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2022 ABC Conference & Trade Show - Save The Date


2022 ABC Conference & Trade Show

December 1 & 2, 2022 Fantasyland Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta

We are pleased to extend an invitation to all beekeepers, industry, exhibitors, and sponsors to join us at the 88th Annual ABC Conference & Trade Show event, taking place at the Fantasyland Hotel, Edmonton, this December 1 & 2, 2022.

The annual ABC Conference and Trade Show is viewed as one of the top beekeeping industry events in Canada, providing beekeepers with the perfect opportunity to learn the latest in honey bee health research, best management practices, innovation, industry updates, and connect with friends, suppliers, and industry.

The 2022 Conference and Trade Show event is two full days of informative, engaging, and entertaining sessions and activities, so head over to our website to discover the line-up of this year’s speakers and event information to date: https://www.albertabeekeepers.ca/ about/2022-conference-trade-show/

Tickets on-sale shortly!


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