IAW 2015

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UIC Muslim Student Association Presents:


IAW Edition

The Greatest Relationship By Hanifa Khan As human beings we are very dependent on our relationships, during the good times and especially during the bad times. We seek comfort in knowing that someone will be there to listen to our successes, our failures and our hopes for the future. We need reassurance from our loved ones that, at the end of the day, everything will be alright. I feel that our dependencies are that which make us the weakest of Allah (SWT)’s creations. If an individual fell through on being a ‘good friend’, we are saddened by their lack of care. Think for a moment about the time where you might have relied on someone and they did not come through wholeheartedly. How did it make you feel? You probably did not feel too happy. But eventually, you ended up looking past that moment because they mean so much more to you. Have you stepped back for a minute in the busy hustle and bustle of life to think about Allah? Do you ever think about the infinite blessings He has provided us with? We count on Him for so many things in our lives. Things we take for granted and things we make dua for. If He does not answer our prayers, we are often let down and disappointed. Sometimes we do not realize that what we are asking for may not be right for us yet we are adamant in asking for it. Let us refocus and try to change our perception. Let us ask but ask in such a way where we are not disappointed if the outcome is not what we wished it were. Let us work on our relationship with Allah, where it is more than just about our duas being answered. Let us solidify the bond we have with Allah before we cease to exist. We need to better ourselves in order to strengthen the bond with Allah. Let us make an effort on bettering our character, our humility and our compassion. And most importantly, let us work on solidifying our five daily prayers. Allah is waiting to hear His slaves call out His name. What are we waiting for? It’s never too late.

Oh, Brother By Sarah Basheer Off he goes again, probably somewhere fun. To the movies, to parties and to eat endlessly through all hours of the night, not a word of his return until he slowly creeps back into the house at 3 AM and sleeps until 3 pm the next day. And you watch all of this through your lonely vantage point while your mother points to the pile of dishes that need washing and your father hands you a broom. Looks like a sick and twisted version of Cinderella where your step-sisters are replaced with brothers. Well it definitely doesn't look like you get to go to the ball in this version. Growing up with four of these seemingly helpless and lazy creatures who love to take advantage of you, also referred to as brothers, has given me a lot to struggle with as an adolescent. But as I've gotten older it has inspired me to not only see the responsibility and value in being an independent Muslim woman but understanding the guidelines that are presented to women through Islam. When I was younger it seemed as though I was never given the same freedoms and amenities my older brothers were always given, the ones that came with becoming a teenager and then an adult. When I reached my teenage years and it was finally my turn, I was thoroughly confused and outraged that my parents didn't let me do nearly the same amount of things as my brothers. They used to (and still do) leave the house without so much as a heads up. Where they were going, when they would be back, who they were going with, not to mention a million other questions I would have to answer to if I was just thinking about going somewhere. To this day, my mother will call me while I'm at the Starbucks five minutes from home, telling me it's late, (9:30), and asking when I'll be back, while my older brother will leave the house five times in the same week(Continued on page 3)

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end to go hangout. My mother won't blink an eye. I've had different phases of coping with the treatment I got as opposed to what my brothers got, including lots of furious arguments and tantrums; but as I've gotten older, and thankfully outgrown the tantrums, I've pondered over and over as to the question why?. Why was I subjected to such restrained freedom, when my brothers had an endless passage to freedom? As a young adult you're sure to wonder. Was it because I was less responsible? No. Because I was easier to control? No. Because my parents have given up on trying to reign in my brothers? No. It all seemed to boil down to the fact that I was a girl. End of story. Although my mother never verbally presented this excuse, I pretty much concluded that was the case. I would never get to do anything, have unlimited freedom, all because I was a girl. Thinking like this will only ruin your childhood and you'll grow up to be a self-righteous and angry feminist who doesn't care about equality but homogeneity. You don't care about equality, you want to be identical to men. But if you are exactly like men, how can you consider yourself a woman anymore? From the beautiful teachings of Islam, I've finally learned that men and women are equal but not identical, we have different rights because we run in different spheres and we're different human beings. But that's not to say that a woman can't have a high paying occupation or that a man can't cook dinner for a week. (Just as a disclaimer). Women have the same rights to education, work, and success in the dunya and in the Akhirah but we tend to overlook these rights when we compare our freedoms to our brothers. There may be some cultural context as to why we girls are so, let's say "well-protected". But is it truly a bad thing? A woman is a sacred being who is the heart of a family and paradise lies under the feet of mothers. As mothers we will have the ultimate connection with our children and our husbands will not. The blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) himself had four beautiful and independent daughters who left a stamp on the world and he has stated that whoever takes care Issue 4

of girls until they become mature, they will From the beautiful be with me on the Day teachings of Islam, I've of Judgment like two finally learned that men fingers are close togethand women are equal but er. Daughters can grant not identical, we have their parents Jannah. different rights because we I've realized that I don't run in different spheres care if I can or cannot and we're different human stay out all hours, I'm beings. thankful that I have parents who care for my well-being and have a troubled mind when I'm not with them. I've gained a greater appreciation for the freedoms I am given and I understand the responsibilities that have been laid to me not only as a Muslim or a girl but responsibilities as a daughter, what I owe my parents. And that includes respecting their decisions. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but if we take a moment to appreciate not only the time and money our parents have sacrificed but the love and priceless attention they've bestowed upon us, you would realize that we're indebted for life. I have just as many rights as my brothers and the differences between us, that I've begun to live with, have put my life into perspective. My mother still yells at my brothers for staying out late, my dad complains that they're never home. My mother nags at them to drive slow and safely. My dad warns them against speeding. Parents will be parents and they really do love us equally and worry about us all their lives. When people realize I am the middle child of four brothers, they offer me their condolences and I smile saying that I love having four brothers. They're my role models, and my best friends. Truthfully, sometimes it seems like the word MAID is plastered on my forehead but brothers are the best and I offer my condolences to those of you who don't have a brother. I tell people that I am the princess and crowning jewel of my siblings. And yes big brother, Mama loves me best.



The Soul of A Relationship By IBM What is the first thought which enters your mind when you think of the word relationship? For most people, the word relationship denotes an official connection between a man and a woman. However, it rarely crosses our minds that a relationship could be between any two beings. A relationship can be between two friends (officially known as a friendship), it could be between a parent and a child, between two siblings, and most importantly between an individual and Allah (SWT).

essential as well. When is the last time we even cared if our parents were stressed or hurt? It never occurs to us to give them support because they are the ones who give us support. Our goal in all these relationships should not be to expect the most we can out of the other person. Rather, it should be to provide as much as we can for them.

Of course, the most important relationship is between ourselves and Allah (SWT). Many times we forget that Allah (SWT) is even a part of our lives. We remember Him in times of misery and hardships, but how many of us can say that we remember Allah (SWT) every minute of our lives? He, the One who The title of my article is about relationA single aspect which is has promised to stand with us even ships. And although I suppose most peoif the entire world was to turn the solution to a healthy ple would expect an article about do and against us. He, the One who never don’ts of a halal relationship, I would relationship no matter turns away from us even if we turn like to focus on something I believe to who the people involved away from Him. He, the One who be more important. Between every relawould listen to us weep in the dark in that relationship may tionship, there is a single aspect that rehours of the night. He, the One mains the same. A single aspect which is be. And that aspect is who forgives sin after sin, only to the solution to a healthy relationship no simply being able to see that we would enter into His matter who the people involved in that give more than you ask Paradise. And all He asks in return relationship may be. And that aspect is is that we remember Him. It would for. simply being able to give more than you be shameful to think that we could ask for. not even do this at least. Not too long ago, I remember sitting in my local In the end, the ability to give more than you masjid listening to the imam speaking about the ask for is not something that comes easily—even to number of unhappy couples he had recently been the most generous of us. It is difficult because we dealing with. He said that of all the couples he spoke are weak, and we constantly think of ourselves. But with, all of them had complaints about the other, but the true strength is shown when someone is able to none had any words of appreciation. Although that leave behind his own worries and fears and care was sad to hear, what is sadder is that most of our about another. This is a goal we should all strive for, everyday relationships consist of the same issues. and I pray that all of us are given the ability to do The way we interact with our friends, family memso, and that all of us achieve healthy relationships in bers, and spouses (for those who are married) is usuour lives. Ameen. ally selfish. We have become accustomed to seeking more out of our relationships than we are prepared to give. We expect that our friends support us and help us during tough times, but we hesitate to do the same when they are in need. If you start thinking less about what your friends have done for you, and more about what you have done for them, there will be a definite increase in the strength of your friendship. Likewise, in a marriage, the more one partner gives to another (whether it be time, patience, love, etc.), the stronger the bond will become between them. The relationship we have with our parents is

Issue 4



Relationships Are… By Rowida Zatar thehumanessence.wordpress.com Inspired by Sister Amal Ali Relationships are about continuity. Last week, I found myself sitting on the floor of my friend’s dorm feeling her hair against my cheek and her tears soaking through my shirt as she cried on my shoulder. Time and time again, I watch as my non-Muslim friends enter pre-marital relationships, as they sit and vent to me for hours about how difficult relationships are, and as their relationships finally go up in flames. Time and time again, I realize how easy it is for people to betray one another, for things to change in a single moment. Time and time again, I thank Allah (SWT) for helping me realize that He was the first to love me and will be the last to love me and is the only constant in my life. Relationships are about love. Allah’s mercy is proof for His limitless love for us. It was narrated that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Some prisoners were brought to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and there was a woman among the prisoners who was searching (for her child). When she found her child she embraced him and put him to her breast. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to us, ‘Do you think that this woman would throw her child in the fire?’ We said, ‘No, by Allah, not if she is able not to.’ The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ‘Allah is more merciful to His slaves than this woman is to her child.’” The strongest, truest love most people can imagine is that of a mother towards her child – but Allah’s love is even greater than that. Thus, of all of our relationships, we should put the most effort into the relationship between ourselves and Allah (SWT). Relationships are about giving and not taking. We take from Allah everyday. Whether we worship Him or not, He gives us food, health, wealth, family, friends, and intellect. Anything and everything we have, Allah has given to us because He loves us. He shows us He loves us in every moment of every day. Every time our heart beats, it is because Allah is making it beat; every time we breathe, blink, think, and act, it is only by Allah’s will. He is the only One that will truly be there for us forever. He is the only one that will be there for us at any given moment we need Him. He is the only one that will give us chance after chance to better ourselves. The least we can possibly do is worship Him. Relationships are about sacrifice. We can’t sacrifice five minutes to thank Him for his blessings, to ask Him for his guidance, to plead for His forgiveness. Five minutes, five times a day - twenty-five minutes to make up for a lifetime of love from Allah. We can’t sacrifice a few seconds here and there to praise the One that created us and to remember the one that will never forget us. We can’t even sacrifice our image in other people’s eyes and give up something we love for Allah. We can’t sacrifice for Allah and He still continues to provide for us. Relationships are about remembrance. We get lost in this dunya. We got lost in our hectic lives. We get lost, and busy, and forget that Allah is always by our side. W e get lost, and busy, and forget that all the good in our lives is from Him. We get lost, and busy, and forget to thank him for never forgetting us. For always loving us. So I handed my friend another tissue and whispered, “Remember the One that will always love you.” Allah knows best.

Issue 4





Islamic Awareness Week is supposed raise awareness of mainly to target no Muslims. And som times we get caugh in that wrong assu tion because not o does it raise aware for those outside o lam, but it's impor pay attention to th awareness it raises in our own souls. W it makes me happy ing people approac booth and see how really feels to wea hijab and to get th portunity to see its hancement of beauty, I pay close attention to my sisters that are ing the booth with smiles on their faces as they realize how happ are themselves to have this blessing. I look across and see the br setting up the boxes because it's to heavy for the sisters. Aside fr viewing people out of Islam coming to learn about it is like com home- we feel like it is already home. We realize the blessing of deen more and more and that's truly important. Being born in Isl we are lucky but it's always important to aware of what it is and we were chosen amongst billions to be born in it, it doesn't mean the end. No we should be constantly trying to search deep within beauty to attain serenity and reassurance. The GroupMe messag were crazy but how can you be annoyed by that? The Prophet M mad would be so proud, seeing us work with each other rather th against each other. The feelings that are associated for IAW are that cannot be defined because they stem from the soul. A place Allah tells all of us in the Quran, is a matter He knows ALONE. that is why we cannot put our fingers on this feeling that makes so alive and hopeful. It's a place of familiarity because our souls friends with Allah, and anything that is tied with Him automatic brings the heart rest. Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward everyone their efforts, big or small! May Allah keep us on this Imaan high IAW finishes. Because we are constantly representatives of this gion of Haq. -Imanie Eldably Monday, March 2

Tuesday, March 3

Wednesday, March 4


12 PM: #WECANTBREATHE: Brutality within Our Borders

1 PM: INSTRUMENTS OF CHANGE: The Legacy of Malcom X

12 PM: POWER TO THE PEN: Why Education is the Answer

12 PM

2PM: THE OPPRESSOR WITHIN: Respecting Yourself First

3PM: PSEUDO-FEMINISM: Women & Today’s Media

2PM: ISIS CRISIS: The Chaos Overseas

2PM: H Panel

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UIC MSA at San Jose Obrero Homeless Shelter– a great chance to serve the homeless and needful members of the Chicago area. Sisters, come out for another Project Downtown volunteering event this Friday at IMD Guest House #214 1933 W. Polk Street!

What IAW Means to Me Going through my second year here at UIC, I can honestly say I’m pretty happy with the choice of university I’ve made. Although the academics can be stressful at times, the campus itself is not aesthetically pleasing, and a severe lack of school pride is evident, one thing in my eyes makes it the perfect place for me. And that one thing is the outstanding Muslim student community on campus. The work that the MSA does to bring students together is something to applaud. The culmination of that hard work is Islam Awareness Week. Coming from a predominately Caucasian high school, I did not know what it felt like to study academically with so many brothers and sisters in Islam by your side, going through the same tribulations you’re going through. The amazing display of unity that is seen among Muslim students during IAW is something that practically brings tears to my eyes. Knowing that you’re not alone, that there are others who care about you and your struggle to live in this society while still representing our Deen is comforting to the highest degree. All I can say is Alhamdulillah for IAW, for the MSA, and for being granted such a wonderful situation like this that many people are not fortunate to have. - ABB

Justice Doesn't Stop With IAW, It Only Begins Peace be unto you all!

It is when the night is at its darkest That we realize the dawn We hear the call for truth We hear but don't respond Let this time be different from all the others. When the truth demands to be free, let it be known everywhere. #ChampionsOfJustice #UICMSA -Asif Mazhar

day, March 5

M: Join the Revolution of LOVE


te Dinner: BECOMING CHAMPIONS STICE by Imam Siraj Wahhaj

Friday, March 6 Communal Prayer: 12PM & 1PM: Student Center East, 302

By the time you read this article Islam Awareness Week (IAW) may be just coming to an end. But as a friend I would like to remind you that it will not unless you allow it. What we have learned from the lectures we have listened so far throughout this week about the injustices occurring around the world should be an inspiration to us. I hope we all take any small thing from this week and carry it throughout our lives. In all honesty from what I have learned so far in this week is one of the greatest injustices we have done in our society as a whole is classifying groups of people. Making one much more privileged than the other, whether it be on an educational, political, ethnic or whatever other levels there may be. We have unjustly divided humanity. I feel one of the reasons why this has taken place was mentioned by Sh. Amin Kholwadia. It is the hatred promoted by Shaytan. Shaytan has put hatred in our hearts so we may do injustice to ourselves and to others. If we start to fight against Shaytan, beautify our nature, and remove hatred from our hearts, only then will our beautiful human nature show and we will start to become #ChampionsOfJustice.

-Heba Khaden

Relationships and Shaytan By Heba Khaden Relationships. What a taxing thing they can be yet life is meaningless without them. Staying on good terms with those you see infrequently is easy but the true test comes from the way you treat those closest to you. Those you see almost every day. Those you have a responsibility over. Those you live with whether it be your parents, grandparents, siblings, spouse, relatives or your roommates. These are the relationships. These are the relationships that really require an effort from your part to maintain. We’ve all had that moment when we just can’t stand listening to that one person anymore and just want to stand up and scream. Come on! I know I have! We just lose our patience and let that anger out. Little do we know the effect this can have on the very dear people that we love. Once these dear relationships we have, cripple, it effects our own little world, including our imaan. And who benefits the most from this? Shaytan does of course! When Shayateen report to Iblees about the sins us humans have committed due to their waswasa (whisperings), Iblees praises those Shayateen who manage to cause couples to argue and fight, leaving those that cause major sins to be committed, like drinking alcohol, unappreciated. Why? Because when a marriage is affected, the lives of the entire family, are affected along with their imaan. The world around them crumbles and they lose faith in God. It is such blessing though that Allah SWT has given us the best advice and tool to combat against the whispers of Shaytan. Do you know what it is? It’s such a simple tool that we overlook so many times and lose it when we most often need it. Have you guessed what it is yet? No? Here’s a clue; you use it when you face hardships…It’s Sabr! Patience! Our beloved Prophet SAW was filled with it. In the Qur’an we have been told to observe sabr numerous times, yet we fail to do ourselves justice by implementing it. Sabr doesn’t just mean patience; it also mean endurance, steadfastness, perseverance and restraint. Enduring the time when your parents yell at you. Being steadfast in treating your siblings with respect even if they have none for you (I know it’s hard but it is so worth it at the end). Taking care of your grandparents with perseverance even if they say they are fine on their own. Showing restraint from saying anything when someone you love loses their temper with you. SubhanA—ah, if we try, sabr can help us beautify our relationships with others, beautifying our world. This is a struggle. Life is a struggle, but that’s why we are here. May Allah SWT allow all of us to seek His assistance through sabr and prayer, as He is with those who observe sabr. Ameen!

A Millennial Perspective By Zubair Shaik In a society with a penchant for obsessing over social media trends, we display the tendency to leave behind those we should care to hold tightest. As we embrace our role as millennials, we must evaluate our relationship with our parents. If it is festering, find common ground. Realize the era we exist in is unknown to mankind itself, however it is absent of the values of our predecessors and instead, is veiled by the festering of every vice humanity has indulged within. Our relationship should be one with friendship, love and admiration of those who raised us. In their teachings, they taught us how we can be the best man or woman possible. It is often said a person is a reflection of their parents, and it is a blessing in its own to have honorable parents and upbringings. Many of our colleagues were denied of those blessings. Instead of looking for role models in social media, search closest to heart and find your parents to be best role models for you. It is not unknown that you can learn much from appreciating public figures that have displayed monumental advances in technology and other fields. However, I humbly plead that each and every one of you to reevaluate your relationship with those that raised you and search for greatness within them. You will not be disappointed. Issue 4




Before the leaves turn green

What is a soul, But the name we’ve given To our humanity, Whittling away with time. Once lost, it roams free, Seeking a purpose it might Never see.

Growing a tree It starts with a seed Buried deep within the soil That has been tilled and toiled A child stays and watches everyday Hoping that there is truth If I water it everyday something will spring up they say And so day in and day out That child sits by and pouts But never stops Trusting that the day will come Watering the seed until finally it sprouts Little did they know that it has only begun The work is not done Many years are spent Removing the weeds as they came and went Winter after winter Keeping the sapling alive Taking extra care to wrap it and keeps the roots dry Because in the earliest years The roots are most susceptible To its surroundings and the smallest animals Because even the slightest harshness Could end up being so severe How easy it is for such a delicate tree to die But after some time Of caring and diligence Something magnificent hit the mind of that once young child Because now the tree can stand on its own Weeds don’t bother it and the winter is only snow Its roots have dug so deep That animals now use it to sleep How many years of attention did it take That the once fragile sapling Is now a tree so strong and proud Seeing that tree it made their mind wonder Can something as small as a weed make a heart go asunder Have our hearts been thirsty No one to water it everyday The weeds of the world soak all that we have away The harshness from our minds It all leads us astray Can we honestly say we have dug deep roots Or can a slight wind simply blow us away -Daimen

-Musa Chaudhry

Beloved Before I sleep As I wake You are the one in my head My heart And on my lips The sweetness left Is a better taste than anything I ever ate I will wait At every stop In every place Just to come closer to you To find you Take over my being, my life, and soul Take everything Take it all What I long for cannot be replaced Dearest As my beloved How I long for you To become my beloved You are My beloved -Daimen

Issue 4



The Love(s) of My Life Ya Allah, I sit here quietly the light meeting my eyes You are the Creator, al – Hakeem supplication to the all – wise

My younger bros, my day ones all jokes made in jest together we make up this family there during times of distress

Beauty lying beneath the skin and imaan in her heart understanding my hardships so that we never grow apart

This dunya is temporary pondering this life of mine certain people that we care for make it worth the time

Bhaijaan always by my side my sense of sensibility little sis, a partner in crime learn from your humility

Dealing with the good and bad a steady constant in my life keeping my heart singing in this world filled with strife

I mess up here and there You are the most merciful by your grace they are here with love that is never terminal

True brothers of friendship always the best of company Ya Allah, protect them with justice from all forms of agony

Ya Allah, the list goes on, starts with you first of all these many loves of mine but you love us above all

Mama and papa, the only ones I can never pay back, Jannah at your feet, and the leader put me on the right track

And O’ Creator, I ask in sincerity one day, and after enough time grant me that special someone who I can call all mine

- Abrar B. Behrouz

Dearest Friend Hello dearest friend Do you remember me? You knew me in the days when I was so naïve I remember that day You took my heart away Before you even did leave I knew you were gone But I still held on As I told you all the places you were supposed to be And that only ended up hurting me I hope all is well The tears have almost dried If only your laugh didn’t occupy my mind I never told you then But here I tell you now I didn’t know it before but you helped my world go round

Image created by Sumaya Aman

The pieces to the puzzle The glue and the thread Why do I only realize this After your dead


Issue 4



I Know Women Like You I know women like you battered, bruised, broken, used women no one wants to associate with women people treat like a dirty rag women who wake up every morning wondering if someone will ever think of them as worthy of being loved women who have hearts that are filled, drenched, dripping with love ready to be given to anyone willing to accept it. women who have eyes like a warrior eyes that have seen terrible, gut-wrenching things but still have the ability to shine like a billion stars lighting up everyone’s world but their own women who have the ability to walk through a battlefield without armor and come out more alive than the rest of us will ever be

This poem was in response to the original ‘Batter and Bruised’ poem (shown on right) by The House of Ink. http://muslimscribes.tumblr.com/

Issue 4

women whose smiles are never shallow never fake never meaningless smiles that can carry the burden of a thousand pains on the most delicate of curves I know women like you battered, bruised, broken, used but let me tell you something about women like you women like you don’t need to tell anyone who doesn’t already know that you have a beautiful heart and soul because women like you Allah (SWT) has a special plan for you He doesnt want to give you away in the hands of the faint hearted because women like you deserve a man with the mind of a scholar so that his knowledge can complement your wisdom women like you deserve a man with the hands of a sculptor

so that his hands can take your every dark and painful memory and create something new and beautiful with it women like you deserve a man with a heart as vast as the universe and as deep as the ocean so that his heart can fit the amount of love you deserve so when you wake up tomorrow morning smile smile your beautiful smile and say Alhamdulillah because the man you deserve is getting closer to you with every unworthy man that you leave behind and remember Allah (SWT) loves women like you battered, bruised, broken, used even when it seems like no one else does. - F. R.

Battered and Bruised They said, don’t be with women like me. Those who are battered and bruised, broken and used. They could never be human again. They said, don’t love women who have shed many tears. Who have forgotten the value of a smile, seconds of laughter. Women like me though. Battered, bruised, broken, used. Could still love and laugh. Smile and cry. We’re still human. We still have a heart. UIC MSA



Al Bayyan Staff Fazila Vhora Editor-in-chief Maryam Raja Layout Designer Asif Mazhar & Lelas Shamaileh Copy Editors Azfar Sharif & Madihah Sharif News Editors Farooq Chaudhry Contributor

The topic for our next issue is GROWTH. The deadline is April 24th, 2015. Please send all submissions to albayyanuic@gmail.com. All contributions are greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!

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