A T M Sales & Service Alaska ATM Service.............................. 222-5232 www.alaskaatm.com | Anchorage ATM Alaska............................................ 929-2861 www.atmalaska.com | Anchorage Buffalo Center Svc................................ 895-4067 Vend Alaska........................................... 522-1937 www.vendalaska.com | Anchorage
Accounting AKT LLP, CPAs & Business Consultants 800 East Dimond Blvd Ste 3-670 Anchorage, AK 99515
907-522-2130 - Fax: 522-2127 www.aktadvisors.com
Helping Our Clients Achieve Their Goals Alaska Accounting Solutions............... 337-9192 www.alaskaaccounting.com | Anchorage Alaska Financial Network Corp............ 727-3556 www.akfinancialonline.com | Anchorage Alban & Co CPAs.................................. 522-3222 www.albancpas.com | Anchorage Altman Rogers & Co............................. 274-2992 www.altrogco.com | Anchorage Arctic Resource Group......................... 455-8484 www.arcticrg.com | Fairbanks
3601 C St Ste 600 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-278-8878 - Fax: 278-5779 www.bdo.com
Founded on timeless values, motivated by entrepreneurial thinking, anchored by individual accountability and professionalism, and distinguished by quality and independent service, our distinct culture is the reason people who know, choose BDO.
Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC 111 W. 16th Ave., STE 100 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-793-9200 - Fax: 375-2924 www.bbrs-llc.com
Solutions Start Here. Chickaloon Village Traditional............. 745-0707 www.chickaloon.org | Chickaloon Cook & Haugeberg LLC CPAs.............. 456-7762 www.ch-cpa.com | Fairbanks Elgee Rehfeld Mertz LLC...................... 789-3178 www.ermcpa.com | Juneau Elite Employment Services.................. 276-8367 www.elite-employment.com | Anchorage Fairbanks Billing Svc LLC.................... 456-7767 www.fairbanksbilling.com | Fairbanks Freeman & Associates, Inc................... 456-4361 www.freeman1040.com | Fairbanks H&R Block.............................................523-2712 www.hrblock.com | Juneau Joyce A. Herr, CPA, LLC....................... 622-0800 www.jherrcpa.com | Eagle River
Kerr McVey Sheaffer & Associates CPAs LLC 1501 W 29th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-1966 - Fax: 561-6180 www.kmscpas.com
Kohler, Schmitt & Hutchison PC - Certified Public Accountants............. 456-6676 www.kshcpa.com | Fairbanks KPMG LLP............................................. 265-1200 www.us.kpmg.com | Anchorage Laughlin Ogle & Rodgers LLC............. 563-5270 www.cpaalaska.com | Anchorage
Namtvedt & Company CPAs Inc PO Box 871625 Wasilla, AK 99687
907-376-3576 - Fax: 376-4070 www.matsucpas.com
Business and Individual Income Tax Preparation, Financial Statements, Computerized Bookkeeping and Payroll, Financial Consulting for Personal and Business.
Newhouse & Vogler............................... 258-7555 www.newvog.com | Anchorage Northern Economic Research Associates............................ 488-1920 www.northernecon.com | Fairbanks Quik Pro Accounting & Consulting...... 258-2228 www.alaskaqpa.com | Anchorage RJG A Professional Corporation.......... 452-4156 www.rjgcpa.com | Fairbanks Rulien & Assoc LLC.............................. 272-1421 www.rulien.com | Anchorage Son Services......................................... 677-2588 www.sonservices.com | Anchorage Sundog Consultants............................. 235-5971 www.sundogconsultants.com | Homer Swalling & Associates PC.................... 563-7977 www.swallingcpas.com | Anchorage Thomas, Head & Greisen, APC............. 272-1571 www.thgcpa.com | Anchorage Walsh Kelliher & Sharp APC................. 456-2222 www.wkscpa.com | Fairbanks White & Assoc....................................... 561-9599 www.skwhitecpa.com | Eagle River
Wilson & Wilson CPA's Inc 344 Minnie St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-8115 - Fax: 452-7491 www.wwcpa.com
Certified Public Accountants Yukon Accounting & Consulting Inc.... 479-9863 www.yukonac.com | Fairbanks
Acupuncture Acupuncture & Oriental Med................ 747-6915 Acupuncture Works.............................. 561-0272 www.acupunctureworksak.com | Acupuncture Alaska Center for Natural Medicine..... 452-3600 www.alaskacenterfornaturalmedicine.com | Fbks Alaskan Natural Care Acupuncture Clinic...................... 435-7060 www.AkNaturalCare.com | Anchorage Alpenglow Acupuncture LLC............... 336-6692 www.myalpenglow.com | Anchorage Health Point Acupuncture.................... 242-5441 Jiresan Acupuncture............................. 272-7653 Karlenes Acupunctureday Spa............. 262-7977
Premier Acupuncture & Medicine........ 745-7928 www.premieracupunture.com | Palmer Snow Blossom Acupuncture................ 245-7669
Wisdom Traditions Counseling Services LLC
401 West International Airport Road Anchorage, AK 99518
www.awisdomcenter.com www.wisdomrecovery.com
A Place to Learn, A Place to Heal.
Adoption Fairbanks Counseling & Adoption....... 456-4729 www.fcaalaska.org | Fairbanks Michelle Martin LLC.............................. 677-7089 Pradell & Associates............................. 279-4529 www.alaskanlawyers.com | Anchorage Resolution Services Office................... 770-7769
Advertising 49 Designs............................................. 460-4919 www.49designs.com | Fairbanks Alaska Cellular and Satellite................ 569-3474 www.907acs.com | Wasilla Alaska Native Business & Resource Directory - CBG USA Inc....................... 727-7049 www.issuu.com/alaskapublications | Anchorage Alaska Publishers Reps. Alaska Airlines Magazine..................... 561-2450 Alaska Search Marketing...................... 646-2253 www.alaskasearchmarketing.com | Anchorage
PO Box 112955 Anchorage, AK 99511
907-727-7049 - Fax: 222-6206 www.cbgusa.com
Full Service Marketing Firm Eagle River Printing Co........................ 694-2933 www.thealaskacache.com | Eagle River
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Helios Design........................................ 458-7788 www.heliosdesignak.com | Fairbanks Stamps Today........................................ 333-2113 www.stampstoday@yahoo.com | Anchorage thealaskacache.com Eagle River Cache................................. 694-2933 www.thealaskacache.com | Eagle River Agency 49 LLC...................................... 451-1500 www.agency49.com | Fairbanks Alaska Adventure Media....................... 677-2900 www.alaskaadventuremedia.com | Anchorage Beacon Media + Marketing................... 563-6008 www.beaconmm.com | Anchorage Brilliant Media Stategies....................... 276-6353 www.brilliantus.com | Anchorage Crystal Clear Creative Inc..................... 376-2653 www.crystalclearcreative.com | Wasilla D’zine Alaska......................................... 240-1380 www.dzinealaska.com | Anchorage Eye Cue Productions............................ 248-7663 www.eye-cue.com | Anchorage Gere Donovan Creative.....................866-220-9373 www.geredonovan.com | Vancouver Gonzalez Marketing.............................. 562-8640 www.gonzalezmarketing.com | Anchorage Mad Dog Graphx................................... 276-5062 www.thedogpack.com | Anchorage MSI Communications............................ 569-7070 www.msialaska.com | Anchorage Northwest Strategies Inc............563-4881 www.nwstrat.com | Anchorage Porcaro Communications..................... 276-4262 www.porcarocommunications.com | Anchorage PS Strategies, Inc.................................. 929-9050 www.psstrats.com | Anchorage SEO Alaska............................................ 385-7007 www.seoalaska.net | North Pole
Solstice Advertising 3700 Woodland Drive #300 Anchorage, AK 99517
907-258-5411 - Fax: 258-5412
Bright Ideas. Bright Clients. Spawn Ideas (formerly Nerland Agency)................... 274-9553 www.spawnak.com | Anchorage Steve Neumuth Advertising.................. 456-8988 www.na-ak.com | Fairbanks The Sitka Soup...................................... 747-7595 www.sitkasoup.com | Sitka Walsh Sheppard Advertising................ 338-3567 www.walshsheppard.com | Anchorage
Weissler Media Svc
907 Embroidery..................................... 349-3033 www.907embroidery.com | Anchorage A2Z Business Promotions.................... 357-1229 www.a2zgoodies.com | Wasilla Ace Advertising Specialties................. 337-5444 Adventures In Advertising - The Promo Agency............................. 222-1441 Advertising Strategies LLC.................. 229-0022 www.adstrategies.espwebsite.com | Anchorage Alaska Flag & Flagpole Distr................ 522-8083 Alaska Serigraphics.............................. 561-2000 www.akserigraphics.com | Anchorage Arctic Promotions Inc........................... 279-1832 www.arcticpromo.com | Anchorage Great Northern Publishing................... 563-2620 www.alaska-discounts.com | Anchorage Marie’s Solutions.................................. 349-2217 Proforma Spectrum Graphics.............. 561-1000 www.proforma.com/psg | Anchorage Roy’s Custom Embroidery................... 789-7107 www.royscustomembroidery.com | Juneau Santa's Stitches Custom Embroidery.............................. 457-7848 www.santasstitches.com | Fairbanks Tlingit Ink Designs, LLC....................... 766-3930
Top of the World Graphics 310 E 76th Ave #A Anchorage, AK 99518
Vernon Co.............................................. 929-5060 www.vernoncompany.com | Anchorage Westbrook Media Management............ 277-1551 www.westbrookadvertising.com | Anchorage
Aerial Photos & Mapping Egli Air Haul, Inc................................... 246-3554 www.egliair.com | King Salmon E-terra.................................................... 562-1500 www.e-terra.com | Anchorage Geographic Resource Solutions.......... 563-9511 www.grsgis.com | Anchorage
Last Frontier Air Ventures Ltd 1415 N Local 302 Road Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-5701 - Fax: 745-5711
PO Box 243283 Anchorage, AK 99524
907-345-5188 - Fax: 348-0038
Yahdii Media.......................................... 451-9456 www.yahdiimedia.com | Fairbanks Yuit..........................................................222-6300 www.yuit.com | Anchorage
Advertising Directory & Guide CBG USA Inc
Last Frontier Air Ventures is a diverse Alaskan Helicopter company offering Support Statewide for: Mineral Exploration, Oil Field Support, Survey, Slung Cargo, Video and Film Projects, Aerial Photography, Tours, Heli Skiing, and Long Term Contracts. McClintock Land Associates Inc.......... 694-4499 www.mappingalaska.com | Eagle River Quantum Spatial................................... 272-4495 www.quantumspatial.com | Anchorage Wright Air Service, Inc.......................... 474-0502 www.wrightairservice.com | Fairbanks
Aids Information & Testing
PO Box 112955 Anchorage, AK 99511
907-727-7049 - Fax: 222-6206
www.cbgusa.com, wwwcbgusa.net
Advertising Specialties
Full Service Marketing Firm Commercial Buyers Guide USA Inc..... 727-7049 www.cbgusa.com | Anchorage
Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association.263-2050 www.alaskanaids.org | Anchorage Community Pregnancy Center............. 337-9292 www.cpcanchorage.com | Anchorage HIV/STD Prevention Center (Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium).................... 729-4209 www.anthc.org | Anchorage
Air Ambulance Guardian Flight Inc............................... 245-6230 www.guardianflight.com | Anchorage LifeMed Alaska LLC.............................. 563-6633 www.lifemedalaska.com | Anchorage
Air Cargo Above Alaska Aviatioin......................... 733-4808 www.abovealaska.com | Talkeetna ACE Air Cargo....................................... 334-5100 www.aceaircargo.com | Anchorage Ace Delivery & Moving Inc................... 522-6684 www.alaskanace.com | Anchorage Air Supply Alaska, Inc........................... 335-1900 www.airsupplyak.com | Kenai
Alaska Air Cargo
4100 Old Int’l Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-7851 - 800-225-2752 www.alaskaair.com
Our name is Alaska. Our service is nationwide. Alaska Air Forwarding......................206-433-6260 www.alaskacargo.com | Tukwila Alaska Seaplanes Service LLC............ 789-3331 www.flyalaskaseaplanes.com | Juneau American Fast Freight Inc.................... 262-6646 www.americanfast.com | Soldotna American Fast Freight, Inc................... 452-7129 www.americanfast.com | Fairbanks Desert Air Alaska................................... 243-4700 www.desertairalaska.com | Anchorage Everts Air Cargo.................................... 443-7348 Everts Air Cargo.................................... 243-0009 www.evertsair.com | Anchorage FBX...........................................................442-3700 FedEx Express...................................800-463-3339 www.fedex.com/us/ | Anchorage Fedex Express....................................... 249-3173 www.fedex.com | Anchorage Frontier Alaska...................................... 245-0119 www.frontierak.com | Anchorage Homer Air............................................... 235-8591 www.homerair.com | Homer
Lynden Air Cargo
6441 South Airpark Place Anchorage, AK 99502
907-243-7248 - 877-243-7248 www.lynden.com/lac
Charter and Scheduled Air Cargo Service Mayflower World Wide Movers Inc....... 349-2581 www.world-widemovers.com | Anchorage Northern Air Cargo................................ 249-5164 www.nacargo.com | Anchorage Northern Air Cargo................................ 624-3048 Unalakleet Northern Air Cargo................................ 524-6004 McGrath Pen Air................................................... 771-2500 www.penair.com | Anchorage
Ravn Alaska
4700 Old International Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-8394 - 800-866-8394 www.flyravn.com
Soaring above. Ravn Alaska Cargo..........................243-2761 www.flyravn.com/cargo-services | Anchorage Ryan Air Inc........................................... 562-2227 www.ryanalaska.com | Anchorage Sportman’s Air Svc............................... 248-3181 www.alaskasport.com | Anchorage
Warbelow’s Air Ventures, Inc............... 474-0518 www.warbelows.com | Fairbanks Ward Air, Inc.......................................... 789-9150 www.wardair.com | Juneau Wings Of Alaska.................................... 983-2442 www.wingsofalaska.com | Juneau Xynthia Inc............................................. 270-1234 www.xynthia.inc.com | Anchorage
Air Conditioning & Systems Complete Service Co Inc...................... 456-5282 www.completeservicecompany.com | Fairbanks CRL Services, LLC................................ 563-6569 www.crlservices.com | Anchorage Glacier Refrigeration Svc Co................ 479-4763 Mechanical Services Inc....................... 276-3301 Scott’s Heating & Air Conditioning Service............................ 243-5818 www.scottsheatinganchorage.com | Anchorage Superior Mechanical Svc...................... 349-6550 www.superiorpandh.com | Anchorage Superior Plumbing & Heating............... 344-5011 www.superiorpnh.com | Anchorage
Air Freight Forwarding Lynden International 6441 South Airpark Pl Anchorage, AK 99502
907-243-6150 - 800-926-5703 www.lynden.com/lint
Global Air and Ocean Freight Forwarding
Air Transportation Ace Air Cargo........................................ 334-5100
Alaska Air Cargo
4100 Old Int’l Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-7851 - 800-225-2752 www.alaskaair.com
Our name is Alaska. Our service is nationwide. Alaska Air Transit.................................. 276-5422 www.alaskaairtransit.com | Anchorage Alaska Airlines Inc................................ 266-7200 www.alaskaair.com | Anchorage Alaska Island Air Inc............................. 493-5120 Alaska Missionary Aviation.................. 892-3400 www.akmission.org | Big Lake Alpine Air Alaska, Inc............................ 783-2360 www.alpineairalaska.com | Girdwood Arctic Transportation Svc..................... 624-3200 City Cargo.............................................. 772-3010 City Of Akutan....................................... 274-7565 www.akutanairport.com, www.akutanharbor.com | Anchorage Clear Stream LLC.................................. 277-1500 www.clearstream-llc.com | Anchorage D & G Express....................................... 543-2345 Grant Aviation Inc................................. 842-2955 www.flygrant.com | Anchorage Homer Air............................................... 235-8591 Island Air Service.................................. 487-4596 www.kodiakislandair.com | Kodiak King Salmon Ground Svc..................... 246-3498 Last Frontier Air Ventures Ltd.......................................745-5701 www.LFAV.com | Palmer
Lynden Air Cargo PO Box 665 Bethel, AK 99559
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport 5000 West Int’lAirport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
ANCHORAGE, AK 99515 907-522-2130 WWW.AKTCPA.COM
907-266-2526 - Fax: 266-2458 www.Anchorageairport.com
Proudly serving Alaska for over 50 years! TransNorthern Aviation......................... 245-1879 www.transnorthern.com | Anchorage
Lynden Air Cargo’s fleet of Herc aircraft are ideally suited for air charter operations. Medallion Foundation........................... 743-8050 www.medallionfoundation.org | Anchorage Pathfinder Aviation, Inc........................ 226-2800 www.pathfinderaviation.com | Homer Peninsula Airways, Inc......................... 383-6000 www.penair.com | Sand Point
Ravn Alaska
4700 Old International Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-8394 - 800-866-8394 www.flyravn.com
Soaring above.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
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Talkeetna Air Taxi.................................. 733-2218 www.talkeetnaair.com | Talkeetna
Kijik Aviation Services LLC.................. 561-4487 Kupreanof Flying Service..................... 518-0600 www.kupreanof.com | Petersburg
Last Frontier Air Ventures Ltd Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport 5000 West Int’lAirport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-2526 - Fax: 266-2458 www.Anchorageairport.com
Proudly serving Alaska for over 50 years! Temsco Helicopters Inc........................ 789-9501 Van Air................................................... 842-4985
Aircraft Charter Aero Tech Flight Svc............................. 279-6558 www.aerotechalaska.com | Anchorage Alsek Air Svc......................................... 784-3231 Bald Mountain Air Service Inc.............. 235-7969 www.baldmountainair.com | Homer Bettles Air Svc....................................... 479-7018 www.bettlesair.com | Fairbanks
Brooks Range Aviation PO Box 26010 Bettles Field, AK 99726
907-692-5444 - 800-692-5443 www.brooksrange.com
Excellence in bush flying! - Boat Rentals Available Caribou Air Svc..................................... 479-2189 Columbia Helicopters........................... 225-7879 www.colheli.com | Ketchikan Desert Air Alaska.............................243-4700 www.desertairalaska.com | Anchorage Dove Island Lodge................................ 747-5660 www.aksitkasportfishing.com | Sitka Grasshopper Aviation........................... 373-6923 www.grasshoperaviation.biz | Wasilla Iliamna Air Taxi Inc................................ 571-1248 www.iliamnaair.com | Iliamna K2 Aviation............................................ 733-2291 www.flyk2.com | Talkeetna
1415 N Local 302 Road Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-5701 - Fax: 745-5711 www.LFAV.com
Last Frontier Air Ventures is a diverse Alaskan Helicopter company offering Support Statewide for: Mineral Exploration, Oil Field Support, Survey, Slung Cargo, Video and Film Projects, Aerial Photography, Tours, Heli Skiing, and Long Term Contracts. Million Air Anchorage........................... 550-8500 www.millionair.com/FBO/anc.aspx#3 | Anch Misty Fjords Air & Outfitting, LLC........ 225-5155 www.mistyfjordsair.com | Ketchikan Mulchatna Air Taxi................................ 842-4500 Northstar Aero LLC............................... 457-3151 www.northstar-aero.com | Fairbanks
Ravn Alaska
4700 Old International Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-8394 - 800-866-8394 www.flyravn.com
Soaring above. Ravn Alaska Cargo................................ 243-2761 www.flyravn.com/cargo-services | Anchorage Rediske Air Inc...................................... 248-7985 Rust’s Flying Service & K2 Aviation.... 243-1595 www.flyrusts.com | Anchorage Sea Hawk Air, Inc.................................. 486-8282 www.seahawkair.com | Kodiak Security Aviation................................... 248-2677 www.securityaviation.biz | Anchorage Sheldon Air Service.............................. 733-2321 www.sheldonairservice.com | Talkeetna Sound Aviation LLC.............................. 229-2462 www.soundaviation.com | Palmer Talon Air Service, Inc............................ 262-8899 www.talonair.com | Soldotna Temsco Helicopters Inc........................ 983-2900 www.temscoair.com | Skagway
Trail Ridge Air, Inc................................. 248-0838 www.trailridgeair.com | Anchorage Tucker, Tom........................................... 842-2700 Warbelow’s Air Ventures Inc................ 474-4683 Yakutat Coastal Airlines....................... 784-3831 Yukon Air Service.................................. 662-2445 www.yukonair.com | Fort Yukon
Aircraft Equipment Accord Technology LLC....................... 334-6741 www.accord-technology.com | Anchorage Airforms Engine Baffles-Other............. 892-8244 www.baffles.com | Big Lake Custom Aircraft Inc............................... 745-6030 www.customaircraftak.com | Palmer Erickson Helicopters............................ 257-1500 www.ericksonaviation.com | Anchorage Fairweather LLC.................................... 346-3247 www.fairweather.com | Anchorage Frosty Fuel............................................ 249-2238 Holliday Aircraft Svc............................. 688-4337 www.hollidayair.com | Chugiak Northland Aviation................................ 474-0948 Pegasus Aviation Services LLC........... 245-0357 www.pegasusanc.com | Anchorage Sutton Aircraft Salvage, LLC................ 745-6969 T & B Aircraft Repair............................. 277-7244
Aircraft Services Aircraft Service Intl Group................... 474-0601 www.asig.com | Fairbanks Custom Aircraft Inc............................... 745-6030 Leading Edge Exhaust Systems.......... 248-1188 ProFlite of Alaska, LLC......................... 474-0099 www.proflitealaska.com | Fairbanks Signature Flight Support...................... 243-7627 www.signatureflight.com | Anchorage Take Flight Alaska................................. 274-9943 www.takeflightalaska.com | Anchorage Wolf Lake Aircraft Svc.......................... 746-2726 Y-Tech Services Inc............................... 258-2502 www.yulista.com | Anchorage
Airline Companies Alaska Airlines Inc.............................800-252-7522 www.alaskaair.com American Airlines..............................800-433-7300 www.aa.com American Airlines.................................. 245-7369 Asiana Airlines...................................... 248-2207 Bering Air, Inc........................................ 443-5464 www.beringair.com | Nome Bristol Bay Air Svc................................ 842-2227 Continental Airlines...........................800-523-3273 www.united.com | Delta Air Lines Air Cargo...................... 266-5656 www.deltacargo.com | Anchorage Erickson Helicopters............................ 443-5334 Island Air Express.............................888-387-8989 www.islandairx.com | Craig Island Air Service.................................. 487-4596 www.kodiakislandair.com | Kodiak Japan Airlines....................................800-525-3663 www.jal.com Korean Air.............................................. 276-8868 www.koreanair.com | Anchorage Nippon Cargo Airlines.......................... 243-1885 www.nca.aero | Anchorage Pen Air....................................................771-2500 www.penair.com | Anchorage Pen Air................................................... 243-2485 Pen Air................................................... 624-3540 Promech Travel..................................... 225-0115
Ravn Alaska
4700 Old International Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-8394 - 800-866-8394 www.flyravn.com
Soaring above. Ravn Alaska.........................................235-5205 www.flyravn.com | Homer Ravn Alaska.........................................835-2636 www.flyravn.com | Valdez United Airlines...................................800-864-8331 www.united.com | Wings Of Alaska.................................... 697-2201 www.wingsofalaska.com | Juneau
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Airports
Alaska Cycle Center Ltd
Airport Development Inc....................... 688-6899 Deadhorse Airport-SCC........................ 659-2553 www.dot.state.ak.us | Prudhoe Bay Juneau Intl Airport-JNU........................ 789-7821 Kenai Municipal Airport-ENA................ 283-7951 www.kenaiairport.com | Kenai Mc Kinley Natl Park Arprt Inr................ 683-9581 Merrill Field Airport-MRI....................... 343-6303
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport
4908 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99503
907-279-9478 - 800-478-4555 www.akcyclecenter.com
Now, you’re good to go! Alaska Fun Center................................. 452-3455 www.alaskafuncenter.com | Fairbanks Alaska House of Yamaha - Big Lake.... 892-1000 www.houseofyamaha.com | Big Lake Alaska Mining and Diving Supply........ 277-1741 www.akmining.com | Anchorage Alaska Snow Safaris, Inc...................... 783-7669 www.snowmobile-alaska.com | Palmer
All Seasons Argo & Equipment LLC
5000 West Int’lAirport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
1300 E 80th Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
907-266-2526 - Fax: 266-2458
907-277-6188 - 877-608-6188
Proudly serving Alaska for over 50 years! Unalaska Airport................................... 581-1786
Alcoholism Treatment & Rehab Adolescent Residential Care Help-ARCH (Volunteers of America)........................ 279-9634 www.voaak.org | Anchorage Akeela Inc.............................................. 565-1200 www.akeela.org | Anchorage Alaska Women’s Resource Ctr............. 279-5000 Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prgm....... 765-7490 Alcoholics Anonymous......................... 456-7501 www.aa.org | Fairbanks Alcoholics Anonymous......................... 272-2312 www.anchorageaa.org | Anchorage Beacon Occupational Health and Safety Services................................................. 563-4233 www.beaconohss.com | Anchorage Family Emergency Svc......................... 277-2593
Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers 10322 NE 132nd St. Kirkland, WA 98034
800-231-4303 - Fax: 425-823-3132 www.lakesidemilam.com
We put families back together.
Nauska Counseling
Go Anywhere...Argo All Seasons Honda & Peninsula Ski-Doo............................. 235-8532 www.allseasonshonda.net/index.html | Homer Anchorage Suzuki Arctic Cat............... 272-2412 www.anchoragesuzukiarcticcat.com | Anch Arctic Motor Sports & Hobbies............ 262-5592 www.arcticmotorsports.com | Soldotna Compeau’s............................................. 479-2271 www.compeaus.com | Fairbanks Delta Powersports................................. 895-2006 www.deltapowersports.com | Delta Junction Fish Creek Sales LLC........................... 373-2650 www.fishcreek.biz | Wasilla Go Pro.................................................... 563-1799 www.goproak.com | Anchorage Hal’s Equipment & Supplies................. 225-4257 Hatcher Pass Polaris............................ 373-4639 www.hatcherpasspolaris.com | Wasilla Kachemak Gear Shed Redden Marine.235-8612 www.reddenmarine.com/homer/ | Homer Last Frontier Trailers............................ 746-5593 www.alaskaatvtrailers.com | Sutton Lower Peninsula Power Sports............ 235-6341 www.lppowersports.com | Homer Northern Power Sports......................... 452-2762 www.northernpowersports.com | Fairbanks Outpost Alaska.................................456-3265 www.outpostalaska.com | Fairbanks Redden Marine Supply Inc................... 349-8924 www.reddenmarine.com | Anchorage River & Sea Marine, Inc........................ 262-7402 www.riverandseamarine.com | Soldotna Ron’s Honda Center.............................. 262-5235 www.ronshonda.com | Soldotna The Motorcycle Shop, Inc..................... 561-1165 www.themotorcycleshop.com | Anchorage
LAKESIDE-MILAM RECOVERY CENTERS Effective, Affordable Alcohol & Drug Treatment
Outpatient Centers, Adolescent and Adult Detox, Residential, Gender Specific Programs, and Long-term Care Helping Alaskans since we opened our doors in 1983
800-231-4303 www.lakesidemilam.com
Alternative Energy
2509 Eide Street Suite 5 Anchorage, AK 99503
ABS Alaskan, Inc................................... 452-2002 www.absak.com | Fairbanks
907-277-1166 - Fax: 277-1143 www.nauskacounseling.com
Empowering you to be more effective and to improve your quality of life. Licensed Counselor North Star Behavioral Health System.. 258-7575 www.northstarbehavioral.com | Anchorage Providence Breakthrough.................... 212-6970 Radio Medical Traffic............................ 557-5125
Tutan Recovery Services LLC 1675 C Street Suite 201 Anchorage, AK 99501
AES Electric Supply Inc 3350 Trailer St Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-474-2075 - Fax: 474-2076
53189 Henley Ave Kenai, AK 99611
907-335-5015 - Fax: 335-5017 www.aes-electric.com
907-563-0555 - Fax: 563-1122 www.tutanrecoveryservices.com
Recovery Starts With You!
All Terrain Vehicles 2 D Max Alaska...................................... 374-9638 www.2dmaxalaska.com | Fairbanks
A P W - VALLEY MACHINE PO Box 298449 Wasilla, AK 99629
907-373-5787 - Fax: 373-3105
If it’s got a piston in it... APW can FIX it. - Full Service Machine Shop - Free Shipping Available A-1 Enterprises Inc............................... 262-8889
Availability is our game and Service is our Aim | Wholesale Supply, Statewide Commercial, Industrial, Oil, Mining & Utility, Contractors Alaska Region T/TA Center, a Resource of the Administration for Native Americans.. 376-3688 www.ANAAlaska.org | Wasilla All Alaska Electric................................. 338-6060 www.allakelectric.com | Anchorage Marsh Creek LLC................................... 258-0050 www.marshcreekllc.com | Anchorage NANA Regional Corporation Inc (Anchorage Offices).............................. 265-3775 www.nana.com/regional | Anchorage NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.....800-478-3301 www.nana.com/regional | Kotzebue National Renewable Energy Lab......303-275-3000 www.nrel.gov | Golden Northern Powerline Constructors, Inc............................344-3436 www.northernpowerline.com | Anchorage NuEra Corporation..........................345-6411 www.nueraheat.com | Anchorage
Rural Energy Enterprises, Inc.............. 278-7441 www.rural-energy.com | Anchorage Susitna Energy Systems...................... 222-3992 www.susitnaenergy.com | Anchorage Wind Diesel North America, LLC.......... 250-5890 www.winddieselpower.com | Willow
Aluminum Alaska Offshore Marine Inc Glacier Craft Boats LLC........................ 333-4012 www.glaciercraft.com | Anchorage Husky Manufacturing Co...................... 357-0687 www.huskyfreighters.com | Wasilla Spectrum Enterprises, LLC.................. 344-0102
Antlers Mark Knapp Custom Knives at The Cutting Edge 1971 Fox Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-7477 - Fax: 452-7477
www.markknappcustomknives.com/ index.php
We buy, sell and trade mammoth ivory, teeth and bones, legal fossil walrus ivory, antler and horn. Specializing in mosaic handles of exotic Alaskan materials.
Appraisers Alaska Equipment Appraisers.............. 345-0087 Frontier Appraisal Service Inc.............. 694-6685 Frontier Appraisal Svc Inc.................... 276-4663 Gail H Rowland Appraisal..................... 274-6544 Melissa Fouse Appraisals.................... 744-5100 www.melissafouseappraisals.com | Anchorage Reliant LLC............................................ 929-2226 Sayers Appraisal................................... 222-1412 Statewide Appraisal Svc....................... 373-6426
Apprenticeship Training Programs Alaska Ironworkers Apprenticeship & Training Trust.......... 563-4766 www.akiwapp.com | Anchorage Alaska Piledrivers and Divers JATC.... 272-7577 www.local2520.org | Anchorage
Associated Builders & Contractors of Alaska Inc 1900 W Benson Ste 201 Anchorage, AK 99517
907-565-5640 - Fax: 565-5645 www.abcalaska.org
Mission: to advance the merit shop construction philosophy, open competition & free-enterprise.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
• Hand-knitted by over 200 Eskimo knitters • Exclusive Qiviut garments in Alaskan village patterns • A unique gift of wearable masterpieces
OOMINGMAK Downtown Location Corner of 6th & H
Little brown house with the musk ox mural 604 H Street, Dept. ANB Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 272-9225 • www.qiviut.com
Electrical Apprenticeship School........ 337-9508
Oomingmak_ANBD AD_3.75x3_54800.indd 1 | Anch www.alaskaelectricalapprenticeship.com
The Alaska Regional Council of Carpenters Apprenticeship and Training Trust 825 E 8th Ave. #6 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-7577 - 800-573-8333 www.ubcalaska.org
"Serving the Apprenticeship and Training needs of Carpenters, Millwrights, and Piledrivers, Divers, and Dockworkers of Alaska.â€
Aquaculture B & R Fish By Products........................ 486-6138 Cook Inlet Aquaculture......................... 224-3019 Cook Inlet Aquaculture Assn................ 745-5692 Ketchikan Indian Community - Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery & Eagle Center............ 228-5530 www.dmthec.org | Ketichikan Kodiak Regl Aquaculture Assoc.......... 486-6555 www.kraa.org | Kodiak Ravenwood Fisheries Inc..................... 486-6044
Architects Architects Alaska............................272-3567 www.architectsalaska.com | Anchorage Architects Alaska.................................. 373-7503 www.architectsalaska.com | Wasilla Benchmark Architecture Llc................. 242-4100 www.benchmarkarch.com | Anchorage Bettisworth North Architects and Planners Inc...............................456-5780 www.bettisworthnorth.com | Fairbanks Bettisworth North Architects and Planners Inc...............................561-5780 www.bettisworthnorth.com | Anchorage Bezek Durst Seiser................................ 562-6076 www.bdsak.com | Anchorage Burkhart Croft Architects, LLC............ 929-9334 www.burkhart-croft.com | Anchorage Deadtree Design.................................... 766-2242 Design Alaska Inc................................. 452-1241 www.designalaska.com | Fairbanks Faulkenberry & Assoc.......................... 522-9193 www.fnabig.com | Anchorage Jensen Yorba Lott Inc........................... 586-1070 www.jensenyorbalott.com | Juneau Jones & Jones...................................206-624-5702 www.jonesandjones.com | Seattle Klauder & Company Architects, Inc..... 283-1919 Koonce Pfeffer Bettis............................ 247-7443 KPB Architects...................................... 274-7443 www.kpbarchitects.com | Anchorage Kumin Associates Inc........................... 272-8833 www.kuminalaska.com | Anchorage McCool Carlson Green Architects....... 563-8474 www.mcgalaska.com | Anchorage
Michael L Foster & Associates Inc....... 696-6200 Hardluck Studios.................................. 374-7857 www.mlfaalaska.com | Eagle River 2/7/12 1:09 PM J C Marketing........................................ 522-6545 Millard + Associates Architects LLC.... 225-7133 Juneau Artists Gallery LTD................... 586-9891 www.millardarchitects.com | Ketchikan www.juneauartistsgallery.com | Juneau MRV Architects, PC............................... 586-1371 Juneau Arts & Humanities Council...... 586-2787 www.mrvarchitects.com | Juneau www.jahc.org | Juneau NorthWind Architects, LLC................... 586-6150 Kenai Fine Arts Center.......................... 283-7040 www.northwindarch.com | Juneau Kohanes Art........................................... 892-6386 Nvision Architecture Inc....................... 349-1425 Mt St Elias Primitive..........................360-477-1872 www.nvisionarch.com | Anchorage Native Crafts @ Arctic Olberding White Architects.................. 646-8060 Bed & Breakfast.................................... 272-1853 www.owarch.com | Anchorage www.arcticbb.com | Anchorage Phillip W Thern Architect...................... 694-9722 Nomadic Productions Screen Printing.227-2719 RIM Architects....................................... 258-7777 www.npscreenprinting.com | Anchorage www.rimarchitects.com | Anchorage Oomingmak Musk Ox RIM First People LLC............................ 644-7877 Producers’ Co-Operative www.rimfirstpeople.com | Anchorage
SAJJ Architecture, LLC 6375 Kulis Dr Anchorage, AK 99502
907-440-6606 - Fax: 258-6606 www.sajjarchitecture.com
Simpson Associates Inc....................... 562-0944 Stantec, formerly USKH.................276-4245 www.uskh.com | Anchorage Stantec, formerly USKH Fairbanks Office.................................... 452-2128 www.uskh.com | Fairbanks Stantec, formerly USKH Juneau Office........................................ 790-2901 www.uskh.com | Juneau Welsh Whiteley Architects LLC............ 225-2412 www.welshwhiteley.com | Ketchikan WHPacific Inc........................................ 339-6500 www.whpacific.com | Anchorage WHPacific Inc........................................ 458-2142 www.whpacific.com | Fairbanks Winchester Alaska Inc.......................... 272-4347 www.winchesteralaska.com | Anchorage Wolf Architecture.................................. 746-6670
Art Alaska Eagle Arts.................................. 225-8365 www.alaskaeaglearts.com | Ketchikan Alaska Native Artwork.......................... 341-7823 www.alaskanativeartwork.com | Eagle River Anchorage Museum.............................. 929-9200 www.anchoragemuseum.org | Anchorage Art By Vonnie........................................ 350-3065 www.artbyvonnie.weedley.com | Anchorage B Merry Studio...................................... 243-8280 www.alaskancarvings.com | Anchorage Blaines Art..........................................561-5344 www.blainesart.com | Anchorage Bugs....................................................360-297-6802 Canvas Community Art Studio............. 586-1750 Chilkat Center for the Arts.................... 766-3573 www.chilkatcenter.org | Haines Eaglewolf Studios................................. 538-8343
604 H Street Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-9225 - 888-360-9665 www.qiviut.com
Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative - Producer of the finest Alaskan Qiviut (“kiv-ee-ute”) Handknits since 1969 Raven Art............................................... 747-3641 www.terirofkar.com | Sitka Robert Davis Hoffmann - Tlingit Tribal Art.................................. 966-2607 www.tlingitart.com | Sitka Sea Wolf Gallery.................................... 766-2558 Sevigny Studio...................................... 258-2787 www.katiesevignystudio.com | Anchorage Shotridge Studios..............................206-567-5826 www.shotridgestudios.com | Vashon Silver Cloud........................................... 766-3045 Sitka Rose Gallery................................ 747-3030 www.sitkarosegallery.com | Sitka Solstice Press....................................... 564-8226 The Party House.................................... 772-2717 Town Square Art Gallery Inc................. 376-0123 www.townsquareartgallery.com | Wasilla Tundra Walker Studio........................... 479-4546 www.tundrawalkerstudio.net | Fairbanks Vine and Branches Christian Bookshoppe.......................... 345-8778 www.vinealaska.com | Anchorage Warwick Glass Studio LLC................... 374-3302 Wild Celery............................................ 772-2471
Art Galleries & Dealers Arctic Spirit Gallery.............................. 228-2277 www.arcticspiritgallery.com | Ketchikan Blue Hollomon Gallery, LLC................. 563-2787 Bunnell Street Arts Center................... 235-2662 www.bunnellarts.org | Homer Rain Dance Gallery............................... 623-0705 www.facebook.com/RaindanceGallery | Sitka Wilderness Peaks Gallery..................... 523-9711
Arts Organizations Alaska Native Arts Foundation Gallery............................... 258-2623 www.alaskanativearts.org | Anchorage Anchorage Festival Of Music............... 276-2465 Anchorage Opera.................................. 279-2557 www.anchorageopera.org | Anchorage Fairbanks Arts Association.................. 456-6485 www.fairbanksarts.org | Fairbanks Fairbanks Concert Association............ 474-8081 www.fairbanksconcert.org | Fairbanks Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival.......... 474-8869 www.fsaf.org | Fairbanks Fairbanks Symphony Assn Inc............ 474-5407 www.fairbankssymphony.org | Fairbanks Festival of Native Arts.......................... 474-6864 www.fna.community.uaf.edu | Fairbanks Joseph Feusi Motivational Mntr........... 562-7353 Native Arts and Cultures Foundation.........................360-314-2421 www.nativeartsandcultures.org | Vancouver
Asphalt Alaska Frontier Services LLC.............. 345-8954 www.frontierservicesllc.com | Anchorage Alaska Pavement Maintenance Co....... 344-0602 Alaska Seal Coat................................... 230-0365 Anchorage Striping............................... 245-1904 Caddo Construction LLC...................... 376-5415 Signature Land Services...................... 277-2212 www.signaturelandservices.com | Anchorage
Assisted Living Anchor House
1058 W 27th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
907-274-7391 - Fax: 907-274-7392 www.anchorhouseak.com
You Are Safe With Us.
Associations AARP Alaska......................................... 762-3302 www.aarp.org/states/ak | Anchorage Advocates for Victims of Violence, Inc........................ 835-2980 www.avvalaska.org | Valdez Alaska Air Carriers Association........... 277-0071 www.alaskaaircarriers.org | Anchorage Alaska Airmen’s Association............... 245-1251 www.alaskaairmen.org | Anchorage Alaska Center for the Environment..... 274-3621 www.akcenter.org | Anchorage Alaska CHARR...................................... 274-8133 www.alaskacharr.com | Anchorage Alaska Cruise Association................... 743-4529 www.akcruise.org | Anchorage
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Alaska Dental Society........................... 563-3003 www.akdental.net | Anchorage Alaska Dog Mushers Association, Inc.................................... 457-6874 www.sleddog.org | Fairbanks Alaska Family Council.......................... 279-2825 www.akfamily.org | Anchorage Alaska Federation of Natives............... 274-3611 www.nativefederation.org | Anchorage Alaska Multiple Listing Svc.................. 770-4800 www.alaskarealestate.com | Anchorage Alaska Nurses Association.................. 274-0827 www.aknurse.org | Anchorage Alaska Optometric Association........... 770-3777 www.akoa.org | Anchorage Alaska Power Association.................... 771-5700 www.alaskapower.org | Anchorage Alaska Power Association.................... 561-6103 www.alaskapower.org | Anchorage Alaska Primary Care Association........ 929-2722 www.alaskapca.org | Anchorage Alaska School Activities Association.. 563-3723 www.asaa.org | Anchorage Alaska Speakers Bureau...................... 339-0178 www.alaska-speakers.com/speech-coaching/ Anchorage Alaska State Council on the Arts......... 269-6610 www.aksca.org | Anchorage Alaska State Hospital & Nursing Home Association............................................ 646-1444 www.ashnha.com | Anchorage Alaska Support Industry Alliance........ 563-2226 www.alaskaalliance.com | Anchorage Alaska Travel Industry Association..... 929-2842 www.alaskatia.org and www.travelalaska.com Alaska Trucking Association................ 276-1149 www.aktrucks.org | Anchorage Alaska World Affairs Council............... 276-8038 www.alaskaworldaffairs.org | Anchorage Aleutian Pribilof Island Comm. Dev. Assoc................................ 929-5273 www.apicda.com | Anchorage Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association.........................276-2700 www.apiai.org | Anchorage AMCA Inc............................................... 677-8588 www.amcaanc.com | Anchorage American Diabetes Assn...................... 272-1424 www.diabetes.org | Anchorage Anchorage Downtown Partnership Ltd..................................... 279-5650 www.anchoragedowntown.org | Anchorage
Anchorage Economic Development Corp 510 L Street Suite 603 Anchorage, AK 99501
Nenana Ice Classic PO Box 272 Nenana, AK 99760
907-832-5446 - Fax: 832-5888 www.nenanaakiceclassic.com
An Alaskan Tradition since 1917. Northwest Ironworkers Employers Assoc..............................425-771-4766 www.ironemployers.com | Edmonds Older Persons Action Group OPAG..... 276-1059 www.opagak.com; www.seniorvoicealaska.com Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce......................... 755-2626 www.princeofwalescoc.org | Klawock Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc.......................... 276-0700 www.akrdc.org | Anchorage Southeast Alaska Building Industry Association............................................ 463-5774 www.seabia.com | Juneau The National Association of Social Workers, Alaska Chapter [NASW]........................ 332-6279 www.naswak.org | Anchorage
Attorneys & Legal Services Alaska Immigration Justice Project..... 279-2457 www.akijp.org | Anchorage Alaska Immigration Law Offices.......... 562-4000 www.keithwbell.com | Anchorage Alaska Legal Svc Corp......................... 452-5181 www.alsc-law.org | Fairbanks Alaska Native Justice Center............... 793-3550 www.anjc.org | Anchorage Alaska Paralegal Svc & Self Help Legal Center LLC.................. 373-5345 www.akparalegal.com | Wasilla
Atkinson Conway and Gagnon, Inc.
420 L St Ste 500 Anchorage, AK 99501
Associated Builders & Contractors of Alaska Inc
907-276-1700 - 800-478-1900 www.acglaw.com
1900 W Benson Ste 201 Anchorage, AK 99517
907-565-5640 - Fax: 565-5645 www.abcalaska.org
Juneau Festival Assn............................ 790-4444 www.Juneau4thofJuly.net | Juneau KACO Kodiac Association of Charterboat Operators............................................... 654-5373 www.kodiakaco.com | Kodiak Kenai Peninsula Builders Association.283-8071 www.kenaipeninsulabuilders.com | Kenai Koniag, Inc............................................ 486-2530 www.koniag.com | Kodiak Mat-Su Homebuilders Association...... 376-2666 www.matsuhomebuilders.org | Wasilla Native American Contractors Association NACA.............................202-758-2676 www.nativecontractors.org | Washington NEA-Alaska...........................................274-0536 www.neaalaska.org | Anchorage
Mission: to advance the merit shop construction philosophy, open competition & free-enterprise. Associated General Contractors.......... 561-5354 www.agcak.org | Anchorage Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation........................................... 842-4370 www.bbedc.com | Dillingham Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association.................360-927-4295 www.bbrsda.com | Anchorage Copper River/Prince William Sound Salmon.......................... 424-3459 www.copperrivermarketing.org/home | Cordova Downtown Association of Fairbanks... 452-8671 www.downtownfairbanks.com | Fairbanks Fairbanks Education Association........ 456-4435 www.alaska.net/~fea/index.html or https://sites. google.com/site/fairbankseducationassociation/ Fairbanks Resource Agency................ 456-8901 www.fra-alaska.net | Fairbanks Festival Fairbanks, Inc.......................... 456-1984 www.festivalfairbanks.org | Fairbanks Girdwood 2020...................................... 783-2128 www.girdwood2020.org | Girdwood Interior Alaska Building Assn, Inc....... 455-6650 www.interioralaskabuilders.com | Fairbanks Iqfijouaq Co........................................536-5211
One of the oldest and most respected law fims in Alaska. Baker Brattain LLC................................ 277-3232 www.bakerbrattain.com | Anchorage Barber & Banker, LLC........................... 276-5858 www.barberbanker.com | Anchorage Birch Horton Bittner & Cherot.............. 276-1550 www.birchhorton.com | Anchorage Brena Bell & Clarkson.......................... 258-2000 www.brenalaw.com | Anchorage Burglin & Doxey Law Office................. 456-4020 www.burglindoxey.com | Fairbanks Burlinski Law Office LLC...................... 569-6222 www.burlinskilawak.com | Anchorage Burr Pease & Kurtz............................... 276-6100 www.bpk.com | Anchorage Cook Schuhmann & Groseclose Inc.... 452-1855 www.alaskalaw.com | Fairbanks Elliott Dennis Law Offices.................... 929-4890 www.attorneydennis.com | Anchorage Family Law Self-Help Center - Alaska Court System......................... 264-0851 www.courts.alaska.gov/selfhelp.htm | Anch Faulkner Banfield Pc............................. 586-2210 www.faulknerbanfield.com | Juneau Guess & Rudd....................................... 793-2200 www.guessrudd.com | Anchorage Hartig Rhodes Hoge & Lekisch............ 276-1592 www.hartig.com | Anchorage Holland & Knight................................... 263-6300 www.hklaw.com | Anchorage Hoppner Law Office.............................. 452-2492 www.hoppnerlaw.com | Fairbanks
276-1700 Toll Free :
It is our mission to provide Alaskans and Alaska Native Corporations with the highest quality legal representation available anywhere.
420 L Street ✧ Anchorage, AK
Hughes Gorski Seedorf & Odsen LLC.274-7522 www.hpglaw.net | Anchorage Hughes Tsssner Grski Sdors LLC........ 263-8255 www.hpglaw.net | Anchorage Indian Law Resource Ctr..................202-547-2800 www.indianlaw.org/ | Washington James B Wright & Assoc...................... 277-6175 www.wright-law.com | Anchorage Jermain Dunnagan & Owens................ 563-8844 www.jdolaw.com | Anchorage Johnson & Combs PC........................... 512-3090 www.johnsonandcombsak.com | Kodiak Johnson, Kamai & Trueb, LLC............. 277-0161 www.jktlegal.com | Anchorage K & L Gates LLP.................................... 276-1969 www.klgates.com | Anchorage
Kramer and Associates 542 4th Ave, Ste. 207 Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-888-4098 - Fax: 374-3829 www.mikekramerlaw.com
Providing statewide legal services specializing in claims against State Agencies such as OCS or DOC for failing to protect vulnerable Alaskans, and native property law issues. Satisfied clients include Tanana Chiefs Conference, City of Tanana, and City of Landye Bennett Blumstein LLP........... 276-5152 www.lbblawyers.com | Anchorage Law Office of Dawn Austin................... 264-6668 www.dawnaustinlaw.com | Anchorage Law Office of Fred H Valdez LLC......... 274-5000 www.legalcoachalaska.com | Anchorage Law Office of Gregory S. Parvin........... 376-2800 www.gparvinlaw.com | Wasilla Law Office of Patrick G Ross............... 277-7677 www.Alaskandivorce.com | Anchorage Law Offices of Joseph Miller, LLC....... 451-8559 www.joemiller.us | Fairbanks Lea McDermid Law Office LLC............. 261-8989 www.leamcdermid.com | Anchorage Lewis & Thomas PC.............................. 443-5226 www.nomelaw.com | Nome Littler...................................................... 561-1214 www.littler.com | Anchorage Manley & Brautigam, P.C...................... 334-5600 www.mb-lawyers.com | Anchorage Marc June Law Office........................... 277-5234 www.junelawyer.com | Anchorage Michael J Schneider Law Office........... 277-9306 www.aktriallaw.com | Anchorage Native American Rights Fund.............. 276-0680 www.narf.org | Anchorage Oravec Law Group, LLC....................... 458-8844 www.oraveclaw.com | Fairbanks Perkins Coie LLP................................... 279-8561 www.perkinscoie.com | Anchorage Power and Brown LLC.......................... 543-4700 www.powerbrown.com | Bethel Richmond & Quinn APC....................... 276-5727 www.richmondquinn.com | Anchorage Robert Stone Law Office LLC............... 276-4190 www.stonelawalaska.com | Anchorage Routh Crabtree...................................... 222-4300 www.rcalaska.com | Anchorage SGM Law Group PLLC......................877-811-3541 www.immi-usa.com | Fort Lauderdale Shaftell Law Offices PC........................ 276-6015 www.shaftellaw.com | Anchorage Sonosky Chambers Sachse LLP.......... 586-5880 www.sonosky.com | Juneau
Squire Patton Boggs.........................202-457-6000 www.squirepattonboggs.com | Washington Stoel Rives LLP..................................... 277-1900 www.stoel.com | Anchorage T. Burke Wonnell Attorney at Law........ 339-8008 www.criminaldefensealaska.com | Anchorage Tetlow Christie, LLC.............................. 274-4621 www.alaskanattorneys.com/Home.html | Anch Turner & Mede P C................................ 276-3963 www.turnermede.com | Anchorage William D English Atty At Law.............. 274-3633 www.airandseainjury.com | Anchorage Zorea Law Office................................... 337-7741 www.zorealaw.com | Anchorage
Auctions 1st Strike Asset Management............... 978-4449 www.1stStrike.com | Fairbanks A Great North Auction Co..................... 451-7355 Copart Salvage Auto Auctions............. 278-2221
Fairbanks Auction Co 203 View Ave Fairbanks, AK 99712
Audio Video 2nd To None.......................................... 677-2026 www.2ndtonone.net | Anchorage Action Video Productions.................... 277-8115 www.actvid1.com | Anchorage AK Grip & Lighting................................ 563-5333 www.akgrip.com | Anchorage Alaska Audio/Visual & Data Supply..... 696-8273 www.alaskaAV.com | Anchor Point Alaska Electronic Warehouse.............. 240-7431 www.akaudiovideo.com | Anchorage Alaska Moving Images Prsrvtn............ 786-4980 www.amipa.org | Anchorage Alcan Trailers........................................ 278-5008 www.alcantrailers.com | Anchorage Audio Visual Installation...................... 688-9473 Bosco’s Comics Cards & Games......... 274-4112 www.boscos.com | Anchorage Connections Film and Video................ 561-6450 www.filmalaska.com | Anchorage E Street Audio Visual............................ 277-3331
Exploring Alaska TV 35555 Kenai Spur Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669
See our show weekly on channel 13 KYUR Sunday 4:30 PM F M Recording Studios LLC................. 223-4306 www.fmrecordingstudio.com | Wasilla Imig Audio/Video................................... 274-2161 www.imigav.com | Anchorage In Motion Pictures................................. 562-1616 K-Magic Productions............................ 789-5803 www.kmagic1ak.com | Juneau Lightsounds.......................................... 337-4209 Microplay............................................... 344-2344 Pro Music............................................... 456-1994 www.promusicalaska.com | Fairbanks Rainbow Video Intl................................ 276-3220
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
A C C E S S O R I E S S S Sounds............................................ 523-9011 Samson True Value Hardware.............. 452-3110 www.samsonhardware.com | Fairbanks Shades of Competition......................... 562-8021 www.shadesofcompetition.com | Anchorage
Automobile Body Repair
See our great selection of cars at www.AvisAlaska.com
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907-248-2847 www.AvisAlaska.com
J & D Automotive Ent.
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“We’re small so give us a call” Great Service! 1200 E. 71st Avenue (East of Old Seward on 71st) Sound Reinforcement Speclsts........... 687-0032 www.srsalaska.com | Fairbanks Sound Tech............................................ 338-6992 SprocketHeads, LLC............................. 248-4829 www.sprocketheads.com | Anchorage Stereo North.......................................... 747-3888 www.stereonorth.com | Sitka Sunset Services.................................... 274-2136 Talking Circle Media.............................. 245-3209 www.talkingcirclemedia.com | Anchorage Universal Information Services............ 274-1056 www.universal-info.com | Anchorage Videl Entertainment.............................. 747-7190 Video Corner Inc................................... 688-0244
Automobile Accessories Alaska Bravo Autostart Alaska............ 868-1465 www.alaskaautostart.com | Anchorage Auto-Trim Design of Fairbanks Inc...... 456-8400 www.autotrimdesignalaska.com | Fairbanks Car Toyz................................................. 522-8699 Custom Concepts................................. 481-3773 J’s-Ound................................................ 486-2720 Kreative Audio & Security.................... 222-1939 www.kreativeak.com | Anchorage Phat Customz........................................ 770-0911 www.phatcustomz.com | Anchorage
A & Z Auto Repair.................................. 272-7732 www.atozautorepair.net | Anchorage Anchorage Auto Body.......................... 561-6222 www.lithia.com | Anchorage Auto Barn.............................................. 222-2495 Bear Body Works.................................. 789-4803 Body Shop............................................. 373-6013 Chaz Limited.......................................... 562-5377 www.chazltd.com | Anchorage Chaz Limited.......................................... 328-2500 www.chazltd.com | Fairbanks Chaz Limited Collision Express........... 792-2500 www.chazltd.com | Anchorage Classic Auto Rebuilding Inc................. 344-4332 Coles Auto Body................................... 260-4484 Collision Masters.................................. 451-8456 www.collisionmasters.us | Fairbanks Collision Masters.................................. 457-4463 Collision Therapy.................................. 563-8021 Fairview Ent Autobody Paint................ 373-4814 Hamilton’s Customs.............................. 345-4267 www.hamiltonscustoms.com | Anchorage Hi-Tec Professional Paint..................... 562-6567 www.hitecautopaint.com | Anchorage Jennings Paint & Body Shop............... 770-5666 www.jenningspaintandbodyshop.com | Anch Kendall Collision Center....................... 257-3850 www.kendallauto.com | Anchorage Ketchikan Autobody & Glass............... 225-9343 R C Ent Inc............................................. 486-8476 Sal’s Auto Body dba S & S Auto.......... 852-7700 Seekins Ford Lincoln Inc...................... 459-4000 www.seekins.com | Fairbanks Sign Source........................................... 376-4561
Automobile Dealers A & A The Shop..................................... 562-3919 www.aandatheshopak.com | Anchorage Alaska Lease-To-Own Auto.................. 457-4100 www.aklto.com | Fairbanks Alaska Professional Auto..................... 274-9001 www.alaskaprofessionalautosales.com | Anch Alaska Sales & Service Inc................... 279-9641 www.aksales.com | Anchorage Anchorage Auto Mart............................ 868-8666 www.anchorageautomart.net | Anchorage Budget Rent A Car................................ 225-6003 www.budget.com | Ketchikan Chevrolet Cadillac-Fairbanks............... 452-8211 www.lithia.com | Fairbanks Chevrolet Of South Anchorage............ 365-8600 www.anchoragechevrolet.com | Anchorage Corporate Sales and Leasing Budget Rent A Car................................ 243-0150 www.budgetalaskaonline.com | Anchorage Dependable Used Cars......................... 344-4337 www.dependablecarsak.com | Anchorage Fairview Auto........................................ 274-6688 www.fairviewautoinc.com | Anchorage Fleet Liquidators................................... 561-2886 www.parkandsellamerica.com | Anchorage Harley’s Auto Park, LLC........................ 929-8200 www.harleysautopark.com | Anchorage Harvest Motors...................................... 746-2040 www.harvestmotors.com | Palmer Hutchings Auto Group.......................... 262-5891 www.hutchingstrucks.com | Soldotna Kendall Auto Group Fairbanks............. 456-6217 www.kendallautoalaska.com | Fairbanks Kendall Kia/Mazda of Fairbanks .......... 328-1700 www.kendallautoalaska.com | Fairbanks Kendall Lexus of Alaska ...................... 279-8506 www.kendallautoalaska.com | Anchorage Kendall Toyota of Anchorage............... 279-8506 www.kendallautoalaska.com | Anchorage Lyberger’s Car & Truck Sales............... 349-3343 www.lybergersak.com | Anchorage Mazda Continental Motors.................... 561-6686 www.continentalautogroup.com | Anchorage Mendenhall Auto Center....................... 789-1386 www.mendenhallautocenter.com | Juneau Motor Rage Of Alaska........................... 892-7243 www.motorrageofalaska.com | Wasilla Payless Car Sales................................. 677-2886 www.paylesssales.com | Anchorage RTO Ren’T’Own..................................... 243-4444 www.akrto.com | Anchorage
Seekins Ford Lincoln............................ 459-4170 www.seekins.com | Fairbanks Stanley Chrysler.................................... 283-3949 www.stanleykenaicjd.com | Kenai Stanley Nissan...................................... 452-1701 www.stanleynissan.com | Fairbanks Team Toyota.......................................... 789-4629 www.medenhall.com | Juneau Variety Motors...................................451-7651 www.varietymotors.us | Fairbanks Worthington Ford Lincoln Mercury...... 276-5300 www.worthingtonford.com | Anchorage
Automobile Detailing A+ Appearance...................................... 338-2457 AM/PM Carpet Cleaning Svc................. 929-2868 Automotive Concepts........................... 328-1023 Ed’s Auto Appearance.......................... 260-1691 Grime Fighters Carwash....................... 333-3700 Rainmaker Touchless Carwash............ 569-6602 Anchorage Rainmaker Touchless Carwash............ 336-8900 Splash & Dash East.............................. 479-3274 www.fairbankscarwash.com | Fairbanks
Automobile Glass Alaska Auto Glass................................. 260-7433 Denali Auto Glass Replacement........... 306-4303 www.autoglassreplacementanchorage.com Glacier Auto Glass................................ 835-8363 Novus Auto Glass Repair..................... 277-3464 www.novusglass.com | Anchorage
Automobile Parts A P W - VALLEY MACHINE PO Box 298449 Wasilla, AK 99629
907-373-5787 - Fax: 373-3105
If it’s got a piston in it... APW can FIX it. - Full Service Machine Shop - Free Shipping Available A Transmission Exchange.................... 550-6076 www.atransmissionexchange.com | Anchorage Carquest Auto Parts.............................. 747-3238 www.carquest.com | Sitka Carquest Auto Parts.............................. 376-5076 www.carquest.com | Wasilla Carquest Auto Parts.............................. 581-6999 www.carquest.com | Dutch Harbor
FAts - pArts
202 E Intl Airport Road Anchorage, AK 99518
907-561-4721 - Fax: 800-478-3287
Leading The Last Frontier In Automotive Parts Giant Tire............................................... 456-2536 www.gianttire.alaskansavvy.com | Fairbanks Napa Auto Parts.................................... 563-3052 www.napaonline.com | Anchorage Napa Auto Parts.................................... 276-3996 www.napaonline.com | Anchorage Napa Auto Parts.................................... 283-3513 www.napaonline.com | Kenai NAPA Auto Parts - Korthuis Inc........... 543-2673 www.napaonline.com | Bethel Napa Naknek Auto & Marine................. 246-2886 www.napaonline.com | Naknek Northwest Auto Parts............................ 333-6531 www.northwestautoparts.com | Anchorage OReilly Auto Parts................................. 522-9721 www.oreillyauto.com | Anchorage
O’Reilly Auto Parts 1760 E Dowling Rd. Anchorage, AK 99507
888-248-2570 - Fax: 561-1483 www.oreillyauto.com
We ship to the airport daily for bush orders. O’Reilly Auto Parts................................ 522-9712 www.oreillyauto.com | Anchorage
Power And Transmission Inc 711 Van Horn Rd Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-2230 - 888-353-2230
Specializing in Air Brakes, Suspension, Exhaust, Air & Oil Filters, Seals, Bearings & Electrical Parts for Your Tractors & Trailers . WHERE THE ICE ROAD TRUCKERS GET THEIR PARTS TO STAY ON THE ROAD IN OUR HARSH ALASKA CONDITIONS
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
Quality Auto Parts & Carquest............. 443-2886 www.carquest.com | Nome Six States Distributors Inc................... 260-9177 www.sixstates.com | Soldotna TrailerCraft Inc. / Freightliner of Alaska........................... 563-3238 www.trailercraft.com | Anchorage
Automobile Rental ABC Motorhome & Car Rentals........800-421-7456 www.abcmotorhome.com | Anchorage ABC Motorhome & Car Rentals............ 561-1982 www.abcmotorhome.com | Anchorage Airport Car Rental................................. 562-0897 www.24hourcarrental.com | Anchorage Alaska Auto Rental............................... 457-7368 www.alaskaautorental.com | Fairbanks Anchorage 24 Hour Car Rental............ 677-7600 www.us24rental.com | Anchorage Arctic Outfitters..................................... 474-3530 www.arctic-outfitters.com | Fairbanks Atkinson Vehicle Rental....................... 886-1175
Avis Rent A Car
Anchorage......................249-8200 Fairbanks........................474-0900 Juneau............................789-9450
www.avisalaska.com Bristol Bay Contractors........................ 246-3360 Budget Rent A Car................................ 487-2220 Budget Rent A Car................................ 474-0855 www.budget.com | Fairbanks Budget Rent A Car................................ 486-8550 www.budget.com | Kodiak Cordova Auto Rentals Inc..................... 424-5982 Denali Car Rentals................................ 683-1377 Dollar Rent A Car-Anchorage....248-5338 www.dollar.com | Anchorage
Economy Auto Leasing, LLC PO Box 402 Yakutat, AK 99689
907-784-3227 - Fax: 784-3995
Top of the line Ford Excursions, Ford Vans & Chevy Suburbans. First City Car Rental.............................. 225-7368 Keys to Denali, Car Rentals, LLC......... 683-1239 www.denalidomehome.com | Healy Levi Car Rental...................................... 563-2279 www.levicarrental.com | Anchorage Metlakatla Annette Bay Car Rentals/Laughing Berry Gifts........ 723-9835 www.laughingberrybotanicals.com | Metlakatla Midnight Sun Car & Van Rental............ 243-8806 National/Alamo Car Rental................... 451-7368 www.nationalcarrent.com | Fairbanks North Port Rentals Inc.......................... 581-3880 www.northportrentalsak.com | Dutch Harbor Payless Car Rental................................ 283-6428 www.paylesscar.com | Kenai Thrifty Car Rental.................................. 451-1048 www.affordableusedcars.com | Fairbanks Thrifty Car Rental-Anchorage...276-2855 www.thrifty.com | Anchorage Variety Motors....................................... 451-7651 www.varietymotors.us | Fairbanks
Automobile Repair
211 E Parks Highway Wasilla, AK 99654
Professional ASE certified technicians able to handle repairs to foreign and domestic vehicles. Metropolitan Auto & Tire...................... 455-7450 www.metropolitangarage.com | Fairbanks
Muffler City & Brake 105 W 5th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-0408 - Fax: 274-8652 www.mufflercityusa.com
All roads lead to Muffler City No Sweatt Auto ..................................... 422-2940 Peger Road I/M & Auto Repair.............. 479-6162 www.pegerroadim.com | Fairbanks Porks Torques & Tranny Parts............. 373-4401 www.porkstorques.com | Wasilla
Automobile Transport & Storage 1269161_15806
Airport Road Car Storage..................... 562-2751 Foothills Self Storage........................... 338-7233 3.75x3 www.foothillsstorage.net | Anchorage Transporters Inc.................................... 562-1155 4c www.kiska.com | Anchorage Wrightway Auto Carriers...................... 277-4549 www.wrightwayautocarriers.com | Anchorage
Aviation Consultants Aero Tech, LLC...................................... 234-6200 www.aerotechteam.com | Seldovia Smokey Bay Air..................................... 235-1511 www.smokeybayair.com | Homer Tyonek Native Corp............................... 272-0707 www.tyonek.com | Anchorage
Proudly serving Alaska communities with 48 store locations statewide
Bakeries Antonios Greek Bakery......................... 646-1090 Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery...................... 452-3940 www.brueggers.com | Fairbanks Cinnabon............................................... 929-3128 Donut Shoppe....................................... 455-1267 Illusions Food Co.................................. 277-9191 Lovin Ovin Bakery & Deli...................... 567-3317 Paradise Cafe........................................ 586-2253
Pie In The Sky
J & D Automotive Enterprises 1200 E 71st Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
Ken’s Fairbanks Alignment...........452-8882 www.kensfairbanksalignment.com | Fairbanks
Denali State Bank.................................. 458-4281 www.denalistatebank.com www.pieintheskybakeryandcafe.com 1269161_15806 3.75x3 4C.indd 1 | Fairbanks Denali State Bank.................................. 883-2265 Best Bakery, Best Desserts, Best Smoothies www.denalistatebank.com | Tok Red Couch Bakery & Trading............... 374-3414 Denali State Bank.................................. 458-8120 The Bake Shop - Girdwood, Alaska..... 783-2831 www.denalistatebank.com | Fairbanks www.thebakeshop.com | Girdwood Denali State Bank The Rookery Cafe.................................. 463-3013 Golden Heart Branch.......................... 458-4260 www.therookerycafe.com | Juneau www.denalistatebank.com | Fairbanks Verda’s Cakes & Things........................ 357-1111 First Bank.............................................. 228-4468 www.firstbankak.com | Ketchikan Banks & Credit Unions Alaska Airlines Employees CU............. 563-5335 www.alaskaefcu.org | Anchorage Alaska Commercial Fishing & Agriculture Bank................................ 276-2007 www.cfabalaska.com | Anchorage Alaska USA Federal Credit Union........ 563-4567 www.alaskausa.org | Anchorage Credit Union 1....................................... 455-9485 www.cu1.org | Fairbanks Credit Union 1....................................... 339-9485 www.cu1.org | Soldotna Denali Alaskan Federal Credit Union... 257-7200 www.denalifcu.org | Anchorage Denali State Bank.................................. 456-1400 www.denalistatebank.com | Fairbanks
© 2015 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. (1269161_15806)
223 Seward St Juneau, AK 99801
Alaska Spring & Performance.............. 563-3802 www.akspringandperformance.net | Anchorage Alyeska Tire and Auto (Kenai, Soldotna, Fairbanks, Palmer, Homer)................... 260-4120 www.alyeskatire.com | Soldotna American Tire & Auto............................ 450-1200 www.americantire.net | Fairbanks Anchorage Auto Electric...................... 344-1190 www.anchorageautoelec.com | Anchorage Atrop Ent Global Systems.................... 562-0144 www.aegsautomotives.com | Anchorage Canal Marine Co. & Auto Repair.......... 766-2437 www.canalmarinecompany.com | Haines Diversified Tire...................................... 376-2700 www.diversifiedtire.com | Wasilla Fair Repair AK....................................... 563-0700 www.fairautorepairak.com | Anchorage Gas & Diesel Doctor.............................. 456-2483 www.thedieseldoctor.com | Fairbanks
Master Auto Repair
First National Bank Alaska 101 W. 36th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503
907-777-4362 - 800-856-4362 www.FNBAlaska.com
We Believe in Alaska KeyBank................................................ 562-6100 www.key.com | Anchorage
MAC Federal Credit Union 541 10th Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-1253 - 877-883-1253 www.macfcu.org
Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union............................. 694-4891 8/19/15 4:58 PM www.mvfcu.coop.com | Eagle River Mt Mc Kinley Bank - Northeast Branch............................... 374-7075 www.mtmckinleybank.com | Fairbanks Mt Mc Kinley Bank - Uiversity Branch.474-1770 www.mtmckinleybank.com | Fairbanks Mt. McKinley Bank................................ 452-1751 www.mtmckinleybank.com | Fairbanks Native American Bank.......................303-988-2727 www.nabna.com | Denver Northrim Bank....................................... 562-0062 www.northrim.com | Anchorage Rural Alaska Insurance Agency, Inc.... 451-8850 www.ruralalaska.com | Fairbanks
Spirit of Alaska Federal Credit Union 1417 Gillam Way Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-459-5900 - 800-478-1949 www.spiritofak.com
A full- service community credit union. Member of shared branching.
A Financial Partner for Every Life
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
BANQUET ROOMS Toll Free Anchorage
Specialty Imports Inc............................ 563-9100 www.specialtyimports.com | Anchorage The Odom Corp Ketchikan................... 247-2040 The Odom Corp Kodiak........................ 487-4545 The Odom Corp Sitka........................... 747-0664 www.odomcorp.com | Sitka The Odom Corporation......................... 264-0339 www.odomcorp.com | Anchorage The Odom Corporation......................... 272-8511 www.odomcorp.com | Anchorage Three Bears Alaska Inc......................... 357-4311 www.threebearsalaska.com | Wasilla Wines International............................... 247-9463
Scheduled Barge Service
Alaska Bingo Supply............................ 243-7003 www.alaskabingosupply.com | Anchorage Downtown Bingo................................... 451-0433 Gold Cache Bingo................................. 274-6711
Seattle - Seward Alaska Peninsula Western Alaska Tug | Landing Craft | Marine Barge
www.Alaska-Logistics.com Sales@Alaska-Logistics.com
Spirit of Alaska Federal Credit Union Woodcenter Branch........................459-5900 www.spiritofak.com | Fairbanks Spirit of Alaska Federal Credit Union Johansen Branch..............................459-5900 www.spiritofak.com | Fairbanks Steve Vanhorne Insurance Inc............. 561-0000 www.statefarm.com | Anchorage Tongass Federal Credit Union.............. 225-9063 www.tongassfcu.com | Ketchikan True North Federal Credit Union.......... 771-4777 www.truenorthfcu.org | Anchorage True North Federal Credit Union.......... 328-4777 www.truenorthfcu.org | Fairbanks
Wells Fargo Bank NA 301 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99507
Bars Mark’s Soap n Suds Bar 210 Front St. Nome, AK 99762
A Bar, A Restaurant and A Laundry Shop! Bar - 907-443-6775; Restaurant - 907-443-6943
Batteries Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage
O’Reilly Auto Parts
907-265-2805 - 800-869-3557
1760 E Dowling Rd. Anchorage, AK 99507
Together we’ll go far.
Banquet Rooms Cape Fox Lodge
800 Venetia Way Ketchikan, AK 99901
907-225-8001 - Fax: 225-8286 www.capefoxlodge.com
Dena’ina Civic & Convention Ctr......... 263-2850 www.anchorageconventioncenters.com/ denaina-center/ | Anchorage Hotel Captain Cook............................... 276-6000 www.captaincook.com | Anchorage
Barge Lines Alaska Logistics, LLC Marine Transportation PO Box 3512 Seattle WA 98124 1101 Port Ave, Seward, AK 99664
206-767-2555 - 866-585-3281 www.Alaska-Logistics.com
The right choice for Marine Transportation to Western Alaska
Alaska Marine Lines
5600 W. Marginal Way S. W. Seattle, WA 98106
206-786-3545 - 800-950-4265 www.lynden.com/aml
Barge Service to Alaska and Hawaii Inland Barge Svc................................... 832-5645 Petro Marine Services........................... 224-3190 www.petromarineservices.com | Seward
888-248-2570 - Fax: 561-1483 We ship to the airport daily for bush orders.
Beads Black Elk Leather Beads & Stones...................................562-2703 www.blackelkinc.com | Anchorage
Bed & Breakfast A Glacier Walk Bed & Breakfast 8175 Threadneedle Street Juneau, AK 99801
A Quite Friendly and Free Bicycles. Beachside Rental House................486-4941 Blue Heron Inn Bed & Breakfast................................784-3287 Yakutat Grouchy Old Woman B & B.............776-8775 www.grouchyoldwoman.homestead.com | Kenai
Metlakatla Indian Community PO Box 8 Metlakatla, AK 99926
MIC Gaming / Bingo Hall 8th & Waterfront Metlakatla, AK 99926
907-886-4255 - Fax: 886-4256
Ohogamiut Tribal Council..................... 679-6517 www.ohogtc.org | Marshall Pull Tab City.......................................... 452-1036 Tudor Bingo Center............................... 561-4711 www.tudorbingocenter.com | Anchorage Tudor Charity Tabs................................ 563-7477 www.tudorbingocenter.com | Anchorage Youth Sports Bingo............................... 452-4834
Birth Centers One Family Birth Center....................... 349-3054 www.onefamilybirthcenter.com | Anchorage
Boats & Services Adams Marine Svc................................ 225-5009 Alaska Boat & Kayak Ctr...................... 789-6886 Alaska Boat Brokers, Inc...................... 209-6136 www.alaskaboatbrokers.com | Juneau Alaska Boat Trailers.............................. 349-0428 Alaska Frontier Fabrication.................. 357-9323 www.alaskafrontierfabrication.com | Wasilla Alaska Mining & Diving Supply (AMDS)...................................... 277-1741 www.akmining.com | Anchorage Alaska Series Inflatable Boats............. 248-2900 www.alaskaseries.com | Anchorage Alaska Vessel & Vehicle Repair........... 563-8178 Alaska’s Best Marine.........................877-895-2288 Allen Marine, Inc................................... 747-8100 www.allenmarine.com | Sitka B & C Fiberglass Inc............................. 842-4767 Back Creek Marine................................ 543-5880 Bay Co................................................... 826-3341
Beverages 7 UP of Alaska....................................... 279-7770 www.admiralbeverage.com | Anchorage Anchorage Cold Storage Odom Corporation................................ 272-8511 www.odomcorp.com | Anchorage Bear Tooth and Mooses Tooth............. 278-4999 www.moosestooth.net | Anchorage Brown Jug Inc....................................... 563-3008 Coca Cola Bottling Co.......................... 264-0285 www.odomcorp.com | Anchorage Coca Cola of Kenai............................... 262-2626 K & L Distributors................................. 780-6655 Paragon Distributing LLC..................... 677-7852
Boat Shop Inc
Buster’s Professional Upholstery........ 276-8677 Clear Water Docks, LLC........................ 350-6734 www.clearwaterdocks.com | Anchorage Emerson Boat Works............................ 486-0602 www.emersonboats.com/home.html | Kodiak Gary’s Outboard Repair........................ 747-9399 Hall Princeton Ltd................................. 789-7558 Hammers Marine................................... 772-3905 Harbor Marine........................................ 945-3722 Homer Boat Yard................................... 235-7158 www.homerboatyard.com | Homer Joycrafts Marine Safety Equip............. 486-6293 Kimberlins Water Taxi & Freight Inc.... 835-8294 www.kimberlinswatertaxi.com | Valdez Kodiak Marine Supply........................... 486-5752 Mac Enterprises.................................... 581-2386 www.mcenterperisesinc.com | Dutch Harbor Makos Water Taxi.................................. 235-9055 www.makoswatertaxi.com | Homer Prop Shop.............................................. 842-4116 Rockys Marine Inc................................. 772-3949 www.rockysmarine.com | Petersburg Southwest Salvage............................... 842-1281 Stewarts Landing Boat Launch............ 262-4564 The Bay Company................................. 874-3340 www.baycompany.com | Wrangell Timber & Marine Supply Inc................. 225-6644 Troubles End......................................... 789-9175 Vigor Alaska - Seward LLC................... 224-3198 www.vigorindustrial.com | Seward Webber Marine & Mfg Inc..................... 424-5176 Wilderness Way..................................... 262-3880 www.wildernessway.com | Soldotna Willies Marine Inc.................................. 789-4831 www.williesmarine.com | Juneau
Boilers Airstream Duct Cleaning...................... 441-7825 www.ductcleaninganchorage.com | Anchorage Alkota Plumbing & Heating.................. 332-5325 www.alkotaphi.com | Anchorage Arctic-Chain Plumbing & Heating........ 344-2060 www.arcticchainph.com | Anchorage C H Mechanical Inc............................... 344-0872 www.chmechanicalalaska.com | Anchorage Circle Plumbing & Heating, Inc............ 243-2171 www.circleplumbingandheating.com | Anchorage Frontier Plumbing Supply.................... 374-3500 www.frontierplumbing.com | Fairbanks H & M Plumbing & Heating................... 561-8828 Jaffa Construction Inc.......................... 479-5241 JAG Heating LLC dba Gary’s Repair & Burner Service................................................... 474-0736 Larry’s Quality Heating & Plumbing.... 789-2939 McCann Plumbing and Heating............ 563-7800 www.whocanmccanncan.com/default.aspx | Anchorage NuEra Corporation..........................345-6411 www.nueraheat.com | Anchorage Preferred Plumbing & Heating............. 283-7909 www.pphak.com | Kenai Proctor Sales Inc................................... 562-2608 www.proctorsales.com | Anchorage The Plumbing & Heating Company...... 789-3332 www.plumbandheat.com | Juneau
Book Stores Alaska Geographic................................ 683-1258 www.alaskageographic.org | Denali Natl Park Anclas Christian Bookstore................. 278-8586 Cope Ministries..................................... 424-7072 Gulliver’s Books.................................... 474-9574 www.shopgulliversbooks.com | Fairbanks Hearthside Books & Toys..................... 586-1726 Hearthside Books & Toys..................... 789-2750 www.hearthsidebooks.com | Juneau Homer Bookstore.................................. 235-7496 Korean Book Center............................. 272-2223 Mosquito Books.................................... 243-6016 Observatory........................................... 586-9676 www.observatorybooks.com | Juneau Old Harbor Books................................. 747-8808 Parnassus Books.................................. 225-7690 www.ketchikanbooks.com | Ketchikan Rainy Retreat Books............................. 463-2665 www.juneaubooks.com | Juneau
1050 Chena Pump Rd Fairbanks, AK 99709
The Boat Shop in Fairbanks has been serving Alaska and the Interior for over 30 years.
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Vine and Branches Christian Bookshoppe 1120 Huffman Rd # 12 Anchorage, AK 99515
907-345-8778 - Fax: 345-8803 www.vinealaska.com
Christian Books for Alaska Walk A Book Guide............................... 243-7850
Bowling In The Pocket
3717 Minnesota Dr Anchorage, AK 99503
907-562-9740 - Fax: 345-4991
Serving Alaska since 1997.
Building Contractors Alascorp................................................ 456-6400 Alaska Quality Builders........................ 495-6200 www.alaskaqualitybuilders.com | Willow K 6 Building Solutions.......................... 770-0494
Roger Hickel Contracting Incorporated 11001 Calaska Circle Anchorage, AK 99515
907-279-1400 - Fax: 279-1405 www.rogerhickelcontracting.com
Construction for Alaska’s Future Today. | Commercial | Civil | Building projects throughout Alaska Sterling Custom Homes........................ 262-4736 Tower Construction.............................. 747-2643
Building Designers Alakakit Building Systems................877-677-2817 www.alakakit.com | Anchorage Bettisworth North Architects and Planners Inc................................... 456-5780 www.bettisworthnorth.com | Fairbanks Bettisworth North Architects and Planners Inc................................... 561-5780 www.bettisworthnorth.com | Anchorage Carpenter & Carpenter Inc.................... 344-9356
Building Inspection Service Active Inspections & Energy Ratings LLC.......................... 376-0402 www.activeinspections.net | Wasilla Dokoozian & Assoc Inc......................... 227-1124 Home Inspections Plus+ LLC............... 694-7587 www.homeinspectalaska.com | Eagle River
Building Maintenance A-1 JC Painting & Drywall Inc.............. 646-9988 AAA Fence Inc....................................... 349-7000 www.aaafenceak.com | Anchorage Acquisition Business Consultants, Inc.................................... 301-9291 www.abc-biz.us | Wasilla Advanced Building Cleaners................ 842-2309 Advanced Janitoral Svc........................ 790-2088 Affordable Painting LLC....................... 452-1775 www.akaffordablepainting.com/home.html | Fairbanks Alaska Professional Painting, LLC...... 345-2673 www.alaskaprofessionalpainting.com | American Janitorial Svc Inc................. 522-5255 Arctic Refrigeration & A/C.................... 562-8856
Arthun Painting Inc............................... 337-7730 Artistic Finish........................................ 223-0900 www.artisticfinish.biz | Anchorage Aurora Windows & Supplies................ 562-1393 www.aurorawindowsak.com | Anchorage Border Ventures.................................... 852-2010 CBM AK Corporation Professional Janitorial, Steam Cleaning & Painting................... 522-2599 www.cbmak.net | Anchorage E P Roofing Inc...................................... 334-9461 www.eproofing.biz | Anchorage Ephrems Snow Removal Svc............... 524-3571 Greatland Construction & Siding, Inc..563-6331 www.greatlandconstruction.com | Anchorage HAV Janitorial........................................ 586-6699 Hollenbeck Painting & Drywall Inc....... 488-9540 www.hollenbeckpaintingdrywall.com | North Pole Johnson Controls Inc........................... 243-3737 www.johnsoncontrols.com | Anchorage Klebs Mechanical Inc............................ 344-1128 www.klebsheating.com | Anchorage Lazy W Snow Plowing........................... 745-6587 MC Inc - MC Coatings and MC Residential Finishes................ 357-3449 www.mccoatingsinc.com/default.aspx | Wasilla Paks Cleaning Svc................................ 789-9698 Pstarl Services...................................... 338-1790 Ridel Inc................................................. 225-7043 Snowbound Services............................ 357-7674 Tonsina Snow Plowing......................... 822-3396 White Lightning Snow & Ice................. 398-7825 Williams Window Washing................... 398-7582
Building Materials ABC Inc.................................................. 457-2221 www.akabc.com | Fairbanks Allied Building Products Corp............. 349-6668 www.alliedbuilding.com | Anchorage Alpine Lumber & Building Products..............................541-946-1521 www.alpinelbr.com | Dorena Arctic Fox Steel Buildings.................... 376-5443 www.arcticfoxsteelbuildings.com | Wasilla Back Country Livin............................... 373-3168 Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products...................................... 569-6190 Galco Building Products...................... 261-9380 www.probuild.com | Anchorage Gateworks.............................................. 376-2055 Icy Straits Lumber & Milling Inc........... 945-3243 www.alaskawoodproducts.com | Hoonah Johnson’s Building Supplies............... 874-2375 www.jcsialaska.com | Wrangell Madison Lumber & Hardware, Inc........ 225-9828 www.madisonlumber.com | Ketchikan Mason’s Siding & Supply, Inc..........770-6119 www.alaskasiding.com | Anchorage Roadrunner Fence Co........................... 780-2228 R-Valued Homes Ltd............................. 357-2769 www.rvaluedhomes.com | Wasilla Senco Alaska Inc................................... 561-2175 www.sencoak.com | Anchorage South Central Hardware....................... 835-2300 Spenard Builders Supply...................... 261-9202 www.sbsalaska.com | Anchorage Spenard Builders Supply Inc............... 561-2808 www.arcticbuilders.com | Anchorage Spenard Builders Supply Inc............... 452-5050 www.sbsalaska.com | Fairbanks Spenard Builders Supply Inc............... 486-4168 www.sbsalaska.com | Kodiak Spenard Builders Supply, Inc............... 376-5237 www.sbsalaska.com | Wasilla Statewide Steel...................................... 373-7708 www.statewidesteel.com | Wasilla Timberline Sawmill & Cabin Co............ 745-7346 Toghotthele Corporation...................... 832-5832 www.toghotthele.com | Nenana
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General contractor & design-build construction services | Specializing in Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Better Built Buildings........................... 315-0288 www.alaskabetterbuilt.com | Wasilla Builders Choice, Inc.............................. 522-3214 www.builderschoice.us.com | Anchorage
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McKinnon & Associates, LLC............... 523-9877 Start Tax Preparation Business.......305-250-1040 www.gethappytax.com/ | Miami Beach The Business MD LLC.........................223-8403 www.thebusinessmd.net | Anchorage Zane Hills Capital, LLC......................... 829-2230 www.zanehillscapital.com | Huslia
Cabinets Builders Bargain Inc............................. 746-1408 www.bbiak.com | Palmer Builders Millwork & Supply.................. 561-1355 www.buildersmillworksupply.com | Anchorage Graham Construction Services, Inc..... 474-0030 www.graham-construction-services.com | Fairbanks
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Business Development Agnew Beck Consulting LLC............... 222-5424 www.agnewbeck.com | Anchorage Alaska Business Development Center.562-0335 www.abdc.org | Anchorage
Alaska Village Initiatives 1577 C St # 304 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-274-5400 - 800-478-2332 www.akvillage.com
A self-supporting corporation organized by and for Rural Alaskans. Anchorage Community Development Authority......................... 276-7275 www.anchorageparking.com | Anchorage
Anchorage Economic Development Corporation 510 L Street, Suite 603 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-334-1239 - Fax: 258-6646 www.aedcweb.com
Connecting Business to Information and Opportunities. Beyond Borders.................................... 522-7200 www.beyond-borders.com | Anchorage Copper Valley Development Assn........ 822-5001 www.coppervalley.org | Glennallen
Crossroads Leadership Institute 815 W 19th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
Catalysts for Positive Change Educational Management Assoc.......... 349-1415 www.emanet.com | Anchorage Evergreen Business Capital................. 746-5047 www.evergreen504.com | Palmer Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation.................... 452-2185 www.investfairbanks.com | Fairbanks
Hee - Yea - Lingde Corporation............ 453-5133 JW Industries Group............................. 222-1004 www.jwigllc.com | Anchorage Make Alaska Competitive Coalition..... 569-7070 www.makealaskacompetitive.com | Anchorage National Congress of American Indians...............................202-466-7767 www.ncai.org | Washington North Star Group...............................202-544-6355 www.northstargrp.com | Washington Northern Economics............................. 274-5600 www.northerneconomics.com | Anchorage Pedro Bay Corporation......................... 277-1500 www.pedrobaycorp.com | Anchorage Performa Spectrum Graphics............... 561-1000 Pivotal Payments.................................. 891-3838 www.pivotalpayments.com | Anchorage Professional Growth Systems.............. 276-4414 www.professionalgrowthsystems.com | Anch Remember the Ice..............................702-423-1383 www.remembertheice.com | Bountiful Subway of Alaska Inc............................ 563-4228 www.subwayak.com | Anchorage Three Star Enterprises LLC.................. 376-3622 www.3StarAk.com | Wasilla Tlingit Haida Tribal Business Corporation........................................209-9094 www.thtbc.com | Juneau UAA Business Enterprise Institute...... 786-5458 www.ced.uaa.alaska.edu | Anchorage US Small Business Administration...... 271-4022 www.sba.gov | Anchorage
Business Management Consultants Alaska Small Business Dev Ctr PTAC.456-7232 www.aksbdc.org | Fairbanks Asrc Service Center Inc........................ 339-6800 www.asrc.com | Anchorage CBRM..................................................... 929-1240 CEDAR, LLC.......................................... 225-3769 www.cedarak.org | Ketchikan Katmai Engluq, LLC..........................800-975-2372 www.KatmaiSolutions.com | Wasilla Management Recruiters Int’l of Palmer........................................ 631-3444 www.mripalmer.com | Wasilla
Cast Away Riverside RV Park............... 262-7219 www.goingnorthrv.com | Sterling Creekwood Inn...................................... 258-6006 www.creekwoodinn-alaska.com | Anchorage Kenny Lake Mercantile......................... 822-3313 www.kennylake.com | Copper Center Kyllonen RV Park.................................. 235-7762 www.kyllonensrvpark.com | Anchor Point Midtown RV/Camper Park..................... 277-2407 Parks & Recreation Dept...................... 451-2695 www.alaskastateparks.org | Fairbanks
Hummingbird Services......................... 225-3686 Knutson’s Cleaning Service................. 452-1056 www.knutsonscleaning.com | Fairbanks Polar Carpet Cleaning Svc................... 227-5953 Servicemaster Pbm Of Fairbanks........ 452-6822 Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner.......... 277-7799 Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner.......... 622-7777 TCM Restoration & Cleaning................ 562-7410 www.tcmrestoration.com | Palmer Techniclean........................................... 373-1492 Universal Floor Care............................. 248-0225
Caskets Janssen Alaska Cremation Center 3804 Spenard Road Anchorage, AK 99517
907-279-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us”
Janssen Eagle River Funeral Home 16421 Brooks Loop Road Eagle River, AK 99577
907-696-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us”
Camp Fire Alaska - Main Office.....279-3551 www.campfireak.org | Anchorage Chiulista Services Inc........................... 278-2208 www.chiulista.com | Anchorage Denali Education Center....................... 683-2597 www.denali.org | Denali National Park Eagle River United Mthdst Camp......... 789-3734
Alaska Best Catering............................ 338-1080 Arctic Catering...................................... 562-5588 www.arcticcatering.com | Anchorage BEST WESTERN PLUS Landing Hotel.225-5166 www.landinghotel.com | Ketchikan Egan Civic & Convention...................... 263-2800 www.anchorageconventioncenters.com | Anch Formals Express................................... 523-9777
Global Services Inc 1701 E 84th Ave Anchorage, AK 99507
907-349-3342 - Fax: 349-2015 www.globalsrvc.com
Alaska’s Full Service Remote Camp & Catering Company Since 1982. Kuukpik Arctic Services....................... 562-5588 www.kasvcs.com | Anchorage Solid Rock Bible Camp......................... 262-4741 www.solidrockbiblecamp.com | Soldotna
Carpenters Exotic Woods of Alaska........................ 488-3334 Old Time Woodcrafters......................... 223-6838 www.oldtimecrafters.com | Anchorage Seana Cabinets Inc............................... 776-8403 Tree To Trim Construction Inc.............. 272-2448 Walaska Interiors.................................. 224-2380 Zellhuber Carpentry.............................. 826-2126
Carpet Advanced Flooring Solutions............... 770-7202 Carpet World of Alaska...............745-3737 www.carpetworldalaska.com | Palmer Carpet World of Alaska......................... 644-8817 www.carpetworldalaska.com | Anchorage Giant Don’s Flooring America.............. 522-5775 www.giantdons.com | Anchorage Jordan’s Carpet Ctr Inc......................... 562-2022 www.jordanscarpet.com | Anchorage K & W Interiors...................................... 344-3080 www.k-winteriors.com | Anchorage O’Farrell Flooring.................................. 344-1790
Carpet Cleaning ABC Carpet Cleaning............................ 336-4242 www.abcak.net | Anchorage Andrew’s Carpet Cleaning.................... 344-3773 C & C Custodial Inc............................... 780-7844 Care Carpet Cleaning By Delux............ 562-9090 www.kim@deluxcare.com | Anchorage Expert Carpet Cleaning-Carpet............ 452-5326 Golden Heart Chem Dry........................ 488-1648 Great Alaska Power Clean LLC............ 346-4000 www.akpowerclean.com | Anchorage Guardian Protection Products............. 745-5010 Heavens Best Carpet Cleaning............ 357-6840 www.heavensbestalaska.com | Wasilla
Global Services Inc 1701 E 84th Ave Anchorage, AK 99507
907-349-3342 - Fax: 349-2015 www.globalsrvc.com
Alaska’s Full Service Remote Camp & Catering Company Since 1982. Impressions Catering........................... 865-9816 Lemongrass Thai Cuisine..................... 456-2200 www.lemongrassalaska.com | Fairbanks Lily’s Family Restaurant....................... 561-3805 Namaste Shangri-La, LLC................569-3000 www.namasteshangrila.com | Anchorage Nana Management Svc LLC................. 426-9176 Passionz Catering................................. 222-1330 Peking Wok............................................ 248-1648 Raven Landing.....................................328-5454 www.ravenlanding.org | Fairbanks River’s Edge Resort Cottages.............. 474-0286 www.riversedge.net | Fairbanks
Sal’s New York Grill & Catering 2401 Wintercrest Circle Anchorage, AK 99516
We Cook You Eat. The Works Creative Catering, LLC....... 456-3857 Wee B’s.................................................. 522-1260
Cellular Service ASTAC
4300 B St. Ste. 501 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-563-3989 - 800-478-6409 www.astac.net
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800-478-9000 www.att.com
Rethink Possible AT&T Mobility........................................ 336-3040 AT&T Store............................................ 561-3344 www.att.com | Anchorage
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t AT&T Store............................................ 790-3637 www.att.com | Juneau GCI......................................................800-800-4800 www.gci.com | Fairbanks High Frequency Wireless..................... 277-7477 www.highfrequencywireless.com | Anchorage Kwaan Wireless Inc..........................785-3221 www.kaketribalcorp.com | Kake MTA Wireless Cell Phone Support Team..................... 373-2355 www.mtasolutions.com | Wasilla The Wireless Connection..............371-0884 Verizon Alaska...................................777-9800 www.verizonwireless.com | Anchorage Windy City Cellular............................... 592-2230
Cemeteries Legacy Heritage Chapel at Angelus............................336-3338 www.legacyalaska.com | Anchorage Northern Lights Legacy Funeral Homes & Memorial Park......... 479-2545 www.legacyalaska.com | Fairbanks
Chambers Of Commerce Alaska State Chamber Commerce....... 278-2722 www.alaskachamber.com | Anchorage Anchor Point Chamber Commerce...... 235-2600 www.anchorpointchamber.org | Anchor Point Anchorage Chamber of Commerce..... 272-2401 www.anchoragechamber.org | Anchorage Bethel Chamber of Commerce............. 543-2911 www.bethelakchamber.org | Bethel Big Lake Chamber of Commerce......... 892-6109 www.biglakechamber.org | Big Lake Chugiak-Eagle River Chamber of Commerce......................... 694-4702 www.cer.org | Eagle River Cordova Chamber of Commerce.......... 424-7260 www.cordovachamber.com | Cordova Denali Chamber of Commerce............. 683-4636 www.denalichamber.com | Healy Dillingham Chamber of Commerce...... 842-5115 www.dillinghamak.com | Dillingham Funny River Chamber of Commerce & Community Assoc................................. 262-0879 Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce......................... 452-1105 www.fairbankschamber.org | Fairbanks Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce......................... 225-3184 www.ketchikanchamber.com | Ketchikan Greater Sitka Chamber Commerce...... 747-8604 www.sitkacoc.com | Sitka Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce......................... 376-1299 www.wasillachamber.org | Wasilla Haines Chamber of Commerce............ 766-2202 www.haineschamber.org | Haines Homer Chamber of Commerce............. 235-7740 www.homeralaska.org | Homer Juneau Chamber of Commerce........... 463-3488 www.juneauchamber.com | Juneau Kenai Convention & Visitors Bureau... 283-1991 www.visitkenai.com | Kenai Ketchikan Chamber Of Commerce...... 225-3184 www.ketchikanchamber.com | Ketchikan Kodiak Chamber of Commerce............ 486-5557 www.kodiak.org | Kodiak Liquor Stores USA North Inc................ 563-3815 www.brownjugalaska.net | Anchorage Nome Chamber of Commerce.............. 443-3879 www.nomechamber.org | Nome North Pole Community Chamber......... 488-2242 www.northpolechamber.us | North Pole Petersburg Chamber of Commerce..... 772-3646 www.petersburg.org | Petersburg Seward Chamber of Commerce........... 224-8051 www.seward.com | Seward Soldotna Chamber of Commerce......... 262-9814 www.soldotnachamber.com | Soldotna Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce........ 733-2330 www.talkeetnachamber.org | Talkeetna Tok Chamber of Commerce.................. 883-5775 www.tokalaskainfo.com | Tok Whittier Chamber of Commerce........... 472-2493 www.ci.whittier.ak.us | Whittier Wrangell Chamber Of Commerce........ 874-3901 www.wrangellchamber.org | Wrangell
Charitable Institutions Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska.......... 586-6044 www.AlzAlaska.org | Juneau Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska.......... 561-3313 www.AlzAlaska.org | Anchorage Camp Fire Alaska - Main Office............ 279-3551 www.campfireak.org | Anchorage Charitable Gaming Div.......................... 269-6620 www.tax.alaska.gov | Anchorage Charitable Gaming Div.......................... 451-2030 Easter Seals........................................... 277-7325 www.easterseals.com | Anchorage United Way of Anchorage..................... 263-3800 www.liveunitedanc.org | Anchorage
Charters & Guides Alaska Crosscountry Guiding.............. 767-5522 www.alaskabearandgoathunting.com | Haines Alaska Edge Tours................................ 733-7774 www.alaskaedge.com | Talkeetna Alaska Good Time Charters LLC.......... 373-7447 www.alaskagoodtimecharters.com | Whittier Alaska Northern Outfitters................... 224-2665 www.alaskanorthernoutfitters.com | Seward Alaska Rendezvous Lodge................... 822-3300 www.arlinc.com | Valdez Alaskan 4 Star Charters........................ 868-8080 www.alaskan4starcharters.com | Anchorage Alaskan Summertime Charters............ 224-3277 www.alaskansummer.com | Seward Alaskan Widespread Fishing Adventures Inc......................... 335-2551 www.widespreadfishing.com | Soldotna Angling Unlimited Inc........................... 747-3736 www.anglingunlimited.com | Sitka Auklet Charter Svc................................ 424-3428 www.auklet.com | Cordova Chieko Charters.................................... 345-0422 www.chiekocharters.com | Anchorage Denali Fly Fishing Guides LLC............. 768-1127 www.denaliflyfishing.com | Cantwell Discover Alaskan Adventures.............. 394-1616 www.discoverakadv.com | Ninilchik Epic Charters......................................... 242-4339 www.epicchartersalaska.com | Anchorage Family Air............................................... 247-1305 www.familyairtours.com | Ketchikan Fish Central........................................... 835-5002 www.fishcentral.net | Valdez Fish-N-Chips Charters.......................... 487-2267 www.fishingkodiak.net | Kodiak Fly Denali Talkeetna Airport................. 683-2359 www.flydenali.com | Denali National Park Glacier Bay Sea Kayaks........................ 697-2257 www.glacierbayseakayaks.com | Gustavus Jimmie Jack Fishing Lodge................. 262-5561 www.jimmiejackfishing.com | Soldotna Joe Klutsch Katmai Guide Service...... 246-3030 www.katmaiguideservice.com | King Salmon Kelly Vrem Rough & Ready Guide Service, Inc................................. 745-8736 www.vrem.com | Palmer Lesea Charters...................................... 344-4388 www.leseacharters.com | Anchorage Mahays Riverboat Svc.......................... 733-2223 www.mahaysriverboat.com | Talkeetna Nenana Raft Adventures Inc................. 683-7238 www.raftdenali.com | Healy Ninilchik Charters Llc........................... 260-7825 www.ninilchik.com | Ninilchik Ninilchik Saltwater Charters................. 567-3611 www.alaskabigfish.com | Ninilchik Orion Charters....................................... 835-8610 www.orioncharters.com | Valdez Parks Office........................................... 543-7711 www.cityofbethel.net | Bethel Pro Fish-n-sea Charters....................... 224-5122 www.profish-n-sea.com | Seward Puffin Fishing Charters........................ 224-4653 www.puffincharters.com | Seward Seldovia Fishing Adventures............... 234-7417 www.fishhalibut.com | Seldovia Shelter Cove Lodge.............................. 826-2939 www.sheltercovelodge.com | Craig Sportsmans Cove Lodge...................... 247-7252 www.alaskasbestlodge.com | Ketchikan Stephan Lake Lodge............................. 733-2538 www.stephanlakealaska.com | Eagle River Talon Charters Inc................................. 747-8885 www.talonlodge.com | Sitka Togiak River Lodge............................... 493-5464 www.togiakriverlodge.net | Togiak
Vineyard Early Learning Ctr................. 248-0808 www.avfrc.org | Anchorage
Aquatech Inc......................................... 776-8887 Brenntag Pacific.................................... 452-1555 www.brenntag.com | Fairbanks Central Environmental Inc.................... 561-0125 www.cei-alaska.com | Anchorage SGS North America Inc......................... 562-2343 www.sgs.com | Anchorage Univar USA............................................ 344-7444 www.univarusa.com | Anchorage Univar USA............................................ 452-8664 www.univarusa.com | Anchorage
Child Care Ark Child Care Center........................... 262-8841 Bayshore Early Learning Center.......... 522-4907 www.bayshorekids.com | Anchorage Camp Fire Alaska - Ravenwood........... 279-3551 www.campfireak.org | Eagle River Early Start Child Care........................... 929-2390 Kachemak Kids Early Learning Center.................................... 235-2205 www.kachemakkids.com | Homer Play N Learn.......................................... 479-5437 Rainey Day Care.................................... 688-1018 Rays Child Care & Learning Center..... 745-4875 thread Resource & Referral.................. 479-2214 www.threadalaska.org | Fairbanks Tiny Treasures Child Care.................... 586-4806
Childrens Services Alaska Attachment & Bonding Associates (AABA)............. 376-0366 www.akattachment.org | Wasilla Alaska Injury Prevention Center.......... 929-3939 www.alaska-ipc.org | Anchorage Anchorage Montessori School............. 276-2240 www.anchoragemontessorischool.org | Anch Anchorage Pediatric Group.................. 562-2423 www.apgkids.com | Anchorage Avcpeducation Training........................ 543-7400 www.avcp.org | Bethel Beacon Hill............................................ 222-0925 www.beaconhillak.com | Anchorage Bright Beginnings................................. 344-9435 www.brightbeginningselc.com | Anchorage Child Care Connection Inc dba thread............................................. 373-5024 www.threadalaska.org | Wasilla Community Development Inst.............. 729-6170 www.scf.cc | Anchorage Cook Inlet Tribal Council...................... 793-3600 www.citci.org | Anchorage Covenant House Alaska....................... 272-1255 www.covenanthouseak.org | Anchorage King’s Kids Childcare........................... 345-7937 www.southanchorageassembly.com/Child_ Care_Anchorage_AK.html | Anchorage Office of Children’s Services................ 822-3089 www.dhss.alaska.gov/ocs/Pages/default.aspx Gakona Office of Children’s Services................ 246-6642 www.dhss.alaska.gov/ocs/Pages/default.aspx King Salmon Office of Children’s Services................ 486-6174 www.dhss.alaska.gov/ocs/Pages/default.aspx | Kodiak Resource Center For Parents and Children............................ 456-9000 www.rcpcfairbanks.org | Fairbanks Rural Cap Child Development.............. 278-0068 www.ruralcap.com | Anchorage Starbright Early Learning Ctr............... 562-1414 www.starbrightelc.com | Anchorage Stone Soup Group................................ 561-3701 www.stonesoupgroup.org | Anchorage The Salvation Army............................... 486-8740 www.salvationarmyalaska.org | Kodiak Thoughtful Therapies........................... 235-6226 www.thoughtfultherapies.com | Homer
thread, Childcare Resource & Referral
3350 Commercial Dr Suite 203 Anchorage, AK 99501
Adkins Chiropractic PC........................ 333-3535 www.adkinsalaska.com | Anchorage Alaska Advanced Care Chiro............... 262-6050 www.soldotnachiropractor.com | Soldotna Alaska Back & Neck Pain Clinic........... 277-7757 www.alaskabackandneckpain.com | Anchorage Alaska Chiropractic & Therapy............ 694-1285 www.alaskachiropracticandtherapy.com | Eagle River Aurora Chiropractic Ctr........................ 789-1344 www.drmesserschmidt.com | Juneau Back & Neck Pain Relief Ctr................. 376-2600 www.wasillabackneck.com | Wasilla Carlile Chiropractic............................... 374-9331 www.carlilechiropractic.com | Fairbanks Curzie Chiropractic............................... 569-9355 www.curziechiropractic.com | Anchorage Discover Chiropractic........................... 455-7770 www.discoverchiropracticonline.com | Fairbanks Fireweed Chiropracticmassage........... 790-4053 www.fireweedchiro.com | Juneau Healthwise Back Neck Extremity......... 694-2273 www.healthwisecarecenter.com | Eagle River Laurel Street Chiropractic-Spa............ 248-2848 www.laurelstchirospa.com | Anchorage Mitchell Chiropractic............................. 562-1511 www.mitchellchiropractic.com | Anchorage North Star Chiropractic LLC................. 337-7463 www.drhanifenak.com | Anchorage Pairmore & Young Synergy Chiropractic............................ 677-6953 www.907chiro.com | Anchorage Teague Chiropractic Ctr........................ 522-7500 www.teaguechiropractic.com | Anchorage Tewson Chiropractic Clinic.................. 456-3302 www.sun7chiro.com | Fairbanks Tieszen Chiropractic & Massage......... 677-6345 www.alaskachiro.com | Anchorage
Church Supply Alaska Liturgical Supply 5716 North Nodding Avenue Palmer, AK 99645
Church supplies for Alaska
Clinics Alaska Spine Center............................. 563-2873 www.aapain.com | Anchorage Eklutna Village Clinic............................ 688-6031 Fresenius Medical Care........................ 452-2900 www.fmc.com | Fairbanks Koliganek Clinic.................................... 596-3431 www.bbahc.org | Koliganek Seldovia Medical Clinic........................ 234-7825 SPCA...................................................... 562-1092 www.alaskaspca.org | Anchorage Stevens Village Clinic........................... 478-7215 Sunshine Community Health Ctr......... 733-2273 www.sunshineclinic.org | Talkeetna Vitality Center For Conscious Living... 479-4999 www.vitalityandbliss.net | Fairbanks
Clothing Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative 604 H Street Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-9225 - 888-360-9665 www.qiviut.com
Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative - Producer of the finest Alaskan Qiviut (“kiv-ee-ute”) Handknits since 1969
907-265-3100 - Fax: 265-3191 www.threadalaska.org
Alaska’s statewide Child Care Resource and Referral network, with hub offices in Anchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
WORK FISH HOPE www.coastalvillages.org Coffee Alaska Coffee Roasting Co.................. 457-5282 www.alaskacoffeeroasting.com | Fairbanks Alaska Island Coffee............................. 772-3718
Missy’s Mochas..................................... 349-0084 Mocha Moose Coffee Co....................... 357-2326 www.mochamoose.com | Wasilla Moose A’La Mode.................................. 274-4884 Sleepy Dog Coffee Co........................... 694-6463 Starbucks.............................................. 561-1644 www.starbucks.com | Anchorage Tap Root................................................ 345-0282 www.taprootalaska.com | Anchorage Terra Bella Organic Coffee................... 562-2259 www.terrabellacoffee.com | Anchorage
Collection Agencies black Water Bend Espresso 35953 Sterling Hwy Anchorage Point, AK 99556
Black Water Bend Not Your Average Drip! Open year round. Blaines Art............................................. 561-5344 www.blainesart.com | Anchorage Cafe Espresso....................................... 929-7554 College Coffeehouse............................ 374-0468 www.collegecoffeehousefairbanks.com | Fairbanks Common Grounds Espresso................ 569-5577
Cool Beans Coffee Shack Anchorage, AK 99503
Fog Woman Coffee............................206-855-9061 www.fogwomancoffee.com | Bainbridge Island Harborside Coffee & Goods................. 486-5862 Heritage Coffee Co & Cafe.................... 586-1087 www.heritagecoffee.com | Juneau Java Haus..............................................783-2827 www.girdwoodjava.com | Girdwood Java Junkie............................................ 479-5282 Kay’s Family Restaurant....................... 677-2577 www.kaysfamilyrestaurant.com | Anchorage McCafferty’s, A Coffee House, Etc. 456-6853 Midnight Sun Cafe................................. 743-0572
Financial Collection Agency 629 L St # 201 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-274-6683 - Fax: 272-2925 www.financialcollections.com
Bill Collection Experts
Commercial Flooring Carpet World of Alaska...............745-3737 www.carpetworldalaska.com | Palmer
201 East 56th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99518
907-563-2003 - 800-478-3127 www.telalaska.com
Of course you can!
Community Service Coastal Villages Region Fund 711 H Street, #200 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-278-5151 - 888-795-5151 www.coastalvillages.org
Work, Fish, Hope.
Computer + Services ACTS Inc................................................ 276-5945 www.alaskacomputer.com | Anchorage Alaska Career College.......................... 563-7575 www.careeracademy.edu | Anchorage Alaska Computer Garage..................... 222-1176 www.akpcgarage.com | Anchorage Alaska Computer Geeks....................... 336-4335 www.akgeeks.com | Anchorage Alaska Mac Store.................................. 272-7697 www.akmacstore.com | Anchorage Alaska Street Master............................. 243-0477 www.alaskastreetmaster.com | Anchorage Arctic Information Technology............. 261-9500 www.arcticit.com | Anchorage Bright Solutions.................................... 338-8188 www.brightsolutions.com | Anchorage Business Application Developers..........................................373-7773 www.badinc.net | Wasilla Charles Baker & Assoc......................... 333-9011 www.cbaker.com | Anchorage Cisco Systems...................................... 550-5500 www.cisco.com | Anchorage Cleary Computer Services.................... 755-2963 www.kcleary.com | Klawock Cloud 49.............................................855-250-8349 www.cloud49.com | Anchorage CTG Alaska............................................ 261-6500 www.ctg.com | Anchorage Extreme Computer................................ 222-1100 www.extremecomputer.net | Anchorage Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage Information Insights Inc....................... 452-2450 www.infoinsights.com | Fairbanks ITEC, LLC............................................... 344-6419 www.itecalaska.com | Anchorage JP Technical.......................................... 748-2200 www.jptechnical.com | Anchorage Juneau Computer Services.................. 586-6420 www.juneaupc.com | Juneau Juneau Computer Svc.......................... 586-6420 www.juneaupc.com | Juneau Kylob Data Processing......................... 929-0906 www.kylob.com | Houston Lewis & Lewis....................................... 743-1600 www.lewisandlewis.com | Anchorage North Star Computing, Inc.................... 452-7325 www.nsctraining.com | Fairbanks Office Products Services...................... 562-1320 www.ops-copiers.com | Anchorage projectKEEPERS LLC........................... 334-9212 www.projectKEEPERS.com | Anchorage Right! Systems Inc................................ 677-7644 www.rightsys.com | Anchorage Where2be.Com Consulting................... 868-7300 www.where2be.com | Anchorage
Assistive Technology of Alaska-ATLA...................................563-2599 www.atlaak.org | Anchorage
A J Gagnon Masonry............................ 373-3053 Aac Concrete Cutting LLC.................... 349-1235 Alaska Basic Industries Inc.................. 349-3333 www.anchsand.com | Anchorage Alaska Pro Finish LLC.......................... 351-9781 Arctic Sun Concrete Cutting................ 277-2888 www.ciri.com | Anchorage D B Masonry.......................................... 561-7889 Granite Construction............................ 563-3654 www.graniteconstruction.com/index.cfm | Anch John-Wayne Construction Co.............. 344-3511 Kier Concrete........................................ 373-6280 Maxximum Construction-Cnsltng........ 457-2499 Rebar Placement Co............................. 688-6564 Shrieves Concrete Construction.......... 373-3426 Siegel Construction.............................. 688-3786 Sitka Ready-Mix & Rental Equip.......... 747-8693 Unversity Redi-Mix................................ 895-3323 Willow Masonry..................................... 495-1171 Wolverine Ready Mix Inc...................... 766-3999
Concrete Contractors Advanced Concrete.............................. 841-8981 Alaska Concrete Polishing & JP Construction................................. 354-7877 www.AlaskaConcretePolishing.com | Wasilla All St Construction........................744-7720 Concrete Specialties, Inc...................... 456-7408 Custom Concrete Countertops............ 232-5360 www.concretetops.org | Big Lake Earth Stone Inc...................................... 223-7780 www.earthstoneinc.net | Anchorage Eddystone Rock & Ready Mix.............. 220-0890 Peninsula Professional Cncrt.............. 260-3862 Tri City’s Construction, Inc................... 262-7594 www.tricitysconstruction.com | Soldotna
Construction Machinery Corwhit Inc............................................ 455-7042 Craig Taylor Equipment........................ 452-1192 www.craigtaylorequipment.com | Fairbanks Craig Taylor Equipment Co.................. 376-3838 www.craigtaylorequipment.com | Wasilla Craig Taylor Equipment Co.................. 276-5050 www.craigtaylorequipment.com | Anchorage Craig Taylor Equipment Co.................. 262-5977 www.craigtaylorequipment.com | Soldotna Equipment Direct Inc............................ 696-7375 www.eqdirect.com | Willow
Construction Management A To Z Construction Svc, Inc................ 696-2869 www.atozpolyurea.com | Eagle River Alaska Interstate Construction LLC (AIC)........................ 562-2792 www.aicllc.com | Anchorage Anderson Engineering.......................... 522-7773 www.andersonengineeringalaska.com | Anch Bering Straits Development Company................................................ 443-5252 www.beringstraits.com | Nome Bering Straits Information Technology LLC.................................... 563-3788 www.bsit.beringstraits.com | Anchorage Brice Environmental Services Corporation............................ 456-1955 www.briceenvironmental.com | Fairbanks Brice Marine LLC.................................. 277-2002 www.briceinc.com | Anchorage Bristol General Contractors, LLC........ 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage
Cool Beans Coffee Shack
505 E Bluff Dr Anchorage, AK 99501
800-478-9000 www.att.com
Easy Access
Rethink Possible Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC......................................793-9200 www.bbrs-llc.com | Anchorage
2700 E Tudor Rd.
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
Coffee Crumb Cake Ham & Cheese Croissants
Hours: Mon.-Thurs 7am - 8:30 pm Friday & Saturday 7am - 8:30 pm Serving Kaladi Brothers Coffee
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Buhler Construction............................. 349-3240 www.buhlerconstruction.com | Anchorage Calista Corporation............................... 275-2800 www.calistacorp.com | Anchorage Chugach Alaska Corporation............... 563-8866 www.chugach.com | Anchorage Construction Machinery Industrial, LLC....................................... 780-4030 www.cmiak.com | Juneau Cornerstone General Contractors Inc..................................... 561-1993 www.cornerstoneak.com | Anchorage Cruz Construction Inc........................... 746-3144 www.cruzconstruct.com | Palmer Delta Constructors LLC........................ 771-5800 www.deltaconstructors.net | Anchorage Eklutna Services LLC........................... 696-3838 www.eklutnainc.com | Eagle River Garness Engineering Group LTD......... 337-6179 www.garnessengineering.com | Anchorage Great Northwest, Inc............................. 452-5617 www.grtnw.com | Fairbanks Hefty Drilling Inc................................... 345-0593 www.heftydrilling.com | Anchorage JKM General Contractors LLC............. 770-3880 www.jkmgcllc.com | Anchorage Ketchikan Home Builders Assn........... 247-4903 www.sealaskabuilders.com | Ketchikan KIC Construction LLC........................... 442-3165 www.kikiktagruk.com | Kotzebue Koht’aene Enterprises Company, LLC.868-8203 www.kohtaene.com | Anchorage Kwaan Construction LLC...............785-3221 www.kaketribalcorp.com | Kake Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians..............................715-588-3303 www.ldftribe.com | Lac du Flambeau NANA WorleyParsons LLC................... 273-3900 www.nanaworleyparsons.com | Anchorage Olgoonik Construction Services LLC.. 562-8712 www.olgoonik.com | Anchorage Olgoonik Management Services LLC.. 562-8728 www.olgoonikmanagementservices.com | Anch Olgoonik Specialty Contractors LLC... 562-8712 www.olgoonikspecialtycontractors.com | Anch Orion Construction, Inc........................ 529-5154 www.orionconstructioninc.net | Wasilla Paug-Vik Development Corporation................... 246-4378 www.pdcnaknek.com | Naknek Port Graham Development Corporation.................... 272-7432 www.pgdcorp.com | Port Graham Portico Services LLC........................571-323-5975 www.portico-services.com | Manassas R & M Consultants, Inc......................... 522-1707 www.rmconsult.com | Anchorage Red Mountain LLC................................ 334-9595 www.redmountainservices.com | Anchorage STG Incorporated.................................. 644-4664 www.stgincorporated.com | Anchorage Summit Consulting Services Inc.......... 563-5675 www.scsalaska.com | Anchorage Summit Consulting Services Inc..458-7747 www.scsalaska.com/default.asp | Fairbanks Summit Consulting Services, Inc......... 291-2339 www.scsalaska.com | Tok Tanana Commercial Co......................... 388-2361 www.tananacommercial.com | Tanana Tanik Construction Company Inc......... 677-2012 www.tanikco.com | Anchorage TBI Construction Co............................. 376-1685 www.tbi-construction.com | Wasilla Teya Technologies LLC........................ 646-8006 www.teyatech.com | Anchorage Tunista, Inc............................................ 868-2461 www.tunista.com | Anchorage Whiterock LLC....................................... 766-3887 www.whiterockalaska.com | Haines WillowRidge Construction Company... 929-3336 www.willowridgeconstruction.com | Anchorage
Consultants Acumen Information Services Inc
6250 Tuttle Pl # 7 PO Box 231507 Anchorage, AK 99523
Certified Records Management | Information Governance and Compliance
AKT LLP, CPAs & Business Consultants 800 East Dimond Blvd Ste 3-670 Anchorage, AK 99515
907-522-2130 - Fax: 522-2127 www.aktadvisors.com
Helping Our Clients Achieve Their Goals Alaska Crane Consultants LLC............ 240-7953 www.alaskacraneconsultants.com | Kenai Alaska Data Consultants...................... 378-8856 www.alaskadataconsultants.com | Fairbanks Alaska Technical................................... 252-7800 www.alaskatechonline.com | Soldotna Alaska Waters Consulting LLC............ 677-2606 www.alaskawatersconsulting.com | Anchorage Arctic Data Services LLC...................... 457-3147 www.arcticdataservices.com | Ester
3601 C St Ste 600 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-278-8878 - Fax: 278-5779 www.bdo.com
Catalysts For Positive Change Solutions To Leadership Challenges
Native American owned/managed since 1989 • Organizational Strategy • Mediation & Conflict Resolution • Strategic Planning & Implementaion • Executive Coaching • Executive & Employee Team Building • Meeting Facilitation • Public Involvement & Dialogue & Facilitation CLI’s focus is to create healthy workplaces for our clients: Native American Tribes, Tribal Enterprises, ANCSA & 8(a) companies; multi-nationals to small non-profits
Founded on timeless values, motivated by entrepreneurial thinking, anchored by individual accountability and professionalism, and distinguished by quality and independent service, our distinct culture is the reason people who know, choose BDO. C2 North LLC......................................... 569-9122 www.c2north.com | Anchorage Charles Black & Associates................. 230-2283 www.charlesblackassociates.com | Anchorage Computing Alternatives........................ 644-4522 www.computing-alt.com | Anchorage
Anchorage AK • Albuquerque NM
Cowater Alaska Inc 6605 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99518
907-522-5511 - 888-622-5511 www.cowateralaska.com
Cowater Alaska Inc.- Innovative Solutions for Rural Sanitation. See our Ad on Page X
Crossroads Leadership Institute 815 W 19th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
Catalysts for Positive Change Haight & Associates Inc....................... 586-9788 www.haight-assoc.com | Juneau Integrated Logic LLC............................ 360-0190 www.integratedlogicllc.com | Anchorage Jsc Consulting LLC.............................. 522-4558 www.jscconsulting.com | Anchorage Kathy Day Public Relations (KD/PR) Virtual...................................... 868-4884 www.kdprvirtual.com | Anchorage Kincaid Consulting............................... 248-4533 www.silks.tv | Anchorage McDowell Group.................................... 274-3200 www.mcdowellgroup.net | Anchorage Moran Management Consulting........... 279-2200 www.moranmcg.com | Anchorage Olgoonik Inspection Services LLC...... 562-8728 www.olgoonik.com | Anchorage Paug-Vik Inc Ltd.................................... 246-4278 www.paug-vik.com | Naknek Thompson & Co Public Relations........ 561-4488 www.thompsonpr.com | Anchorage UMIAQ.................................................... 677-8220 www.ukpik.com | Anchorage
Contact Lenses Alaska Eye Care Centers APC 1345 W 9th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-2557 - 800-478-2557
1700 East Parks Hwy Wasilla, AK 99654
907-376-5266 - 800-478-5266 www.alaskaeyecare.com
See all that you can see.
Nicole L. Berhow, OD, Inc.
Next to Lenscrafters in the Sears Mall Anchorage, AK 99503
907-258-6333 - Fax: 258-6968 Same Day Appointments Available, Open 7 Days a Week
ANCHORAGE, AK 99515 907-522-2130 WWW.AKTCPA.COM Contractors Ahtna Construction & Primary Products Company................................................ 929-5612 www.ahtnaconstruction.com | Anchorage Alaska Aerospace Corporation............ 561-3338 www.akaerospace.com | Anchorage Alaska Glass & Door LLC..................... 376-0306 www.alaskaglassanddoor.com | Wasilla Alaska Mechanical Inc.......................... 349-8502 www.amialaska.com | Anchorage Alcan Builders Inc................................. 456-1383 www.alcanbuilders.com | Fairbanks Alcan Electrical & Engineering Inc...... 563-3787 www.alcantel.com | Anchorage All Star Construction............................ 373-3600 www.allstarconst.com | Wasilla American Mechanical Inc..................... 479-5754 www.american-ak.com | Fairbanks Arctic Contracting LLC......................... 455-8484 www.arcticrg.com | Fairbanks
ASRC Builders LLC 3900 C Street, Suite 303 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-433-2300 - Fax: 339-6745 www.asrcbuilders.com
General contractor & design-build construction services | Specializing in Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings ASRC SKW Eskimos, Inc...................... 339-6700 www.askw.asrc.com | Anchorage
Associated Builders & Contractors of Alaska Inc 1900 W Benson Ste 201 Anchorage, AK 99517
907-565-5640 - Fax: 565-5645 www.abcalaska.org
Mission: to advance the merit shop construction philosophy, open competition & free-enterprise. Beluga Construction Company LLC.... 569-2707 www.cullycorp.com | Anchorage Bering Shai Construction..................... 581-1409 www.beringshairock.com | Unalaska
Black Gold Express Inc........................ 451-6660 www.theblackgoldgroup.com | North Pole Bristol Site Contractors LLC................ 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Bucher Glass, Inc.................................. 452-2394 www.bucherglass.com | Fairbanks C J Contractors & Painting, LLC.......... 770-5533 www.cjcontractor.com | Anchorage C L I Construction Inc......................768-2008 Canad Outdoor Svc............................... 562-4628 www.aspahlandconcreteservices.com | Anch CDF General Contractors Inc............... 337-7600 www.cdfincak.com | Anchorage Central Plumbing & Heating Inc........... 562-2511 www.thewarmguys.com | Anchorage CH2M Hill............................................... 762-1500 www.ch2m.com/alaska | Anchorage Conam Construction Company............ 278-6600 www.conamco.com | Anchorage Consolidated Enterprises Incorporated.......................................... 344-4567 www.ceiak.com | Anchorage
Criterion General Inc 2820 Commercial Drive Anchorage, AK 99501
907-277-3200 - Fax: 272-8544 www.criteriongeneral.com
CSRHEA................................................. 745-6790 www.rigidbuilding.com | Sutton Davis Constructors & Engineers, Inc.. 562-2336 www.davisconstructors.com | Anchorage DHB Restoration LLC........................... 254-0672 www.dhbrestoration.com | Fairbanks
Dirtworks Inc
3255 S Old Glenn Hwy Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-3671 - Fax: 745-3672
Commercial Residential Excavation - Site Prep | Roads | Septic | Demolition | Driveways | Landscaping Dokoozian Construction LLC............... 344-8220 www.dokoozian.com | Anchorage Doyon Government Group...............253-344-5300 www.doyongovgrp.com | Federal Way
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Meetings are no vacation… Daily jet service on Alaska Airlines Top-notch dining and catering services 17,000 sq. ft. Centennial Hall Convention Center Lodging and meeting facilities for up to 450 attendees. Call today for details on planning your meeting in Juneau
(907) 586-1749 or 1-800-857-2201 www.traveljuneau.com
Unless you’re meeting in Juneau, Alaska! Midstate Equipment.............................. 488-4106 www.midstatealaska.com | North Pole Neeser Construction, Inc...................... 276-1058 www.neeserinc.com | Anchorage Ninilchik Natives Association.............. 567-3866 www.nnai.net | Ninilchik North Country Builders of Alaska........ 373-7060 www.northcountrybuilders.com | Wasilla North Star Terminal & Stevedore Co LLC dba NSES North Star Equipment Services.272-7537 www.northstarak.com | Anchorage Osborne Construction Co.................425-827-4221 www.osborne.cc | Kirkland Pacific Pile & Marine............................. 276-3873 www.pacificpile.com | Seattle PCL Construction.................................. 243-7252 www.pcl.com | Anchorage Pruhs Construction............................... 279-1020 www.pruhscorp.com | Anchorage R H Development Llc............................ 790-4146 www.rhdalaska.net | Juneau Red Mountain LLC................................ 868-8006 www.redmountainservices.com | Anchorage Ridge Contracting Inc........................... 222-7518 www.ridgecontracting.org | Anchorage
Roger Hickel Contracting Incorporated 11001 Calaska Circle Anchorage, AK 99515
907-279-1400 - Fax: 279-1405 www.rogerhickelcontracting.com
Frontier Roofing Construction............. 345-6670 www.frontierroofing.com | Anchorage GBC Inc.................................................. 474-0515 www.gbcak.com | Fairbanks GHEMM Company, Inc.......................... 452-5191 www.ghemm.com | Fairbanks GMG General Inc................................... 349-7854 www.gmggeneral.com | Anchorage Golden Heart Construction.................. 458-9193 www.goldenheartconstruction.net | Fairbanks J&J Specialties LLC.............................. 895-5466 www.jandjspecialties.net | Delta Junction Jay Brant General Contractors............ 235-8400 www.jaybrant.com | Homer
Johnson Construction, Inc................... 874-2375 www.jcsialaska.com | Wrangell Ken Brady Construction....................... 243-4604 www.kenbrady.com | Anchorage Kiewit Building Group Inc..............222-9350 www.kiewit.com | Anchorage Knik Construction Co Inc..................... 245-1865 www.lynden.com/knik/ | Anchorage Loken Construction LLC...................... 868-8880 www.lokenconstructionak.com | Anchorage Mason’s Siding & Supply, Inc........ 770-6119 www.alaskasiding.com | Anchorage Merit Homes.......................................... 334-9233 www.merithomesak.com | Anchorage
Construction for Alaska’s Future Today. | Commercial | Civil | Building projects throughout Alaska Spinell Homes Inc................................. 344-5678 www.spinellhomes.com | Anchorage Sunland Development Company.......... 299-6813 www.sunlanddevelopment.com | Homer Tanadgusix Corp................................... 762-8450 www.tdxpower.com | Anchorage Tatitlek Corporation.............................. 278-4000 www.tatitlek.com | Anchorage Tec Pro Ltd............................................ 348-1800 www.tecpro.com | Anchorage Udelhoven Oilfield System Services.... 344-1577 www.udelhoven.com | Anchorage
Watterson Construction....................... 563-7441 www.wattersonconstruction.com | Anchorage Weldin Construction Inc....................... 746-3200 www.weldin.com | Palmer Wilco Contractors................................. 345-6288 www.wilcocontractors.com | Anchorage WM Construction.................................. 355-4948 www.buildingalaska.com | Palmer
Contractors Equipment & Supls Renting E-Z RENT, INC.
1470 S Ridgecrest Rd Wasilla, AK 99623
A full service equipment rental.
Contractors Equipment & Supply Accupoint Inc........................................ 522-1600 www.accupoint.com | Anchorage Airport Equipment Rentals Inc............. 456-2000 Alaska Industrial Hardware, Inc........... 276-7201 www.aih.com | Anchorage Alaska Rubber & Rigging Supply Inc.. 451-0200 www.alaskarubber.com | Fairbanks Alaska Specialty Equipment LLC......... 341-2261 www.akspecialtyequipment.com | Anchorage Aurora Construction Supply Inc.......... 452-4463 Automatic Welding & Supply............... 272-2457 www.awsc.com | Anchorage Chill Out Parts & Eq Supply Ltd........... 688-3998 www.chilloutalaska.com | Chugiak Construction Machinery Industrial LLC........................................ 455-9600 www.cmiak.com | Fairbanks Construction Machinery Industrial LLC........................................ 563-3822 www.cmiak.com | Anchorage Fessler Equipment Svc Inc................... 276-5335 Miller Construction Equipment Sales Inc............................. 892-3255 www.mcesalaska.com | Wasilla N C Machinery Co................................. 786-7500 www.ncmachinery.com | Anchorage NuEra Corporation..........................345-6411 www.nueraheat.com | Anchorage Supply Co.............................................. 451-8785 Yukon Equipment Inc............................ 277-1541 www.yukoneq.com | Anchorage
Contractors Services C L I Construction Inc........................... 768-2008 Cowater Alaska Inc............................... 522-5511 www.cowateralaska.com | Anchorage Digital Blueprint.................................... 274-4060 www.digital-blueprint.com | Anchorage
Controls Systems Alaska Instrument Company, LLC....... 561-7511 www.alaskainstrument.com | Anchorage Arctic Controls Inc................................ 277-7555 www.arcticcontrols.com | Anchorage Arctic Lights Electric............................ 345-7896 www.arcticlightselectric.com | Anchorage Automated Control Systems................ 349-8456 www.autocontrols.com | Anchorage Dowland-Bach Corp.............................. 562-5818 www.dowlandbach.com | Anchorage GRS Controls LLC................................. 347-0897 Industrial Service Co............................ 456-7663 Meridian System................................... 279-3320 www.msicontrols.com | Anchorage PCE Pacific, Inc..................................... 243-3833 www.pcepacific.com | Anchorage Siemens Industry, Inc........................... 479-7034 www.us.sbt.siemens.com | Fairbanks Tsunami Electric.................................... 229-0250
Convention & Meeting Facilities Best Western Kodiak Inn & Convention Center............................ 486-5712 www.kodiakinn.com | Kodiak
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Dena’ina Civic & Convention Ctr.. 263-2850 www.anchorageconventioncenters.com/ denaina-center/ | Anchorage
Convention & Visitors Bureaus Delta Junction, Alaska Convention & Visitor Bureau................ 895-5068 www.ci.delta-junction.ak.us | Delta Junction Discover Kodiak.................................... 486-4782 www.kodiak.org | Kodiak Explore Fairbanks................................. 456-5774 www.explorefairbanks.com | Fairbanks
Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau
800 Glacier Avenue, Suite 201 Juneau, AK 99801
Craft Supply A Weaver’s Yarn.................................... 374-1995 www.aweaversyarn.com | Fairbanks Black Elk Leather Beads & Stones...... 562-2703 www.blackelkinc.com | Anchorage The Craft Market.................................... 452-5495
Credit Services Cornerstone Credit Svc LLC................ 770-8100 www.cornerstonecredit.net | Anchorage Credit Services Unltd LLC.................... 456-1749 www.tenantwatch.net | Fairbanks Debt Reduction Services of Anchorage......................................... 569-0200 www.debtreductionservices.org | Anchorage
907-586-1737 - 800-587-2201 www.traveljuneau.com
Meetings are no vacation unless you meet in Juneau, Alaska! Kenai Convention & Visitors Bureau... 283-1991 www.visitkenai.com | Kenai Nome Convention & Visitors Bureau... 443-6555 www.visitnomealaska.com | Nome Valdez Convention & Visitors Bureau.. 835-2984 www.valdezalaska.org | Valdez VISIT Anchorage................................... 276-4118 www.anchorage.net | Anchorage
Copy Machines & Supplies
Janssen Eagle River Funeral Home 16421 Brooks Loop Road Eagle River, AK 99577
907-696-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us”
Janssen Evergreen Memorial Chapel 737 E St Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-5477 - Fax: 278-8551
Alaskan Office Source.......................... 276-2295 www.alaskanoffice.com | Anchorage Arctic Office Products.......................... 276-2322 www.arcticoffice.com | Anchorage Bill’s Copier Svc.................................... 563-0229 Canon Solutions America..................... 562-2239 www.csa.canon.com | Anchorage Copier Care Plus................................... 479-7500 Frontier Business Systems.................. 486-4022 Graphic North, Inc................................. 452-1907 www.graphicnorth.com | Fairbanks Lewis & Lewis Computer Store............ 276-2696 www.lewisandlewis.com | Anchorage
Office Products Services 6250 Tuttle Place # 3 Anchorage, AK 99507
Like family... We are there when you need us.
Crematories Chapel of Chimes, Legacy Funeral Home 415 Illinois St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-5566 - 800-820-1682 www.legacyalaska.com
Cremation Society Of Alaska............... 277-2777 www.alaskacremation.com | Anchorage
Janssen Alaska Cremation Center
907-562-1320 - 800-478-1325 www.ops-copiers.com
Dedicated to Customer Satisfaction Royal Business Systems Inc................ 563-4118 www.akcopy.net | Anchorage, AK Xerox Of Alaska..................................... 561-8200 www.xerox.com | Anchorage
Counseling Services Alyeska Counseling Group Llc............ 782-4553 www.alyeskacounselinggroup.com | Anchorage Christian Counseling............................ 727-8555 Fairbanks Biofeedback & Counseling.452-4405 www.msfbc.com | Fairbanks Hood, Jennifer....................................... 750-8831 Mat Su Valley Counseling Llc............... 357-8090
3804 Spenard Road Anchorage, AK 99517
907-279-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us”
Janssen Eagle River Funeral Home 16421 Brooks Loop Road Eagle River, AK 99577
907-696-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us” Janssen’s Mat-Su Funeral Home......... 745-5477 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com | Palmer
1120 E 5th Ave Anchorage.................... 222-5985
Legacy Funeral Home Wasilla Heritage Chapel
1015 South Check Street Wasilla.......... 373-3840
Legacy Heritage Chapel at Angelus
440 E Klatt Anchorage.........................336-3338
Northern Lights Memorial Park
2318 Yankovich Rd Fairbanks............... 479-2545
Wasilla Legacy Funeral Home
1201 W. Parks Highway Wasilla............ 631-3687
Witzleben Legacy Funeral Home
1707 Bragaw St Anchorage................... 277-1682 "Alaskan Owned and Operated"
Crisis Intervention Service Crisis Line............................................. 822-3855 Crisis Pregnancy Ctr............................. 942-1442 Standing Together Against Rape - STAR............................. 276-7273 www.staralaska.com | Anchorage
Deck Builders Alaska Decks & More LLC.................... 748-5938 www.akdecks.com | Anchorage L H Contracting..................................... 332-3225 Lessard Construction........................... 250-4213
Delivery Service www.LegacyAlaska.com Kehl's Legacy Funeral Home 907-344-1497
Nauska Counseling 2509 Eide St Ste 5 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-277-1166 - Fax: 277-1143 www.nauskacounseling.com
Empowering you to be more effective and to improve your quality of life. Licensed Counselor Norton Sound Health Corp................... 984-6635 Providence Kodiak Island Counseling Center................................ 481-2400 www.providence.org | Kodiak Shawnie Olson Counseling Svc...235-8886 Sirpa Lahtinen-Gorman, M.S., LPC...... 720-1878 www.alaskatherapy.com | Eagle River Spruce Wind Healing Arts.................... 457-2254 www.sprucewind.com | Fairbanks Talk About It Mediation Svc.................. 455-8387
11621 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99515 Alaskan Memorial Park Mortuary
3839 N Riverside Dr Juneau................. 789-0611
Chapel of Chimes Funeral Home
415 Illinois St Fairbanks........................ 456-5566
Fairbanks Funeral Home
3704 Erickson Ave Fairbanks................ 451-1110
Kehl's Palmer Mortuary
Brown Bear Expeditors......................... 479-7777 C & D Delivery....................................... 457-2182 www.candddelivery.com | Fairbanks Homer Expediters................................. 235-5244 Pressed for Time Delivery Service and Moving Co......................... 222-4066 www.akpressedfortime.com | Anchorage
Dentists Alaska Dental Arts..........................337-9434 www.alaskadentalarts.com | Anchorage Family First Dentistry.....................562-2820 www.familyfirstdentistry.com | Anchorage
Hayes Handpiece Repair 200 W 34th Ave # 1243 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-348-8700 - 800-976-4455 www.hayeshandpiece.com
Your local Alaskan Dental Handpiece Repair Company.
Kerry D Kennedy DDS 625 E 34th Ave # 301 Anchorage, AK 99503
Barrow Family Dentistry 1621 Okpik Street Barrow Alaska 99723 907-852-4544 Serving the Barrow Community for over 10 years.
St. Clair Dental
1840 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99517
907-272-9214 - Fax: 274-1021
Disability Services ACCA Alaska Center for Children and Adults.............................. 456-4003 www.alaskacenter.org | Fairbanks Alaska Relay/CapTel............................. 563-2599 www.alaskarelay.com | Anchorage Anchor Rides......................................... 343-2550 Anchorage Public Transportation - People Mover & Share-A-Ride............ 343-6543 www.PeopleMover.org | Anchorage Disability Law Center of Alaska........... 565-1002 www.dlcak.org | Anchorage Focus, Inc.............................................. 694-6002 www.focusoutreach.org | Eagle River Hope Community Resources Inc......... 220-9924 www.hopealaska.org | Ketchikan ResCare HomeCare............................... 258-3498 www.rescare.com | Anchorage Valley Residential Services.................. 357-0256 www.valleyres.org | Wasilla
209 S Alaska St Palmer........................ 745-3580
Legacy Affordable Burial & Cremation
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
M AT E R I A L S Dry Wall Anderson Drywall & Painting............... 345-8848 Crocker Drywall & Painting.................. 229-1684 Dicks Drywall & Painting, Inc............... 262-4101 Glacier Drywall & Paint Llc................... 388-6631 Howatt Painting Corporation................ 345-2727 McPherson Ent. Drywall & Painting Contractors......................... 479-7904 Scafco Corp........................................... 868-1100 www.scafco.com | Anchorage White Feather Painting & Drywall........ 687-2179
Economic Development
Display Fixtures & Materials
Alaska Display & Retail Supply Inc 6255 Mackay St Anchorage, AK 99518
907-563-7504 - 800-478-7504 www.alaskadisplay.com
Alaska’s Source For Store Fixtures and Displays
Distribution Centers Lord of Life Lutheran Church............... 488-6720 www.lordoflifeak.com | North Pole Napa Distribution Ctr............................ 751-6200 www.napaonline.com | Anchorage Olgoonik Logistics LLC........................ 562-8728 www.olgooniklogistics.com | Anchorage Port Supply............................................ 349-5206 www.westmarine.com | Anchorage
Distribution Services AFF Distribution Services..............563-7094 www.americanfast.com | Anchorage Alaska Garden & Pet Supply, Inc......... 279-4519 www.alaskamillandfeed.com | Anchorage Alaska Roteq Corp Distribution........... 376-0519 Healthful Living Products - Shaklee Distributor............................. 262-5359
Diving Alaska Commercial Divers Inc............. 247-0771 www.alaskacommercialdivers.com | Ketchikan American Marine Corp.......................... 562-5420 www.amarinecorp.com | Anchorage Global Diving & Salvage Inc................. 563-9060 www.gdiving.com | Anchorage Harbor Welding..................................... 581-5062 Last Frontier Diving LLC...................... 222-6706 www.lastfrontierdiving.com | Anchorage
Dog Sledding Alaskan Tails of the Trail with Mary Shields.................................. 455-6469 www.maryshields.com | Fairbanks
Cold Spot - For Healthy Pets 377 Helmericks Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-457-8555 - Fax: 457-8556 www.coldspotfeeds.com
Interior Alaska’s largest supplier of everything for dog mushing & pets! Cold Spot Grooming............................. 712-4377 www.coldspotfeeds.com | Fairbanks
Laughing Husky Enterprises................ 457-6526 www.laughinghusky.com | Fairbanks
Doors Action Security, Inc............................... 248-3785 www.actionsecurity.com | Anchorage Architectural Supply Co Inc................. 561-1919 Glacier Glass & Door............................ 250-6444 Glass Sash & Door Supply.............276-1655 www.glasssashanddoor.com | Anchorage Neighbors Windows & Doors............... 868-7883 www.neighborsak.com | Anchorage Pioneer Door, Inc.................................. 344-2212 www.pioneerdoorak.com | Anchorage Timberline Millwork & Supply.............. 561-1734
Doors Overhead Alaska Garage Door Repair.................. 345-2350 Door Systems Of Alaska Inc................. 694-3667 www.doorsystemsak.com | Chugiak Ram Services Overhead Doors............ 563-4551 www.ram-doors.com | Anchorage
Drilling & Boring Contractors Alpine Drilling & Enterprises................ 345-0202 Arctic Drilling Inc.................................. 451-8706 www.arcticdrillinginc.com | Fairbanks
Denali Drilling Inc. 8240 Petersburg St. Anchorage, AK 99507
907-562-2312 - Fax: 562-5971 www.denalidrilling.com
Drilling throughout Alaska since 1970 Nana Major Drilling Llc......................... 265-4100 Northern Solutions, LLC....................... 334-3343 www.northernsolutionsak.com | Anchorage Techline AK LLC.................................... 474-1667 Tuuq Drilling LLC.................................. 265-4100 www.nana-dev.com | Anchorage
Driving Instruction North Star Driving School North Pole, AK 99705
Drug Abuse & Addiction Services
Bristol Bay Economic Devmnt............. 644-8640 Prince William Sound Economic Development District.......... 222-2440 www.pwsedd.org | Anchorage Real Smart Developments.................... 456-3324 www.realsmartdevelopments.com | Fairbanks Southwest Alaska Municipal................ 562-7380 www.swamc.org | Anchorage UAA Business Enterprise Institute................................................786-5458 www.ced.uaa.alaska.edu | Anchorage Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association..................... 644-0339 www.ydfda.org | Anchorage
Economic Research Alaska Center for Public Policy........... 276-2277 www.acpp.info/ | Anchorage Energy & Resource Economics........... 351-7846 Northern Economic Research Associates......................488-1920 www.northernecon.com | Fairbanks Warren & Assoc..................................... 767-5679
Education A New Day - Academic Language Therapy Services................. 457-6821 Adult Learning Programs of Alaska, Inc....................... 452-6434 www.adultlearning.org | Fairbanks Adventures In Learning Drop In........... 374-4600 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education .............. 269-7980 www.akadvantage.alaska.gov | Anchorage Alaska Literacy Program...................... 337-1981 www.alaskaliteracyprogram.org | Anchorage Alaska Military Youth Academy.. 375-5554 www.akmya.org | Anchorage Alaska Resource Education................. 276-5487 www.akresource.org | Anchorage Alaska Rural Water Association (ARWA).............................. 357-1155 www.arwa.org | Wasilla Alaska SeaLife Center.......................... 224-6300 www.alaskasealife.org | Seward Anchorage Waldorf School.................. 333-9062 www.waldorfak.org | Anchorage ASD Title VII Indian Education............. 742-4445 www.asdk12.org/titlevii/ | Anchorage Blue Sky Reading.................................. 240-3664 www.blueskyreading.com | Anchorage Challenger Learning Center of Alaska.283-2000 www.akchallenger.org | Kenai Connections That Work........................ 337-3139 www.ak-dyslexia.org | Anchorage Discovery Southeast............................. 463-1500 www.discoverysoutheast.org | Juneau Educational Opportunity Center.......... 786-6707 www.uaa.alaska.edu/eoc/ | Anchorage Eureka Learning & Educational........... 677-2181 Junior Achievement Of Alaska............. 344-0101 www.alaska.ja.org | Anchorage
Ketchikan Indian Community - Southern Southeast Alaska Technical Education Center SSEATEC................. 228-5150 www.kictribe.org | Ketchikan
KPC - Kenai Peninsula College 156 College Rd Soldotna, AK 99669
907-262-0300 - 877-262-0330 www.kpc.alaska.edu
KPC. Your place. Alaska’s future. (Located in Soldotna, Homer, Seward, Anchorage and online. See our ad on back cover) Kuskokwim Campus UAF..................... 543-4500 www.bethel.uaf.edu/ | Bethel Lake Creek Learning Ctr....................... 733-5376 Large Animal Research Station-UAF... 474-5724 www.lars.uaf.edu | Fairbanks
Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District 501 N Gulkana St. Palmer, AK 99645
907-746-9200 - Fax: 761-4076 www.matsuk12.us
Mat-Su Borough School District prepares all students for success. Mat-Su Borough School District - Office of Education & Instruction........................ 746-9200 www.matsuk12.us | Palmer NATIVE Program Inc............................. 747-6866
4100 Spenard Rd Anchorage, AK 99517
907-274-0536 - Fax: 274-0551 www.neaalaska.org
Ninilchik Tribe....................................... 567-3313 www.ninilchiktribe-nsn.gov | Ninilchik North America Outdoor Institute.............................376-2898 www.naoiak.org | Wasilla Pace Correspondence School.............. 677-0992 www.paceschool.net | Anchorage Savec Vocational Education................. 246-4600 www.savec.org | King Salmon SEARHC - Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative DVPI...............766-6382 www.hainesdv.org | Haines SERRC-Alaska’s Educational Resource Center.............. 586-6806 www.serrc.org | Anchorage SESA...................................................... 334-1300 Shishmaref Native Corporation............ 649-3751 The Alaska Regional Council of Carpenters Apprenticeship and Training Trust...... 272-7577 www.ubcalaska.org | Anchorage The Learning Farm................................ 229-0359 www.thelearningfarm.net | Anchorage UAA - ANSEP Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program............................ 786-6362 www.ansep.net | Anchorage United Way of SE Alaska...................... 463-5530 www.unitedwayseak.org | Juneau Valley Baptist Academy........................ 790-2299 www.home.gci.net/~gvbc/vba.htm | Juneau Wizard Works........................................ 235-8757 www.alaskastudiescenter.com | Homer
Educational Scholarship Plans Alaska Process Industry Careers Consortium.......................770-5250 www.apicc.org | Anchorage
Electric Companies Alaska Rural Electric Coop.................. 463-3636
Tutan Recovery Services, LLC
1675 C Street Suite 201 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-563-0555 - Fax: 563-1122 www.tutanrecoveryservices.com
Recovery Starts With You!
Public Education Matters
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Alaska Village Electric Co-Op.............. 561-1818 www.avec.org | Anchorage Alutiiq Power Co................................... 241-2228 Arctic Fox Electric LLC......................... 440-1133 www.arcticfoxelectricllc.com | Anchorage Atmautluak Tribal Utilities.................... 553-5429 Aurora Energy....................................... 452-8767 Barrow Utilities & Electric Co-Op Inc................................. 852-6166 www.bueci.org | Barrow Chitina Electric Inc................................ 823-2220 www.chitinaelectric.com | Chitina Chitina Native Corporation (CNC)........ 823-2223 www.chitinanative.com | Chitina Chugach Electric Assn Inc................... 563-7494 www.chugachelectric.com | Anchorage Cordova Electric Coop......................... 424-5555 www.cordovaelectric.com | Cordova Homer Electric Assoc Inc..................... 283-5831 www.homerelectric.com | Kenai Homer Electric Association, Inc........... 235-8551 www.homerelectric.com | Homer Ipnatchiaq Electric Co.......................... 363-2157 Kodiak Electric Assn Inc...................... 486-7700 Kotzebue Electric Assn........................ 442-3491 Matanuska Electric Assn Inc................ 694-2161 www.matanuska.com | Eagle River Matanuska Electric Association Inc..... 745-3231 www.matanuska.com | Palmer Metlakatla Power & Light...................... 886-4451 Municipal Light & Power....................... 279-7671 www.mlandp.com | Anchorage Northway Power & Light....................... 778-2295 Tdx North Slope Generating................. 659-2559 Unalakleet Valley Electric..................... 624-3474
Electric Contractors Alcan Electrical & Engineering Inc..................................563-3787 www.alcantel.com | Anchorage Ayak LLC............................................... 344-7239 www.Beringstraits.com | Anchorage Bear Electric Inc.............................. 479-7038
City Electric Inc 819 Orca Street Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-4531- Fax: 264-6491 3540 Holt Rd Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-7158- Fax: 451-0141 www.cityelectricinc.com
Experience Counts DeYoung Electric................................... 631-1361 Diesel Electric Svc................................ 457-2684 www.diesel-electric.us | Fairbanks Eagle Eye Electric LLC......................702-641-9799 www.beringstraits.com | Las Vegas Electric Inc............................................. 277-1431 www.hotwireelectric.com | Anchorage Inlet Electrical Contractors.................. 272-2004 www.inletelectrical.net | Anchorage Kachemak Electric Co., Inc.................. 283-3360 www.kachemakelectric.com | Kenai Legacy Electric LLc.............................. 252-4391 McDonald Electric................................. 338-3231 www.alaskaselectrician.com | Anchorage Megawatt Electric LLC.......................... 277-6006 www.megawattelectric.com | Anchorage
7941 Sandlewood Place Anchorage, AK 99507
907-344-3436 - Fax: 349-1813 www.northernpowerline.com Building Alaska’s Powerlines.
Reed Electric LLC PO Box 2664 Kodiak, AK 99615
907-486-4151 - Fax: 486-0040 www.reedelectricllc.com
Your expert team of electricians Samson Electric Inc.............................. 451-0252 www.sei-ak.com | Fairbanks Shank Electric....................................... 235-8215 Statewide Petroleum Services............. 562-3344 www.statewidepetroleum.com | Anchorage Vannoy Electric..................................... 357-3383 www.vannoyelectric.com | Wasilla
Electric Equipment & Supply A C Electric............................................ 224-3687
AES Electric Supply Inc 3350 Trailer St Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-474-2075 - Fax: 474-2076
53189 Henley Ave Kenai, AK 99611
907-335-5015 - Fax: 335-5017 www.aes-electric.com
Availability is our game and Service is our Aim | Wholesale Supply, Statewide Commercial, Industrial, Oil, Mining & Utility, Contractors Alaska Electric & Control Inc............... 780-4252 Alaska Electric & Htg Supl Co.............. 789-3102 Allied Alaska Electric Llc...................... 373-3893 www.alliedalaskaelectricllc.com | Wasilla Amped Electric Inc................................ 488-6971 Big G Electric & Engrng Inc................. 262-4700 Bootleg Electric..................................... 746-7120 Brown’s Electrical Supply Co............... 563-3761 www.brownselectric.com | Anchorage Brown’s Electrical Supply Co............... 272-2259 www.brownselectric.com | Anchorage Brown’s Electrical Supply Co., Inc...... 451-9110 www.brownselectric.com | Fairbanks Coastal Power Contractors.................. 842-4204 Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage Hayden Electric Motors Inc.................. 561-1073 www.hayden-ak.com | Anchorage Inlet Electrical Contr Llc....................... 745-9004 Island Electric........................................ 225-5800 Jensens Appliance Center Inc............. 260-3737 L J Alarm Monitoring............................ 789-7940 Liberty Electric...................................... 235-0560 Mikes Fire Equipment........................... 581-1864 Miranda Electric Inc.............................. 488-2029 North Coast Electric.............................. 456-4410 www.northcoastelectric.com | Fairbanks North Coast Electric.............................. 563-5229 www.northcoastelectric.com | Anchorage Northern Lights Electric Llc................. 283-4125 Pacific Rim Technical Sales................. 868-5169 Pauls Electric........................................ 883-2500 Quality Electric...................................... 262-0848 Salcha Electric Inc................................ 488-4449
Shelton Electric..................................... 376-5794
Stusser Electric Co 411 E 54th Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
907-561-1061 - 800-478-1061 www.stusserak.shopced.com
YES “Your Electrical Solution” Sumner Electrical Enterprise............... 376-3314 Sutliff’s True Value Hardware............... 486-5797 www.truevalue.com | Kodiak United Electric Motors.......................... 563-5232
Electronic Equipment & Supply Audio Persuasion.................................. 586-2843 Audio Visual Installation...................... 688-9473 Camera Service Center......................... 274-0055 www.camerasalaska.com | Anchorage Dish Networkcopper Valley.................. 835-8005 Fairbanks Electronics Mall................... 456-1003 www.radioshack.com | Fairbanks Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage Northern Communications Co............. 789-0008 Radioshack............................................ 562-0562 www.radioshack.com | Anchorage Revl Communications & Systems........ 488-4788
Embroidery Butterville T-Shirt Company, LLC........ 770-7540 www.butterville.net | Anchorage Great Alaskan Shirt Co......................... 474-9446 www.greatalaskanshirtco.com | Fairbanks Grizzly Cub Embroidery........................ 522-1162 Hi-Res Graphics.................................... 694-1280 www.HiResGraphicsak.com | Eagle River Santa’s Stitches Custom Embroidery..........................457-7848 www.santasstitches.com | Fairbanks Sundog Serigraphics-Scrnprntng........ 262-7690
Top of the World Graphics 310 E 76th Ave #A Anchorage, AK 99518
310 E 76th Ave., #A Anchorage, AK 99518
Employment Alaska Contract Staffing....................... 231-0961 www.alaskacontractstaffing.com | Anchorage Alaska Department of Corrections Training Academy..............................761-5641 www.correct.state.ak.us/corrections/ trainacademy/ | Palmer
Alaska Executive Search Inc 821 N St # 201 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-276-5707 - Fax: 276-5708 www.akexec.com
Alaska’s Only Full Service Employment Agency Alaska Job Center Network.................. 269-4800 www.jobs.alaska.gov | Anchorage
Alaska Job Corps - Career Technical 4300 B Street Ste 100 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-562-6200 - 800-733-5627
800 E Lynn Martin Dr Palmer, AK 99645
Are you 16-24 years old? Do you need your GED or Diploma and want to learn a trade? You may qualify for Job Corps! It’s your future, so make the most of it. Call us today! Alaska Job Center Network.................. 269-0000 www.jobs.state.ak.us | Anchorage Alaska Job Svc...................................... 451-2871 Alaska Labor Dept................................. 822-3350 Alaska VA Healthcare System.............. 257-4700 www.alaska.va.gov | Anchorage Assets Inc.............................................. 279-6617 www.assetsinc.org | Anchorage Bach Associates Consulting Inc......360-393-4470 www.bach-associates.com | Belllingham FAA Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Region............. 271-5645 JSA Associate....................................... 345-6262 Kelly Services........................................ 561-5070 www.kellyservices.com | Anchorage LDS Employment Ctr............................ 272-0242
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Flint Energy Services Inc..................281-885-6880 Gold Country Energy............................ 520-5681 Semco Energy Inc................................. 334-7794
Stusser Electric Co 411 E 54th Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
907-561-1061 - 800-478-1061 www.stusserak.shopced.com
“Your Electrical Solution”
Engineers Alaska Native Tribal Health - Div of Environmental Health & Engineering.. 729-1900 www.anthc.org/cs/dehe/ | Anchorage APC Services, LLC............................... 677-9451 www.apcservicesllc.com | Anchorage Bering Straits Technical Services LLC 563-3788 www.beringstraits.com | Anchorage CH2M Hill...............................................762-1500 www.ch2m.com/alaska | Anchorage CRW Engineering LLC.......................... 562-3252 www.crweng.com | Anchorage DOWL HKM............................................ 562-2000 www.dowlhkm.com | Anchorage DOWL HKM............................................ 374-0275 www.dowlhkm.com | Fairbanks EBSC Engineering LLC......................... 222-1085 www.ebscengineering.com | Anchorage
Engineering & Construction Information Technology
(907) 276-5707
www.akexec.com Personnel Plus Employment Agency Inc....................... 452-7587 www.perplus.com | Fairbanks Professional Business Services Inc.... 279-2679 www.pbsjobs.com | Anchorage Swift Worldwide Resources................. 222-4100 www.SwiftWWR.com/Alaska | Anchorage UAA Career Svc Ctr............................... 786-4513 Westaff................................................... 646-2282 www.westaff.com | Anchorage Yuut Elitnaurviat - Peoples Learning Center Inc 543-0999 www.yuut.org | Bethel
Energy Conservation Alaska Energy Authority....................... 771-3989 www.akenergyauthority.org | Anchorage Arrik Energy.......................................... 341-3000 Nordaq Energy Inc................................ 646-9315 www.nordaqenergy.com | Anchorage SAIC Energy Environment & Infrastructure, LLC.........................858-484-4744 www.saic.com/EEandl | San Diego USDA Alaska Farm Service Agency..... 761-7738 www.fsa.usda.gov | Palmer
Energy Conservation Prods Svcs Systems Alaska Power & Telephone Company Making Employment Connections in Alaska LLC.................. 376-6322 www.mecaalaska.com | Wasilla Management Recruiters S. Centrak AK........................................ 260-6433 www.mrsca.com | Soldotna National Park Service........................... 644-3347 www.nps.gov/akso/jobs | Anchorage Native Village of Marshall..................... 679-6302 Nine Star Education & Employment Services....................... 279-7827 www.ninestar.com | Anchorage
NMS Staffing Division........................... 729-2570 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage North Star Terminal............................... 235-6008 Northwest Technical Services.............. 562-1633 www.pdstech.com/nwts.php | Anchorage Opti Staffing Group............................... 677-9675 www.optistaffing.com | Anchorage Orion Project Services (Alaska) LLC... 562-3400 www.orionjobs.com | Anchorage Personnel Plus Employment Agency............................. 563-7587 www.perplus.com | Anchorage
193 Otto Street / PO Box 3222 Port Townsend, WA 98368
360-385-1733 - 800-982-0136 www.aptalaska.com/
Employee Owned - Community Minded
Energy Management Systems & Products Central AK Energy LLC......................... 771-3028 Dynamic Energy Group LLC................. 357-6668 Energy Saver LLC................................. 399-1078
213 W Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503
907-276-7933 - Fax: 276-4763 www.edc-alaska.com
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Since 1994 | Serving Governmental, Commercial and Industrial Markets Elrod Engineering..............................530-412-2484 www.elrodengineering.com | Girdwood Great Northern Engineering................. 561-0200 www.greatnorthernengineering.com | Palmer HDR Alaska, Inc..................................... 328-2233 www.hdrinc.com | Fairbanks Holy Cross Oil Inc................................. 375-1900 www.holycrossoil.com | Anchorage MBA Consulting Engineers Inc............ 274-2622 www.mba-consulting.net | Anchorage Michael Baker Jr Inc............................ 273-1600 www.mbakercorp.com | Anchorage North Wind Services LLC..................... 277-5488 www.northwindgrp.com | Anchorage
PDC Inc Engineers
2700 Gambell Street #500 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-743-3200 - Fax: 743-3295 1028 Aurora Drive Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-452-1414 - Fax: 456-2707 www.pdceng.com
Transforming Challenges Into Solutions from the Arctic to the Antarctic Peak Civil Technologies....................... 263-7071 www.peakalaska.com | Anchorage
Petrotechnical Resources Alaska (PRA) 3601 C Street, Ste 1424 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-272-1232 - Fax: 272-1344 www.petroak.com
Alaska’s Oil and Gas Consultants.
PND Engineers Inc 1506 W 36th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-1011 - Fax: 563-4220 www.pndengineers.com
Providing cost-effective engineering solutions since 1979.
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
PND Engineers...................................... 586-2093 www.pndengineers.com | Juneau Quest Engineering Inc.......................... 561-6530 www.questenginc.com | Anchorage RBA Engineers Inc................................ 276-3768 www.rbaengineers.com | Anchorage Sherman Engineering LLC................... 456-3853 www.shermanengr.com | Fairbanks St Denny Surveying Inc........................ 481-3500 www.stdennyinc.com | Kodiak Stantec, formerly USKH........................ 276-4245 www.uskh.com | Anchorage Stantec, formerly USKH Wasilla Office........................................ 376-7815 www.uskh.com | Wasilla URS Corporation................................... 562-3366 www.urscorp.com | Anchorage
SRK Consulting..................................... 677-3520 www.srk.com | Anchorage Summit Consulting Services Inc.563-5675 www.scsalaska.com | Anchorage Tryck Nyman Hayes Inc........................ 279-0543 URS Alaska............................................ 374-0303 www.urscorp.com | Fairbanks
Engineers Civil
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Since 1994 | Serving Governmental, Commercial and Industrial Markets EIC Engineers........................................ 349-9712 Gorman Engineers................................ 463-6721 Roberts-Kaneko Engineering Inc..................................458-8484 www.roberts-kaneko.com | Fairbanks RSA Engineering................................... 276-0521 www.rsa-ak.com | Anchorage
3 Tier-Alaska.......................................... 456-5895 www.3tieralaska.com | Fairbanks BBFM Engineers Inc............................. 274-2236 www.bbfm.com | Anchorage Bratslavsky Consulting Engrs............. 272-5264 Bristol Engineering Services Corporation............................ 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Clare, James Pe.................................... 747-4932 F. Robert Bell & Associates.................. 274-5257 www.frobertbell.com | Anchorage Hanson, Alaska..................................... 279-1282 Kalen & Assoc Inc................................. 479-2628 LOUNSBURY & Associates Inc............ 272-5451 www.lounsburyinc.com | Anchorage O’Neill Survey & Engineering............... 747-6700
PND Engineers Inc 1506 W 36th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-1011 - Fax: 563-4220 www.pndengineers.com
Providing cost-effective engineering solutions since 1979. R & M Emgineering Consultants.......... 452-1655 Robert H Tilly Consulting Engs............ 456-7403
Rodney P Kinney Assoc Inc 16515 Centerfield Drive # 101 Eagle River, AK 99577
907-694-2332 - 855-690-2332 www.rpka.net
Providing engineering, surveying, geotechnical, and inspection services to Alaska, Northwest, & Southwest United States since 1980. Schneider & Assoc Structural.............. 561-2135 Summit Consulting Services Inc.......... 458-7747 www.scsalaska.com/default.asp | Fairbanks Wince Corthell Bryson.......................... 283-4672 www.wcbalaska.com | Kenai
Engineers Consulting Acuren USA........................................... 569-5000 www.acuren.com | Anchorage Aecom Environment............................. 561-5700 www.ensr.com | Anchorage Alpine Consulting Engineers............... 826-2255 Ch2M Hill............................................... 762-3801 www.ch2m.com | Anchorage Coffman Engineers............................... 276-6664 www.coffman.com | Anchorage Hasz Consulting Co.............................. 895-4770 www.haszconsulting.com | Delta Junction Hattenburg Dilley & Linnell.................. 564-2120 www.hdlalaska.com | Anchorage HDR ALASKA......................................... 644-2000 www.hdrinc.com | Anchorage Jacobs Engineering Group Inc............ 563-3322 www.jacobs.com | Anchorage Langdon Engineering........................... 272-1789 Leland A Johnson & Assoc.................. 345-9455 MWH Global........................................... 248-8883 www.mwhglobal.com | Anchorage Northern Engineering........................... 346-2854 www.northern-engineering.com | Anchorage Petrotechnical Resources Alaska (PRA)......................................... 272-1232 www.petroak.com | Anchorage PND Engineers Inc................................ 561-1011 www.pndengineers.com | Anchorage Reid Middleton...................................... 562-3439 www.reidmiddleton.com | Anchorage Shannon & Wilson Inc.......................... 561-2120 www.shannonwilson.com | Anchorage
Engineers Electrical “Serving all of Alaska from our Fireweed Homestead”
Cannon Engineering............................. 345-8544
213 W Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503
907-276-7933 - Fax: 276-4763 www.edc-alaska.com
Thompson Engineering Co Inc 721 Sesame St # 2b Anchorage, AK 99503
MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 213 W. Fireweed Lane — Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 276-7933 — www.edc-alaska.com
907-562-1552 - Fax: 562-1530 25 Years In Business.
Engineers Environmental
Environmental Conservation
Bges Environmental Conslnts............. 644-2900 www.bgesinc.com | Anchorage EHS-Alaska, Inc..................................... 694-1383 www.ehs-alaska.com | Eagle River Fugro Geo Services Inc........................ 561-3478 www.fugrogeoservices.com | Anchorage Hmh Consulting LLC............................ 562-8100 www.hmhconsulting.org | Anchorage NORTECH, Inc....................................... 222-2445 www.nortechengr.com | Anchorage Rockwell Engineering & Constr........... 457-7625 www.rockwellengr.com | Fairbanks Steigers Corporation.........................800-935-6569 www.steigers.com | Anchorage
Anchorage Soil & Water Conservation District............................ 677-7645 www.aswcd.org | Anchorage Lynn Canal Conservation..................... 766-2295 www.lynncanalconservation.org | Haines Northern Alaska Environmental Center........................... 452-5021 www.northern.org | Fairbanks Nuka Research & Planning Group, LLC......................... 234-7821 www.nukaresearch.com | Seldovia Southeast Alaska Conservation Council........................... 586-6942 www.seacc.org | Juneau
Engineers Mechanical
Environmental Products
Cmh Consultants.................................. 277-3800 Combs Engineering.............................. 747-5725
213 W Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503
907-276-7933 - Fax: 276-4763 www.edc-alaska.com
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Since 1994 | Serving Governmental, Commercial and Industrial Markets The Aleut Corporation.......................... 561-4300 www.aleutcorp.com | Anchorage
Engineers Petroleum Petrotechnical Resources Alaska (PRA).................272-1232 www.petroak.com | Anchorage
Engines Diesel Inlet Marine & Diesel............................. 776-8955 Northern Lights..................................... 562-2222 www.northern-lights.com | Anchorage Pacific Power Products........................ 479-1235
Engraving Alaskan Memories Trophies................. 277-1124 www.alaskanmemories.com | Anchorage Award Makers.....................................456-8661 www.fairbanksawardmakers.com | Fairbanks First Place Trophies & Awards............. 262-9269 High Five Awards & Engraving............ 337-1099
Alaska Tent & Tarp................................ 456-6328 www.alaskatent.com | Fairbanks Arctic Fox Safety & Supply - ECC........ 278-1500 Emerald Alaska Inc............................... 646-5005 www.emeraldnw.com | Anchorage NuEra Corporation..........................345-6411 www.nueraheat.com | Anchorage Spill Shield Inc...................................... 561-6033 www.spillshield.com | Anchorage
TTT Environmental Instruments & Supplies 4201 B Street Anchorage, AK 99503
907-770-9041 - Fax: 770-9046 www.tttenviro.com
The Preferred source for instrument rentals, sales, service and supplies.
Environmental Services Ahtna Environmental Inc...................... 644-0760 www.ahtnaei.com | Anchorage Ahtna Government Services Corporation........................916-372-2000 www.ahtnagov.com | West Sacramento AIMM Technologies Inc......................... 283-7330 www.aimmtechnologies.com | Kenai American Marine Corp/PENCO............ 562-5420 www.amarinecorp.com | Anchorage Arcadis Us Inc....................................... 277-3770 www.arcadis-us.com | Anchorage Brice Environmental Services Corporation............................ 275-2899 www.briceenvironmental.com | Anchorage
Bristol Bay Native Association............ 842-5257 www.bbna.com/ | Dillingham Bristol Environmental Remediation Services LLC................... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Cardno Entrix........................................ 261-7703 www.entrix.com | Anchorage Chemtrack LLC..................................... 349-2511 www.chemtrack.net | Anchorage E3 Environmental LLC......................565-4200 www.E3Alaska.com | Anchorage Ecology & Environment Inc.................. 257-5000 www.ene.com | Anchorage Green Alaska Solutions Llc.................. 351-4195 www.greenalaskasolutions.com | Anchorage Green Star of Interior Alaska................ 452-4152 www.iagreenstar.org | Fairbanks Greening Of Oil..................................... 771-0534 www.greeningofoil.com | Anchorage Native Village of Chignik Lagoon......... 840-2301 www.chigniklagoon.net | Chignik Lagoon Olgoonik Oilfield Services LLC............ 868-5112 www.olgoonikoilfieldservices.com | Anchorage PSC Environmental LLC....................... 272-9007 www.pscnow.com | Anchorage RA Environmental, Inc.......................... 250-9901 www.ronarvin.com | Wasilla Sealaska Environmental Services LLC......................................425-283-0631 www.sealaska.com/what-we-do/governmentservices/sealaska-environmental-services | Juneau SH Alaska LLC....................................... 357-4847 www.shalaska.com | Wasilla Shannon & Wilson Inc.......................... 479-0600 www.shannonwilson.com | Fairbanks Sitka Conservation Society.................. 747-7509 www.sitkawild.org | Sitka Three Parameters Plus Inc................... 458-8089 www.3ppi.com | Fairbanks
Unitech of Alaska 7600 King Street Anchorage, AK 99518
907-349-5142 - 800-649-5859 www.unitechofalaska.com
Offers a wide range of environmental supplies, with extensive experience in oil spill response world-wide, a knowledgeable staff, prompt service and extensive product lines. Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council................................ 258-3337 www.yritwc.org | Anchorage Zender Environmental Health and Research Group............................. 277-2111 www.zendergroup.org | Anchorage
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
S U P P L Y Equipment Repair
Happy Hooker Towing........................... 376-9114 Hayes Handpiece Repair...................... 348-8700 www.hayeshandpiece.com | Anchorage Jim’s Equipment Repair, LLC............... 344-5402 www.jimsequipmentrepair.com | Anchorage Mat-su Tool Repair LLC........................ 357-0647 www.matsutoolrepair.com | Wasilla Rozwick Giles Music............................. 789-0218
Vantage Parts & Service LLC 1909 W 48th Ave Anchorage, AK 99517
907-344-3608 - Fax: 344-3618
Truck Parts - All Makes, All Models, All The Time. W D Taxidermy...................................... 376-4053
Excavating 2 Bears Trucking................................... 260-5755 A A Dans Construction Inc................... 776-8113 Advanced Excavation Svc.................... 727-7669 Alaska Grade......................................... 622-3478 Alaska Pipeliner Inc.............................. 562-9675 Avalanche Ent....................................... 288-3612 B Co....................................................... 978-8411 B S Enterprises..................................... 456-5617 Baxter Inc.............................................. 522-9505 Big Country Excavation........................ 373-8005 Big Dipper Construction....................... 376-8341 Brown Excavating................................. 486-5455 Brunos Concrete................................... 357-5912 Cic Inc.................................................... 262-6340 Definitive Roofing................................. 332-6600 www.rooferanchorage.com | Anchorage
Dirtworks Inc
3255 S Old Glenn Hwy Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-3671 - Fax: 745-3672
Equipment Rental & Supply Alaska Tank Rentals Llc....................... 335-6308 Baldy Mountain Rentals........................ 376-8981 Bering Air Inc........................................ 443-5464 www.beringair.com | Nome Brice Equipment LLC............................ 659-2330 www.briceinc.com/brice-equipment/ | Fairbanks Brice Equipment LLC............................ 741-2512 www.briceinc.com/brice-equipment/ | Soldotna Cair......................................................... 246-6318 Dakota Diggers...................................... 688-2889 www.dakotadiggers.com | Palmer Delta Leasing LLC................................. 771-1300 www.deltaleasing.com | Anchorage Emerald Helicopters LLC...................... 487-5000 Era Helicopters LLC.............................. 835-2595 Fishing & Flying.................................... 424-3324 Fjord Flying Svc.................................... 697-2377 H & H Equipment and Rental................ 479-2247 Haltness Equipment LLC...................... 835-5418 www.haltness.com | Valdez J C Supply............................................. 260-5683 King Flying Svc..................................... 246-4414 Kuskokwim Commercial Supply, Inc............................................. 543-3733
M K Ent.................................................. 892-9084 Medical Equipment Distrs Of Ak.......... 569-0004 Mulchatna Air........................................ 842-4500 Nordic Air LLC....................................... 772-3535 Northern Sales Co Inc........................... 225-5040 Over The Top Tents & Events............... 694-9200 www.overthetoptents.com | Eagle River Pioneer Equipment Inc......................... 745-3071 www.pioneerequipment.net | Palmer Pro Scaffold Service Inc....................... 357-7880 www.proscaffoldinc.com | Wasilla Rentacan Toilet Co Inc.......................... 373-8699 Rons Rent It Center Inc........................ 283-4232 Tog Rentals, LLC................................... 832-5832 www.toghotthele.com | Nenana Totem Rentals Inc................................. 373-8683 Tyler Rental Inc..................................... 780-2210 Wrangell Mountain Air.......................... 554-4411
Commercial Residential Excavation - Site Prep | Roads | Septic | Demolition | Driveways | Landscaping Eagle River Landscaping...................... 336-3222 www.eagleriverlandscaping.net | Anchorage Eagle View Excavation.......................... 745-4924 East Road Services, Inc........................ 235-6574 www.eastroadservices.com | Homer Foster Construction.............................. 262-1609 Fowlers Dirt Works............................... 262-7517 G & H Construction............................... 283-9800 Golden Alaska Excavating, LLC........... 486-5490 www.goldenalaska.biz | Kodiak Jerry M Godkin Inc................................ 789-3921 John’s Excavating Inc........................... 563-1635 www.johnsexcavating.com | Anchorage Muns Trucking & Plowing..................... 543-2402 Northern Dame Construction............... 376-9607 Pioneer Contracting.............................. 232-2627 www.pioneercontractingalaska.com | Palmer Randash Excavating............................. 376-1238 Rockin J Trucking................................. 388-3902 Statewide Clearing Inc.......................... 694-1425 Su Valley Land Clearing....................... 357-0270 W S Trucking......................................... 321-3227 Williams & Sons Excavating LLC......... 895-4704
Exercise & Physical Fitness Programs Alaska Rom Quick Gym........................ 646-0488 Apex Gym/CrossFit Seward................. 224-7222 www.theapexgym.com | Seward Palmer Therapy & Spa Ctr.................... 746-6274 www.PalmerTC.com | Palmer
Explosives Advanced Blasting Services LLC 281 S Conquest Circle Wasilla, AK 99623
Explosives | Demolition | Mining | Drilling & Blasting | Slope Stabilization
Fabrics Abby’s Reflection Apparel & Quiltworks............................ 747-3510 www.abbysreflection.com | Sitka Bearly Threaded Quilting...................... 595-2026 Changing Tides LLC............................. 523-6084 www.alaskastitching.com | Juneau
Northern Threads 1875 University Ave S Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-455-0299 - 877-340-3237 www.northernthreads.net
Where Traditions Begin
Quilt Tree
341 E Benson Blvd # 5 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-4115 - Fax: 561-4406 www.quiltree.com
Seams Like Home Quilt Shoppe.......... 677-8790 www.akseams.com | Anchorage Sew Far North........................................ 443-6719
Sew’n Bee Cozy
211 4th Ave/PO Box 1042 Seward, AK 99664
Here you'll find a large selection of premium quilting cottons, batiks and flannels, along with Alaskan themed prints, patterns and kits. 13 years in business
Facilities Management Ahtna Technical Services, Inc.............. 334-9664 www.atsiak.com | Anchorage Aleut Facilities Support Services LLC......................................719-531-9090 www.aleutfacilities.com | Colorado Springs NANA Services, LLC............................. 751-8430 www.nanaservices.com | Anchorage NMS Camp Services Division............... 273-2400 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NMS Food & Facilities Management Division........................... 263-1700 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage NMS Lodging Division.......................... 273-3700 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage Shearwater Systems LLC..................... 278-6100 www.shearwaterllc.com | Anchorage
Federal Government Alaska Volcano Observatory................ 474-7320 www.avo.alaska.edu | Fairbanks Defense Commissary Agency.............. 873-4404 www.commissaries.com | Fort Greely US Fish & Wildlife Service.................... 786-3880 www.doi.gov/subsistence/index.cfm | Anch US Fish & Wildlife Svc.......................... 456-2335 www.fws.gov | Fairbanks US General Svc Administration........... 271-4007 www.gsa.gov | Anchorage
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
US General Svc Administration........... 271-4298 www.gsa.gov | Anchorage US Geological Survey........................... 474-7626 www.usgs.gov | Fairbanks US Geological Survey Alaska Volcano Observatory................ 786-7497 www.avo.alaska.edu | Anchorage US Geological Survey USGS................ 786-7000 www.alaska.usgs.gov | Anchorage US Housing & Urban Dev Dept............. 271-4684 www.hud.gov | Anchorage US Social Security Admin.................... 456-5390 www.ssa.gov | Fairbanks US Veterans Affairs Dept...................... 747-9313 www.va.gov | Sitka
Fence AAA Fence, Inc...................................... 349-7000 www.aaafenceak.com | Anchorage Acme Fence Company, Inc................... 522-1155 www.acmefence.net | Anchorage Alaska Feed Company.......................... 451-5570 www.alaskafeed.com | Fairbanks Attractive Landscape Services............ 277-2334 Denali Fenceworks................................ 474-9542 Four Seasons Fence Co Llc................. 776-5228 Kusko Fence Company......................... 349-8115 Roadrunner Fence Co........................... 780-2228
Fence Contractors
Northwest Barriers LLC 2147 W Shirley Road Wasilla, AK 99623
Your Alaska Fence Company
Ferries Alaska Marine Highway........................ 424-7333 Rainforest Islands Ferry....................... 329-2031 www.rainforestislands.com | Ketchikan Seldovia Bay Ferry LLC........................ 435-3299 www.seldoviabayferry.com | Seldovia
Financial Services
Fire Protection Accel Fire Systems, Inc........................ 349-1490 www.accelfiresystems.com | Fairbanks Alaska Division of Fire & Life Safety... 746-5062 www.akburny.com | Anchorage
Alaska Office of Rural Fire Protection
645 Cope Industrial Way Palmer, AK 99645
3601 C St Ste 600 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-745-5472 - 877-355-5472
907-278-8878 - Fax: 278-5779 www.bdo.com
Founded on timeless values, motivated by entrepreneurial thinking, anchored by individual accountability and professionalism, and distinguished by quality and independent service, our distinct culture is the reason people who know, choose BDO. Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC......................................793-9200 www.bbrs-llc.com | Anchorage
Raymond James
2600 Denali St Ste 501 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-4436 - Fax: 561-4437 www.raymondjames.com
Wells Fargo Bank NA 301 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99507
907-265-2805 - 800-869-3557 www.wellsfargo.com
Together we’ll go far.
This office specializes in training and response preparedness services to firefighters and emergency responders in the rural areas of the state. Chinook Fire Protection Inc................. 344-3473 www.chinookfireprotection.com | Anchorage Chitina Volunteer Fire Dept.................. 823-2263 Doak’s Lock & Key................................ 789-9152 www.doaks.com | Juneau Engineered Fire & Safety...................... 274-7973 www.efs-fire.com | Anchorage Frontier Fire Protection........................ 694-4696 www.frontierfire-ak.com | Eagle River Homer Volunteer Fire Dept Mmbr......... 235-1573 Mike’s Fire Equipment.......................... 581-1864 Point Hope Fire Dept............................. 368-2774 Sutton Fire Dept.................................... 745-2738 Swanson General Contractors............. 344-0022 Tuntutuliak Volunteer Fire.................... 256-2634 Tyco Fire Protection Products.........775-200-6557 www.tycofsbp.com | Reno Urethane Alaska.................................... 349-6232 Young’s Firehouse................................ 344-5312
MAC Federal Credit Union.................... 456-1253 www.macfcu.org | Fairbanks Wedbush Securities.........................696-1900 www.wedbush.com | Eagle River Wells Fargo Bank NA.......................265-2805 www.wellsfargo.com | Anchorage
A Fireplace Store.............................262-9047 www.afireplacestoreak.com | Soldotna Alaska Fireplace & Accessories.......... 892-7131 www.alaskafireplace.com | Wasilla Arctic Firewood..................................... 474-9402 Majestic Sales Co Inc............................ 344-2616 North Country Stoves, Inc.................... 333-3131 www.northcountrystovesinc.com | Anchorage The Woodway, Inc................................. 452-4002 www.thewoodway.com | Fairbanks
Alaska Hook & Line Seafoods.............. 747-7115 www.alaskaseafood.com | Sitka Alaska Salmon Bake & Palace Theatre................................... 452-7274 www.akvisit.com | Fairbanks
Alaska Sausage & Seafood Company 2914 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
Gorilla Fireworks PO Box 871906 Wasilla, AK 99687
907-373-6555 - 800-770-6555 www.gorillafireworks.com
Gorilla Fireworks makes people happy.
Fish & Seafood Alaska Glacier Seafoods...................... 790-3590 www.alaskaglacierseafoods.com | Juneau
Taste the Best! - Smoked Salmon | Sausage | Game & Fish Processing
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 311 Franklin St #200 Juneau, AK 99801
907-465-5560 - 800-478-2903 www.alaskaseafood.org
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Increasing the value of Alaska’s seafood resource for the benefit of all Alaskans Alaska Seafoods Direct........................ 262-6070 www.seafoods-direct.com | Soldotna
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Northwest Carpet Co LLC..................... 694-1157 Ofarrell Flooring.................................... 344-1790 Rhineco Interior Showroom................. 247-1511 Scotts Floor Coverings......................... 262-3852 Sharp Tile.............................................. 746-9001 Timberline Contracting......................... 209-0587
Florists Aleut Enterprise LLC............................ 562-5444 www.adakisland.com | Anchorage Big Blue Fisheries LLC......................... 966-9999 www.alaskasmokedfish.com | Sitka Coal Point Seafood Company.............. 235-3877 www.welovefish.com | Homer Coastal Cold Storage Inc...................... 772-4177 www.coastalcoldstoragealaska.com | Petersburg
Coastal Villages Region Fund 711 H Street, #200 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-278-5151 - 888-795-5151 www.coastalvillages.org
Work, Fish, Hope. Copper River Seafoods......................... 522-7806 www.CopperRiverSeafoods.com | Anchorage Echo Lake Superior Meat & Processing................................ 283-9456 www.echolakemeats.com | Soldotna Ed’s Kasilof Seafoods........................... 262-9572 www.kasilofseafoods.com | Inlet Fish Producers Inc....................... 283-7322 www.inletfish.com | Kenai Island Seafoods.................................... 486-8575 www.islandseafoods.com | Kodiak Kwikpak Fisheries LLC......................... 949-1120 www.kwikpakfisheries.com | Emmonak Maserculiq Inc....................................... 679-6512 www.maserculiq.com | Marshall
Resurrection Bay Seafoods................. 224-3366 www.pacificseafoods.com | Seward Silver Bay Seafoods.............................. 826-4550 www.silverbayseafoods.com | Craig
Fishing Tackle Adams Enterprises............................... 246-4232 Alaska Net & Supply Inc....................... 842-2601 B & J Sporting Goods........................... 274-6113 www.bnjsg.com | Anchorage Kenai Cache.......................................... 595-1401 www.kenaicache.com | Cooper Landing LFS Marine & Outdoor......................360-734-3336 www.lfsmarineoutdoor.com | Bellingham LFS Marine & Outdoor.......................... 424-5495 www.lfsmarineandoutdoor.com | Cordova LFS Marine & Outdoor.......................... 581-2178 www.LFSmarineoutdoor.com | Dutch Harbor Mountain View Sports Ctr..................... 563-8600 www.mtviewsports.com | Anchorage Murray Pacific Supply Corp of Alaska LLC............................... 747-3171 Polaris Express..................................... 747-5464 Tackle Repair Ctr................................... 561-0444 The Bait Shack...................................... 522-3474 www.thebaitshackak.com | Anchorage The Tackle Box...................................... 733-7774 www.alaskaedge.com | Talkeetna
Flight Schools UAF Community & Technical College.............................. 455-2800 www.ctc.uaf.edu | Fairbanks
Metlakatla Indian Community PO Box 8 Metlakatla, AK 99926
907-886-4441 - Fax: 886-4471 www.metlakatla.com
Norton Sound Economic Development Corp................................ 274-7575 www.nedc.com | Anchorage Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC............... 246-6860 www.oceanbeauty.com | Naknek
Quality Sales Food Service 1900 Phillips Field Road Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-458-0000 - 800-478-2371 www.qualitysales.net
Serving Alaskans since 1956.
Alaska Wood Flooring Supply.............. 276-0909 www.hardwoodfloorsanchorage.com | Anch Albright’s Commercial Floors Inc........ 563-0723 Arctic Carpet Svc Inc............................ 789-7560 Avp Distributors.................................... 222-3097
Carpet World of Alaska 6410 E Fireweed Rd Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-3737 - 888-770-3737 www.carpetworldalaska.com
Alaskan & Proud................................... 225-1279 Arctic Floral........................................... 356-3141 www.arcticfloral.com | Fort Wainwright Blooming Rose Floral & Gift................ 456-1161 www.abloomingrose.com | Fairbanks Cedars Wholesale Floral Imports......... 563-5566 Evalyn’s Floral....................................... 561-7322 Flores D’Columbia................................ 563-6866 Flowers By June................................... 333-1114 www.flowersbyjune.com | Anchorage Flowers By Louise Inc.......................... 376-4939 www.eflowersbylouise.com | Wasilla Heavenly Creations of Alaska.............. 225-7664 www.ketchikansflorist.com | Ketchikan Marthas Weddings & Flowers.............. 790-4435 Miss Scarletts........................................ 586-1766 www.missscarletts.net | Juneau My Desire Flower Shop & Art............... 826-5445
Food Products Acai Alaska LLC.................................... 333-2224 www.acaiak.com | Anchorage Alaska Sausage & Seafood Company..........................562-3636 www.alaskasausage.com | Anchorage Auntie Annes......................................... 677-1668 www.auntieannes.com | Anchorage Cad Re Feed & Grandma’s Cpbrd........ 262-4698 www.cadrefeeds.com | Soldotna Chilkat Valley Farms............................. 767-5701 EDN Nutrition Consulting..................... 333-0262 Fairbanks Community Foodbank......... 457-4273 www.fairbanksfoodbank.org | Fairbanks Fog Woman Coffee................................ 617-3846 www.fogwomancoffee.com | Ketchikan
Glenn’s Wild Game Processing
Quality Sales Food Service 1900 Phillips Field Road Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-458-0000 - 800-478-2371 www.qualitysales.net
Serving Alaskans since 1956. Seeger Investments...........................360-829-9904 www.marketamerica.com/ptseeger | Buckley Seldovia Village Tribe (IRA).................. 234-7898 www.svt.org | Seldovia Tonights Choice.................................... 376-7434 Webco Alaska Inc.................................. 562-2185
Forestry & Timber Forestry Dept......................................... 225-3070 Forestry Division................................... 761-6300 Interior Timber Tramp........................... 488-7267 Mill Inc................................................... 772-3275 Phoenix Logging Co............................. 755-2545 Sealaska Timber Corporation............... 225-9444 www.sealaskatimber.com | Ketchikan Silver Bay Logging Inc......................... 874-4100
Foundation Contractors All St Construction 5240 Penland Pkwy Anchorage, AK 99508
Freight Services Alaska Juneau Moving.......................... 789-0950 www.allied.com | Juneau Alaska Railroad Corporation................ 265-2300 www.AlaskaRailroad.com | Anchorage Alaska Shipping.................................... 357-7678 Alaskan Coastal Freight Llc................. 235-3660 www.alaskancoastalfreight.com | Homer Aleutian Freight Svc Inc....................... 581-3600
American Fast Freight Inc
8047 Duben Ave Anchorage, AK 99504
5025 Van Buren St Anchorage, AK 99517
Soldotna...................................262-6646 47693 Michelle Ave Unit 7 Fairbanks.................................452-7129 www.americanfast.com
We support the native elders. Husky Food Products-Anchorage........ 563-1836 Juneau Froyo........................................ 523-0623 Kahiltna Birchworks............................. 373-1309
907-248-5548 - 800-642-6664
American Fast Freight operates large sophisticated container freight stations in Alaska in the cities of Fairbanks, Anchorage, Kenai and Kodiak and has receiving terminals throughout the Lower 48.
A Reputation You Can Stand On David C Bernert..................................... 248-5040 www.mohawkgroup.com | Anchorage Decor Industries Inc.............................. 562-2565 Eastside Carpet Co............................... 562-7444 Floorever Inc......................................... 260-9270 Florcraft Inc........................................... 258-1900 www.florcraftcarpetoneanchorage.com | Anch Four D Carpet One Floor & Home........ 262-9181 www.fourdcarpetonesoldotna.com | Soldotna Grazzini Bros......................................... 334-9737 Mad City Flooring.................................. 222-6228 www.madcityak.com | Anchorage
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
Kake Tribal Corporation
When you actually live where you work, you care even more about keeping your work space clean. Delta Western has been living and working in Alaska long enough to develop a local’s sense of pride in the natural beauty that’s all around us. That’s why we’re committed to serving you in a way that provides the highest level of environmental responsibility. It’s why our employees are so rigorously trained. And why our facilities are regularly inspected and maintained. Living here has fueled our devotion to protecting our environment. And inspired us to care deeply about Fueling Alaska Safely.
Robert Mills President-CEO
P.O. Box 291 Kake, AK 99830 robert.mills@kaketribalcorp.com
Cell (907) 723-1686 Office (907) 785-3221 Fax (907) 785-6407
Camai Enterprises LLC....................487-4926 Carlile Transportation Systems............ 276-7797 www.carlile.biz | Anchorage GM Freight..........................................305-599-7924 www.gmfreight.com | Miami Nippon Express USA............................ 243-7891 www.nipponexpressusa.com | Anchorage Northarm Expediting............................. 874-2004 Pacific Alaska Freightways.................. 336-2567 www.pafak.com | Anchorage Poundstone Freight.............................. 586-8161 Sourdough Express Inc........................ 243-2545 www.sourdoughexpress.com | Anchorage Southern Alaska Forwarding Inc.......... 424-3124 Span Alaska Transportation Inc........... 262-5444 Span Alaska Transportation Inc........... 586-9090 www.spanalaska.com | Juneau Span Alaska Transportation Inc........... 451-1184 www.spanalaska.com | Fairbanks Span Alaska Transportation, Inc.......... 349-3606 www.spanalaska.com | Anchorage Transgroup Worldwide Logistics......... 243-4345 www.transgroup.com | Anchorage Viking Freight Systems......................... 586-9488
Fuel Bristol Fuel Systems, LLC.................... 563-0013 www.bristol-companies.com | Anchorage Brooks Fuel Inc..................................... 479-8330 www.ruudleeuw.com/alcan03-p3.htm | Fbks Buffalo Fuel Inc..................................... 895-5077 Carrs Quality Ctr................................... 352-1100 www.safeway.com | Wasilla Chilkoot Woodworks............................. 766-3133 Colville Inc............................................. 659-3189 www.colvilleinc.com | Prudhoe Bay Crowley Marine Svc Inc........................ 662-2672 www.crowley.com | Fort Yukon Crowley Maritime Corporation............. 777-5505 www.crowleyalaska.com | Anchorage Crowley Petroleum Distribution........... 543-2421 www.crowley.com | Bethel Delta Fuel Industries............................. 895-4887
ANCHORAGE 6401 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, AK 99507
907-344-4571 - 855-907-3835
CORDOVA 700 Port Ave, Cordova, AK 99574
907-424-3264 - FAX: 424-3294
SEWARD 100 Ocean Dock Rd, Seward, AK 99664
907-424-3264 - FAX: 224-8052
WASILLA Essential 1 2858 East Palmer-Wasilla Highway
WHITTIER Harbor Loop Road #2, Whittier, AK 99693
907-472-2314 - FAX: 472-2324 www.shoresidepetroleum.com
Fueling the Industries that Fuel our economy. Sourdough Fuel..................................... 456-7798 www.sourdoughfuel.com | Fairbanks Tesoro Alaska Co.................................. 261-7221 www.tsocorp.com | Anchorage
Fuel Station
with Pride
907-276-2688 - 800-478-2688 www.deltawestern.com
Delta Western Inc.................................. 543-5591 www.deltawestern.com | Bethel Delta Western Inc.................................. 842-5441 www.deltawestern.com | Dillingham Delta Western Inc.................................. 581-1295 www.deltawestern.com | Dutch Harbor
Kake Tribal Corporation
Alaska USA
Minto Northfork Store & Fuel Inc P.O Box 58056 Minto, AK 99758
907-798-7512 - 866-798-7181
PO.Box 263 Kake, AK 99830
Has been in business since 1988.
907-785-3221 - Fax: 785-6407
Qinarmiut Corporation
Fuel & Store Kake Tribal Fuel Corp.....................785-3601 www.kaketribalcorp.com | Kake Nenana Heating Service....................... 832-5445 www.nenanaheatingservices.net | Nenana
For all of your quality fuel needs, call us toll-free at 800.478.2688
Shoreside Petroleum Inc
420 L Street Ste 101 Anchorage, AK 99501
Northstar Gas LLC................................ 222-3220 www.nsg-llc.com | Anchorage Offshore Systems, Inc ......................800-733-6434 www.offshoresystemsinc.com | Anchorage Rural Alaska Fuel Services Inc............ 562-0285 www.rafs.net | Anchorage
Made in Minto
Delta Western Inc
101 Midtown Clinic Way Tuntutuliak, AK 99680
907-256-2614 - Fax: 256-2441
At the mouth of the Kuskowkwim River. Groceries, Gas & Heating Fuel.
Funeral Directors Affordable Burial and Cremation......... 222-5985 www.legacyalaska.com | Anchorage Alaska Bronze & Granite...................... 754-3114 www.akbronzegranite.com Dedication By Design | 855-525-7625 | Girdwood
Janssen’s Mat-Su Funeral Home.. 745-5477 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com | Palmer
kodiak Funeral Chapel 303 Erskine Ave - PO Box 313 Kodiak, AK 99615
Anchorage Funeral Home & Crematory 1800 Dare Ave Anchorage, AK 99515
907-345-2244 - 800-478-3353 www.alaskanfuneral.com
Alaskans serving Alaskans in your time of need | Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, Seward and the Valley Cook Inlet Funeral Home...................... 337-5003 Homer Funeral Home............................ 235-6861
Janssen Alaska Cremation Center 3804 Spenard Road Anchorage, AK 99517
907-279-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us”
Janssen Eagle River Funeral Home 16421 Brooks Loop Road Eagle River, AK 99577
907-696-3741 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
“Just like family, we’re there when you need us”
Janssen Evergreen Memorial Chapel 737 E St Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-5477 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
www.LegacyAlaska.com Kehl's Legacy Funeral Home 907-344-1497
11621 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99515 Alaskan Memorial Park Mortuary
3839 N Riverside Dr Juneau................. 789-0611
Chapel of Chimes Funeral Home
415 Illinois St Fairbanks........................ 456-5566
Fairbanks Funeral Home
3704 Erickson Ave Fairbanks................ 451-1110
Kehl's Palmer Mortuary
209 S Alaska St Palmer........................ 745-3580
Legacy Affordable Burial & Cremation
1120 E 5th Ave Anchorage.................... 222-5985
Legacy Funeral Home Wasilla Heritage Chapel
1015 South Check Street Wasilla.......... 373-3840
Legacy Heritage Chapel at Angelus
440 E Klatt Anchorage.........................336-3338
Northern Lights Memorial Park
2318 Yankovich Rd Fairbanks............... 479-2545
Wasilla Legacy Funeral Home
1201 W. Parks Highway Wasilla............ 631-3687
Witzleben Legacy Funeral Home
1707 Bragaw St Anchorage................... 277-1682 "Alaskan Owned and Operated"
Like family... We are there when you need us.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
H E AT I N G Furnaces Heating Alaska Best Plumbing and Heating..... 455-6506 www.akbestph.com | Fairbanks Anchorage Plumbing & Heating........... 349-6620 Denton’s Heating Service..................... 277-2114
NuEra Corporation Anchorage Operations Anchorage, AK 99501
Glenn’s Wild Game Processing 8047 Duben Ave Anchorage, AK 99504
We support the native elders.
907-345-6411 - 800-347-9575 www.nueraheat.com
NuEra: Serving Alaska for over 30 Years with Black Gold and EnergyLogic Waste Oil Heaters & Boilers Polar Tech Heating................................ 488-9276
Furniture Ashley Furniture Homestore 3146 New Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99503
907-929-8660 - 888-929-8660 www.ashleyhomestore.com
"For the lowest possible price on Furniture, Ashley is the place” BiNW.........................................................771-7600 www.binw.com | Anchorage
Ron’s Used Furniture 1515 E Tudor Rd. Suite 11 Anchorage, AK 99507
Serving Alaska since 1974.
Sadler’s Home Furnishings 610 Cushman Street Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-7368 - 800-551-2515 www.sadlers.com
Step up to Sadlers
Furs Alaska Fur Gallery................................ 747-8870 Alaska Interior Game Ranch Inc.......... 895-4715 Arctic Midnight Furs............................. 562-3877
Arctic Raw Fur Company 411 D Street Fairbanks, AK 99701
Serving Alaska for more than 25 years. Tanned furs and leather and/ raw fur dealers. Fritze’s Furs........................................... 842-3476 Fur Factory By Weiss........................... 523-7950 Fur Shop................................................ 852-2900 Inupiat Charms ~ Designs by Buffy..... 376-6200 Southeastern Taxidermy....................... 247-2421 Trophy Tanning & Taxidermy Inc......... 745-6186 Woodland Taxidermy............................ 745-1134
Game Processing Alaska Sausage & Seafood Company 2914 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
Taste the Best! - Smoked Salmon | Sausage | Game & Fish Processing
Metlakatla Indian Community PO Box 8 Metlakatla, AK 99926
907-886-4441 - Fax: 886-4471 www.metlakatla.com
MIC Gaming / Bingo Hall...................886-4255
Gas Companies Enstar Natural Gas Co.......................... 277-5551 www.enstarnaturalgas.com | Anchorage Hilcorp Alaska LLC............................... 777-8300 www.hilcorp.com | Anchorage Resources Energy, Inc.......................... 563-0300 www.rei-lng.com | Anchorage
Gas Industrial Air Liquide America L.P. 6415 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99518
907-562-2080 - 800-478-1520 www.airliquide.com
Mfgr of Gases: Compressed - Liquified - Medical - Industrial | Fbks 452-4781 - Kenai 283-7141 - Delta Jnct 895-1861 - Homer 235-0693 Wasilla 376-6000
Anchorage 6350 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99518
907-563-6644 - 866-924-7427
Fairbanks 641 Hughes Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-3400 - 866-924-7427
Kenai 42400 Kenai Spur Hwy - PO Box 1225 Kenai, AK 99611
907-283-6118 - 866-924-7427 www.airgas.com
You’ll find it with us.
General Merchandise Stores A & L Variety Shoppe............................ 557-5977 Akiachak Limited.................................. 825-4328 Alakanuk Native Store.......................... 238-3810 Alaska Commercial Co......................... 591-2036
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
ALASKANS HELPING BUILD ALASKA SINCE 1959 8 LOCATIONS STATEWIDE ANCHORAGE WASILLA EAGLE RIVER KENAI FAIRBANKS JUNEAU AIH.COM Alaska Commercial Co......................... 852-6711 Aleut Trading......................................... 837-2217 Atmautluak Limited............................... 553-5428 Bayview General Merchandise............. 427-7020 Beemun’s Variety and True Value....... 262-1234 ww3.truevalue.com/ beemunsvarietyandtruevalue | Soldotna G & E Enterprises................................. 985-5540 J & J Boutique & General Mdse........... 581-2003 Joes Shop.............................................. 484-2212 John Gould & Sons............................... 497-2212 Kokarmuit Corp..................................... 765-7228 M & M Store........................................... 563-8809 Manley Trading Post............................. 672-3221 Midnight Sun Native Store.................... 587-5418 Nikolski Native Store............................ 576-2215 Nima Store............................................. 827-8313 Nunamiut Co-Op Store.......................... 661-3327 Omni Ent Inc.......................................... 493-5828 Panarqukuk Limited Village Str............ 693-3121 Pilot Station Native Store..................... 549-3512 Pilot Station Tribal Store...................... 549-3040
Qemirtalek Coast Corporation 9 Frontway Kongiganak, AK 99559
907-557-5529 - Fax: 557-5517
Qinarmiut Corporation
PO Box 89 Tununak, AK 99681
907-652-6311 - Fax: 652-6315
Woolly Rhino......................................... 452-4771
Generators Alaska Cycle Center Ltd 4908 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99503
907-279-9478 - 800-478-4555 www.akcyclecenter.com
Now, you’re good to go!
Geo Consultants Alaska Earth Sciences Inc.................... 522-4664 www.alaskaearthsciences.com | Anchorage Coble Geophysical Svc......................... 235-1066 Geographic Resource Solutions.......... 563-9511 www.grsgis.com | Anchorage Geotek Alaska Inc................................. 569-5905 Northern Associates Inc....................... 479-4312 www.alaskaexploration.com | Fairbanks Pacific Rim Geological Cnsltng, Inc.... 458-8951 www.pacrimgeol.com | Fairbanks
101 Midtown Clinic Way Tuntutuliak, AK 99680
907-256-2614 - Fax: 256-2441
At the mouth of the Kuskowkwim River. Groceries, Gas & Heating Fuel. Quick Stop............................................. 543-3090 Riggin Shack......................................... 329-2213
Rotman Stores
Denali Dry Goods 13562 Main Street Talkeetna, AK 99676
Open Since 1977. Denali Dry Goods sells Authentic Alaskan Native Crafts as well as a variety of local Alaskan handmade goods.
PO Box 969 Kotzebue, AK 99752
907-442-3123 - Fax: 442-2153 www.rotmanstores.com
Tununrmiut Rinit Corp
Serving Alaskans since 1937. Shungnak Native Store......................... 437-2148 Tuluksak Native Store........................... 695-6817
Glass Badger Glass......................................... 452-3927 Badger Glass......................................... 488-7943
Capitol Glass Northerm Windows........ 272-4433 www.cgnw.com | Anchorage De Land Of Glass.................................. 563-3996 Hoffer Glass......................................456-6200 www.hoffer-glass.com | Fairbanks LOF Service Center............................... 522-9522 Nexgen LLC........................................877-800-6706 www.akrockstop.com | Anchorage Northern Glass Co................................ 456-2777 www.speedyglass.com | Fairbanks Replacement Glass Co......................... 279-8484 www.replacementglass.com | Anchorage Rival Glass Co....................................... 529-4316 www.rivalglasscompany.com | Anchorage Statewide Door & Glass........................ 562-2074 Trans America Glass Inc....................... 349-5548 www.tcgi.com | Anchorage
Glass Replacement Fairbanks Paint & Glass 1620 S Cushman St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-7758 - 800-478-7758
Residential | Commercial | Glass Replacement | Fiberglass | Paint | Wood Coatings | Painting Supplies
Guns & Gunsmiths Alaska Arms LLC.................................. 841-8924 www.alaskaarmsllc.com | Big Lake Alaskan Gun & Ammo........................... 452-3007 Arctic Custom Guns LLC...................... 373-4860 www.arcticcustomguns.com | Wasilla Dark Systems, LLC............................... 357-3275 www.darksystemsllc.com | Wasilla Fairbanks Trap Club.............................. 457-6116 Great Northern Guns Inc...................... 563-3006 www.gnguns.com | Anchorage Precision Arms Inc................................ 279-5755 RKO Guns.............................................. 373-6039 The New Gun Traders........................337-6522 www.newguntraders.com | Anchorage
Handicap Services Alaska Mobility, LLC 5515 E. Fireweed Rd Palmer, AK 99645
907-244-3550 - 800-471-2312 www.alaskamobility.com
Hardware Able Locksmiths Inc............................. 276-4147 www.ablelocksmith.net | Anchorage
ALASKA INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE 2192 Viking Dr. Anchorage, AK 99501
907-276-7201- 800-478-7201
2716 Commercial................................ 272-1441 5655 Old Seward Hwy..........................561-1781 Wasilla 751 West Parks Hwy.............. 376-5274 Fairbanks 2951 Airport Way............... 452-4788 Kenai -193 Bridge Access Rd.............283-3531 Eagle River - 12330 Old Glenn Hwy... 694-2988 Juneau - 9141 Glacier Hwy................ .790-3300 Badger Trading Post & Pawn............... 490-2897 www.badgertradingpost.com | North Pole Denali Industrial Supply Inc................. 452-4524 www.denali-industrial.com | Fairbanks Frontier Outfitters Sentry Hardware.... 452-4774 Glass Sash & Door Supply................... 276-1655 www.glasssashanddoor.com | Anchorage Samson True Value Hardware.....452-3110 www.samsonhardware.com | Fairbanks
Hardwood Flooring Carpet World of Alaska 6410 E Fireweed Rd Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-3737 - 888-770-3737 www.carpetworldalaska.com
A Reputation You Can Stand On
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Treatment Programs We offer individualized care, small group settings, flexible treatment options, all in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
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A self-directed program puts the individual receiving the care in charge, allowing you to arrange and direct your own services and supports. You select, train and manage your caregiver.
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We help people of all ages who need extra assistance to stay healthy and happy in their home. B@H accepts private insurance with a variety of payment options
Services Available Statewide 1•877•322•2652 • www.BetterAtHome.us
Headstones Alaskan Granite 3316 Shell St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-458-7286 - Fax: 458-7286 www.alaskangranite.com
We Ship Memorials Anywhere.
Health Care Access to Recovery ( Southcentral Foundation)..................... 729-4253 www.scf.oc | Anchorage Advanced Sonograms of Alaska Inc.... 562-3111 www.aksono.com | Anchorage
AK Consumer Direct
615 East 82nd Ave, Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 99518
907-222-2652 - 888-966-8777 www.consumerdirectak.com
Increasing Independence and Control through Self-Directed services AK Consumer Direct............................. 481-3070 www.consumerdirectak.com | Kodiak
AK Consumer Direct............................. 283-0809 www.consumerdirectak.com | Kenai AK Consumer Direct............................. 357-7962 www.consumerdirectak.com | Wasilla AK Consumer Direct............................. 226-1157 www.consumerdirectak.com | Homer AK Consumer Direct............................. 220-9461 www.consumerdirectak.com | Ketchikan Alaska Brain Injury Network................. 274-2824 www.alaskabraininjury.net | Anchorage Alaska Center for Venous and Lymphatic Medicine....................... 891-7500 www.akcvlm.com | Anchorage Alaska Dept of Health & Social Services..............................269-7800 www.dhss.alaska.gov/Pages/default.aspx | Alaska Ear Nose & Throat.................... 212-3096 www.alaskaent.com | Anchorage Alaska Native Health Board.................. 562-6006 www.anhb.org | Anchorage Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium................................ 729-1900 www.anthc.org | Anchorage Alaska Neonatology Associates.......... 563-3026 www.providence.org/alaska/tchap/nicu/default. htm | Anchorage Alaska Neuroscience Associates, LLC.................................... 677-8737 www.lpspine.com | Anchorage
Alaska Right to Life............................... 276-1912 www.alaskarighttolife.org | Anchorage Alaska VA Healthcare System.....257-4700 www.alaska.va.gov | Anchorage Alaskan AIDS Assistance Assn............ 586-6089 www.alaskanaids.org | Juneau
Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line Statewide in Alaska Anchorage, AK 99501
It’s free. It’s confidential. And it works. Arctic Spine........................................... 222-6500 www.arcticspine.com | Anchorage Asthma Allergy and Immunology Center of Alaska, LLC........................... 562-6228 www.allergyalaska.com | Anchorage Behavioral Health Svc.......................... 265-4912 www.sfconline.com | Anchorage Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska.................................... 479-3909 www.bcdcofalaska.org | Fairbanks Carenet, Inc........................................... 274-5620 www.carenethomecare.com | Anchorage Central Peninsula Hospital................... 714-4404 www.cpgh.org | Soldotna Change Made Easy............................... 378-9470 www.changemadeeasy.com | Fairbanks Chinook Surgical Group & Alaska Bariatric Center..................... 929-4263 www.healthgrades.com | Anchorage Comfort Keepers................................... 334-3000 www.comfortkeepers.com | Anchorage / Wasilla Comprehensive Cancer Control Program.................................... 269-8092 www.dhss.alaska.gov/dph/Chronic/Pages/ Cancer/partnership | Anchorage Crossroad Medical Center, Alaska....... 822-3203 www.crossroadmc.org | Glennallen doTerra Essential Oils.......................... 262-6375 www.doterra.com | Soldotna Eastern Aleutian Tribes Inc.................. 277-1440 www.easternaleutiantribes.org | Anchorage Gateway Center For Human Svc.......... 225-4135 www.akeela.org | Ketchikan Geneva Woods Health Care Services.. 565-6100 www.genevawoods.com | Anchorage Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program.............................. 465-8670 www.hss.cdphp@alaska.gov | Juneau Heritage Birth Center............................ 746-6644 www.heritagebirthcenter.com | Palmer Hudson-Essex Allergy......................973-759-5842 www.heallergies.com | Belleville Imaging Associates of Providence...... 222-0200 www.imagingak.com | Anchorage Kenaitze Indian Tribe............................ 335-7200 www.kenaitze.org | Kenai Ketchikan Indian Community Tribal Health Clinic (KICTHC)......................228-9201 www.kictribe.org | Ketchikan Life Alaska Donor Service.................... 562-5433 www.lifealaska.org | Anchorage Lifesaver Team...................................818-687-7283 www.lifesaverteamcpr.com | Canoga Park Maniilaq Association............................. 442-3311 www.maniilaq.org | Kotzebue Matsu Health Services, Inc................... 376-2411 www.mshsak.org | Wasilla Matsu Midwifery Inc.............................. 373-3420 www.matsumidwifery.com | Wasilla Medical Park Family Care..................... 279-8486 www.mpfcak.com | Anchorage Northern Neurology Consultants......... 561-1565 www.makim.org | Anchorage Norton Sound Health Corporation....... 443-3311 www.nortonsoundhealth.org | Nome Primrose Retirement............................. 373-5500 www.primroseretirement.com | Wasilla Providence Health & Services Alaska. 562-2211 www.providence.org/alaska | Anchorage Raise Program (Southcentral Foundation)................... 729-4955 www.southcentralfoundation.com | Anchorage Real Time II LLC.................................... 357-2158 www.realtimewasilla.com | Wasilla SEARHC................................................. 463-4000 www.searhc.org | Juneau Sitnasuak Native Corporation.............. 443-2632 www.snc.org | Nome Situs Ergonomics LLC.......................... 563-0950 www.ergoAlaska.com | Anchorage Southcentral Foundation...................... 729-4955 www.southcentralfoundation.com | Anchorage
Tanana Chiefs Conference 122 First Ave Ste. 600 Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-8251 - 800-478-6682 www.tananachiefs.org
Healthy, Strong, Unified Tribes US Army Health Care Recruiting.......... 696-3700 www.goarmy.com/amedd.html | Eagle River Wasilla Physical Therapy..................... 376-7334 www.WasillaPT.com | Wasilla Wellspring.............................................. 789-1812 www.wellspringak.com | Juneau White Raven Center.............................. 333-4478 www.whiteravencenter.org | Anchorage Wildflower Court................................... 463-8700 www.wildflowercourt.org | Juneau
Wisdom Traditions Counseling Services, LLC
401 West International Airport Road Anchorage, AK 99518
www.awisdomcenter.com www.wisdomrecovery.com
A Place to Learn, A Place to Heal.
Health Care Alcohol Treatment Tutan Recovery Services LLC
1675 C Street Suite 201 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-563-0555 - Fax: 563-1122 www.tutanrecoveryservices.com
Recovery Starts With You!
Wisdom Traditions Counseling Services LLC
401 West International Airport Road Anchorage, AK 99518
www.awisdomcenter.com www.wisdomrecovery.com
A Place to Learn, A Place to Heal.
Health Care Clinics Acute Family Medicine......................... 622-4325 www.acutefamilymedicine.com | Eagle River Alaska Heart and Vascular Institute..... 561-3211 www.alaskaheart.com | Anchorage Alaska MS Center.................................. 929-2567 www.alaskamscenter.org | Anchorage Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association APIA, Inc........................... 276-2700 www.apiai.org | Anchorage Alicia Robert Health Clinic................... 755-4800 www.searhc.org | Klawock Anchorage Fracture & Orthopedic Clinic.................................. 561-8610 www.afoc.com | Anchorage Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center......................................... 743-7200 www.anhc.org | Anchorage Childhood Asthma Treatment..........315-351-0898 www.askdrshah.com/app/asthmatic-bronchitis/ | Christian Health Associates................. 522-7070 www.christianhealth.org | Anchorage Cordova Community Medical Center... 424-8200 www.cdvcmc.com | Cordova Cornerstone Medical and Counseling Clinic.......................... 522-7080 www.christianhealth.org | Anchorage Dahl Memorial Clinic............................. 983-2255 www.dahlclinic.org | Skagway Dimond Medical Clinic.......................... 341-7757 www.alaskamedicalclinics.com | Anchorage
Eye Clinic Of Fairbanks 116 Minnie Street Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-7760 - Fax: 451-7916 www.eyeclinicoffairbanks.com
Holy Cross Clinic.................................. 476-7174 www.ykhc.org | Holy Cross Iliuliuk Health Clinic.............................. 581-1202 www.ifhs.org | Unalaska Interior Community Health Ctr............. 455-4567 www.myhealthclinic.org | Fairbanks Kachemak Bay Family Planning.......... 235-3436 www.kbfpc.org | Homer Ketchikan Indian Community Tribal Health
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Clinic (KICTHC)..................................... 228-9201 www.kictribe.org | Ketchikan
Kodiak Area Native Association
Acacia PCS............................................ 376-8834 www.acaciapcs.com | Anchorage Access Alaska Inc................................. 248-4777 www.accessalaska.org | Anchorage
AK Consumer Direct
To Elevate the Quality of Life of the People We Serve Kodiak Island Ambulatory Clinic......... 486-6188 www.kodiakcareclinic.com | Kodiak Mc Grath Health Center........................ 524-3299 www.southcentralfoundation.com | Mc Grath PeaceHealth Medical Center: General Surgery Clinic...................................................... 225-7346 www.peacehealth.org/phmg/ketchikan-craig | Ketchikan Peacehealth Medical Group: Psychiatry Clinic................................... 228-7660 www.peacehealth.org/phmg/ketchikan-craig | Ketchikan Peninsula Community Health Services of Alaska................................ 260-3691 www.pchsak.org | Soldotna Primary Care Assoc.............................. 345-4343 www.ushealthworks.com | Anchorage Sitka Medical Ctr................................... 747-5861 www.sitkamedical.com | Sitka South Peninsula Hospital..................... 235-8101 www.sphosp.com | Homer Sunshine Community Health Center... 733-2273 www.sunshineclinic.org | Talkeetna SVT Health Center................................. 226-2228 www.svthc.org | Homer Valley Hospital Imaging Svc................. 861-6656 www.matsuregional.com | Palmer
Health Care Counseling
907-222-2652 - 888-966-8777 www.consumerdirectak.com
Increasing Independence and Control through Self-Directed services AK Consumer Direct.........................220-9461 www.consumerdirectak.com | Ketchikan AK Consumer Direct.........................357-7962 www.consumerdirectak.com | Wasilla AK Consumer Direct.........................481-3070 www.consumerdirectak.com | Kodiak AK Consumer Direct.........................283-0809 www.consumerdirectak.com | Kenai AK Consumer Direct.........................226-1157 www.consumerdirectak.com | Homer
Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska 1750 Abbott Rd Anchorage, AK 99507
907-561-3313 - 800-478-1080 www.AlzAlaska.org
To unite with Alaskans affected by Alzheimer's disease and related disorders to ensure quality of life until a cure is found. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska.......... 822-5620 www.AlzAlaska.org | Glenallen ResCare HomeCare...........................456-4524 www.rescare.com | Fairbanks Seaside Center...................................... 443-6390 Willow Personal Care Asst.........495-6778
Alaska Eye Care Centers APC
2509 Eide St Ste 5 Anchorage, AK 99503
1345 W 9th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-277-1166 - Fax: 277-1143 www.nauskacounseling.com
Empowering you to be more effective and to improve your quality of life. Licensed Counselor Phillip W Baker PHD............................. 562-2392 Rebecca M Prieto.................................. 212-2811 Sam Tezlyn Clark Lpc........................... 278-9355 Samaritan Counseling Ctr.................... 452-4673 Turning Point Counseling Services..... 374-7776 www.turningpointcounselingservices.com | Fairbanks Yronelly Sanchez.................................. 310-0920
Health Care Disability Services Alaska Relay/CapTel 3330 Arctic Blvd., Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-272-2557 - 800-478-2557
Denise Thanepohn, O.D. • Patrick Reber, O.D. • Jim Falconer, Jr., O.D. • Ladd Nolin, O.D. Ian Ford, O.D. • Joshua Cook, O.D. • Jessica Giesey, O.D. Alaska Eye Care Centers, APC, Since 1937 Voted Best Optometrists 2007-2014
Comprehensive eye health care with State-of-the art technology. Medical, Vision & Urgent care for children thru adults. Specialty contact lens fittings, OCT, VF, Optomap, Visoffice emergency & same day appointments. On-site, in-house lens lab. Two locations in Anchorage and Wasilla. Our Frame Specialists will help you select a fashion frame with over 2,500 frames, accessories & contact lenses for every budget. Call for your appointment today - See All That You Can See! New patients are always welcome. Open Saturdays. We look forward to seeing you soon!
1345 West 9th Avenue
907-272-2557 | 800-478-2557 Mon–Fri 8:30am – 6pm Sat 8:30am – 4pm
1700 East Parks Hwy
907-376-5266 | 800-478-5266 Tues–Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm Sat 8:30am – 4:30pm
Assistant Living Home • Attentive Care Community Integrated Service
1700 East Parks Hwy Wasilla, AK 99654
907-376-5266 - 800-478-5266 www.alaskaeyecare.com
See all that you can see Anchorage Opticians............................ 277-8431 Denali Vision Clinic............................... 561-8120 www.denalivision.com | Anchorage Donald W Dippe MD.............................. 264-1405 Edward Bancroft OD............................. 562-2020 Eyemart Express................................... 336-4000 www.eyemartexpress.com | Anchorage Family Eye Care Center........................ 274-7825 Mark O Hrogovic OD............................. 269-9542 Medical Park Eye Care.......................... 276-2080 www.visionsource-gonnason.com | Anchorage
1058 West 27th Avenue, Anchorage Alaska 99503 PO Box 241465, Anchorage AK 99524-1464 Phone (907) 274-7391 Fax (907) 274-7392
Health Services
907-563-2599 - 800-676-3777 www.alaskarelay.com
The Alaska Relay Equipment Distribution Program provides specialized equipment to individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-disabled and are unable to use a standard or amplified telephone. Assistive Technology of Alaska-ATLA...................................563-2599 www.atlaak.org | Anchorage
Health Care Mental Health
AK Consumer Direct
615 East 82nd Ave, Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 99518
907-222-2652 - 888-966-8777
Increasing Independence and Control through Self-Directed services
Bethel Family Clinic PO Box 1908 Bethel, AK 99559
907-543-3773 - Fax: 543-3545 www.bethelclinic.org
Anchor House
1058 W 27th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
Your Professional Eye Care Team
615 East 82nd Ave, Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 99518
Health Care Optometry Nauska Counseling
907-274-7391 - Fax: 907-274-7392
Health Care Home Service
3449 Rezanof Drive East Kodiak, AK 99615
907-486-9800 - 800-478-5721
The mission of the Bethel Family Clinic provides excellent health care and promotes wellness for all people of the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta.
You Are Safe With Us.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
S E R V I C E S Nenana Heating Service PO Box 9 Nenana, AK 99760
907-832-5445 - 800-478-5447 www.nenanaheatingservices.net
Northern Lights Services...................... 488-2500 www.nlhc.com | North Pole Northern Sheetmetal Fabricator........... 345-6996 www.northernsheetmetal.com | Anchorage
• Wa s t e O i l F u r n a c e s & B o i l e r s • E n e r g y L o g i c & B l a ck G o l d • L a r g e s t s t o ck o f p a r t s i n N W • Ser ving All of Alaska • S a l e s ~ S e r v i c e ~ Pa r t s • Fr i e n d l y A d v i c e i s Fr e e We a l s o c a r r y I n d u s t r i a l Ceiling Fans up to 24 feet. M o v e t h e A i r ~ S t a y Wa r m
w w w. N u E ra He at. co m
1-800-347-9575 – or – 907-345-6411 “ S e r v i n g Al a s k a’s Wa s te O i l I n d u s t r y fo r 3 0 ye a r s”
NuEra Corporation Anchorage Operations Anchorage, AK 99501
907-345-6411 - 800-347-9575 www.nueraheat.com
NuEra: Serving Alaska for over 30 Years with Black Gold and EnergyLogic Waste Oil Heaters & Boilers Santa’s Plumbing & Heating................. 488-4631
Heating Equipment & Systems A Fireplace Store................................... 262-9047 www.afireplacestoreak.com | Soldotna Frontier Heating Concepts................... 746-8041 www.frontierheatingconcepts.com | Palmer Frontier Heating Concepts Inc............. 746-8031 www.frontierheatingconcepts.com | Palmer Harman Home Heating at End of the Alcan................................ 895-5321 www.harmanstoves.com | Delta Junction NuEra Corporation..........................345-6411 www.nueraheat.com | Anchorage Steve’s Toyostove Repair..................... 376-9276 www.stevestoyostove.com | Big Lake Valley Mountain Services LLC.....631-5216 www.valleymtnservices.com | Wasilla
Heavy Equipment Repair Commercial Automotive Repair PO Box 3638 Kenai, AK 99611
907-283-4630 - Fax: 283-9346
“To Elevate the Quality of Life of the People We Serve”
Medical & Dental Pharmacy Behavioral Health Veterans Services
Child & Family Assistance
Since 1960.
Helicopter Service Alaska Land Exploration...................... 903-7707 www.fly-ak.com | Fairbanks Alpine Air Alaska Inc............................. 783-2360 Coastal Helicopters............................... 789-5600 www.coastalhelicopters.com | Juneau Columbia Helicopters........................... 225-7879 www.colheli.com | Ketchikan Era Helicopters LLC.............................. 550-8600 www.erahelicopters.com | Anchorage Erickson Helicopters............................ 257-1500 www.ericksonaviation.com | Anchorage Group 3 Aviation................................... 243-0147 www.group3helicopters.com | Anchorage Helicopter Air Alaska............................ 345-3484 Jilkaat Kwaan Hospitality Hse.............. 767-5734
Last Frontier Air Ventures Ltd
Wellness Center
1415 N Local 302 Road Palmer, AK 99645
Public Safety
3449 Rezanof Dr East - www.kanaweb.org
Kodiak Area Native Association 3449 Rezanof Drive East Kodiak, AK 99615
907-486-9800 - 800-478-5721 www.kanaweb.org
To Elevate the Quality of Life of the People We Serve
Heating & Ventilation Alaska Air Balancing Co....................... 373-1090
907-745-5701 - Fax: 745-5711
- (907) 486-9800
Alaska Hearth Products........................ 789-1332 www.alaskahearthproducts.com | Juneau Altrol Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing.... 452-8680 www.altrolinc.com | Fairbanks Barrow Mechanical.........................852-4000 Bethel Heating Service......................... 543-4242 Buckmeier Enterprises......................... 452-2733 Burton Repair........................................ 333-8787 www.burtonrepair.com | Anchorage Global Energy Solutions Inc.............630-717-8600 www.globalenergychicago.com | Naperville Invertech Alaska.................................... 733-2515 Kangas Burner & Heating Svc.............. 455-9153
Last Frontier Air Ventures is a diverse Alaskan Helicopter company offering Support Statewide for: Mineral Exploration, Oil Field Support, Survey, Slung Cargo, Video and Film Projects, Aerial Photography, Tours, Heli Skiing, and Long Term Contracts. Maritime Helicopters, Inc...................... 235-7771 www.maritimehelicopters.com | Homer Northern Pioneer................................... 892-1303 Prism Helicopters................................. 376-3444 www.prismhelicopters.com | Wasilla See Alaska Tours & Charters............... 772-4656 Southeast Tours.................................... 983-2990 www.southeasttours.com | Skagway Talaheim Lodge & Air Svc.................... 733-2815 www.alaskatalaheimlodge.com | Anchorage Temsco Helicopters Inc........................ 874-2010 www.temscoair.com | Wrangell TEMSCO Helicopters Inc...................... 772-4780 www.temscoair.com | Petersburg
Home & Garden Alaska Topsoil LLC 2510 N 49th State St Palmer, AK 99645
Producing the highest quality blended and screened topsoil in the Mat-su valley. Commercial and residential orders.
Hospitals Alaska Native Medical Center.............. 563-2662 www.anmc.org | Anchorage Alaska Psychiatric Institute.................. 269-7100 Alaska Regional Hospital..................... 276-1131 www.alaskaregional.com | Anchorage Banner Health........................................ 458-5660 www.fmhdc.com | Fairbanks Bethel PHS Hospital.............................. 543-6300 Central Peninsula Hospital................... 714-4534 www.cpgh.org | Soldotna Fairbanks Memorial Hospital & Denali Center..................................... 452-8181 www.fmhdc.com | Fairbanks Maniilaq Association............................. 442-7181 Mat-Su Regional Medical Center.......... 861-6000 www.matsuregional.com | Palmer Norton Sound Health Corporation....... 443-3311 www.nortonsoundhealth.org | Nome Providence Health & Services Alaska. 562-2211 www.providence.org/alaska | Anchorage Providence Children’s Hospital........... 261-2542 Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital.852-4611 www.arcticslope.org | Barrow Sitka Community Hospital.................... 747-3241 www.sitkahospital.org | Sitka St. Elias Specialty Hospital.................. 561-3333 www.st-eliashospital.com | Anchorage Walter J & Ermalee Hickel House......... 212-4100 Wrangell Medical Ctr............................. 874-7000 www.wrangellmedicalcenter.com | Wrangell Ykhc....................................................... 543-6300 www.ykhc.org | Bethel Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation................................ 543-6000 www.ykhc.org | Bethel
Hot Tubs & Spas Alaska Bare Spas.................................. 260-1664 Alaska Spa Depot.................................. 373-7733 Alaska Spa Depot.................................. 830-7733 www.akspatech.com | Anchorage Alaska Spa Technology........................ 272-7727 www.alaskaspatechnology.com | Eagle River Alaska Spa Technology........................ 301-3747 www.akspatech.com | Wasilla Kachemak Cooperage........................... 272-0722 Waterworks............................................ 262-3848 Waterworks Inc...................................... 563-3848 www.alaskaspa.com | Anchorage
Hotels & Lodging 26th St Intl Hostel.................................. 274-1252 www.26streethostel.com | Anchorage
7 Gables Inn & Suites 4312 Birch Lane Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-388-9751 - Fax: 479-2229 www.7gablesinn.com
Kitchens, Jacuzzis, affordable rates A Bears Den Inn.................................... 790-2702 www.abearsdeninn.com | Juneau
Abbey Archway Inn 4316 Birch Lane Fairbanks, AK 99709
Alaska Denali Travel..........................800-808-8068 www.alaskadenalitravel.com | Wasilla Alaska Heritage House B&B................. 388-9595 www.alaskaheritagehouse.com | Fairbanks Alaska Private Lodging........................ 235-2148 www.alaskabandb.com | Homer Alaska Travelers Accommodations LLC.......................... 247-7117 www.AlaskaTravelers.com | Ketchikan Alaskan Chateau In Denali................... 683-1377 www.alaskanchateau.com | Healy Alaskan Suites...................................... 235-1972 www.alaskansuites.com | Homer
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Alaskas Capital Inn............................... 586-6507 www.alaskacapitalinn.com | Juneau Alex Hotel & Suites..........................243-3131 www.alexhotelalaska.com | Anchorage Alyeska Resort...................................... 754-1111 www.alyeskaresort.com | Girdwood Anchorage Corporate Suites................ 929-7556 www.anchoragecorporate.com | Anchorage Anchorage Grand Hotel........................ 929-8888 www.anchoragegrand.com | Anchorage Anchorage Historic Hotel..................... 272-4553 www.historicanchoragehotel.com | Anchorage Anchorage Super 8............................... 276-8884 www.super8.com | Anchorage Anchorage Uptown Suites.................... 279-4232 www.anchorageuptownsuites.com | Anchorage Angels Rest On Resurrection Bay....... 224-7378 www.angelsrest.com | Seward Aspen Extended Stay Suites................ 283-2272 www.aspenhotelsak.com | Kenai Aspen Suites Hotel............................... 500-7700 www.aspenhotelsak.com | Juneau Aurora Express..................................... 474-0949 www.aurora-express.com | Fairbanks Aurora Inn.............................................. 443-3838 www.aurorainnome.com | Nome Bear Creek Cabins................................ 224-3405 www.sewardbearcreekcabins.com | Seward Bent Prop Inn & Hostel of Alaska........ 222-5220 www.bentpropinn.com | Anchorage Best Western Bidarka Inn..................... 235-8148 www.bestwesternbidarkainn.com | Homer Best Western Golden Lion Hotel.......... 561-1522 www.bestwesterngoldenlion.com | Anchorage Best Western Lake Lucille Inn.............. 373-1776 www.bestwesternlakelucilleinn.com | Wasilla Best Western Plus Landing.................. 225-5166 www.landinghotel.com | Ketchikan Best Western Valdez Harbor Inn.......... 835-3434 www.valdezharborinn.com | Valdez Billie’s Backpackers Hostel.................. 479-2034 www.alaskahostel.com | Fairbanks Bird Ridge Motel................................... 653-0100 www.birdridge.com | Indian Blonde Bear Bed & Breakfast............... 776-8957 www.blondebear.com | Kenai Blue Heron B & B at Glacier Bay.......... 697-2293 www.blueheronbnb.net | Gustavus
Cape Fox Lodge
800 Venetia Way Ketchikan, AK 99901
907-225-8001 - Fax: 225-8286 www.capefoxlodge.com
Carols Bed & Breakfast........................ 837-2203 www.visitbristolbay.org/carolsbandb/carols_ index.htm | Port Heiden Clarion Suites........................................ 222-5005 www.clarionhotel.com | Anchorage Cleft of the Rock Bed & Breakfast....... 883-4219 www.cleftoftherock.net | Tok Copper Moose Bed & Breakfast........... 822-4244 www.coppermoosebb.com | Copper Center Copper River Princess Wilderness Lodge................................. 822-4000 www.princesslodges.com | Copper Center Courtyard by Marriott Anchorage Airport................................ 245-0322 www.marriott.com/anccy | Anchorage De Canter Inn Hotel............................... 262-5917 www.decanterinn.com | Soldotna Denali Bluffs Hotel................................ 683-7000 www.denalialaska.com | Anchorage Denali Dome Home B&B....................... 683-1239 www.denalidomehome.com | Healy Denali Earthsong Lodge & Denali Dog sled Expeditions............................................ 683-2863 www.earthsonglodge.com | Healy Denali Park Hotel.................................. 683-1800 www.denaliparkhotel.com | Healy Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge...... 683-2282 www.princesslodges.com | Denali National Park Dimond Center Hotel............................ 770-5000 www.dimondcenterhotel.com | Anchorage Dredge no. 7 Inn.................................... 304-1270 www.dredge7inn.com | Nome
Driftwood Hotel 435 Willoughby Ave Juneau, AK 99801
907-586-2280 - 800-544-2239 www.driftwoodalaska.com
You will love your stay at the Driftwood, our botique hotel has 63 rooms, located in downtown Juneau, “everything is nearby”: You will enjoy the fine restaurants, friendly service and warm atmosphere. Join us!
Embassy Suites.................................... 332-7000 www.anchorage.embassysuites.com | Anch Escape For Two..................................... 262-1493 www.escapefortwo.com | Soldotna Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge... 455-4477 www.princesslodges.com | Fairbanks Fairfield Inn & Suites............................ 222-9000 www.fairfieldinnanchorage.com | Anchorage Falcon Inn Bed & Breakfast.................. 547-2255 www.falconinn.mystarband.net | Eagle Gilmore Hotel........................................ 225-9423 www.gilmorehotel.com | Ketchikan
Global Services Inc 1701 E 84th Ave Anchorage, AK 99507
907-349-3342 - Fax: 349-2015 www.globalsrvc.com
Alaska’s Full Service Remote Camp & Catering Company Since 1982.
Grand Aleutian Hotel PO Box 921169 Dutch Harbor, AK 99692
907-581-3844 - Fax: 581-7150 www.grandaleutian.com
Grouchy Old Woman B & B 48570 N Earl Dr Kenai, AK 99611
907-776-8775 - Fax: 776-7088
A respite: A home away from home. Guest House International Anchorage Inn....................................... 276-7226 www.daysinnalaska.com | Anchorage Hampton Inn Anchorage....................... 550-7000 www.hamptonanchorage.com | Anchorage Hilton Anchorage.................................. 272-7411 www.hiltonanchorage.com | Anchorage Hilton Garden Inn.................................. 729-7000 www.hiltongardeninn.hilton.com | Anchorage Holiday Inn Express Anchorage........... 248-8848 www.hiexpress.com | Anchorage Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites - Fairbanks Alaska................. 328-1100 www.hiexpress.com/fairbanksak | Fairbanks Holiday Inn Express on Fort Wainwright............................... 353-3800 www.ihgarmyhotels.com | Fort Wainwright Homewood Suites by Hilton................. 762-7000 www.anchorage.homewoodsuites.com | Anch Hotel Alyeska........................................ 754-2592 www.alyeskaresort.com | Girdwood Hotel North Pole.................................... 488-4800 www.hotelnorthpole.com | North Pole Inlet Tower Hotel and Suites................ 276-0110 www.inlettower.com | Anchorage International Bar & Lounge.................. 456-6437 www.bigifairbanks.com | Fairbanks Juneau Airport Travelodge Hotel......... 789-9700 www.travelodge.com | Juneau Juneberry Lodge................................... 235-4779 www.juneberrylodge.com | Homer Kennicott Glacier Lodge....................... 258-2350 www.kennicottlodge.com | Kennicott Log Cabin Inn Kenai............................. 283-3653 www.AlaskaLogCabinInn.com | Kenai
Long House Alaskan Hotel 4335 Wisconsin St Anchorage, AK 99517
907-243-2133 - 888-243-2133 www.longhousehotel.com
Best Rates, Newly Renovated, Clean and Quiet Long House Bethel Inn......................... 543-4612 www.longhousebethel.com | Bethel Marias Majestic View B & B.................. 235-6413 www.alaskaone.com/majestic/ | Homer Meiers Lake Roadhouse....................... 822-3151 www.MeiersLakeRoadhouseAlaska.com | Gakona Microtel Inn & Suites............................. 245-5002 www.microtelinn.com | Anchorage Motel 6................................................... 677-8000 www.motel6anchorage.com | Anchorage Mountain Greenery Chalet................941-720-3617 www.mountaingreenerychalet.com | Haines Mountain Sky Hotel & Suites................ 835-4445 www.mountainskyhotel.com | Valdez Ninilchik Point Overnighter.................. 567-3423 www.ninilchikpointovernighter.com | Ninilchik Nullagvik Hotel...................................... 442-3331 www.nullagvikhotel.com | Kotzebue Old Harbor Native Corp........................ 278-6100 www.oldharbornativecorp.com | Anchorage
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
L O D G I N G Housing Avcp Regional Housing Auth............... 438-2700 Cold Climate Housing Research Center................................... 457-3454 www.cchrc.org | Fairbanks Commodore Park Plaza........................ 522-8000 www.manormanagementak.com | Anchorage Cook Inlet Lending Center, Inc............. 793-3000 www.cookinlethousing.org | Anchorage Ketchikan Indian Community............... 225-5158 www.kictribe.org | Ketchikan Meadow Lakes Senior Housing............ 357-3999 Muldoon Manor..................................... 338-8700 www.manormanagementak.com | Anchorage Palmer Manor........................................ 745-2110 www.manormanagementak.com | Palmer Riverbend Apartments.......................... 789-3904 Russian Jack Manor............................. 332-4083 www.manormanagementak.com | Anchorage Sutton Manor/Sutton Annex................. 745-1372 www.manormanagementak.com | Sutton Tlingit Haida Regional Housing........... 780-3154
Human Resource Consultants Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC 111 W. 16th Ave., STE 100 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-793-9200 - Fax: 375-2924
Unitech of Alaska.............................349-5142 www.unitechofalaska.com | Anchorage
Information Technology Service Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC......................................793-9200 www.bbrs-llc.com | Anchorage
Infrared Inspection Northern Powerline Constructors, Inc............................344-3436 www.northernpowerline.com | Anchorage
Insulation Alasco General Construction............... 522-2297 www.Alasco.net | Anchorage Alaska Insulation Specialists............... 451-6453 Alaska Quality Insulators Inc............... 488-3832 Arctic Insulation and Manufacturing... 677-9540 www.arcticinsulation.net | Anchorage Chumley’s Inc........................................ 262-4668 E J Bartells Co....................................... 272-2467 www.ejbartells.com | Anchorage Holland Roofing Co............................... 344-9911 www.hollandroofingco.com | Anchorage Living Green Insulation & Air............... 602-5722 Salamander Exhaust Wraps Inc........... 283-1909 www.salamanderwraps.com | Kasilof
Pedro’s Hide-A-Way.............................. 389-2204 www.pedroshideaway.com | Fairbanks Pike’s Waterfront Lodge....................... 456-4500 www.pikeslodge.com | Fairbanks Princess Lodges................................800-426-0500 www.princesslodges.com | Denali National Park Prospector Hotel................................... 586-3737 www.prospectorhotel.com | Juneau Ptarmigan Lounge - Sheraton Anchorage Hotel................. 276-8700 www.sheratonanchoragehotel.com | Anchorage Regency Fairbanks Hotel..................... 459-2700 www.regencyfairbankshotel.com | Fairbanks Residence Inn by Marriott Anchorage Midtown.............................. 563-9844 www.marriott.com/ancri | Anchorage Rose Ridge Vacation Chalets............... 745-8604 www.alaskavacationchalet.com | Palmer Safe Harbor Inn..................................... 868-7373 www.safeharborinn.org | Anchorage San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians..................................760-749-3200 www.sanpasqualbandofmissionindians.org | Valley Center Seward Windsong Lodge..................... 224-7116 www.sewardwindsong.com | Seward
Shaan Seet Hotel 412 Water Street Craig, AK 99921
907-401-0410 - Fax: 826-3980 www.shaanseetlodging.com
A relaxing stay in charming surroundings with excellent service and a convenient central location. Sitka Super 8......................................... 747-8804 www.super8.com | Sitka Sourdough Sues Bear Lake Ldgng...... 362-2454 www.sourdoughsue.com | Seward Springhill Suites by Marriott Anchorage Midtown.............................. 562-3247 www.marriott.com/ancsh | Anchorage Springhill Suites By Marriott Fairbanks........................... 451-6552 www.marriott.com/faish | Fairbanks SpringHill Suites by Marriott University Lake.................. 751-6300 www.marriott.com/ancum | Anchorage Summit Lake Lodge.............................. 244-2031 www.summitlakelodge.com | Moose Pass Super 8................................................... 789-4858 www.super8.com | Juneau Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge...................... 733-9500 www.TalkeetnaLodge.com | Talkeetna Tanana Commercial Company LLC..... 366-7188 www.tananacommercial.com | Tanana
The Coast International Inn 3450 Aviation Ave Anchorage, AK 99502
907-243-2233 - 800-478-2233 www.intlinnanchorage.com
“Alaska’s Friendly Hotel”
Solutions Start Here. Crossroads Leadership Institute......... 727-6187 www.consultcli.com | Anchorage
Industrial Equipment & Supply Advanced Supply Chain Intl., LLC....... 345-2724 www.ascillc.com | Anchorage
AES Electric Supply Inc 3350 Trailer St Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-474-2075 - Fax: 474-2076
The Lodge at Black Rapids
227.4 Richardson Hwy 38 Miles South Delta Junction, AK 99737
877-825-9413 - 877-825-9413 www.lodgeatblackrapids.com
Come as a stranger, leave as a friend. The Voyager Hotel................................. 277-9501 www.voyagerhotel.com | Anchorage Top of The World Hotel......................... 852-3900 www.tundratoursinc.com | Barrow Totem Inn Hotel and Suites.................. 835-4443 www.toteminn.com | Valdez Travelodge............................................. 865-4600 www.travelodge.com | Anchorage Westmark Baranof Juneau................... 586-2660 www.westmarkhotels.com | Juneau Westmark Fairbanks Hotel & Conference Center.................................................... 456-7722 www.westmarkhotels.com | Fairbanks Westmark Hotels................................... 276-7676 www.westmarkhotels.com | Anchorage Westmark Hotels................................... 983-6000 www.westmarkhotels.com | Skagway Westmark Sitka..................................... 747-6241 www.westmarkhotels.com | Sitka Youngs Motel......................................... 883-4411 www.youngsmotel.com | Tok
House & Building Movers Bryant Contractors Inc......................... 333-5733
John’s General Contracting Inc PO Box 870069 Wasilla, AK 99687
907-376-8895 - Fax: 357-7289
“When you need it moved right.”
www.aes-electric.com 53189 Henley Ave Kenai, AK 99611
907-335-5015 - Fax: 335-5017 www.aes-electric.com
Availability is our game and Service is our Aim | Wholesale Supply, Statewide Commercial, Industrial, Oil, Mining & Utility, Contractors
Air Liquide America L.P. 6415 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99518
907-562-2080 - 800-478-1520 www.airliquide.com
Mfgr of Gases: Compressed - Liquified - Medical - Industrial | Fbks 452-4781 - Kenai 283-7141 - Delta Jnct 895-1861 - Homer 235-0693 - Wasilla 376-6000 Alaska Oil Sales.................................... 262-2250 Bob’s Services, Inc............................... 276-3221 www.bobsservices.com | Anchorage Delta P Pump & Equipment.................. 694-7583 www.deltappump.com | Eagle River Industrial Instrument Service, Inc........ 283-4230 www.iiscoak.com | Kenai Inlet Marine & Diesel............................. 776-8955 Jackovich Industrial & Construction Supplies.......................... 456-4414 www.jackovich.com | Fairbanks Kodiak Metals & Supply Inc................. 486-5220 Motion Industries.................................. 563-5565 www.motionindustries.com | Anchorage Oil & Gas Supply................................... 283-4452 Optimal Logistics Inc........................206-941-5288 www.sell-no-junk.com | Kent Palmer Machinery Co............................ 745-3520 Pile Co Inc............................................. 349-5432 www.pilecoinc.com | Anchorage Rapp Hydema........................................ 581-2190 Southeast Diesel & Electric.................. 225-7165 Specialty Products Inc.......................... 276-7932 www.specialty-products.com | Anchorage Tyler Industrial Supply.......................... 780-2210 www.tylerrental.com | Juneau
AAA Alaska............................................ 344-4310 www.aaa.com | Anchorage AAA Insurance...................................... 479-4442 www.aaa.com | Alaska Insurance Solutions................. 746-1030 www.insure907.com | Palmer Alaska National Insurance Company... 248-2642 www.alaskanational.com | Anchorage Alaska USA Insurance Brokers LLC.... 561-1250 www.alaskausainsurance.com | Anchorage Alaskan General Insurance.................. 297-4500 www.alaskangeneral.com | Anchorage Allen O Bowler Insurance Agency Inc..694-7300 www.albowler.com | Eagle River Allstate................................................... 349-7920 www.allstate.com | Anchorage Allstate Insurance Agency................... 346-4006 www.allstateagencies.com/ksnodgrass/ welcome | Anchorage Allstate Insurance Co........................... 262-9445 www.allstate.com/kat | Soldotna Allstate Insurance Co........................... 357-9505 www.agents.allstate.com/ben-atkinson-wasillaak.html | Wasilla Ann T Steck Nale Allstate Agnt............ 333-4411 www.allstate.com | Anchorage Apollo Medical Transport..................888-457-1711 www.apollomt.com | Fairbanks Benefits Consulting Services............... 357-4800 www.benefitsconsultingsvcs.com | Wasilla Benefits Inc............................................ 276-7100 www.benefitsak.com | Anchorage Brown Agency....................................... 283-7834 www.brownak.net/ | Kenai Business Insurance Associates........... 274-4142 www.businessinsuranceassociates.com | Anchorage Colonial Life.......................................... 274-0227 www.coloniallife.com | Anchorage Combs Insurance Inc............................ 745-2144 www.combsinsurance.com | Palmer Conrad Houston Insurance.................. 276-7667 www.chialaska.com | Anchorage Country Financial Svc.......................... 452-3669 www.countryfinancial.com/angela.ritchie | Fairbanks Country Financial--Jon Brandt............. 357-7858 www.countryfinancial.com/jon.brandt | Wasilla David Frazier & Assoc Inc.................... 561-9700 www.dfabenefits.com | Anchorage David Tuttle Insurance.......................... 376-5588 www.davetuttle.net | Wasilla Davies-Barry Insurance........................ 225-9841 www.davies-barry.com | Ketchikan Diane Johnson Agency Inc................... 569-6900 www.allstate.com | Anchorage Dick Randolph Insurance Agency Inc..456-7787 www.dickrandolph.net | Fairbanks
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Investments
Dunlap Agency Inc
794 University Ave Suite 101 Fairbanks, AK 99709
Wedbush Securities
907-456-5202 - 800-478-5202 www.dunlapagency.com
Insurance & Bonding Professionals Since 1986 Eastside Agency................................... 337-2500 www.allstate.com | Anchorage Hagen Insurance................................... 561-8040 www.hageninsurance.com | Anchorage
Hale & Associates Inc 100 Cushman St Ste 200 Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-6671 - Fax: 452-5214 www.hale-insurance.com
Over 30 Years Experience | Locally Owned and Operated | Specializing in Alaska Native, Construction & Governmental Entities | Free Initial Consultations Hood Agency......................................... 488-7033 www.facebook.com/hoodagency | North Pole HUB Northwest LLC.............................. 263-9319 www.hubnw.com | Anchorage Jim Ozimkoski Insurance..................... 452-5664 www.allstate.com | Fairbanks Jones, Amy S State Farm agent........... 274-2060 www.amysjones.com | Anchorage
Kenneth A Murray Insurance Inc 300 Barnette St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-6646 - 877-956-6646 www.kenmurray.com
Auto-Home-ATVs-Business/Contractor- Flood-Life & Health-Bonds "Your full service agency since 1939” Norcal Mutual Insurance Co................. 563-3414 www.norcalmutual.com | Anchorage ODS Alaska............................................ 278-2626 www.odsalaska.com | Anchorage Parker, Smith & Feek Inc...................... 562-2225 www.psfinc.com | Anchorage Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska.....................258-5065 www.premera.com | Anchorage RJM Financial........................................ 272-8519 www.rjmfinancial.com | Anchorage Sea Bright Insurance Co....................... 273-2200 www.sbic.com | Anchorage Shattuck & Grummett Insurance - Downtown Location........................... 586-2414 www.sginc.com | Juneau State Farm Insurance............................ 452-6015 www.statefarm.com | Fairbanks State Farm Insurance............................ 276-2424 www.statefarm.com | Anchorage UBS........................................................ 261-5964 www.ubs.com/usa | Anchorage USI Insurance Services........................ 334-4703 www.usi.biz | Anchorage Valley Insurance Services, LLC........... 373-7380 www.valley-insurance.com | Wasilla Wilton Adjustment Svc......................... 276-3311 www.wiltonalaska.com | Anchorage
Internet Service A K Fast Net..........................................868-4821 AK POWER & TELEPHONE CO................................360-385-1733 www.aptalaska.com | Port Townsend
4300 B St. Ste. 501 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-563-3989 - 800-478-6409 www.astac.net
On the slope. In the village. In between. Clutch Media.......................................... 276-8640 Island Satellite Services....................... 401-1519 www.starband.com | Klawock Microcom............................................... 264-3474 www.microcom.tv | Anchorage ONLINEALASKACOM........................... 929-1516 Pacific Rim Media.................................. 272-8383
Robert Sackerson, AIF®C(k)P® Financial Advisor 11401 Old Glenn Hwy, ste 110 Eagle River, AK 99577 907-696-1900 Office Ivory
Warehouse/Shop Space Apartments/Office Space Crab Pot Storage/Ground Storage Land suitable for commercial and residential building
400 Salmon Way|P.O. Box 149|Unalaska, AK 99685 Telephone: (907) 581-1276|Facsimile: (907) 581-1496 www.ounalashka.com
Mark Knapp Custom Knives at The Cutting Edge 1971 Fox Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-7477 - Fax: 452-7477
We buy, sell and trade mammoth ivory, teeth and bones, legal fossil walrus ivory, antler and horn. Specializing in mosaic handles of exotic Alaskan materials.
Janitorial A Plus Professional Cleaning............... 349-7587 Anchorage Building Service................ 744-7801 Aurora Cleaning Services LLC............. 373-2138 Bibbs Services...................................... 301-3907 www.bibbsllc.com | Anchorage Class Janitorial Svc.............................. 522-2666 Genuine Quality Maintenance.............. 562-7582 H & Y Janitorial Svc.............................. 455-8624 J & J Janitorial Services Inc................. 250-1679 KAT Management Services, Inc........... 868-8000 www.katcorporation.net | Anchorage
LVL Services Inc
7927 E 20th Ave Anchorage, AK 99504
907-947-3353 - Fax: 929-0563
Maria’s Janitorial................................... 322-0720 RBL Sonshine Janitorial....................... 277-7330 Waxie Sanitary Supply.......................... 248-0404 Young’s Cleaning Svc Inc..................... 456-1774
Jewelry A Desert Passage.................................. 456-4680 Adamas Jewelry.................................... 455-6055 www.alaskasgold.com | Fairbanks Baranof Jewelers.................................. 966-3838 Birch Grove Studios............................. 376-5816 www.birchgrovestudios.com | Wasilla Bishop’s Jewelry Gallery-Gold............. 479-7001 www.bishopsjewelry.com | Fairbanks Carl’s Jewelers & Gifts......................... 561-2275 www.alascoin.com | Anchorage Glacier Gem & Jewlery Dsgnrs............ 463-6977 Hickoks Trading Co............................... 463-4877 Jewel Box.............................................. 586-2604 www.jewelboxalaska.com | Juneau Judie Gumm Designs............................ 479-4568 www.judiegumm.com | Ester Julies Fine Jewelry & Gifts................... 225-2525 Juneau Jewelry Co................................ 586-5911 Lambros Goldsmith.............................. 586-3355 Mecca Jewelry & Fine Gifts.................. 486-3708 Perfect Partners.................................... 225-0434 www.perfectpartnersopal.com | Ketchikan Random House...................................... 747-3354 www.russianamericancompany.com | Sitka Royal Jewelers...................................... 586-2125 Soni Jewelers........................................ 225-7669 Kechikan Spectrum Fine Jewelry......................... 225-9000
Knives Mark Knapp Custom Knives at The Cutting Edge 1971 Fox Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-7477 - Fax: 452-7477
We buy, sell and trade mammoth ivory, teeth and bones, legal fossil walrus ivory, antler and horn. Specializing in mosaic handles of exotic Alaskan materials.
2510 N 49th State St. Palmer, AK 99645 907-841-6606 aktopsoil@gmail.com
"Producing the highest quality blended and screened topsoil in the Mat-su valley. Commercial and residential orders."
Labor Organizations Alaska Laborers Local 341................... 272-4571 Alaska Railroad Workers Local............ 272-8316 Alaska State Employees Assn............. 452-2300 Anchorage Independent Longshr........ 279-4233 Anchorage Police Department Employees Association............................................ 561-7500 www.apdea.net | Anchorage Apprenticeship School......................... 562-2890 Carpenters Local 1243.......................... 452-5308 I.B.E.W. Local Union 1547..................... 456-4248 www.ibew.org | Fairbanks Ilwu......................................................... 486-5940
Laborers International Union of North America Laborers Local 942 2740 Davis Road Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-456-4584 - Fax: 452-6285 www.aklaborers.com
Laborers Local 942 has a long and proud history of representing Alaskan working people in the northern, interior and southeastern areas of Alaska. Local 959............................................... 586-3225
4100 Spenard Rd Anchorage, AK 99517
907-274-0536 - Fax: 274-0551 www.neaalaska.org
Painters & Allied Trade......................... 457-4444 www.local1959.org | Fairbanks Plumbers & Steamfitters Union............ 456-5989 Totem Association ESP........................ 562-1183 www.totemassoc.org | Anchorage
Land & Related Services Doyon, Limited.....................................459-2000 www.doyon.com | Fairbanks Environmental Conservation Ofc......... 262-5210 Fish & Game.......................................... 543-1677 Fish & Game Dept................................. 532-2419 Fish & Game Dept................................. 533-3218 Fish & Game Dept................................. 624-3921 Fish & Game Dept................................. 883-2971 Fish & Wildlife....................................... 443-2429 Natural Resources Dept........................ 465-2400
Ounalashka Corporation 400 Salmon Way, PO Box 149 Unalaska, AK 99685
907-581-1276 - Fax: 581-1496 www.ounalashka.com
Land Leasing, Storage Space, Apartment Rentals Tiger Development................................ 563-0517 www.tigertrust.com | Anchorage Us Army Corps of Engineers................ 488-2748 Us Fish & Wildlife Dept Svc.................. 246-3339 Us Fish & Wildlife Svc.......................... 484-2118 Us Fish & Wildlife Svc.......................... 774-2245 Us Interior Dept..................................... 224-7500 Us National Marine Fisheries............... 586-7225
Landscaping A Team Landscape................................ 929-0346 A-1 Lawn & Landscaping...................... 248-7000 www.a1lawn.com | Anchorage
Alaska Topsoil LLC 2510 N 49th State St Palmer, AK 99645
Producing the highest quality blended and screened topsoil in the Mat-su valley. Commercial and residential orders.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Alaska Trailblazing Topsoil.................. 344-4891 Alberto’s Lawn & Landscape............... 244-8924 Alpine Enterprises................................ 441-5174 Bell’s Nursery & Gifts Store................. 345-2654 Carlos Landscaping.............................. 351-5187 Chugach Yard Care............................... 337-2378 Dimond Greenhouses........................... 349-2552 Frontier Landscaping Inc..................... 762-5927 www.frontierlandscapinginc.com | Anchorage Glaciers Edge Maintenance.................. 223-4666 www.gemalaska.com | Anchorage Green Earth Land Work LLC................ 243-7892 www.greenearthalaska.com | Anchorage Ground Control Landscape Service.... 235-1521 Jeffco Grounds Maintenance............... 344-9999 Jodies Ideas.......................................... 246-6690 Joe’s Stump Grinding........................... 457-8867 Just Lawns Inc...................................... 248-0800 www.justlawnsak.com | Anchorage Kakizaki Landscaping........................... 344-6736 Land Design North Inc.......................... 276-5885 www.landdesignnorth.com | Anchorage Landscapes Unlimited.......................... 272-1052 Morrison Construction......................... 554-4456 Mountain Ash Landscaping.................. 345-6023 Northwood Landscaping...................... 569-0007 Parks Landscaping............................... 789-9113 Raes....................................................... 842-5122 Seed-N-Tree Farms............................... 746-7125 Valley Landscaping LLC....................... 455-6332 Van Troba’s Tree Farm.......................... 745-2208 www.alaskantrailrides.com | Palmer
Laundry Equipment Automated Laundry Systems & Supply 5020 Fairbanks St. Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-1752 - 800-478-1752 www.autolaundrysystems.com
“An Energy Conservation Company Serving Alaska Since 1980”
Laundry Supply Automated Laundry Systems & Supply 5020 Fairbanks St. Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-1752 - 800-478-1752 www.autolaundrysystems.com
“An Energy Conservation Company Serving Alaska Since 1980”
Lawn & Grounds Maintenance Alaska Pet & Yard Services, LLC......... 337-7667 www.alaskapetandyardservices.com | Anchorage C’s Services........................................... 338-4167 Mulcare Lawn Care............................... 590-0730 Quality One LLC.................................... 884-0451 www.qualityoneak.com | Wasilla
Lighting Stusser Electric Co 411 E 54th Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
907-561-1061 - 800-478-1061 www.stusserak.shopced.com
YES “Your Electrical Solution”
Limousine Service Aurora Limousines............................... 274-5466 www.auroralimousines.com | Chugiak BAC Limousine..................................... 222-2600 www.baclimoandbus.com | Anchorage Luxury Limousines Ltd......................... 562-6274 Publine Party Buses............................. 459-8888
Liquor, Beers, Growlers Garden Island’s Party Store 246 Illinois St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-3235 - Fax: 452-3379 Gavoras Fine Wine 250 3rd St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-4444 - Fax: 452-7523 www.gavorasfinewine.com
We offer a large selection of great tasting wines, spirits and specialty beers at reasonable prices many of which are not available anywhere else in the Fairbanks market.
Thrifty Liquor
1410 S Cushman St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-3532 - Fax: 374-6676 Beer, Wine, Liquor
Loans MAC Federal Credit Union 541 10th Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-1253 - 877-883-1253 www.macfcu.org
A Financial Partner for Every Life
Spirit of Alaska Federal Credit Union
LUBRICANTS Shoreside Petroleum Inc ANCHORAGE 6401 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, AK 99507
907-344-4571 - 855-907-3835
CORDOVA 700 Port Ave, Cordova, AK 99574
907-424-3264 - FAX: 424-3294
1417 Gillam Way Fairbanks, AK 99701
SEWARD 100 Ocean Dock Rd, Seward, AK 99664
WASILLA Essential 1 2858 East Palmer-Wasilla Highway
907-459-5900 - 800-478-1949
A full- service community credit union. Member of shared branching.
Locksmiths Action Locksmiths & Security.............. 248-3785 www.actionsecurity.com | Anchorage Action Security Inc............................... 344-5051 www.actionsecurity.com | Anchorage Alaska Lockout Svc.............................. 345-6736 Kaiser Locksmith.................................. 278-2927 Keymaster Locksmith........................... 746-5373
Larson’s Locksmith & Security Inc 1249 Noble St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-5625 - Fax: 452-5630 www.larsonslocksmith.com
Affordable Locksmith in Fairbanks, Alaska. Larson’s Locksmith & Security Inc is an experienced locksmith service in Fairbanks, AK, and our goal is to offer our customers affordable service no matter the job in question.
Lodges The Lodge at Black Rapids 227.4 Richardson Highway 38 Miles South Delta Junction, AK 99737
877-825-9413 - 877-825-9413 www.lodgeatblackrapids.com
Come as a stranger, leave as a friend.
907-424-3264 - FAX: 224-8052 907-373-0170
WHITTIER Harbor Loop Road #2, Whittier, AK 99693
907-472-2314 - FAX: 472-2324 www.shoresidepetroleum.com
Fueling the Industries that Fuel our economy.
Machine Shops A P W - VALLEY MACHINE PO Box 298449 Wasilla, AK 99629
907-373-5787 - Fax: 373-3105
If it’s got a piston in it... APW can FIX it. - Full Service Machine Shop - Free Shipping Available
Management Services Crossroads Leadership Institute................................................727-6187 www.consultcli.com | Anchorage
Marine Cargo Handling Alaska Marine Lines..........................800-426-3113 www.shipaml.com | Kotzebue Kimberlin Water Taxi & Freight............ 835-8294 www.kimberlinswatertaxi.com | Valdez Offshore Systems Kenai....................... 776-5551
Marine Equipment & Supply Alaska Marine Pilots............................. 246-2436
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Harris Electric Inc...........................581-1679 www.harriselectricinc.com | Dutch Harbor Kodiak Diesel Svc................................. 486-4440 Kodiak Marine Supply........................... 486-5752 www.kodiakmarinesupply.com | Kodiak Marine Diesel LLC................................. 826-2292 Marine Electronics Sales & Service..... 424-8324 Ocean Marine Svc................................. 776-3435 Port Valdez Marine & Outdoors............ 835-2628 Sea Mar Inc............................................ 246-4230 www.seamar.com | Naknek
Marine Services Alaska Marine Lines.............................. 424-4780 www.shipaml.com | Cordova Alaska Marine Lines.............................. 766-2221 www.shipaml.com | Haines Alaska Marine Lines.............................. 339-5150 www.shipaml.com | Anchorage Alaska Marine Lines.............................. 784-3320 www.shipaml.com | Yakutat Alaska Maritime Agency....................... 776-1145 www.alaskamaritime.com | Kenai Boat Shop Inc........................................ 452-4032 www.boatshopak.com | Fairbanks Dynamic Helical Systems..................... 299-7092 www.dynamic-helical.com | Homer
Marine Transportation
Meats Alaska Butcher Equipment & Supply.. 258-7502 www.alaskabutcherequip.com | Anchorage
Alaska Sausage & Seafood Company 2914 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
Invested in responsible development for Alaska’s future.
Taste the Best! - Smoked Salmon | Sausage | Game & Fish Processing Delta Meat & Sausage Co..................... 895-4006 www.deltameat.com | Delta Junction Echo Lakes Superior Meats................. 262-4155 Icicle Seafoods...................................... 581-1886
For over 20 years Donlin Gold has been carefully preparing to ensure responsible development in Alaska. With our thoughtful planning and industry-leading technology, we are committed to a mining project that will contribute to a thriving Alaska economy. DonlinGold.com
Indian Valley Meats 200 Huot Circle Indian, AK 99540
907-653-7511 - Fax: 653-7694 www.indianvalleymeats.com
Alaska Logistics, LLC Marine Transportation PO Box 3512 Seattle WA 98124 1101 Port Ave, Seward, AK 99664
Ketchikan Fish Market.......................... 247-2864 Mc Neil Canyon Meat Co....................... 235-5456
Quality Sales Food Service 1900 Phillips Field Road Fairbanks, AK 99701
206-767-2555 - 866-585-3281 www.Alaska-Logistics.com
The right choice for Marine Transportation to Western Alaska
Alaska Marine Lines
5600 W. Marginal Way S. W. Seattle, WA 98106
907-458-0000 - 800-478-2371 www.qualitysales.net
Serving Alaskans since 1956. Tustumena Smokehouse...................... 262-0421 www.tustamenasmokehouse.com | Soldotna
Mechanical Contractors
206-786-3545 - 800-950-4265 www.lynden.com/aml
Barge Service to Alaska and Hawaii Alaska Marine Lines.........................339-5150 www.shipaml.com | Anchorage Alaska Marine Lines.........................543-4649 www.shipaml.com | Bethel Alaska Marine Lines.........................826-3419 www.shipaml.com | Craig Alaska Marine Lines.........................842-5516 www.shipaml.com | Dillingham Alaska Marine Lines.........................581-6077 www.shipaml.com | Dutch Harbor Alaska Marine Lines.........................456-1106 www.shipaml.com | Fairbanks Alaska Marine Lines.........................586-3790 www.lynden.com/aml | Juneau Alaska Marine Lines ........................225-7660 www.shipaml.com | Ketchikan Alaska Marine Lines............... 800-426-3113 www.shipaml.com | Kotzebue Alaska Marine Lines.........................772-4234 www.shipaml.com | Petersburg Alaska Marine Pilots, LLC.................... 581-1240 www.ampilots.com | Dutch Harbor Cook Inlet Tug & Barge Inc...........277-7611 www.cookinlettug.com | Anchorage Northweb Marine................................... 745-4285 River Adventures Dock......................... 767-5680 Southwest Alaska Pilots Assn............. 235-8783 Tirrell Marine Surveyors....................... 424-5235 Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc....800-234-8683 www.totemocean.com | Anchorage
Marketing Programs & Services Bristol Bay Resource Solutions LLC......................................793-9200 www.bbrs-llc.com | Anchorage
Massage Wisdom Traditions Counseling Services LLC...............770-3656 www.awisdomcenter.com | www.wisdomrecovery.com | Anchorage
A & J Mechanical Inc............................. 345-0508 Alaska Integrated Services................... 374-8886 Even Stevens Hvac Inc......................... 646-2322 General Mechanical Inc........................ 522-5959 www.gmialaska.com | Anchorage Glen’s Mechanical................................. 399-4536 Inlet Mechanical, Inc.......................770-6144 www.inletmechanical.net | Anchorage International Mechanical Inc................ 563-3044 Mds Mechanical.................................... 745-5768 Miles Plumbing & Heating LLC............ 929-1467 Patrick Mechanical, LLC....................... 452-3334 C www.patrickmechanical.com | Fairbanks Pemco Corp........................................... 563-3661 M Western Mechanical Inc........................ 452-1831 www.westmech.com | Fairbanks Y
Media Services
228_13 NativeDirectory AKS AD.pdf
12:35 PM
Custom Game and Fish Processing 2914 Arctic Blvd, Anchorage
(907) 562-3636
MY Commercial Signs & Printing............... 586-2115 Design Graphics................................... 746-5196 CY www.dgsignsak.com | Palmer
Exploring Alaska TV 35555 Kenai Spur Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669
See our show weekly on channel 13 KYUR Sunday 4:30 PM Graphic Solutions................................. 344-5301 K & H Graphics...................................... 274-4255 Koahnic Broadcast Corp KNBA........... 793-3500 www.knba.org | Anchorage Metapaint Communications.................. 364-3402 Piksik, LLC............................................ 563-3456 www.piksik.com | Anchorage PIP - Printing & Document Services.... 274-3584 www.pipalaska.com | Anchorage William Fraser Advertising................... 677-2950 www.wfadvertising.com | Anchorage
Military Recruiting Alaska Air Natl Guard Recruit.............. 357-9320 US Army Recruiting...........................277-3060 www.goarmy.com | Anchorage
Serving Alaskans since 1963
Taste the Best. Quality gourmet sausages and fish smoking for over 50 years. Airport pickup available.
www.alaskasausage.com US Marine Corps Recruiting................. 271-6474 www.marines.com | Anchorage
Mining Donlin Gold
4720 Business Park Blvd # G-25 Anchorage, AK 99503
Teck Alaska Inc..................................... 426-2170 www.teck.com | Anchorage Teck Alaska-Red Dog Mine................... 754-5116 www.reddogalaska.com | Anchorage Usibelli Coal Mine Inc........................... 683-2226 www.usibelli.com | Healy Usibelli Coal Mine Inc........................... 452-2625 www.usibelli.com | Fairbanks
907-273-0200 - 888-225-7590 www.donlingold.com
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
JOIN OUR TEAM A P P LY O N L I N E w w w. t a n a n a c h i e f s . o r g
Tanana Chiefs Conference offers a wide array of career fields with the opportunity to make a difference in the health and wellness of the Interior Alaska Native people.
Museums Ahtna Cultural Ctr................................. 822-3535 Alaska Museum of Science & Nature... 274-2400 www.alaskamuseum.org | Anchorage Alaska Trooper Museum....................... 279-5050 www.alaskatroopermuseum.com | Anchorage Alaska Veterans Museum..................... 677-8802 www.alaskaveterans.com | Anchorage Anchorage Museum Assn.................... 343-4326 Colony House Museum......................... 745-1935 Dorothy G. Page Museum..................... 373-9071 www.cityofwasilla.com/museum | Wasilla
Fairbanks Community Museum 535 Second Ave. Suite 215 Fairbanks, AK 99701
Fairbanks Ice Museum.......................... 451-8222 www.icemuseum.com | Fairbanks Gastineau Channel Historical ............. 586-5338 Kasilof Regional Historical................... 262-2999 Last Chance Mining Museum............... 586-5338 Museum of The Aleutians..................... 581-5150 Palmer Museum of History & Art and Visitor Center.................................................... 746-7668 www.palmermuseum.org | Palmer Pioneer Memorial Park, Inc.................. 456-8579 www.co.fairbanks.ak.us/pioneerpark/attractions Sheldon Jackson Museum................... 747-6233 www.fosjm.org | Sitka Sheldon Museum & Cultural Ctr Inc.... 766-2366 Soldotna Historical Society.................. 262-3832 Tanana Valley Railroad Museum Pioneer Park.......................................... 459-7421 www.ftvrr.org | Fairbanks Valdez Museum & Historcal Archive.... 835-2764 www.Valdezmuseum.com | Valdez Wasillaknik Historical Scty................... 376-2005 Yupik Ctr & Museum Gift Shop............ 543-1819
Follow Us:
Nail Salon Diamond Nails
800 E Dimond Blvd. 2F Suite 3-201 Anchorage, AK 99515
907-344-9892 - Fax: 868-3149
Lana’s Perfect T.E.N. School of Nails & Nail Salon 5445 Old Seward Hwy, Unit 2 Anchorage, AK 99518
907-277-5511 - 866-747-5511 www.lanasnailschool.com
Sanitation Is Practiced and Satisfaction Is Guaranteed. Serving Nail Care Since 1981.
Monuments Alaskan Granite................................458-7286 www.alaskangranite.com | Fairbanks
Janssen Evergreen Memorial Chapel 737 E St Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-5477 - Fax: 278-8551 www.janssenfuneralhomes.com
Like family... We are there when you need us.
Northern Lights Legacy Funeral Homes & Memorial Park 2318 Yankovich Rd Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-479-2545 - 800-820-1682 www.legacyalaska.com
Witzleben Legacy Funeral Home 1707 Bragaw St Anchorage, AK 99508
907-277-1682 - Fax: 278-5133 www.legacyalaska.com
Mortgages Wells Fargo Bank NA 301 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99507
907-265-2805 - 800-869-3557 www.wellsfargo.com
Together we’ll go far.
Motorcycles Alaska Cycle Center Ltd
Native American Goods Alaska Black Diamond.......................... 225-0294 Arctic Spirit Gallery.............................. 228-2277 www.arcticspiritgallery.com | Ketchikan Boss Bakery.......................................... 983-2600 Chukotka-Alaska Inc............................. 443-4128 Deerunner’S.......................................... 677-9141 False Pass Tribal Council..................... 548-2227 www.apiai.org/tribes/false-pass/ | False Pass Inupiat Charms ~ Designs by Buffy..... 376-6200 Native Crafts @ Arctic Bed & Breakfast.................................... 272-1853 www.arcticbb.com | Anchorage
Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative 604 H Street Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-9225 - 888-360-9665 www.qiviut.com
Oomingmak Musk Ox Producers’ Co-Operative - Producer of the finest Alaskan Qiviut (“kiv-ee-ute”) Handknits since 1969 Parnassus Books.................................. 225-7690 www.ketchikanbooks.com | Ketchikan Sitnasuak Native Corporation.............. 443-2632 www.snc.org | Nome Stebbins Native Gift Store.................... 934-2114 World Eskimo-Indian Olympics............ 452-6646 www.weio.org | Fairbanks
Non Profit Al Aska Shrine Temple.......................... 274-4344 www.alaskashrine.com | Anchorage Alaska 2-1-1........................................... 263-3800 www.liveunitedanchorage.org | Anchorage Alaska Chadux Corp............................. 348-2365 www.chadux.com | Anchorage Alaska Conservation Foundation........ 276-1917 www.alaskaconservation.org | Anchorage Alaska Crossings AICS......................... 874-2371 www.alaskacrossings.org | Wrangell Alaska Dance Theatre........................... 277-9591 www.alaskadancetheatre.org | Anchorage Alaska Humanities Forum.................... 272-5341 www.akhf.org | Anchorage Alaska Miners Association................... 563-9229 www.alaskaminers.org | Anchorage Alaska Native Harbor Seal Commission.......................................... 345-0555 www.harborsealcommission.org | Anchorage Alaska PTA............................................. 279-9345 Www.alaskapta.com | Anchorage Alaska Rural Veterinary Outreach Inc. 349-2786 www.akrvo.org | Anchorage Alaska Works Partnership Inc.............. 569-4711 www.alaskaworks.org | Anchorage
Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska 1750 Abbott Rd Anchorage, AK 99507
907-561-3313 - 800-478-1080 www.AlzAlaska.org
To unite with Alaskans affected by Alzheimer's disease and related disorders to ensure quality of life until a cure is found. Anchorage Symphony Orchestra......... 274-8668 www.anchoragesymphony.org | Anchorage Anchorage Youth Court........................ 274-5986 www.anchorageyouthcourt.org | Anchorage Association of Village Council Presidents................................ 543-7300 www.avcp.org | Bethel Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska...... 586-3350 www.bbbsak.org | Juneau Building Hope Construction................. 260-8041 www.aecak.org/building-hope-constr.html | Soldotna Coastal Villages Region Fund....278-5151 www.coastalvillages.org | Anchorage Commonwealth North........................... 276-1414 www.commonwealthnorth.org | Anchorage Congregation Or Hatzafon.................... 456-1002 www.lightofthenorth-alaska.org | Fairbanks Cook Inlet Soccer Club......................... 344-7529 www.ciscsoccer.org | Anchorage Doyon Foundation................................ 459-2048 www.doyonfoundation.com | Fairbanks First Alaskans Institute......................... 677-1700 www.firstalaskans.org | Anchorage
4908 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99503
907-279-9478 - 800-478-4555 www.akcyclecenter.com
Now, you’re good to go!
Mufflers Muffler City & Brake 105 W 5th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-0408 - Fax: 274-8652 www.mufflercityusa.com
All roads lead to Muffler City
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Fur Rondy.............................................. 274-1177 www.furrondy.net | Anchorage Futbol Alaska Soccer Club................... 538-4322 www.futbolalaska.com | Anchorage Juneau Youth Services......................... 789-7610 www.jys.org | Juneau Love In Action....................................... 247-5462 www.liaktn.org | Ketchikan Love Inc Anchorage.............................. 522-5683 www.loveincanchorage.org | Anchorage Mabel T Caverly Senior Services......... 276-1496 www.mabeltcaverly.org | Anchorage Midnight Sun Council Boyscouts of America.......................... 452-1976 www.midnightsunbsa.org | Fairbanks Nami Juneau.......................................... 463-4251 www.namijuneau.org | Juneau NEA-Alaska............................................ 274-0536 www.neaalaska.org | Anchorage Nenana Ice Classic...........................832-5446 www.nenanaakiceclassic.com | Nenana Northern Susitna Institute.................... 733-7111 www.northernsusitnainstitute.org | Talkeetna Perseverance Theatre........................... 364-2151 www.perseverancetheatre.org | Douglas Programs for Infants and Children, Inc................................... 561-8060 www.picak.org | Anchorage
Sitka Trail Works 801 Halibut Point Rd Sitka, AK 99835
907-747-7244 - Fax: 747-7244 www.sitkatrailworks.org
Tanana Chiefs Conference 122 First Ave Ste. 600 Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-8251 - 800-478-6682 www.tananachiefs.org
Healthy, Strong, Unified Tribes The Alaska Community Foundation..... 334-6700 www.alaskacf.org | Anchorage thread, Childcare Resource & Referral......................265-3100 www.threadalaska.org | Anchorage World Eskimo-Indian Olympics............ 452-6646 www.weio.org | Fairbanks
Notaries Public Mobile Notary Service Anchorage, AK 99501
Occupational Therapists Advanced Rehabilitation 126 W 15th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-222-1924 - Fax: 222-1926
(AROS) Advance Rehab and Occupational Solutions.
Office Equipment Arctic Office Products.......................... 459-0303 www.arcticoffice.com | Fairbanks Bailey’s Furniture.................................. 646-4900 www.baileysfurniture.com | Anchorage Bowers Office Products Inc................. 479-6264 www.bowersofficeproducts.com | Fairbanks Data Processing Supplies-Ak............... 561-5332 Greg’s Alternative Solutions................ 245-0576
Office Furniture BiNW
3909 Arctic Blvd, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-771-7600 - Fax: 771-7601 www.binw.com
Delivering spaces that inspire.
Oil & Gas Ahtna, Incorporated.............................. 822-3476 www.ahtna-inc.com | Glennallen Alaska Oil & Gas Association.............. 272-1481 www.aoga.org | Anchorage Alyeska Pipeline Svc Co....................... 787-8700 www.alyeska-pipe.com | Anchorage Aurora Power Resources Inc............... 277-1003 www.aurorapower.com | Anchorage B P Exploration Alaska Inc................... 561-5111 www.alaska.bp.com | Anchorage CI Energy Group................................877-927-7936 www.alaskaoilandgascongress.com | Toronto ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc................... 276-1215 www.conocophillips.com | Anchorage E3 Environmental, LLC......................... 565-4200 www.E3Alaska.com | Anchorage Hawk Consultants LLC......................... 278-1877 www.hawkpros.com | Anchorage Kakivik Asset Management LLC.......... 770-9400 www.kakivik.com | Anchorage Nabors Alaska Drilling Inc.................... 263-6000 www.nabors.com | Anchorage NANA Oilfield Services, Inc.................. 265-4161 www.nanaoilfield.com | Anchorage Petro Star, Inc........................................ 339-6600 www.petrostar.com | Anchorage
Petrotechnical Resources Alaska (PRA) 3601 C Street, Ste 1424 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-272-1232 - Fax: 272-1344 www.petroak.com
Alaska’s Oil and Gas Consultants. Puget Sound Pipe & Supply Co........... 277-7473 www.pugetpipe.com | Anchorage Shell Exploration & Production Co...... 770-3700 www.shell.com.us/alaska | Anchorage Swift Technical Service LLC................. 222-4100 www.swiftworldwideresources.com | Anchorage
Oil & Gas Services
Northern Office Supply......................... 344-6200 www.northernofficesupply.com | Anchorage Royal Business Systems Inc................ 563-4118 www.akcopy.net | Anchorage, AK Scan Home............................................ 562-6911 www.scanhome.com | Anchorage Valley Business Machines Inc.............. 376-5077 www.VBMAlaska.com | Wasilla
3M Alaska.............................................. 522-5200 www.3m.com | Anchorage AIMM Technologies Inc....................283-7330 www.aimmtechnologies.com | Kenai Alaska Clean Seas................................ 743-8989 www.alaskacleanseas.org | Anchorage Alaska Frontier Constructors Inc......... 562-5303 www.akfrontier.com | Anchorage Alaska Marine Transport Inc................ 344-7307 www.alaskamarinetransport.com | Anchorage Alaska Structures................................. 344-1565 www.alaskastructures.com | Anchorage Alaska Supply Inc................................. 562-3422 www.aksupply.net | Anchorage Alaska Support Industry Alliance........ 563-2226 www.alaskaalliance.com | Anchorage Alutiiq Oilfield Solutions LLC............... 456-4433 www.alutiiq.com | Fairbanks Alyeska Pipeline Service Company..... 787-8870 www.alyeska-pipe.com | Anchorage ASRC Energy Services Inc................... 339-6200 www.asrcenergy.com | Anchorage B & T Oil Field Products....................... 272-7817 www.btoilfield.com | Anchorage Baker Hughes........................................ 267-3409 www.bakerhughes.com | Anchorage Bowhead Transport...........................206-957-5260 www.bowheadtransport.com | Seattle Brice Inc................................................. 452-2512 www.bricecompanies.com | Fairbanks Canadian Mat Systems, Inc.................. 272-5766 www.matsystems.ca | Anchorage Colville Inc............................................. 659-3198 www.colcilleinc.com | Prudoe Bay ESS Support Services Worldwide........ 344-1207 www.essalaska.com | Anchorage Fircroft Inc............................................. 569-8100 www.fircroft.com | Anchorage Foss Maritime Co.................................. 782-4950 www.foss.com | Anchorage
GBR Equipment Inc.............................. 563-3550 www.gbroilfield.com | Anchorage Golder Associates Inc........................... 344-6001 www.golder.com/mining | Anchorage Little Red Service Inc............................ 349-2931 www.littleredservices.com | Anchorage NANA Oilfield Services Inc................... 659-2840 www.nanaoilfield.com | Prudhoe Bay NANA WorleyParsons........................... 273-3900 www.nanaworleyparsons.com | Anchorage NEI Fluid Technology............................ 561-4820 www.neifluid.com | Anchorage Norcon Inc............................................. 349-0821 www.norcon.com | Anchorage Peak Oil Field Svc................................. 277-0314 www.peakalaska.com | Anchorage Peak Oilfield Service Co....................... 263-7000 www.peakalaska.com | Anchorage Price Gregory International Inc............ 278-4400 www.pricegregory.com | Anchorage Quality Equipment Sales ..................... 349-6215 www.quessak.com | Anchorage
Nenana Heating Service PO Box 9 Nenana, AK 99760
907-832-5445 - 800-478-5447 www.nenanaheatingservices.net
Oils Petroleum Nenana Heating Service PO Box 9 Nenana, AK 99760
907-832-5445 - 800-478-5447 www.nenanaheatingservices.net
Ravn Alaska
4700 Old International Airport Rd Anchorage, AK 99502
907-266-8394 - 800-866-8394 www.flyravn.com
Soaring above. Superior Machine & Welding Inc.......... 278-3944 www.superiormachine.net | Anchorage Tri-Jet Manufacturing Services............ 745-6900 www.trijetprecisioncutting.com | Palmer Weston Solutions Inc............................ 276-6610 www.westonsolutions.com | Anchorage WorkSafe Inc......................................... 563-8378 www.worksafeinc.com | Anchorage
Oils Fuel Bonanza Fuel Inc.................................. 443-2561 www.snc.org | Nome Crowley Petroleum Distribution Inc..... 456-1312 www.crowley.com/fairbanks | Fairbanks Eskimos Inc........................................... 852-3835 www.asrc.com | Barrow
Shoreside Petroleum Inc
ANCHORAGE 6401 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, AK 99507
907-344-4571 - 855-907-3835
CORDOVA 700 Port Ave, Cordova, AK 99574
907-424-3264 - FAX: 424-3294
SEWARD 100 Ocean Dock Rd, Seward, AK 99664
907-424-3264 - FAX: 224-8052
WASILLA Essential 1 2858 East Palmer-Wasilla Highway
WHITTIER Harbor Loop Road #2, Whittier, AK 99693
907-472-2314 - FAX: 472-2324 www.shoresidepetroleum.com
Fueling the Industries that Fuel our economy.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
W A S T E Caddo Construction LLC...................... 333-6160 www.caddopaving.com | Anchorage Majesty Paving...................................... 561-8250 North Star Excavation Asphalt............. 745-1112 Northern Asphalt Construction............ 344-5822 QAP........................................................ 522-2211
Petroleum Products AmeriGas............................................... 745-4216 AmeriGas............................................... 789-7897 Crowley.................................................. 733-2620 Crowley Petroleum Distribution........... 656-1852
Pest Control American Pest Management................. 277-7378
Eagle Pest Control & Tree Service 525 Taylor St Anchorage, AK 99508
Alaska’s bed bugs experts Ketchikan Pest Control......................... 247-2847 Nuisance Wildlife Management............ 333-9453 www.nwmak.com | Wasilla Pied Piper Pest Control........................ 456-5640 www.alaskapest.com | Fairbanks Professional Pest Control Svc............. 276-7630 Tall Trees............................................... 248-3900 www.talltreesalaska.com | Anchorage
Pet Boarding
Delta Western Inc 420 L Street Ste 101 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-276-2688 - 800-478-2688 www.deltawestern.com
Alaska’s Petroleum Distributor Dineega Fuel Co.................................... 468-4436 Fisher Fuel Inc....................................... 822-5755 Ikes Fuel................................................ 364-3420 Inlet Petroleum Company.............479-0274 www.inletpetroleum.com | Fairbanks Offshore Systems Inc........................... 581-1827 Petro Marine Services........................... 273-8225 www.petromarineservices.com | Anchorage Petro Marine Svc................................... 224-3190
ABC K9 & Equine
3580 Van Horn Rd near Fairbanks International Airport Fairbanks, AK 99709
Oils Waste NuEra Corporation Anchorage Operations Anchorage, AK 99501
907-345-6411 - 800-347-9575 www.nueraheat.com
NuEra: Serving Alaska for over 30 Years with Black Gold and EnergyLogic Waste Oil Heaters & Boilers
Opthalmology Eye Clinic Of Fairbanks 116 Minnie Street Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-7760 - Fax: 451-7916 www.eyeclinicoffairbanks.com
Optometrists Alaska Eye Care Centers APC 1345 W 9th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-272-2557 - 800-478-2557
www.alaskaeyecare.com 1700 East Parks Hwy Wasilla, AK 99654
907-376-5266 - 800-478-5266 www.alaskaeyecare.com
See all that you can see
Eye Clinic Of Fairbanks 116 Minnie Street Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-7760 - Fax: 451-7916 www.eyeclinicoffairbanks.com
Nicole L. Berhow, OD, Inc.
Next to Lenscrafters in the Sears Mall Anchorage, AK 99503
907-258-6333 - Fax: 258-6968 Same Day Appointments Available, Open 7 Days a Week
Packaging Metlakatla Indian Community PO Box 8 Metlakatla, AK 99926
907-886-4441 - Fax: 886-4471 www.metlakatla.com
Paint & Painting Supplies A1 Coles Painting................................. 357-7889 Adams Family Painting......................... 227-2053 Coastal Supply...................................... 283-4422 Complete Painting Service................... 277-2468 Custom Interior Services...................... 354-4909 Different Strokes Painting.................... 488-3570
Fairbanks Paint & Glass 1620 S Cushman St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-7758 - 800-478-7758
Residential | Commercial | Glass Replacement | Fiberglass | Paint | Wood Coatings | Painting Supplies Fullmers Painting.................................. 696-5473 Grace Painting, Inc............................... 394-1902 Gramco, Inc........................................... 374-8838 Gundersen Painting, Inc....................... 456-8287 Hi Tec Pro Autobody Supply, Inc......... 562-7766 L D & Sons Painting.............................. 376-1331 R & R Super Paint................................. 488-9497 Sherwin Williams................................... 562-5828 www.sherwin-williams.com | Anchorage Sherwin-Williams.................................. 373-2384 www.sherwin-williams.com | Wasilla Sitka True Value.................................... 747-6292 www.truevalue.com | Sitka Speedy Glass........................................ 694-7640 True Value Hardware............................. 248-9211 www.truevalue.com | Anchorage
pARTY Stores & sERVICES Garden Island’s Party Store 246 Illinois St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-3235 - Fax: 452-3379 Gavoras Fine Wine 250 3rd St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-4444 - Fax: 452-7523 www.gavorasfinewine.com
▪ We offer a large selection of great tasting wines, spirits and specialty beers at reasonable prices many of which are not available anywhere else in the Fairbanks market.
Paving Affordable Paving & Seal Coating....... 243-7000 www.affordablepavingak.com | Anchorage
Fairbanks Most Adventurous Doggie Daycare. Animal Daycare & Boarding................. 338-7777 www.animaldaycareboarding.com | Anchorage B & W Boarding..................................... 776-6575 Cooper’s Wounded Bear Farms........... 283-3218 Crown Point Kennel.............................. 288-5621 Duck Inn Kennels.................................. 892-6076
Pet Grooming ABC K9 & Equine...................................479-4930 www.abck9equine.com | Fairbanks Bev’s Dog Grooming & Boutique......... 279-6666 Dog Wash Resort.................................. 522-9274 www.thedogwashresortak.com | Anchorage Gone To The Dogs Llc.......................... 260-4469 Kodiak K Nine Kuts LLC....................... 512-2859 www.kodiakpetsupplies.com | Kodiak
Pet Services ABC K9 & Equine...................................479-4930 www.abck9equine.com | Fairbanks Alaska SPCA.......................................... 562-2999 www.alaskaspca.org | Anchorage Alaskas Extended Life Animal............. 776-3614 www.aelas.petfinder.com | Nikiski Animal Control...................................... 789-6997 www.ghspets.org | Juneau Animal House Veterinary Hosp............ 479-2800 www.alaskanoahsark.com | Fairbanks Arctic Tails............................................. 644-1040 www.arctictails.com | Anchorage Ballaine Veterinary Clinic..................... 479-3641 Canines Unlimited................................. 790-3647 Chena River Kennels............................ 490-6740 Chester Valley Veterinary Hosp........... 333-6591 www.healthypetalaska.com | Anchorage
Cold Spot - For Healthy Pets 377 Helmericks Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-457-8555 - Fax: 457-8556 www.coldspotfeeds.com
Interior Alaska’s largest supplier of everything for dog mushing & pets! Cook Inlet Kennel Club......................... 745-3674 Doggy Decadents.................................. 717-9018 www.doggydecadents.com | Eagle River Highland Animal Clinic......................... 344-0561 www.highlandanimalclinicak.com | Anchorage Holy Dog Pet Boarding, Inc.................. 455-6414 www.holydogpetboarding.com | Fairbanks Pet Nannys Placethe Original.............. 780-5450 Pet Nurse............................................... 248-9588 Scooper Trooper Pet Waste.................. 677-7473 Scrubamutt............................................ 745-6888 Weekend Walkers.................................. 789-1240
Shoreside Petroleum Inc
ANCHORAGE 6401 Lake Otis Parkway Anchorage, AK 99507
907-344-4571 - 855-907-3835
CORDOVA 700 Port Ave, Cordova, AK 99574
907-424-3264 - FAX: 424-3294
SEWARD 100 Ocean Dock Rd, Seward, AK 99664
907-424-3264 - FAX: 224-8052
WASILLA Essential 1 2858 East Palmer-Wasilla Highway
WHITTIER Harbor Loop Road #2, Whittier, AK 99693
907-472-2314 - FAX: 472-2324 www.shoresidepetroleum.com
Fueling the Industries that Fuel our economy. Top Fuel................................................. 746-4985
Photography Anchorage Photos 911 Photo Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
Let Us Capture Life’s Special Moments For You, Keeping Them From Slipping Away.
CordovaRaven Photography P.O. Box 2344 Cordova, AK 99574
907-429-3143 Physical Therapy
Kids are People Too 6311 Debarr Rd. suite J Anchorage, AK 99504
907-830-3592 - Fax: 866-408-0538 www.kidsarepeopletoopt.com
Handle with Care
Piling Arctic Foundations Inc......................... 562-2741 www.arcticfoundations.com | Anchorage Bushwhacker Pile Driving.................... 441-7646 Fabry Construction Inc......................... 225-5388
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t imPress Alaska
Anchorage, AK 99504
AAA Restorations LLC
7101 Oakwood Dr Anchorage, AK 99507
907-230-9756 - Fax: 222-4808 Plastics / Plexiglass CAC Plastics LLC
2600 E Broadview Ave Wasilla, AK 99654
907-376-7111 - Fax: 376-7124 www.cacalaska.com
Plastics for all Reasons and Seasons
Mugs, shirts, you name it! If you can think it, I can ink it. Your Local Promotional Printer Information Design, Inc........................ 243-0338 www.informationdesigninc.com | Anchorage Interior Graphics & Printing........456-4982 www.interiorgraphics.com | Fairbanks Kodiak Print Master.............................. 486-3023 Lazer Print............................................. 235-2335 New Printers Workshop Inc.................. 279-4501 www.newprintersworkshop.com | Anchorage Polar Run Printing LLC......................... 479-8309 Royal Business Systems Inc..........563-4118 www.akcopy.net | Anchorage
Offset & Digital Printing nO hanDling charges
Royal Printing
Fairbanks Paint & Glass
240 Center Ct Anchorage, AK 99518
1620 S Cushman St Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-349-6507 - Fax: 349-1470
907-456-7758 - 800-478-7758
Residential | Commercial | Glass Replacement | Fiberglass | Paint | Wood Coatings | Painting Supplies
Plumbing Advanced Plumbing & Heating............ 746-5190 Alaska Plumbing & Htg Supl Inc.......... 746-1528 www.akplumbingheating.com | Palmer Alaska Sewer & Drain LLC................... 248-9557 All Drain’s Sewer & Drain..................... 677-6723 Barrow Mechanical............................... 852-4000 Chugach Sewer & Drain........................ 929-5072 www.chugachsewerdrain.com | Anchorage Complete Service Co Inc................456-5282 www.completeservicecompany.com | Fairbanks Copper Basin Sanitation Svc Co.......... 822-3600 Drain Masters, Inc................................. 344-8838 Drains Plus............................................ 262-1846 Eayrs Plumbing & Heating................... 235-2333 Gold Rush Mechanical Inc.................... 225-7473 Heatco Plumbing & Heating................. 694-3273 Heatworks Inc........................................ 746-4630 Homer Septic Svc.................................. 235-7838 Island Septic.......................................... 329-2922 J & T Svc................................................ 543-2802 K-Supply Co.......................................... 451-8721 Mechanical Specialist Inc..................... 376-3301 Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Fairbanks....... 456-4008 www.mrrooter.com | North Pole Paragon Mechanical............................. 376-7210 Preferred Plumbing & Heating............. 283-7909 R & S Pumping Svc Inc......................... 780-4906 Residential Plumbing & Heating.......... 746-3284 Rooter Man............................................ 333-5793 www.rooterman.com | Anchorage Shoreline Septic Svc............................. 225-6686 Slayden Plumbing & Heating Inc......... 488-3359 www.slaydenplumbing.biz | North Pole Struempler Plumbing Co...................... 283-7998 Susitna Mechanical............................... 357-5150 Totem Mechanical................................. 479-2430 Tub Tech................................................ 333-6123 Tundra Mechanical Inc.......................... 345-0249 Wades Plumbing Svc Inc...................... 262-9739 Wheeler Mechanical Plumbing............. 696-7326 Winkler Plumbing & Heating Inc.......... 227-5837
Professional printing services at their finest. Shining Mountain Plus Inc................... 357-6270 www.theupsstore.com | Wasilla Spectrum Printing Inc........................... 562-0224 www.alaskasland.com | Anchorage Speedy Mail........................................... 561-1721 www.speedymailonline.com | Anchorage Stanfast Inc........................................... 277-0080 Technipress Printing LLC..................... 561-8477 www.tpress.net | Anchorage Valley Printing....................................... 745-8383
Produce Quality Sales Food Service..........458-0000 www.qualitysales.net | Fairbanks
Project Management Calista Corporation
5015 Business Park Blvd, Suite 3000 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-275-2800 - 800-277-5516 www.calistacorp.com
Pumps ACE Water Wells and Pump Service.... 376-7987 www.acewaterwelldrilling.com | Big Lake Alaska Winter Inc.................................. 248-0000 www.akwinter.com | Anchorage Chugiak Pumping.................................. 688-4602 R & R Drilling......................................... 388-0397 Smith Well Drilling Inc.......................... 262-3970 www.smithwelldrillingak.com | Soldotna Water By The Bay.................................. 376-2726
Quilting, Sewing & Fabrics Bearly Threaded Quilting...................... 631-8129 Changing Tides LLC............................. 523-6984 Compass Rose Quilting........................ 486-0416
Quilt Tree
341 E Benson Blvd # 5 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-4115 - Fax: 561-4406
A T Publishing & Printing..................... 349-7506 www.atpublishing.com | Anchorage Alaska Business Supply....................... 277-3545 www.alaskabusinesssupply.com | Anchorage Alaska Laser Printing-Mailing.............. 561-8000 www.aklaser.com | Anchorage Alaska Print Brokers............................. 929-5519 Alaska Printing Inc................................ 563-1989 Anchorage Printing Inc......................... 272-2213 www.anchorageprinting.com | Anchorage Chinook Printing................................... 276-7354 www.chinookprinting.com | Anchorage Color Art Printing.................................. 277-2409 www.colorartprinting.com | Anchorage Graphicworks Inc.................................. 272-7400 www.graphicworks.net | Anchorage Great Originals Inc................................ 561-8922 www.greatoriginals.com | Anchorage
Real Estate Absolutely Alaskan Real Estate........... 456-1713 www.dougwelton.com | Fairbanks Ahtna Development Corporation......... 868-8250 www.ahtna-inc.com | Glennallen Alaska Commercial Properties............. 456-6008 www.realtyalaska.com | Fairbanks Alaska Great Land Realty..................... 322-6612 www.akglr.com | Fairbanks Alaska Premier Real Estate, LLC......... 373-7717 www.alaskapremierrealestate.com | Wasilla Alaska USA Title Agency...................... 646-6498 www.alaskausatitle.com | Anchorage Aleut Real Estate LLC........................... 561-4300 www.aleutrealestate.com | Anchorage Baranof Realty....................................... 747-5636 www.baranofrealty.com | Sitka
240 Center Court • Anchorage AK 99518 907-349-6507 • Fax: 907-349-1470 e-mail: royal@acsalaska.net
Locally Owned, Family Operated
Burnett Co Realtors.............................. 279-9333 www.burnettcorealty.com | Anchorage Buyers Real Estate................................ 842-4515 www.dillinghamrealestate.com | Dillingham Byers Peak Properties Llc.................... 745-5254 www.byerspeaklabradors.com | Palmer Calista Real Estate LLC........................ 275-2800 www.calistacorp.com | Anchorage Carlton Smith Co................................... 463-4800 www.thecarltonsmithcompany.com | Juneau CIRI Land Development Co.................. 274-8638 www.cldc.com | Commercial Real Estate Alaska........... 561-2220 www.crealaska.com | Anchorage Comserv Realty Inc............................... 770-2545 www.comservrealty.com | Anchorage
Crown Real Estate AK Inc 815 2nd Ave. Suite 102 Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-452-8000 - Fax: 866-402-6420 www.AskForGinger.com
Your GO to Gal for Real Estate. Ginger Orem Davis Realty........................................... 747-1032 www.davisrealtysitka.com | Sitka Distinctive Properties - Diane Greger.. 830-2880 www.distinctiveproperties.biz | Anchorage EMC Realty Inc...................................... 378-1864 www.emcrealtyinc.com | Fairbanks Exit Realty of Juneau............................ 789-7120 www.juneauhomefinder.com | Juneau Fidelity Title Agency of Alaska............. 277-6601 www.alaska.fntic.com | Anchorage Frontier Properties........................622-1345 www.frontierpropertiesalaska.com | Eagle River Globe Real Estate................................. 563-7468 www.globere.com | Anchorage Goldenline View, Inc............................. 479-5046 www.goldenlineview.com | Fairbanks Grace Minder Realty Inc....................... 479-8000 www.graceminder.com | Fairbanks Hall Quality Builders............................. 283-7007 www.hallqualitybuilders.com | Kenai Homer Real Estate Assoc..................... 235-5294 www.homerrealestate.com | Homer Jack White Real Estate......................... 689-6464 www.prudentialjackwhitevista.com | Eagle River Jack White Real Estate......................... 563-5500 www.jackwhite.com | Anchorage Jarvis, Rick............................................ 257-0136 www.propertiesinc.alaska.remax.com | Anchorage JKP Real Estate..................................... 276-2233 www.alaskawaterfrontproperties.com | Anchorage Joyce Spencer....................................... 388-4412 www.wesmadden.com | Fairbanks Keller Williams Realty Amy Mackey-Hornak............................. 830-1294 www.907homesrealty.com | Anchorage Klawock Heenya Corporation............... 755-2270 www.klawockheenya.com | Klawock Madden Real Estate.............................. 452-3000 www.wesmadden.com | Fairbanks
Monica Dallas Realty............................ 388-4987 www.monicadallasrealty.com | Fairbanks Northern Trust Real Estate................... 751-2500 www.ntreak.com | Anchorage
Ounalashka Corporation 400 Salmon Way, PO Box 149 Unalaska, AK 99685
907-581-1276 - Fax: 581-1496 www.ounalashka.com
Land Leasing, Storage Space, Apartment Rentals Pfeffer Development............................. 646-4644 www.pfefferdevelopment.com | Anchorage Real Estate Svc..................................... 790-4411 www.alaska-realestateservice.com | Juneau Remax of The Peninsula....................... 283-5888 www.kenaihomes.com | Kenai Remax Properties.................................. 257-0136 www.remax.com | Anchorage Remote Property Inc............................. 277-4608 www.remoteproperties.com | Anchorage Residential Mortgage LLC.................... 222-8800 www.residentialmtg.com | Anchorage Robert Fox Realtor................................ 456-8000 www.alaska-land.com | Fairbanks Royse & Assoc...................................... 563-3086 www.alaskatraining.com | Anchorage Senek Property Management............... 452-8505 www.senekmgmt.com | Fairbanks Shel Hensley Real Estate Group.......... 569-7435 www.eastanchorage.com | Anchorage Sitka Realty........................................... 747-8922 www.sitkarealty.com | Sitka Sunset View Resort............................... 892-8885 www.SunsetViewResort.com | Big Lake Tagiugmiullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority................................. 852-7150 www.tnha.info | Barrow Terrace On The Lake............................. 243-4351 www.terraceonthelake.com | Anchorage Vanguard Real Estate LLC.................... 522-7000 www.vanguardre.com | Anchorage Vista Prudential..................................... 376-2414 www.jackwhite.com | Wasilla Windermere Avenue Properties, LLC.. 257-7600 www.gaildossmantolliver.withwre.com Wirum Properties Llc............................ 276-3400 www.wirumproperties.com | Anchorage Wisdom & Assoc Inc............................. 283-0629 www.wisdomandassociates.com | Kenai
Real Estate Buyers Representatives Northern Trust Real Estate - Dale Lamoreux 205 E. Benson Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
907-441-9134 - Fax: 248-2351
Your Real Estate Guardian Angel
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
70 R E A L
E S TAT E Rehabilitation Services Lakeside-Milam Recovery Centers 10322 NE 132nd St. Kirkland, WA 98034
Buckets Sports Grill
907-262-7220 - Fax: 283-8467
800-231-4303 - Fax: 425-823-3132 We put families back together.
Residential Care Alyeska Assisted Living Inc................. 336-6873 Big Lake Country Club Assisted Living for Mentally Challenged............................. 892-6944 www.biglakecountryclub.com | Big Lake Caring Bridges Assisted Living........... 479-9757 www.sdoyle@caringbridgesak.com | Fairbanks Glacier Woods Assisted Living............ 789-3514 Haines Senior Village............................ 766-3199 Harbor Lights Lakeview Ctr.................. 260-3646 Immaculated Concepcion..................... 332-0158 Jamiezon Assisted Living Home.......... 868-5296 Juneau Senior Ctr................................. 463-6196 Keen Eye Care....................................... 262-1286 www.keeneyecare.com | Soldotna Kiwi Assisted Living Home................... 227-5573 Kodiak Senior Ctr.................................. 486-6181 Koris Assisted Living Llc..................... 278-3444 Living Stone Home Care....................... 230-2402 www.livingstonehomecare.com | Anchorage
43960 Sterling Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669
We got game...Buffalo, Elk and Caribou ~ Fun for the Whole Family Kay’s Family Restaurant.................677-2577 www.kaysfamilyrestaurant.com | Anchorage
LA Mex
8330 King St Anchorage, AK 99518
907-344-6399 - Fax: 277-9213 www.homeofthegrande.com
Celebrating Over 40 Years as Anchorage's Favorite Mexican Restaurant & The Original Home of the Grande
Namaste Shangri-La, LLC 2446 E Tudor Rd Anchorage, AK 99507
Himalayan Restaurant & Catering Pioneer Cafe........................................225-3337
Ray's place
2412 Spenard Road Anchorage, AK 99503
907-279-2932 - Fax: 274-6141
Mama’s Assisted Living Homes PO Box 112676 Anchorage, AK 99511
The Island Pub
Mountain View Manor........................... 772-3445 Native Village of Gambell..................... 985-5346 Nenana Seniors Ctr............................... 832-5818 New Concept 2...................................... 272-5674 Nikiski Senior Ctr.................................. 776-7654 Our Lady Guadalupe............................. 339-9588 Parkside Assisted Living Inc................ 276-5593 Pathways Assisted Living Home.......... 776-3951 Personalized Assisted Living............... 646-0797 Rendezvous Senior Day Svc Inc.......... 247-1961 Respect Your Eldersadult Day............. 745-3687 Salcha Senior Citizens Bldg................. 488-1606 Senior Services..................................... 225-6575 St Mary’s Assisted Living Home.......... 929-1588 Upper Tanana Aging Program.............. 883-5157 Wasilla Area Seniors Inc....................... 376-3104 www.wasillaseniors.com | Wasilla Willow Haven Senior Housing.............. 495-5222
Restaurant Chain Stores Fast Food Real Estate Commercial Ravenwood Real Estate 10520 Old Eagle River Rd. Eagle River, AK 99577
907-694-9555 - Fax: 509-694-9553 www.ravenwoodrealestate.com
Serving the commercial real estate needs of Southcentral Alaska.
Records Management Acumen Information Services Inc
6250 Tuttle Pl # 7 PO Box 231507 Anchorage, AK 99523
Certified Records Management | Information Governance and Compliance
Recycling Central Recycling Svc.......................... 748-7400 Green Star............................................. 278-7827 www.greenstarinc.org | Anchorage Ready Recycles..................................... 745-4224 Rock Tenn Recycling............................ 562-2267 www.rocktenn.com | Anchorage
Refrigeration Commercial R & R Refrigeration & Appliance Repair 3489 S Caudill Rd. Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-8533 - Fax: 745-8534 Keeping Alaska cold since 1984.
Sacks Cafe & Restaurant..............276-3546 www.sackscafe.com | Anchorage
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute 311 Franklin St #200 Juneau, AK 99801
907-465-5560 - 800-478-2903 www.alaskaseafood.org
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Increasing the value of Alaska’s seafood resource for the benefit of all Alaskans
Restaurants Arctic Roadrunner Restaurant 2477 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
907-279-7311 - Fax: 461-4016
5300 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99518
1102 2nd St Douglas, AK 99824
Voted best pizza 5 years in a row, great views and located across the bridge in Douglas. 10 years in business.
Retail Stores Quilt Tree
341 E Benson Blvd # 5 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-4115 - Fax: 561-4406 www.quiltree.com
Retirement Communities & Homes Russian Jack Manor 1260 Delasala Place Anchorage, AK 99508
907-332-4083 - Fax: 332-4080 www.manormanagementak.com
Providing Alaskans Safe, Clean, Affordable Senior Housing
Road Construction Reid Brothers Construction 339 Mitkof Highway PO Box 1187 Petersburg, AK 99833
907-772-3755 - Fax: 772-3748 www.reidbrosconstruction.com
Serving Alaska since 1945.
Roofing A & A Roofing Co.................................. 452-3633 Accurate Handyman Services.............. 337-9307 Alaska Custom Gutters......................... 868-2646 www.alaskacustomgutters.com | Anchorage
www.lastfrontier.org/morsel_apr_2008.htm Your Local Burger Man Since 1964
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
Alaska Roof Coatings 650 W 58th Dr Ste B Anchorage, AK 99518
Alaska Roofing...................................... 262-6327 Arctic Exterior Solutions LLC.............. 349-7272 www.industrialroofinginc.com | Anchorage Bullitt Proof Roofing............................. 598-3114 Custom Gutters..................................... 487-2764 Eagle River Roofing.............................. 696-3596 Green Roof Designs..........................877-887-7735 www.lifetimeremodeling.org | long beach
Roofing Consultants
Arctic Safety Training & Consulting.... 335-1506 www.arcticsafetytraining.net/ | Kenai Army Navy Store / Classic Alaska Trading Company................................................ 222-4600 www.army-navy-store.com | Anchorage Eagle Enterprises, Inc........................... 562-2331 www.eaglesafety.net | Anchorage Educational Training Co....................... 747-5454 www.educationaltrainingcompany.com | Sitka North America Outdoor Institute.......... 376-2898 www.naoiak.org | Wasilla Total Safety US Inc................................ 743-9871 www.totalsafety.com | Anchorage
Safety & Supply Airgas
Anchorage 6350 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99518
Alaska Roof Coatings 650 W 58th Dr Ste B Anchorage, AK 99518
907-563-6644 - 866-924-7427
Roofing Contractors
Fairbanks 641 Hughes Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-3400 - 866-924-7427
Kenai 42400 Kenai Spur Hwy - PO Box 1225 Kenai, AK 99611
Alaska Roof Coatings 650 W 58th Dr Ste B Anchorage, AK 99518
907-283-6118 - 866-924-7427
You’ll find it with us.
TTT Environmental Instruments & Supplies
Rubber Mats Carpet World of Alaska...............745-3737 www.carpetworldalaska.com | Palmer
4201 B Street Anchorage, AK 99503
907-770-9041 - Fax: 770-9046 www.tttenviro.com
Alaska Safety......................................... 561-5661 www.alaskasafety.com | Anchorage Alaska Safety Inc.................................. 373-5661 Arctic Branding & Apparel.................... 868-3630 www.arcticbranding-apparel.com | Anchorage
The Preferred source for instrument rentals, sales, service and supplies.
Sanitation Cowater Alaska Inc 6605 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99518
907-522-5511 - 888-622-5511 www.cowateralaska.com
Cowater Alaska Inc.- Innovative Solutions for Rural Sanitation. See our Ad on Page X
Satellite Equipment Advanced Communications................. 225-8877 Alaska Satellite Svc LLC...................... 457-2729 Big Lake Arctic Cat............................... 892-7875 www.biglakearcticcatak.com | Big Lake Futaris.................................................... 273-0022 www.futaris.com | Anchorage Lou’s TV & Satellite Svc....................... 488-3628 Satech.................................................... 776-8335 Satellite Guy.......................................... 243-3038 www.alaskadish.com | Anchorage
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Start your College Journey at the Top of the World!
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MSBSD School Board: Susan Pougher, President, Ole Larson, Vice President, Sarah Welton, Clerk, Deborah Retherford, Ray Michaelson, Dr. Donna Dearman, and Tiffany Scott
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Contact us TODAY!
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Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District 501 N Gulkana St. Palmer, AK 99645
907-746-9200 - Fax: 761-4076 www.matsuk12.us
Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Mat-Su Borough School District prepares all students for success.
Mat-Su College
8295 E College Drive Palmer, AK 99645
907-745-9774 - Fax: 745-9711 www.matsu.alaska.edu
Stargate Alaska..................................... 642-3682 Surveyors Exchange............................. 561-6501 www.satellitephonesak.com | Anchorage
Schools Lana’s Perfect T.E.N. School of Nails & Nail Salon 5445 Old Seward Hwy, Unit 2 Anchorage, AK 99518
907-277-5511 - 866-747-5511 www.lanasnailschool.com
Sanitation Is Practiced and Satisfaction Is Guaranteed. Serving Nail Care Since 1981. The Alaska Regional Council of Carpenters Apprenticeship and Training Trust....................................272-7577 www.ubcalaska.org | Anchorage
Schools & Universities Alaska Bible College............................. 745-3201 www.akbible.edu | Palmer Alaska Christian College...................... 260-7422 www.alaskacc.edu | Soldotna Alaska Pacific University...................... 564-8204 www.alaskapacific.edu | Anchorage Aleutian Region School Dist................ 277-2648 www.aleutregion.org | Anchorage Amundsen Educational Center............ 260-8041 www.aecak.org | Soldotna Anchorage School District................... 742-4000 www.asdk12.org/ | Anchorage Aquarian Charter School...................... 742-4900 www.aquariancharterschool.com | Anchorage AVTEC Alaska’s Institute of Technology......................... 224-3322 www.avtec.edu | Seward Bristol Bay Campus UAF..................842-5109 www.uaf.edu/bbc/ | Dillingham Catholic Schools of Fairbanks............. 456-4574 www.catholic-schools.org | Fairbanks
Cornish College of the Arts..............800-726-2787 www.cornish.edu | Seattle Cyberlynx Correspondence Prgrm...... 277-0730 www.cyberlynx.org/offices/anchorage-office Cyberlynx Correspondence Prgrm...... 455-7633 www.cyberlynx.org/offices/fairbanks Eastern Oregon University...............541-962-3740 www.eou.edu | La Grande Embryriddle Aeronautical Univ............ 753-9367 www.erau.edu/ | Elmendorf Afb Fairbanks Montessori School.............. 451-8486 www.fairbanksmontessori.org | Fairbanks Family Partnership Charter K-12.......... 742-3700 www.fpcs.net | Anchorage
Ilisagvik College PO Box 749 Barrow, AK 99723
907-852-3333 - 800-478-7337 www.ilisagvik.edu
“Ilisagvik” means “a place to learn” in the Inupiaq Eskimo language Interior Aleutians Campus.................... 474-5441 www.uaf.edu/iac/ | Fairbanks Interior Distance Education-AK........... 374-2200 www.ideafamilies.org | Fairbanks Kincaid Elementary School.................. 245-5530 www.asdk12.org | Anchorage Kodiak College UAA.............................. 486-1219 www.koc.alaska.edu | Kodiak
KPC - Kenai Peninsula College 156 College Rd Soldotna, AK 99669
907-262-0300 - 877-262-0330 www.kpc.alaska.edu
KPC. Your place. Alaska’s future. (Located in Soldotna, Homer, Seward, Anchorage and online. See our ad on back cover)
Opportunities Start Here! NMS University Of Alaska.................... 474-7566 www.nmsusa.com | Fairbanks
North Star Driving School North Pole, AK 99705
Northern Lights Academy..................... 474-0310 www.northernlightsacademy.org | Fairbanks Northwest Campus, UAF...................... 443-2201 www.nwc.uaf.edu/ | Nome Northwest University.........................425-889-4209 www.northwestu.edu | Kirkland Prince William Sound Commmunity College........................... 834-1600 www.pwscc.edu | Valdez Rural Alaska Honors Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks.474-5876 www.uaf.edu/rahi | Fairbanks Seattle Pacific University..................206-281-2021 www.spu.edu | Seattle South Alaska Carpenters Training Center...................................... 344-1541 www.acsalaska.net/~sactc | Anchorage Trend Setters School Of Beauty........... 274-4247 www.trendsettersak.com | Anchorage UA Statewide Corporate Programs & Mining & Petroleum Training Service.................. 786-6949 www.alaska.edu/uacp | Anchorage UAA Chugiak-Eagle River Campus...... 786-7600 www.uaa.alaska.edu/eagleriver | Eagle River UAF College of Rural & Community Development..............866-478-2721 www.uaf.edu/rural | Fairbanks UAF Cooperative Extension Service - Delta Junction District Office......................... 895-4215 www.uaf.edu/ces | Delta Junction UAF Cooperative Extension Service - Juneau District Office........................................ 523-3280 www.uaf.edu/ces | Juneau UAF Cooperative Extension Service - Kenai Peninsula District.................................. 262-5824 www.uaf.edu/ces | Soldotna UAF Cooperative Extension Service - Mat-Su/ Copper River District............................ 745-3360 www.uaf.edu/ces/ | Palmer
UAF Cooperative Extension Service - Sitka Service Center.......................... 747-9440 www.uaf.edu/ces | Sitka UAF Cooperative Extension Service - Tanana District Office........................ 474-1530 www.uaf.edu/ces | Fairbanks UAF eLearning & Distance Education.479-3444 www.elearning.uaf.edu | Fairbanks UAF Honors Program............................ 474-6612 www.uaf.edu/honors | Fairbanks UAF School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences................................. 474-7824 www.sfos.uaf.edu | Fairbanks University of Alaska Se................796-6100 www.uas.alaska.edu | Juneau University of Alaska Anchorage Community & Technical College.786-6400 www.uaa.alaska.edu/ctc | Anchorage University of Alaska Anchorage Graduate School................................... 786-1096 www.uaa.alaska.edu/graduateschool University of Alaska Fairbanks........800-478-1823 www.uaf.edu/admissions/visit | Fairbanks University Of Alaska Fairbanks College of Liberal Arts............................................ 474-7211 www.uaf.edu/cla | Fairbanks University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute............................ 474-7558 www.gi.alaska.edu | Fairbanks University Of Alaska Southeast........... 747-6653 www.uas.alaska.edu | Sitka University Of Alaska Systems.............. 474-7721 www.uaf.edu | Fairbanks University Of Alaska-Fairbanks........... 474-7700 www.uaf.edu | Fairbanks Wayland Baptist University.................. 333-2277 www.wbu.edu/anchorage | Anchorage Yukon Koyukuk School Dist................. 374-9400 www.yksd.com | Fairbanks
Schools Industrial Technical & Trade Alaska Teamster-Employer Service Training Trust ATESTT........................................ 278-3674 www.akteamsterstraining.com | Anchorage Hagevig Regional Fire Training............ 789-4936
KPC - Kenai Peninsula College 156 College Rd Soldotna, AK 99669
907-262-0300 - 877-262-0330 www.kpc.alaska.edu
KPC. Your place. Alaska’s future. (Located in Soldotna, Homer, Seward, Anchorage and online. See our ad on back cover) Mining & Petroleum Training................ 262-2788 Northern Industrial Training, LLC........ 357-6400 www.nitalaska.com | Palmer Prince William Sound Comm College.. 834-1600
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t Screen Printing
Anchor House....................................... 274-7391 www.anchorhousenj.org | Anchorage Elderlink Adult Day Services................ 782-9521 Heritage Assisted Living Home............ 561-0500 www.heritagealh.com | Anchorage Heritage Place....................................... 262-2545 McKinley Services................................. 258-5100 www.mckinleyak.com | Anchorage TLC At Homecare.................................. 336-2273 www.tlcathomecare.com | Anchorage Valdez Senior Center, Inc..............835-5032 www.valdezseniorcenter.org | Valdez
Joe’s Screenprinting & Engraving
Senior Citizens Housing
407 Stedman St Ketchikan, AK 99901
Raven Landing
949 McGown St. Fairbanks, AK 99701
Top of the World Graphics 310 E 76th Ave #A Anchorage, AK 99518
907-328-5454 - Fax: 374-9072 www.ravenlanding.org
Raven Landing - market rate senior apartments, and also Raven Landing Center for the best in event space and catering
Seafood Cdq
Russian Jack Manor 1260 Delasala Place Anchorage, AK 99508
Coastal Villages Region Fund
907-332-4083 - Fax: 332-4080
711 H Street, #200 Anchorage, AK 99501
Providing Alaskans Safe, Clean, Affordable Senior Housing
907-278-5151 - 888-795-5151 www.coastalvillages.org
Service Stations
Work, Fish, Hope.
Seafood Retail
Boniface Shell
Aleutian Fresh Seafoods, LLC P.O. Box 273 Unalaska, AK 99685
5500 Debarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504
907-337-1015 www.shell.com
907-581-1864 - 877-581-1864 www.aleutianfreshseafood.com
Fresh Alaskan Seafood to your home! Coffee Point Seafoods.......................... 246-3249 Great Pacific Seafoods.....................206-764-7180 www.greatpacificseafoods.com | Seattle J Dock Seafood..................................... 224-7272 www.jdockseafood.com | Seward Tonka Seafoods, Inc............................. 772-3662 www.tonkaseafoods.com | Petersburg
Security Guard & Patrol Alaska Security Alarm.......................... 275-5000 Goldbelt Security Svc Alaska............... 790-1435 www.goldbelt.com | Juneau Guardian Security Systems Inc............ 459-5275 www.gssiak.com | Anchorage NMS Security Division.......................... 273-2400 www.nmsusa.com | Anchorage
Security Systems AlcanTel
6670 Arctic Spur Road Anchorage, AK 99518
907-786-9100 - Fax: 562-6286 www.alcantel.com
Connecting Alaska To The Technology of tomorrow Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage
Senior Care Alaska Pioneer Home - Admin............. 465-4416 www.hss.state.ak.us/dalp/ | Juneau Alaska Pioneer Home - Sitka................ 747-3213
Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska
We do Automaintenance, Alignments, Brakes, Diagnostics, Tires, Mini-C Store, Oil, and Fuel. Kake Tribal Corporation..............785-3221 www.kaketribalcorp.com | Kake Kake Tribal Fuel Corp.....................785-3601 www.kaketribalcorp.com | Kake
Sewing Machines J & H Sewing & Vacuum Inc ................ 276-1000 www.sewnvac.com | Anchorage J & H Sewing & Vacuum Inc ................ 262-6363 www.sewnvac.com | Soldotna
Northern Threads 1875 University Ave S Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-455-0299 - 877-340-3237 www.northernthreads.net
Where Traditions Begin
Signs Ak Steve & Son’s Carved Signs........... 344-2004 www.steveandsonsigns.com | Anchorage Arctic Signs & Graphics....................... 374-4488 B Original Signs.................................... 376-3083 Better Letters 277-Sign......................... 277-7446 Bright Services Inc............................... 488-1233 Graphics By Mixed Media..................... 563-8300 www.mixedmediagraphics.com | Anchorage Inland Petroservice Inc......................... 451-1905 Kenai Neon Sign Co.............................. 776-8503 Neon Of Alaska...................................... 248-0185 Pioneer Signs........................................ 376-7446 Power Comm Signs.............................. 457-7446
Snow Machines A P W - VALLEY MACHINE PO Box 298449 Wasilla, AK 99629
1750 Abbott Rd Anchorage, AK 99507
907-373-5787 - Fax: 373-3105
If it’s got a piston in it... APW can FIX it. - Full Service Machine Shop - Free Shipping Available
907-561-3313 - 800-478-1080 www.AlzAlaska.org
To unite with Alaskans affected by Alzheimer's disease and related disorders to ensure quality of life until a cure is found.
Alaska Cycle Center Ltd 4908 Old Seward Hwy Anchorage, AK 99503
907-279-9478 - 800-478-4555 www.akcyclecenter.com
Now, you’re good to go! Mad Hatter............................................. 830-1963 www.madhatterak.com | Anchorage Performance Yamaha Inc...................... 373-7668 www.performanceyamahaak.com | Wasilla Team CC, Inc......................................... 694-3200 www.teamcc.com | Eagle River Verba’s Hilltop Machine........................ 262-5020
Social & Community Services Adult Probation Parole Dept................ 442-2586 www.correct.state.ak.us/probation-parole Kotz Advocacy Services Of Alaska, Inc....... 458-8222 www.alaska.gov | Fairbanks Advocates for Victims of Violence....... 835-2999 www.avvalaska.org | Valdez Alaska Center for Resource Families.. 279-1799 www.acrf.org | Anchorage Alaska Family Services........................ 746-4080 www.akafs.org | Palmer Alaska Network Domestic.................... 586-3650 www.andvsa.org | Juneau American Red Cross of Alaska............ 646-5401 www.redcross.org/Alaska | Anchorage Apicda.................................................... 586-0161 www.apicda.com | Juneau Asa’Carsarmiut Tribal Council............. 591-2815 AWARE, Inc............................................ 586-6623 www.awareak.org | Juneau AWAIC.................................................... 279-9581 www.awaic.org | Anchorage Bering Sea Womens Group.................. 443-5491 www.beringseawomensgroup.org | Nome Big Brothers Big Sisters....................... 433-4600 www.bbbsak.org | Anchorage Brave Heart Volunteers......................... 747-4600 www.braveheartvolunteers.org | Sitka Breast Cancer Focus Inc...................... 276-7601 www.breastcancerfocus.org | Anchorage Cancer Connection............................... 796-2273 www.cancerconnectionak.org | Juneau Catholic Community Service................ 463-6100 www.ccsjuneau.org | Juneau Center For Human Dev UAA................. 272-8270 www.alaskachd.org | Anchorage Consumer Support Svc........................ 276-7898 Cornerstone Youth Shelter .................. 789-7654 www.jys.org | Juneau Education Support Staff Assn.............. 452-2109 www.essa-fairbanks.org | Fairbanks Elders Program..................................... 729-6500 www.southcentralfoundation.com | Fairbanks
Fairbanks Native Assn Headstrt.......... 456-4989 www.fairbanksnative.org | Fairbanks Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing....... 451-7230 www.fnhs.org | Fairbanks Fairbanks North Star Borough Health & Social Services Commission............ 459-1212 www.fnsb.us | Fairbanks Habitat For Humanity............................ 452-1685 www.fairbankshfh.org | Fairbanks Heartreach Center..........................373-3456 www.heartreachalaska.com | Wasilla Icasvr..................................................... 852-2448 www.inupiatgov.com | Barrow Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council............................... 225-2211 www.ketchikanarts.org | Ketchikan Kids’ Kitchen Inc................................... 274-8522 www.kidskitchenak.com | Anchorage Make-A-Wish Foundation-Alaska......... 258-9474 www.akwa.wish.org | Anchorage March Of Dimes Alaska Chapter.......... 276-4111 www.marchofdimes.com | Anchorage Outdoor Heritage Foundationak.......... 745-6166 www.ohfak.org | Palmer Qutekcak Native Tribe Health............... 224-3118 www.qutekcak.org | Seward Sealaska Heritage Institute................... 463-4844 www.sealaskaheritage.org | Juneau Shiloh Community Housing, Inc.......... 770-1319 www.shilohhousing.org | Anchorage South Peninsula Haven House............. 235-7712 www.havenhousealaska.org | Homer Tanana Chiefs Conference...........452-8251 www.tananachiefs.org | Fairbanks Tlingit & Haida Central Council............ 225-2033
United Way of Anchorage 701 W 8th Ave #230 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-263-3800 - Fax: 263-3801 www.liveunitedanc.org
Live United. United Way of the Tanana Valley.......... 452-7211 www.unitedwaytv.com | Fairbanks
Staffing Services Acumen Information Services Inc
6250 Tuttle Pl # 7 PO Box 231507 Anchorage, AK 99523
Certified Records Management | Information Governance and Compliance
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
WE’RE HERE ALL YEAR – AT TAX TIME, OR ANYTIME. We understand you don’t think about taxes all year – but we do. At H&R Block, we’re available year-round to discuss the tax implications of your life-changing events. From wedding bells, babies and new homes to medical issues and natural disasters, we’re here to put our expertise to work for you.
Denali Steel Pile Driving....................... 451-0935 www.DenaliSteel.com | Fairbanks Eagle River Knife Co............................. 694-4480 Hector’s Welding................................... 488-6432 www.hectorswelding.com | North Pole Mc Grady Steel & Supply Co................ 562-7527 Morgan Steel Inc................................... 283-7136 Weld Air Alaska Inc............................... 373-2000 www.weldair.com | Wasilla Welding Services.................................. 776-8279
US Fish & Wildlife Service 1011 E Tudor Rd MS 121 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-786-3880 - 800-478-1456
Carry the Cure...................................745-8294 www.carrythecure.org | Palmer
Available at participating offices. OBTP# B13696 ©2013 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Surveyors Bay Marine Surveyors.......................... 246-4470 Blizzard Alaska Surveys....................... 488-9526 Church Patrick J................................... 235-7388 Cooper & Co.......................................... 248-1924 Delta Surveys Assoc............................. 895-4280 Edge Survey and Design, LLC............. 344-5990 www.edgesurvey.net | Anchorage
Fred Walatkas & Associates 3107 West 29th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99517
907-248-1666 - Fax: 243-2081 www.walatkas.com
ANCHORAGE, AK 99515 907-522-2130 WWW.AKTCPA.COM
T Shirts
Suicide Prevention
R M Wickett & Sons Surveyors............ 243-7379 Rick G Braun......................................... 772-3986 Robert W Basler Land Surveyor.......... 373-3171 Rodney P Kinney Assoc Inc............694-2332 www.rpka.net | Eagle River Ronald Mitchell Land Surveyor............ 272-1091 Survbase................................................ 338-7878 Swan Surveying.................................... 262-1014 Talkeetna Surveying............................. 733-1083 TerraSond LTD....................................... 745-7215 www.terrasond.com | Palmer Terry Eastham Land Surveyor.............. 262-1951
We have been surveying Alaska for 40 years. Hanson Surveying & Mapping Llc....... 746-7738 www.hansonsurveying.com | Palmer Holt Land Surveying............................. 345-5513 Horizon Land Surveying....................... 486-6506 Immersive Video Solutions LLC........... 279-4000 www.immersivevideosolutions.com | Anchorage Integrity Surveys................................... 283-9047 Johnson Surveying............................... 262-5772 Kodiak Land Surveying........................ 486-1930 L W Survey Co....................................... 357-8335 www.lwsurvey.com | Wasilla Mc Cain Surveying................................ 495-1318 North Country Surveying...................... 376-8475
Joe’s Screenprinting & Engraving........................................225-9313
Top of the World Graphics 310 E 76th Ave #A Anchorage, AK 99518
Tax Consultants AKT LLP, CPAs & Business Consultants 800 East Dimond Blvd Ste 3-670 Anchorage, AK 99515
907-522-2130 - Fax: 522-2127 www.aktadvisors.com
Helping Our Clients Achieve Their Goals
H&R Block
9105 Mendenhall Mall Rd, Suite 357 Juneau, AK 99801
907-523-2712 - 855-523-2712 www.hrblock.com
Tax Return Preparation & Filing BDO
3601 C St Ste 600 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-278-8878 - Fax: 278-5779 www.bdo.com
Founded on timeless values, motivated by entrepreneurial thinking, anchored by individual accountability and professionalism, and distinguished by quality and independent service, our distinct culture is the reason people who know, choose BDO.
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
W I R E L E S S | I N T E R N E T | D ATA
(800) 478-6409 ASTAC.NET
H&R Block
Alaska Relay/CapTel
9105 Mendenhall Mall Rd, Suite 357 Juneau, AK 99801
3330 Arctic Blvd., Suite 101 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-523-2712 - 855-523-2712
Serving Rural Alaska for Over 40 years!
907-563-2599 - 800-676-3777
• Telephone • Cellular • Internet • Long Distance
The Alaska Relay Equipment Distribution Program provides specialized equipment to individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-disabled and are unable to use a standard or amplified telephone. AlcanTel...............................................786-9100 www.alcantel.com | Anchorage
Joanna’s Bookkeeping and Tax Service PO Box 262 Sand Point, AK 99661
907-383-5400 - Fax: 383-5400 Enrolled Agent.
Kerr McVey Sheaffer & Associates CPAs LLC
...of course you can!
4300 B St. Ste. 501 Anchorage, AK 99503
1501 W 29th Ave Anchorage, AK 99503
907-563-3989 - 800-478-6409 www.astac.net
907-561-1966 - Fax: 561-6180
On the slope. In the village. In between.
Taxidermists Adventures Ak Taxidermy Studio........ 830-2610 Alaska’s Real Life Taxidermy............... 344-6805 www.rltaxidermy.com | Anchorage Arorah Adventures Taxidermy............. 952-7322 D & C Expediters................................... 344-9719 www.dandcexpediters.com | Anchorage Sitka Tribal Tanning.............................. 747-6180 Tall Tale Taxidermy............................... 225-2502
505 E Bluff Dr Anchorage, AK 99501
800-478-9000 www.att.com
Rethink Possible Bettles Telephone Inc........................... 692-5522 Bush-Tell Inc.......................................... 675-4311 Cable Tech, Inc...................................... 250-1593 Copper Valley Telephone Coop............ 835-2231 www.cvtc.org | Valdez Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage General Communication Inc. GCI........ 868-5454 www.gci.com | Anchorage
International Telecom Inc - ITI 1153 E 72nd Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
907-349-6557 - Fax: 344-8176 www.itild.com
Alaska Botanical Herbs & Teas PO Box 3374 Homer, AK 99603
907-235-7893 Telecommunications Alaska Communications....................... 563-8000 www.alaskacommunications.com | Anchorage Alaska Communications - Corporate... 297-3000 Alaska Power & Telephone................... 547-2323
MTA Long Distance............................... 376-2400 NANA Pacific LLC................................. 257-1700 www.nanapacific.com | Anchorage North Slope Telecom Inc...................... 562-4693 www.nstiak.com | Anchorage Peak Signals.......................................... 523-1334 www.peaksignals.com | Juneau Powersource Telecom.......................... 631-3433 Summit Telephone Co........................... 389-1012
201 East 56th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99518
907-563-2003 - 800-478-3127 www.telalaska.com
Of course you can! Unicom Inc............................................. 543-7575 Verizon Alaska....................................... 777-9800 www.verizonwireless.com | Anchorage
Telephone Companies Alaska Power & Telephone Company 193 Otto Street / PO Box 3222 Port Townsend, WA 98368
360-385-1733 - 800-982-0136 www.aptalaska.com
Employee Owned - Community Minded
4300 B St. Ste. 501 Anchorage, AK 99503
Telephone Equipment & Supplies Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage
International Telecom Inc - ITI 1153 E 72nd Ave Anchorage, AK 99518
907-349-6557 - Fax: 344-8176 www.itild.com
Television & Radio Exploring Alaska TV 35555 Kenai Spur Hwy Soldotna, AK 99669
See our show weekly on channel 13 KYUR Sunday 4:30 PM KACN........................................................563-5229
907-563-3989 - 800-478-6409 www.astac.net
On the slope. In the village. In between. GCI Cable Inc......................................... 452-7191 Interior Telephone Co........................... 563-2016 www.telalaska.com | Anchorage
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
76 T I R E S Tobacco Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line Statewide in Alaska Anchorage, AK 99501
It’s free. It’s confidential. And it works.
Tools Hilti Inc................................................... 344-8351 Hilti Inc................................................... 229-6824 www.hilti.com | Anchorage Snap On Tools....................................... 460-7776 www.garylane.snapontools.com | Fairbanks Sonic Blue Wholesale........................... 868-1061 www.sonicblue.us | Anchorage Stusser Electric Co............................... 561-1061 www.stusserak.shopced.com | Anchorage
(907) 376-3622 www.3starak.com 185 E. Nelson Avenue Wasilla, AK 99654
A Subsidary of Oceanside Corporation
8(a) Certified
• Federal Discretionary Grant Programs Support • Business & Organizational Development • Workforce Development
Team Grant Writing
Google Apps for Work & Collaboration
• Tribal & Village Management
Your Satisfaction & Success is our Priority
Alaska Region Training & Technical Assistance Center COMMUNITY PROJECTS SUPPORT • Social & Economic Development A Resource of the • Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Administration • Native Language Preservation & Maintenance for Native Americans • National Resource Directory & Virtual Communities
907-376-3622 • Toll Free: 1-800-948-3158 Alaska Region: www.ANAAlaska.org 185 E. Nelson Avenue Wasilla, AK 99654 Tires American Tire & Auto............................ 276-4141 www.americantire.net | Anchorage
Giant Tire
751 Williams Gate Road Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-2536 - 888-456-2536 www.gianttire.alaskansavvy.com
THERE ISN’T A TREAD WE DON’T HAVE ~ CAN’T GET ~ OR WON’T FIX ~ PERIOD! JMJ Distributor’s Inc............................. 562-4580 Kelly’s Tire & Wheel.............................. 452-2219 Les Schwab Tire Ctr.............................. 789-0380 www.lesschwab.com | Juneau Liarsville Tire & Lube............................ 983-2078
Muffler City & Brake 105 W 5th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-0408 - Fax: 274-8652 www.mufflercityusa.com
Kenai Riverside Fishing....................... 783-2928 www.kenairiversidefishing.com | Girdwood Ketchikan Visitors Bureau.................... 225-6166 www.visit-ketchikan.com | Ketchikan Major Marine Tours............................... 274-7300 www.majormarine.com | Anchorage Renown Tours....................................... 224-3806 www.renowntours.com | Seward Sitka Convention & Visitor’s................ 747-5940 www.sitka.org | Sitka Southeast Sea Kayaks.......................... 225-1258 www.kayakketchikan.com | Ketchikan Sternwheeler Tanana Chief.................. 452-8687 www.sternwheelerak.com | Fairbanks Stoney Creek Canopy Adventures....... 224-3662 www.stoneycreekca.com | Seward Sunny Cove Sea Kayaking Co.............. 224-4426 www.sunnycove.com | Seward Taquan Air............................................. 225-8800 www.taquanair.com/index.htm | Ketchikan Unalaska/Dutch Harbor Bureau........... 581-2612 www.unalaska.info | Unalaska
Tours & Tourism
Adventure Sixty North.......................... 224-2600 www.adventure60.com | Seward Alaska Backcountry Adventures.......... 745-2505 www.youralaskavacation.com | Palmer Alaska Heritage Tours Reservations... 777-2805 www.AlaskaHeritageTours.com | Anchorage Alaska Sea Kayakers............................ 278-2534 www.alaskaseakayakers.com | Whittier Alaska Sled Dog Adventures................ 983-3990 www.alaskaexcursions.com | Skagway Alaska Waters Inc................................. 874-2378 www.alaskawaters.com | Wrangell Alaska Wilderness Recreation............. 258-3171 www.awrta.org | Anchorage Alaska Wildland Adventures................ 783-2928 www.alaskawildland.com | Girdwood Alaska.org/The Alaska App.................. 777-7700 www.alaska.org | Anchorage ALASKATOURS.COM............................ 277-3000 www.alaskatours.com | Anchorage Ambler Air Svc...................................... 445-2121 www.denaliriversiderv.com | Ambler American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Assn.....................................505-724-3592 www.aianta.org | Albuquerque Anchorage Downtown Tour Group...... 258-0192 www.downtowntourgroup.com | Anchorage Anchorage Trolley Tours...................... 276-5603 www.anchoragetrolley.com | Anchorage Ascending Path Climbing Guide.......... 783-0505 www.Checkout.ascendingpath.com | Anchorage Ask Us Travel & Tours.......................... 929-2525 www.askustravel.com | Anchorage Bread N Butter Charters....................... 472-2396 www.breadnbuttercharters.com | Whittier CIRI Alaska Tourism Corporation........ 777-2808 www.ciritourism.com | Anchorage Denali Zipline Tours.............................. 733-3988 www.denaliziplinetours.com | Talkeetna Gold Dredge 8 / Riverboat Discovery.. 479-6673 www.golddredge8.com | Fairbanks Gray Line of Alaska............................... 264-7950 www.graylinealaska.com | Anchorage Great Alaskan Lumber Jack Show....... 225-9050 www.lumberjackshows.com | Ketchikan Haines Borough Tourism Dept............. 766-2234 www.visithaines.com | Haines Inspired Rides....................................... 723-4170 www.inspiredrides.com | Skagway John Hall’s Alaska................................. 245-0194 www.johnhallsalaska.com | Anchorage Katmai Land, Inc................................... 243-5448 www.katmailand.com | Katmai Kayak Adventures Worldwide.............. 224-3960 www.kayakak.com | Seward
Frigid North Company.....................561-4633 www.frigidnorth.com | Anchorage
Towing A & B Towing......................................... 243-8831 www.andbtowinganchorage.com | Anchorage Bretts Auto Mover................................. 232-6670 www.brettsautomover.com | Big Lake Frank’s Towing...................................... 310-8837 www.frankstowing907.com | Anchorage Kenny’s Towing..................................... 222-2927 Reddi Towing & Salvage....................... 776-3379 Vulcan Towing & Recovery................... 349-8697
Towing Vehicle ABC Towing Inc..................................... 522-1456 Anchorage Towing & Repair................. 222-5222 www.alyeskatrans.com | Anchorage Greatland Towing.................................. 561-2869 Rusty’s Towing & Recovery................. 279-4665
Tractors Giant Tire
751 Williams Gate Road Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-2536 - 888-456-2536 www.gianttire.alaskansavvy.com
Trailers Native Village of Brevig Mission.......... 642-4301 Six Robblees’ Inc.................................. 276-5171 www.sixrobblees.com | Anchorage Six Robblees’ Inc.................................. 456-6866 www.sixrobblees.com | Fairbanks West-Mark Svc Ctr................................ 451-8265 www.west-mark.com | Fairbanks
Training ABC K9 & Equine...................................479-4930 www.abck9equine.com | Fairbanks Ahtna Support & Training Services LLC......................................... 334-6477 www.ahtnasts.com | Anchorage AK Paramotor Paragliding.................... 841-7468 www.usaparagliding.com | Wasilla
All roads lead to Muffler City Northern Tire Co.................................... 895-4676 Phelps Tires........................................... 458-8473 www.phelpstire.com | Fairbanks Union Tire LLC...................................... 486-5305
Title & Escrow Alaska Escrow and Title Insurance Agency, Inc.....................789-1161 www.alaska-escrow-title.com | Juneau
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
Alaska Interpreting Alliance, Inc........................................982-2751 www.alaskainterpretingalliance.com | Palmer
Alaska Job Corps - Career Technical 4300 B Street Ste 100 Anchorage, AK 99503
907-562-6200 - 800-733-5627 www.alaska.jobcorps.gov
Are you 16-24 years old? Do you need your GED or Diploma and want to learn a trade? You may qualify for Job Corps! It’s your future, so make the most of it. Call us today!
Alaska Job Corps - Career Technical 800 E Lynn Martin Dr Palmer, AK 99645
Alaska Region T/TA Center, a Resource of the Administration for Native Americans 185 E. Nelson Ave Wasilla, AK 99654
907-376-3688 - 800-948-3158 www.ANAAlaska.org
Training, Technical Assistance, Virtual Community Center
Ilisagvik College PO Box 749 Barrow, AK 99723
907-852-3333 - 800-478-7337 www.ilisagvik.edu
“Ilisagvik” means “a place to learn” in the Inupiaq Eskimo language Learn To Return Training Systs........... 563-4463 Regional Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor Training Program.................................. 563-9202 www.radact.com | Anchorage
The Alaska Regional Council of Carpenters Apprenticeship and Training Trust 825 E 8th Ave. #6 Anchorage, AK 99501
PO Box 3512 Seattle WA 98124 1101 Port Ave, Seward, AK 99664
907-272-7577 - 800-573-8333 www.ubcalaska.org
"Serving the Apprenticeship and Training needs of Carpenters, Millwrights, and Piledrivers, Divers, and Dockworkers of Alaska.â€
Three Star Enterprises LLC
For AlAskAns
on the Move
206-767-2555 - 866-585-3281 www.Alaska-Logistics.com
The right choice for Marine Transportation to Western Alaska
Bus trAcker
Anchorage Public Transportation - People Mover & Share-A-Ride
185 E. Nelson Ave Wasilla, AK 99654
907-376-3622 - 888-375-7774 www.3StarAk.com
SBA8(a) ANC / Business Development & Coaching / Organizational Development / Workforce Development & Training/ Tribal & Village Operations / Cloud based Collaboration Solutions Youth With A Mission - Fairbanks........ 488-2088 www.ywamfairbanks.com | Fairbanks
Translators & Interpreters Alaska Consulting Translation............. 243-6212 Alaska Emergency Language............... 243-3824 www.alaskatalk.org | Anchorage
Alaska Interpreting Alliance, Inc.
907-343-6543 - Fax: 563-2206 www.PeopleMover.org
Serving the greater Anchorage area with 14 transit routes. Big Lake Public Safety Bldg................. 892-7750 Butte Ambulance................................... 745-5757 Carpool Anchorage Share-A-Ride........ 562-7665 www.PeopleMover.org/ShareARide | Anchorage Denali Group Co.................................... 276-5737 www.denaligroup.com | Anchorage Denali Taxi Shuttle................................ 683-4765
Fairbanks North Star Borough - MACS Transit 501 Cushman St Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-982-2751 - Fax: 745-7446
We provide only professional, RID Nationally Certified Sign Language Interpreters for your interpreting needs. On-Site Interpreting - Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) - Training - Consulting. Email Address: aiaincalaska@gmail.com
Ride the Bus! Juneau Limousine Svc......................... 463-5466 KGB Bus Transit Information............... 247-7442 King Island Transportation Ofc............ 387-0644
Lynden Inc
6441 South Airpark Place Anchorage, AK 99502
907-245-1544 - 888-596-3361 www.lynden.com
Air Van Moving & Storage, Inc............. 272-0536 www.airvanmoving.com | Anchorage
peoplemover.org (907) 343-6543
3600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Ave Anchorage, AK 99507
907-459-1011 - Fax: 459-1004
PO Box 2088 Palmer, AK 99645
Alaska Logistics, LLC Marine Transportation
Freight Shipping and Logistics Lynden Transport.................................. 586-6100 Lynden Transport Inc............................ 456-5535 www.lynden.com | Fairbanks
Mascot................................................... 376-5000 www.matsutransit.com | Wasilla Salcha Rescue....................................... 488-5274 www.salcharescue.com | Salcha South West Ak Transport Llc............... 246-8559 Tankco Alaska Inc................................. 659-3152 TLC Taxi................................................. 697-2239 www.glacierbaytravel.com | Gustavus Togiak Transportation Svc................... 842-5120 Trasportation Security.......................... 424-7939 Willow Public Safety Building.............. 495-6228
Travel Planners..................................... 376-2900 Us Travel Llc.......................................... 581-3133 www.ustravelak.com | Dutch Harbor USTravel................................................ 561-2434 www.ustravel.com | Anchorage Whale Song Cruises............................. 772-9393 Why Not Travel...................................... 694-1266
Travel Information
Travel ABC Travel Time, Inc............................ 376-5231 www.abctraveltime.com | Wasilla Alaska Tour & Travel............................. 245-0200 www.alaskatravel.com | Anchorage Alex Hotel & Suites............................... 243-3131 www.alexhotelalaska.com | Anchorage All About Honeymoons......................... 561-6600 www.JulesC.AllAboutHoneymoons.com Alpine Creek Lodge.............................. 398-9673 Asia Travel LLC..................................... 562-4572 Doyon/Aramark JV............................866-761-6629 www.reservedenali.com | Anchorage Ketchikan Visitors Bureau.................... 225-6166 Northcountry Communications............ 822-5233 Taral Enterprises LLC........................... 823-2255 www.chitinanative.com | Chitina Tourism Division................................... 465-5478
Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau 800 Glacier Avenue Ste 201 Juneau, AK 99801
907-586-1737 - 800-587-2201 www.traveljuneau.com
Meetings are no vacation unless you meet in Juneau, Alaska!
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
78 T R E E
S E R V I C E Wrangell Cooperative Association...... 874-4304 www.shakesisland.com | Wrangell Yupit of Andreafski............................... 438-2572
Truck Accessories Arctic Rv & Interior Topper................... 451-8356 www.arcticrv.com | Fairbanks Custom Truck Accessory Ctr............... 746-5220 www.customtruckak.com | Wasilla Custom Truck Inc.................................. 563-5490 www.customtruckak.com | Anchorage Six Roblees............................................ 222-2943 Truckwell Of Alaska Inc........................ 349-8845
Vantage Parts & Service LLC 1909 W 48th Ave Anchorage, AK 99517
907-344-3608 - Fax: 344-3618
Truck Parts - All Makes, All Models, All The Time.
Truck Equipment & Repair Modern Motors Used Equipment......... 345-0745
Power And Transmission Inc 711 Van Horn Rd Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-2230 - 888-353-2230
Tree Service Asplundh Tree Expert Co..................... 344-6420 www.asplundh.com | Anchorage Clarke Tree Svc..................................... 723-9736 Gage Tree Service................................. 376-8733 www.gagetreeservice.com | Wasilla Jim Cutting............................................ 479-2132 Tall Trees............................................... 277-8733 www.talltreesalaska.com | Anchorage
Tribal Government Alaska Elections Div............................. 373-8952 Alaska Inter-Tribal Council................... 563-9334 www.ai-tc.org | Anchorage Annette Island Svc Unit........................ 886-4741 Annette Island Svc Unit Admin............ 886-6601 Atmautluak Gaming Dept..................... 553-5613 Avcp Child Care Svc............................. 591-2428 BIA Office of Indian Services...........202-513-7640 www.bia.gov | Washington Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation... 842-5201 www.bbahc.org | Dillingham Building Maintenance........................... 487-2611 Chefornak Environmental Dept............ 867-8306 Chefornak Housing Program................ 867-8610 Chignik Bay Village Council................. 749-2445 Chignik Lagoon Tribal Council............. 840-2330 Chilkat Indian Village............................ 767-5517 www.chilkatindianvillage.org | Klukwan Chilkat Indian Vlg Language................ 767-5473 Circle Tribal Government...................... 773-2884 Copper River Native Association......... 822-5241 www.crnative.org | Copper Center Corporate Records................................ 465-2530 Curyung Tribal Childrens Svc.............. 842-4508 Curyung Tribal Circuit Rider................ 842-3363 Curyung Tribal Environmental............. 842-1751 Eastern Aleutian Accounting................ 383-6074 Eek Council Gaming Dept.................... 536-5138 Ekuk Council Environmental................ 842-4314 Emmonak Tribal Council Realty........... 949-1723 Enterprise Technology Svc Ctr............ 451-5288 Huslia Tribal Council Tfys.................... 829-2202 Huslia Tribal Environmental................. 829-2291
Inalik Native Corp PO Box 7040 Nome, AK 99762
907-686-3221 - Fax: 686-3222
Iqurmuit Environmental Dept............... 584-5621 Kaltag Tribal Council Twds................... 534-2306 Kasigluk Tribal Court............................ 477-6404 Kodiak Area Native Assn Health.......... 454-2275 Kotlik Tribal Administration................. 899-4836 Kwethluk Council Teen Ctr................... 757-6640 Kwethluk Natural Resources................ 757-6522 Kwigillingok Ira Council....................... 588-8705
Larsen Bay Tribal.................................. 847-2270 Metlakatla Indian Community......886-4441 www.metlakatla.com | Metlakatla Metlakatla Maintenance Dept............... 886-3355 Metlakatla Social Svc............................ 886-6914 Metlakatla Tamgass Hatchery.............. 886-3150 Metlakatla Wic Program........................ 886-6912 MIC Gaming / Bingo Hall....................... 886-4255 Native Village of Eek............................. 536-5208 Native Village of Nunam Iqua............... 498-4184 Nelson Lagoon Corp............................. 989-2305 Newtok Environmental Dept................. 237-2320 Newtok Traditional Liaison................... 237-2316 Nightmute Bingo Dept.......................... 647-6050 Nightmute Environmental Dept............ 647-6216 Nulato Tribal Family Youth................... 898-2329
Nunakauyak Traditional Council P.O. Box 37048 Toksook Bay, AK 99637
907-427-7114 - Fax: 427-7714
Nvk Tribal Court.................................... 556-8015 Ohogamiut Tribal Council..................... 679-6517 www.ohogtc.org | Marshall Ouzinkie Tribal Council Epa................. 680-2218 Personnel Division................................ 465-4430 Platinum Traditional Vlg....................... 979-8177 Port of Metlakatla.................................. 886-4646 Purchasing Dept................................... 465-2250 Scammon Bay Housing Admin............ 558-5127
Shaktoolik City of PO Box 10 Shaktoolik, AK 99771
907-955-3441 - Fax: 955-3221
Warm Hearts, Helping Hands | On the Iditarod Trail | Pop. 272 and growing. Statewide Design & Engineering......... 465-2960 www.alaska.gov | Juneau Sunaq Tribe of Kodiak.......................... 486-4449 www.sunaq.org | Kodiak Tanacross Inc........................................ 883-4130 Tanacross Water Plant.......................... 883-5058 Toksook Bay Tribal Court Syst............. 427-7914 Training & Development....................... 465-4095 www.workplace.alaska.gov | Juneau Tribal Environmental Program............. 664-2200 Tribal Government of St Paul............... 546-2211 Tuluksak Native Icwa Pro..................... 695-6902 Umkumiut Traditional Council.............. 647-6145 Us General Svc Administration............ 767-5530 Us General Svc Administration............ 586-7316 Us General Svc Administration............ 271-3640 Us Interior Dept..................................... 886-3791 Usg Bureau Indian Affairs.................... 886-3792 Venetie Community Hall....................... 849-8219 Vpso Indian Office................................. 583-2111
Specializing in Air Brakes, Suspension, Exhaust, Air & Oil Filters, Seals, Bearings & Electrical Parts for Your Tractors & Trailers . WHERE THE ICE ROAD TRUCKERS GET THEIR PARTS TO STAY ON THE ROAD IN OUR HARSH ALASKA CONDITIONS Prowler’s Pilot Truck Svc..................... 338-0165 Ray Thomas Trucking........................... 474-8180 Southeast Industrial Svc...................... 780-5135
Vantage Parts & Service LLC 1909 W 48th Ave Anchorage, AK 99517
907-344-3608 - Fax: 344-3618
Truck Parts - All Makes, All Models, All The Time.
Trucking Aaa Moving & Storage.......................... 780-4374 AirLand Transport Inc........................... 248-0362 www.airlandak.com/ | Anchorage Airland Transport Inc............................ 456-2496 Alaska Marine Trucking........................ 772-4234 Alaska Transfer & Storage Inc............. 486-5354 Alaska West Express............................ 339-5100 www.lynden.com/awe | Anchorage Arrowhead Transfer.............................. 826-3419 Arrowhead Transfer.............................. 747-8647 www.arrowheadtransfer.com | Sitka B J Watson & Co Trucking.................... 561-1957 Becker Trucking...............................457-2961 Bethel Packing & Delivery.................... 543-5896 C D Enterprise Llc................................. 357-0345 Comet Trucking..................................... 456-6255 Dryden Equipment................................ 745-6745 FedEx Ground....................................... 714-3090 www.fedex.com | Anchorage Greatland Trucking............................... 335-4285 Homer Expediters................................. 235-5244 Jacobs Express..................................... 745-1379 Kateel Trucking..................................... 443-2408 Kopperud Transportation Inc............... 745-3645 Leslie O Lorentzen Enterprises............ 349-2188
Lynden Inc.............................................245-1544 www.lynden.com | Anchorage Lynden Transport.................................. 276-4800 www.lyndentransport.com | Anchorage Lynden Transport.................................. 260-6500 www.lyndentransport.com | Soldotna Lynden Transport.................................. 772-4234 www.lyndentransport.com | Petersburg Lynden Transport.................................. 225-5550 www.lyndentransport.com | Ketchikan Lynden Transport.................................. 659-2644 www.lyndentransport.com | Prudhoe Bay Lynden Transport.................................. 424-4780 www.lyndentransport.com | Cordova Ookpik Enterprises............................... 746-4418 Red Hawk Trucking............................... 373-8007 United Freight & Transport Inc............. 272-5700 Valley Moving & Storage Inc................ 373-0837 Weaver Brothers Inc............................. 278-4526 www.wbialaska.com | Anchorage Weaver Brothers Inc............................. 646-5336 World Wide Movers Inc......................... 486-5354 www.world-widemovers.com | Kodiak
Yardscaping LLC 6050 B Street Anchorage, AK 99518
907-346-1549 - Fax: 349-2515 www.YardscapingAK.com
Established 1989 | Landscaping, Lawn Maintanence, Erosion Control, Retaining Walls, Pavers, Topsoil, Hydroseeding, Sweeping, Commercial Snow Management, Sanding, Loader, Bobcat, Ice Control | Trucking, Side, Belly & Dump Trucks, Hauling & Delivery
Unions Carpenters Local 1281.......................... 276-3533 www.nwcarpenters.org | Anchorage Carpenters Local 1281.......................... 586-3675 www.nwcarpenters.org | Juneau Inlandboatmen’s Union-Pacific Alaska Region....................................... 790-9644 www.ibud-alaskaregion.org | Juneau Laborers International Union of North America - Laborers Local 341............................. 272-4571 www.local341.com | Anchorage
Laborers International Union of North America Laborers Local 942 2740 Davis Road Fairbanks, AK 99709
907-456-4584 - Fax: 452-6285 www.aklaborers.com
Laborers Local 942 has a long and proud history of representing Alaskan working people in the northern, interior and southeastern areas of Alaska. Laborers International Union of North America - Public Employees Local 71................ 276-7211 www.local71.com | Anchorage Matsu Education Assoc........................ 373-5204 Piledrivers, Bridge, Dock Builders & Divers Local 2520............................................. 272-7576 www.local2520.org | Anchorage
Upholsterers Alaska Tent & Tarp................................ 562-2293 www.alaskatent.com | Anchorage Fairbanks Refinishing & Upholstery, LLC 474-0259 www.fairbanksrefinishing.com | Fairbanks Furniture Medic..................................... 376-3193 Lugo’s Upholstery................................. 562-5846 www.lugosupholstery.com | Anchorage Sitka’s Gun Broker & Canvas............... 747-2768 Sunshine City Enterprises.................... 733-2373 Upholstery Gallery................................ 746-7062
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
F r e e M o b i l e S i t e s , V i s i t w w w. C B G U S A . n e t
KPC - Kenai Peninsula College
156 College Rd Soldotna, AK 99669
John’s Upholstery 3160 E Southview Drive Wasilla, AK 99654
907-262-0300 - 877-262-0330 www.kpc.alaska.edu
“Serving Wasilla and surrounding areas.”
Vacuum Cleaners J & H Sewing & Vacuum Inc..............276-1000 www.sewnvac.com | Anchorage J & H Sewing & Vacuum Inc..............262-6363 www.sewnvac.com | Soldotna
Visitors Information
KPC. Your place. Alaska’s future. (Located in Soldotna, Homer, Seward, Anchorage and online. See our ad on back cover) Northern Industrial Training, LLC........................................357-6400 www.nitalaska.com | Palmer Raven Correspondence School........... 796-2112 Valdez Hospital...................................... 835-2249
Walk-Off Floor Mats Carpet World of Alaska...............745-3737 www.carpetworldalaska.com | Palmer
Washers & Dryers Coin Operated Automated Laundry Systems & Supply 5020 Fairbanks St. Anchorage, AK 99503
907-561-1752 - 800-478-1752
Juneau Convention & Visitors Bureau
“An Energy Conservation Company Serving Alaska Since 1980”
800 Glacier Avenue Ste 201 Juneau, AK 99801
907-586-1737 - 800-587-2201 www.traveljuneau.com
Alaska Brands Group LLC.................... 561-5223 www.alaskabrands.us | Anchorage Alaska Pure Mountain Spring............... 780-4262 Alaska Water Conditioning Inc............. 376-8822 www.akwater.net | Wasilla Water Wagon......................................... 479-4499 www.waterwagon.net | Fairbanks
Meetings are no vacation unless you meet in Juneau, Alaska!
Vocational Training Alaska Job Corps - Career Technical
Water & Sewage
4300 B Street Ste 100 Anchorage, AK 99503
Alaska Aqua-Tech Inc........................800-774-8887
907-562-6200 - 800-733-5627
Cowater Alaska Inc.........................522-5511 www.cowateralaska.com | Anchorage Galena Water Plant............................... 656-2132 Valdez Water Dept................................. 835-2997
Are you 16-24 years old? Do you need your GED or Diploma and want to learn a trade? You may qualify for Job Corps! It’s your future, so make the most of it. Call us today!
Alaska Job Corps - Career Technical 800 E Lynn Martin Dr Palmer, AK 99645
Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility
Avcp Workforce Development.............. 549-3086 Healthsouth Holdings Inc..................... 745-8686
Ilisagvik College PO Box 749 Barrow, AK 99723
907-852-3333 - 800-478-7337 www.ilisagvik.edu
“Ilisagvik” means “a place to learn” in the Inupiaq Eskimo language
3000 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503
907-564-2700 - 866-650-2700 www.awwu.biz
To ensure reliable service and to safeguard our public health and Environmentalironment, AWWU supports the health, safety and economic interests of our community by providing quality Water and Wastewater services in a responsible, efficient and sustainable manner.
wheelchair accessible vans & trucks scooters | ramps | lifts | handcontrols | transfer seats
Water Softening & Supply Hydro-Tech Alaska Inc. 405 College Road Fairbanks, AK 99701
Complete water solution specialists
Welding Air Liquide America L.P. 6415 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99518
907-562-2080 - 800-478-1520 www.airliquide.com
Mfgr of Gases: Compressed - Liquified - Medical - Industrial | Fbks 452-4781 - Kenai 283-7141 - Delta Jnct 895-1861 - Homer 235-0693 - Wasilla 376-6000
Anchorage 6350 Arctic Blvd Anchorage, AK 99518
907-563-6644 - 866-924-7427
Fairbanks 641 Hughes Ave Fairbanks, AK 99701
907-456-3400 - 866-924-7427
www.alaskamobility.com 5515 E. Fireweed Rd, Unit 1 | Palmer, Alaska
Alaska At Last Inc................................. 841-1147 Alaska Ornamental Iron........................ 479-9134 www.alaskaornamentaliron.com | Fairbanks Aleckson Fabrication............................ 262-9654 Chilkat Repair........................................ 767-5443 DMC Welding......................................... 868-2548 Fleetwelding & Aluminum Skiff............ 383-5844 Greer Tank............................................. 243-2455 www.greertank.com | Anchorage Mackey Lake Welding........................... 260-3388 Richardson Mark................................... 562-6873 Steel Brothers Inc................................. 272-5529 Valdez Metal Works Inc......................... 835-2695
Wellness Programs Advanced Physical Therapy................. 376-8590 www.aptak.com | Wasilla Advanced Physical Therapy................. 279-4266 www.aptak.com | Anchorage Jaded Body Wellness & Spine Institute.................................... 631-0600 www.jadedak.com | Wasilla Pure Unadulterated Wellness :doTERRA Essential Oils........................................ 262-6375 www.mydoTERRA.com/patsybailey | Soldotna Soma Wellness...................................... 563-7662 www.somawellnessak.com | Anchorage
Wheel Chair Lifts & Ramps Alaska Mobility, LLC 5515 E. Fireweed Rd Palmer, AK 99645
907-244-3550 - 800-471-2312 www.alaskamobility.com
Kenai 42400 Kenai Spur Hwy - PO Box 1225 Kenai, AK 99611
907-283-6118 - 866-924-7427 www.airgas.com
You’ll find it with us.
BG UUSA, SA, In Incc. . An An Al Alaasskkaa CCorporat orporation ion -- EEsst t. . 1990 1990 •• publ publisish@ h@ak ak. .net net •• 907 907 727-7049 727-7049 ©© 22001152 CCBG
Wood Stoves A Fireplace Store 38926 Sterling Highway Soldotna, AK 99669
Serving Kenai Peninsula
Workforce Development Wheel Chairs & Scooters Alaska Mobility, LLC 5515 E. Fireweed Rd Palmer, AK 99645
907-244-3550 - 800-471-2312 www.alaskamobility.com
Wheels Muffler City & Brake 105 W 5th Ave Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-0408 - Fax: 274-8652 www.mufflercityusa.com
All roads lead to Muffler City
Windows Borealis Window Cleaning................... 317-0604 Denali Windows..................................... 677-0714 Great Land Window Co......................... 479-8437 www.greatlandwindow.com | Fairbanks Hoffer Glass........................................... 456-6200 www.hoffer-glass.com | Fairbanks NMS Window......................................... 272-1213
Wood Protective Coatings & Sealants
Developing dynamic, competitive, highly trained Alaskans.
Yarn Shop
Where Traditions Begin
Residential | Commercial | Glass Replacement | Fiberglass | Paint | Wood Coatings | Painting Supplies
SBA8(a) ANC / Business Development & Coaching / Organizational Development / Workforce Development & Training/ Tribal & Village Operations / Cloud based Collaboration Solutions
907-455-0299 - 877-340-3237
Alaskan Wood Moulding....................... 563-9724 Coyote Woodworking........................... 455-4547 Donnybrook........................................... 479-2202 Stake Shop............................................ 277-4662 The Great Alaskan Bowl Company...... 474-9663 www.woodbowl.com | Fairbanks Windmill Furniture Restoration............ 563-4736
907-456-7758 - 800-478-7758
907-376-3622 - 888-375-7774
1875 University Ave S Fairbanks, AK 99709
Wood Products Manufacturers
1620 S Cushman St Fairbanks, AK 99701
185 E. Nelson Ave Wasilla, AK 99654
Northern Threads
Pella Windows & Doors........................ 646-9087 www.pella.com | Anchorage
Fairbanks Paint & Glass
Three Star Enterprises LLC
2600 Cordova, Suite 105 Anchorage, AK 99503
Youth Organizations & Centers
907-770-5250- Fax: 770-5251 www.apicc.com
Ilisagvik College PO Box 749 Barrow, AK 99723
907-852-3333 - 800-478-7337 www.ilisagvik.edu
“Ilisagvik” means “a place to learn” in the Inupiaq Eskimo language
Alaska Military Youth Academy 800 E Dimond Blvd Ste 3-229 Anchorage, AK 99515
907-375-5554 - 877-242-5643
Up d a te y o u r l i s ti n g v i s t th e " l i v e " s i te : w w w. c bgus a. c om • P ubl ic at i ons : w w w. is s uu. c om / al as k apublic at i ons
Challenging the Future!!