the story of spring / summer 2017 Adele Oversize T-Shirt_Dusty Rose Bird_68-152 Invy Slimfit Pants_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Alba of Denmark is Danish kids fashion house producing high quality clothes for children to play, grow and becoming who they are in. We know you as parents expect us to be wise and demanding in choosing collaborators to produce our clothes. We know this because we expect it of ourselves. Therefore all our brands are created with the same sense of social responsibility. We only choose from high quality materials. We choose production facilities with proper conditions for the employees. And we focus on producing clothes that bring joy to more than one child in its lifetime. This is the Alba Philosophy – because it is our responsibility to preserve a healthy earth for our children.
Hame Blouse_Castlerock Melange_68-152 Kristoffer Pants_Phantom Melange_68-152 Harwin Blouse_Paloma Melange_68-152
Mischa Short Suit_Dusty Rose Bird _80-152 Lea Legwarmer_Bamboo Striped_0-11 years
Maria Dress_Antique White Triangle_80-152
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39
Annie Knee Socks_Dark Denim_16-39
mAkE iT SiMpLe BuT UnIQue
Harmonie Hood_Bluestone Striped Extrations_80-152 Hune Pants_Real Teal_80-152
Hame Blouse_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Oscar Shorts_Bluestone_80-152
PeOpLe sAy ThaT NoThinG iS ImPoSsiBlE ... BuT I Do NoThiNg eVeRy dAy
Ghita Blouse_Dusty Rose Honeycombs_68-152 Stella Shorts_Lyons Blue Split Striped_80-152 Isolde Shirt_Lyons Blue Split Striped_80-152 Semilla Dress_Bluestone Striped Extractions_80-152
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39
Rachel Dress_Dusty Rose Bird_80-152
Bea Knee Socks_Bamboo_16-39
Christiane T-shirt_Bamboo Circle_68-152
Penny Dress_Bamboo Circle_80-152
Invy Slimfit Pants_Castlerock Melange_56-98
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39
Sally Blouse_Estate Blue_80-152 Innes Slimfit Pants_Bluestone_68-152
Havin Sweat_Nine Iron Cubes_80-140 Hallian Baby Pants_Estate Blue_56-98
11 Haward Sweat_Bluestone_68-152
Lucca Baby Pants_Castlerock Melange_56-98
Bertram T-shirt_Bluestone_80-152
Jack Pants_Dark Denim_ 80-152
Hedigby Playsuit_Provincial Blue Boomerang_56-98 Hanan Socks_Provincial Blue Cubes_16-36
ThE CiTy iS My PlAyGroUnD
ThE wOrLd Is At My FeEt
Wade Pants_Java Melange_56-152
Havin Sweat_Wren Cubes_68-152
Oscar Shorts_Dark Denim_80-152
Harmonie Hood_Marmelade Melange_ 80-152
Havin Sweat_Wren Cubes_68-152
Hune Pants_Lyons Blue_80-152
Holger Pants_North Atlantic Striped_80-152
Hame Blouse_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Wade Pants_Slate Gray Bird_56-152
Harwin Blouse_Bamboo_68-152 Harwin Blouse_Paloma Melange_68-152
17 Kristoffer Pants_Phantom Melange_80-152
oN a bRidGe To aNoThEr WoRlD
Sigurd T-shirt_Slate Gray Bird_68-152
Hai Button Pants_Castlerock Melangey_56-152 Harwin Blouse_Bamboo_68-152
Madeleine Dress_Blossom Indian_74-140
My FaVoRiTe dResS iS alL ThE dResSes In The WoRlD Gigi Bandana_Dusty Rose Bird_0-11 Years Madeleine Dress_Blossom Indian_74-140 Haniella Leggin_Estate Blue_80-152
Adam Zipper Hood_North Atlantic Melange_74-152
Hame Blouse_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Milo Knickers_North Atlantic Melange_80-152
Harray Sweat_Castlerock Melange_68-152
AlbaKID is our fast moving adventurous kid, who want outfits made to play, to concur new worlds and be the coolest kid on the block. AlbaKID is inspired by the playground where anything can happen. Where pirate ships can sail in sand. Where swings are turned into airplanes. And slides become rampes for the rocket reaching for the moon. The design of AlbaKID is playful, exploring, colourful and graphic. It is forever finding new ways, new stories to be told. The styles are practical and made to play in, all from soft comfortable materials. With its modern stylish lines you can bring AlbaKID directly from the playground to a family party – maybe just brushing off the sand before leaving the park. AlbaKID is designed to be your child’s favourite clothes that both looks and feels cool. And with AlbaKID your child is always prepared for the adventure of being a kid!
Harray Sweat_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Ghita Blouse_Angel Wing Waves_68-152
Annie Knee Socks_Dark Denim_16-39
Kimberly Zipper Hood_Orange.com_80-152
Hana Bandana_Orange.Com_0-11 Years
Hape Cardigan_Dark Denim_74-152
Jenny Skirt_Dark Denim_80-152
yOu cAn’T SpElL LoVe yOu cAn OnLy FeeL It
Adele Oversize T-Shirt_Dusty Rose Bird_68-152 Invy Slimfit Pants_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Sigrid Dress_Angel Wing Dotted Cubes_80-152 Lea Legwarmer_Orange.Com Striped_0-11 Years Hana Bandana_Orange.Com_0-11 Years
Adele Oversize T-Shirt_Dusty Rose Bird_68-152 Haniella Leggin_Dusty Rose Bird _80-152
To become a reseller please contact one of the below:
Austria & Switzerland: Agentur Syster Yster, Nina Kern, info@agentursysteryster.com, +41 78 76 83 506 Belgium: De Melkbrigade, Petra de Bruyne, info@melkbrigade.be, +32 47 97 90 277 China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore & Malaysia: Lillahus, Jocelyn Goh, joce@lillahus.com & mats@lillahus.com Denmark (Jylland): Alba of Denmark, Majken Banke Ova, Majken@albababy.dk, +45 72 30 18 19 Denmark (SjĂŚlland, Fyn): BB Company, Birthe BĂźlow Petersen, birthe.bulow@mail.dk, +45 20 15 97 67 Germany: Frau von Norden, Tina Lindboeg Radzio, info@frau-von-norden.de, +49 4631 44 44 648 Iceland: Skjaldbaka Ehf, Helen Jonsdottir, skjaldbaka@skjaldbaka.is, +354 84 30 986 Japan: Kodomark, Mikiko Tago Andersen, mikiko.tago@kodomark.co.jp Netherlands: Stones Kids Agency, Saskia de Groot, info@stoneskidsagency.com, +31 62 85 56 800 Norway: Sienfarge Agenturer, Susanne Skou, susanne@sienfarge-agenturer.no, +47 92 80 53 32 United Kingdom: EMZ Collections, Anna Kyriazidou, hello@emzcollections.co.uk, +44 79 69 378 510 All other countries: Alba of Denmark, Paal Kristoffer Banke Ova, info@albababy.dk, +45 72 30 18 19
ThouGh ShE bE BuT LiTTlE, ShE Is FieRcE
Gigi Bandana_Dusty Rose Bird_0-11 Years
Sisse Dress_Desert Sand Bird_80-152
Lea Legwarmer_Bamboo Striped_0-11 Years
Sisse Dress_Desert Sand Bird_80-152 Ester Tight_Angel Wing_0-12 Years
30 Ghita Blouse_Dusky Citron Small Flowers_68-152 Jenny Skirt_Desert Sand Bird_80-152 Lea Legwarmer_Bamboo Striped_0-11 Years
Jack Pants_Dark Denim_80-152
Oscar Shorts_Bluestone_80-152
Mikkel Blouse_ Paloma Dotted Cubes Cubes
Jimmy Jacket_Bluestone_74-152
Haldor Zipper Hood_Bluejay Harlequin_74-152
Jack Pants_Bluejay Harlequin_80-152
Mads T-shirt_Antique White Triangle_80-152
Silas T-shirt_Paloma Dotted Cubes_68-152
Daniel Sweat_Bluestone Bird_80-152 Mads T-shirt_Antique White Triangle_80-152
BluE iS MoRe ThAn JusT a CoLouR To mE It iS ThE
LauGh LotS
Gigi Bandana_Dusty Rose Bird_0-11 Years
Rachel Dress_Angel Wing Triangle r_80-152
Sabine Jacket_Bluestone_80-152
Sally Blouse_Angel Wing Triangle_80-152
Invy Slimfit Pants_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Invy Slimfit Pants_Castlerock Melange_68-152
Bea Knee Socks_Bamboo_16-39
Hilda Dress_Mauveglow_80-140
GivE lOvE
Hutte Tight_Medium Grey_0-10 Years
bE gRaTeFuL
Helena Legwarmers_Wild Ginger Circle_0-9 Years
dReAm Big
Jack Pants_Dark Denim_80-152
Annie Knee Socks_Dark Denim_16-39
Milo Knickers_Bluejay Harlequin_80-152
Jais Sweat_Bluejay Harlequin_68-152
Laura Dress_Orange.Com_80-152 Laura Dress_Orange.Com_80-152
Bertram T-shirt_Orange.com_80-152
Harwin Blouse_Hedge Green_68-152 Hai Button Pants_Castlerock Melange_56-152
HoPe iS gReEn Howy Sweat_Hedge Green Harlequin_ 68-152 Miguel T-shirt_Hedge Green Harlequin_68-152
Habian Hood Blouse_Hedge Green Harlequin_80-152
Hai Button Pants_Hedge Green Harlequin_56-152
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39 Lisa Dress_Marine Green_80-152
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39
Lisa Dress_Marine Green_80-152
eVeRy PicTuRe iS a JouRnEy InTo a SaCrEd hArBouR
40 Ghita Blouse_Dusty Rose Small Flowers_68-152 Lea School Dress_Fusion Coral Striped_80-140
Nelly Skirt_Real Teal_80-152
Bea Knee Socks_Angel Wing_16-39
Bea Knee Socks_Angel Wing_16-39
Gedolly School Dress_Bluestone Bird_80-140
Sabine Jacket_Bluestone_80-152
Thea Tight_Dusty Rose_0-12 Years
Iryna Loose Pants_Desert Sand_56-152
Hana Bandana_Angel Wing Triangle, 0-11 Years Gaya Dress_Lyons Blue Split Striped_74-140 Thea Tight_Dusty Rose_0-12 Years
Hana Bandana_Angel Wing Triangle, 0-11 Years
Ghita Blouse_Dusty Rose Honeycombs_68-152 Nelly Skirt_Real Teal_80-152 Bea Knee Socks_Angel Wing_16-39
Harwin Blouse_Paloma Melange_68-152
Oscar Shorts_Bluestone_80-152
NowHeRe ElSe To bE ThAn RighT
hErE Mads T-shirt_Antique White Triangle _68-152
Harwin Blouse_Paloma Melange_68-152
Nolan Waistcoat_Bluestone Bird_74-152
Jack Pants_Bluejay Harlequin_80-152
Martin T-shirt_Bluestone Striped Extrations_68-152
Harmonie Hood_Bluestone Striped Extrations_80-152
Harwin Blouse_Paloma Melange_68-152
Jack Pants_Bluestone Striped Extrations_80-152
Lukas Waistcoat_Bluejay Harlequin_74-152
RuN aWaY wItH mE...
Emil Sport T-shirt_Wren Cubes_68-152 Oscar Shorts_Dark Denim_80-152 Molly Dress_Desert Sand_80-152 Sarah Legging_Castlerock Melange_0-12 Years
Harwin Blouse_Paloma Melange_68-152
Wade Pants_Slate Gray Bird_56-152
47 Carter Shirt_North Atlantic Striped Extrations_ 80-152
Sigurd T-shirt_Slate Gray Bird_68-152
Lennox Knickers_Castlerock Melange_80-152
Milo Knickers_North Atlantic Melange_80-152
Harry Jacket_Bluestone_80-152
Kristoffer Pants_Phantom Melange_80-152
SoMeTimEs ThE WoRlD
StOpS JuSt FoR a
MomEnT Henry Sweat_Dark Denim_68-152 Hune Pants_Real Teal_80-152 Hannibal Blouse_Antique White Triangle_68-152 Tyler Pants_Bluestone_80-152
StAnDinG At ThE gAtEwAy To ThE wORlD
• Bisgaard • OCRA • Momino For lending us their amazing shoes for our SS17 photo shoots.
Bea Knee Socks_Angel Wing_16-39
Nelly Skirt_Real Teal_80-152
Sally Blouse_Estate Blue_80-152
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39
We would like to shout out a special thanks to:
yOu aRe BrAvEr Tristan Blouse_North Atlantic Triangle_68-152
Verner Shirt_North Atlantic Triangle_80-152
StRoNgEr SmArTeR ThAn yOu KnoW
Hape Cardigan_Dark Denim_74-152 Miguel T-shirt_Hedge Green Harlequin_68-152
Hannibal Blouse_Bluestone Striped Extrations_68-152
Jack Pants_Dark Denim_80-152
Hune Pants_Real Teal_80-152
Harwin Blouse_Stone Blue_68-152
Carter Shirt_North Atlantic Striped Extrations
Harwin Blouse_Hedge Green_68-152
Lennox Knickers_Castlerock Melange_80-152
Lennox Knickers_Castlerock Melange_80-152
Lennox Knickers_Castlerock Melange_80-152
Hillary Skirt_Deep Sea Coral Circle_80-140
Holly Sweat_Deep Sea Coral Circle_80-152
Victoria Dress_Plum Wine_80-152
Haniella Leggin_Dusty Rose Bird _80-152
Havin Sweat_Wren Cubes_68-152
Ghita Blouse_Grape Shake Small Flowers_68-152 Jenny Skirt_Desert Sand Bird_ 80-152
Harwin Blouse_Marmelade Melange_68-152
Harmonie Hood_Marmelade Melange_80-152
Miguel T-shirt_Fog_68-152
Christiane T-shirt_Plum Wine_68-152
Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39
Trine Dress _Real Teal_80-152 Bea Knee Socks_Angel Wing_16-39 Signe Dress_Castlerock Melange_80-152 Ester Tight_Blossom_0-12 Years
Hannibal Blouse_Duck Green Boomerang_80-140
Havid Waistcoat_Estate Blue_56-140
Hecco Box Pants_Medium Grey_80-140
Hecco Box Pants_Medium Grey_80-140
Gilly Cardigan_Desert Sand Bird_74-152 Adele Oversize T-Shirt_Blossom Indian_68-152 Adam Zipper Hood_Dark Denim_74-152
Jenny Skirt_Dark Denim_80-152
Jenny Skirt_Dark Denim_80-152
Jenny Skirt_Desert Sand Bird_80-122
Hannibal Blouse_Duck Green Boomerang_80-140
Harry Jacket_Dark Blue_80-140
Adam Zipper Hood_Dark Denim_74-152
Harald Waistcoat_Green Gables_80-152
Hilion Shirt_Provincial Blue Cubes_80-140
Jack Pants_Dark Denim_80-152
Gwen Swim T-shirt_Wren Cubes_74-128 Gwen Swim Shorts_Wren Cubes_74-152 Gail Swim Suit_Dusty Rose Bird_74-128
Grazia Swimsuit_Dusty Rose Bird_74-152
Gerthie Bikini_Antique White Split Striped_74-152
Justin Swim Suit_Stone Blue Triangle_74-128
Gwen Swim Shorts_Stone Blue Triangle_74-152
Grazia Swimsuit_Antique White Split Striped_74-152
LiKe SeEiNg ThE wOrLd FoR ThE FiRsT TiMe
In My hEaRt I Am StiLl LiTTlE
Hana Bandana_Angel Wing Triangle_0-11 years
Hubbie Baby Leggings_Bamboo_56-98
Olivia Playsuit_Dusky Citron Small Flower_56-98
Anne Body_Angel Wing Triangle_56-98
Ganyer Bandana_Bamboo Circle_0-11 Years Hedina Body_Dusty Rose Bird_56-98 Hubbie Baby Leggings_Orange.com_56-98
Karoline Playsuit_Dusty Rose Honeycombs_56-98
My Baby Dress_Dusty Rose Small Flower_ 56-98 Sarah Legging_Bluestone_0-12 Years
Maria Dress_Antique White Triangle_80-152 Lea Legwarmer_Bamboo Striped_0-11 Years
Hannah Body_Stone Blue_56-98
Ida Baby Pants_Dusty Rose Small Flower_56-98
Hana Bandana_Grape Shake Small Flowers_0-11 Years Nina Baby Dress_Grape Shake Small Flower_56-98 Annie Knee Socks_Peach Blossom_16-39 Lea Suit_Grape Shake Small Flower_56-98
72 Huxi Body_Antique White Triangle_56-98 Hillan Baggy Pants_Real Teal_56-122 Hert Playsuit_Wren Cubes_56-98
Charley Playsuit Short_Antique WhiteTriangle_56-98
Lucca Baby Pants_Castlerock Melange_56-98
EveN ThE LonGesT JouRnEy sTaRtS WiTh a SinGlE StEP
Hedigby Playsuit_Paloma Dotted Cubes_56-98
Sigurd T-shirt_Slate Gray Bird_68-152
Magnus Body_North Atlantic Triangle_56-98
Jimmy Jacket_Bluestone_74-152
Mikkel Blouse_Paloma Dotted Cubes_ 68-152 Hallian Baby Pants_Dark Denim_56-98 Galaxy Bucket Hat_Reak Teal_0-9 Years
75 Gigi Bandana_Dusty Rose Bird_0-11 Years Nanna Body_Antique White Split Striped_56-98
Ester Tight_Blossom_0-12 Years
Iryna Loose Pants_Desert Sand_56-152
My Baby Dress_Dusky Citron Small Flower_56-98
Hillan Baggy Pants_Plum Wine Striped_56-122 Fabo Baby Pants_Bluestone Striped_56-98 Styled with from Alba Original: Halia Body_Blossom_56-98 Halia Body_Bluestone _56-98
Carter Shirt_Antique White Triangle_80-152
Magnus Body_Wren Cubes_56-98
Galaxy Bucket Hat_Reak Teal_0-9 Years
ToDaY iS My
AlbaBabY is our modern new-born soon to be energetic toddler who needs comfortable outfits made of soft material. It needs to be fashionable, yet practical styles that allows for growing, tumbling and taking first steps in. AlbaBabY is always discovering new things in the world, not afraid to explore new trends, patterns, fabrics and colours – but without running too far away from the save harbour of the AlbaFamily. You will always recognize Albababy even through its changes and new ideas. The AlbaBabY design wish to wrap your little new love with tenderness, flexibility, colourful affection while always being ready for action. AlbaBabY is inspired by the toddler lifestyle and with thought through details, it will accompany your child through the adventure of discovering the world for the first time. ‘Cause with AlbaBabY – it’s all in the details.
Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail...
spring / summer 2017
Habian Hood Blouse_Plum Wine Striped_80-152 Hami Tight Pants_Plum Wine Striped 56-140
He told me dragons did not exist, - then led me to their lairs...
Marie Hood Dress_ Lyons Blue_ 74-140
Life is but the fairest tale of all
In your dreams whatever they’ll be: Dream a little dream of me
Herica Jacket_Fusion Coral_ 80-140
Julie Dress_Dusty Rose Small Flower_ 74-140
The World Keeps Turnin’
Hubert Jacket_North Atlantic_ 80-140
Sheriff is back in town
Habian Hood Blouse_Java Melange_ 80-152 Graham Shorts_Lyons Blue Striped_ 74-152
Habian Hood Blouse_Lyons Blue Striped_ 80-152 Hami Tight Pants_Lyons Blue Striped_ 56-140
We are invincible …on a good day
Hedashy Crawlers_Plum Wine Striped_ 56-98 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Ghita Blouse & Hana Bandana
A little magic can take you a long way
Halia Body_Blossom_ 56-98 Hecco Box Pants_Plum Wine_ 80-140
Hulliver Jumpsuit_Plum Wine Striped_ 56-122 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Gigi Bandana
Starting a whole new journey...
Miles Blouse_Fog _68-152 Hedow Baggy Crawlers_North Atlantic Melange_56-110
Hulliver Jumpsuit_Lyons Blue Striped_56-122
Halia Body_Antique White _56-98 Hobo Baggy Pants_Lyons Blue Striped_56-122
Sabrina Blouse_Angel Wing Big Flower_ 68-152 Iris Box Pants_Orange.com_80-140
Once Apon a Time...
Smile and tomorrow you’ll see the sun come shining through for you Sabrina Blouse_Angel Wing Big Flower_ 68-152 Hedow Baggy Crawlers_Orange.Com_56-110 Julie Dress_Angel Wing Big Flower_ 74-140 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Karla Tight & Hana Bandana
I will leave my hat as I please - trading it for a kiss or a magic bean As escaped from a fairy tale he flies away raiding a unicorn and his dreams lead him way up high into the blue sky
Habian Hood Blouse_Lyons Blue Striped_80-152 Graham Shorts_Lyons Blue Striped_74-152
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Kristian Socks
Noah Short Crawlers_Real Teal_56-122 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Martin T-shirt
All you imagined will come true in your dreams
One sees clearly with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Hana Bandana & Ghita Blouse Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Ganyer Bandana & Annie Knee Socks
Koko Blouse_Bamboo_68-152 Medina Spencer_Plum Wine Striped_74-128
Karla Suit_Bamboo_56-110
Miles Blouse_Fog_ 68-152 Hecco Box Pants_North Atlantic_80-140
Miles Blouse_Fog_ 68-152 Hecco Box Pants_Marmelade Melange_80-140
Sometimes as many as six impossible things have happened before breakfast
Emmie Dress_Estate Blue_74-140
Eline Tunic_Angel Wing Dotted Cubes_56-128
I am the streets of your childhood I will always know you
Kim Baggy Crawlers_Fusion Coral_68-122
There will come a fairy to teach me how to fly
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Bea Knee Socks
Hope Hood Dress_Dessert Sand_74-152 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Hana Bandana & Lea Legwarmer
The world was never as beautiful as when we dreamed it
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Hana Bandana & Annie Knee Socks
Emmie Dress_Dusky Citron Small Flower_74-140
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Annie Knee Socks
Mary Spencer_Bluestone _74-128
I have never tried it before therefore I know I can do it
Jasper Baggy Crawlers_Castlerock Melange _80-152 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Carter Shirt
Running away to join the circus...
Playing with magic dragons
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Ester Tight & Hana Bandana
Sara Tunic_Plum Wine _56-128
Adventure is worthwhile in itself
Hedashy Crawlers_Lyons Blue Striped _56-98 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Huxi Body
One day you might change the world,
What a beautiful day – I’m on my way
...but for today let the world change you
Hedashy Crawlers_North Atlantic _56-98 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Hallur Body
Alex Baggy Crawlers_Real Teal _ 56-110 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Magnus Body
Hedow Baggy Crawlers_North Atlantic Melange _56-110
Hedow Baggy Crawlers_Bluejay Harlequin_56-110
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Magnus Body & Galaxy Hat
Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Hallur Body
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
Silje Heart Spencer_Fusion Coral_74-128 Styled with from AlbaBabY/KID: Anne Body & Hana Bandana