Albayyan May

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MAY 2012




sisterhood FRIENDS

family parents chicago <333

<3 brotherhood




A Quick Word Before We Go -Haney Noureldin We’re finally here. It might be crunch time and the worst part of the semester, but it’s the last part of the semester and before we know it, we’ll have finished another chunk of our academic careers. It would be ideal to look back on this period and be excited by the fact that we have gained new knowledge, memorized new facts and theorems, and furthered our intellectual and cognitive development for the sake of being one step closer to becoming successful moral agents in the world. However the reality of the situation is not as ideal as we would like it to be. If it was not for the cash value of a degree, the number of students at UIC would not be as high. Not many people nowadays would see the point in attending a university and getting an education if there was not some monetary gain in doing so. Getting a degree for the sake of making a living is not an unworthy purpose, but we forget that it should be a secondary purpose. Because we have forgotten the true value of an education, education itself has suffered. You can see it in the proliferation of science related graduates and specialists and the lack of graduates and specialists in the humanities. While the sciences are of vital importance in explaining the how, the humanities are just as vital in explaining the why. How can we use the sciences to better our world if we do not know why, in the deepest sense, we should make it better? In a similar fashion, without the right intention we become stuck just building a career and expanding a resume for no sake other than its own. With the right intention we give our work and our effort a meaning that transcends what would otherwise be a demoralizing rat race. We are here in this life to decipher and engage the world for Allah’s sake and in His way, and the purpose of an education is to help us do just that. A simple change, or strengthening, of our intentions could make all the difference in our lives. Let’s face it, you can’t put an intention on a resume, but because an intention reflects a state of being it will carry you farther than any degree can.

Salman Al Farisi "Salman is one of us -from the people of my household" -The Messenger of ALLAH (S).


Salman Al Farisi was a young boy when he fled from his homeland in Persia. Imprisoned by his father for not following the religion of the fire worshippers, he travelled extensively in search for the truth, serving monks who remained upon the true message of Esa (AS). Salman headed for Makkah after learning that the time for a new Prophet from Arabia had arrived. On his journey to the city, he was betrayed by his guides and sold as a slave to a Jewish man in Madinah. Salman met the Prophet (S) in Madinah, accepted Islam and freed himself from slavery. He was the mastermind behind the idea of digging a trench in the battle of Al-Khandaq. Being one of the finest scholars of this Ummah, he translated parts of the Quran into the Persian language during the lifetime of the Prophet (S). Salman served as the governor of the former Persian capital and died during the Caliphate of Uthman (R).

-Raed Oweisi 02//MAY 2012

A Bit of Advice -Adham Hammad Time management. It is the key to success in life whether it be in school, for work, or even just for your regular everyday normal life (assuming you don’t have a job or go to school… good luck on your search). I had a pretty bad first semester here at UIC because I didn’t manage my time properly. I paid for the results and those results weren’t pretty. But hey, you learn from your mistakes, right? Anyways, second semester was a completely different story now that I knew what the consequences were if I didn’t up my game. I upped my game and I've been getting better since. Never looked back. I have been looking for a job ever since I graduated high school back in 2010. I happened to land one just about a month ago, April 03, 2012 to be exact. Alhamdulillah. My friends who have/had jobs would always tell me “once you get a job Adham, work a maximum of 15 hours or else your grades will start going down”. Well I'm taking some of that advice into mind right now but the only way I could’ve gotten the job I'm in right now, is if I worked at least 20 hours a week. I accepted. So far so good to say the least. It’s a very chill job where all I do is take phone calls and act as if I'm all over the United States and make reservations for people to golf. Starting pay is 9.50 so I'm not complaining. I set up my work schedule to flow around my school schedule very nicely giving me enough time to get the right amount of studying and free time in. If you are a college student, they will work with to help you set up a good schedule. If you are a full time college student, they will work with you even more which is excellent. Right now, I work 4 hours on Mondays from 3:30pm-7:30pm, Tuesdays from 9am-1pm because I only have 1 class at 2, Wednesdays I'm off because that’s my busiest day school-wise, Thursdays from 8am-12pm (same as Tuesday), Fridays I'm off, Saturdays from 10am-6pm, and Sundays I'm off. If you calculate these times, I have 20 hours with enough time to study, chill and ball so hard! Some people told me I wouldn’t be able to make it, well I'm still here right? Once school ends I will be working full-time and potentially over-time to make that cash money! During finals week though, the work place is giving me finals week off because they know that finals week is a pain. If it was a paid week off, that would’ve been absolutely amazing, but I'm still not complaining about this. Thank God they understand and they're not trying to ruin my life. As for the 20 hours a week working and being a full time college student, we will see the results at the end of this semester and Inshaa’Allah it will be fine. If you don’t have a job, I want to say that you are probably a full-time student and as we are all Muslims, most of us are probably being forced into Pre-Medicine. That’s just a fact. Now I was in that situation in the first 3 semesters but I managed to get out of it and do Pre-Law instead Inshaa’Allah. This is still a good career but as we all know, Arab/Muslim parents want their kids to become doctors. It’s just the way it is. So for that matter, while you’re currently jobless, don’t worry that a few of your friends happened to land jobs and you couldn’t. Why? Well, let me tell you this: although having a job is nice and everything, depending on your school schedule (which this semester mine is very chill with only 12 hours), it can get a little hectic and tiring. I mean personally, I can never go to sleep before 12am and during the weekdays during school; I would go sleep anytime from 2am – 5am. I live about an hour away via train from UIC and in the morning I need at least 1 full hour to wake up, wash up, pray, get dressed and walk out the door. So if I work at 8am on Thursdays, I have to be awake at 6am. I'm the type of person who doesn’t fall asleep in class or on the job just because I'm mentally unable to. I mean I have tried so hard many times but I just can't do it. That sucks for me because I can't get reenergized in about an hour or so, but other than that, it’s an excellent feature that I have just because now I won't get fired from my job for falling asleep and I will catch all the important notifications the professor hints out for tests or whatever. DON’T BE UPSET THAT YOU DON’T HAVE A JOB; IT GETS DIFFICULT A LOT OF TIMES. Sometimes I just want to quit everything. But I don’t. Because as a Muslim, we don’t quit just because life gets hard. We deal with it and conquer it. This is the only way to succeed and Inshaa’Allah we all succeed in life and make our parents proud in the end as well. 03//MAY 2012

“That” kind of love - Anonymous Brothers Only I, like many of you reading this article, am a bachelor and am looking to get married in the next couple of years. And in my high school and college career, I’ve noticed a very interesting phenomenon; A brother I knew in high school that was infamous for talking to and dating multiple girls once said to me, “Man, when I get married, I’m gonna marry a Niqabi. She better not have been with any men before ME!” I gazed upon his fuming hypocrisy with a look of utter disbelief and a hint of anger. But I remained silent and replied, “Ya bro, me too inshaAllah”. Many of us, when it comes to matters of the opposite gender, sell ourselves short and feel we need companionship and love from those other than our family and friends due to some hiccup in our psychology or upbringing. But yes, dating happens. It’s just another ditch that the Shaytaan dug to show the ingratitude of mankind to Allah (SWT). Even the best of us fall when it comes to dating…but what I fail to understand is what my friend said to me. Do you seriously believe that you can date openly and experience the opposite gender and that it WON’T have an effect on your future marriage or the girl you will marry? Allah (SWT) relates an ayah to us in Surah Noor: “Vile women for vile men, and vile men for vile women; and virtuous women for virtuous men, and virtuous men for virtuous women; such are innocent of what these people say; for them are forgiveness, and an honourable sustenance.” In the Tafseer of this ayah the mufassireen say that one of the interpretations can be taken as face value. If you want a pious wife, BE A PIOUS MAN. At the end of the day, like attracts like; and a gorgeous Muslimah who proudly wears the hijab, lowers her gaze, perfects her prayer and obeys her parents will be attracted to a pious brother who is modest, lowers his gaze, perfects his prayer and obeys his parents. In my humble opinion, the most beautiful woman in the world is the woman who covers herself for the sake of Allah (SWT). And we all know that when we look for spouses, we don’t look for the superficial stuff we looked for when we wanted to date a girl. What we WILL look for is her character and the way she treats her highest companion: her Deen. Let us remember, Islam does not disregard beauty. It is a teaching of our beloved Rasulallah (S) that we marry for family, wealth, religion and beauty. And there are definitely some beautiful sisters in the Chicago Muslim community. We also have a very common teaching that tells us “be the change you want to see”. So if you want a woman of haya’ you have to show some modesty as well. And modesty is not just in your clothes, it’s a state of mind. (At the same time, don’t stare at the floor when a sister passes you in the hallway. That’s weird. Just say Salaam, it shouldn’t be that awkward). Sisters Only I can’t say much to you from your perspective because I’m a guy, Alhamdulillah. But I’m not gonna lie, you sisters got it tough. If I was a girl, I probably wouldn’t be able to wear the hijab. It takes a lot mashaAllah. And for those Niqabi ninja warriors, maaaaaaaaad props mashaAllah. I seriously can’t express enough how happy it makes me to see a Muslima in public, proudly wearing the hijab.

04//MAY 2012

So I’ll make this short and refuse to turn this into a rant against stupid brothers. Don’t sell yourselves short. These brothers that may be interacting with you have NOTHING that your future husband will have inshaAllah, which is honor, courage, firm attachment to the Deen, and a high regard for that thing you wear on your head. Brothers will come and go, but their “love” for you will only display after both of you say “I do” (more like after both of you sign a piece of paper). So back to my point, anyone can have a beard, but Muslim women are the only ones who actually WEAR Islam and are in the public eye. You have huge responsibilities on your shoulders and are the backbone of the next generation of Muslims in America. A strong influence in my life, Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick once said, “Educate a man and you benefit an individual. Educate a woman and you benefit a family” So maintain your attachment to the religion and keep it your goal to learn more and more. Who is the best of companions other than the Quran? When the time is right, a handsome Muslim brother will knock on your door (or ask a friend to ask about you), and ask for your hand. And you know he’s legit when he approaches you in that manner. On a side note, it really isn’t weird for a girl to ask about a guy. So if you have someone in mind, go for it. So just keep in mind that you are too valuable to be broken by the ego of some flirty brother. Because I promise you, there is nothing more beautiful that a Muslim brother is attracted to, other than a girl with haya’ and deen.

The love of my life, MUSIC! -Anonymous Since the topic for this paper is love, why not talk about something we all love? Music! Who doesn't love music? But is this love healthy for you when the lyrics are poisoning your mind and corrupting your thoughts? Most songs these days are about things that don't matter to us. They have dirty, meaningless lyrics.. But the beat is good so we listen to it. Wouldn't it be so much better to be listening to music with a catchy beat, yet still has a good message? That's the goal of ASHKUR (previously known as Abdullah Shukur), an up and coming Chicago based Muslim artist whose main purpose and goal is to appeal to all with his catchy beats and heartfelt lyrics- lyrics about God, about love, about life, and about hope. With music in both Arabic and in English, he is sure to appeal to folks of all ages! He even sings some acapella and nasheeds! What more can we as struggling Muslims ask for?! So who is this ASKHUR guy and why is he the one to change your music experience from here on out? Well that's for me to know and for you to find out! To learn more go to: FACEBOOK.COM/ASHKUR11 Get ready for your heart and ears to dance and sing along to this musical genius! :)

05//MAY 2012

The Changing Tide -Mujahed Ashfaq

In any discussion on morals, ethics, and mannerisms it is incumbent upon the individuals dissecting the issue to include the purpose/reason why a human being follows these social norms. Many philosophers, theologians, and intellectuals offer explanations in the form of theories and paradigms to give meaning to life. Before going on, it must be mentioned to the reader that this servant of Allah is in no way, shape, or form qualified to comment on verses of the Qur'an mentioned within this excerpt lest one is misguided by those comments. Rather, it is recommended to those who are interested in the verses to first: learn Arabic to fully grasp these verses, read commentaries by QUALIFIED scholars, and come to conclusions based on an Islamic foundation. That being said, for a Muslim (though we as an Ummah ...the umbrella term for Muslims as a whole... have failed to take heed of traditional Islamic teachings) the heart of Islamic morals, ethics and mannerisms is rooted not in social norms but those sent down from Allah through angels to prophets. The Qur'an makes mention of this moral disposition, often referred to as akhlaaq, in Surah Ahzaab "Surely there is for you in Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) an excellent example for him who aspires to Allah and the Hereafter, and mentions Allah often" (Al-Ahzab, 33.21). Putting this into context one understands that in order to become the most just, upright, and wholesome human beings, Muslims MUST follow the teachings of the Qur'an AND the prophetic traditions as shown by the person of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (Peace be upon him). Only then will one become a believer. There is a misconception amongst Muslim discussion on what akhlaaq entails when it comes to living in Western society. We as an Ummah have taken the examples of what is proper and appropriate from Western teachings based on personal comforts and personal desires of the 'nafs'. What is worse is that we believe we are doing good based on our own interpretations of what is right and wrong, disregarding the proper teachings of the Qur'an and Hadeeth. An example of this can be seen with the concept of Haya (Modesty, Chastity, Purity). Islamically, the purpose of this life is to please Allah and Haya-modesty is the way to do so. Unfortunately, these days with the spread of technology, advertisements, billboards, magazines, the television, the internet, we are blasted with messages that are meant to eradicate our Haya. The media will bombard us with constant images of men and women behaving in vulgar ways and convince us that the most just way to live in society is by being 'free' in our interpretations of what is considered appropriate or pure (natural). Unfortunately, as a Muslim community we have failed to acknowledge this as a problem. So much so, that we have gotten used to the ways we interact with Western ideologies in our everyday affairs and we have set aside Islam, as a secondary source for solutions. More and more you see MSA’s on campuses having much more free mingling of genders, more and more you see our Islamic associations on a national level not just allowing mixing of gender but now, in some cases, promoting mixing of genders and claiming that this separation of genders or lowering the gaze is not consistent with Islamic ethics and morals. In reality, what they are saying is that Haya is not part of the deen (Islam). Instead, they believe it is something cultural that one part of the Asian subcontinent has and saying, "Why are you trying to transplant that (Haya) or impose that on the NEW Muslims of America". Therefore, as a community, we are in denial, as individuals we are in denial and as a society, we are in deep denial. This is not to say the efforts of these organizations is completely void and nullified, but the essence of Islam is being manipulated within them and assimilation to Western standards is being exhibited. The question now becomes, "If we are becoming 'deviant' in our ways...and for many of us that is a HUGE if...where do we go 'practically' to fix our understanding of right and wrong". The short simple answer would be to ask scholars of Islam and those who dedicate their lives to understanding the message of the Qur'an and prophetic traditions but that would still be insufficient as practice and implementation of knowledge must be exercised.

Staying consistent with the example of Haya, a proper interpretation of a verse from the Qur'an can be extrapolated from the following excerpt given by Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed from Brooklyn, NY: "Qullil Mu’mineen ya guddhu min absaarihim-(Oh Prophet of Allah), Tell the believing men (and women) that they should lower their gazes, wa yahfidhu furoojahum- and they should guard their chastity, thalika adhkalahum-that is more adhka that is the most purest thing for them innallaha khabeerambima yasnaooonAllah is fully aware of each and everything that you do. Now watch as I open up this ayah for you. There are three things the mufassireen (the commentators of Qur'an) write in this ayah. The first is Ta’deeb-Allah is teaching us the proper Adab (manners), He’s commanding us that we should lower our gazes, that the way of a pious believer, that the adab of a believer is that he walks around with his gazes lowered, he doesn’t look at those things he’s not supposed to look at. Then, Allah also does Tan’beeh-explains why should you do this: because it is azkah, because it is pure for you, it is pure for your hearts... And the Final thing is that Allah does Tah’deed in other words he teaches us that, number one, Ib’tida-lower your gaze, if you fail to lower your gaze, you must protect your chastity and the way Allah ends the ayah (verse), he didn’t end the ayah like many times he ends InnAllaha huwal GhafoorurRaheem (Verily Allah is the oft-forgiving, The Merciful), InnAllaha TawwabburRaheem (Verily, Allah is the acceptor of repentance, The Merciful). No, Allah doesn’t say anything like that here; he says InnAllah Khabeeram bima yasnaoon (Verily Allah Knows all that you do). So it means if you fail to lower your gaze, you will inevitably fail to guard your chastity, if you fail to guard your chastity don’t think InnAllaha GhafoorurRaheem. No, rather, InnAllaha Khabeeram bima yasnaoon. Allah knows each and everything that you do. Allah is kabeer He is all knowing of what you are doing, he knows of every gaze that you miscast, he knows every time you fail to guard your chastity, you cannot fool anybody, you cannot fool Allah. So this is not one of those ayahs that ends like that, that you can do whatever you want and Innallaha ghafoorurraheem. No if you fail to follow these rules, Allah lays it out very clear for you. He knows what you do and you know Allah can take you to account whenever you break his rules." Clearly, it is only until one understands the Qur'an and the prophetic tradition of Muhammad SallAllahu alayhi wasallam that one can solidify his/her Islamic identity and not fall prey to theories, ideologies, and suggestions of assimilation concerning the core beliefs of Islam as a COMPLETE way of life. In conclusion, the current epidemic can be exemplified by the following hadeeth of the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam: , "Thawbaan radiallaahu 'anhu the freed slave of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam related that the messenger of Allah said: 'The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food.' It was said: 'Will it be because of our small number that day?' He said: 'Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like foam, like the foam on the river. And Allaah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw wahn (weakness) into your hearts.' Someone said: 'O Messenger of Allaah! What is Wahn?' He said: 'Love of the world and the hatred for death'" (Related by Abu Dawood (no.4297)).

07//MAY 2012

Sincere Love -Bilal Memon The biggest blessing in Jannah is the fact that Allah will be pleased with the servant for eternity. The happiest moment for the lover is that his Beloved is pleased with him. At the same time, the biggest punishment in Hell is that the person will be forever in a state that Allah will be displeased with him. Love is pure. Therefore, the more pure an individual’s heart will be, the more that individual will be able to love. Allah is perfectly pure. To become closer to Allah means to put more noor in the heart and to become more pure. Also, since the things of this world are made out of dirt, the put the love of those things in the heart means that the individual is making his heart dirtier. Hence, this individual will not be loved nor be able to love. The pious people are the ones who are able to love the most because their hearts are the purest and so their love is the most pure. Otherwise, people with dirty hearts only love others for their own benefit. In the absence of those benefits, the individual is not able to love anymore. The pious person does not expect anything from anyone, and is therefore, able to love unconditionally while keeping the eyes of his heart towards Allah. All the prophets helped the people and never took anything from them. They loved the people and were well-wishers for them, however, they never took anything in compensation for their help. Even if people disrespected them, they still were able to love those people and desire good for them. It comes in a narration that a believer loves and is loved, and the best amongst you is the one that benefits others the most. All love comes from the love of Allah. It has already been established that a person who loves Allah and has a connection with Allah is able to love the most due to the purity of his heart. Also, this person is loved by others. Allah puts the love of pious people in the hearts of the people. This is a promise of Allah. The more the individual has love for Allah the more people will love him. Our dear Prophet (S) was loved so much by his companions that they were ready to give their lives for him. They would say to him, “May our parents be sacrificed for you.” Also, one sahabi lady gave our Prophet (S) a young toddler to take to war. When he inquired of what assistance can this baby have, she told him that it was her son and he could use the baby as a shield if his life was in danger. Furthermore, we see the lives of the pious people how Allah puts love in the hearts of the people for them. The true sincere people do not go around advertising themselves; rather they dislike fame because there is a possibility of becoming arrogant. Nevertheless, Allah elevates these people and people respect them. And when Allah gives respect, then no one can bring the disgrace. Part of our kalima is to believe that there is no one worthy of being loved except Allah. All other loves are for the love of Allah. We love our Prophet (S) for the love of Allah. We love our parents, friends, Muslims, etc. only for the love of Allah. Loving Allah will bring the peace and contentment in this world. Otherwise, the person will be running after the beauty of this world and be piling up filth in his heart. And when the heart becomes filthy, the person becomes depressed. Once we turn away from the duniya, it will be easy to love Allah. Allah will only come inside the pure heart. There is a story to this effect. There was a very beautiful girl. A young man fell in love with her. He told her that he wanted to marry her. She told him that she did not want to marry as she was too young. Upon the man’s insistence, she told him to meet her in a garden at a certain time. When he arrived, he saw her waiting for him all by herself. When he got near, she greeted him and told him that she had a sister who was more beautiful than herself and that he should marry her instead. The man asked about her whereabouts and was told that she was coming right behind him. The man turned back and saw that nobody was there and when he turned back around, SMACK! The girl slapped him across the face and said, “If you claim to love me, then why are you looking here and there? The point of the story is that no one likes an insincere lover. Allah also does not like a fake servant. Allah’s promises are for those individuals whose hearts are sincere in the love of Allah and not for the creation. Then Allah will give them success in this life and in the hereafter, just like it was given to the Sahabah (Rad).

08//MAY 2012

Bismillah, In the name of God -Anonymous It was narrated that our Beloved (S) said, “None of you truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” During the battle of Badr, one of the greatest battles in Islamic history, the Kufar looked to eliminate our Nabi (S). Arrows were constantly being shot at him from a distance, limiting the safety around him. The Companions of our Beloved (S) noticed this, and, with an immense amount of fear for his life, they ran in front of him. They stuck their chests out to take the hits, giving up their life, giving up everything they had, until their very last breath, to protect Muhammad (S). All for the love of God, his Messenger, and each other. Mus’ab bin Umair had a life of wealth, luxury, and nobility. He was so rich that when he left an area, people would know he was there because of the smell of his expensive perfume. However, when the Light entered his heart, he lost everything. His own mother disowned him and stripped him of everything he had. His OWN mother locked him in a room with shackles at one point. No more expensive clothes, no more cologne, nothing. He fell in love with Allah and his Messenger (S). He was sent, by the Beloved (S), to give Da’wah in Yathrib (Madina), and with love, he spread Islam. His influence and efforts were so effective that when our Beloved Rasul (S) entered Madinah, the entire city embraced him and were moved to tears. He ended up sacrificing his life as a shahid. While fighting in battle, he upheld the honor of carrying the flag of Islam. The people that were supposed to help and protect him left him for the war booty. He was alone, but he refused to let anyone get to the good people of Madinah, or let them dishonor the flag of Allah. As he carried the flag in his right hand, they sliced his entire right arm off, and the flag fell from his grasps. Without any hesitance or care, he picked up the flag with his left hand, as blood gushed out from his right arm. They then managed to chop off his left arm, and the flag, again, fell to the floor. However, with no fear, without thinking twice, he squeezed the flag between his chest. “There is no God but God!” He screamed, in pain, but with a sense of pride. At the next moment, a spear penetrated his body. It was over. He gave up everything. All for the love of God, his Messenger, and the companions. When our Beloved (S) went to Ta’if to give Da’wah, they rejected him. They insulted him. They shunned him out. As he was walking down the city, the children lined up at the side of the roads. They began to viciously throw stones at our Beloved Rasul (S) causing him to bleed profusely. The people gathered and continued to throw rocks at him. By the time he reached the end of the road, his sandals were soaked in blood. What du’a would we make? “Oh Allah destroy these people! Oh Allah! Teach them a lesson that they will never forget!” The most righteous among us would most probably say, “Oh Allah! Guide them.” (Allah knows best). Is this what our Rasul (S) did? No. Our Beloved (S) asked in his du’a, crying, “Oh Allah…. Forgive me, I have failed you.” Sallallah hu Alayhi Wasallam. When Jibreel came down later and told him, “Ya Rasullullah, if you permit me, I will crush this town by colliding two mountains into each other. He replied, “No, these are my people.” All for the love of God, the message, and for his people. How much are we willing to give? How much are we willing to give to serve our Lord? How much are we willing to sacrifice to honor our Beloved Nabi (S)? How much are we willing to sacrifice for each other? The Prophet (S) and his companions (R) loved to serve the Creator by serving His creation. That is true, uncorrupted, love. There really is no love greater than this. Today, we have an obligation towards one another. We have a bond, La Illaha Illallah, that we claim we would do anything for. It’s time that we stand strong to that bond that the Most Merciful (SWT) placed between, leaving it thicker than blood. The love we have for each other is given to us by Allah, Himself. It’s time we have each other’s backs. Allah will never abandon us, nor will he ever betray us. Not if we hold strong to each other, whatever the problem is. This is our time. This is our challenge. Who will answer the call to Allah? 09//MAY 2012

A Better World -IbnAbiZaid There was once a man who washed up thirsty and hungry upon foreign shores. With what little energy he had left, he crawled to the nearest road and hailed a passing carriage, begging the driver to give him some food and shelter. The driver had never seen a person of such color before and didn’t want to offer support to someone who might have been a potential enemy. However, he was moved by the man’s plight and weakness. “Come upon the carriage and I shall take you to my king as he will deal with you accordingly.” The man climbed aboard, praying that the king would be generous and benevolent. Soon, they reached the castle and then walked to the king’s throne. He took a look at the weak man, who at this point was being carried, and asked “tell me, friend, what is your tale.” The man gathered his energy and told the king and the court of his journey and how his boat and crew were lost at sea and how he is now left with nothing to call his own. The court listens and then becomes silent, waiting for the king to make a decision in helping the man or not. The king began a few moments later, “I have heard your story and I am moved by your weakness. However, I cannot give you sustenance for your upcoming days because the court cannot afford that. What I will do, however, is summon the people and tell them to pour one glass of milk in a large container we shall place in the town hall. What is there in the morning shall be yours.” The weak man became incredibly happy, smiling uncontrollably at the prospects that tomorrow would bring. The king summoned the people and told them to place a glass of milk in the container that night and then ended the gathering and the matter. There was another man in this gathering, a farmer who had a number of kids and a sick wife to support. As he was walking back from the meeting, he told himself that one glass of milk costs far too much to himself and his family and that instead of pouring the glass of milk, he would pour a glass of water. The night would conceal the act and the milk everyone else was going to put in would make the water insignificant. So, that night he walked to the town hall and poured the water down the container, relieved as his plans to preserve his wealth but satisfy his duty played out rather nicely. The next morning, the weary traveler eagerly ran to the container, waiting for the king to give the order to have it opened so that he could see how much milk was collected. The king gave the word and the guards peeled back the covering. The traveler’s eyes widened as he knew what was about to come but what he saw was completely different: the container was full of water. Moral of the story is that most individuals leave it to others to do the work, thinking that their inaction will be insignificant and that the work will eventually happen. This way of thinking is wrong and uncharacteristic of not only a believer, but of a human being whose responsibility it is to look after others. We all have our place in this world, our calling, but there is one thing that unites us in the work force that is the dunya: responsibility to help one another. There is something else we can take from this story and that is the necessity of leaders. The best example to look at in terms of idealizing what a leader is, is the Prophet (S), whose example is timeless and relevant to any type of leadership position. We need individuals like him, those who are willing to break the current and rather pervasive pattern of inaction and gather the masses in a unified effort against poverty, violence, and hate. We need leaders who live for tomorrow, learn from yesterday, and competently utilize today. We need leaders who are capable, especially when it comes to passion and consistency. A leader must be able to provide for the insecurities and problems his followers will certainly have. A leader must be able to deal with all problems and people in a manner that leaves them solved and interested; after all, a leader does not belong to a certain click but rather is loved and respected by the number of groups that make up our community. A leader must protect the weak and take into consideration all ideas, not just those that are the most flamboyant. A leader must earn respect through action, not by words or physicality. A leader must remain awake while the rest sleep so that a revisions can be made, ideas can be formulated, and plans can be solidified. A leader must be able to gather his followers with words but also without them; being loud only speaks, but the permeability of devoted and calculated silence holds far more position. A leader knows when to laugh and joke, and when to remain silent, and when to maintain his emotions. A leader does not disregard anyone, no matter how insufficient their presence might be for no one can judge the future of any individual based on

who they may be today. A leader must be comfortable with pain and used to failure for it's the brutal truth in the life of any such individual; however, what separates a leader from others is that when knocked down, the leader gets right back up and will continue to do so until death. Leaders must hold their ground, not matter the force of the waves that hit them. Being stubborn is no help, true, but being confident in one's choices and knowing that the origin and endgame of such choices is for the betterment of men is what makes a leader a leader. It's never easy being the leader, for decisions must be made that contradict the desires of the heart and words must be said that might make enemies, but then again, being a leader requires such difficulties. It is a sincere hope that a number of leaders emerge from the garden that is UIC, and that they go out in the world striking positive changes, helping to change the world and to eradicate the plethora of problems that exist on every level. Hopefully a leader will emerge from UIC who will directly influence the ending of world starvation, genocide, war, violence, and all other maladies that afflict the human race. Lofty goals, I know, but if we can put a man on the moon, surely we can put food in the mouth of every kid in Africa, a toy in the hands of all those kids struggling in Palestine, and hope in the hearts of all those who suffer the atrocities of a ruthless leader. As Muslims, it’s pertinent to believe that life is like a road and that when the ambulance comes, it is necessary for all of us to support its efficient passage.

Autism Awareness -Ayesha Qazi Tabled by the State of Qatar, resolution 62/139 passed on December 18, 2007, by the United Nations General Assembly marked April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day. This outstanding accomplishment influenced Autism Awareness Month in United States. The US acknowledges this month as an opportunity for people to share, educate, and raise awareness in the Autism society. The Autism Society of America defines Autism as, “ a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others… affects individuals differently and to varying degrees” Basically autism is a complex developmental disability, easily recognizable in children in the first three years. Signs include difficulty interacting with other individuals, non-verbal communication, or spontaneous activities. Take some time this month to educate yourself about Autism and know the early identification signs that could easily change one’s life if initially caught. Remember, autism is treatable but that does not mean a child will “outgrow” autism, but rather improve the outcomes if diagnosed early. Additionally, diagnosis consists of evaluation from not only medical point of view but also school’s evaluation. Reason being, since the individual might appear that they only have a hearing, vision, neurological, or a sensory integration disorder. Through the diagnosis of both medical professionals, teachers, and the parents themselves, contribute in classifying an individual as Autistic. The following list consists of signs stated by the Autism Society of America: Here are some signs to look for in the children in your life: • Lack of or delay in spoken language • Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects) • Little or no eye contact • Lack of interest in peer relationships • Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play Persistent fixation on parts of objects Another key reminder is that autism is wide spectrum disorder. Meaning, two people will not have the same identical symptoms. Visit the Autism Society of Illinois at and find ways how you can contribute, donate, and volunteer this month or consistently. A small commitment, donation, or a discussion, leads to a chain reaction of awareness and movement in the right direction.

Homophobia in the Muslim Community -Irfan Hussain Apologies in advance if the language in this article shocks or offends. On a typical day, a conversation in the lounge or pier room often uses words like these: "Hey bro help me out with this assignment. Stop being gay." "Man, tell so-and-so to stop being a fag and let me borrow his charger!" What's going on here? These are merely minor symptoms of a larger syndrome afflicting our ummah (community). Fundamentally, we have a problem with homophobia. Some people like to play semantics with this word, and argue that such a word doesn't really exist or is improperly used; the same argument has been used with "Islamophobia." In real life, the practical use of these terms wins out despite any technicalities. For clarification, I use "homophobia" to describe negative feelings or attitudes directed against homosexuals, people who have sexual desire or behavior directed toward members of their own sex. (I really wanted to talk about anti-Semitism in our community as well but inshaAllah, maybe another time.) Homosexuality, for many of us, is seen as something shocking and disgusting. How can anyone have a sexual preference for their own gender? The very idea, for some of us, evokes a visceral negative reaction, often one of disgust. We might think these people are deranged, perverted, and if we subscribe to stereotypes, that these people are sex-crazed and engage in homosexual acts often. We point to the well-worn "fact" that homosexuality is not allowed in Islam and these people are making a (weird) choice to be the way that they are, in direct opposition to our Islamic principles. Unfortunately, these views are misinformed. Let's take them on one by one. Some people believe that homosexuality is a choice; that one day, homosexual people wake up and, to shock and offend, or to get attention, or for whatever other reason, decide that they will be gay. This is almost never the case. Take a look at the powerful stigma against homosexuality that exists in our Muslim community, or forget our community and look at the United States in general. Even today, in most places, there is such a stigma against people with homosexual feelings such that these people hide their homosexuality (in common parlance, they are "closeted") for as long as possible, even from their own families. The internal conflict and stress over one's feelings leads some of these people to self-medication with alcohol or drugs, to self-harm, or to even attempt suicide. If someone is trying to get attention, it's a poor choice to pick homosexuality. Although there is probably some social or environmental component to homosexuality, the fact remains that even for non-Muslims, homosexuality is seen so negatively that one would be crazy to think that someone would just wake up and choose such a lifestyle and all of the stress, fear, and social stigma associated with it. In fact, today's research finds much support for the idea that sexual orientation has biological roots to a large Take a look at the powerful stigma extent; in particular, there is something about genetics and the against homosexuality that exists in early environment in the womb that has a heavy impact on our Muslim community, or forget one's sexual orientation. Therefore, the vast majority of people are born with a predisposition to be heterosexual and a small our community and look at the minority with a predisposition to be homosexual, and in United States in general. general, these biologically conferred characteristics do not change with one's social environment. No matter how hard a gay or lesbian person wishes or tries, he or she generally will not be able to change his sexual orientation. Even if homosexuality is not really a choice, we still might think that gay or lesbian people are, for lack of a better term, "gross" for being involved in sexual acts with people of their own gender. 12//MAY 2012

Unfortunately, this is a negative stereotype that is often thrown around, and the reality is much more nuanced. Promiscuous gay or lesbian people might get a lot of attention, but for every such person there are many more that are struggling with their sexual orientation and/or keep quiet about it. These people tend not to act on their feelings. It stands to reason that not all gay or lesbian people are sex-crazed or promiscuous. This is where Muslims come into the picture. Yes, there are gay and lesbian Muslims, who have feelings for people of their own gender. Allah has created everyone differently, including with respect to sexual orientation, and this is also true of our Muslim brothers and sisters. Imagine for a moment what it's like to be a gay or lesbian Muslim. You have feelings that make you want to commit acts which are prohibited by Islam. This isn't anything new for heterosexuals. Obviously, we have sexual thoughts/feelings here and there, and there is no sin in them provided we do not act upon our thoughts. Similarly, there is no sin in having homosexual thoughts or feelings - there is only sin in acting upon such thoughts and feelings. But for heterosexuals, there is a halal (permissible) way of acting on one's sexual desires, through the institution of marriage. Unfortunately, gay and lesbian Muslims do not have such an option. There is no arrangement that allows for Muslims to marry people of the same sex. One might argue that this is unfair. The perspective we take as Muslims is that Allah is All-Powerful and capable of all things. He decides a matter, and it is decided. Everyone's test is different, and we can see that we are all tested differently in terms of wealth, health, etc. If it is in one's destiny to be gay or lesbian, to be attracted to people of the same gender, he or she has been given an extremely difficult test, but if you pause for a moment to think about the difficulties these Muslims have to go through in their lives in fighting their thoughts without any halal outlet, then you can't help but appreciate the enormity of the reward Allah has waiting for them in the hereafter, inshaAllah. And remember that “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear...” (Qur’an, 2:286). Gay and lesbian Muslims have been given a great test, but have the inherent capacity to deal with and succeed at that test. SubhanAllah, this means that if you are not gay or lesbian, you and I might have been spared from such a great test because of our inherent weakness and inability to deal with it. We are truly weak, subhanAllah. You can begin to appreciate the jihad (struggle) that our gay and lesbian Muslim brothers and sisters face on a daily basis and their capability to deal with a test that we probably would not be able to pass. Why, then, do we make things harder for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters? We have such negative feelings toward people with homosexual feelings yet we forget that they are in our own backyard. There are brothers and sisters whom you know and hang out with on a regular basis, who personally struggle with such feelings and have kept mum about their sexual orientation due to fear of ostracism from their own brothers and sisters! And rightly so, if one looks at the way we talk of fire and brimstone for gay people, openly characterize anything dumb or stupid as "gay," or freely use epithets like "faggot." Are we creating the right kind of environment for our brothers and sisters? Is our ummah one that embraces the inherent diversity of mankind, and loves all of our brothers and sisters no matter what because at the end of the day we all say and believe "La ilaha ilAllah?" If you think about the struggles our gay and lesbian Muslim brothers and sisters face on a daily basis, you would realize that they need the support of their fellow brothers and sisters more than anybody else. Yet we callously throw around hurtful and uninformed opinions and sayings, possibly driving them away from the protection and support of their fellow brothers and sisters in the deen, and toward Shaitan, who is always looking for people to misguide. What about non-Muslims who might be gay who overhear us loudly call someone a "faggot" and laugh mindlessly about it in the lounge? What do such people think when they see how imperfect we are? Do you not think that they will think our perfect deen has imperfections as well? What if these non-Muslims had some prior interest in Islam? People say "talk is cheap," and "show me, don't tell me." Are we doing our part to bring people to the deen by showing people the beauty of Islam and how it enriches our lives? Or are we actively pushing people away from the deen with our thoughts and behavior?

13//MAY 2012

Love for your Parents—Maniza Azam From all the stories we’ve read, few are as tragic as unrequited love, but this seemingly fictional phenomenon is a lot more common than any of us realize. It’s us – it’s you and me, who are not giving back the love we get; too often oblivious to the people that slave away in their bountiful affection for us. That’s right, it’s our parents. I don’t believe our generation has no love for our parents, but I do believe (at least for me) we fail to place them on as high of a pedestal as Allah has ordained us to. In Sura Al Isra it states: “And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you are dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect [so much as] “uff”, nor reprimand them but address them in terms of honor. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My Lord! Bestow on them Your mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.'' First and foremost, Allah (swt) mentions himself, because of course no one loves us as much as the one who has created us, but in the same sentence, he mentions our parents. This is just one of many ayahs in the Qur’an that stresses the importance of our parents but here, it commands us, the children, to ‘lower our wings’. In one of is lectures, Nouman Ali Khan explains this means that despite the fact we have the ability to spread our wings and perhaps fly away, we should choose not to. Not only should we give our parents our respect, patience, and kindness – we should give our absolute best to them. Unlike our bosses or professors, they don’t have the ability to advance us in this life but their worth is so much more simply because they’re our parents and giving the best to them will advance us in a more important life. Giving respect to the ones who gave birth to us, brought us up, and literally helped us get our “wings” is an obligation put on us directly from our creator. Like many forms of respect, the respect for our parents has been deteriorating under this modern ‘Western’ society where children are supposedly independent and not expected to uphold the responsibility of taking care of their old parents. In my house we’re not allowed to celebrate birthdays, or Halloween but the holiday that upsets my father the most is the upcoming holiday, Mother’s Day, as he exclaims, “Every day is Mother’s Day for a Muslim!” Admittedly, a younger me would scoff at his concern over a Hallmark holiday but I’ve come to realize that he’s right. We won’t know who will make it to the next Mother’s Day or even the next day, so we should keep our mothers on a pedestal every day of our lives. There is a hadith (that you probably have heard from your mother before) by Abu Huraira where a man goes to the Prophet (saw) and asks who deserves his good treatment. The Prophet (saw) says “Your mother” three times before mentioning the father which shows that despite the pain and burden Allah has put on the mother in having a child, he doesn’t take her suffering for granted and doesn’t want anyone else to. In this life, we will never meet someone who has endured so much for love as our own mothers who carried us for nine months, went through the pain of bringing us into the world and devoted their lives for years to taking care of even the most miniscule of our needs. Of course the father is the second person mentioned and should also receive our utmost respect and love. As the cliché goes, life is about giving and taking and as privileged children, we’ve fallen into the dangerous habit of taking far too much. Giving back to our parents benefits both us and them. It is an obvious benefit to them if we are respecting them, helping out now, and taking care of them in their old age but it is imperative to ourselves because disrespecting our parents is also disrespecting our creator. And besides our Islamic obligations, why wouldn’t you want to give back to your parents? It’s hard not to love the people who we literally could not have survived without. Our parents love us unconditionally and all we have to do is return some of it and remember – jannah lies under the feet of your mothers! 14//MAY 2012

True Love -Bayan Ruyyashi You held our hearts with love, Guided us with peace and serenity, Filled our lives with joy and kept our heads held high in this eternity, Your ways have guided us with much fluency, While your smile lit up the world and kept us company, Your character and humbleness was all everyone wanted from you and anticipated, Your words were true gold and inspired those with no inspiration, The kindness of your soul kept you the role model for all ages, The grace of your words aided those who needed to be guided, The piousness of your walk lead people to the doors of Allah's forgiveness, You are the last and final, You are the blessed end of this grand religion, You are a principle of our guidance and will always be loved, Your mercy upon us is unbelievable and will forever be needed, Your love is all I need, your love is all I strive and ask for. You've held on to our Ummah and kept them strong with no delays, Please forgive me for I have not been completely following your ways. You are the true love I have been searching for, been yearning for, been hoping for, You are my hero, our hero, Islam's hero. -Tabish Ansari Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad, Chicago Is blowing winds call it the windy city For you oh prophet Muhammad are my beloved Unorganized yet beloved so nitty gritty and true love. Corrupt governors plaguing a rash feeling so itchy Young boys that become athletes on the track Not runners just straight hustlers Little girls that grow up without a dad


And than fall for the next guy who left her as the next played buster Left her like a monster truck he just straight crushed her Bums on the streets with scent as bad as EX-pired mustard Taxi cabs on every block just so clustered City of the athlete who walked on air No rides needed United Center is the hardwood fair It should be called one-in-a-million with a hoopstar who was just as rare Forget diamonds we already got the brightest glare City where the most Notorious gangster walked around Yet Sinatra said it through the work of his sound Chicago, this is my toddlin' town It's like my basketball court leaving it would be illegal like stepping out of bounds Streets are like young broken hearts big old pot holes Antarctica could be second cuz we got temperatures beyond cold So much history but with the heart of never getting old San Francisco is nothing cuz we got true gold And like the end of a Nelson Algren classic this rhyme takes its fold

Surviving the Times -Adil Qaisar Somehow living life without any description Won’t take the time just to sit down and listen To all the people that he seems to lock up in prison And he locks himself from all the help, just regretting decisions Life seemed to be just passing through His empty life seemed to be passed as truth Driven to a point where he had to lose Meaningless reasons is what he was acting through See it’s easy to complain, but it’s hard to fix Realize, life’s not shallow, it’s all abyss Everything’s confusing until it starts to click In the end this life here is a war and we have to conquer this Consider this all into all your feelings What is there to life, without any meaning? Have to open our minds to understand what we’re seeing Yes, we’re all human, but what are we being?

16//MAY 2012

Untitled -Imran Hussain He doesn’t know what it means He just wants to dress clean Getting high and popping pills Finding girls to demean Now he wants to cause a scene Making up for the attention He was missing as a teen Male turned to wild Just like Charlie Sheen But he’s not even close to the major leagues He just loves to deceive Acts like he lives a dream In reality things aren’t all what they seem Always holding a thing He's just looking for a chick to live With another scheme Looking for the broad with the lowest self-esteem Talk her out of money to cope to the screams That he's so Farrell Rocket in that Vibe magazine He doesn’t know a true king treats a lady like a queen Caught up in the image but he doesn’t know what it means Lord forgive me for the things I've done And all the things I have said Please excuse me if you shot your gun I didn't mean to sound that way I tried my best to give to you All that I have left Always speak the truth Do the best I can To help you understand To be a better the man

Shine Again -Humdizzle When life breaks you down, and you feel like your about to drown, like you just want to skip town, Don't. Come back around, and put your face to the ground, Pray. It'll help you not go astray, and make sure you say all that you have to say, because Allah (SWT) is the only one that can take away your dismay. You might lose your way, but get back up, you may get knocked down but don't doubt that you wont shine again give yourself a chance and you might just enhance. Life doesn't end with one mistake, not everything is a piece of cake, its what you give and take, So don't hit that parking break, lie awake, double take, and maybe, listen to some drake. Just in case that doesn't work, don't go berserk, work on the simple things, and lift yourself up like a King, Don't lose sight of who you are, and I'm sure you'll go Far.

Mirror, Mirror -Nida Iftekaruddin Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest, prettiest, sweetest, strongest, nicest, pious, smartest, modest of the them all? the glass goes blank white light shining through I start seeing small faces and they all look! big bright beautiful eyes like peep holes to your hearts trying to strengthen the ties not sure where to start. from the way that you walk, talk, smile and hug me I can see a connection and its all so lovely a bond, a connection from creation to creation its motivation, inspiration for the final destination. our bonds are like a mirror reflections of myself so having you as sisters gives my reflection help so please don’t leave my side I will need you on that Day when its one for all run and hide as we seek shelter in His shade. I trust you, and I love you even if I don’t know your name got your back, I'll protect you and I hope you feel the same. So I beg you, please forgive me if I've upset you in the past I need a good reflection you see, I need this love to last. may we run toward each other on the day most will run away may He keep us safe, together under His shade and may we continue to love, solely for His sake. 17//MAY 2012

WHERE IS THE LOVE? -Abdul Mannan Shamsuddin When I look around all I see is intimidation Towards and within the enormous Muslim population; Why can’t people understand that we’re trying to live our lives in moderation? Preaching and following various types of toleration, Seeking to obtain the essence of spiritual elevation; We too are going through various trials and tribulations Trying to protect our eyes from fornication Trying to stay clear for Satan’s manipulation Keeping ourselves distanced from the musicians and corporations Of this society and from other types of abomination Open thy eyes and take heed to the preparation That has been mentioned in the Qur’an with much simplification That one day we’ll be covered in white and placed in our grave for the rest of earth’s duration; To witness the Day of Judgment and humanities annihilation To rise once more and meet the Master of all Creation Until then let’s do what we gotta do to combat all the misconception; Which will be over shadowed by much frustration; It’s important to do so without any aggravation; First implementing that which we learned in our Islamic education; Keeping a smile in the face of humiliation; Forgiving those who tarnish our reputation; Opening up our hearts and seeing with clear sight Standing up for all that is right; Doing whatever good it takes with every ounce of our might; In hopes to see a future that is bright; Purifying our intentions Sticking steadfast on this mission; Withholding ourselves from any type of vendetta To bring back the golden days of love and happiness from the Muslim era.

18//MAY 2012

Love -Anonymous Love a concept so pure in Islam Yet a concept corrupted by the world. When we are supposed to love for our brother what we love for ourselves We rather backbite about them cause some hadiths just don’t matter much Cause we cool like that… Modernity defines our rules… Media defines our game… When Allah says, “You will not attain righteousness unless you give of what you love” We say how could I give anything when everything I desire is this duniya… On my mind I have money, On my heart I have love…love for this world, girls and booze How could you possibly ask me to tame myself? When all I care about is fame, and righteousness sounds lame… Long are gone the days when people use to be righteous… Now it’s to be or not to be the aristocrats with the money… When Allah says, “Oh you… who believe don’t you love that Allah will forgive you?” We say, who has time to believe in anything these days when my goal is duniya… Sure duniya seems to starts with D but it is the A to Z, and Alif to Ya for me… When all parents’ say is you need a Degree… When world teaches me cultured wildness Where marriage is something not less than a crime… And having babies without marriage is love that chimes… Rape and Molestation are norm… Where Evolution reigns… And creation is not creation but evolution of game… When all that I need is here in front of me… Why should I ask for forgiveness, It sounds so lame to me! When all Allah asks is that we abide by the five pillars of Islam We are busy abiding to build pillars of wealth. When all Allah asks is that we love or hate for his sake… We are busy loving or hating for ourselves… When all Allah asks is that we bow down to him and worship him alone We bow down to the wealth of this world… When all we need to do is follow our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) We are busy following the materialistic needs of materialistic people…

19//MAY 2012

When all we need to do is abide and follow Sunnah… We follow half naked singers, actors and drug addicts… The waist of our pants start below hips and their length extends below our feet Whom are we imitating, whom are we following? When all we need to do is pray five times a day.. All we end up doing is defying our lord and the teachings of our Prophet (PBUH) When all Allah asks is that we love and respect our parents… All we end up doing…is No mom, No dad, I don’t wanna eat this, I don’t like these clothes, I don’t like talking to my grandparents, No you guys don’t understand me… Why do you make me talk to your family on the phone…oh gosh I barely understand them… No …I don’t wanna do this I don’t wanna do that…It got to be my way or I take the highway… Foo who are you kidding, That mom of your carried you around for 9 months in her belly While you kicked her like devil on a killing spree That dad of your he gave up his dreams to give you a chance to live… And you think you are cool just because you deny them things that they rightfully deserve from you… Why do we do this? Yeah! Cause we are cool like that… Cause Modernity define our rules Media defines our game… You know what I am sayin…all we need is to be cool… Doing that gangsta thing is in, and Sunnah is out… Where Sheikh Google tells us what is Islam… And Sheikh Wikipedia concurs… who in the world needs Quran and Hadith.. When questions of the grave can be answered by Discovery network. Why in the world do we need ancient books to tell us something that we don’t desire to know… Doesn’t the creator know we are smart? Hmm…Yes, it is true that most us do not desire what our lord desires for us and Our lord desires what is best for us… Allah says, I am as My servant expects Me to be. I am with him if he remembers Me. If he remembers Me to himself, I would remember him to Myself. And if he remembers Me in a gathering, I would remember him in a gathering, which is even better. And if My servant draws near to Me by a hand’s span, I would draw near to him by an arm’s length, And if he draws near to Me by an arm’s length, I would draw near to him by a fathom’s length. And if My servant comes to me walking, I would go to him speeding.”

20//MAY 2012

There is no your-way or my way but we clearly have the way to our Lord prescribed to us in Quran… We have the example of our prophet (PBUH) and Sahabas(R.A) lives. So close your eyes open your heart - heart of your soul and take a leap of faith forward and In the name of your Lord Most Beneficent and Most Merciful Recite, in the name of your Lord who created – Created man from clot. Recite and your Lord is most Generous – He who taught the use of pen Taught man which he knew not. Nay, but verily the man is rebellious Because he sees himself self-sufficient. Indeed to your Lord is the return. Have you seen the one who forbids A servant when he prays? Have you seen if he is upon guidance Or enjoins righteousness? Have you seen if he denies and turns away Does he not know that Allah sees? No! If he does not desist, We will surely drag him by the forelock A lying, sinning forelock Then let him call his associates; We will call the angels of Hell. No! Do not obey him. But prostrate and draw near [to Allah].

21//MAY 2012

Farewell is only the Beginning… -Asra Hasan I know you will never want me to change, Even at my most awkward moments, you don’t think I am insane. And when classes like Organic Chemistry are not fitting in my brain, I can count on you to help me study through the ride in the train. And when those treacherous finals come through our ways, I am definitely screwed, but I know your duas will help me throughout those days. And on those days when I am feeling a bit down, Your hugs and smiles will turn my frown upside down. For you guys don’t judge me on who I am, Instead love me for who I am. I know the bonds I made here at UIC will never fade, Years from now, even during my toughest times, I’ll still have your aid. For you girls will always have my back, My sisters in Islam, there is no quality that you lack.

UNTITILED -Anonymous What is love is the question you ask of me This is a love I hold dear for everyone to see This is a love not of a charming man but one for two amazing people stronger than any muscles. Heaven lies beneath their feet Compassion dwells within their eyes I am eternally indebted to them because of my many cries. From my Ammi and Abbu, the love i have received, it will always be an oasis of comfort for me.

22//MAY 2012

Dear Blank, Please Blank... -Ayesha Ashfaq and Maheen Ahmed Dear Thirsty Person, Please stop and think before you drink from a random water bottle. Sincerely, Often Used Lota

Dear MSA, I though you said you didn’t stand for Matrimonial Service Association Sincerely, Sister who already got two rishtas

Dear Samosas, Please stop being so spicy. Sincerely, White kid with heartburn

Dear Prayer Rug, Stop smelling like feet. Sincerely, The Person who can’t get to the 3rd Tasbih

Dear Fart, Why is it so hard to keep you in? Sincerely, Person who lost their wudu right before salah

Dear Person Praying, When you look up at me, I see you too! Sincerely, Astonished

A NOTE FROM US EDITORS What a wonderful year we had! As usual, our amazing MSA delivered programs and events that have rejuvenated our spirituality, cemented the bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood, and created a spirit of activism and communal concern that will hopefully endure for future students to take part in. The MSA has also renovated its immensely popular newsletter, Al Bayyan, making it, arguably, one of the talked about phenomenons at UIC this past year! Reading and writing are hallmarks of our Islamic tradition, a tradition the editors of Al Bayyan, the brilliant writers, and the consistent readers have preserved rather efficiently in the halls of our beloved institution. From our exceedingly notorious face book group to the prizes given to the best voted articles, Al Bayyan has been a pervasive force, permeating general discussions between students who energetically and lovingly refer back to the articles their fellow peers have contributed towards the intellectual library of this MSA. Al Bayyan has been much hyped, and rightfully so as it has been desired vehemently by the masses during Jumua, with people immediately flipping through the pages, being motivated by the articles, moved by the poetry, and humored by the entertainment section. All in all, this newsletter, like the MSA, belongs to you and so you must preserve its legacy by your continued support with either writing or simply reading. We are grateful that Allah has provided us and opportunity to contribute to our religious traditions and to spread Islam in as many ways as possible. We pray that Al Bayyan remains a highlight in every UIC student's time here and that they may learn from it and use their knowledge for the betterment of the world. Sincerely your editors, Medihah, Meryum, and Ashher.

23//MAY 2012

MEET YOUR NEW SHURA!! Name: Juvaria Shamsuddin Shura Position: Sister's President Year: Senior Interesting fact: If it breathes and walks, she'll hug it. Phrase: "huh? What's that?" / "I just had the worst day, alhamdulillah" Future Profession: Education in Democratic Society in Administration work and Wedding Planner Name: Umamah Fatima Position: Secretary Year: Junior Quote: “Pshh, I don’t care” Interesting fact: has a bedtime of 7 pm Future plans: Become a doctor then marry a “stay at home” man Name: Wasia Hussain Position: Food coordinator/treasurer Year: Senior Interesting Fact: She's an uncle at heart. Quote: "Swaggiee" "Girlll tallkkkkk" Future plans: ... Kids Name: Saima Yaseen Position: Sister's events Year: Junior Interesting Fact: Has a medal in everything possible #mashaAllahstatus Quote: “Actually, that sounds like fun” (nods) “Lets do it” Future Plans: Most renowned doctor in the world with a PHD in Chemistry and Spanish and an MBA Name: Medihah Syed Position: Sister's Education Year: Junior Interesting Fact: Has to repeat every story three times and is unnecessarily shady Quote: "Don’t worry about it" Future Plans: Visit grad school

24//MAY 2012

Name: Azfar Sharif Position: Brother's President Year: Junior Interesting Fact: Has the entire Lion King film memorized, able to recite dialogue on cue Quote: "Insert something deep, profound, and meaningful" Future Plans: Philosopher who moon lights as an a capella nasheed artist Name: Umair Haseeb Position: Public Outreach Year: Sophomore Interesting Fact: Always has backpack, can handle chopsticks Quote: "Real talk..." Future Plans: Lawyer or Professor Name: Adil Qaiser Position: Technology Year: Sophomore Interesting fact: ABG Quote: (warrior accent) " you come in here with your...get outta here!" Future plans: Film maker Name: Imran Qasim Position: Brother's Events Year: Sophomore Interesting Fact: Dresses to impress, cuts his own hair Quote: "Excuse me gay sir..." Future Plans: BioEngineer with his own clothing line Name: Ibrahim Afzal Position: Brother's Education Year: Sophomore Interesting Fact: Is able to turn any conversation into a khutba Quote: "....subhanAllah!" Future Plans: Have his own restaurant in Chicago called "Chai Town"

! ! S T

Ashi: Since you graduated, and have a lot of free time on your hands, don’t spend your day at the mall buying hijabs!!!! -Wasia

s. : yna en arm a Z op nd Q a C with ch!!! m u u n UI nd A me to ys so m A k u g la Ma lcomin s you g asia s e i -W or w nna m ks f o g n To All the Seniors who are a I’m Th Graduating, We will definitely MISS Hello Bush, YOU. These amazing years spend in Zabah Zabah Zabah your company were truly amazing -Your favorite freshie :) To our Backstreet Boys loving roommate Sana: and memorable! May Allah bless We finally won't have to watch Kabhi Kushi Kabhi You Guys and Grant you success in Hi Malak, Gham every night now that you're graduating. So this World and in Hereafter.Ameen!! You're Grrreat! proud of all that you've accomplished and the Keep us in Duas! -Your favorite freshie :) legacy you've left like a boss. We'll miss you, we -Salman Farouqui love you, 802 will never be forgotten...and neither will your cheese obsession. Nabeel: What the frick man? Your Leaving? xoxoxo, Khalid: Can You please pick up your Phone your 802 dips. once in a while atleast? Nour: We will surely Miss your Massages! I’m going to miss having my twin around...stay Adeeb: Adeeb stop being ........... ! popular, Niveen Rafay: I will miss seeing your Amazing GQ -Baian Jumuah Clothes on Friday! Abdul Mannan: Your Noor face will Without you guys, this year would not have been nearly as great and awesome as it be missed dearly! was! Thanks for making my first year at UIC an unforgettable one! Shout outs to my -Salman Farouqui lovely seniorsss go to Malak Awad, Anum Qaudri, Ethar Wahdan, Shreen Ayesh, Farha Siddiqui, Safa Khudeira, Qamile Sulejmani, Arshia Mazharuddin, Tahrer (don't know last name), Niveen Hilal, Bushra Syed, and Ayesha (Umamah's sister). May Massive congrats on graduating to Allah (swt) bless you girls! And special shout out to the greatest of all, my freshmen Asfia G, Asra H, Bushra, Ethar, girls Ayesha Farooqui and Warda Ayaz for getting through this year with so much Malak, Maryam H, Zayna and spirit! Last but definitely not least, Juvaria Shamsuddin, a great big shout out to you whoever else I left out (my bad). for everything you've done for me and everyone else mashAllah! Well done and best of luck next year Bayan inshallah! -Anum Qadri (AQ) CONGRATULATIONS TO:



Afia Shareef, Sarah Zaidi, Duaa Sharfi, Malak Awad, Shreen Ayesh, Manahil Malik, Ethar Wahdan, Sana Said, Quratulain annie ghani, Rabiya Ghani, Zayna Afifa, Bushra Syed, Safaa Salamah, Safa Khudeira, Anum Qadri, Razan Dafalla, Sara Solimon, Sana Ahmad, Fatemeh Alsharbini, Khadijah Khudeira, Haneen Khattab, Zainab Safvi, Sundus Azeem, Anam Shariff, Niveen Hilal, Amanie ali-abdallah, Nora Dawood, Alma Syed, Sarah Riaz, Suha Zoubeidi, Eman Matrieyah, Amber Memon, Seemab Navid, Nayab Navid, Maryam Qureshi, Imrose Kauser, Afreen Fatima, Ridaa Ali, Aemen Hussain, Neda Abid, Doah Abusara, Mahroo khan, Aisha Syeda, Arshia Mazhuruddin, Asfia Ghouse, Reema Darwish, Tujan Almasri, Saja El-Sharief, Elham Shekari, Asmaa Shafiq, Duai Ahmad, Tahrer Khalil, Asra Hasan, Sherry Barakat, Shiza Ahmed, Basmah Choudhary, Basima Ismail We’re going to miss you, graduates :) You’ve made UIC and MSA so much better and you’ll be really really missed. Stay loungendary forever! Best of luck with the real world—Juvaria, Wasia, Umamah, Hafsa, Medihah, Henna, Sehar, Meryum, Aysha Meena, Saima, Nida, Aqsa, Leena, and Reema

I want to give a shout out to the FRESHY girls. You ladies make me proud. Friendliest, kindest, and most humble group of ladies. mA. Loads of love to Maheen, Nayela, Ayesha, Bayan,Sana and Summaiya. – Bush To the most Desi Arab we've ever known, Safaa Salamah: Wallah bro, you're our favorite desi arab. This semester has been nothing without you and we miss you everyday. You have achieved so much here at UIC and we know you'll be a baller in the future iA iA. xoxoxo, Sana, Henna, Sehar, Leena, Aqsa,


Across 5. Wrestler, model 6. "free food, third floor" 8. Just married 11. Doesn't look like Mahair or Mazen but is "fly as hell, no jet" 12. Big guy, corny jokes 14. Mobird 18. Mohawk 20. Ex-president, African American...not really though 21. "excuse me sirrr" 22. Koala 24. OAK tree 25. Abdurrahman Abutaleb 29. balled with d-rose 32. "Is a zalameh" 33. greatest Hydro ever. SA 35. Wise, Quiet, MSA President 36. Safehr President 37. Water becomes pure after touching him 39. Masters student, genius, boss. 40. Coolest Yemeni at UIC 43. Looks like Mahair 45. Pokemon who will evolve into his brother, Rehan

Down 1. "Muntaserrrrrrrr" 2. "Can you imagine?" 3. Orlando Bloom 4. Tommy from movie "Warrior" 5. "daaaanng" in a soft voice 7. "Wo Humsafar thaaa" 9. The Professor 10. Ahmad Noweder during the night 12. "Can I borrow pencil?" 13. Lamboo 15. "Frik!" 16. Harvey,Il+huge family+gujrati 17. Will be transforming into "Adult Guy" soon 19. maqaam videos 23. Freshman, senior's younger brother, should chill more 26. Meathead problems 27. I think he was president.... 28. "No youuuuu!!!" 30. Looks like Mazen 31. Nicest guy on the planet 34. "Say Wallah the sky is blue"...then funny laugh 38. "Real talk" 41. Looks far too much like a scholar to not be one 42. Looks like Tom Brady 44. A crazy statement immediately followed by “I’m just joking!”


Across 2. Loudest person on campus 7. Same birthday as her sister 8. All black everything 10. Only pre-med student whose actually bound to get into med school 12. Always manages to look angry 13. Snazzy & wazzy 15. Cutest owl alive. 16. Germaphobe 17. Ms. Eye 18. Experienced procrastinator 19. SJP President 21. She's got problems AND she's non-z 23. More spanish than Spain itself 25. "Hey buddy!" 27. Chobbani spokesperson 28. "Little B" 30. Fobbed out niqabi 32. As fun as she is tall 35. Funsized Down 1. Has watched k3g more times than the entire desi community 3. “Me-me” coordinator 4. Lives in architecture building more than her own apartment 5. 5.8 GPA 6. Bakes best cookies for bake sale 9. Youngest to graduate 11. Backbone of MSA 14. Has a heart as big as her backpack 15. Cannot walk without heels

20. Belieber for life 22. "chillin bro" 24. Mobster 26. Future President of the US 29. Bullies seniors for fun 31. "Buy or bake!!!!!!" 33. "Shoo, don't worry about it!" 34. Shura wife

27//MAY 2012






Nabeel Bhatti

Nabeel Bhatti

Nabeel Bhatti


Comic by: Maheen Ahmed

Illustration by: Nida Iftekaruddin Comic by: Haroon Chaudhry

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