Looking Back
Serin Girard of River Bend GC
For 25 years, the McLennan Ross Alberta Junior Tour has been a fantastic opportunity for young golfers in the province to get their first exposure to the world of junior golf competition. As they progress through the learning tree of junior golf, some of these youngsters will rise to the top of the pyramid and represent Alberta in national and international events. Others may not necessarily achieve that level of success on the course, but all of these kids have the chance to become not only better golfers, but better people, from their exposure to junior golf.
Tour Talk Jalen Apedoe of Serenity GC
We have interviewed three fathers of young golfers who have started down the path of junior golf development. We wanted to get the perspectives of the parents of these young people about their respective family’s involvement with the Tour and junior golf in general.
By Dunc Mills
Ken Rohr of Camrose is the father of 12-year-old Nicole, who will be entering her third year on the Tour in 2021. Brett Girard of Red Deer is the father of Serin, age 11, who plays at River Bend GC and who will be going into her sophomore season on the Tour this summer. Andrew Apedoe of Serenity GC in Calgary is the father of son Jalen, age 12, who played his first Tour event in 2018. Q. When did your child start to play on the Tour and how many events did he or she compete in last year? KR: Nicole played two events in 2018 to get her first exposure to tournaments. She played in 13 Tour events in 2020. BG: The 2020 season was Serin’s first on Tour. I think she competed in eight events this past summer.
The Alberta Golfer 2021