January 2014

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UIC MSA Presents:

“The sign of a beautiful person is that he always sees

beauty in others.” -Omar Suleiman

January 2014 Issue 4

Sahaba of the Month:

was not in home and he (S) was out of station. Hazrat Uwais Qarni remembered his promise to his mother

H a zr a t U w a i s Q a r n i (r a )

and replied, "Please convey my Salaams to my Beloved RasulA---h (S). Kindly inform him that Uwais came from Yemen, did not find him at home and is now returning back to Yemen, since he does not have permission from his mother to stay overnight in Madinah."

A Perfect Manifestation of the Love for the Holy Prophet (S)

Hazrat Uwais Qarni was born in the village of Qarn in Yemen. His father passed away leaving him an orphan at a very young age. Hazrat Uwais Qarni was a very pious and noble person. He had em-

When the Prophet (S) returned home from the journey, he (pbuh) found the radiance of Hazrat Uwais alQarni in his house. Hazrat Umme Salma told him

braced Islam while the Prophet (S) was still alive. He naturally had a very strong desire to see Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) but since his mother was too old and she needed his help and care, he could not visit RasulA---h (S) in Madinah. As a reward of his service to his mother, he was given the title and status of a Sahaba even though he could not see Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) personally in his life time.

what had happened and conveyed Hazrat Uwais Qarni's salutations. His blessed eyes looked towards Yemen and our Beloved RasulA---h (S) said, "The fragrance of our friend is reaching us."

One day, Hazrat Uwais Qarni had asked his mother's permission to visit RasulA---h (S) and she said: "You have my permission to go, see him once, and come straight back without staying overnight in Madinah. If our Beloved RasulA---h (S) is at home, you may meet with him; if not, come straight back here." Hazrat Uwais Qarni then completed a journey of three months on foot, from Yemen to Madinah. When he reached RasulA---h (S)’s house, he knocked on the door and Hazrat Umme Salma opened the door. She told him that RasulA---h (S)

Moral: There are two important lessons in this story. One is the importance of taking care of your mother and that the reward for it is more than you can imagine. Another thing to learn is sacrifice: When you sacrifice something for A---h or leave something for the sake of A---h , A---h will reward you with something unbelievably greater than it. Uwais (ra) didn’t get to see the Prophet because he chose to care for his mother, so Uwais (ra) was given the honor of being his Companion in Paradise!

Noble Companions then enquired: "Ya RasulA---h (S), if Uwais is your friend, for what reason did he not stay to meet you?" To this, RasulA---h (S) replied, "He complied with a promise given to his mother and he is serving her."

WHAT IS BEAUTY? “Beauty is always being able to look beautiful, even while doing pakhana.” -Unknown “Beauty is the face of a Muslim whose soul is reflected through their smile, even whilst the hardest of hardships because they know He's near.” -Imanie Eldalby “Beauty is the way a person's face lights up when they talk about what they’re passionate about.” -Nayela Hoda Issue 3



WHAT IS BEAUTY? “Beauty is the manifestation of A---h (swt).” -Imran “Ickie” Qasim “Beauty is taming the inner beast. Beauty is not in something extraordinary or grand, but in every day things you learn to appreciate.” -Zamaan Sohel “Beauty is a combination of qualities that is aesthetically pleasing to the heart.” -Sehar Paya

Look Up By Adil Qaisar Ask yourself, what is the first thing you do when you wake up? For most of us, before even rubbing the sleep from our eyes, we check our phones. We check our messages, the latest news, Facebook, Twitter, and perhaps even attempt to beat a level of Candy Crush we have been stuck on for weeks. Even while out with friends, you’ll notice almost everyone checking their phones every five minutes waiting for something great to appear. We want some meaningful words or even a beautiful picture to bring a smile to our faces. We crave beauty to acknowledge, to enjoy, even if it is only for a few seconds. It seems that we have become too dependent on our phones to satisfy our desire for beauty in our lives. I am not suggesting throwing away your phone and moving into a tent in a forest, but I am suggesting that there lies greater beauty in what we experience in “real” life. There is a difference between writing on a friend’s Facebook timeline and

grabbing a coffee with them. There is a difference between watching a nature video on your phone and taking a walk outside. Surely there lies greater beauty in the latter of those two situations. Just recently my apartment lost electricity for a night, and my roommates and I were freaking out. What were we to do without our precious laptops? What would we do when our phones ran out of battery? What we did was spend some quality time together as friends. We sat down and ate dinner using our phones as flashlights rather than as a distraction from ourselves. It was only then that I realized the beauty of eating dinner with a group of friends. It makes you realize that the beauty in this world is much greater than whatever we might happen across on our phones and laptops. Beauty is everywhere. It’s in the people around us, the moments we experience, and embedded within ourselves. We can get a greater dose of beauty everyday. All we have to do is look up.

Issue 3



A m I A l l ow e d t o L o o k B e a u t i f u l ? By: Maria Quadri (In the name of A---h the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful) Can I accessorize? Are colorful and ornate hijabs permissible? Is patterned clothing haram? Are high heels immodest? To kohl or not to kohl? How much makeup is too much? Can I even wear makeup?

My answer to these questions: insignificant. As individuals growing up in a culture that obsesses over physical beauty, we can’t always help but entertain such seemingly trivial concerns. In fact, it’s not even about contemporary culture; to love things that are beautiful and to want to look beautiful is a part of the human disposition. But is acting on your disposition wrong? Is looking beautiful wrong? - No. ( however, there’s a caveat). I don’t find anything wrong with external beautification because beauty has value in Islam. As our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “ A---h is beautiful and He loves beauty.” [Sahih Muslim (911)]. I interpret the reference here to not only include inner but outer beauty as well. A---h of course wants us to beautify our character but He also wants us to maintain the beautiful appearance that He has blessed us with. Unfortunately, there exists a misconception that adornment is prohibited and so piety must be reflected by shabbiness and an unkempt appearance. I assert this to be a misconception based on prophetic narrations. “A man came to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) wearing cheap-looking garments. "Do you have property?" the Prophet (Peace be upon him) asked him.

"A---h has given me all kinds of wealth," he said.

“A---h loves to see The Prophet (Peace be upon the effects of His grace upon His servhim) then said to him, "Since A---h has given you ant” [Tirmidhī ]. wealth, let Him see the effects of His favor and bounty upon you.''

“Someone once approached the Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked: “What if someone likes that his clothing and his shoes are beautiful?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: “A---h loves to see the affects of His grace upon His servant.” [Sunan alTirmidhī (2819)]” Voila. It isn’t wrong to want to look beautiful. But what about that caveat? There is nothing wrong with wanting to look beautiful as long as the intentions are sincere. Keeping our intentions in check is imperative concerning any decisions we make and this is no exception. While A---h (SWT) loves beauty, He also detests extravagance, encourages simplicity, and loves modesty. Understanding the criteria that A---h (SWT) has provided for us enables us to answer our own questions concerning permissibility as it pertains to external beautification. Equipped with this understanding I don’t see the need for explicit permissions and prohibitions. Is it honestly necessary to obtain a religious edict about the halal or haramness of makeup and high heels? I’m not suggesting that the answers are always obvious. What I am suggesting is that as long as the intentions for beautification are for the sake of A---h (SWT) alone, there is no need to obsess or worry about abiding by the Sharia. And there most definitely isn’t a need to care about what others have to say. Ultimately, A---h Knows Best.

"Yes," the man replied. "What kind of property?" asked the Prophet (Peace be upon him) Issue 3



Beauty 101 By Anonymous Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself, how can I make myself look better? Or have you ever found yourself searching Google for home remedies on how to get healthier hair, or clear and glowing skin? Well worry not! You’ve come to the right class! Do you have bad breath? Use a miswak. Do you have little to no time to work out? Pray sunnat salaats. Do you think your nails are getting dirty? Cut them every Friday. Do you want a glow on your face? Keep busy in remembrance of A---h (SWT). As for blush, modesty (Haya) is one of the best brands you can buy. And lastly, the ultimate beauty tip, SMILE!

The sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad (S) hold many great blessings and rewards that can benefit you and enhance your inner and outer beauty. We spend an excessive amount of money on clothes and makeup while the ultimate beauty lies within following the beloved sunnahs. We should not disregard the sunnahs for trivial reasons. In my eyes, we as an Ummah need to appreciate the beauty we find around us and the example we find in the life of the Prophet (S). The homework for today is to reflect upon the sunnahs we can practice in our daily lives. Anas (R) reports Rasulullah (S) advised, “Whoever cherishes my Sunnah, indeed he cherishes me, and whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah.” (Tirmidhi)

UIC: The World’s Ugliest Campus By That Muslim Kid I found myself pondering the beauty (or lack thereof) of our campus. UIC has so much to offer, but perhaps physical beauty is not one of them. Everyone reading this must have complained or heard someone complain about the depressing nature of the buildings on campus. Although we’ve all said it, we still don’t really mind it all that much. In fact, I feel like we are all a part of this big family that shares this old house that is not in the greatest shape, but still serves its purpose and is forever our welcoming home. UIC may not have an abundance of gardens or extravagant style, but it sure has personality. University of Chicago, our snooty posh neighbor, is legendary for their striking gothic-modern architecture. Get this: They are also one of the universities with the highest suicide rates in the entire nation. W hat? Y ou mean a beautiful campus doesn’t keep away the depression? That is why I am so proud for going to such a so-called “ugly” school. Paying less attention to our physical surroundings really leaves a lot of space for us to appreciate the more profound beauties that are embedded in UIC. The true beauty shines from within the campus; from its people. A nd the people of UIC are unlike any other campus. The beauty of diversity, community and humility. UIC is a modest campus filled with genuine, down-to-earth people. A place where you can see love, equality and harmony among the students is a sign that UIC is the most beautiful campus on earth, Alhamdulillah.

Issue 3



What Beauty Means to Me By Fazila Vhora


t’s sad to admit, but safe to say, that many of us have a very narrow understanding of the term ‘beauty’. I asked my eight year old sister to describe what beauty meant to her, and I wasn’t surprised when she replied with the words “white”, “skinny”, and “long hair”. I don’t blame her. After all, isn’t this what we have been learning ever since we were little? We are bombarded with the idea that beauty is all about physical characteristics. Let us all take a step back, forget the standards dictated by society for what an ideal man or woman should look like, and embrace how A---h has made us. No amount of makeup and no style of clothing will make us appear any better in the sight of A---h. Narrated by Abu Huraira (R), the Prophet (S) said: "Truly, A---h does not look at your outward forms and wealth, but rather at your hearts and your works." (Sahih Muslim) Moreover, let us appreciate the real beauty that we see every day, but never notice. I’m

talking about the twinkle in our grandparents’ eyes when they tell us their ‘back in the day’ stories; the wrinkles on our mother’s face when she finally smiles after a tiring day; the little ant on a summer’s day crawling to get a taste of the watermelon; the Ameen that is said synchronously after Surah Fatiha; the confused look on a baby’s face when you play peek-aboo with them; coming home to warm food after failing an exam; even the 6 am commutes can be beautiful if we try to see the beauty around us. The list is endless. This is because A---h’s bounty is endless. Everything A---h has created is beautiful, we just fail to

notice these small things because our minds have narrowed down the word ‘beauty’ to just mean looking pretty or being handsome. If we try to see beauty in even the most unpleasant object or situation, then not only will we become beautiful human beings, but beauty will be a part of our daily lives. Let us wake up every day appreciating A---h’s creations and go to sleep thanking A---h for blessing us with His bounties and favors. Surely, “when you seek beauty in all people and all things, you will not only find it, you will become it” (Confucius).

WHAT IS BEAUTY? “It can only be felt and never seen. You don't see something beautiful bird, you only feel something is beautiful. Your eyes don't chase beauty, your heart does.” -Haroon Chaudhry Issue 3



Ugliness By Sumaya Aman It is all around us. From the way we walk to the way we talk. From the way we think to the way we speak. As if we are infallible and can do no wrong. Ugliness is abundant in our surroundings. We say we do that which we don't do. And we don't say we do that which we shouldn't do. Hiding our sins, instead of putting them out in the open. But the one who will always be able to see it is the One that we should be concerned with.

Ugliness, in the way we receive and in the way we give. To get people to see what you're doing, and to talk about it, and to praise it so much that they see no wrong in you. But all you see is wrong within yourself. All you see is the ugliness.

“Oh A---h, as you have perfected my outward creation so too perfect my inward character.”

Ugliness, in the way that we look at one another. Waiting for the word that distinguishes you from those you call your brothers and sisters to see if it is someone can be seen with. That you can interact with. Ugliness, in your thoughts. Whether you can control them or not. Ugliness, on your tongue. What may be the one thing that we can control less than anything else. When the words just seem to spill out without you realizing. And it's almost as if you can taste their ugliness. Your words filled with the most disgusting warts and scented with the most hideous stench. The prayer of life, the funeral prayer, draws near from every direction known to mankind. It sneaks up on some, while it is awaited by others. Can I not just use this as a means of getting rid of my ugliness? Can I not just realize that I have a limited time left to rid my nafs of its evils? Can I not? We all have it within us. And we can't always be so quick to blame Shaytan. Is our ego too big for us to realize our own conceit? I need to wake up. We need to wake up. And not with an alarm. Recognizing our own faults and accepting what they are and what we need to work on. Observe our actions and admit to our ugliness.

WHAT IS BEAUTY? “Beauty is something the eyes can't see, something the mind can't know, only what the heart can feel.” -Asif Mazhar “Beauty is the ability to accept yourself and others at their most natural and often most vulnerable state.” Richard Parker Issue 3



Beauty and the Beard: An Analysis of Facial Hair and Why It’s So Fricken Awesome By: Zamaan Sohel “Beards transform a boy into a man by giving them that rugged manly look.” -Anonymous Female So I am writing this overview on the phenomena of distinguished facial hair follicle groupings, what you may know as facial hair, for no reason other than that my colleagues pressured me to do so…because I have a beard. Discrimination? Yes. Does it phase me? No. Know why? I have a beard. The beard has for ages been a symbol of strength, virility, wisdom, and pure uncut manhood. From Moses (A) to Muhammad (S), Gandalf to Merlin, Abraham Lincoln to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter – this symbolic peace of naturally luscious upholstery has been worn loudly and proudly by the manliest of men. Q: Does the man grow the beard or does the beard grow the man? A: Y es.

OHH my bad, Abe! Keep

Who is this scrub?

What’s the big idea? Why do people care so much about that rug on your face? Yeah sure, it’s ONLY a Sunnah to grow it, you don’t have to! Son, listen close: stop talking and grow the beard. Then watch what happens. You change, your world changes. A beard is quite frankly THE defining characteristic of a man. Sure, our society is pretty into the whole “clean shaven” thing, but society doesn’t really know anything. In fact, many celebrities have embraced the beauty that is the beard Take Ashton Kutcher, Ben Affleck, George Clooney, and Lady Gaga, for example. Only NOW are they wising up to their act. We’ve been wise (wisdom: another #BeardBenefit) since the 6th 7th century: our Bearded Beloved (S) commands us men: “Trim closely the moustache and let the beard flow (grow)” (Muslim). “A Sunnah beard makes you admire and respect a man for following in the footsteps of the greatest man ever (S).” -Anonymous Let’s face it. Do you want to be 13 for the rest of your life? Or do you want to finally taste the smoky, savory flavor of manliness, let it course through your veins like a stream that had long since dried up, let it finally set (Continued on page 9)

Issue 3



(Continued from page 8)

fire to the parched logs waiting a lifetime for ignition, growing into a blaze that strips away the frost around the very essence of YOU, THE MAN? Alright, so there are some pretty tangible benefits as well. First and foremost, it’s actually been scientifically proven facial hair increases the attractiveness of a man in the eyes of women (University of New South Wales – look it up, bub). Growing a beard out also insulates a man’s mouth and throat, decreasingly the likeliness of infection, sore throats, and congestion (I’m not pulling this out of my beard, talk to me and I’ll show you the study). FURTHERMORE, facial hair helps your skin to retain moisture, helping it to keep a youthful glow and SLOWING DOWN its aging process (it better, it adds 20 years to my face, anyway). If this caught your attention, these are but a few of the many benefits that beards provide. But you don’t need that to convince you, go grow it anyway. NOW. Of course, growing a beard is not a process defined by laziness and sloppy treatment. Our very own Prophet (S) took time to oil and comb his beard, grooming it to the true standard of Beauty. Growing a beard DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN LOOK LIKE A BUM. You’re a man, not a caveman. Grooming is key: keep it clean and washed, invest in a beard comb, make sure it’s lined up and not looking TOO scraggly, and oil that precious thing if need be. Also, throwing some conditioner on does wonders. Some other rules apply to the trade. But we can work more on those once you get there. Baby steps. No, wait. MAN steps. I hope this has had some sort of impact on you. I hope that while reading this, you looked at the mirror to spot any hairs that might be crawling to their destiny. I hope you went to your bathroom and threw every razor you have in the garbage. Hey, go pick those back up and give them to someone who needs them. Like a chef so they can peel potatoes. I hope that if you are a sister reading this, your awe just boiled up and now you are weeping in envy. Just kidding. Don’t cry. Please. As another bearded sage, Obi-Wan Kenobi, so wonderfully commanded an alien using a Jedi-Mind trick (being able to do a Jedi Mind trick: #BeardBenefit) “You want to go home and rethink your life”. Yes, go home. Rethink the beard. Think about the wonder, the power, the respect, the humility, the beautiful Sunnah of our Prophet (S). And grow.

Well, hello sir. Wow. Well played.

C’mon kid, anyone can do that. Man up. Grow a beard.

What. No.

WHAT IS BEAUTY? “Beauty is the Sunday pancake that has been flipped and prodded too many times, it is over analyzed and obsolete at the breakfast table.” -Janet Rodriguez“

Issue 3



More to Beauty than Meets the Eye By Maheen Ahmed Beauty. It’s probably not good that the first thought that pops into my mind when I think of this word is celebrities. The person who truly encompasses beauty is Sophia Bush; or actually, that one dude with that epic flowy beard, he’s pretty beautiful too. I’m only kidding; superficial beauty is merely a worldly matter.

Prophet (S) said, "A---h does not look at your outward appearance and your wealth, rather He looks at your hearts and deeds."

We can perfect our character so we can be a means of happiness for others. We can also surround ourselves by others who resonate beauty through their character. Beauty doesn’t just appeal to the eye or senses; beauty appeals to the heart. It’s something you sense that’s pleasing in such a way that it makes you instantly happy and makes you crave more: a child’s laughter, an infectious smile, a cat’s purr, an epic recitation, endless love of a mother, the actions of a random good Samaritan. Beauty isn’t superficial, but perhaps we as a society have become superficial for instantly thinking of celebrities as the definition of beauty. Beauty comes from within. We should find our own, nurture it, and perhaps in the process we’ll be surrounded by other beautiful souls. Yeah, google, I’m saying you’re wrong; beauty doesn’t just please the eyes, it warms the heart. Also, white girls wearing a lot of makeup aren’t the only ones considered beautiful, you racist search engine!

A Snowflake’s Journey: Beautiful Servitude By Anonymous It’s soft. Gentle. Covering me in grace as it flows above, below and through. A glimpse of the shape, of its unique shape. I see it, in the palm of my hand. The design so intricate, so perfect, so Heavenly. It is a sign. A reflection of the One who Created it. Subhan al Khaliq! Glory be to the Creator... I notice this beauty, this Gentleness, this piece of Heaven on earth… for only a split second…half of a split of a second…and then it’s gone. By the order of its Master, it humbly draws itself away from this world despite its beauty. It flatters to leave it all for the sake of A---h… it vanishes. Issue 3


You told me that I was your Moon-illuminating your darkest nights, filling your world with beauty. What I didn't tell you was that the Moon is only a reflection of her Sun. By Nayela Hoda


Mr. Reese & Ms. Therese

In accordance to the theme, I find it appropriate to ask a life-long question: "Am I beautiful?" Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes, you are. While there may be those who don’t agree with how A--h made you, chances are there will be five times as many people who find you stunningly beautiful be it the way you smile or the way you talk about your parents. You are beautiful, inside and out. Love, Ms. Therese If I am a girl who can cook and will graduate soon, should I find myself a job or a man? The two things are not mutually exclusive. Who says you can’t have both a job and a man? Also, simply because you know how to cook and you are about to graduate does not mean you need to get married. Your life isn’t defined by a man, it is defined by you. Live your life a little after graduation. When the time is right, A--h will place a man in your path and everything will be beautiful. And until that time comes, no need to rush things. If A--h places a man in your path right after graduation then perfect! Alhumduillah. If not then it’s still perfect! You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman who doesn’t need a man at this time, or ever if that’s what you want! Sincerely, Ms. Therese Does inner beauty really show on the outside? One thing I’ve noticed in my years of being alive is that people with beautiful personalities become more and more beautiful over time. If you become friends with a person who you think is okay looking at first, chances are that over time, you will start to notice beautiful things about them like their wide smile or twinkling of their eyes. So yes, inner beauty does show on the outside. Stay Beautiful, Ms. Therese I always wondered is it Miss Reese or Mrs. Reese? There is no Mrs. Reese or Miss Reese. Mrs. Reese divorced me and took half my money. That is why I’m stuck writing answers to questions for a couple quarters a month. We don’t speak of her. Sincerely, Mr. Reese

I killed an ant once. Will I be forgiven? InshA--h, you will be. Just repent for verily, A--h is the Forgiver. Sincerely, Mr. Reese

WHAT IS BEAUTY? “Beauty is when a man or woman can suppress his or her anger. That characteristic itself is a grand portion of beauty. Such a quality can make an average looking person as beautiful and valuable as a diamond in the sky.” Zubair Vhora Issue 3


Drawn by Dana Darwish

Thumbs up To body hair.... Keeping me warm during polar vortex. To syllabus week... Good easing in process. To class bake off bake sales... Freshmen WOAT . To the food drive... I guess MSA isn't so self-serving.

Thumbs down To the Pier Room... Fell off hard. To the MSA Facebook Group... No I don't want to buy $16 designer sunglasses. To UIC Engineering... I don't really need these pre-requisites. To SAFEHR... What do you even do? (shots fired... JK relax)

Are you interested in writing, drawing, or contributing to AlBayyan in any other way? FOLLOW us on Twitter @albayyanuic LIKE us on Facebook www.facebook.com/albayyanuic Email us at albayyanuic@gmail.com.

Issue 3



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