September Issue 2012

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 "The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." [Muslim] Photo Courtesy of Nida Iftekaruddin



September 2012

Issue 1



September 2012

“The ‘norm’ for humanity is love. Brutality is an aberration. We are not sinners by nature. We learn to be bad. We are taught to stray from our good paths. We are made to be crazy by other people who are also crazy and who draw for us a map of the world, which is ugly, negative, fearful, and crazy.” Jack D. Forbes

Peace What is peace? What is it to me and in my religion of Islam? How do I work towards peace in my life? These are questions that we should be thinking about on a daily basis. To start with the very basic, the term Islam itself is derived from the word “salaam” meaning peace. Amazing isn’t it? The very name of this religion is peace. That being said, we should think about expanding this horizon not just within our religion, but also include other religions, especially the religions of the Sons of Abraham: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. At a young age, I was taught about this and by the time I grew up, peace and striving for peace was like second nature to me. I like to see others happy… that puts me at peace. I like to help whenever I am given the opportunity… that puts me at peace. I like to meet people and make grounds and religions… that puts me at peace. The littlest of

phone and sending a text message. It takes a moment to send a text and it only take a moment to turn to the person next to you, smile and share a kind “hello”. Try it. By doing this you not only put a smile on your neighbors face, you also put a smile on Gods face. world, but this is also the time to remember that we make no or culture…we all come together as one in the belief of God. With this, I would like to refer back to the Quran once more to a verse that states: “Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Abraham and Ismail and Isaac and Jacob and the Tribes, and (in) that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit”

for me, but for each and every one of you. God is always whether it’s 5% or 95%, he only knows. It is even mentioned in the Quran:

OF THEM. My wish is to see our communities shine bright with light, shine bright with happiness and shine bright with peace. That is why it should be a constant reminder to us

an even more courteous greeting, or (at least) of equal courtesy. Allah takes careful account of all things”

brothers and sisters with expectations, goals, and accomplishments. Although each and every one of you comes

time someone has greeted you and you have kindly smiled and greeted them back; God has taken each and every one of those greetings into account and brought you closer to His favor. Similar verses exist in other faiths for everyone who holds a place in his or her heart for God. The three holy religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam all share that one big similarity, we believe in One God and that is what should bring us all closer together as one. Having peace is one amazing trait, but sharing it with everyone around you is

see peace. In Islam, it is often encouraged to keep peace between fellow brothers and sisters. Thinking about it for a little bit, I see it easy enough to not only be incorporated in the Islamic religion, but also in Christianity and Judaism. Coming together to achieve peace is as important as paying this months house bills. Without paying the bills, the home would not function… without Peace, the world would not be a happy place. Let’s keep it a happy place by sharing those smiles and kind greetings to our neighbors. I hope that we can strive to see the joy of peace spread widely throughout and sharing all the peace is as simple as pulling out your cell our communities and in the world as a whole. -Rund Daoud


Issue 1


September 2012

COMBATTINGISLAMAPHOBIA AT THEGRASSROOTSLEVEL I was going to write an article with tips about how to make the habits established during Ramadan, replete with reminders of the many opportunities we have - even those of us busy with jobs or families - to sit down and read even a little Qur’an or do some dhikr (remembrance of God) or dua (supplications). (As a side note: duas are especially needed for our brothers and sisters who access to food, clean water, stable shelter, and educational and economic opportunities in so many places around the world; may Allah ease their pain and improve the situation of all of them.) And truthfully that’s only really one part of it. Ramadan is also about bad aspects of ourselves, whether it is a propensity to lie, backbite, get angry easily, smoke, or drink, for example. When writing

well-funded voices of hate. We might be thinking that Average Joes must be so dumb for buying into the garbage being peddled by these guys, but we absence of any other information, will just accept what they see on TV or hear on the radio and use that to inform their beliefs. The media does not do us any favors by giving airtime to Islamophobes and dedicating extensive airtime and resources to stories that play into their narrative, like stories of “homegrown terror” plots. In a society obsessed with spectacle, the media will always prefer to air stories with shock value, rather than the condemning terrorism and declaring that it has no place in Islam (yawn).

already know these things and are currently working on all of this, Alhamdulillah (all praise is for God). I deleted what I had already

What are we to do? It might seem kind of hopeless, but the fears,

And then the topic hit me, over and over again, within the span of a few short and eventful days.

primarily stems from ignorance. In general, we have not done a very good job of showing people what Muslims really are like (or

First, there was a tragic shooting at a gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Wisconsin by a white supremacist, killing six Sikh worshippers. Very soon after, a mosque in Joplin, MO was burned to the ground. Then, pig’s feet were thrown at a mosque in California while Muslims were praying there. Then, Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) agreed with a person at a town hall meeting in Elk Grove Village who was concerned about the threat of Islam in America, and added onto that argument by proclaiming that radical Muslims in Chicago’s suburbs were “trying to kill Americans every week.” aging the brick exterior. It is clear that the situation has deteriorated quickly, and these problems are here and now, at our very doorstep.

the knowledge void. The depressing poll numbers about public fear/distrust of Muslims seem to stem from another poll number: 62% of Americans polled said they do not personally know a Muslim American. That is almost two-thirds of the country! And what about those respondents, who do, in fact, know a Muslim American personally? That group’s percentage of people having negative perceptions of Muslims is drastically lower. Knowledge is power.

In the aftermath of the gurdwara shooting, several news reports made sure to explain that Sikhs are not Muslims, intimating, perhaps, that the senseless violence would have made more sense had the victims been Muslims. If you look closely, you will see that too many people in our country are consciously or unconsciously painting Islam and Muslims with the same brush - that we are all supposedly a threat to America and the American way of life, or that we all share in some kind of collective blame for the actions of a few very misguided people. We are that mysterious “other” that politicians love to scare people with to score votes from ignorant people. Rep. Joe Walsh chose his language carefully when scaremongering about Muslims trying to kill Americans - he implied that Muslims cannot be Americans; Muslims are one group (ingroup). Of course, this could not be farther from the truth. We are both Muslim and American, and proudly so. Yet politicians and well-funded Islamophobic hate groups have been their goal: a September 2011 poll by the Public Religion Research Institute showed that 47% believe that Islam’s values are at odds with American values, and 41% would be uncomfortable if a teacher at an elementary school in their community was Muslim. These are just two examples that give some insight into the attitudes and fears that the average (non-Muslim) American has about us and our faith. It is incredibly saddening and frightening that anti-Muslim sentiment in this country, having been on the decline since 9/11, has reared its ugly head once again and has risen drastically since 2010, due to dedicated, vocal, and

How many of us have non-Muslim friends and acquaintances? How many of us personally know and interact regularly with our non-Muslim neighbors? Coworkers? Classmates? How many of us have invited a non-Muslim friend or neighbor over to our house for dinner? Or, in the spirit of Ramadan, for iftar (the fast-breaking meal at sunset)? If you have been doing these kinds of things, good for you. Keep it up. For the rest of us, myself included: we have got some work to do. Every opportunity that of us has the powerful ability to be “brand ambassadors” for our faith. We are proud of our faith and blessed to have been given it, and if we are awesome, then gosh darn it, we should not keep our awesomeness to ourselves. We have an obligation to not only be good Muslims on the inside, whether that’s inside our homes or our mosques or our hearts, but also to be good Muslims on the outside. Of course we might not be the best Muslims, but we should strive to be, and that includes perfecting our character, integrity, and manners. If we can do that - or even just try our best to do that - and reach out and engage the non-Muslims around us, we can do our community a great service. I am not talking about running and telling your neighbors that you are Muslim and that you have such-and-such good qualities. Not only would that be weird, but it would also your neighbors in a friendly conversation, learning more about showing them through action how a Muslim conducts him- or herself. It will eventually come up that you are Muslim and at that moment, you have the power to make that person really believe that Muslims simply cannot be as evil or un-American as Islamophobes say we are. It is kind of like Inception, except used for good.


Issue 1

September 2012


While it might seem odd for one person to have such a big impact on another’s beliefs like that, that is exactly the way human psychology works. People always remember and always bring up vivid anecdotes. Imagine for a second, hypothetically, that almost all Muslims are bad people. If your neighbor knows you well, and knows you are a Muslim and a good person, you will forever stick out in their head as the exception to the rule. And they will always think of you when someone makes a blanket statement against Muslims: “Well, I know this one young woman, and she’s not like that at all...” “But my neighbor Ahmed is such a sweet boy...” And that is how we can show people what Islam is all about - being a responsible, active citizen, committed to one’s family and friends, striving one’s utmost to be a truthful, helpful, generous, and compassionate person. And all of that is due to our commitment to the commandments of Allah and the clear example set by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, peace

be upon him).

When this Ramadan ends, we should all inshaAllah (if God wills) do our best to leave this month with aspirations to be the best to reach out to our non-Muslim neighbors, coworkers, classmates, friends, and relatives, and convincingly prove to them that our faith enriches our lives and the lives of others, by being good Muslims in word and deed. We can all be that clear, positive counterexample that really gets non-Muslims to question and ultimately reject any kind of false argument about Muslims being dangerous, violent, misogynistic, deceitful, or whatever else Islamophobes and some politicians try to smear us with. If they close that door, then the doors of hatred, anger, and attendant violence will close with it, inshaAllah (if God wills). I pray that Allah keeps us all safe and makes us a united and prosperous Ummah (community). -Sir. E. S. Lee

SAFEHR-UIC (Students for the advancement of freedom, equality, and human rights) is a special organization with the purpose of brining awareness to world-wide issues ranging from disaster relief to the ending of violence and injustice in a number of nations. For example, we focus on the atrocities being committed against Burma and Syria, just to name a couple. We are students who actively look for ways to better the world by bettering the community around us; we continually donate food to local food pantries, and collaborate monthly with the UIC-MSA in Project Downtown, a productive day of distributing food and smiles to the unfortunate people in Chicago. Ask anyone who been to one and they will have only positive things to say about that lovely experience! Our organization is open to anyone, especially those who have a strong drive to see a change in the world. SAFEHR is designed to benefit the world around us, a purpose that coincides with our job as responsible Muslims. In fact, it coincides with our purpose of being responsible human beings, ready and willing to contribute to a better world. Join SAFEHR and see a whole new world of opportunity open to you and a canvas to paint out all your desires for a better Earth! Find us on Facebook: Safehr.uic President: Syed Imran Husseini Vice-President: Mustafa Jibawi Treasurer: Hossam El-Shikh Secretary: Ashher Masood Ambassador: Wizz Khalyfa Event Coordinator: Zubair Asgar Project Downtown Coordinator: Saima Yaseen Public Outreach: Firelord Ozai Salahuddin & Mohammed Ain Haq Communications: Ayesha Qazi


Issue 1

TRIVIAL ACTIONS can have IMMEASURABLE OUTCOMES I used to work as a shift leader at a Dunkin Donuts during my high school years. Every week there was an old man that came into my store - his name is Mark. Mark is a picky old man that forgets things - he often calls me “George” (my name is Ehab). He gives the clerks a hard time, asking for special things, and being an overall curmudgeon. No one wants to help him - but I was nice to him one day and ever since that day, he comes in asking if “George” is around. One day while I was helping him he told me that he had lost his wife several years back and that he forgets things and that it’s generally lousy being old. No secret there, but he’s lonely and I felt bad for him. I often gave him special service that takes a great deal of time -- it can be a pain in the neck at times, and my co-workers sometimes gave One week I was helping Sid when he asked me to take it, looked me dead in the eye and said: “Thank you for being my friend.” I started to well up, telling him that he was a nice man. It’s not to much that I’m doing something incredibly nice for Sid, or even that it’s the nicest thing I’ve ever done - it’s simthe impact of simple actions some people. I honestly had no idea that what I was doing was so important to him. -Ehab Aleid


September 2012

What does it take to kill a man?

What does it take to look into someone’s eyes in his last moments of life, as the dark angel of death stands before him, slowly take a knife to his throat and gracefully slide it along the veins protruding from his neck? A man will do anything in his last moments in order to save himself from a homicidal fate. He will think of his brothers, sisters, wife, kids, mother and father and remember that he will no longer be able to see them grow old and ing the sharp blade and a piercing glow in your eyes as the darkness of savagery overcomes you, it would take suppression of every thought of compassion, mercy, humanity, empathy and moral conduct to steal his universal right to life. But most importantly, it takes an idea. During the Vietnam War, the Americans would look into the eyes of the Vietnamese and family and love that was waiting for them when they returned home, that was, if they returned home. On the contrary, the Vietnamese would look into the eyes of the Americans

purpose, whereas the Vietnamese fought for an idea. When they felt the cold metal of the closer to freedom, independence and the attaining of a goal they set for themselves, all stemming from an idea. as ink to write the most important history of your life. We all possess the ability to write a history, some take advantage and others watch the train of opportunity pass by.

is the same passion that gave courage to the 40000 men that stood in front of 150000 lived, died and preached for 63 years. Our youth gives us advantage in matters of passion, responsibility and social justice.

had our beloved brothers and sisters running into battle, raising families and leading cities RasulAllah. What do we stand for? and realize that our religion is a religion of progress is the day we stop moping about trivial matter of gender relations, meat and moon sighting and begin to focus on bigger issues at hand like the problem of abuse in our communities, losing our deen and the seal over our hearts. When we attach ourselves to an idea, to a value, to a mission, we become something else entirely. We will no longer be a mass of voices, we will become 1 voice, as We are not the future. We are the present. Because we can make a contribution starting to promote our mission statement of advocating good character and calling to Allah. When committed, with our lives, we can look injustice, oppression, transgression and social progress. What does it take to kill a man? What does it take to look into someone’s eyes in his last moments of life, as the dark angel of death stands before him, slowly take a knife to his throat and gracefully slide it along the veins protruding from his neck? An idea.


Issue 1

September 2012


TOTHECHILDRENOFPALESTINE No home, no place to call your own A land once yours, now littered with bones Bones of those who you once knew Martyrs, killed within your own view Family gone and torn apart Wishing their safety with all of your heart Doing all you can to keep yourselves alive As you search for water and food You remember a time before this feud Before occupation and war, terror and fear When you were able to hold your loved ones so near A time when you played near the olive trees Not a single worry on your mind, feeling so free A time when you’d play with your neighbor and best friend Until the day you saw him meet his own end A time you remember the warmth of your mother’s arms When she’d hold you, assure your safety from harm A time you’d come to a home with a roof over your head With someone who loved you and tucked you into bed A time when laughter was a common sound Not bombs constantly hitting the ground Your once lively home turned into a grave Families now taking refuge in caves Your homeland attacked and taken by might

Protesters in Palestine this past summer. Photo courtesy of Alia Mohammad

SHOVELMEUNDER I saw a soul wandering around for a new home, its owner had abandoned it. Dig deep, it needs shelter…but what is this I hear? Tick, tock, tick, tock—Death is near. Thirsting to kidnap this lost soul. Is it really death’s victim? We arise from earth and soil, but return to it soon. It’s a dream-like thing, this world of ours, Like a summer’s day in June. A grave is expecting a guest today. It might be you; you’ll have special service. After all, it’s your underground throne, dug especially for you alone. The others will join you in a while, They cannot stay for a long time,

your place isn’t where they belong…YET! Soldiers pointing their weapons at your father’s face Taking your older brother away and not leaving a trace

But rocks being your only weapon, with pride you do your share You do what you can to claim back your homeland stand With every rock thrown, you remember those lost Knowing your actions could come with a cost Fighting, you see bodies fall Hoping and praying you’ll stay standing tall It matters not what happens to yourself But you know you must remain for those who seek your help Protecting those you have left in your life Seeing them in pain cuts through you like a knife Remembering this, your heart races like a drum It’s hard to remain hopeful through all of this pain At times you feel like it’s hard to keep sane But don’t give up hope, remain strong and pray For our hearts go out to you each and every day Children of Palestine, the poem is for you May God grant you victory and happiness soon. -Sabrin Jaber and Aiam Jaber

For them, you’re just another corpse. Your only friends now are the worms, Because don’t forget, you are their supper And this is your new home. Your screams will not be heard, Five-fathoms under; But perhaps your deeds Will grant you a timeless slumber. Keep in mind, your grave has waited for you (a long time), It doesn’t like guests who come empty-handed. Make sure you greet it with your prayers To spare yourself from its unwelcomed terrors. Don’t worry about tomorrow, You’re only a temporary guest, who will become ashes that’ll scatter. But did you prepare them to where they’re heading after? We all die, it doesn’t matter. We are the remains at the end of the day. Time’s scythe will always wait to reap his aged-seeds every day. -Danah Agha



Issue 1

September 2012




What's a good way to take time out of a hectic school week to read Quran? Sincerely, Discombobulated Undergrad Student

What makes UIC MSA better than all other MSAs in the Chicagoland area? Sincerely, Big Man on Campus

Dear Discombobulated, With school starting to get into the full swing of things and teachers starting to pile on work, it is easy to forget what really matters. One good way to keep in touch with the Quran is to set aside at least a half an hour everyday where you can just break from everything and sit down to read. This can either be a random half-hour that you choose or you could set aside time after a prayer. Instead of getting up from your rug

Dear Big Man, Oh that is easy. UIC’s MSA is better than all the MSAs out there because we have the best group of Muslims making up the family. No matter what kind of predicament you can always count on your brothers and sisters of the UIC MSA to help you out. Plus, we have an amazing shura to guide us and create amazing bonding events AND we have the best newsletter where you can submit your articles and opinions and become famous! Sincerely, Ms. T



What is love? Sincerely, American Born Confused Desi Dear American, Baby don’t hurt me. Don’t hurt me. No more. Just kidding. of love, they all have the same basic foundation. Love is when you have a deep and personal connection with another being. It is when you have a concern for the other person that is equal to or more than the concern that you have for yourself. Humans cannot survive without love, be it familial, platonic or romantic. So take some time out to tell someone you care about that you love them because without love, we would all fall. Love, Mr. R

take the Quran and read for a half an hour. It is a great way to just recharge and de-stress if school is getting to be too much for you. Good luck! Have questions? Mr. Reese and Ms. Therese have answers! Email them to Ms. T "Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things."- Prophet Muhammad (s) in his last sermon. I have observed for a while quite a lot of -



-Alia Mohammad


Issue 1


September 2012

Save Humanity and Overthrow the Ruthless Dictator W within You Oh the worldwide atrocities committed at the behest of man! When will we wake up from the continuous alarm provided by the Most Merciful? I won’t attempt to list all the tragedies that have occurred or are occurring but if you’re able to even read this, then you have it better than a big chunk of the global population (which is approaching 7 billion human beings by the way). Maybe I’ll be able to get my point across if we take this a step back and just look at the United States, where we have numerous issues of our own. Just to name one (out of a list of many), the worry and fear many Americans stress over is in regards to the lack of employment opportunities. The scarcity of jobs combined with the ever increasing average college student debt is unfortunately another reality ready to pounce on our ability to attain some type of point? Well, allow me to take this even further and just observe Chicago. This summer the amount of gun violence and murders that have occurred in our very own backyards, in a country that prides itself on freedom and is one of the wealthiest civilizations in the history of mankind, should strike a chord with us that something isn’t right here. Again, this is yet another wakeup call. Alhamdulilah! How merciful is our Lord who time and time again comes from oppression. Time and time again how many of our mothers around the world must see their children die of starvation?! How many of our fathers must be butchered by ruthless dictators?! How many of our brothers must die turning to gangs and guns because the systematic oppression of racism and economic inequality has provided them little hope to be able to put food on the table? How many of our sisters must be raped here and abroad due to the oppressive diseases within the heart of men?! Until we realize that oppression of any kind whether globally or locally, whether it’s stemming from dictators, drones, economic systems, or society’s view on how we should look, how much we should dress, or how much we should weigh, cannot be tolerated, the reminders from the Most Merciful will continue to come. And if you’ve noticed these wake up calls are like no other wakeup calls. These reminders are for US and they come at the Well, with all these points made hopefully you have a better idea of what I’m trying to get at, but if not lets step back even further and analyze the true source of the world’s evil albeit the most important solution to all the challenges and issues facing us today: Our self. We are very quick to say or point out any acts of oppression we witness locally or abroad as should be the case. As Muslims we are obligated to correct what is wrong even if that be through our tongues or thoughts alone. But why is it when it comes to the oppression done to ourselves we are heedless. We don’t even take the time to realize we are oppressing ourselves even given the intellect that Allah (swt) has provided us. On a daily basis we oppress our bodies physically and spiritually. Much of our diets these days are comprised of synthetic chemicals, processed corn, and sugars. We inhale things we shouldn’t be inhaling and we drink things we shouldn’t be drinking. We tend to over eat our meals, and when it comes to exercising we enjoy lounging around and being lazy. With all this oppression we are committing against our bodies we then are surprised that our very own organs and cells have staged a revolt against us through means of diseases and cancers. We oppress our eyes by looking at things that shouldn’t be looked at (particularly on the internet). We oppress our hands by using them in ways we shouldn’t be using them, we oppress our sexual organs by using them in ways that goes contrary to the Shariah. We oppress our tongue by talking about one another in a negative manner and we oppress our minds by disrespecting

much we disagree with it. The list can literally go on and on and by no means am I trying to degrade any of us dealing with one or all of these issues. Nor am I trying to say that as humans this is all that we do. The bottom line is we have our own inner struggles that are oppressing us from reaching our potential. Therefore, the dictator we need to overthrow isn’t overseas. It’s the dictator and the oppressor within us that must go before anyone else. The picture I have painted regarding the state of the world and the state of the individual is quite dismal. However, if you think that we are hopeless or doomed, then again, you are oppressing yourself from the grand mercy of Allah (swt). The reason I painted such a portrait of us is twofold. First, each one of use has some type of issue we are dealing with, some type of oppression we are waging on ourselves. Second, whatever our oppressive state maybe, it is holding us back from reaching our true potential. We are all dealt a set of cards of which we have no control over. Our God-given intelligence, our physical ability, how tall or short we are, how rich or poor, what race we come from, if we have one parent, two parents or no parents. The list can go on and on and similarly we have no control over such instances. Thus, without hesitation we say Mash’Allah. The Prophet (pbuh) was dealt his cards as well and by no means was his any easy; however one thing to take note of is that his character remained unchanged and to this day unmatched! If we didn’t spend our time oppressing ourselves but rather spent that time developing our character and compassion towards one another (like that of the Prophet (pbuh)) will there not be a positive impact within us?? And if we collectively do this as a UIC MSA community what better way of giving Dawah than replicating the character and compassion of the Most Beloved?! Is it then not possible for UIC as a whole to be positively impacted similarly to how regions and countries were impacted centuries ago as Islam spread?! And if UIC were to be impacted will this not have frivolous and nonsensical matters between gangs be quenched here like it was quenched between tribes in Arabia during the Prophet’s time? And if Chicago is impacted in such a way can it not have an impact on the surrounding regions and states and ultimately the United States? And if such positive change transformed our country do you not think that such positive change can occur in the world?! Would the U.S. allow people to dictators and regimes?! Would it tolerate any injustices occurring domestically or abroad regardless of race, gender and religion?! Allahu-alim. Call it unreasonable or super idealistic, but I don’t think it’s a acter, etiquette, and compassion would result in a change around the world for the better. Just look into Islamic history a bit further can only happen if we direct our energy away from oppressing ourselves to developing ourselves as servants of Allah (swt). Granted, changing the world in this manner will take a long, long time to develop, but it has to start somewhere right? So if you want to save humanity, start by overthrowing the dictator within you (I remind myself as well)! Otherwise the pain of this world will continue to occur and get worse only as a merciful reminder from Allah (swt) that a bigger and much more painful day will come to all of us. So let’s wake up from our sleep, we know what we have to do, it’s just a matter of implementation. Will we continue with our mistakes? Absolutely. Can we overcome them? Of course we can! But we need to start small and we need to start with ourselves. InshAllah, we can do this! -Abdullah


Issue 1


September 2012

Thumbs up to One Direction…………praying in one direction that is Thumbs up to making wudu……wiping away sins one splash at a time Thumbs up to smiling at the Albayaan memes……it’s sunnah! Thumbs up to the MSA bake sale….donating money never tasted this good Thumbs up to getting into med school……let the rishta’s pour in Thumbs up to dunkin donuts…….getting us through school one hash brown at a time Thumbs down not sure Thumbs downto toBurrito Taylor Bravo.............Still Food Mart…….I ordered a burger whygrease the tortilla is green. not Thumbs down to the guy who stole my slippers during taraweeh at the masjid……you rascal Thumbs down to Aamir Khan…………..I thought you were 6 foot Thumbs down to smart phones…………..5 hours of battery doesn’t seem very smart Thumbs down to not wearing deodorant…..yes, I do smell that

Haroon Chaudhry


Issue 1


September 2012

Welcome to another year of UIC! We hope you achieve all the goals you have set for yourself and truly prosper in all the ways you wish! We are Al Bayyan, the MSA’s official newsletter. We are a student run paper dedicated to the belief that as university students, we are responsible for expressing our thoughts in whatever way or form. Writing is one of the best ways to express our deep thoughts or political ideas. Al Bayyan is a meeting place for all these profound thoughts and ideas. We urge all of our members and nonmembers to contribute to this amazing newsletter in whichever way they desire! Poetry, stories, essays, riddles, pictures, paintings, memes, comics, and much more! This year we have decided to accept instagramed pictures and will use the top voted three for our front cover! Have questions, ask Mr. Reese for answers. Also, top articles receive free items at amazing MSA bake-sales! We urge you to write and if not, then read to thoughts of your fellow brothers and sisters. Let’s make Al Bayyan just as good as or better than last year’s! A special thanks to all those who contributed to our first issue, if you can’t seem to find your article, do not despair, we have either decided to save it for another issue or posted it to our blog

EDITORIALSTAFF BAIAN TBAKHIeditor in chief doesn’t like that being tall is her interesting fact. ASHHER MASOODeditor20 years old and in his 5th year at UIC SEHAR PAYAeditorinteresting meaning to her last name...cow feet? HAROON CHAUDHRYeditorcould probably bench three of you. t or Just another average brown guy. ADIL QAISARedi FOLLOW US ONTWITTER@albayyanuic


“Every Muslim carries their imaan in their hearts; now it is time to carry it on our sleeves. It is up to our generation to bring sunnah back!” For more info visit: LIKE Facebook/Twitter OR contact/fb message: FunSized Farooqui


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