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Notice of the 2023 ABC Annual General Meeting
The Alberta Beekeepers Commission Annual General Meeting (AGM) is taking place at the Fantasyland Hotel, Edmonton on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 10.30am – 5:00pm. This event is only open to Eligible Producers of the ABC, and is FREE to attend. Breaks and lunch will be provided, followed by a complimentary drinks reception at the conclusion of the AGM.
For all the details, please visit: https://www.albertabeekeepers.ca/about/2023-abc-annual-general-meeting/
Nominations for the 2023/ 2024 ABC Board of Directors
The Alberta Beekeepers Commission (ABC) is seeking FOUR new board members to join the ABC Board of Directors this November 2023. The ABC board of directors is comprised of nine directors as outlined in the ABC Plan Regulation, including:
• 4 regional directors, one regional director being elected for each region;
• 5 Directors at Large
We are seeking nominations from 2023 Eligible Producers for the following FOUR positions:
• 2 Director at Large positions
• Regional Director: South Region
• Regional Director: NE Central Region
Visit our website now for all the details and to download and complete the nomination form https://www.albertabeekeepers.ca/about/2023-abc-annual-general-meeting/
As per the Alberta Beekeepers Commission Bylaws, nominations for the position of director may also be made on the floor at the at 2023 AGM provided that:
• the nomination is seconded by at lease five eligible producers present at the meeting,
• and the eligible producer being nominated gives his or her oral consent to being nominated.
2023 Resolutions
Please take a moment to review the NEW ABC Resolution Policy that outlines the requirements and guidelines for submitting a resolution.
To submit a resolution, please download and complete the 2023 ABC Resolution submission form. All completed resolutions must be received by ABC by Wednesday, November 16, 2022 (10 days prior to the AGM).
2023 ABC Annual Hive Levy
The ABC’s Fiscal Year is September 1 to August 31. The ABC will commence invoicing beekeepers (Eligible Producers) the annual hive levy and membership fee in September 2023.
Annual hive levy invoices will be emailed and posted in hard copy to all Eligible Producers with 100 or more live colonies.
For more information about the annual service charge and the regulations that govern the Commission, please visit: https://www.albertabeekeepers.ca/producer-resources/abcmembership/
Still need to register your hives for 2023?
If you have not registered your bees and/or beekeeping equipment for 2023, please take a moment to visit the Government of Alberta Honey bee health and apiculture page via https://www.alberta.ca/beekeeping-registration. aspx to register.
For troubleshooting, questions, or help, please contact: Bee Health Assurance Team
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry 1-780-644-8746, bee@gov.ab.ca www.alberta.ca/bees-and-apiculture.aspx
2023 – 2024 Public Liability Insurance
In partnership with the Cooperators General Insurance Company, ABC offers a limited form of business liability to subscribing Eligible Producers.
If you are interested in learning more and taking advantage of the special ABC negotiated rate, please visit our website for all the policy info and application form: https://www.albertabeekeepers.ca/producer-resources/insurance/