 - 800-478-5079 Anchorage Office 4600 DeBarr Road, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99508 907-563-3788 - Fax: 907-563-2742

• Real Estate Development, Auto & Equipment Rentals, Quarry Stone & Services, Facilities, Logistics & Supply Support Services, Electrical Contracting, Engineering,Technical & Training, Support, • Mining & Services, IT, Information Security & Communications Alaska Gold Co..................................... 443-5273 API LLC...........................................508-822-1263 Arcticom................................................ 276-0023 www.arcticom.com | Anchorage Aurora Inn.............................................. 443-3838 www.aurorainnome.com | Nome Ayak LLC............................................... 344-7239 www.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Bering Kaya Support Services Jv........ 334-8307 Bering Straits Aerospace Services LLC......................................... 563-3788 www.bsas.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Bering Straits AKI LLC.......................... 334-8309 Bering Straits Foundation.................... 443-5252 Bering Straits Info Technology LLC..... 563-3788 www.bsit.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Bering Straits Logistics Services LLC.563-3788 www.bslsllc.com | Anchorage Bering Straits Native Corp.................... 443-5252 www.beringstraits.com | Nome Bering Straits Native Corp.................... 563-3788 www.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Bering Straits Technical Services LLC 563-3788 www.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Brevig Mission Native Corp.................. 642-4091 Chinik Eskimo Community (aka Golovin)......................................... 779-2214 www.kawerak.org/communities/golovin.html

Shaktoolik City of PO Box 10 Shaktoolik, AK 99771


Warm Hearts, Helping Hands | On the Iditarod Trail | Pop. 272 and growing. Council Native Corp.............................. 443-6513 Eagle Electric LLC................................ 344-7238 www.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Elim Ira Council Office.......................... 890-3737 Elim Native Corp................................... 890-3741 Elim Native Village of............................ 890-2262 Global Technical Services LLC............ 334-8308 Golden Glacier Inc................................ 443-5252 Golovin Native Corp.............................. 779-3251 Ikigak Services LLC.............................. 563-3788 Inalik/Diomede Native Corp.................. 686-3221 Inuit Services Inc.................................. 563-3788 www.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Inupiaq Village of Council.................... 443-7649 Kawerak Inc........................................... 443-5231 www.kawerak.org | Nome King Island Native Community............. 443-2209 King Island Native Corp........................ 443-5494 Koyuk Native Corp Office..................... 963-2424 Koyuk Native Corpoation..................... 963-2424 Mary’s Igloo Native Corp...................... 642-2308 Mary’s Igloo Traditional Council.......... 642-3731 Native Village of Brevig Mission.......... 642-4301 Native Village of Diomede (IRA) (aka Inalik)................................... 686-2175 Native Village of Koyuk (IRA)............... 963-3651 Native Village of Shishmaref (IRA)....... 649-3821 Native Village of St Michael (IRA)........ 923-2304 Native Village of Unalakleet (IRA)........ 624-3622 www.unalakleet.net | Unalakleet Native Village of Wales......................... 664-2177 www.kawerak.org | Wales Native Village of White Mountain (IRA)...................................... 638-3651 Norton Sound Health Corp................... 443-3311 www.nortonsoundhealth.org | Nome Savoonga Native Corp.......................... 984-6184

B E R I N G S T R A I T S - B R I S T O L B AY 1 3

Savoonga Native Village of.................. 984-6414 Shaktoolik Native Corp......................... 955-3241 Shaktoolik Native Village of................. 955-3701 Shishmaref Native Corp........................ 649-3751 Sitnasuak Native Corp.......................... 443-2632 www.snc.org | Nome Sivuqaq Inc............................................ 985-5826 Sivuqua Inc............................................ 985-5826 Soloman Village Tribal Coord............... 443-4985 Solomon Native Corp............................ 443-7526 Solomon Traditional Council................ 443-7526 St Michael Native Corp......................... 923-3143 Stampede Vehicle Rentals.................... 443-3838 www.aurorainnome.comstampede.htm | Nome Stebbins Community Assn (IRA)......... 934-3561 Stebbins Native Corp............................ 934-3281 Teller Native Corp.................................. 642-2322 Teller Traditional Council..................... 642-3381 Unalakleet Native Corp......................... 624-3411 Wales Native Corp................................. 664-3641 Wales Native Village of......................... 664-3062 White Mountain IRA Council................ 638-3651 White Mountain Native Corp................ 638-3651

Bristol Bay Region Bering Straits Native Corporation

PO Box 1008 | 110 Front Street, Ste 300 Nome, AK 99762 907-443-5252 - 800-478-5079 ANCHORAGE OFFICE 4600 DeBarr Road, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99508 907-563-3788 - Fax: 907-563-2742

• Real Estate Development, Auto & Equipment Rentals, Quarry Stone & Svcs, Facilities, Logistics & Supply Support Svcs, Electrical Contracting, Engineering,Technical & Training, Support, • Mining & Svcs, IT, Information Security & Communications Bristol Alliance of Companies.............. 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Bay Corporate Services............ 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC... 793-9200 www.bbrs-llc.com | Anchorage Bristol Construction Services LLC...... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Design Build Services LLC...... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Engineering Services Corp...... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Envronmental Remediation Services LLC................... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Fuel Systems LLC..................... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol General Contractors LLC......... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Industries LLC........................... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Prime Contractors LLC............. 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bristol Site Contractors LLC................ 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage CCI Industrial Services LLC................. 258-5755 www.cciindustrial.com | Anchorage Eagle Applied Sciences LLC.........256-726-4702 www.eagle-app-sci.com | Anchorage Glacier Technologies LLC.............915-751-6014 www.glacier-tech.com | El Paso Glacier Technologies LLC.............256-726-4702 www.glacier-tech.com | Anchoragee Kakivik Asset Management LLC.......... 770-9400 www.kakivik.com | Anchorage Peak Oilfield Service Company............ 263-7000 www.peakalaska.com | Anchorage PetroCard Inc.................................800-950-3835 www.petrocard.com | Kent SES Const & Fuel Services...........865-481-7837 www.scf-llc.com | Oak Ridge Specpro Tecchnical Services LLC..................................210-477-1818 www.specprotech.com | San Antonio Specpro Inc........................................... 265-7830 www.specpro-inc.com | Anchorage Vista International Operations......563-323-3968 www.viops.com | Rock Island Vista Technical Services LLC........210-495-9733 www.vistatech-llc.com | Anchorage _______________________________

Warehouse/Shop Space Apartments—Office Space Crab Pot Storage—Ground Storage Land suitable for commercial and residential building

400 Salmon Way|P.O. Box 149|Unalaska, AK 99685 Telephone: (907) 581-1276|Facsimile: (907) 581-1496 www.ounalashka.com

Alaska Peninsula Corp......................... 274-2433 www.alaskapeninsulacorp.com | Anchorage Aleknagik Native Village of................... 842-2080 www.aleknagiktraditional.com | Aleknagik Aleknagik Natives Ltd........................... 842-2385 Bayview Inc........................................... 344-8252 Bristol Bay Area Health Corp............... 842-3405 Bristol Bay Native Assn........................ 493-5004 www.bbna.com | Togiak Bristol Bay Native Assn........................ 842-5257 www.bbna.com | Dillingham Chignik Lagoon Bristol Bay Economic Dev Corp.......... 842-4370 www.bbedc.com | Dillingham Bristol Bay Housing Authority............. 842-5956 Chignik Lagoon Native Corp................ 840-2214 Chignik Bay Village Council................. 749-2445 Chignik Lagoon Native Village of......... 840-2281 www.chigniklagoon.net | Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lake Village............................. 845-2212 Chignik River Ltd.................................. 845-2261 Choggiung Ltd...................................... 842-5218 www.choggiung.com | Dillingham Clear Stream LLC.................................. 277-1500 www.clearstream-llc.com | Anchorage Curyung Tribal Council......................... 842-2384 www.curyungtribe.com | Dillingham Egegik Village Tribal Council............... 563-0556 Ekwok Natives Ltd................................ 464-3317 Ekwok Village Council.......................... 464-3336 Elim Native Corp................................... 890-3741 Far West Inc........................................... 749-2230 Iliamna Village Council......................... 571-1246 Igiugig Village Council.......................... 533-3211 www.igiugig.com | Igiugig Ivanof Bay Tribe.................................... 522-2263 Ivanoff Bay Tribal Council.................... 522-2263 www.ivanofbaytribe.org | Anchorage Kijik Corp............................................... 561-4487 www.kijikcorp.com | Anchorage King Salmon Tribe................................. 246-3553 Kokhanok Village Council.................... 282-2202 Koliganek Natives Ltd........................... 596-3519 Levelock Natives Ltd............................ 287-3040 Levelock Village Council...................... 287-3030

Manokotak Natives Ltd......................... 289-1062 Manototak Village Council.................... 289-2067 Naknek Native Village Council............. 246-4210 Native Village of Ekuk........................... 842-3842 Native Village of Kanatak...................... 357-5991 www.kanatak.com | Wasilla Native Village of Perryville................... 853-2203 Native Village of South Naknek............ 631-3648 www.southnaknek.info/ | South Naknek New Koliganek Village Council............ 596-3434 New Stuyahok Traditional Council....... 693-3173 Newhalen Tribal Council....................... 571-1410 www.newhalen.org | Newhalen Nondalton Tribal Council...................... 294-2220 Nondalton Village.................................. 294-2220 Oceanside Corp.................................... 853-2300 Olsonville Inc......................................... 842-3511 Paug Vik Corporate Svc LLC................ 770-8205 Paug-Vik Inc Ltd.................................... 246-4277 Pedro Bay Contractors LLC................. 277-1500 www.pedrobaycorp.com | Anchorage Pedro Bay Corp..................................... 277-1500 www.pedrobaycorp.com | Anchorage Pedro Bay Village Council.................... 850-2225 www.pedrobay.com | Pedro Bay Pilot Point Native Corp......................... 797-2206 Pilot Point Traditional Council............. 797-2208 Port Heiden Native Council of.............. 837-2296 Portage Creek Village Council............. 277-1105 ResCare HomeCare............................... 258-5018 www.rescare.com | Anchorage Saguyak Inc........................................... 236-1235 Specpro Technical Services LLC..210-477-1818 www.specpro-tech.com | San Antonio Stuyahok Ltd......................................... 693-3122 Togiak Natives Ltd................................ 493-5520 Togiak Traditional Council.................... 493-5003 Twin Hills Native Corp.......................... 525-4327 Twin Hills Village Council..................... 525-4821 Ugashik Traditional Village Council..... 338-7611 Village of Clarks Point.......................... 236-1435 Wetaviq Ltd............................................ 522-9382 www.wetaviq.com | Anchorage

© 2 0 1 5 C BG U SA, In c . An Al a s k a C orporat i on - E s t . 1990 • publ is h@ ak . net • 907 727-7049


1 4 C A L I S TA - C O O K I N L E T

A L A S K A N AT I V E R E G I O N S Sequestered Solutions LLC................. 868-8678 www.sequesteredsolutions.com | Anchorage Sleetmute Traditional Council.............. 449-4263

Solstice Advertising 3700 Woodland Drive #300 Anchorage, AK 99517



Bright Ideas. Bright Clients.

Calista Region Calista Corporation 301 Calista Ct Suite A Anchorage, AK 99518

907-279-5516 - 800-277-5516


• Professional & Technical Government Services, Petroleum Drilling Services, Camp Leasing & Camp Servicing, Commercial Property Management & Cons, Real Estate Tital Cos. Family of Companies AULUKISTA, LLC................................... 868-2461 ▪ aulukista.com. BRICE COMPANIES............................... 452-2512 Anchorage 907-277-2002 ▪ www.bricecompanies.com BRICE ENVIRONMENTAL BRICE EQUIPMENT........................888-488-6424 Fairbanks 907-488-6422 Deadhorse 907-659-2330 ▪ www.briceinc.com/rental BRICE MARINE...................................... 277-2002 ▪ www.briceinc.com/marine. BROWNS HILL QUARRY....................... 452-2512 Anchorage 907-277-2002 ▪ www.bricecompanies.com CALISTA REAL ESTATE LLC................ 279-5516 CHIULISTA SERVICES INC................... 278-2208 ▪ www.chiulista.com. E3 ENVIRONMENTAL LLC.................... 278-2208 ▪ www.E3Alaska.com FUTARIS..........................................855-388-2747 ▪ www.futaris.com. SOLSTICE ADVERTISING..................... 258-5411 ▪ www.solsticeadvertising.com STG INCORPORATED........................... 644-4664 ▪ www.stgincorporated.com. TUNISTA CONSTRUCTION LLC............ 646-2214 ▪ www.tunistaconstruction.com TUNISTA SERVICES LLC................808-536-2066 ▪ www.tunistaservices.com TUNISTA, INC........................................ 868-2461 ▪ www.tunista.com Y-TECH SERVICES INC......................... 868-2475 ▪ www.ytechservices.com YUKON EQUIPMENT INC...............800-478-1541 ▪ www.yukoneq.com Fairbanks 457-1541 |Anchorage 277-1541 Wasilla 907-376-1541 YULISTA AVIATION INC...................256-319-1654 ▪ www.yulistaaviation.com YULISTA MANAGEMENT SERVICES LLC...................................... 258-2502 ▪ www.yulista.com

----------------------------------------------Akiachak Native Community................ 825-4626 Akiak Native Community...................... 765-7112 Alakanuk Native Corp........................... 238-3117 Algaaciq Native Village [St Marys’s].... 438-2932 Asacarsarmiut Tribal Council............... 591-2814 Askinuk Corp......................................... 558-5411 Atmautluak Ltd...................................... 553-5428 Bethel Native Corp................................ 543-2124 www.bethelnativecorp.org | Bethel Bill Moore’s Slough Village of.............. 899-4232 Brice Inc................................................. 452-2512 www.bricecompanies.com | Fairbanks

Chefarnmute Inc.................................... 876-8115 Chevak Co Corp.................................... 858-7920 Chevak Traditional Council.................. 858-7428 Chuloonawick Native Village................ 949-1345 Crooked Creek Traditional Council...... 432-2200 www.iditacom.org | Crooked Creek Emmonak Village.................................. 949-1720 Futaris.................................................... 273-0022 www.futaris.com | Anchorage Georgetown Tribal Council................... 274-2195 www.georgetowngc.com | Anchorage Goodnews Bay Native Village of.......... 967-8929 Hamilton Native Village of.................... 899-4252 Iqurmiut Traditonal Council.................. 584-5511 Kasigluk Inc........................................... 477-6113 Kipnuk Native Village of....................... 896-5515 Kongiganak Traditional Council........... 557-5226 Kongnikilnomuit Yuita Corp................. 899-4232 Kotlik Laufkak....................................... 899-4226 Kotlik Village of..................................... 899-4326 Kotlik Yupik Corp.................................. 899-4014 Kugkaktlik Ltd....................................... 896-5414 Lime Village Co..................................... 526-5236 Lime Village Traditional Council.......... 526-5236 Napakiak Native Village of.................... 589-2135 Naparyalruar Corp................................. 589-2250 Napaskiak Inc........................................ 737-7413 Napaskiak Native Village of.................. 737-7364 Native Village of Alakanuk.................... 238-3419 Native Village of Chuathbaluk.............. 467-4313 Native Village of Eek............................. 536-5128 Native Village of Hooper Bay............... 758-4915 Native Village of Kalskag...................... 471-2207 Native Village of Kasigluk..................... 477-6405 Native Village of Kwigillingok ( IRA).... 588-8114 Native Village of Kwinhagak (IRA)....... 556-8165 Native Village of Marshall..................... 679-6302 Native Village of Mekoryuk (IRA)......... 827-8828 Native Village of Napaimute................. 543-2887 Native Village of Napakiak (IRA).......... 589-2135 Native Village of Nunapitchuk (IRA).... 527-5705 Native Village of Paimiut...................... 758-4002 Native Village of Paimiut...................... 561-9878 Native Village of Tuntutuliak................ 256-2128 Native Village of Tununak (IRA)........... 652-6527 Newtok Traditional Council.................. 237-2314 Nightmute Traditional Council............. 647-6215 Nima Corp.............................................. 827-8636 www.nimacorporation.com | Mekoryuk Nima Corp.............................................. 561-1566 Northstar Gas LLC................................ 222-3220 www.nsg-llc.com | Anchorage Nunapitchuk Ltd.................................... 527-5717 Ohog Inc................................................ 471-2379 Organize Village of Kwethluk............... 757-6714 Organized Village of Grayling (IRA)..... 453-5116 Orutsararmuit Native Council.............. 543-2608 www.nativecouncil.org/ | Bethel Oscarville Native Corp.......................... 737-7090 Oscarville Tribal Council...................... 737-7099 Pilot Station Traditional Council.......... 549-3373 Pitka’s Point Native Village of.............. 438-2833 Platinum Traditional Village Council... 979-8220 Qanirtuuq Inc......................................... 556-8289 www.nativeco.comqanirtuuq-inc | Quinhagak Qemirtalek Coast Corp......................... 557-5529 ResCare HomeCare............................... 258-5018 www.rescare.com | Anchorage Russian Mission Native Corp............... 584-5885 Saint Mary’s Native Corp...................... 793-3140 Scammon Bay Native Village of........... 558-5425

Stony River Village of........................... 537-3253 The Kuskokwim Corp............................ 243-2944 www.kuskokwim.com | Anchorage Tuluksak Native Community (IRA)....... 695-6420 Tunista Inc............................................. 868-2461 www.tunista.com | Anchorage Umkumiut Native Village...................... 647-6213 Umkumiut Traditional Council.............. 647-6145 Village of Aniak..................................... 675-4349 Village of Atmautluak............................ 553-5610 Village of Chefornak............................. 867-8850 Village of Kotlik..................................... 899-4326 Village of Lower Kalskag...................... 471-2307 Yukon Equipment Inc............................ 277-1541 www.yukoneq.com | Anchorage Yulista Aviation Inc............................... 258-2502 www.yulistaaviation.com | Anchorage Yulista Holding LLC.............................. 868-2487 www.yulistaholding.com | Anchorage Yupiit of Andreafski.............................. 438-2312 Yuut Elitnaurviat.................................... 543-0999 www.yuut.org | Bethel

Chugach Region Chugach Alaska Corporation

3800 Centerpoint Drive, #601 Anchorage, AK 99503 563-8866 - Fax: 563-8402 www.chugach-ak.com Facilities Management & Maintenance, General Construction, Construction, Management, Education Services, Environmental Services, Base Operating Services, Civil Engineering, Housing Maintenance, IT & Computer Facilities Management

Chugach Alaska Family of Companies FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Chugach Education Svcs........... 512-568-9445 Chugach Federal Solutions........ 907-550-4161 Chugach Government Services. 503-475-9964 Chugach Industries..................... 703-336-0156 Chugach Info Technology.......... 907-563-8866 Chugach Systems Integration.... 703-340-5049 Chugach World Services............ 265-665-9430 Defense Base Services............... 907-261-0309 Wolf Creek Federal Services...... 405-834-5249 COMMERCIAL Falcon International.................... 855-551-0366 Chugach Alaska Services........... 907-550-4186 Heide & Cook............................... 808-841-6161 -----------------------------------------------Chenega Corp....................................... 277-5706 www.chenega.com | Anchorage Chugach Heritage Foundation............. 550-4535 www.chugachheritagefoundation.org | Anchorage Chugachmiut......................................... 562-4155 www.chugachmiut.org | Anchorage Eyak Resources LLC............................ 334-6971 Grouse Creek Corp............................... 224-5902 Native Village of Chenega.................... 573-5132 Native Village of Eyak........................... 424-7738 www.nveyak.com | Cordova Native Village of Nanwalek (aka English Bay).................................. 281-2274 Native Village of Tatitlek (IRA).............. 325-2311 Ninilchik Natives Assn.......................... 567-3866 www.nnai.net | Ninilchik Port Graham Corp................................. 272-7432 www.portgrahamcorp.com | Anchorage Port Graham Corp................................. 284-2212 Port Graham Village Council................ 284-2227 www.portgraham.org | Port Graham Qutekcak Native Tribe........................... 224-3118 Tatitlek Const Services Inc................... 278-4000 www.tatitlek.com | Jacksonville

Tatitlek Const Services Inc................... 278-4000 Tatitlek Contractors Inc........................ 278-4000 www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage Tatitlek Management Inc....................... 278-4000 www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage Tatitlek Support Svc Inc....................... 929-5075 www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage Tatitlek Training Services Inc............... 278-4000 The Eyak Corp....................................... 424-7161 www.eyakcorp.com | Cordova


2525 C St Ste 500Anchorage AK 99503 Box 93330,Anchorage, Alaska 99509-3330 907-274-8638 - Fax: 263-5183

www.ciri.com Construction Services, Oilfield Services, Telecommunications, Energy Development Tourism, Real Estate Development, Project Management & Engineering, Environmental Remediation CIRI Family of Companies ENERGY Fire Island Wind LLC............................ 274-8638 North Wind Group............................208-528-8718 Capistrano Wind Partners Palouse Wind Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage Stone Horn Ridge, LLC......................... 274-8638 OILFIELD & CONSRUCTION Alaska Interstate Construction LLC (AIC)....................562-2792 Anchorage ▪ www.aicllc.com 301 W Northern Lights Blvd Ste 600 Cruz Energy Services......................701-483-3016 Cruz Marine........................................... 746-3144 TOURISM & HOSPITALITY CIRI Alaska Tourism Corp.................... 777-2808 509 West 4th AveAnchorage, AK 99501 Alaska Heritage Tours......................877-777-2805 509 W 4th AveAnchorage 907-777-2805 Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge...................... 733-9500 23601 South Talkeetna Spur Rd Talkeetna Kenai Fjords Tours and Kenai Fjords Wilderness Lodge..................... 224-8068 1304 4th Ave Seward AK 99664 Seward Windsong Lodge..................... 224-7116 31772 Herman Leirer Rd Seward AK 99664 Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa................................512-308 1234 575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd Lost Pines TX GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING ANC Research & Development LLC.................................. 263-5149 North Wind Group............................208-528-8718 1425 Higham St. Idaho Falls ID CIRI Services Corp................................ 746-3200 Silver Mountain Construction.............. 745-7641 Weldin Construction LLC..................... 746-3200 -----------------------------------------------Alaska Aggregate Products.................. 278-7300 www.ak-gravel.com | Anchorage Alaska Glass & Door LLC..................... 376-0306 www.alaskaglassanddoor.com | Wasilla Alaska Heritage Tours Reservations... 777-2805 www.alaskaheritagetours.com | Anchorage Alaska Native Health Resource Advocate Program................................ 729-4955 www.selfcentralfoundation.com | Anchorage Alaska Native Heritage Center............. 330-8000 www.alaskanative.net | Anchorage Alaska Native Justice Center............... 793-3550 www.anjc.org | Anchorage

Alaska Native Village CEO Association (ANVCA) 4300 B St Ste 207 Anchorage, AK 99503


www.anvca.biz Alaska Village Initiatives 1577 C St # 304 Anchorage, AK 99501

907-274-5400 - 800-478-2332


A self-supporting corporation organized by and for Rural Alaskans.

Upd a te you r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w.cbgus a. c om • I nt erac t iv e pages : w w w. i s s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons

w w w. c b g u s a . c o m Alaskan Angling Adventures LLC........ 595-3336 Alaska’s People Inc............................... 793-3378 www.citci.org | Anchorage Alexander Creek Inc.............................. 243-5428 ANC Research & Dev LLC.................... 727-2824 www.ancrd.com | Anchorage ANC Research & Dev LLC...............719-474-8222 www.ancrd.com | Colorado Springs Carmencita Palma OD........................... 729-8500 Chickaloon Moose Creek Native Assn Inc..................................... 373-1145 Chickaloon Traditional Village Council...................................... 745-0749 www.chickaloon.org | Chickaloon CIRI Alaska Tourism Corp.................... 777-2808 www.ciritourism.com | Anchorage CIRI Foundation.................................... 793-3575 www.thecirifoundation.org | Anchorage Cook Inlet Lending Center Inc............. 793-3000 www.cookinlethousing.org | Anchorage Cook Inlet Region Inc........................... 274-8638 www.ciri.com | Anchorage

Crossroads Leadership Institute 815 W 19th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503



Catalysts for Positive Change

Cruz Energy Services LLC...............701-483-3016 Cruz Marine LLC.................................... 746-3144 www.cruzmarine.com | Palmer Eklutna Inc............................................. 696-2828 www.eklutnainc.com | Eagle River Fire Island Wind LLC............................ 274-8638 www.fireislandwind.com | Anchorage First Alaskans Institute......................... 677-1700 www.firstalaskans.org | Anchorage Kenai Fjords Tours................................ 224-8068 www.kenaifjords.com | Seward Kenai Fjords Wilderness Lodge........... 777-2808 Kenai Natives Assn Inc......................... 283-4851 www.abebooks.combook | Kenai Knikatnu Inc.......................................... 376-2845 www.kinkatnu.com | Wasilla Koahnic Broadcast Corp KNBA........... 793-3500 www.knba.org | Anchorage Mariah Tours.......................................... 224-8068 Native Village of Eklutna...................... 688-6020 www.eklutna-nsn.gov | Chugiak Native Village of Tyonek....................... 583-2201 Ninilchik Native Assn Inc...................... 567-3866 www.nnai.net | Ninilchik North Wind Group............................208-528-8718 www.northwind-inc.com | Idaho Falls North Wind Services LLC..................... 277-5488 www.northwindgrp.com | Anchorage Pacific Tower Properties Inc................ 279-0541 www.pacifictower.com | Anchorage Peak Oilfield Service Co....................... 263-7000 www.peakalaska.com | Anchorage Peak Oilfield Service Co LLC............... 561-7797 www.prepower.net | Anchorage Point Possession Inc............................ 563-1848 PTP Management Inc............................ 561-4010 www.pacifictower.com | Anchorage Red Mountain LLC................................ 334-9595 www.redmountainservices.com | Anchorage ResCare HomeCare............................... 258-5018 www.rescare.com | Anchorage Resurrection Roadhouse...................... 224-7116 Seldovia Native Assn Inc...................... 234-7625 www.snai.com | Seldovia Seward Windsong Lodge..................... 224-7116 www.sewardwindsong.com | Seward Silver Mountain Const LLC.................. 745-7641 Stone Horn Ridge LLC.......................... 746-3200 Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge...................... 733-9500 www.talkeetnalodge.com | Talkeetna Tyonek Contractors LLC....................... 272-0707 www.tyonekcontractors.com | Anchorage Tyonek Engineering & Agile Manufacturing LLC...........................256-722-3228 www.tyonek.com | Anchorage Tyonek Manufacturing Group Inc.....877-258-6200 www.tyonek.com | Madison Tyonek Native Corp............................... 272-0707 www.tyonek.com | Anchorage Village of Salamatoff............................. 283-7864 www.salamatof.com | Kenai Weldin Const Inc................................... 746-3200 www.weldin.com | Palmer

DOYON 1 5 Doyon Region Doyon Limited

1 Doyon Place, Ste 300 Fairbanks AK 99701-2941 907-459-2000 - 888-478-4755 Anchorage 11500 C St Ste 250 907-375-4220 ▪ www.doyon.com

Doyon Family of Companies Arctic Information Technology Inc ..................................... 261-9500 www.arcticit.com | Anchorage Seattle ..........................................206-783-2548 Parsippany NJ................................973-835-0527 Cherokee General Corp...................253-344-5300 Federal Way WA Doyon ARAMARK JV ........................... 264-4600 www.reservedenali.com | Anchorage Doyon Anvil, LLC.................................. 276-2747 www.doyonemerald.com | Anchorage Doyon Associated, LLC ....................... 374-9130 www.doyonassociated.com | Fairbanks Anchorage AK................................907-375-4220 Doyon Drilling Inc................................. 563-5530 www.doyondrilling.com | Anchorage Doyon Facilities ................................... 459-2100 www.doyonfacilities.com | Fairbanks Doyon Government Group ..............253-344-5300 www.doyongovgrp.com | Federal Way WA Doyon Remote Facilities & Services LLC ..................................... 375-4240 www.doyonremotefacilities.com | Anchorage Doyon Universal Services.................... 522-1300 www.doyonuniversal.com | Anchorage Doyon Tourism ..................................... 374-3041 www.seedenali.com | Fairbanks Doyon Utilities ...................................... 455-1500 www.doyonutilities.com | Fairbanks AK -----------------------------------------------Alatna Tribal Council............................ 968-2304 Alatna Village Council.......................... 968-2261 Allakaket Village Council...................... 968-2237 Anvik Village Council............................ 663-6322 Arctic Contracting LLC......................... 455-8484 www.arcticrg.com | Fairbanks Arctic Resource Group......................... 455-8484 www.arcticrg.com | Fairbanks Arctic Village Council Gwich’in Artic Village............................ 587-5328 Baan-O-Yeel Kon Corp.......................... 456-6259 Beaver Village Council......................... 628-6126 Birch Creek Village............................... 221-2211 Chalkyitsik Village Council................... 848-8117 Cherokee General Corp...................253-344-5300 Ch’izhur LLC.......................................... 455-8484 www.arcticrg.com | Fairbanks Circle Tribal Council............................. 773-2822 Council of Athabascan Tribal Gov’t s.. 622-2587 www.catg.org | Fort Yukon Deloy Ges Inc........................................ 663-6396 Deloycheet Inc....................................... 476-7177 www.deloycheet.com | Holy Cross Deloycheet Inc....................................... 476-7155 Denakkanaaga Inc................................. 456-5827 Dineega Corp......................................... 468-4405 Dot Lake Native Corp............................ 822-2755 Doyon Associated LLC......................... 644-4971 www.doyonassociated.com | Fairbanks Doyon Drilling Inc................................. 563-5530 www.doyondrilling.com | Anchorage Doyon Emerald...................................... 258-8137 www.doyonemerald.com | Anchorage Doyon Foundation................................ 459-2048 www.doyonfoundation.com | Fairbanks Doyon Gov’t Group..........................253-344-5300 www.doyongovgrp.com | Federal Way Doyon Ltd.............................................. 375-4220 www.doyon.com | Anchorage Doyon Remote Facilities & Services... 375-4240 www.doyonremotefacilities.com | Anchorage Doyon Tourism...................................... 374-3041 www.seedenali.com | Fairbanks Doyon Universal Services.................... 522-1300 www.doyonuniversal.com | Anchorage Doyon Universal Svc - P Bay................ 659-2643 www.doyonuniversal.com | Prudhoe Bay Doyon Utilities LLC............................... 455-1500 www.doyonutilities.com | Fairbanks Doyon/Aramark JV...........................866-761-6629 www.reservedenali.com | Anchorage Eagle Native Village of.......................... 547-2271




LOCATION: Kotzebue PROJECT: Runway Construction




LOCATION: Dutch Harbor PROJECT: Contaminated

Soil Removal

LOCATION: North Slope PROJECT: Drilling Rigs LOCATION: Donlin Creek PROJECT: Donlin Gold


LOCATION: Kodiak PROJECT: Full Food Services

for the United States Coast Guard


LOCATION: Calista Region PROJECT: Yukon to

Kuskokwim Freight and Energy Corridor Plan


LOCATION: Ketchikan, Tyee Lake, Swan Lake, Petersburg and Wrangell PROJECT: Southeast Alaska Power Authority


Hydro Expansion


LOCATION: Fairbanks PROJECT: Barracks Rehab

TUNISTA CONSTRUCTION LOCATION: JBER PROJECT: Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range Construction


LOCATION: Bethel PROJECT: Business Complex

t: (907) 275-2800 ★ f: (907) 275-2919 ★ calista@calistacorp.com

© 2 0 1 5 C BG U SA, In c . An Al a s k a C orporat i on - E s t . 1990 • publ is h@ ak . net • 907 727-7049


1 6 KONIAG - SEALASKA Alaska Region Training & Technical Assistance Center COMMUNITY PROJECTS SUPPORT • Social & Economic Development A Resource of the • Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Administration • Native Language Preservation & Maintenance for Native Americans • National Resource Directory & Virtual Communities

907-376-3622 • Toll Free: 1-800-948-3158 Alaska Region: www.ANAAlaska.org 185 E. Nelson Avenue Wasilla, AK 99654

A L A S K A N AT I V E R E G I O N S Three Saint Bay LLC............................. 278-6100 www.threesaintsbay.com | Anchorage Uganik Natives Inc................................ 486-5159 Uyak Natives Inc..............................928-453-6637 www.uyak.org | Lake Havasu City Washington Management Group Inc.........................................202-833-1120 www.washmg.com | Herndon XMCO Inc........................................586-558-8510 www.xmcoinc.com | Warren

Nana Region NANA Regional Corporation, inc.

PO Box 49 Kotzebue, AK 99752


909 West 9th AveAnchorage, AK 99501 Tel: 907-265-4100 ▪ www.nana.com

NANA Development Corporation

909 West 9th AveAnchorage, AK 99501

Emerald Consulting Group LLC........... 258-8137 www.doyonemerald.com | Anchorage Evansville.............................................. 374-7084 Evansville Council................................ 692-5005 Fairbanks Native Assn Inc.................... 452-1648 www.fairbanksnative.org | Fairbanks Gulkana Village..................................... 822-3746 Gwichyaa Zhee Gwichi’in Tribal Gov’t [Fort Yukon IRA].......................... 662-2581 www.fortyukon.org | Fort Yukon Gwitchyaa Zhee Corp........................... 662-2933 Holy Cross Village................................. 476-7124 Hughes Village...................................... 889-2239 Huslia Tribal Council............................. 829-2294 Koyukuk Native Council....................... 927-2253 Louden Tribal Council.......................... 656-1711 Manley Village Council......................... 672-3177 Native Village of Minto (IRA)................ 798-7112 Native Village of Tanana (IRA).............. 366-7160 Native Village of Venetie Tribal Gov’t............................................ 849-8212 Nenana Native Village........................... 832-5461 www.nenanavillage.com | Nenana Nikolai Edzeno’ Village Council........... 293-2311 Northway Natives Inc............................ 778-2298 Northway Village Council..................... 778-2311 Nulato Tribal Council............................ 898-2339 Rampart Village Council....................... 358-3312 ResCare HomeCare............................... 258-5018 www.rescare.com | Anchorage Ruby Tribal Council.............................. 468-4479 Seth-De-Ya-Ah Corp.............................. 798-7181 Shageluk Native Village IRA................. 473-8239 Stevens Native Village of...................... 478-7228 Takotna Tribal Council.......................... 298-2212 Tanacross Inc........................................ 883-4130 Tanacross Village Council.................... 883-5024 Telida Native Village Council................ 293-2641 Tetlin Native Corp.................................. 883-6652 The Wireless Connection..............371-0884 Tiheet’Aii Inc.......................................... 628-6126 Toghotthele Corp.................................. 832-5832 www.toghotthele.com | Nenana Tozitna Ltd............................................. 366-7255 Village of Dot Lake................................ 882-2695 Village of Kaltag.................................... 534-2224

Koniag Region Koniag Inc

194 Alimaq Dr. Kodiak, AK 99615

Tel: 486-2530 - 800-658-3818 ▪ www.koniag.com

• Government Contracting & Consulting, Aircraft Composite Parts, Fluid Reprocessing, Environmental Services, Telecom Systems, Software & IT Services, Security, Land & Natural Resource Management, Hunting / Fishing, Logistics Services, Real Estate Koniag Development Corp................... 561-2668 www.koniagdevelopment.com | Anchorage Koniag Education Foundation............. 562-9093 www.koniageducation.org | Anchorage

Koniag Inc............................................. 561-2668 www.koniag.com | Anchorage Koniag Inc............................................. 486-2530 www.koniag.com | Kodiak Koniag Info Security Services LLC...... 561-2668 Koniag Services Inc.........................703-488-3489 www.ksikoniag.com | Chantilly __________________________________ Afognak Native Corp - Anchorage Office................................ 222-9500 www.afognak.com | Anchorage Afognak Native Corp - Kodiak Headquarters.......................... 486-6014 www.afognak.com | Kodiak Akhiok Kaguyak Inc.............................. 258-0604 Akhiok Native Village of....................... 836-2312 www.akhioknativevillage.com | Akhiok Alutiiq LLC............................................. 222-9500 www.alutiiq.com | Anchorage Alutiiq-Mele LLC.................................... 222-9500 www.alutiiq.com | Anchorage Amee Bay LLC.................................843-725-6800 www.ameebay.com | Hanahan Amee Bay LLC....................................... 278-6100 www.ameebay.com | Anchorage Angeles Composite Technologies Inc..............................360-452-6776 www.angelescomposite.com | Port Angeles Anton Larsen Inc................................... 486-3493 Ayakulik Inc........................................... 258-7025 Barling Bay LLC...............................877-582-6100 www.barlingbay.com | Anchorage Bells Flats Natives Inc.......................... 262-9154 Clarus Technologies LLC.................360-671-1514 FedSources......................................703-610-8700 www.fedsources.com | Herndon Kaguyak Village..................................... 836-2322 Karluk IRA Tribal Council..................... 241-2218 Kodiak Area Native Assn...................... 486-9800 www.kanaweb.org | Kodiak Kodiak-Kenai Cable Co LLC................. 278-6100 www.kkfl.info | Anchorage KOMAN Diversified Services LLC........ 569-9130 www.komani nc.com | Anchorage Larsen Bay Tribal Council.................... 847-2207 Litnik Inc................................................ 486-4833 Native Village of Afognak..................... 486-6357 www.afognak.org | Kodiak Native Village of Ouzinkie..................... 680-2259 Native Village of Port Lions.................. 454-2234 www.nativevillageofportlions.org | Port Lions Natives of Kodiak Inc............................ 486-3606 Old Harbor Native Corp........................ 278-6100 www.oldharbornativecorp.com | Anchorage Old Harbor Native Corp........................ 286-2286 Old Harbor Tribal Council..................... 286-2215 Ouzinkie Corp........................................ 680-2208 Ouzinkie Native Corp............................ 561-2452 www.ouzinkienativecorporation.com | Anchorage Prof. Computing Res Inc..................616-554-0000 www.pcr.com | Grand Rapids SAGE Systems Tech LLC..................... 278-6100 www.sagealaska.com | Anchorage Shuyak Inc............................................. 486-3842 Sunaq Tribe of Kodiak.......................... 486-4449 www.sunaq.org/ | Kodiak

907-265-4100 - 800-478-2000 AK 888-626-2122 Outside AK


NANA Development Corporation NDC-is a growing business leader in engineering and construction; resource development; facilities management and logistics; real estate and hotel development; and information technology and telecommunications. NANA Family of Companies Affigent LLC.....................................571-723-4255 www.affigent.com | Herndon Akima Const Services LLC...............301-338-1575 www.akimaconstruction.com | Laurel Akima Facilities Management LLC...704-970-1200 www.akimafacmgmt.com | Charlotte Akima Global Services LLC..............703-766-6837 www.akimaglobalservices.com | Herndon Akima Infrastructure Services LLC...757-265-9570 www.akimainfraServices.com | Hampton Akima Intra-Data LLC.......................704-970-1200 www.akimaintradata.com | Herndon Akima LLC.......................................571-323-5200 www.akima.com | Herndon Akima LLC - Akima Management Services LLC..............571-323-5200 www.akima.com | Herndon Akima Logistics Services LLC..........610-574-4579 www.akimalogistics.com | Charlotte Akima Management Services LLC....... 277-2058 www.akima.com | Anchorage Akima Support Services...................704-970-1200 www.akima.com | Charlotte Akima Technical Solutions LLC........704-970-1200 www.akimatechsolutions.com | Charlotte Alaska Testlab....................................... 562-2000 Alaska Universal Services LLC............ 277-7884 www.kikiktagruk.comkic/node/35 | Anchorage Ambler Native Village of....................... 445-2238 Buckland Native Village of.................. 494-2171 Cazador Apparel LLC.......................719-387-7450 www.cazador.biz | Herndon Cazador LLC....................................571-323-5200 www.cazador.biz | Herndon Deering Native Village of...................... 363-2138 Five Rivers Services LLC.................719-536-0223 www.fiveriversservices.com | Colorado Springs GIS Oilfield Contractors...................985-475-5238 www.gisy.com | Galliano Ikun LLC..........................................703-766-6608 www.ikun.com | Herndon Ki LLC..............................................719-593-2985 www.kicompany.com | Colorado Springs Kiana Traditional Council..................... 475-2109 KIC - Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corp............. 442-3165 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue KIC Const LLC....................................... 277-7884 www.kikiktagruk.comkic/node/11 | Anchorage KIC Const LLC....................................... 442-3165 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue KIC Dev LLC.......................................... 442-3165 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue KIC Facilities Management LLC........... 442-6105 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue

KIC Logistics LLC................................. 277-7884 www.kikiktagruk.com | Anchorage Kisaq LLC........................................301-338-1575 www.kisaq.com | Laurel Kivalina IRA Council............................. 645-1253 Kobuk Traditional Council.................... 948-2203 Kotzebue Native Village of................... 442-3467 www.kotzebueira.org | Kotzebue Lynxnet LLC.....................................757-686-6958 www.lynxnetllc.com | Suffolk Maniilaq Assn........................................ 442-3311 www.maniilaq.org/ | Kotzebue McGrath Native Village Council........... 524-3024 Nakuuruq Solutions LLC..................703-766-6750 www.nakuuruq.com | Herndon NANA Dev Corp..................................... 265-4100 www.nana-dev.com | Anchorage NANA Management Services - Lodging.............................................. 273-4201 www.nmslodging.com | Anchorage NANA Management Svc........................ 273-2400 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NANA Oilfield Services Inc................... 659-2840 www.nanaoilfield.com | Prudhoe Bay NANA Oilfield Services Inc................... 265-4161 www.nanaoilfield.com | Anchorage NANA Pacific LLC................................. 257-1700 www.nanapacific.com | Anchorage NANA Regional Corp Inc (Kiana Resource Technician)............................................ 442-3301 www.nana.comregional | Kotzebue NANA Services LLC.............................. 751-8430 www.nanaservices.com | Anchorage NANA WorleyParsons........................... 273-3900 www.nanaworleyparsons.com | Anchorage NANA WorleyParsons LLC................... 273-3900 www.nanaworleyparsons.com | Anchorage NANA/Lynden Logistics LLC................ 245-1544 www.lynden.comllog | Anchorage National Congress of American Indians.............................202-466-7767 www.ncai.org | Washington Native Village of Kivalina (IRA)............ 645-1253 Native Village of Kotzebue................... 442-3467 Native Village of Noatak (IRA).............. 485-2173 NIQI LLC..........................................206-300-5733 www.niqillc.com | Anchorage NMS Camp Services Division............... 273-2400 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NMS Food & Facilities Management Division........................... 263-1700 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NMS Lodging Division.......................... 273-3700 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NMS Security Division.......................... 273-2400 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NMS Staffing Division........................... 729-2570 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage Nome Eskimo Community.................... 443-2246 www.necalaska.org | Nome Noorvik Native Community IRA............ 636-2144 Paa River Const LLC............................. 562-5303 Pegasus Aviation Services LLC........... 245-0357 www.pegasusanc.com | Anchorage Piksik LLC............................................. 563-3456 www.piksik.com | Anchorage Portico Services LLC.......................571-323-5975 www.portico-services.com | Manassas Qivliq Federal Group........................571-323-5200 www.qivliqfederal.com | Herndon Qivliq LLC........................................571-323-5200 www.qivliq.com | Herndon SAVA Workforce Soultions LLC........703-766-6900 www.savasolutions.com | Herndon Selawik IRA Council.............................. 484-2165 Shungnak Native Village of.................. 437-2163 Synteras LLC...................................703-766-6757 www.synteras.com | Herndon TKC Global Solutions LLC...............571-323-5200 www.tkcglobal.com | Anchorage Truestone LLC.................................703-766-6900 www.truestonefed.com | Herndon Tuuq Drilling LLC.................................. 265-4100 www.nana-dev.com | Anchorage WHPacific Inc........................................ 339-6500 www.whpacific.com | Anchorage Wolverine Services LLC...................719-264-9144 www.wolverineServices.com | Colorado Springs Work Safe Inc........................................ 563-8378

Upd a te you r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w.cbgus a. c om • I nt erac t iv e pages : w w w. i s s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons

w w w. c b g u s a . c o m Sealaska Region Sealaska Corporation

One Sealaska Plaza, #400 Juneau, AK 99801 907-586-1512 - Fax: 586-1826 www.sealaska.com • Timber Development & Marketing, Forest Management & Silviculture, Managed Investment Portfolios, Injection Molding, Plastic & Mfg, Prototyping & New Product Dev., Environmental Consulting & Remediation, Info. Tech Outsourcing, Rock, Sand & Gravel, 8(a) Government Contracting Sealaska Family of Companies

Alaska Coastal Aggregates LLC.......... 755-2502 www.seaalaska.com | Craig Angoon Community Assn.................... 788-3411 Angoon Community Assn (IRA)........... 788-3411 Cape Fox Corp...................................... 225-5163 www.capefoxcorp.com | Ketchikan Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska......................... 586-1432 www.ccthita.org/ | Juneau Channel Const Inc................................. 789-5248 Chilkat Indian Village Klukwan............. 767-5505 www.chilkatindianvillage.org | Haines Craig Tribal Assn (IRA)......................... 826-3996 Douglas Indian Assn............................. 364-2916 Goldbelt Inc........................................... 790-4990 www.goldbelt.com | Juneau Hoonah Indian Assn.............................. 945-3545 www.hiatribe.org | Hoonah Huna Heritage Foundation................... 523-3682 www.hunaheritage.org | Juneau Huna Totem Corp.................................. 523-3670 www.hunatotem.com | Juneau Hydaburg Cooperative Assn................ 285-3666 www.hydaburgtribe.org | Hydaburg Kake Tribal Corp................................... 785-3221 www.kaketribalcorp.com | Kake Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation.206-624-6166 www.kavilco.comkhhf_pages/who.htm | Seattle Kavilco Inc.......................................206-624-6166 www.kavilco.com | Seattle Kavilco Inc............................................. 542-2214 www.kavilco.com | Kassan Ketchikan Indian Community............... 225-5158 www.kictribe.org | Ketchikan Ketchikan Indian Community - Behavioral Health............................... 228-9203 Ketchikan Indian Community - Southern Southeast Alaska Technical Education Center SSEATEC................. 228-5150 www.kictribe.org | Ketchikan Klawock Cooperative Assn IRA........... 755-2265 Klawock Heenya Corp........................... 755-2270 www.klawockheenya.com | Klawock Klukwan Inc........................................... 766-2211 www.klukwan.com | Haines Kootznoowoo Corp Inc......................... 790-2992 www.kootznoowoo.com | Juneau Managed Business Solutions LLC....719-314-3400 www.mbshome.com | Colorado Springs Native Village of Nunam Iqua............... 498-4184 Nypro Kanaak Management Group.. 956-346-6089 Organized Village of Kake.................... 785-6471 www.kakefirstnation.org | Kake Organized Village of Kasaan................ 542-2230 www.kasaan.org | Ketchikan Organized Village of Saxman (IRA)...... 247-2502 Pelican Tlingit & Haida Community Council.............................. 735-2240 Petersburg Indian Assn IRA................. 772-3636 www.piatribal.org/ | Petersburg Sealaska Constructors.....................253-929-1200 www.seakcon.comcontact/ | Auburn Sealaska Corp....................................... 586-1512 www.sealaska.com | Juneau Sealaska Corp Bellevue...................425-283-0600 Sealaska Corporate Communications.586-1512 Sealaska Env Services LLC.............425-283-0630 www.sealaskaenvironmental.com | Bellevue Sealaska Global Logistics LLC.........425-283-0615 www.sealaska.com | Bellevue Sealaska Heritage Institute................... 463-4844 www.sealaskaheritage.org | Juneau

U . S . C O N G R E S S I O N A L D E L E G AT I O N 1 7 Sealaska Heritage Institute................... 463-4844 www.sealaskaheritage.org | Juneau Sealaska Human Resources................. 586-9134 www.sealaska.com | Juneau Sealaska Natural Resources................ 586-9276 www.sealaska.com | Juneau Sealaska Office of Diversity Solutions.586-9216 www.sealaska.com | Juneau Sealaska Timber Corp........................... 225-9444 www.sealaskatimber.com | Ketchikan Shee Atika Inc....................................... 747-3534 www.sheeatika.com | Sitka Shee Atika Management LLC............... 747-3534 www.sheeatika.com | Sitka Sitka Tribe of Alaska............................. 747-3207 www.sitkatribe.org | Sitka Skagway Traditional Council................ 983-4068 Synergy Systems.............................425-449-1498 www.synergy-gps.com | Bellevue Tenakee Springs Indian Community.... 736-2214 Tlingit Ink Designs LLC........................ 766-3930 Wrangell Cooperative Assn.................. 874-4304 www.shakesisland.com | Wrangell Yak Tat Kwaan Inc................................. 784-3335 www.yak-tatkwaan.com | Yukutat Yakutat Tlingit Tribe.............................. 784-3238

Native Organizations Alaska Federation of Natives.....274-3611 www.nativefederation.org |Anchorage

Alaska Native Village CEO Association (ANVCA) 4300 B St Ste 207, Anchorage, AK 99503

907-771-8205 - www.anvca.biz Alaska Region T/TA Center a Resource of the Administration for Native Americans


Honorable Lisa Murkowski - United States Senate

709 Hart Senate Building Washington D.C. 20510-0202 202 224-6665 - Fax 224-5301 • www.murkowski.senate.gov

Anchorage Office 510 L Street, #600 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-271-3735

Fairbanks Office: 101 12th Ave, Room 329 Fairbanks, AK 99701-6278 907-456-0233

Honorable Dan Sullivan - United States Senate DC Office Anchorage Office Juneau Office

840A Dirksen Senate Office Building 510 L St. Ste. 750 800 Glacier Ave. Ste.101 Washington, D.C. 20510 Anchorage, AK 99501 Juneau. AK 99801 202 224-3004 - Fax: 224-6501 907-271-5915 907-586-7277 • www.sullivan.senate.gov ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Honorable Donald E. Young - U.S. House of Representatives Anchorage Office

DC Office 2314 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC. 20515 202 225-5765 - Fax: 225-0425 • www.donyoung.house.gov Fairbanks Office 100 Cushman St., #307 Fairbanks, AK 99707 907-456-0210

4241 B Street, #203 Anchorage, AK 99503 907-271-5978

Juneau Office 612 W. Willoughby Ave., #B Juneau, AK 99802-1247 907-586-7400

185 E Nelson Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654

907-376-3688 - 800-948-3158


Training, Technical Assistance, Virtual Community Center

Assn of Village Council Presidents..........................543-7300 www.avcp.org | Bethel

Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative 604 H Street Anchorage, AK 99501

907-272-9225 - 888-360-9665


Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ CoOperative - Producer of the finest Alaskan Qiviut (kiv-ee-ute) Handknits since 1969

thread Childcare Resource & Referral 3350 Commercial Dr Ste 203 Anchorage, AK 99501



Alaska’s statewide Child Care Resource and Referral network, with hub offices inAnchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks.

US Fish & Wildlife Service 1011 E Tudor Rd MS 121 Anchorage, AK 99503

907-786-3880 - 800-478-1456


Tribal Government Metlakatla Indian Community......886-4441 www.metlakatla.com | Metlakatla

Nunakauyak Traditional CouncIl Saint Marys, AK 99658


SUPPORTING SHAREHOLDERS Donlin Gold is a mining project benefitting Alaska Natives through: • Future Revenue Sharing 7(i) • Responsible Development • Local Hire

To learn more about the project please visit

Shaktoolik City of

PO Box 10, Shaktoolik, AK 99771


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A L A S K A S B A 8 (a) C E R T I F I E D

What is the 8(a) Business Development Program?

Benefits of the Program

The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

Participants can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services and $6.5 million for manufacturing. While we help 8(a) firms build their competitive and institutional knowhow, we also encourage you to participate in competitive acquisitions.

8(a) firms are also able to form joint ventures and teams to bid on contracts. This enhances the ability of 8(a) firms to perform larger prime contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling, the combining of two or more contracts together into one large contract. Also, see the Mentor-Protégé Program for more information on allowing starting 8(a) companies to learn the ropes from other more experienced Participation in the program is divided into two phases over nine businesses. years: a four-year developmental stage and a five-year transition stage. Source: SBA.gov & dbase of certified 8(a) firms on 4/9/15. The 8(a) Program is an essential instrument for helping socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs gain access to the economic mainstream of American society. The program helps thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to gain a foothold in government contracting.

Federal Procurement Offices

8a 2015

Chugach Gov’t Services Inc......... Asrc Civil Const LLC............................ 339-6734 256-665-9428 www.chugach.com | Anchorage Asrc Gulf States Constructors............. 339-5900 Chugach Info Technology Inc...........256-665-9428 Aurora Industries LLC......................787-820-2141 4 A Era LLC......................................504-473-7009 www.chugach.com | Anchorage www.snc.org | Anchorage www.4aera.com | Anchorage 673rd Contracting Squadron................... 552-1249 Ayak LLC............................................... 334-8308 Copper River Info Technology LLC...703-234-3888 A & A Const LLC.................................... 280-7300 10480 22nd St #237 JBER | F 552-3561 www.copperriverit.com | Anchorage Azachorok Contract Services LLC...661-951-6566 Alaska Air National Guard....................... 249-1288 Aerostar Ses LLC.............................865-481-7837 Credit Services Unlimited LLC............. 272-7336 5005 Raspberry Road Bldg 23 Anchorage www.aerostar.net | Anchorage Badger Technical Services LLC.......210-477-2450 www.tenantwatch.net | Anchorage Alaska Guard National Guard................. 428-6182 Ahtna Engineering Services LLC......... 646-2969 Bennett Ent LLC.................................... 842-2270 PO Box B Camp Denali Ft Richardson | Defense Base Services Inc..............256-665-9428 www.ahtnaes.com | Anchorage Bering Sea Env LLC . . .......................903-553-0010 F 428-6191 www.chugach.com | Anchorage Ahtna Env Inc........................................ 646-2969 www.bsenv.com | Anchorage Bureau of Indian Affairs........................... 271-1742 Dms American Mechanical Jv..........253-344-5300 www.ahtna.net | Anchorage Bering Straits Logistics Anchorage | 800-645-8465 Ahtna Facility Services Inc................... 868-8261 Eagle Applied Sciences LLC............210-477-9242 Services LLC......................................... 334-8308 Bureau of Indian Affairs........................... 586-7177 www.afsiak.com | Anchorage Eklutna Services LLC........................... 696-2828 Bering Straits Technical PO Box 21647 Juneau | F 586-7525 Ahtna Professional Services Inc.......... 868-8261 www.eklutnainc.com | Eagle River Services LLC......................................... 334-8308 Bureau of Land Management.................. 271-3439 www.ahtna.net | Anchorage Expert Approach Inc............................. 726-5333 Bethel Builders LLC.............................. 543-2124 222 W 7th Ave #13 Anchorage | F 271-4595 Ahtna Support & Training www.expertapproach.com | Eagle River Bethel Contracting LLC........................ 543-2124 Bureau of Land Management Services LLC......................................... 334-6477 Eyak Resources LLC............................ 334-6971 Bethel Env Solutions LLC.................... 543-2124 Fairbanks Support Center....................... 356-5772 www.ahtnasts.com | Anchorage Eyak Services LLC................................ 334-6971 Ft Wainwright ▪ fire.ak.blm.gov Bethel Federal Services LLC................ 543-2124 AKA Hauling LLC.................................. 868-4668 www.eyakservices.com | Anchorage Dept of Homeland Security US Coast Guard Bethel/Errg JV....................................... 543-2124 AKA Plow. . ............................................. 868-4668 Far West Ventures Inc........................... 276-2580 Alaska Science Center............................ 786-7118 Brice Env Services Corp....................... 456-1955 www.fwv-inc.com | Anchorage Akima Global Services LLC..............703-766-6837 4210 University Dr Anchorage Bristol Env Remediation Dept of Homeland Security US Coast Guard Fac Five Rivers Services LLC.................704-714-6416 Akima Support Operations LLC........410-967-7100 Services LLC......................................... 561-0013 Design & Constr...................................... 463-2417 Futaris Inc.............................................. 273-0020 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Alaska Universal Services LLC........703-418-6300 709 W 9th St Rm 817 Juneau www.futaris.com | Anchorage Bristol General Contractors LLC......... 563-0013 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue Dept of Homeland Security US Coast Guard G & S Management Services LLC........ 344-3658 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Aleut Aerospace Engineering LLC...719-262-7199 Integrated Spt Command........................ 487-5180 www.gs-ak.com | Anchorage Callahan Const Co................................ 388-3013 www.aleutmgt.com | Anchorage PO Box 195018 Kodiak Gana-A’ Yoo Services Corp.................. 569-9599 Cape Fox Facilities Services LLC....703-686-2340 Aleut O&M Services LLC.................719-262-7199 Dept of the Air Force 354th www.gscgov.com | Anchorage www.aleutmgt.com | Anchorage Cape Fox Federal Intergrators LLC.. 703-530-9523 Contracting Squadron............................. 377-4183 GBS LLC................................................ 929-7030 Allied Alaska Electric LLC.................... 373-3893 Bldg 2310 Central Ave Eielson AFB CCI Const Services LLC..................207-557-3339 Geolog LLC............................................ 278-4000 Aloftinak LLC......................................... 746-0736 Dept of the Air Force www.cci-alliance.com | Anchorage www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage 3rd Contracting Squadron..................... 552-5318 Alutiiq 3SG LLC..................................... 222-9500 CCI Energy & Const Services LLC...207-557-3339 Geonorth LLC........................................ 677-1500 10480 22nd St Elmondorf AFB Alutiiq Advanced Security www.cci-alliance.com | Anchorage www.geonorth.com | Anchorage Dept of the Army Army Contracting Solutions LLC........................................ 222-9500 CCI Group LLC................................850-613-6456 Global Asset Technologies LLC........... 334-8308 Agency RCO-AK..................................... 384-7202 Alutiiq Business Services LLC............. 222-9500 CCI Solutions LLC...........................850-613-6456 Global Management Services LLC....... 334-8376 PO Box 5-525 Ft Richardson Alutiiq Commercial Ent LLC................. 222-9500 www.cci-alliance.com | Anchorage Global Precision Systems LLC............ 334-8308 Dept of the Army Contracting Alutiiq Diversified Services LLC.......... 222-9500 Chatham Properties LLC...................... 790-3317 www.beringstraits.com | Nome Agency RCO-AK Field Office.................. 353-7300 www.alutiiq.com | Anchorage www.kootznoowoo.com | Juneau Ft Wainwright Global Support Services LLC............... 334-8307 Alutiiq Education & Training................ 222-9500 Chatham Properties LLC...................... 790-2992 Dept of the Interior National Global Technical Services LLC............ 334-8308 Alutiiq General Contractors LLC.......... 222-9500 www.gits-an.com | Juneau AK Regional Office.................................. 644-3312 Goldbelt Specialty Services LLC......215-534-5819 www.alutiiq.com | Anchorage 240 W 5th Ave Rm 114 Anchorage Chenega Applied Solutions LLC.......703-493-9880 www.goldbelt.com | Juneau Alutiiq Pacific LLC................................ 222-9500 Dept of the Interior National www.explorecas.com | Anchorage Green Earth Landworks LLC................ 243-7892 Alutiiq Professional Training LLC........ 222-9500 Business Center Office of Aircraft Services Chenega Decision Sciences LLC......... 677-4937 www.greenearthalaska.com | Anchorage Alutiiq Technical Services LLC............ 222-9500 AK Regional Office.................................. 271-6061 Chenega Facilities Management LLC.. 677-4930 GTW Consultants & Associates LLC... 677-4964 Anchorage ▪ www.aqd.nbc.gov Amee Bay LLC.................................843-725-6810 Chenega Global Services LLC............. 677-4930 H & M Inc............................................... 276-7354 Federal Aviation Administration............... 271-5859 Ames 1 LLC.......................................... 344-0067 www.chenegaglobal.com | Anchorage www.printersink.us | Anchorage 222 W 7th Ave #14 Anchorage www.ames1.net | Anchorage Chenega Gov’t Consulting LLC........... 677-4930 Holland Roofing Co Inc......................... 344-9911 General Services Administration............. 271-3943 Anc Research & Dev LLC..................... 727-2824 Chenega Healthcare Services LLC...... 677-4930 www.hollandroofingco.com | Anchorage Anchorage ▪ www.gsa.gov www.ancrd.com | Palmer Iliamna Dev Corp................................... 677-9565 Chenega Integrated Security US army Corps of Engineer Alaska......... 753-2522 APC Services LLC................................. 677-9451 www.iliamnacorp.com | Iliamna Elemondorf Richardson ▪ www.poa.usace.army.mil Solutions LLC...................................571-291-7609 API LLC..........................................787-820-2141 Iliaska Env............................................. 235-9119 www.chenegaaerospace.com | Anchorage US Dept of Agriculture Arctic Contracting LLC. . ....................... 455-8484 Ilsc Holdings Lc.................................... 333-7000 Forest Service Regional Office X............ 586-7906 Chenega Logistics LLC....................813-402-3861 www.arcticrg.comcontracting.html | Fairbanks www.katmaicorp.com | Anchorage PO Box 21628 Juneau Chenega Security & Support Arctic Info Technology Inc................... 261-9500 US Dept of Agriculture Forest Service Chugach Inland Empire Fire Protection Inc.....509-534-1097 Solutions LLC . . .................................703-935-8638 www.arcticit.com | Anchorage National Forest........................................ 743-9531 Iyabak Const LLC.................................. 334-8308 Chenega Support Services LLC........... 677-4930 Arctic Sun Concrete Cutting................ 277-2888 3301 C St Ste 300 Anchorage J & J Services Inc................................. 250-1679 Chenega Technical Arctic-American JV............................... 455-8484 US Dept of Agriculture Forest Service Tongass J & J Specialties LLC............................ 895-5466 Innovations LLC...............................571-931-6033 National Forest........................................ 228-6240 Ashford International LLC................214-733-4813 www.jandjspecialties.net | Delta Junction 648 Mission St Ketchikan www.chenegati.com | Anchorage www.ashfordintl.com | Anchorage John’s Excavating Inc........................... 563-1635 US Fish & Wildlife Service...................... 786-3309 Chenega Total Asset www.johnsexcavating.com | Anchorage ASRC Builders LLC Anchorage ▪ alaska.fws.gov Protection LLC.................................571-291-7604 Kaiyuh Services LLC............................ 569-9599 3900 C Street Ste 303 Chitina Electric Inc................................ 823-2223 www.ganaayoo.com | Anchorage Anchorage, AK 99503 www.chitinaelectric.com | Chitina Katmai Health Services LLC................. 333-7000 907-433-2300 www.katmaicorp.com | Anchorage Chitina Electric Inc - Ames 1 Jv........954-703-9156 www.asrcbuilders.com Katmai Info Technologies LLC............. 333-7000 Chugach Education Services Inc.....256-665-9428 General contractor & design-build construction www.katmaicorp.com | Anchorage www.chugach.com | Anchorage Katmai Support Services...................... 333-7000 services | Specializing in Pre-Engineered Chugach Federal Solutions Inc........256-665-9428 F in d m o r e ... SeMetal a r c Buildings h 5 0 ,0 0 0 b u s i n e s s es • w w w. c bgus a.www.chugach.com c om • w w w. alas k anat iv ey ellow pages . net www.katmaicorp.com | Anchorage | Anchorage

Upd a te you r lAlaska i s ti n g Native v i s t thBusiness e " l i v e " &s iResource te : w w w.cbgus a. c©om • I CBG nt erac t iv eInc. pages : w w w. i s s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons Directory 2010 USA, • www.alaskanativeyellowpages.net

A L A S K A S B A 8 ( a ) C E R T I F I E D1 9 w w w. c b g u s a . c o m Katmai Support Services LLC.............. 333-7000 www.katmaicorp.com | Anchorage Katmai Technical Services LLC........... 333-7000 www.katmaicorp.com | Anchorage Kautaq Const Services LLC................. 762-0104 www.ukpik.com | Anchorage Kcorp Support Services Inc................. 452-8119 KIC Facilities Management LLC.......703-418-6300 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue Kijik Aviation Services LLC.................. 561-4487 www.kijikaviation.com | Anchorage Kiliuda Consulting............................571-358-3274 Kisaq LLC........................................240-295-1788 Kodiak-Kenai Cable Co LLC............571-358-3268 www.kkfl.info | Anchorage Koman Diversified Services LLC......... 569-9130 www.komands.com | Anchorage Koniag Info Security Services LLC...703-488-9302 Kwaan Const LLC................................. 785-3221 Kwaan Wireless Inc............................... 209-2565

LVL Services Inc 7927 E 20th Ave Anchorage, AK 99504


LVL Services Inc.................................... 744-7746 M T N T Ltd............................................ 524-3391 Macnak Const LLC...........................757-270-8139 Mahto Const Inc.................................... 354-7365 www.mahtoconstructioninc.com | Wasilla Maniilaq/Fedcon...............................206-715-7804 Marshall’s Electric Inc.......................... 349-3516 www.marshallselectric.com | Anchorage Mcgrath Light & Power......................... 524-3009 Medpro Technologies LLC................210-477-2418 Midnight Sun Technologies LLC.......... 277-7884 www.kikiktagruk.com | Anchorage Midnight Sun Technologies LLC.......703-418-6300 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue Moss Cape LLC..................................... 743-9000 www.mosscape.com | Anchorage Mtnt Const LLC................................619-252-0017 MTNT Energy LLC................................. 574-0510 Mtnt It & Communications LLC............ 644-1200 MTNT Properties LLC......................404-417-3000 Napakiak Ircinraq Power Co................. 589-2227 Navar Inc.........................................703-686-2292 Nima Store Inc....................................... 561-9950 North Island Corp.............................703-752-2976 www.northislandco.com | Anchorage North Wind Services LLC..................... 277-5488 www.northwindgrp.com | Anchorage NTVI Communications Inc................703-462-5500 www.ntvifederal.com | Fairbanks NTVI Ent LLC...................................703-462-5500 www.ntvifederal.com | Fairbanks NTVI Fed LLC..................................703-462-5522 www.ntvifederal.com | Fairbanks Ocean Bay Info & Systems Management LLC............................843-414-4111 Olgoonik Diversified Services LLC...... 562-8728 Olgoonik Federal LLC........................... 562-8728 Olgoonik Global Security LLC.........703-469-1693 Olgoonik Technical Services LLC........ 562-8728 Pacarctic LLC...................................432-254-8950 www.koniag.com | Anchorage Paug-Vik Services LLC......................... 258-1345 www.wwwpvsalaska.com | Naknek Pedro Bay Contractors LLC................. 277-1500 www.pedrobaycorp.com | Anchorage Port Graham Technologies LLC........... 272-7432 Rolling Bay LLC...............................301-528-3386 Sand Point Generating LLC.................. 762-8490 www.tdxpower.com | Anchorage Sand Point Services LLC...................... 602-1012 SBH Services & Core Const JV Ii........ 529-7317 SBH Services & Core Const A JV......... 529-7317 SBH Services Inc.................................. 529-7317 www.sbhservicesinc.com | Anchorage SCVJ LLC........................................407-302-2645 Sea Lion Security & Control Systems LLC............................ 751-6810 Sealaska Const Solutions LLC.........425-283-0600 Sealaska Global Logistics LLC.........206-399-7685 www.sealaskagloballogistics.com | Ketchikan Sealaska Technical Services LLC....425-283-0632 Shearwater Systems LLC.................571-359-4097 www.shearwaterllc.com | Anchorage Shee Atika Commercial Services LLC......................................... 747-3534

Shee Atika Management LLC............... 747-3534 www.sheeatika.com | Sitka Silver Mountain Const LLC.................. 745-7650 Sitnasuak Const Services LLC............. 929-7028 Solstice Advertising LLC...................... 258-5411 www.solsticeadvertising.com | Anchorage Specpro Env Services LLC..............865-481-7837 www.specproenv.com | Anchorage Specpro Professional Services LLC....................................210-201-8994 Specpro Technical Services LLC......210-477-1818 Star Rex Corps...................................... 337-7054 Strategic Initial Outfitting Transition Solutions LLC..................252-489-0274 Strategic Plumbing & Heating LLC...... 545-2418 Tacg LLC..........................................334-595-9203 Talu LLC...........................................571-323-5585 Tanana Commercial Co LLC................. 750-9123 Tanaq Env LLC................................530-304-8343 Tanik Const Co Inc................................ 677-2012 Tatitlek Const Services Inc................... 278-4000 www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage Tatitlek Technologies Inc...................... 278-4000 www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage Tatitlek Training Services Inc............... 278-4000 Tdxnet LLC......................................808-486-2606 Tekpro Services LLC........................210-494-4282 Teya Services LLC................................ 646-8008 www.teyaservices.com | Anchorage Teya Technologies LLC........................ 646-8006 www.teyatech.com | Anchorage TFAB Defense Systems LLC............256-258-6201 www.tyonek.com | Anchorage TFAB Ground Systems LLC.............256-258-6201 www.tyonek.com | Anchorage

Three Star Enterprises LLC 185 E Nelson Ave Wasilla, AK 99654

907-376-3622 - 888-375-7774


SBA8(a) ANC / Business Development & Coaching / Organizational Development / Workforce Development & Training/ Tribal & Village Operations / Cloud based Collaboration Solutions

Three Star Ent LLC................................ 745-3606 www.3starak.com | Perryville Tikigaq Const LLC................................ 864-6151 www.tikigaq.com | Fairbanks Tikigaq Const LLC................................ 864-6150 www.tikigaq.com | Wasilla Tikigaq Const-Conti Joint Venture Ii LLC.............................. 864-6153 Tikigaq Corp.......................................... 365-6182 www.tikigaq.com | Anchorage Tumet Industries LLC............................ 387-0630 Tunista Const LLC................................ 646-2214 www.tclcon.com | Anchorage Tunista Services LLC.......................850-319-4612 Tyonek Contractors LLC....................... 272-0707 Tyonek Global Services LLC............239-560-4683 www.tyonek.com | Anchorage Tyonek Worldwide Services Inc.......256-258-6201 UIC Science LLC................................... 677-8217 Vista Technical Services LLC...........210-495-9733 www.vistatech-llc.com | Anchorage William Fraser & Co LLC...................... 677-2950 www.williamfraser.com | Anchorage Windy Bay Services LLC...................... 272-7432 Wolf Creek Federal Services Inc......256-665-9428 YDB Support Services LLC.................. 275-2906 Yulista Aviation Inc...........................256-319-1645 www.yulistaaviation.com | Anchorage

Government Contractors A & A Roofing Co.................................. 452-3633 Aadlandflint Marketing......................... 561-2009 www.aadland.com | Duluth Acord Distributors................................ 452-3583 Ahtna Engineering Services LLC.646-2969 www.ahtnaes.com |Anchorage Ahtna Facility Services Inc................... 770-1488 www.afsiak.com | Anchorage Akima Const Services LLC...............301-338-1575 www.akimaconstruction.com | Laurel Akima Facilities Management LLC...704-970-1200 www.akimafacmgmt.com | Charlotte

Akima Global Services LLC..............703-766-6837 www.akimaglobalservices.com | Herndon Akima Infrastructure Services LLC...757-265-9570 www.akimainfraServices.com | Hampton Akima Intra-Data LLC.......................704-970-1200 www.akimaintradata.com | Herndon Akima Logistics Services LLC..........610-574-4579 www.akimalogistics.com | Charlotte Akima Support Services...................704-970-1200 www.akima.com | Charlotte Akima Technical Solutions LLC........704-970-1200 www.akimatechsolutions.com | Charlotte Alascom Inc........................................... 264-7329 Alaska Moving & Storage..................... 276-2938 Alaska Native Science Commission.... 258-2672 www.nativescience.org | Anchorage Alaska Native Technologies................. 569-0268

Alaska Region T/TA Center a Resource of the Administration for Native Americans 185 E Nelson Ave Wasilla, AK 99654

907-376-3688 - 800-948-3158


Training, Technical Assistance, Virtual Community Center

Alaska Road Striping............................ 374-7708 Alaska State Commission for Human Rights.................................. 274-4692 Aleut Northwest Services.................719-531-9090 www.aleutnws.com | Colorado Springs Alutiiq Manufacturing Contractors LLC.................................... 222-9500 American Pest Management................. 277-7378 ANC Research & Dev LLC.................... 727-2824 www.ancrd.com | Anchorage ANC Research & Dev LLC...............719-474-8222 www.ancrd.com | Colorado Springs ANCSA Regional Assn.......................... 339-6052 www.ancsaregional.com | Anchorage Arctec Alaska JV................................... 552-3814 www.arctecalaska.com | Elmendorf Afb Aurora Env & Safety Inc....................... 338-1046 Bachner Co............................................ 451-4440 Beacon Occupational Health & Safety Services Inc............................ 222-7612 www.beaconohss.com | Anchorage Bear Alaska LLC.................................... 746-7392 Bering Kaya Support Services J.......... 334-8307 Bering Straits Aerospace Services LLC......................................... 563-3788 www.bsas.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Bering Straits Logistics Services LLC.563-3788 www.bslsllc.com | Anchorage Bethel Federal Services........................ 543-2124 Bethel Services Health Care................. 543-2124 Bethel Services Inc............................... 543-2124 www.bncak.com | Bethel Bison Constructors Inc.....................505-832-6692 Bowhead Logistics Solutions Inc......703-562-0318 Bowhead Support Group LLC..........256-382-3260 www.bowheadlogistics.com | Anchorage Bristol Fuel Systems LLC..................... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage CCI Industrial Services LLC................. 258-5755 www.cciindustrial.com | Anchorage Chugach Alaska Corp........................... 563-8866 www.chugach-ak.com | Anchorage Coastal Recycling Inc........................... 957-6168 Cook Inlet Region Inc........................... 263-5149 www.ciri.com | Anchorage C-Port Marine Services LLC.............206-957-5311 CRIS Inc................................................. 561-6510 Eagle Applied Sciences LLC............256-726-4702 www.eagle-app-sci.com | Anchorage Fairbanks Human Resources Dept...... 459-1202 www.co.fairbanks.ak.us | Fairbanks Fairbanks Ice Dogs Junior Hcky.......... 452-2111 Fairbanks Police Dept........................... 459-6500 www.ci.fairbanks.ak.us | Fairbanks Fairbanks Soil Water Conservation..... 479-1213 www.fairbankssoilwater.org | Fairbanks Five Rivers Services LLC.................719-536-0223 www.fiveriversservices.com | Colorado Springs Glacier Electric Const Inc..................... 262-7620 Grayco LLC............................................ 364-2641 Green Earth Land Work........................ 243-7892 www.greenearthalaska.com | Anchorage Hub Foods Distribution Ctr.................. 456-6608

Ikun LLC..........................................703-766-6608 www.ikun.com | Herndon Iliamna Dev Corp................................... 677-9565 www.iliamnacorp.com | Iliamna Inuteq LLC.......................................301-837-9029 J & J Janitorial Services Inc................. 250-1679 Ki LLC..............................................719-593-2985 www.kicompany.com | Colorado Springs Koht’Aene Ent Co LLC.......................... 334-9255 www.kohtaene.com | Anchorage Koman Inc.............................................. 569-9130 www.komaninc.com | Anchorage L&NMkb Joint Venture.....................425-285-0593 Lamping Darrell D................................. 543-1953 Land Design North Inc.......................... 276-5885 www.landdesignnorth.com | Anchorage Lynxnet LLC.....................................757-686-6958 www.lynxnetllc.com | Suffolk Moss Cape LLC..................................... 777-1656 www.mosscape.com | Anchorage Motznik Info Svc.................................... 344-6254 www.motznik.com | Anchorage Nance Management Inc........................ 452-1529 Naniq Systems LLC.............................. 345-6122 www.naniqsystems.com | Anchorage Navar Inc.........................................704-283-1168 Nenana Lumber Co Inc......................... 457-5606 Newborn Screening.............................. 269-3400 www.alaska.gov | Anchorage No Sweat Gear LLC............................... 457-9328 www.nosweatgear.com | Fairbanks North Pacific Rim Housing Auth.......... 562-1444 Rabideau & Assoc................................. 338-6265

Ravn Alaska

4700 Old Int’lAirport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502

907-266-8394 - 800-866-8394


Soaring above.

Reginald B Peterson............................. 747-7646 Relo Info Mgmt Inc................................ 563-7014 www.alaskaarchives.com | Anchorage Ridgway Heather K............................... 523-1546

Roger Hickel Contracting Inc 11001 Calaska Circle Anchorage, AK 99515



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SAGE Systems Technologies LLC....... 278-6100 www.sagealaska.com | Anchorage Shee Atika Commercial Services LLC.747-3534 www.sheeatika.com | Sitka Shee Atika Management LLC............... 747-3534 www.sheeatika.com | Sitka Sitnasuak Native Corp.......................... 929-7000 www.snc.org | Anchorage South Kodiak Adventures LLC............. 836-2846 Specpro Env Services LLC..............865-481-7837 www.specproenv.com | Anchorage Star Rex Corps...................................... 338-1187 Sugpiaq Inc............................................ 345-3311 www.sugpiaq.com | Anchorage Tech Star Inc.......................................... 277-6624 The Alaska Community Foundation..... 334-6700 www.alaskacf.org | Anchorage TKC Aerospace Inc..........................843-856-2495 TKC Global Solutions LLC...............571-323-5200 www.tkcglobal.com | Anchorage Twin Peaks Const Inc........................... 235-3802 Vista Technical Services LLC...........865-481-7837 Western Mechanical Inc........................ 452-1831 www.westmech.com | Fairbanks Winsor Const Inc................................... 696-1699 Yuut Elitnaurviat Inc............................. 543-0999 www.yuut.org | Bethel

© 2USA, 0 1 5 Inc. C BGAnUAlaska SA, InCorporation c . An Al a s-k Founded a C orporat i on• www.cbgusa.com - E s t . 1990 • publ is h@ ak . net •• 907 727-7049 CBG 1990 • publish@ak.net 907.561.1901

8 A

2 0 F E D E R A L LY R E C O G N I Z E D T R I B E S - A L A S K A Indian Affairs (IA) is the oldest bureau of the United States Dept. of the Interior. Established in 1824, IA currently provides Services(directly or through contracts, grants, or compacts) to approximately 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives. There are 565 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives in the United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is responsible for the administration and management of 55 million surface acres and 57 million acres of subsurface minerals estates held in trust by the United States for American Indian, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives. Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) provides education Servicesto approximately 42,000 Indian students. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) mission is to: “… enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives.” The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) mission is to: “… provide quality education opportunities from early childhood through life in accordance with the tribes’ needs to cultural and economic well being in keeping with the wide diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages as distinct cultural and governmental entities. The Bureau considers the whole person (spiritual, mental, physical and cultural aspects.)”

Federally Recognized Indian Tribes Alaska Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove.................. 497-2648 PO Box 249 King Cove | F 497-2803 Akhiok Native Village of.......................... 836-2312 Akhiok ▪ www.akhioknativevillage.com Akiachak Native Community................... 825-4626 PO Box 70 Akiachak | F 825-4029 Akiak Native Community......................... 765-7112 PO Box 52127 Akiak | F 765-7512 Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission.............................. 852-2392 Barrow ▪ www.aewc-alaska.com Alaska Region T/TA Center a Resource of the Administration for Native Americans............................... 376-3688 Wasilla ▪ www.ANAAlaska.org | 800-948-3158 Alatna Village Council............................. 968-2261 PO Box 70 Allakaket | F 968-2305 Aleknagik Native Village of...................... 842-2080 Aleknagik ▪ www.aleknagiktraditional.com Aleut Community of St Paul Island.......... 546-3223 PO Box 86 St Paul Island | F 546-3254 Aleut Community of St Paul Island - Tribal Government...................... 546-3200 St Paul Island ▪ www.tgspi.com Algaaciq Native Village [St Marys’s]........ 438-2932 PO Box 48 St Mary’s | F 438-2227 Ambler Native Village of.......................... 445-2238 PO Box 47 Ambler | F 445-2181 Angoon Community Association (IRA).................................... 788-3411 PO Box 328 Angoon | F 788-3412 Anvik Village Council............................... 663-6322 PO Box 10 Anvik | F 663-6357 Arctic Village Airport Arc.......................... 587-5523 PO Box 22069 Arctic Village Arctic Village Council (Gwich’in Artic Village)............................ 587-5328 PO Box 22069 Arctic Village | F 587-5328 Asacarsarmiut Tribal Council.................. 591-2814 PO Box 32249 Mountain Village | F 591-2811 Atka Native Village of.............................. 839-2229 PO Box 47030 Atka | F 839-2269 Atqasuk Village Council.......................... 633-2575 PO Box 91108 Atqasuk | F 633-2576 Beaver Village Council............................ 628-6126 PO Box 24029 Beaver | F 628-6815 Bill Moore’s Slough Village of.................. 899-4232 Kotlik ▪ www.visitwildalaska.com/Southwest_Alaska/ communities/bill_moores_slough Birch Creek Village................................. 221-2211 PO Box 71372 Fort Yukon | F 221-2312 Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation........ 842-5201 Dillingham ▪ www.bbahc.org | 800-478-5201 Buckland Native Village of..................... 494-2171 PO Box 67 Buckland | F 494-2217 Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska............................ 586-1432 Juneau ▪ www.ccthita.org | 800-344-1432 Chalkyitsik Village................................... 848-8117 PO Box 57 Chalkyitsik Chalkyitsik Village Council...................... 848-8117 PO Box 57 Chalkyitsik | F 848-8986 Chickaloon Village Traditional................. 745-0707 Chickaloon ▪ www.chickaloon.org Chignik Bay Village Council.................... 749-2445 PO Box 50 Chignik Chignik Lagoon Native Village of............ 840-2281 Chignik Lagoon ▪ www.chigniklagoon.net Chignik Lake Village................................ 845-2212 PO Box 33 Chignik Lake | F 845-2217 Chilkat Indian Village Klukwan................ 767-5505 Haines ▪ www.chilkatindianvillage.org

Chilkoot Indian Assn............................... 766-2323 PO Box 490 Haines Chinik Eskimo Comm (aka Golovin)........ 779-2214 Golovin ▪ www.kawerak.org/communities/golovin. html Chitina Traditional Indian Village Council........................................ 823-2215 PO Box 31 Chitina | F 823-2233 Chuloonawick Native Village................... 949-1345 PO Box 245 Chuloonawick | F 949-1346 Circle Native Community (IRA)............... 733-2822 PO Box 89 Circle | F 773-2823 Circle Tribal Council................................ 773-2822 Box 16 Circle | F 773-2823 Craig Tribal Association (IRA)................. 826-3996 PO Box 828 Craig | F 826-3997 Crooked Creek Traditional Council.......... 432-2200 Crooked Creek ▪ www.iditacom.org Curyung Tribal Council............................ 842-2384 Dillingham ▪ www.curyungtribe.com Deering Native Village of......................... 363-2138 PO Box 36089 Deering | F 363-2195 Douglas Indian Assn............................... 364-2916 811 W 12th St Juneau | F 364-2917 Egegik Village......................................... 233-2211 PO Box 29 Egegik | F 233-2312 Ekwok Village Council............................. 464-3336 PO Box 70 Ekwok | F 464-3378 Elim Ira Council Office............................ 890-3737 PO Box 39070 Elim | F 890-3738 Emmonak Village.................................... 949-1720 PO Box 126 Emmonak | F 949-1384 Evansville Council................................... 692-5005 PO Box 26087 Bettles Field | F 692-5006 Georgetown Tribal Council...................... 274-2195 Anchorage ▪ www.georgetowngc.com Goodnews Bay Native Village of............. 967-8929 PO Box 03 Goodnews Bay | F 967-8330 Gulkana Village....................................... 822-3746 PO Box 254 Gulkana | F 822-3976 Gwichyaa Zhee Gwichi’in Tribal Gov’t [Fort Yukon IRA]................... 662-2581 Fort Yukon ▪ www.fortyukon.org Hamilton Native Village of....................... 899-4252 PO Box 20248 Kotlik | F 899-4202 Healy Lake Traditional Council................ 479-0638 PO Box 74090 Fairbanks | F 479-0639 Cheesh-na Tribe..................................... 822-3503 Gakona ▪ www.cheeshna.com Holy Cross Village................................... 476-7124 PO Box 89 Holy Cross | F 476-7132 Hoonah Indian Association...................... 945-3545 Hoonah ▪ www.hiatribe.org Hughes Village........................................ 889-2239 PO Box 45029 Hughes | F 889-2252 Huslia Tribal Council............................... 829-2294 PO Box 70 Huslia | F 829-2214 Huslia Village.......................................... 829-2410 PO Box 70 Huslia | F 829-2409 Hydaburg Cooperative Assn (IRA).......... 285-3666 Hydaburg ▪ www.hydaburgtribe.org Hydaburg Cooperative Association......... 285-3666 Hydaburg ▪ www.hydaburgtribe.org Igiugig Village Council............................. 533-3211 Igiugig ▪ www.igiugig.com Ilanka Cultural Center............................. 424-7903 Cordova ▪ www.ilankacenter.org Iliamna Village Council............................ 571-1246 Iliamna Inupiaq Village of Council........................ 443-7649 PO Box 2050 Nome | F 443-5965 Inupiat Comm of Arctic Slope IRA........... 852-4227 Barrow ▪ www.inupiatgov.com Iqurmiut Traditonal Council..................... 584-5511 PO Box 9 Russian Mission | F 584-5593

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185 E. Nelson Avenue Wasilla, AK 99654

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• Tribal & Village Management

Your Satisfaction & Success is our Priority Ivanof Bay Tribe...................................... 522-2263 7926 Old Seward Highway Suite B-5Anchorage Kaguyak Village...................................... 836-2322 PO Box 5078 Akhiok | F 836-2232 Kaktovik Native Village of........................ 640-2042 PO Box 130 Kaktovik | F 640-2044 Karluk IRA Tribal Council........................ 241-2218 PO Box 22 Karluk | F 241-2208 KAYA Associates Inc........................256-382-8084 Fort Greely ▪ www.kayacorp.com Ketchikan Indian Community................... 225-5158 Ketchikan ▪ www.kictribe.org | 800-252-5158 Kiana Traditional Council........................ 475-2109 PO Box 69 Kiana | F 475-2180 King Island Native Community................ 443-2209 PO Box 682 Nome | F 443-8049 King Salmon Tribe................................... 246-3553 PO Box 68 King Salmon | F 246-3449 Kipnuk Native Village of.......................... 896-5515 PO Box 57 Kipnuk | F 896-5240 Klawock Cooperative Assn IRA............... 755-2265 310 Bayview Blvd Klawock | F 755-8800 Knik Tribal Council.................................. 373-7991 Wasilla ▪ www.kniktribe.org Kobuk Traditional Council....................... 948-2203 PO Box 51039 Kobuk | F 948-2123 Kokhanok Village Council....................... 282-2202 PO Box 1007 Kokhanok | F 282-2264

Kongiganak Traditional Council PO Box 5069 Kongiganak, AK 99545

907-557-5226 - 801-431-8822


▪ United We Stand

Kotlik Village of....................................... 899-4326 PO Box 20210 Kotlik | F 899-4790 Kotzebue Native Village of...................... 442-3467 Kotzebue ▪ www.kotzebueira.org | 800-442-3467 Koyukuk Native Council.......................... 927-2253 PO Box 109 Koyukuk | F 927-2220 Larsen Bay Tribal Council....................... 847-2207 PO Box 50 Larsen Bay | F 847-2307 Levelock Village Council......................... 287-3030 PO Box 70 Levelock | F 287-3032 Lime Village Traditional Council.............. 526-5236 PO Box LVD Lime Village | F 526-5235 Louden Tribal Council............................. 656-1711 PO Box 244 Galena | F 656-1716 Manley Village Council............................ 672-3177 PO Box 105 Manley Hot Springs Manototak Village Council....................... 289-2067 PO Box 169 Manokotak | F 289-1235 Mary’s Igloo Traditional Council.............. 642-3731 PO Box 546 Teller | F 642-2189 McGrath Native Village Council............... 524-3024 PO Box 134 McGrath | F 524-3899 Mentasta Lake Traditional Council.......... 291-2319 PO Box 6019 Mentasta Lake | F 291-2305 Metlakatla Indian Community.................. 886-4441 Metlakatla ▪ www.metlakatla.com Naknek Native Village Council................ 246-4210 PO Box 210 Naknek | F 246-3563 Napaskiak Native Village of.................... 737-7364 PO Box 6009 Napaskiak | F 737-7039 Naqsragmiut Tribal Council..................... 661-2575 PO Box 21065 Anaktuvuk Pass | F 661-2576 Native Village of Afognak........................ 486-6357 Kodiak ▪ www.afognak.org Native Village of Akhiok........................... 836-2229 PO Box 5050 Akhiok | F 836-2209

Native Village of Akutan.......................... 698-2300 PO Box 89 Akutan | F 698-2301 Native Village of Alakanuk....................... 238-3419 PO Box 149 Alakanuk | F 238-3429 Native Village of Barrow.......................... 852-4411 PO Box 1130 Barrow | F 852-8844 Native Village of Belkofski....................... 497-3122 PO Box 57 King Cove | F 497-3123 Native Village of Brevig Mission.............. 642-4301 PO Box 85039 Brevig Mission | F 642-2099 Native Village of Buckland...................... 494-2171 PO Box 67 Buckland Native Village of Cantwell....................... 768-2591 PO Box 94 Cantwell | F 768-1111 Native Village of Chenega....................... 573-5132 623 Cato Street - PO Box 8079 Chenega Bay Native Village of Chignik......................... 749-2220 PO Box 48 Chignik | F 749-2220 Native Village of Chuathbaluk................. 467-4313 PO Box CHU Chuathbaluk | F 467-4113 Native Village of Diomede (IRA) (aka Inalik)..................................... 686-2175 PO Box 7079 Little Diomede | F 686-2203 Native Village of Eagle (IRA)................... 547-2271 PO Box 19 Eagle | F 571-2318 Native Village of Eek............................... 536-5128 PO Box 89 Eek | F 536-5418 Native Village of Eklutna......................... 688-6020 Chugiak ▪ www.eklutna-nsn.gov Eagle Village Council.............................. 547-2281 Eagle Native Village of Ekuk............................. 842-3842 PO Box 530 Dillingham | F 842-3843 Native Village of Elim.............................. 890-2262 Elim ▪ www.kawerak.org Native Village of Eyak............................. 424-7738 Cordova ▪ www.nveyak.com Native Village of False Pass................... 548-2227 PO Box 29 False Pass | F 548-2256 Native Village of Gakona......................... 822-5777 Gakona ▪ www.nvgakona.com Native Village of Gakona......................... 822-3497 PO Box 303 Copper Center Native Village of Gambell........................ 985-5346 PO Box 90 Gambell Native Village of Georgetown.................. 274-2195 5131 Arctic Blvd Suite 104Anchorage | F 274-2196 Native Village of Hooper Bay.................. 758-4915 Hooper Bay Native Village of Kalskag........................ 471-2207 PO Box 50 Kalskag | F 471-2399 Native Village of Kanatak........................ 357-5991 Wasilla ▪ www.kanatak.com Native Village of Kasigluk........................ 477-6405 PO Box 19 Kasigluk | F 477-6212 Native Village of Kivalina (IRA)............... 645-1253 PO Box 50051 Kivalina | F 645-2193 Native Village of Kluti-Kaah (aka Copper Center)............................... 822-5541 PO Box 68 Copper Center | F 822-5130 Native Village of Kotzebue...................... 442-3467 PO Box 296 Kotzebue | F 442-2162 Native Village of Koyuk (IRA).................. 963-3651 PO Box 53030 Koyuk | F 963-2353 Native Village of Kwigillingok ( IRA)........ 588-8114 PO Box 90 Kwigillingok | F 588-8429 Native Village of Kwinhagak (IRA).......... 556-8165 PO Box 149 Quinhagak | F 556-8166 Native Village of Marshall........................ 679-6302 PO Box 110 Marshall | F 679-6187 Native Village of Mekoryuk (IRA)............ 827-8828 PO Box 66 Mekoryuk | F 827-8133

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Native Village of Minto (IRA)................... 798-7112 PO Box 58026 Minto | F 798-7627 Native Village of Nanwalek (aka English Bay).................................... 281-2274 PO Box 8028 Nanwalek | F 281-2252 Native Village of Napaimute.................... 543-2887 PO Box 1301 Bethel Native Village of Napakiak (IRA)............. 589-2135 PO Box 34069 Napakiak | F 589-2136 Native Village of Nikolski (IRA)................ 576-2225 PO Box 105 Nikolski | F 576-2205 Native Village of Noatak (IRA)................. 485-2173 PO Box 89 Noatak | F 485-2137 Native Village of Nuiqsut......................... 480-6126 PO Box 187 Nuiqsut | F 480-2576 Native Village of Nunam Iqua.................. 498-4184 PO Box 27 Nunam Iqua | F 498-4185 Native Village of Nunapitchuk (IRA)........ 527-5705 PO Box 130 Nunapitchuk | F 527-5711 Native Village of Ouzinkie....................... 680-2259 Ouzinkie | 800-680-2208 Native Village of Paimiut......................... 758-4002 Hooper Bay | 800-579-9878 Native Village of Pauloff Harbor.............. 383-6075 Sand Point ▪ www.pauloffharbortribe.org Native Village of Perryville...................... 853-2203 Perryville Native Village of Point Lay...................... 833-2575 PO Box 59031 Point Lay | F 833-2576 Native Village of Port Lions..................... 454-2234 Port Lions ▪ www.nativevillageofportlions.org Native Village of Shishmaref (IRA).......... 649-3821 PO Box 72110 Shishmaref | F 649-2104 Native Village of South Naknek............... 631-3648 South Naknek ▪ www.southnaknek.info/

Native Village of St Michael (IRA) PO Box 59050 St Michael, AK 99659

907-923-2304 - Fax: 923-2406

▪ We have reindeer meat and reindeer horn!

Native Village of Tanana (IRA)................ 366-7160 PO Box 130 Tanana | F 366-7195 Native Village of Tatitlek (IRA)................. 325-2311 PO Box 171 Tatitlek | F 325-2298 Native Village of Tuntutuliak.................... 256-2128 PO Box 8086 Tuntutuliak | F 256-2080 Native Village of Tununak (IRA).............. 652-6527 PO Box 77 Tununak | F 652-6011 Native Village of Tyonek.......................... 583-2201 PO Box 82009 Tyonek Native Village Of Tyonek ICWA............... 583-2209 PO Box 82009 Tyonek | F 583-2219 Native Village of Unalakleet (IRA)........... 624-3622 Unalakleet ▪ www.unalakleet.net Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government.................................. 849-8212 PO Box 81119 Venetie | F 849-8097 Native Village of Wales........................... 664-2177 Wales ▪ www.kawerak.org Native Village of White Mountain (IRA)........................................ 638-3651 PO Box 84090 White Mountain | F 638-3652 Nelson Lagoon Tribal Council................. 989-2204 PO Box 913 Nelson Lagoon | F 989-2233 Nenana Native Village............................. 832-5461 Nenana ▪ nenanavillage.com New Koliganek Village Council................ 596-3434 PO Box 5057 Koliganek | F 596-3462 New Stuyahok Traditional Council........... 693-3173 PO Box 49 New Stuyahok | F 693-3179 New Stuyahok Village............................. 693-3100 PO Box 49 New Stuyahok | F 693-3179 Newhalen Tribal Council......................... 571-1410 Newhalen ▪ www.newhalen.org Newtok Traditional Council...................... 237-2314 PO Box 5545 Bethel Newtok Traditional Council...................... 237-2313 PO Box 5565 Newtok | F 237-2428

Nightmute Traditional Council PO Box 90021 Nightmute, AK 99690

907-647-6215 - Fax: 647-6112

▪ Since 1940.

Nikolai Edzeno’ Village Council............... 293-2311 PO Box9107 Nikolai | F 293-2481 Ninilchik Tribe......................................... 567-3313 Ninilchik ▪ www.ninilchiktribe-nsn.gov Nome Eskimo Community....................... 443-2246 Nome ▪ www.necalaska.org Nondalton Community Ctr....................... 294-2288 PO Box 49 Nondalton Nondalton Village.................................... 294-2220 PO Box 490 Nondalton | F 294-2234 Noorvik Native Community IRA............... 636-2144 PO Box 209 Noorvik | F 636-2284 Northway Village Council........................ 778-2311 PO Box 516 Northway | F 778-2220 Nuiqsut Native Village Office................... 480-3010 PO Box 89169 Nuiqsut Nulato Tribal Council............................... 898-2339 PO Box 65049 Nulato | F 898-2207 Nunakauyak Traditional Council.............. 427-7114 PO Box 37048 Toksook Bay | F 427-7714 Ohogamiut Tribal Council........................ 679-6517 Marshall ▪ www.ohogtc.org Old Harbor Tribal Council........................ 286-2215 PO Box 62 Old Harbor Organize Village of Kwethluk.................. 757-6714 PO Box 130 Kwethluk Organized Village of Grayling (IRA)........ 453-5116 PO Box 49 Grayling | F 453-5146 Organized Village of Kake....................... 785-6471 Kake ▪ www.kakefirstnation.org Organized Village of Kasaan................... 542-2230 Ketchikan ▪ www.kasaan.org Organized Village of Kwethluk (IRA)....... 757-6328 PO Box 129 Kwethluk | F 757-6328 Organized Village of Saxman (IRA)......... 247-2502 Route 2 Box 2 - Saxman Ketchikan | F 247-2504

Orutsararmuit Native Council.................. 543-2608 Bethel ▪ nativecouncil.org | 800-478-2654 Oscarville Tribal Council......................... 737-7099 PO Box 6129 Napaskiak | F 737-7428 Pedro Bay Village Council....................... 850-2225 Pedro Bay ▪ www.pedrobay.com Petersburg Indian Association IRA.......... 772-3636 Petersburg ▪ piatribal.org Pilot Point Traditional Council................. 797-2208 PO Box 449 Pilot Point | F 797-2258 Pilot Station Traditional Council.............. 549-3373 PO Box 5119 Pilot Station | F 549-3301 Pitka’s Point Native Village of.................. 438-2833 PO Box 127 St Mary’s | F 438-2569 Platinum Traditional Village Council........ 979-8220 PO Box 8 Platinum | F 979-8178 Point Hope Native Village of................... 368-2330 PO Box 109 Point Hope | F 368-2332 Port Graham Village Council................... 284-2227 Port Graham ▪ www.portgraham.org Port Heiden Native Council of................. 837-2296 PO Box 49007 Port Heiden | F 837-2297 Portage Creek Village............................. 842-2564 General Delivery Portage Creek | F 842-5462 Portage Creek Village Council................ 277-1105 ▪ www.bbna.com/tribal/tribalcouncils. html#PortageCreek Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities.......... 859-2205 PO Box 940 St George Island | F 859-2242 Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point.......................................... 383-5616 Sand Point ▪ www.qttribe.org Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska................ 581-2920 PO Box 334 Unalaska | F 581-3644 Rampart Village Council.......................... 358-3312 PO Box 29 Rampart | F 358-3115 Red Devil Native Village of...................... 447-3223 PO Box 61 Red Devil | F 447-3226 Ruby Tribal Council................................. 468-4479 PO Box 68210 Ruby | F 468-4474 Rural Cap Child Development................. 278-0068 Anchorage ▪ www.ruralcap.com Sanak Corporation.................................. 383-6075 Box 194 Sand Point | F 383-6094

© 2 0 1 5 C BG U SA, In c . An Al a s k a C orporat i on - E s t . 1990 • publ is h@ ak . net • 907 727-7049


2 2 F E D E R A L LY R E C O G N I Z E D T R I B E S Savoonga Native Village of..................... 984-6414 PO Box 120 Savoonga | F 984-6027 Scammon Bay Native Village of.............. 558-5425 PO Box 110 Scammon Bay | F 558-5134 Selawik IRA Council................................ 484-2165 59 North Tundra Street Selawik | F 484-2226 Seldovia Native Association Inc.............. 234-7625 Seldovia ▪ www.snai.com | 800-478-7898 Shageluk Native Village IRA.................... 473-8239 PO Box 35 Shageluk | F 473-8295 Shaktoolik Native Village of..................... 955-3701 PO Box 100 Shaktoolik | F 955-2352 Shungnak Native Village of..................... 437-2163 PO Box 64 Shungnak | F 437-2183 Simon Paneak Memorial Museum........... 661-3413 PO Box 21085 Anaktuvuk Pass | F 661-3414 Sitka Tribe of Alaska............................... 747-3207 Sitka ▪ www.sitkatribe.org Skagway Traditional Council................... 983-4068 PO Box 1157 Skagway | F 983-3068 Sleetmute Traditional Council................. 449-4263 PO Box 109 Sleetmute | F 449-4203 Soloman Village Tribal Coord.................. 443-4985 PO Box 2053 Nome St George Traditional Council................. 859-2205 PO Box 940 St George | F 859-2242 Stebbins Community Association (IRA).................................... 934-3561 PO Box 71002 Stebbins | F 934-3560 Stevens Native Village of........................ 478-7228 PO Box 74016 Stevens Village | F 478-7229 Stony River Village of.............................. 537-3253 PO Box SRV Stony River | F 537-3254 Sunaq Tribe of Kodiak............................. 486-4449 Kodiak ▪ www.sunaq.org Takotna Tribal Council............................. 298-2212 PO TYC Takotna | F 298-2314 Tanacross Village Council....................... 883-5024 1000 Tanacross Blvd Tanacross | F 883-4497 Tangirnaq Native Village aka Woody Island Tribal Council.................... 486-2821 Kodiak ▪ www.woodyisland.com | 800-478-5721 Tazlina Village Council............................ 822-4375 PO Box 87 Glennallen | F 822-5865 Telida Native Village Council................... 293-2641 Nikolai Teller Traditional Council......................... 642-3381 PO Box 567 Teller | F 642-2072 Tetlin Village Council............................... 324-2130 Tok | 887-883-2021 Togiak Traditional Council....................... 493-5003 PO Box 310 Togiak | F 493-5005 Traditional Village of Togiak.................... 493-5004 PO Box 310 Togiak | F 493-5005 Tuluksak Native Community (IRA).......... 695-6420 PO Box 95 Tuluksak | F 695-6932 Tuntutuliak Traditional Council................ 256-2128 PO Box 8086 Tuntutuliak Twin Hills Village Council........................ 525-4821 Box TWA Twin Hills | F 525-4822 Ugashik Traditional Village Council......... 338-7611 206 E Fireweed Lane Suite 204Anchorage Umkumiut Native Village......................... 647-6213 General Delivery Nightmute Umkumiut Traditional Council.................. 647-6145 PO Box 90062 Nightmute Unga Tribal Council................................. 383-2415 Sand Point ▪ www.ungatribe.org Village of Anaktuvuk Pass....................... 661-2535 PO Box 21065 Anaktuvuk Pass | F 661-3925 Village of Aniak....................................... 675-4349 PO Box 349 Aniak | F 675-4456 Village of Atmautluak.............................. 553-5610 PO Box 6568 Atmautluak | F 553-5612 Village of Chefornak................................ 867-8850 PO Box 110 Chefornak | F 867-8711 Village of Clarks Point............................. 236-1435 PO Box 90 Clarks Point | F 236-1428 Village of Dot Lake.................................. 882-2695 PO Box 2279 Dot Lake | F 882-5558 Village of Kaltag...................................... 534-2224 PO Box 50 Kaltag | F 241-2208 Village of Kotlik....................................... 899-4326 PO Box 20210 Kotlik | F 899-4790 Village of Lower Kalskag......................... 471-2307 PO Box 27 Lower Kalskag | F 471-2379 Village of Ohogamiut............................... 679-6740 PO Box 26 Marshall Village of Salamatoff............................... 283-7864 Kenai ▪ www.salamatof.com Village of Wainwright............................... 763-2535 PO Box 143 Wainwright | F 763-2536 Wrangell Cooperative Association........... 874-4304 Wrangell ▪ www.shakesisland.com Yakutat Tlingit Tribe................................ 784-3238 PO Box 418 Yakutat | F 784-3595

Yupiit of Andreafski................................. 438-2312 PO Box 88 St Mary’s | F 438-2512 Manokotak Village Council...................... 289-2067 PO Box 169 Manokotak | F 289-1235

Alabama The Poarch Band of Creek Indians...............................251-368-9136 Atmore, AL ▪ www.pci-nsn.gov

Arizona Ak-Chin Indian Community...............520-568-1000 42507 W Peters & Nall Road MaricopaAZ ▪ www.ak-chin.nsn.us Cocopah Tribe..................................928-627-2102 14515 South Veterans Drive Somerton AZ Colorado River Indian Tribes............928-669-1281 26600 Mohave Road Parker AZ Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation.........480-837-5121 PO Box 17779 Fountain Hills AZ ▪ www.ftmcdowell.org Gila River Indian Community............520-562-9500 PO Box 97 Sacaton AZ ▪ www.mygilariver.com Havasupai Tribe...............................928-448-2731 PO Box 10 Supai AZ ▪ www.havasupai-nsn.gov Hopi Tribe........................................928-734-3100 PO Box 123 Kykotsmovi AZ ▪ www.hopi.nsn.us Hualapai Tribe..................................928-769-2216 PO Box 179 Peach Springs AZ ▪ www.hualapai-nsn.gov Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians.........928-643-7245 HC 65 Box 2 Pipe Spring AZ ▪ www.kaibabpaiute-nsn.gov Navajo Nation..................................928-871-6352 PO Box 9000 Window Rock AZ ▪ www.navajo.com Pascua Yaqui Tribe..........................520-883-5000 7474 South Camino De Oeste Tucson AZ ▪ www.pascuayaqui-nsn.gov Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation..........760-572-0213 PO Box 1899 Yuma AZ Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community............................480-362-7740 10005 E Osborn Road Scottsdale AZ San Carlos Apache Tribe.................928-475-2361 San Carlos AZ ▪ www.sancarlosapache.com San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe......928-640-6979 PO Box 2710 Tuba City AZ Tohono O’odham Nation..................520-383-2028 PO Box 837 Sells AZ ▪ www.tonation-nsn.gov Tonto Apache Tribe..........................928-474-5000 #30 Tonto Apache Reservation Payson AZ White Mountain Apache Tribe..........928-338-4346 PO Box 700 Whiteriver AZ ▪ www.wmat.nsn.us Yavapai-Apache Nation....................928-567-3649 2400 W Datsi Street Camp Verde AZ Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe..........928-445-8790 530 E Merritt Street Prescott AZ

California Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians...........................760-699-6800 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs CA Alturas Indian Rancheria..................530-233-5571 PO Box 340 Alturas CA | F 530-233-4165 Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians...........................760-369-7171 PO Box 846 Coachella CA | F 760-398-6280 Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians...................619-443-6612 1095 Barona Road Lakeside CA ▪ www.barona-nsn.gov Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria..................707-733-1900 27 Bear River Drive Loleta CA Big Lagoon Rancheria......................707-826-2079 PO Drawer 3060 Trinidad CA | F 707-826-0495 Big Pine Band of Owens Valley Paiute Shoshone Indians.................760-938-2003 PO Box 700 Big Pine CA ▪ www.bigpinepaiute.org Big Sandy Rancheria of Mono Indians...............................559-855-4003 PO Box 337 Auberry CA ▪ www.bigsandyRancheria.com Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians.....707-263-3924 2726 Mission Rancheria Road Lakeport CA Bishop Paiute Tribe..........................760-873-3584 50 Tu Su Lane Bishop CA Blue Lake Rancheria........................707-668-5101 PO Box 428 Blue Lake CA | F 707-668-4272 Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony.......760-932-7083 PO Box 37 Bridgeport CA ▪ www.bridgeportindiancolony.com

Buena Vista Rancheriaof Me-Wuk Indians..............................916-491-0011 1418 20th St Ste B Sacramento CA ▪ www.buenavista.com Cabazon Band of Mission Indians............................760-342-2593 84-245 Indio Springs Parkway Indio CA Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria.......................707-984-6197 PO Box 1239 Laytonville CA | F 707-984-6201 Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians............................909-763-5549 PO Box 391760 Anza CA | F 909-763-2808 California Valley Miwok Tribe...........209-487-9519 1163 E March Lane #D PMB #812 Stockton CA Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians................................619-478-9046 36190 Church Road Suite 1 Campo CA Cedarville Rancheria........................530-233-3969 300 W 1st St Alturas CA Chemehuevi Indian Tribe.................760-858-4301 PO Box 1976 Havasu Lake CA ▪ www.havasulanding.com Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria.................707-677-0211 PO Box 630 Trinidad CA | F 707-677-3921 Chicken RAnchorage Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians...........................209-984-4806 PO Box 1159 Jamestown CA | F 209-984-5606 Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California...............707-894-5775 555 S Cloverdale Boulevard Suite A Cloverdale CA Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians...............................559-855-5043 PO Box 209 Tollhouse CA | F 559-855-4445 Colusa Indian Community Council..........................530-458-8231 3730 High way 45 Colusa CA Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians.............................530-473-3274 570 6th Street Williams CA Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians...............................707-485-8723 PO Box 39 Redwood Valley CA ▪ www.coyotevalleycasino.com Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians...............................707-473-2178 PO Box 607 Geyserville CA ▪ www.drycreekRancheria.com Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians...............................707-998-2292 PO Box 989 Clearlake Oaks CA | F 707-998-2993 Elk Valley Rancheria........................707-464-4680 2332 Howland Hill Road Crescent City CA ▪ www.elk-valley.com Enterprise Rancheria of Estom Yumeka Maidu..................530-532-9214 3690 Olive Highway Oroville CA Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians........................619-445-6315 4054 Willows Road Alpine CA Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria.........................707-566-2288 6400 Redwood Drive Suite 300 Rohnert Park CA Fort Bidwell Paiute Indian Reservation...........................530-279-6310 PO Box 129 Fort Bidwell CA | F 530-279-2233 Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians...........760-878-2126 PO Box 67 Independence CA ▪ www.fortindependence.com Fort Mojave Indian Tribe..................760-629-4591 500 Merriman Avenue Needles CA ▪ www.fortmojave.com Greenville Rancheria of Maidu Indians...............................530-284-7990 PO Box 279 Greenville CA ▪ www.greenvilleRancheria.com Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians.................530-968-5365 PO Box 63 County Road 305 #13A Elk Creek CA Guidiville Indian Rancheria..............707-462-3682 PO Box 339 Talmage CA | F 707-462-9183 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake..................................707-275-0737 PO Box 516 Upper Lake CA ▪ www.upperlakepomo.com Hoopa Valley Tribe...........................530-625-4211 PO Box 1348 Hoopa CA | F 530-625-4594 Hopland Band of Pomo Indians........707-744-1647 3000 Shanel Road Hopland CA Inaja Band of Dieguneo Mission Indians................................760-737-7628 309 S Maple Street Escondido CA Ione Band of Miwok Indians.............209-274-6753 PO Box 699 Plymouth CA ▪ www.ionemiwok.org

Jackson Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians...........................209-223-1935 PO Box 1090 Jackson CA | F 209-223-5366 Jamul Indian Village.........................619-669-4785 PO Box 612 Jamul CA ▪ www.jamulindianvillage.com Karuk Tribe......................................530-493-1600 PO Box 1016 Happy Camp CA ▪ www.karuk.us La Jolla Band of Luiseno Mission Indians...................760-742-3771 22000 Highway 76 Pauma Valley CA ▪ www.lajollaindians.com La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians................619-478-2113 PO Box 1120 Boulevard CA | F 619-478-2125 Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Reservation.....................760-876-1034 PO Box 747 Lone Pine CA ▪ www.lppsr.org Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians...........760-782-0711 PO Box 189 Warner Springs CA | F 760-782-2701 Lytton Rancheria..............................707-575-5917 437 Aviation Blvd Santa Rosa CA MAnchorageester Band of Pomo Indians...............................707-882-2788 PO Box 623 Point Arena CA | F 707-882-3417 Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians................619-766-4930 PO Box 1302 Boulevard CA | F 619-766-4957 Mechoopda Indian Tribe...................530-899-8922 125 Mission RAnchorage Boulevard Chico CA Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians................760-782-3818 PO Box 270 Santa Ysabel CA | F 760-782-9029 Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians...............................707-987-3670 PO Box 1035 Middletown CA | F 707-987-9091 Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians...............................530-533-3625 1 Alverda Drive Oroville CA Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians..................951-849-4697 12700 Pumarra Road Banning CA ▪ www.morongonation.org North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians...............................559-877-2461 PO Box 929 North Fork CA ▪ www.northforkRancheria.com Pala Band of Mission Indians...........760-891-3519 35008 Pala Temecula Road - PMB 50 Pala CA Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians...........................530-865-2010 PO Box 398 Orland CA | F 530-865-1870 Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians...................760-742-1289 PO Box 369 Pauma Valley CA ▪ www.paumatribe.com Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians...............951-676-2768 PO Box 1477 Temecula CA ▪ www.pechanga-nsn.gov Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians......................559-683-6633 46575 Road 417 Coarsegold CA ▪ www.chukchansi.net Pinoleville Pomo Nation...................707-463-1454 500 B Pinoleville Drive Ukiah CA Pit River Tribe..................................530-335-5421 36970 Park Avenue Burney CA ▪ www.pitrivertribe.org Potter Valley Tribe............................707-462-1213 2251 South State Street Redwood Valley CA ▪ www.pottervalleytribe.com Quartz Valley Indian Reservation.....530-468-5907 13601 Quartz Valley Road Fort Jones CA ▪ www.qvir.com Ramona Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians..................951-763-4105 56310 Highway 371 Suite B Anza CA ▪ www.ramonatribe.com, www.ramona-nsn.gov Redding Rancheria..........................530-225-8979 2000 Redding Rancheria Road Redding CA ▪ www.redding-Rancheria.com Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians...............................707-485-0361 3250 Road Redwood Valley CA Resighini Rancheria.........................707-482-2431 PO Box 529 Klamath CA ▪ resighin.ipower.com Rincon Band of Luiseo Mission Indians................................760-749-1051 PO Box 68 Valley Center CA ▪ www.rinconmembers.net Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians...............................707-275-0527 1545 East Highway 20 Nice CA ▪ www.robinsonRancheria.org Round Valley Indian Tribes..............707-983-6126 77826 Covelo Rd Covelo CA ▪ www.rvit.org Rumsey Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians.............................530-796-3400 PO Box 18 Brooks CA ▪ www.rumseyRancheria.org

Upd a te you r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w.cbgus a. c om • I nt erac t iv e pages : w w w. i s s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons

F E D E R A L LY R E C O G N I Z E D T R I B E S 2 3

w w w. c b g u s a . c o m San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission Indians................................909-864-8933 26569 Community Center Drive Highland CA San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians................760-749-3200 PO Box 365 Valley Center CA Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians...........................951-659-2700 65200 Highway 74 Mountain Center CA ▪ www.santarosacahuilla-nsn.gov Santa Rosa Rancheria Tachi Tribe.......................................559-924-1278 PO Box 8 Lemoore CA ▪ www.tachi-yokut.com Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians................805-688-7997 PO Box 517 Santa Ynez CA ▪ www.santaynezchumash.org Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueno Mission Indians............760-765-0846 PO Box 130 Santa Ysabel CA | F 760-765-0320 Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians...............................707-263-4220 301 Industrial Avenue Lakeport CA Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians...............................707-459-9690 190 Sherwood Hill Drive Willits CA Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians..............................530-698-1400 5281 Honpie Road Pacerville CA Smith River Rancheria.....................707-487-9255 140 Rowdy Creek Road Smith River CA Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians............................951-654-2765 PO Box 487 San Jacinto CA ▪ www.soboba-nsn.gov Stewarts Point Rancheria.................707-591-0580 1420 Guerneville Rd Ste 1 Santa Rosa CA Susanville Indian Rancheria.............530-257-6264 745 Joaquin Street Susanville CA ▪ www.sir-nsn.gov/ Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Nation.........................619-445-2613 5459 Sycuan Road El Cajon CA ▪ www.sycuantribe.org Table Mountain Rancheria...............559-822-2587 PO Box 410 Friant CA | F 559-822-2693 Timbisha Shoshone Tribe.................760-786-2374 PO Box 1779 Bishop CA | F 760-786-2376 Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians...............................760-397-0300 PO Box 1160 Thermal CA ▪ www.torresmartinez.org Tule River Indian Tribe.....................559-781-4271 PO Box 589 Porterville CA ▪ www.tulerivertribe-nsn.gov Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians...........................209-928-5300 PO Box 699 Tuolumne CA ▪ www.mewuk.com Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians............................760-775-5566 46-200 Harrison Place Coachella CA Tyme Maidu Tribe - Berry Creek Rancheria..................530-534-3859 5 Tyme Way Oroville CA United Auburn Indian Community............................916-663-3720 10720 Inidan Hill Rd Auburn CA Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute Reservation.........760-933-2505 25669 Highway 6 PMB 1 Benton CA Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians...........................619-445-3810 PO Box 908 Alpine CA ▪ www.viejasbandofkumeyaay.org Wiyot Tribe.......................................707-733-5055 1000 Wiyot Drive Loleta CA ▪ www.wiyot.com Woodfords Colony............................530-694-2170 96 Washoe Boulevard Markleeville CA Yurok Tribe.......................................707-482-1350 PO Box 1027 Klamath CA ▪ www.yuroktribe.org

Colorado Southern Ute Indian Tribe................970-563-0100 PO Box 737 Ignacio CO ▪ www.southern-ute.nsn.us Ute Mountain Ute Tribe....................970-564-5602 PO Box JJ Towaoc CO

Connecticut Mashantucket Pequot Tribe.............860-396-6554 PO Box 3060 Mashantucket CT ▪ www.foxwoods.org Mohegan Indian Tribe......................860-862-6100 5 Crow Hill Road Uncasville CT ▪ www.mohegan.nsn.us

Florida Miccosukee Tribe of Indians.............305-223-8380 PO Box 440021 Miami FL ▪ www.miccosukeetribe.com Seminole Indian Tribe of Florida.......954-966-6300 6300 Stirling Road Hollywood FL ▪ www.seminoletribe.com

Idaho Coeur d’Alene Tribe.........................208-686-1800 PO Box 408 Plummer ID ▪ www.cdatribe-nsn.gov Kootenai Tribe of Idaho....................208-267-3519 PO Box 1269 Bonners Ferry ID ▪ www.kootenai.org Nez Perce Tribe...............................208-843-7342 PO Box 305 Lapwai ID ▪ www.nezperce.org Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation......................................208-238-3700 PO Box 306 Fort Hall ID ▪ www.shoshonebannocktribes.com


Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians.............................................906-358-4577 PO Box 249 Watersmeet MI Little River Band of Ottawa Indians.................................231-723-8288 375 River Street Manistee MI ▪ www.lrboi.com Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians.............................231-242-1401 7500 Odawa Circle Harbor Springs MI Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians.............................................616-681-8830 PO Box 218 Dorr MI ▪ www.mbpi.org Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi............................269-729-5151 2221 - 1 1/2 Mile Road Fulton MI ▪ www.nhbpi.com Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians......................269-782-6323 PO Box 180 Dowagiac MI ▪ www.pokagon.com Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe.......989-775-4000 7070 East Broadway Road Mt Pleasant MI ▪ www.sagchip.org Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians........................906-635-6050 523 Ashmun Street Sault Ste Marie MI ▪ www.saulttribe.com

Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes..............................406-768-2301 PO Box 1027 Poplar MT ▪ www.fortpecktribes.org Northern Cheyenne Tribe.................406-477-6284 PO Box 128 Lame Deer MT ▪ www.cheyennenation.com

Nebraska Omaha Tribe of Nebraska................402-837-5391 PO Box 368 Macy NE Ponca Tribe of Nebraska..................402-857-3391 PO Box 288 Niobrara NE ▪ www.poncatribe-ne.org Santee Sioux Nation........................402-857-2772 108 Spirit Lake Avenue West Niobrara NE ▪ www.santeedakota.org Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska..........402-878-2272 PO Box 687 Winnebago NE ▪ www.winnebagotribe.com


Battle Mountain Band.......................775-635-2004 37 Mountain View Drive #C Battle Mountain NV Carson Colony.................................775-883-6459 2900 South Curry Street Carson City NV Dresslerville Colony.........................775-265-5645 PO Box 595 Gardnerville NV Minnesota Kansas Duckwater Shoshone Tribe..............775-863-0227 PO Box 140068 Duckwater NV Bois Forte Band of Iowa Tribe of Kansas Elko Band........................................775-738-8889 Chippewa Indians............................218-757-3261 1745 Silver Eagle Drive Elko NV and Nebraska...................................785-595-3258 PO Box 16 Nett Lake MN ▪ www.boisforte.com 3345 B Thrasher Road White Cloud KS Ely Shoshone Tribe..........................775-289-4133 Fond du Lac Reservation 16 Shoshone Circle Ely NV Kickapoo Tribe Business Committee........................218-879-4593 Fort McDermitt Paiute of Indians in Kansas.........................785-486-2131 1720 Big Lake Road Cloquet MN ▪ www.fdlrez.com 1107 Goldfinch Road Horton KS ▪ www.ktik-nsn.gov and Shoshone Tribes.......................775-532-8259 Grand Portage Band PO Box 457 McDermitt NV Prairie Band of Chippewa Indians........................218-475-2277 Las Vegas Paiute Tribe....................702-386-3926 of Potawatomi Nation.......................785-966-4000 16281 Q Road Mayette KS ▪ www.pbpindiantribe.com PO Box 428 Grand Portage MN ▪ www.grandportage.com One Paiute Drive Las Vegas NV ▪ www.lvpaiutetribe.com Leech Lake Reservation Lovelock Paiute Tribe.......................775-273-7861 Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and PO Box 878 Lovelock NV Business Committee........................218-335-8200 Nebraska.........................................785-742-7471 115 Sixth Street NW Suite E Cass Lake MN 305 N Main Street Reserve KS Moapa Band of Paiute Indians.........702-865-2787 PO Box 340 Moapa NV Lower Sioux Indian Community........507-697-6185 PO Box 308 Morton MN ▪ www.lowersioux.com Louisiana Paiute Shoshone Indians of the Fallon Reservation Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe................320-532-4181 775-423-6075 43408 Oodena Drive Onamia MN ▪ www.millelacsojibwe.org 565 Rio Vista Road Fallon NV ▪ www.fpst.org Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana..........337-923-7215 Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. . .............218-335-8581 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe...............775-574-1000 PO Box 661 Charenton LA ▪ www.chitimacha.gov PO Box 217 Cass Lake MN ▪ www.mnchippewatribe.org PO Box 256 Nixon NV Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana...........337-584-2261 Prairie Island Reno-Sparks Indian Colony.............775-329-2936 PO Box 818 Elton LA 98 Colony Road Reno NV ▪ www.rsic.org Indian Community............................651-385-4109 Jena Band of Choctaw Indians.........318-992-2717 5636 Sturgeon Lake Road Welch MN Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian PO Box 14 Jena LA ▪ www.jenachoctaw.org ▪ www.prairieisland.org Reservation......................................208-759-3100 Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana.......318-253-9767 Red Lake Band PO Box 219 Owyhee NV ▪ www.shopaitribes.org PO Box 1589 Marksville LA of Chippewa Indians........................218-679-3341 South Fork Band..............................775-744-4273 PO Box 550 Red Lake MN HC 30 Box B-13 Spring Creek NV Maine Shakopee Mdewakanton Stewart Colony.................................775-883-7794 Sioux Community.............................952-445-8900 5100 Dat So La Lee Way Carson City NV Aroostook Band of Micmacs.............207-764-1972 2330 Sioux Trail NW Prior Lake MN Summit Lake Paiute Tribe................775-827-9670 7 Northern Road Presque Isle ME ▪ www.micmac-nsn.gov ▪ www.shakopeedakota.org 3690 Grant Drive Suite K Reno NV Houlton Band Upper Sioux Community..................320-564-2360 Te-Moak Tribe of Maliseet Indians...........................207-532-4273 PO Box 147 Granite Falls MN of Western Shoshone.......................775-738-9251 88 Bell Road Littleton ME ▪ www.maliseets.com ▪ www.uppersiouxcommunity-nsn.gov 525 Sunset Street Elko NV ▪ www.temoaktribe.com Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian White Earth Reservation Walker River Paiute Tribe.................775-773-2334 Township Reservation......................207-796-2301 Business Committee........................218-983-3285 PO Box 220 Schurz NV ▪ www.wrpt.us PO Box 301 Princeton ME ▪ www.passamaquoddy.com PO Box 418 White Earth MN Washoe Tribe of Nevada Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant & California......................................775-265-4191 Mississippi Point Reservation.............................207-853-2600 919 Highway 395 South Gardnerville NV PO Box 343 Perry ME ▪ www.wabanaki.com Wells Indian Colony.........................775-752-3045 Penobscot Nation.............................207-827-7776 Mississippi Band PO Box 809 Wells NV 12 Wabanaki Way Indian Island ME of Choctaw Indians..........................601-650-1501 Winnemucca Indian PO Box 6010 Choctaw MS ▪ www.choctaw.org Colony of Nevada............................775-623-0888 Massachusetts PO Box 1370 Winnemucca NV Missouri Yerington Paiute Tribe......................775-463-3301 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe............508-477-0208 171 Campbell Lane Yerington NV 483 Great Neck Road South Mashpee MA Eastern Shawnee Tribe Yomba Shoshone Tribe....................775-964-2463 Wampanoag Tribe of Gay HC61 Box 6275 Austin NV of Oklahoma.....................................918-666-2435 Head Aquinnah................................508-645-9265 PO Box 350 Seneca MO ▪ www.estoo-nsn.gov 20 Black Brook Road Aquinnah MA Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa.................641-484-4678 349 Meskwaki Road Tama IA ▪ www.meskwaki.org

Michigan Bay Mills Indian Community of Michigan......................................906-248-3241 12140 W Lakeshore Drive Brimley MI ▪ www.baymills.org Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians......................231-534-7750 2605 NW Bay Shore Drive Peshawbestown MI Hannahville Indian Community.........906-466-2934 N14911 Hannahville B1 Road Wilson MI Keweenaw Bay Indian Community............................906-353-6623 16429 Beartown Road Baraga MI


Blackfeet Tribe.................................406-338-7521 PO Box 850 Browning MT ▪ www.blackfeetnation.com Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy’s Reservation......................................406-395-4282 Rural Route 1 PO Box 544 Box Elder MT ▪ www.chippewacree.org Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation.......................406-675-2700 Box 278 Pablo MT ▪ www.cskt.org Crow Tribe of Montana.....................406-638-3708 PO Box 159 Crow Agency MT Fort Belknap Indian Community.......406-353-2205 Fort Belknap Agency 158 Tribal Way Harlem MT

New Mexico

Jicarilla Apache Nation.....................575-759-3242 PO Box 507 Dulce NM ▪ www.jicarillaonline.com Mescalero Apache Tribe...................575-464-4494 PO Box 227 Mescalero NM Ohkay Owingeh...............................505-852-4400 PO Box 1099 San Juan Pueblo NM ▪ www.ohkayowingeh.gov Pueblo of Acoma..............................505-552-6604 PO Box 309 Acoma NM ▪ www.puebloofacoma.org Pueblo of Cochiti..............................505-465-2244 PO Box 70 Cochiti Pueblo NM ▪ www.pueblodecochiti.org Pueblo of Isleta................................505-869-3111 PO Box 1270 Isleta Pueblo NM ▪ www.isletapueblo.com

© 2 0 1 5 C BG U SA, In c . An Al a s k a C orporat i on - E s t . 1990 • publ is h@ ak . net • 907 727-7049


2 4 F E D E R A L LY R E C O G N I Z E D T R I B E S Pueblo of Jemez..............................575-834-7359 PO Box 100 Jemez Pueblo NM ▪ www.jemezpueblo.com Pueblo of Laguna.............................505-552-6654 PO Box 194 Laguna Pueblo NM ▪ www.lagunapueblo-nsn.gov Pueblo of Nambe.............................505-455-2036 Route 1 Box 117-BB Santa Fe NM ▪ www.nambepueblo.org Pueblo of Picuris..............................575-587-2519 PO Box 127 Penasco NM Pueblo of Pojoaque..........................505-455-3334 78 Cities of Gold Road Santa Fe NM ▪ www.puebloofpojoaque.com Pueblo of San Felipe........................505-867-3381 PO Box 4339 San Felipe Pueblo NM ▪ www.indianpueblo.org/19pueblos/sanfelipe.html Pueblo of San Ildefonso...................505-455-2273 Route 5 Box 315-A Santa Fe NM Pueblo of Sandia..............................505-867-3317 481 Sandia Loop Bernalillo NM ▪ www.sandiapueblo.nsn.us Pueblo of Santa Ana........................505-867-3301 2 Dove Road Santa Ana Pueblo NM ▪ www.santaana.org Pueblo of Santa Clara......................505-753-7330 PO Box 580 Espanola NM Pueblo of Santo Domingo................505-465-2214 PO Box 99 Santo Domingo Pueblo NM ▪ www.santodomingotribe.com Pueblo of Taos.................................575-758-1028 PO Box 1846 Taos NM ▪ www.taospueblo.com Pueblo of Tesuque...........................505-955-7732 Route 42 Box 360-T Santa Fe NM Pueblo of Zia....................................505-867-3304 135 Capitol Square Drive Zia Pueblo NM Pueblo of Zuni..................................505-782-7022 PO Box 339 Zuni NM ▪ www.ashiwi.org

Three Affiliated Tribes of Mandan Hidatsa & Arikara Nation..................701-627-4781 404 Frontage Road New Town ND Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians........................701-477-2600 PO Box 900 Belcourt ND ▪ www.tmbci.net


Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma....................405-275-4030 2025 S Gordon Cooper Drive Shawnee OK ▪ www.astribe.com Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town......405-452-3987 PO Box 187 Wetumka OK ▪ www.alabamaquassarte.org Apache Tribe of Oklahoma...............405-247-9493 PO Box 1330 Anadarko OK Caddo Nation...................................405-656-2344 PO Box 487 Binger OK ▪ www.caddonation-nsn.gov Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.........918-453-5000 PO Box 948 Tahlequah OK ▪ www.cherokee.org Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma..........................405-262-0345 PO Box 38 Concho OK ▪ www.c-a-tribes.org Chickasaw Nation............................580-436-2603 PO Box 1548 Ada OK ▪ www.chickasaw.net Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma...........580-924-8280 PO Box 1210 Durant OK ▪ www.choctawnation.com Citizen Potawatomi Nation...............405-275-3121 1601 S Gordon Cooper Drive Shawnee OK ▪ www.potawatomi.org Comanche Nation............................580-492-4988 PO Box 908 Lawton OK ▪ www.Comanchenation.com Delaware Nation..............................405-247-2448 PO Box 825 Anadarko OK ▪ www.delawarenation.com New York Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma.....................................580-588-2298 Cayuga Nation.................................716-337-4270 Rt 2 Box 121 Apache OK PO Box 803 Seneca Falls NY Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma...................405-547-2402 Oneida Nation of New York..............315-829-8900 RR 1 Box 721 Perkins OK ▪ www.iowanation.org 2037 Dream Catcher Plaza Oneida NY Kaw Nation......................................580-269-2552 ▪ www.oneida-nation.net 698 Grandview Drive Kaw City OK ▪ www.kawnation.com Onondaga Indian Nation..................315-492-4210 Kialegee Tribal Town........................405-452-3262 Rural Route 1 Box 319-B Nedrow NY PO Box 332 Wetumka OK Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe...............518-358-2272 Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma............405-964-7053 412 State Route 37 Akwesasne NY PO Box 70 McLoud OK ▪ www.kickapootribeofoklahoma.com ▪ www.srmt-nsn.gov/ Seneca Nation of New York..............716-945-1790 Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma.................580-654-2300 PO Box 369 Carnegie OK ▪ www.kiowaok.com PO Box 231 Salamanca NY ▪ www.sni.org Shinnecock Indian Nation................631-283-6143 Miami Tribe of Oklahoma.................918-542-1445 PO Box 1326 Miami OK ▪ www.miamination.com PO Box 5006 Southampton NY ▪ www.shinnecocknation.com Tonawanda Seneca Nation..............716-542-4244 Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma................918-542-1190 418 G Street SE Miami OK ▪ www.modoctribe.net 7027 Meadville Road Basom NY ▪ www.epa.gov/region2/nations/tonow.htm Muscogee (Creek) Nation................918-732-7600 Tuscarora Nation..............................716-622-7061 PO Box 580 Okmulgee OK ▪ www.muscogeenation-nsn.gov 2006 Mt Hope Road Via: Lewistown NY Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians.......580-723-4466 8151 Highway 177 Red Rock OK ▪ www.omtribe.org North Carolina Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma...............918-540-1536 PO Box 110 Miami OK ▪ www.ottawatribe.org Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma............918-762-3621 Eastern Band of Cherokee PO Box 470 Pawnee OK ▪ www.pawneenation.org Indians of North Carolina.................828-497-2771 PO Box 455 Cherokee NC ▪ www.cherokee-nc.com Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma................918-540-2535 PO Box 1527 Miami OK ▪ www.peoriatribe.com Spirit Lake Sioux Tribe.....................701-766-4221 PO Box 359 Fort Totten ND ▪ www.spiritlakenation.com Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma.................580-762-8104 20 White Eagle Drive Ponca City OK ▪ www.ponca.com Quapaw Tribe of Indians..................918-542-1853 North Dakota PO Box 765 Quapaw OK ▪ www.quapawtribe.com Sac and Fox Nation Standing Rock Sioux Tribe...............701-854-8500 of Oklahoma.....................................918-968-3526 PO Box D Fort Yates ND ▪ www.standingrock.org Route 2 Box 246 Stroud OK Seminole Nation of Oklahoma..........405-257-7200 PO Box 1498 Wewoka OK ▪ www.seminolenation.com

Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma.....................................918-542-6609 PO Box 1283 Miami OK ▪ www.sctribe.com Shawnee Tribe.................................918-542-2441 PO Box 189 Miami OK ▪ www.shawnee-tribe.com Thlopthlocco Tribal Town..................918-560-6198 PO Box 188 Okemah OK Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma.............580-628-2561 1 Rush Buffalo Road Tonkawa OK ▪ www.tonkawatribe.com United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma........................................918-431-1818 PO Box 746 Tahlequah OK ▪ www.unitedkeetoowahband.org Wichita and Affiliated Tribes.............405-247-2425 PO Box 729 Anadarko OK ▪ www.wichita.nsn.us Wyandotte Nation............................918-678-2297 64700 East Highway 60 Wyandotte OK ▪ www.wyandotte-nation.org

Oregon Burns Paiute Tribe...........................541-573-2088 100 Pasigo Street Burns OR ▪ www.burnspaiute-nsn.gov Confederated Tribes of the Coos Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians................................541-888-9577 1245 Fulton Avenue Coos Bay OR ▪ www.ctclusi.com Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community.................503-879-5211 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde OR ▪ www.grandronde.org Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians..........................541-444-8203 PO Box 549 Siletz OR ▪ www.ctsi.nsn.us Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.............541-429-7134 46411 Timi’ne Way Pendleton OR ▪ www.umatilla.nsn.us Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation.........................541-553-3257 PO Box 1299 Warm Springs OR Coquille Tribe...................................541-756-0904 3050 Tremont Street North Bend OR ▪ www.coquilletribe.org Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians................................541-672-9405 2371 NE Stephens Street Suite 100 Roseburg OR Klamath Tribes.................................541-783-2219 PO Box 436 Chiloquin OR ▪ www.klamathtribes.com

Rhode Island Narragansett Indian Tribe.................401-364-1100 PO Box 268 Charlestown RI ▪ www.narragansett-tribe.org

South Carolina Catawba Indian Nation.....................803-366-4792 996 Avenue of the Nations Rock Hill SC ▪ www.catawbaindiannation.com

South Dakota Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.............605-964-4155 PO Box 590 Eagle Butte SD ▪ www.sioux.org Crow Creek Sioux Tribe...................605-245-2221 PO Box 50 Fort Thompson SD Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe..........605-997-3891 PO Box 283 Flandreau SD ▪ www.fsst.org Lower Brule Sioux Tribe...................605-473-5561 187 Oyate Circle Lower Brule SD ▪ www.lbst.org Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation...................605-867-6074 PO Box 2070 Pine Ridge SD ▪ www.oglala.org

Rosebud Sioux Tribe........................605-747-2381 PO Box 430 Rosebud SD ▪ www.rosebudsiouxtribe-nsn.gov Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation......................................605-698-3911 PO Box 509 Agency Village SD Yankton Sioux Tribe.........................605-384-3641 PO Box 248 Marty SD

Texas Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas.................................936-563-1100 571 State Park Road 56 Livingston TX ▪ www.alabama-coushatta.com Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas..................................830-773-2105 HCR 1 Box 9700 Eagle Pass TX ▪ www.ktttribe.org Ysleta del Sur Pueblo......................915-859-8053 PO Box 17579 El Paso TX ▪ www.ysletadelsurpueblo.org

Utah Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation.............435-234-1138 PO Box 6104 Ibapah UT ▪ www.goshutetribe.com Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation.........................435-734-2286 707 N Main Street Brigham City UT ▪ www.nwbshoshone-nsn.gov Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah...............435-586-1112 440 N Paiute Drive Cedar City UT ▪ www.utahpaiutes.org Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians...........................435-882-4872 PO Box 448 Grantsville UT Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah & Ouray Reservation.............435-722-5141 PO Box 190 Ft Duchesne UT ▪ www.utetribe.com

Washington Colville Confederated Tribes............509-634-2200 PO Box 150 Nespelem WA ▪ www.colvilletribes.com Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation............509-865-5121 PO Box 151 Toppenish WA Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation.................360-273-5911 PO Box 536 Oakville WA ▪ www.chehalistribe.org Cowlitz Indian Tribe..........................360-577-8140 PO Box 2547 Longview WA ▪ www.cowlitz.org Hoh Indian Tribe...............................360-374-6582 PO Box 2196 Forks WA Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe..............360-683-1109 1033 Old Blyn Highway WA ▪ www.jamestowntribe.org Kalispel Indian Community...............509-445-1147 PO Box 39 Usk WA ▪ www.kalispeltribe.com Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe...............360-452-8471 2851 Lower Elwha Road Port Angeles WA ▪ www.elwha.org Lummi Tribe.....................................360-384-1489 2616 Kwina Road Bellingham WA ▪ www.lummi-nsn.gov Makah Indian Tribe..........................360-645-3236 PO Box 115 Neah Bay WA Muckleshoot Indian Tribe.................253-939-3311 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn WA ▪ www. muckleshoot.nsn.us Nisqually Indian Tribe.......................360-456-5221 4820 She-Nah-Num Drive SE Olympia WA ▪ www.nisqually-nsn.gov Nooksack Indian Tribe......................360-592-4313 PO Box 157 Deming WA ▪ www.noocksacktribe.org

Upd a te you r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w.cbgus a. c om • I nt erac t iv e pages : w w w. i s s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons

w w w. c b g u s a . c o m

B U S M A P - FA I R B A N K S 2 5


Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe............360-297-2646 31912 Little Boston Road NE Kingston WA ▪ www.pgst.nsn.us Puyallup Tribe..................................253-573-7800 3009 E Portland Avenue Tacoma WA Quileute Tribe..................................360-374-6163 PO Box 279 LaPush WA ▪ www.quilettenation.org Quinault Tribe..................................360-276-8211 PO Box 189 Taholah WA ▪ www.quinaultindiannation.org Samish Indian Tribe.........................360-293-6404 PO Box 217 Anacortes WA ▪ www.samishtribe.nsn.us Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe................360-436-0131 5318 Chief Brown Lane Darrington WA ▪ www.sauk-suiattle.com Shoalwater Bay Tribe.......................360-267-6766 PO Box 130 Tokeland WA ▪ www.shoalwaterbay-nsn.gov Skokomish Indian Tribe....................360-426-4232 N 80 Tribal Center Road Skokomish Nation WA ▪ www.skokomish.org Snoqualmie Indian Tribe 425-888-6551 PO Box 969 Snoqualmie WA ▪ www.snoqualmienation.com

Spokane Tribe of Indians.................509-458-6500 PO Box 100 Wellpinit WA ▪ www.spokanetribe.com Squaxin Island Tribe........................360-426-9781 10 SE Squaxin Lane Shelton WA ▪ www.squaxinisland.org Stillaguamish Tribe...........................360-652-7362 PO Box 277 Arlington WA ▪ www.stillaguamish.nsn.us Suquamish Tribe..............................360-598-3311 PO Box 498 Suquamish WA ▪ www.suquamish.nsn.us Swinomish Indian Tribe....................360-466-3163 11404 Moorage Way LaConner WA ▪ www. swinomish.org Tulalip Tribes....................................360-651-4500 6406 Marin Dr Tulalip WA Upper Skagit Indian Tribe.................360-856-5501 25944 Community Plaza Way Sedro Woolley WA

Wisconsin Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians................715-682-7111 PO Box 39 Odanah WI ▪ www.badriver-nsn.gov

Forest County Potawatomi Community...................715-478-7200 PO Box 340 Crandon WI ▪ www.fcpotawatomi.com Ho-Chunk Nation.............................715-284-9343 W9814 Airport Road Black River Falls WI ▪ www.ho-chunknation.com Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians..............715-634-8934 13394 W Trepania Road Hayward WI ▪ www.lco-nsn.gov Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians.............................................715-588-3303 PO Box 67 Lac du Flambeau WI ▪ www.ldftribe.com Menominee Indian Tribe...................715-799-5100 PO Box 910 Keshena WI ▪ www.menominee-nsn.gov Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin....................................920-869-2214 PO Box 365 Oneida WI ▪ www.oneidanation.org Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians..............715-779-3700 88385 Pike Road Highway 13 Bayfield WI

Sokaogon Chippewa Band of Lake Superior Chippewa..............715-478-7500 3051 Sand Lake Road Crandon WI St Croix Chippewa Indians...............715-349-2195 24663 Angeline Avenue Hertel WI ▪ www.stcciw.com Stockbridge Munsee Community.......................................715-793-4111 N8476 Mo He Con Nuck Road Bowler WI ▪ www.mohican-nsn.gov

Wyoming Eastern Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation......................................307-332-3532 PO Box 538 Fort Washakie WY ▪ www.easternshoshone.net Northern Arapaho Tribe....................307-332-6120 PO Box 396 Fort Washakie WY ▪ www.northernarapaho.com

© 2 0 1 5 C BG U SA, In c . An Al a s k a C orporat i on - E s t . 1990 • publ is h@ ak . net • 907 727-7049

BUS MAP -Anchorage

Anchorage Transit Map Effective June 2, 2014 Blu

Government ff Dr Hill Hollywoo


36th Ave

Z.J. Loussac Public Library

40th Ave

Tudor Rd

48th Ave

ational Airport Rd Intern


Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center

Alaska Career College

Alaska Pacific University

Providence Alaska University Medical Center Lake

Alaska Native Medical Center

Alaska Native Medical Center


pbell C C am

Muldoon Rd 36th Ave

Tudor Rd

Far North Bicentennial Park

Alaska Community YMCA

Service Guide

Dowling Rd

Crosstown Lake Otis

Jewel Lake

88th Ave Jewel Lake

Arctic Blvd d



d Blv

Campbell Airstrip

Dimond Center

University/Hospitals Government Hill DeBarr

Hillside Park

West Anchorage/U-Med Service High School

Campbell Lake

Mountain View

n c e Dr

Indepen de

Old Seward Hwy

Abbott Rd

Old Seward Tudor Ruth Arcand Park

Eagle River/Chugiak

Alaska Zoo

O’Malley Rd

South Anchorage Johns Rd

Klatt Rd

Turnagain Arm

Spenard/Airport Arctic

Dimond Transit Center

Bayshore Lake

Northern Lights Northway

Lake Otis Pkwy

Minnesota Dr

Dimond High School

Northwood St

Strawberry Rd

Elmore Rd

Seward Hwy

Raspberry Rd

Sundi Lake

Arnold L. Muldoon Park

Alaska Botanical Garden

DeLong Lake

Sand Lake

Oklahoma St

Turpin St Northern Lights Blvd

C St

Conners Lake

20th Ave

Cheney Lake

Patterson St


All Route 3C trips serve Centennial Village every day. Route 3N trips only serve Centennial Village on Saturdays and Sundays.

6th Ave

Muldoon Transfer Center

East High School

Goose Lake University of Alaska Anchorage

Centennial Village

Peck Ave

Northeast Anchorage

Russian Jack Springs Park

Bragaw St

20th Ave

Charter Charter College

The Mall at Sears


Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport

A St

C St

Rd ard en Sp

Lake Spenard

All Route 7A trips serve the airport every day. Route 7J trips only serve the airport on Monday-Friday nights and all day Saturday and Sunday.


Arctic Blvd

Lake Hood

Benson Blvd

Denali St


Northwood Dr

Lake Hood Airstrip

Spenard Rd

Milky Way D

Wisconsin St

Aero Ave

Northern Lights Blvd

Anchorage Senior Chester Creek Activity Center

DeBarr Rd

Fireweed Ln

Minnesota Dr


Alaska Regional Hospital

Chester Creek Sports Complex

West High School

Northway Mall

15th Ave

Westchester Lagoon

Earthquake Park

Merrill Field


Old Seward Hwy

Scale is approximate


E St


Beaver Pl

9th Ave


L St


4th Ave

Boniface Pkwy

Direction of travel 0

Northway Mall

Baxter Rd

5th Ave

Pine St

3rd Ave

Downtown Anchorage

Point of interest

Mountain View Public Library

Lake Otis Pkwy

Transit center or major transfer point

Centennial Park

Glenn Hwy

Mountain View

eek ip Cr Sh


Monday-Friday; Peak direction only

Tikhatnu Tikahtnu Commons

Mountain View Dr

d Dr

Knik Arm

Commuter bus route

Bartlett High School

Parsons Ave

Klevin St

Bus route

Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic

Checkmate Dr


To Eagle River, Chugiak and Peters Creek

Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

Port of Anchorage

Jewel Lake Rd


Huffman Business Park

Huffman Rd



w Dr South High School

Subject to change. For detailed route and schedule information, please refer to individual route maps and timetables.

www.PeopleMover.org 907-343-6543

Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons

Chugach State Park

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