A Winning Combination:
Connect+ Collaborate + Conserve ► by Kelsey Cartwright, MSc
Riparian areas
across the landscape are vital. These pathways enable movement for species from one area to the next, while the water itself is a life source for wildlife and fish alike. A vibrant vegetation buffer near waterbodies reduces runoff rates, sedimentation, and nutrient loading. It also provides essential habitat resources (read food and shelter) for many wildlife species. Enter the Connectivity Project, a joint effort between Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) and St. Mary River Irrigation District (SMRID). The project aims to improve the water quality of SMRID’s 18 reservoirs in southern Alberta by re-establishing vegetative buffers, or enhancing existing ones, around the reservoirs—good for wildlife, fish, and the people who enjoy them.
Healthy Riparian Zone Raymond Reservoir photo: ACA
Healthy Riparian Habitat Chin Reservoir photo: ACA