AMArt: Winter 2022 Albany Museum of Art Magazine

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The Albany Museum of Art on Aug 26 had its first opening reception since the pandemic began for three new exhibitions--European Splendors: Old Master Paintings from the Kress Collection; Horse Power: Works by Cedric Smith, and Essay Topic: Write Down the Word WOMAN One Hundred Times!: Works by Sanaz Haghani.


Eric Mack, RSRFC-5374, 2014, mixed media on wood veneer, handmade paper, raintree leaves, magazine image, Xerox, acrylic. (Photo courtesy of the artist)


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FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Friends, Some months ago, as I was tinkering with notes for a first draft of my Director’s Message for this edition of AMA Art, I found myself wondering— albeit momentarily—whether there really was anything to write at all. We, all of us, had already lived through the convulsions of an extraordinary year. Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe there is something more to say, for there is beauty of all kinds that continues to surround us and bind us together. There is love for family and friends, colleagues, even strangers. There is that which pulls me back into the action, which is simply the notion that if we do not live for others, what really are we doing? The AMA’s vision, to be a clubhouse for all, subtly hints at our reason for being, and the irrepressible joy of sharing the arts with everyone. Shared feeling, emotion, and community remind us there are very few true obstacles that stand between us. In the end, we are all answerable to one another, to all our brothers and sisters, both near and far. Andrew James Wulf, Ph.D. Executive Director

This is the meaning of community and being responsible to that community. For us at the AMA, 2022 will witness the launch of superbly compelling exhibitions of an array of work by unique artists, including Ray Pierotti, Melissa Huang, and Eric Mack, whose works shall make their appearance on Jan 20 throughout the AMA’s galleries. We have projects underway at our new site in downtown Albany, including the Mural Project that will feature the work of an up-and-coming artist throughout the construction phase of the new museum. Our annual Art Ball will be hosted there in the industrial chic interiors of the former department store. And we continue to plan for the rest of the year, and all the way down the road when the AMA will truly become the museum for everybody. This is where we locate our meaning, becoming genuinely answerable to all our brothers and sisters in Albany, and to all visitors from further afield. Thank you for taking this journey with us this last year. It was a doozy. Yet, anything that forces us to take stock, and to face up to and practice the virtues of love, respect, and community always is. We look forward with great anticipation to welcoming you back to the museum in this new year. Sending all best wishes from the AMA Family to yours,


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A L B A N Y M U S E U M O F A R T | FA L L 2 0 2 1

Ray Pierotti, Gateways to the Divine: I Unite, Pisces, Spirit, Ten, Cymascope, undated, Inkodye, colored pencil, acrylic.

Ray Pierotti, Homage, Ancatta, Cymascope, undated, Inkodye, colored pencil, acrylic


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ON VIEW Jan 20 – April 23, 2022 | Haley Gallery

THE WAY OF LIFE Works by Ray Pierotti Ray Pierotti’s painting process, reflecting the development of individuals, consists of the multilayering of three media on untreated cotton and paper. On cotton, he applies a colorfast dye, acrylic paint, and colored pencil. The Shellman, Ga.-based artist says his process is similar to an individual’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development over time. Resonance and sympathetic relationships, he says, form vibrational patterns through which colors, shapes, and sounds commune, and exist equally in painting and in music. This phenomenon, first intuited in Pierotti’s youth, now has scientific support and is the source of his creative inspiration. Pierotti’s exhibition The Way of Life opens Jan 20 and continues through April 23 in the Haley Gallery of the Albany Museum of Art. “It seems to me, in contemporary society, that we have relegated the arts to surface embellishment and entertainment,” Pierotti said. “In reality, its place should be intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development. Science has distorted our reasoning into classes of either/ors. Art’s purpose is to bypass the scientific mind, which is limited to the finite. The arts lead us to the heart’s intelligence, where perceptions are infinite, beyond either/ors, towards unification.” A native of Bountiful, Utah, Pierotti evidenced musical

and artistic talents early in life. After serving two years in the U.S. military in Korea and Japan, he moved to France for two years of mission work for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and later worked at the American Library in Paris. After completing his first undergraduate degree at La Sorbonne, Pierotti returned to Utah and earned his BFA and MM in musicology and music composition at the University of Utah. He is the former director of The Arrowmont School and associate professor at the University of Tennessee. He opened and directed the Sawtooth School of Visual Arts in Winston-Salem, N.C., reopened the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts in North Georgia, and directed the International Museum of Art & Design (now the Museum of Design Atlanta). In the 1990s, he moved his studio from Atlanta to Shellman, where he and his life partner, Gene Lewis, opened the Center for Art and Rehabilitative Energies. Pierotti has exhibited at the Albany Museum of Art; the Sawdust Gallery, New York City; the South Carolina Museum of Art; the Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn.; the Fine Arts Museum at the University of Idaho; the University of the South; the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, WinstonSalem; the Greenville (S.C.) Center for the Arts, and other public and private galleries.

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ON VIEW Jan 20 – April 23, 2022 | East Gallery

PRISMATIC Works by Melissa Huang Melissa Huang, an interdisciplinary artist living in Statesboro, Ga., explores the multiplicity of identity in her paintings and prints. Her glitch-inspired painting and video self-portraiture studies the desire, failure, and dissonance associated with portraying an idealized self for a largely digital audience. An installation of her work, Prismatic, will be on view Jan 20 through April 23 in the East Gallery of the Albany Museum of Art. An assistant professor in 2D Foundations at Georgia Southern University, Huang notes that the way a person is perceived and presents to others changes from person to person. “A different version of you exists in the minds of your family, friends, colleagues, strangers, and digital audience; none of which encompass your complete identity,” she said. “Rather, each of these fragments comes together to paint a fuller picture of ‘you.’” Huang said she was fascinated by the ways people construct these identities. “Contemporary culture is obsessed with perfection, and digital image manipulation has blurred the lines between reality and the idealized self, creating an unsettling gap between who we really are and how we wish to be perceived,” she said. “Much of our public image has become simulacra, representations of ourselves stripped of personal meaning and imbued with culturally constructed meaning.”

Melissa Huang,Venus de la Void, 2021, resin sculptures.

Melissa Huang in her studio. (Photo courtesy of the artist)

Technological advances have made it possible for people to create entirely new selves that exist only in digital form. Huang uses Photoshop to “create warped, ghostly second images of the self, then captured in oil paint. By translating these digital manipulations into the oil medium, I relate our current obsession with images of the self to the long history of the portrait painting tradition.” Huang earned her MFA in Drawing and Painting from the Ernest G. Welch School of Art & Design at Georgia State University and her BFA in Fine Arts Studio from the Rochester Institute of Technology. She has exhibited nationally and abroad, with a 2021 solo exhibition at the Marietta Cobb Museum of Art and has been included in group shows at the Hongik Museum of Art, Whitespace Gallery, and Kyoto International Community House. Huang has been featured in publications including Fresh Paint Magazine, Art House Press, and Stone Canoe.


ON VIEW Jan 20 – April 23, 2022 |

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McCormack Gallery

ORDO NATURALIS Works by Eric Mack Eric Mack creates mathematically based renderings with a distinct post-modern twist. His works are informed with superimposed grids, patterns, and portals. Layered surfaces are created with paint, found objects, natural fibers, and synthetic substrates that explore the systems of our visual world. An exhibition of his work, Ordo naturalis, will be on view Jan 20 through April 23 in the McCormack Gallery of the Albany Museum of Art.

Eric Mack in his studio. (Photo courtesy of the artist, copyright Chris Burden)

As a mixed-media artist, the Charleston, S.C., native has explored the use of a variety of materials, such as architectural blueprints, mineral-derived pigments, peat-free soil, and natural fibers, recycled packing paper, natural dyes, synthetic ultraviolet shade screens, handmade paper, and seeds sourced from his home garden. This combination of materials represents a harmonic vision of seamlessly intertwined natural plant systems and geometric composition. Over the last four years, Mack has immersed himself into the study of nature, plant propagation, and architectural design. These works represent the knowledge, care, and total fulfillment that these two subjects have provided him. The unison between botany and architectural design has ignited the fuse that has lit his path for further creative development. The title of the exhibition is informed by the work of Carolus Linnaeus, who is usually regarded as the founder of modern taxonomy. The Linnaean naming system was designated for living organisms, but Mack has made connections between this and the Divine

Eric Mack, OTNA-1000, 2021, framed pieces on UV screen, Xerox copy, handmade paper, raintree leaves, mango leaves, powdered pigment, fine glitter, ground peat free moss, Miscanthus sinensis seeds, white glitter, latex paint, shredded packing paper.

Proportions used in science and mathematics, and architecture. Divine Proportion, a ratio that is also often referred to as “Phi,” is prevalent in every aspect of our universe, from the natural growth pattern of the nautilus seashell to the pyramids of Egypt to the musical compositions of Mozart and Beethoven.

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ON VIEW Jan 20 – April 23, 2022 | Hodges Gallery


Male Ibeji Figure on base, Unknown Yoruba artist (Nigeria), wood (Sese) with beads, string. Gift of Miss Stella Davis. 80.001.139 Egungun dance mask, unknown Yoruba artist (Nigeria), wood, polychrome. Gift of Miss Stella Davis. 80.001.132

To further complement the themes of the three artists on display this season, the Albany Museum of Art is reintroducing objects from the permanent collection that have been unseen by the public for the past four years. African Artifacts of Spirituality and Identity will be on exhibition in the Hodges Gallery Jan 20-April 23. Director of Curatorial Affairs Katie Dillard has selected several objects from the African collection to enhance themes of spirituality and identity. Many of the items on display were once used by the peoples of West Africa to make connections with the spiritual world, to seek blessings, and in honor of their ancestors. In his 1987 book The Art of West African Kingdoms, Edward Lifschitz (1945-2021), then the curator of the

Kneeling female figure, unknown Akan artist (Ghana), terra cotta, patina. Gift of Mr. Michael Davis. 82.002.071

Department of Education and Research for the National Museum of African Art, noted that African life “was sustained by the pulse of ritual. Infused with music, dance, and art, ritual animated the spirit world.” Lifschitz observed that traditional religions in Africa were based on “the belief that spirits dwell in natural forms, such as trees or the earth, in created objects, such as figurative carvings, and in functional objects, such as drums. Ancestors were always nearby, and attention had to be paid to them.” To assure protective spirits of ancestors were always close, families often kept in their homes clay or wooden figures such as the Akua’ba dolls or Ere Ibeji sculptures on display in this exhibition.


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ELINOR SARAGOUSSI’S ESCAPE PLAN Escape Plan, an installation by Athens, Ga., artist and musician Elinor Saragoussi, creates a lively, otherworldly experience in its home in the West Gallery of the Albany Museum of Art. Filled with colorful, whimsical characters from Saragoussi’s fertile imagination and a custom soundscape, it also is an engaging pathway to AMAzing Space, the museum’s activity area that is enjoyed by families with young children. The installation is part of the AMA’s permanent collection.


RETURNING HOME Charles Melville Dewey (1849-1937) was an American tonalist painter. He studied at the National Academy of Design in New York City, then went to Paris, France, where he was a student in the atelier of Emil Auguste Carolus-Duran. When he returned to the United States, he opened a studio in New York in 1878. This small, humble black and white oil painting is unassuming in its beauty and filled with immense detail from the artist’s hand. Although the painting is only 12 x 8 inches in size, the scene draws you further in—soaking up every finely crafted detail into the background—as your eyes follow the path the animals are taking as they return home. The painting was produced in grisaille, a monochrome painting and drawing technique executed in tones of gray. Grisaille is sometimes used for underpaintings or for sketches, and is often used to simulate the effects of sculpture, which this painting certainly does. Returning Home is a gentle reminder that the majority of the Albany Museum of Art’s collection, after four years away, will finally make their return journey home soon.

Charles Melville Dewey, Returning Home, undated, oil on canvas, 85.005.001.

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AMA COLLECTION UPDATE Much of the permanent collection that was generously kept in storage at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta post-storm from January 2017 to October 2020 have been unboxed, and current conditions have been assessed. We have reclaimed many of our collection’s treasures, with still more on the way. The Conservation Center in Chicago has made arrangements with AMA Director of Curatorial Affairs Katie Dillard to return the remaining portion of the permanent collection early this spring. Currently,

Chicago and the Midwest areas are experiencing the start of their winter, and the chance of hazardous winter storms, snow and ice delays, and climate control issues during transit present a risk to the safety of the collection. Conservators and the AMA staff have agreed that early April likely would be the safest time for the remaining collection to travel home. Several permanent collection objects will be on display in the AMA’s lobby niches. The objects will rotate out every two months.


Memorial Museum, where she gained new perspectives.

Katie Dillard, who returned to the Albany Museum of Art staff in August 2021, has been named director of curatorial affairs, AMA Executive Director Andrew J. Wulf, Ph.D., has announced.


Dillard, a resident of Albany since 2015, first worked at the AMA from 2015 until the Jan 2, 2017 storms that breeched the museum’s roof and forced it to close for nine months and send its permanent collection to safe locations at the High Museum in Atlanta and Chicago’s Conservation Center. After serving in multiple roles with the Flint RiverQuarium from 2017 until summer 2021, Dillard returned to the AMA as registrar. “This opportunity has been a true homecoming for me to be able to return to the art museum and reengage in my passions after four years of patience, perseverance, and growing,” Dillard said. “I can’t wait to see what this next chapter will bring, and I am truly grateful to everyone here for the warm welcome I have received.” Dillard earned her a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tenn., and her Master’s in Exhibition Design from the Corcoran College of Art & Design in her native Washington, D.C. She began her museum career in working in large museums such as the United States Holocaust

Annie Vanoteghem, director of education and public programming for the Albany Museum of Art, was a finalist in the Nonprofit category of the 2021 Albany Area Chamber of Commerce Albany Under 40 Awards. Nominations for Albany Under 40 were sought from the public. Category finalists were considered from among the nominees who applied, and were selected, following selections criteria, by a panel of volunteer judges. CHLOE HINTON COMPLETES LEADERSHIP ALBANY CLASS OF 2020 Chloe Hinton, director of development and membership for the AMA, has graduated with the Class of 2020 from Leadership Albany. The class, dubbed “the Longest Class Ever,” was rebooted in 2021 after its original schedule was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ANDREW J. WULF TO BE IN LEADERSHIP ALBANY CLASS OF 2022 Andrew J. Wulf, Ph.D., executive director of the AMA, has been accepted in the Leadership Albany Class of 2022. The class gets underway in January.


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2021 COLLECTOR’S CIRCLE DINNER Albany Museum of Art Collector’s Circle members met for a holiday dinner Dec 8 that featured Italian cuisine by The Italian Wooden Spoon Chef Laura Piovesano, and a cheerful background of unique Christmas trees created by Michael Mallard, Alan Vanhook and Ann Kelley.

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ART BALL 2022: METAMORPHOSIS Saturday | Feb 26 | 6:30 pm

Meryl K. Joiner

The signature annual event for the Albany Museum of Art, Art Ball, returns on Saturday, Feb 26 as a celebration of art with a glimpse into the future of the museum. Art Ball 2022 will take place in the museum’s future home in the former Belk department store building, formally introducing the AMA family to the first stage of the museum’s Metamorphosis into a grand new downtown arts center.

“The AMA is delighted to host what will promise to be a unique celebration in the heart of our beloved Albany,” AMA Executive Director Andrew J. Wulf, Bronwyn Bates Ph.D., said. “The idea behind this year’s theme of Metamorphosis is the museum’s plan to evolve conspicuously and meaningfully to become even more relevant to our brothers and sisters of Albany and to visitors from further afield. We are honored to continue this journey to the heart of Albany.” After Art Ball was reimagined in 2021 as a hybrid collection of smaller dinners and Art-Ball-in-a-Box options because of the pandemic, Art Ball 2022: Metamorphosis will again be a black-tie-optional gala featuring cocktails, a gourmet meal, live musical entertainment, dancing, and live and silent auctions. Co-Chairs for Art Ball 2022 are Meryl K. Joiner and Bronwyn Bates, who are bringing their concepts for the event to life for what is sure to be a memorable evening of celebration.

“I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful event,” said Joiner, who also is a member of the museum’s Board of Trustees. “The AMA brings so much joy through art to Albany and I hope with the change on the horizon and the event being hosted downtown that we will see great success and support as a result.” "These past few years have changed us all,” Bates said. “I think we’ve become different, hopefully better and more resilient versions of ourselves. The museum is doing the same and that Metamorphosis is reflected in this year’s AMA Art Ball theme. “Moving, growing, becoming a part of Downtown Albany while still representing our community as a whole, the museum is shifting into a new version of itself. We are delighted to show off the beginning stages of that change on February 26th." The importance of Art Ball to the Albany Museum of Art cannot be overstated. The major annual fundraiser raises awareness about the museum and its work, and supports important programs including free admission for everyone, exhibitions, art camps and educational programming. “We’re excited to celebrate our future home of the AMA by hosting Art Ball downtown,” Chloe Hinton, AMA director of development and membership, said. “It’s our largest fundraiser of the year and provides critical support for so much of our mission.” Hinton said sponsorships are essential to the success of the event. As of press time, Upland Wealth Advisors, and BMW of Albany and Albany Motorcars had committed as major sponsors. “We are so appreciative of these sponsorships from these leading local businesses,” Hinton said. “They are truly making a difference in our community through their staunch support of the AMA and its work.” “We’re thrilled to be a part of it,” said Alicia Gregory, CFO of BMW of Albany and Albany Motorcars. “We’re excited to know that the museum plans to relocate to the downtown area, and we’re excited to see all of the revitalization of downtown. It’s going to benefit the


community. Being a part of the excitement is a lot of fun for us. It’s very energizing.” The dinner will be catered by Stewbos Group, and dance music will be provided by the popular Atlanta party band The New Royals, which performs popular music from the 1990-2000s, R&B hits and party anthems from the 1960s-1980s. New this year will be an “after dinner” option in which AMA patrons can join the celebration at 9:45 pm and enjoy cocktails and dancing. In addition, there will be silent and live auctions, and the Libby Womack Paddle Raise. “Through the Libby Womack Paddle Raise, you are contributing directly to educational programming at the AMA,” Hinton noted.

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“A big part of that is providing scholarships for children to attend our art camps. Our goal this year is for half of our campers at this summer’s art camps to be scholarship recipients. That will go a long way toward expanding our educational programs’ reach into underserved portions of the community.” Tickets for the full evening of Art Ball 2022: Metamorphosis are $200 for AMA members and $250 for future members. Corporate tables also are available. Tickets for the After Dinner Option are $75 for AMA members and $100 for future members. Companies and individuals interested in tickets or sponsorships for Art Ball may contact Hinton at or by calling 229.439.8400.

SPECIAL PERFORMANCES BY LAURA CETILIA Cellist Laura Cetilia will perform two concerts on March 4-5 at the current and future homes of the Albany Museum of Art. (Photo courtesy of Laura Cetilia)

future home of the AMA, the former Belk building in downtown Albany. That performance will be open to the public. Times and other details will be announced soon about the concerts. Renowned cellist and composer Laura Cetilia will come to Albany to perform original works inspired by Albany Museum of Art spaces. Cetilia’s work encourages listeners to make connections, be present in the moment, and to make patient explorations within themselves and the music. On Friday March 4, Cetilia will perform a concert for AMA members in the Haley Gallery of the museum. On Saturday March 5, she will be in concert in the

“I am so looking forward to sharing a unique and immersive listening experience that I have composed specifically for the former Belk building and for the Albany community,” Cetilia said. “Along with live cello and voice, the music will consist of a diffusion of sound through an array of small speakers placed throughout the cavernous space of the former department store. Despite the raw and unfinished surroundings, my hope is that listeners will be transported to a sound world that conveys an ethereal yet intimate atmosphere.”

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FOR KIDS & FAMILY For information on registration for these programs, camps and events, contact AMA Director of Education & Public Programming Annie Vanoteghem at 229.439.8400 or email her at

TODDLER TAKEOVER Tuesdays | Jan 11, Feb 1, March 1, April 5 |10:30-11 AM Toddler Takeover is a 30-minute art program that is usually conducted on the first Tuesday of each month. Toddlers have story time followed by a visit to an AMA exhibition and a fun art project. Designed for children ages 15 months through 5 years and their caregivers, it is sibling friendly, so bring brother or sister along as well. Sessions begin at 10:30 am. COST: Free for members, $5 for future members NOTE: Toddler Takeover will take a summer break after the April session and return in September.

HOMESCHOOL DAY Thursday | Jan 13, Feb 10, March 10, April 14 | Primary & Elementary School ages | 10:30-11:45 AM Middle & High School ages | 11:45 AM-1 PM Students of all ages can participate in this monthly education and art-making workshop. Each program focuses on an aspect of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) education, and incorporates a current AMA exhibition. Sessions include hands-on projects, gallery tours and more. Themes are tailored to incorporate current exhibitions. To better serve our homeschool students, the sessions are being split into age-appropriate groupings to facilitate learning and enjoyment. COST: $5 for AMA members, $10 for future members. NOTE: Homeschool Day will take a summer break after the April session and return in September.


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AFTER SCHOOL ART CLUB Monday | Jan 31, Feb 28, March 28, April 25 | 4-6 PM New to the Albany Museum of Art, After School Art Club is 4-6pm on the last Monday of every month from January through May 2022. Geared towards middle and high school students, these courses will begin with a focus on building fundamental drawing skills. Students will learn basic techniques such as shading, controlling tones, composition, and drawing methods. This will progress to learning how to recreate an image on paper using pencils, charcoal, chalk pastels, and/or oil pastels. COST: Each session is $15, or sign up for all five sessions for $60. AMA members get a 10% discount, and each additional sibling attending the same session receives a 10% discount.

AMA FAMILY DAY Saturday | Feb 5 | 10 AM-Noon The Albany Museum of Art and the City of Albany Recreation & Parks Department will again team up for a fun-packed Saturday morning for the entire family. Set for 10 am-noon on Feb 5, the event will include art projects and crafts, outdoor activities and games, gallery scavenger hunts, and entertainment. Kids will be able to make Valentine’s Day cards that will be taken to nursing home communities. There also will be an expo of nonprofit organizations that may be of interest to kids and their parents. COST: Free for everyone.

GIRL SCOUT PAINTING BADGE DAY Saturday | March 12 | 10 AM-Noon Spend time at the Albany Museum of Art exploring the galleries and learning. Meet with a practicing artist to learn about their work and what inspires them. Discover ways of working with paint and develop your

new skills while working toward the Brownie Painting Badge. COST: $15 REGISTRATION INFORMATION:

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SPRING BREAK STAYCATION Monday-Friday | April 4-8 | 9 AM-4 PM This art camp is for children in kindergarten through 7th grade. Campers will be placed in different age groups, and all activities will be age appropriate. Hands-on art activities, games, and snacks provided. COST: Each full-day session is $30 for members and $40 for future members; each half-day session is $20 for members and $30 for future members. LUNCH:You may pack a lunch for your camper, or you may purchase lunch for $7 per day. Friday is free pizza for everyone!

The weather will be warmer and colors of spring will be breaking out just in time for the AMA’s annual Spring Break Staycation art camp! We’ll explore the galleries, experiment with different media in the classroom each day, and spend some time outdoors to soak up some sunshine Vitamin D. Art camp is 9 am-4 pm, but half-day options of 9 am-noon or 1-4 pm are available. While school will be out, you may not be off work so we'll have free early drop-off at 8 am and free late pick-up at 5 pm.

WOODEN DOLL HOUSE Saturday | April 23 | 10 AM-1 PM Join the AMA and the Boy Scouts of America to build and paint your own 18-inch wooden collapsible 360 doll house. This event is for a child and caregiver to team up and make something together that will both

become a fond memory and an inspiration for the child’s imagination for years to come. COST: TBA


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FOR TEENS & YOUNG ADULTS STUDENT ART STUDIO SATURDAYS (SASS) Saturday | Feb 12, March 12, April 9, May 14 | 10 AM-2 PM Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. The sessions are 10 am-2 pm and start on Feb 12. “In 2020, during the pandemic quarantine, the TAB members were challenged to identify an issue in the community that they could have an impact upon and directly improve,” Annie Vanoteghem, director of education and public programming, said. “They had a number of ideas, but they kept coming back to the mental health of teenagers.” Adults may underestimate the effects that quarantine and missing social interaction with fellow students because schools are closed have on teens, Vanoteghem said. The TAB members were especially concerned because they had witnessed a marked increase in unnoticed or unaddressed anxiety, stress and pressure in teens, especially those from marginalized groups such as teens of color, LGBTQ+ teens, and teens from lower-income households. AMA Director of Education and Public Programming Annie Vanoteghem and AMA Teen Art Board President Anna Plowden are shown with TAB members’ works in the Teen Inner Explorations exhibition in AMAzing Space.

The Albany Museum of Art is launching a new art program that will encourage teens to express themselves through art in a safe, welcoming space while they interact with peers who have similar life experiences. Student Art Studio Saturdays (SASS) was created by AMA Teen Art Board President Anna Plowden in response to ideas that members of the Teen Art Board explored. On the second Saturday of each month, teens can come to the AMA and create art with other teens. There is no cost for teens to participate in SASS, which is funded with a generous sponsorship by the

The idea the group settled upon was encouraging teens to express their feelings through art. “We want to keep them away from negative reactions and toward a positive way to deal with what they are experiencing in these unprecedented times,” Vanoteghem said. “The idea is for teen to express what they’re feeling through their art. It involves creating a free, well-stocked studio for students to come to where they can hang out with like-minded teens and develop their own support group.” SASS sessions also will include snacks and background music, she said. TAB members have created works representing their feelings toward the rising pressures they see. Those artworks, Teen Inner Explorations, are currently on display in AMAzing Space.

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FOR ADULTS For information on registration for these programs and events, contact AMA Director of Education & Public Programming Annie Vanoteghem at 229.439.8400 or email her at

YOGA IN THE GALLERY Friday | Jan 28, March 25 | 5:30-6:30 PM Yoga in the Gallery combines art and yoga into a complete experience bimonthly on last Fridays at the Albany Museum of Art. Sessions are in AMA galleries, and the program is conducted in partnership with 229 Yoga. Upcoming sessions, which begin promptly at 5:30 pm, are Jan 28 and March 25. Please dress comfortably, and bring a mat and any

other supporting props you need for the session. The program is suitable for all skill levels, from first-timers to experienced participants. The AMA will have volunteers available so that parents can let their children can enjoy AMAzing Space while they are in the yoga session. COST: Free for AMA members, $10 for future members.

ART LOVERS BOOK CLUB Tuesday | Jan 18, March 15, May 17 | 6 PM The AMA Art Lovers Book Club will meet at 6 pm on the third Tuesdays of January, March and May to discuss books about people and events from the world of art. The meetings are in the Willson Auditorium at the Albany Museum of Art.

May 17: A Piece of the World, a novel by Christina Baker Kline.

Books up for discussion at upcoming sessions are:

Email or call 229.439.8400 to reserve a spot so that we can prepare space for the meeting. Participants may bring snacks or a favorite beverage.

Jan 18: Just Kids, a memoir by Patti Smith;

COST: Free for everyone.

March 15: We Flew over the Bridge: The Memoirs of Faith Ringgold, by Faith Ringgold

BOOK-MAKING WORKSHOP Friday | Jan 28 | 5:30 PM An artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of a “book” as inspiration. It is the artistic initiative of choice of materials, and the creation process, layout and design that makes it an art object. Join us for an evening of art, friends and

wine as you learn to build your own beautiful sketchbook. The instructor is Noelle Petersen, art teacher at Deerfield-Windsor School. COST: $15 for members, $20 for future members.


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ERIC MACK ARTIST’S LECTURE Thursday | Feb 3 | 6 PM Eric Mack, whose exhibition Ordo naturalis is on view in the McCormack Gallery Jan 20-April 23, portrays a deeply spiritual exploration into our shared identities

and how nature is so influential. This artist lecture is at 6 pm on Thursday, Feb 3. COST: Free for everyone.

ART ED CONNECT Wednesday | March 16 | 9 AM-2 PM Art educators from the kindergarten to college level are invited come together for a chance to meet with and learn from their peers at this Albany Museum of Art session. Participants will take part in discussions and workshops; discover tried-and-true lesson plans,

tips and tricks, and get inspired with innovative ideas that they will want to bring back to their classrooms.Teachers may earn professional development credits. Lunch will be provided. COST: $25

WATERCOLOR ART CLASSES Saturday | March 19, April 2 | 10 AM-Noon These art classes are geared toward students 18 and older and adults who are new to the watercolor medium, want to learn new techniques, or would like to brush up on their skills. Led by Henrietta Ladson, art teacher at Deerfield-Windsor School, in the AMA classroom, the each of the two-hour sessions begins at 10 am. Participants are welcome to bring a watercolor paper notebook. COST: $15 for members, $20 for future members.

WINE & DESIGN: VAN GOGH Thursday | March 31 | 5:30-7:30 PM Grab a friend or a date and join us to celebrate Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday with a Wine & Design paint party for skill levels from beginner to advanced. We will share beverages and snacks as we paint our own

interpretations of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, created step by step on a 16- x 20-inch canvas. COST: $25 for members, $30 for future members.


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12: Student Art Studio Saturday, 10 am-2 pm

1: New Year’s Day (museum closed)

17: Awaken at the AMA, TBA

6: AMA Executive Committee, 4 pm

21: Presidents Day (museum offices open)

6: AMA Board of Trustees, 5:15 pm

26: Art Ball 2021, 6:30 pm

11: Toddler Takeover, 10:30-11 am

28: After School Art Club, 4-6 pm

13: Homeschool Day, 10:30-11:45 am & 11:45 am-1 pm


17: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (museum offices closed)

1: Toddler Takeover, 10:30-11 am 1: AMA Executive Committee, 5:15 pm

18: Art Lovers Book Club, 6 pm 20: Winter-Spring Exhibitions Open, 10 am 28: Bookmaking Workshop, 5:30 pm

3: AMA Board of Trustees, 5:15 pm 4: Laura Cetilia AMA members concert, TBA 5: Laura Cetilia concert, TBA

28: Yoga in the Gallery, 5:30 pm

10: Homeschool Day, 10:30-11:45 am & 11:45 am-1 pm

31: After School Art Club, 4-6 pm

12: Student Art Studio Saturday, 10 am-2 pm 12: Girl Scouts Painting Badge Day, 10 am-noon 15: Art Lovers Book Club Vincent van Gogh (1853 1890), Arles, January 1889, oil on canvas. You can recreate this painting at Wine & Design on March 31.

19: Watercolor Class, 10 am-noon 24: Art Ed Connect, 9 am-2 pm 25: Yoga in the Gallery, 5:30 pm 28: After School Art Club, 4-6 pm 31: Wine & Design, 5:30-7:30 pm

APRIL 2: Watercolor Class, 10 am-noon 4-8: Spring Break Staycation, 9 am-4 pm 5: Toddler Takeover, 10:30-11 am 5: AMA Executive Committee, 5:15 pm


9: Student Art Studio Saturday, 10 am-2 pm

1: Toddler Takeover, 10:30-11 am

14: Homeschool Day, 10:30-11:45 am & 11:45 am-1 pm

1: AMA Executive Committee, 5:15 pm 3: Eric Mack Artist Lecture, 6 pm 5: AMA Family Day, 10 am 10: Homeschool Day, 10:30-11:45 am & 11:45 am-1 pm

17: Easter Sunday 21: Awaken at the AMA, TBA 23: DIY: Wooden Dollhouse, 10 am-1 pm 23: Winter-Spring Exhibitions Close, 5 pm 25: After School Art Club, 4-6 pm



Our membership program is of vital importance in our efforts to keep our doors open and maintain our status of FREE admission.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alfreda Sheppard, President Mallory Black, Vice President Scott Marcus, Treasurer Butler Stoudenmire, Secretary Hon. Leslie Abrams Gardner Rosemary Hamburger Puddin Bass Ripley Bell Jessica Castle Summer Cotten Cathy Darby Jim Deal Jeanette Hoopes Meryl K. Joiner Dr. Suresh Lakhanpal Marsha Taylor Chazz Williams


MUSEUM STAFF Andrew James Wulf, Ph.D., Executive Director Bruce Campbell, Technical Katie Dillard, Curatorial Affairs Didi Dunphy, Guest Curator Cheryl Hendricks, Visitor Services Jim Hendricks, Marketing Chloe Hinton, Development & Membership Randi Hooks, Operations Jazzmond Kendrick, Security Anna Plowden, Intern O.J. Spence, Visitor Services Annie Vanoteghem, Education & Programming

All Members Receive the following benefits • AMA Member’s welcome packet with AMA membership card • Priority Invitations to all exhibition opening receptions • Invitations to all AMA events, including fundraisers, lectures, trips and performances • Discounts on selected museum camps, programs and classes • Participation in the Southeastern Reciprocal Membership Program (SERM), which includes free admission and discounts at over 200 museums throughout the Southeast • Discounts on birthday parties • Mail subscription to the AMArt Quarterly magazine MEMBERSHIP LEVELS We now offer the option of a monthly bank draft for all member levels. Rather than paying one single payment, smaller increments will be automatically withdrawn with no hassle for our members. Family/Individual/Military - $75 or 6.25/month Discounts on select museum camps and programs; Invitations to openings, special events and fundraisers; Participation in Southeastern Reciprocal Membership Program; Discounts on Birthday Parties; 10% discount at The Lamp Shade on Dawson Road. Supporting - $100 or $8.33/month All membership privileges of Family/Individual level; Participation in the North American Reciprocal Museum Program with benefits from 800 museums across the U.S. Patron - $250 or $20.83/month All membership privileges of Family/Individual level; Honor Listing in AMA Lobby: Participation in the North American Reciprocal Museum Program; Invitation to the annual Patron Party; 10% discount on museum facility rentals, including the Harry and Jane Willson Auditorium Benefactor - $500 or $41.67/month All membership privileges of Patron Membership level; Honor Listing in AMA lobby; 25% discount on museum facility rental, including the Harry and Jane Willson Auditorium Collector’s Circle - $1,000 or $83.33/month All membership privileges of Benefactor level; Honor Listing in AMA lobby; Invitation to the Annual Collector’s Circle Dinner; Invitations to events at private residences; Behind-the-scenes-tours; Travel opportunities, plus 10% of your membership is applied to our acquisition fund Please visit us online at or contact or 229.439.8400 to become an AMA member today!

LOCATION: 311 Meadowlark Drive, Albany, GA 31707 | 229.439.8400 HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday: 10 am-5 pm


The Albany Museum of Art is proud to recognize our members. Thank you for being a big part of the AMA.

COLLECTOR’S CIRCLE Hon. Leslie Abrams-Gardner and Mr. Jimmie Gardner Mr. R. Ripley Bell Ms. Mallory Black Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell Mr. Chris Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clements Mr. and Mrs. Alton Darby Dr. and Mrs. John Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gurley Mr. and Mrs. William Hancock Mrs. Rosemary Hamburger Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hoopes Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Greene Dr. and Mrs. Suresh Lakhanpal Mr. and Mrs. Scott Marcus Drs. Jerry and Sue Prchal Mr. Kirk Rouse Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sheppard Drs. Mark and Joyce Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Vic Sullivan Dr. Alan Wilson and Mr. Archer Seely Ms. Marsha Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Jose Tongol Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Williams Mr. James Womack Dr. Andrew J. Wulf

BENEFACTOR Mr. and Mrs. Craig Castle Dr. and Mrs. Mark Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deal Dr. and Mrs. Claire Fox Hillard Mrs. Stephen Hinton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Joiner Dr. an Mrs. Robert Krywicki Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Lee IV Mr. and Mrs. James E. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Sharpe Hon. John M. Stephenson Mr. Butler Stoudenmire Dr. and Mrs. Joe Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. John Ventulett Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams

PATRON Mr. and Mrs. Heath Allegood Ms. Angie Barber Ms. Margaret Bass Dr. and Mrs. William Bates Ms. Dawn Benson

Rev. and Mrs. Joshua Bower Dr. Delano Braziel Mr. and Mrs. William H. Buntin Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cannon Mr. John Carney and Miss Linda Carney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chambless Mr. and Mrs. Brian Church Ms. Carolyn Custer Mr. and Mrs. Walker Davis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dent Mr. Stephen Felmet Mr. and Mrs. James L. Flatt Mrs. Gray Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Crisp Gatewood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Golden Mr. Harrison Greene and Mrs. Chloe Hinton Ms. Amy Jones Mrs. Jo Jones Dr. Lynn and Mr. Richard Kennedy Ms. Suzann Hagins Dr. Janice Coats Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. John Holman Mr. and Mrs. Bo Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joiner Drs. Russell Jones and Deborah Marks-Jones Mr. Michael Mallard Mr. and Mrs. Sky Martin Mr. Marc McAfee Dr. and Mrs. William McAfee Dr. and Mrs. Frank Middleton, III Mr. Ray Pierotti and Mr. Walter Lewis Hon. Herbert and Mrs. Connie Phipps Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powell Mrs. Nancy Presley Mr. and Mrs. James Rentz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Simpson Mrs. Henrietta Singletary Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Singleton Ms. Karen Snyder Mr. Clark Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Dunn Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sullivan Mr. Dwane Summar Dr. and Mrs. John Mark Tatman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Toholsky Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Wakeford III Mr. and Mrs. Keith Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson

SUPPORTING Dr. William H. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bitterman Mrs. Leigh Brooks Mrs. Lynda Campbell Mrs. Gayle Chapman Dr. and Mrs. John Culbreath Drs. Clifton and Laura Fay Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fedrick Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Flournoy Mr. and Mrs. William Gates Mr. Kirby Gregory Ms. Terry Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Harper Mr. and Mrs. John Hatcher Mrs. Blanchette Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hertzog Dr. and Mrs. Adam Jones Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Kyle Mrs. Mary Helen Morgan Mr. Hank Margeson and Mrs. Noelle Petersen Mr. Dee Maret and Mrs. Michelle Valente Mr. and Mrs. John McDuffie Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reese Ms. Tee Revills Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharpe Ms. Sharon Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Vanoteghem Mr. and Mrs. Don Vanoteghem Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wages Ms. Betsy Walden Ms. Linda Glenn Wilburn

INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Adams Ms. Madison Akdridge Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atchison Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Barnhill Ms. Amanda Borghi Mr. and Mrs. James Boykin Dr. Thomas Bozzuto Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brands Ms. Stacie Brown Ms. Cheryl Buford

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Jessica Carr Mr. and Mrs. Danny Carter Ms. Bland Cleesattle Mr. and Mrs. James Clements Ms. Brittany Davis Ms. Julia Davis Dr. and Mrs. Harry Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herrick Mrs. Kay Hind Ms. Linda Hodge Mr. and Mrs. David Holmes Ms. Patti Howell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hudgins Drs. Edward and Meredith Koomson Ms. Kathy Keeley Mr. and Mrs. Cory Kunkle Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ladson Mr. Asa Leffer Ms. Ashley Lewis Ms. Lisa Malinowski Mr. and Mrs. Roger Marietta Mr. William McDaniel Ms. Mikaela Nault Mr. Edward Newcomb Ms. Patricia Page Ms. Jeretha Peters Ms. Haley Prescott Mr. Corbett Presley Mr. and Mrs. Gene Renner Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sandoval Dr. Bernard P. Scoggins Ms. Jennifer Sherling Ms. Jessica Smith Mr. Burt Sorrells and Ms. Bronwyn Bates Mrs. Ann Speir Ms. Pat Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sumners Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sumners Mr. and Mrs. Jon Swan Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas Lt. Col. and Mrs. Gerald Wessels Mrs. Selena Wingfield Drs. Thomas Talley and Lou Ann Best Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wilson

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