Cognitive impairment in Cerebral Palsy

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Understanding Cerebral Palsy

● Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to a group of disorders that impair a child’s posture, balance, and mobility.

● It is caused by abnormal brain development or irreparable damage to the developing brain.

● It usually occurs in-utero or shortly after birth.

Motor symptoms of CP

● Incontinence

● Exaggerated movements

● Floppy or stiff limbs

● Involuntary movements and/or tremors

● Dysphagia

● Excessive drooling

Neurological symptoms of CP

● Delayed motor skill development

● Visual/hearing difficulties

● Cognitive impairment

○ Speech and language delay

○ Behavioral issues

○ Sensory dysregulation

What is cognitive function?

The ability to learn and reason (process and information), acquire knowledge through experiences, the five senses, and thoughts.

Cognitive impairment in Cerebral Palsy

● Children with CP may or may not experience cognitive dysfunction

● Its extent and severity differ on a case to case basis

Symptoms of cognitive impairment in CP

Speech and language impairment

The child may be able to comprehend what is being said, but may find it difficult to communicate their response correctly.

They may be able to recognise hunger cues, but may not know how to say that they are hungry.

This can also lead to delayed emotional development.

Symptoms of cognitive impairment in CP

Behavioral Issues

Emotional outbursts, anxiety, anger, etc. are common symptoms of cognitive impairment.

The child may feel singled out due to their learning difficulties. As a result they may feel threatened and lash out at their family and/or peers.

The child may feel uncomfortable or misunderstood. But they are unable to communicate how they feel.

Symptoms of cognitive impairment in CP

Sensory difficulties

Similar to sensory processing disorder and sensitivity issues in children with Autism, cognitive impairment in CP can also cause sensory difficulties.

The child may find it challenging to adjust and feel safe in different environments.

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy

At Plexus Neuro and Stem Cell Research Centre, we offer four levels of cognitive rehabilitation therapy that can greatly benefit your child. The four levels are -

● Education

● Process training

● Strategy training

● Functional activities training

Other therapies to improve cognitive function -

● Developmental therapy

● Early intervention therapy

● Occupational therapy

● Speech and language therapy

‘How will my child benefit from Plexus’ CP rehabilitation Program?’ Consistent therapy through rehabilitation will help your child to:

● Move around independently

● Better their social and communication skills

● Become self-sufficient when it comes to daily activities like bathing, eating, dressing, etc.

● Improve their speech

● Improve their play skills and boost overall development

● Gain self-confidence

● Prevent the development of contractures and joint deformities

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