Albert Chavez Portfolio 2012

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AlbertChavez Architecture Portfolio


Albert Chavez Contact Info Email : Web : AlbertChavez.Net Phone : (818) 231-9486

Location North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Education Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA 2005-2012 Los Angeles Valley College, Valley Glen, CA 2006-2007 Grant High School, Valley Glen, CA 2001-2005

Honors Governer's Scholarship 2002 Tape Space project featured in PCC Courier 2011

Relevant Experience Design Tech Summer 2011 PCC Summer Design Program Professor Deborah Bird Architecture Design Studio Spring 2012 PCC Architecture Design Fundamentals 10A Professor Deborah Bird Design Tech Spring 2012 Fabrication Lab Tech and Teachers Assistant Professor Deborah Bird & Professor Solomon Davila

Software Experience Rhinoceros 3D Maxwell Render V-ray for Rhino Google Sketchup AutoCAD Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Dreamweaver Pro Tools

Table Of Contents Boiler House Architectural Design 20B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011


Places of Protest Architectural Design 20A Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011


Surface Cafe Architectural Design 20A Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011


Tape Space Architecture Materials 14 Professor Coleman Griffith and Dionicio Valdez Pasadena City College Spring 2011


Orchestra in the Community Architecture Design 10B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Fall 2010


Spatial Sequence Architecture Design 10B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Fall 2010


Integration Visual Communications II Professor Neiel Norheim Pasadena City College Fall 2010


Transitional Spaces Architectural Design 20B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011


Boiler House "Responsive Flexibility" Architectural Design 20B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011 

Site: Boiler house Pasadena City College 1570 Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106

The Problem: The PCC Architecture Program has grown and needs to be relocated on campus.

The Objective: Create a new architecture department using the Boiler House Building located in the campus with a focus on having a transformable core and a learning concept.

The Solution Phase 1: Concept Development Research was made with flexible learning as the main learning strategy to be deployed throughout the building. The brain was chosen as an external reference in how it works with flexible learning.

Flexible Learning Flexible learning is a term used by scientists who do neural imaging and analysis for the kind of condition that is created when a person uses multiple areas of the brain to always keep it active and in turn be able to learn faster and better. Approaches are often designed using a full range of teaching and learning theories, philosophies and methods to provide students with opportunities to access information and expertise, contribute ideas and opinions, and correspond with other learners and mentors. This may occur through the use of internet-based tools such as Virtual Learning Environments or Learning Management Systems (ELearning), discussion boards or chat rooms (M-Learning). They are also designed as a "blended" approach, with content available electronically and remotely, as well as "face-to-face" classroom tutorials and lectures.


Site Plan


Flexible Learning

Neurons arrangement and organization does not follow any systems in how they are created, but when being created, plasticity of the brain can is what makes learning capable. Neurons and the circuits that connect them are adaptable and change and rearrange themselves in response to experience or sensory stimulation. This way of thinking came about after experimentation of individuals who weren't able to socially function and had half of their brain removed to stop seizures and started to behave normally.

Immature Brain has minimum connections.


When learning connections are made to help memorize information percieved.

These are the four periods of time in which neural flexibility occur: 1. Develepmental stage - When the immature brain first begins to process information. 2. Activity-Dependent - When changes in the body alter the balance of sensory activity recived by the brain. (ex. learning to ride a bike, blind person reading through touch.) 3. Learning and Memory - Where behavior is altered by new sensory information. 4. Injury Induced - Follows damage to the brain.

Configuration brain has developed through it's learning.

When new sensory information becomes evident, the circuit rearranges to memorize new information.

Change of configuration after learning adaptation.

Exterior render of the approach facing South West

Right side vs. Left side of the brain. The brain just as it has different areas that take care of different tasks can also be divided into two whole parts. When students go into classes, most cirriculuum is oriented toward a student who functions with more of the left side of the brain, mainly to a highly organized structure the right sided people may not have the same rewards and outcomes due to their natural way of learning.

Left Side Logical, Sequential, Rational Analytical Objective Looks at parts

As a result of the possibility of connecting the two sides of the brain through methods of flexible learning The brains elasticity provides better connectivity which means that it can learn faster and memorize things better. This is all done with contextual learning.

Right Side Characteristics as student: Works alone better Research is always preffered Favors quiet classrooms

Characteristics as teachers: Lecture and discussion based Sequential outlines and presentations Punctual in schedule Individual assigned work/ problems

Random, Intuitive Holistic Synthesizing Subjective Looks at wholes

Characteristics as student: Works better in groups Creative projects are preffered Likes design assignments

Characteristics as teachers: Hands on activities Incorporate more visual and audio stimulating lessons Assigns more group projects 

Phase 2: Analyzing the Site By looking at the site and anazylizing the existing boiler house, decisions were made based on where the concept would fit in and also taking into the where flexible learning would be found on the site.

Transformation Rulesets Transformation occurs in the boiler house with the way flexible neurons rearrange themselves in order to learn faster and more efficient. -At the approach (Developmental Stage) -Along the grade change (Activity-Dependent) -In the area closest to learning on campus (Learning and Memory) -Where the core placement is (Injury induced)

Structure Components Roof Truss



The Core The core is placed in the middle of the three areas to help with connectivity between all of the areas and is also where the change in floor height occurs as well. Program included inside the core was chosen to help provide the best flexible learning experience with the left side of the brain on the top level and the right side on the bottom. The classes move up and down to suit there needs better.



Transformation extends out to connect to learning on campus. Transformation occurs in a way most parallel to the flow of foot traffic along side the boiler house because of the gradient change. 

Transformation is visible from approach.

Physical model view of exterior along west elevation of building 

Phase 3: The Proposed new architecture dept. 14.




Second floor plan 9. Drawing Room/Work lab 10. Library/Quiet study 11. Computer Lab 12. Studio 13. Studio 14. Arch 11 15. Arch 24

9. 12.




1. 4. 5. 3.

First floor plan 1. Lobby 2. Offices 3. Men's Restroom 4. Women's Restroom 5. Fabrication Shop 6. Printing/Materials Shop 7. Studio 8. Arch 24




Exploded axonometric of core

roof and classrooms

structural core

Existing boiler house

Interior render of computer lab facing north 




From the center of the core gears and joints are put in a way where the rooms move from the first floor to the second floor. The movement on the inside is also reflected on the outside when the room pushes up the roof that is hinged to the center of core. This action provides each classroom with more connectivity to either the computer lab and library on the second floor and the fabrication lab on the first floor so an optimal amount of flexible learning can be done from the same classroom. With one shift of all the rooms, the drawing room on the outside can be extruded out of the building to provide more light.

The Classrooms are able to shift up and down to help with the learning processs acting as flexible neurons and move to either the fabrication lab(Right side of the Brain) and the Computer Lab and Library(Left side of the brain). The Interstitial Space inbetween the core and existing building that is created when a room is lifted can be used as gallery space and also guest lectures and room for big installations with access to the fabrication lab.

Core Development A sketch and study model was made to figure out how a roof system might be developed to help provide cover for shade and enclosure.

Study Model 

Process Sketch

Section cut through core and classrooms

PCC Architecture Department Class Schedule Mon





Sat Arch arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch


12 pm

6 pm

10a 10b 11 12a 12b 14 20a 20b 24a 24b

10 pm

Program in relation to the Core

Up Down

Based on the Program diagram the boiler house's core moves based on time and where the transformation datums occur. The time set for transformation is at 7:00am, 12:30pm, and also again at 6:00pm. These are based on when most classes start and what relation to the program inside the core is better suited for the class. 

Physical model view of West elevation. 



Places Of Protest "Social Emergence" Architectural Design 20A Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011 

Site: 10951 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90024

Problem: The project is inspired by the civil revolutions that occured earlier in the year 2011 when Tunisia liberated themselves and Egypt shortly followed. There was political activism in its purest form when a new age revolution occured with people overthrowing oppressing governments. The problem is that in Los Angeles there is no real space for a protest to occur.

The Objective: to create a square in Los Angeles where people can use their freedom of speech and protest actively and also authenticate themself as a citizen. Along with the space for large social gatherings, an immigration center was injected into the site to help assist new citizens along the path towards enjoying those very freedoms.



Veteran Ave.

The Aforementioned events in Egypt and Tunisia had one thing in common which was that the new protests were being developed using online communities as its main resource to help direct where and when the next protest would occur. Which then developed the Idea of the Flash mob,

Ave. Gayley

The Solution Phase 1: Concept Development


e Blvd.

Site Plan

Flashmob Flashmob is a term used for any act organized through internet and cellular messaging. A flashmob is a group of people who get together to perform a pointless act for entertainment. The name was coined in 2003 so the media coverage could refer to the group. The very first incident that was conducted was in Manhattan, NY and was all conducted by Bill Wasik. Although it was unsuccessful because of an anonymous tip off the event was staged again at later date. In order to get the groups together in an organized fashion the use of Telecommunications, Social Media, and Viral Emails were used as the main communication devices. Anybody can propose a new location and idea. Flashmobs later grew to be performances for entertainment purposes but all the same resources were used to help the organization with Occupy Wall Street and the rest of the involving cities.

tracking of the government through wikileaks and news media

Government tracking and social media monitoring Social Media Sites


Political Activism

Social unrest of government related issues

individual posting of interests Encoded meet spots

Preventative efforts in keeping mobs performance in tact.

"Terrorist" performances


Looking Southwest towards federal building.

By taking the pattern of events, represented in the graph below, it shows the movement and a sense of direction and momentum the influence of activity that was created. The Government acted and the people reacted. This gave the idea that there was an emergence of a new voice from the people that has never occured in the same way. Egypt s internet get s shut down along with mobile phones.


Mubarak pledges to not run after his term is complete to oversee peaceful transition

Battle of Camel Pro-Mubarak supporters inflict violence against protestors speculatively encouraged by government to help stop protests.

Egyptian Government

Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali Flees Tunisia and sparks revolution interest amongst oppressed people of Egypt Mubarak s Interrnet Shut h down response to pollice ppro rotests 14





Mubarak addresses people stating that he would stay head of state in a lesser role.









Tahrir (Liberation) Square

Police and military forces are distributeed 2
















Egyptian Citizens


Social Media organization of Police day Protest S t

Friday of Anger Protests over the censorship of Government. The Day of Revolt First organized protest for police abuse on national police day

Undercover Egyptian Reaction s to the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi in Tunisia. Protestor s attempt the same in front of parliament.

Tahrir Square is the heartbeat of the m movvvement n

Friday of Departure Mubarak resigns and power is given to the supreme council of egyptian armed forces.

Negotiations involving Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman and representatives of the opposition commenced amid continuing protests throughout the nation.


Phase 2: Analyzing the wilshire corridor and the site's current condition. The site sits along a very storied area of los angeles which is everything that surrounds Wilshire. A main street that international community fills and creates businesses that strive and given Los Angeles much of its development over time. A look at how communication areas developed along wilshire and around the site show the connectivity the community already provides. The different emergency services are taken into account for accesibility as well in.

Site Constraints: The Park Uses the different Constraints to help develop the surface.

Major and minor axis proposed break of axis


Datums from building edges surrounding site

Sight Lines from entrances

   

 

 


  

  


UCLA Campus

City Grid Lines

Government vs City


Phase 3: Proposed Immigration Center and Park The Immigration center is designed with three different levels. Sequentially, the entrance comes in from westwood and interview areas and a main lobby are the first space entered upon, this space is adjacent to a data processing area where busy work gets done but is encased by glass. You then walk down in to the department of homeland security that is sealed off by more opaque glass where it has its own lobby and waiting area upon entrance then at the end is the ceremony room where people can see the federal building, veterans memorial cemetary and also catch a glimpse of the very freedom they can now express with people that might gather and protest.

Main Floor Plan

Sub Floor Plan

(Immigration Center) 1. Lobby 2. Interview Area 3. Private Offices 4. Ceremony Hall

(Department of Homeland Security) 5. Public Restrooms 6. Lobby 7. Administrative Offices 8. Conference Room 9. Employee Lounge 10. Filing Room


6. 5. 10. 8.

2. 7.


Long Section 



View of corner where immigration center is located on Wilshire Blvd. and Veteran st. facing North West

Short Section 


PCC Alumni Commons Architectural Design 20A Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011


Site: PCC Alumni Commons 1570 Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106

The Problem: The cafe in the alumni commons space was hit by an earthquake and the space where 70% of business for food services was taken down in the natural disaster.

Objective: The task was to create a spot that would be able to interject itself with the idea of learning as its concept. The cafe would have to meet the demands of a very busy cafe and also accomodate student learning and studying by providing seating for as well.

Phase 1: Concept Development Because of its location on campus and the opportunity for people to gather amongst other alumni learning was a big focus.

Experiential Learning Usually students arrive at a community college with the idea of transfer. most of the time they come to realize that they aren't exactly sure exactly what kind of field they want to get into. The other side might be a person who's going back to school because they aren't happy with there current life status. Either way the main objective for most of the people on campus is to find the "right Fit." The idea that someone goes through a process such as the scientific method to analyze what it is they want to do in school. For example: A person comes up with the idea that they want to be an engineer, sign up for classes which they take tests and get results, they then go somewhere where they can share either insight or come up with a conclusion with a body of people who are doing the same thing. Usually this happens at the school snack shop, maybe on a break in between classes, or studying for another class. The person might then come up to a conclusion that they want to try something different and the process happens over again until they find their particular fit.

Site Plan

Phase 2: Site Constraints This area has one of the highest density of flow with pedestrian traffic as a corridor from the parking lot to the rest of the campus.

Entrances from surrounding buildings 

Floor level pedestrian traffic

Service Cart/Supplies Truck

cafe on the left and eating area on the right.

Plan Datums

Vertical Datums 

Phase 3: The proposed new Lancer's Pass This pattern is going to be folded and manipulated, the idea of this organic pattern is found everywhere from molecules to bee hives. Every instance a community is involved. The idea is that from either north or south entrance you cant see the study area, but once at the turning point a big piece of the area is ripped open for studying and dining. Experientially going across seeing things on different levels and directioins.

Floor Plan 1. Entrance 2. Beverages 3. Serving area 4. Coffee and Pastries 5. Cashiers 6. Exit 7. Office 8. Loading Area 9. Dry Storage 10. Cold Storage 11. Frozen Storage 12. Preperation Area 13. Kitchen 14. Employee Restrooms 15. Trash


14. 11. 10.





15. 5. 12.


3. 6.

The program is laid out with the snack shop facing the eating area in a way that makes the new shop accessible from most entrances from the surrounding buildings while offering a more quiet gathering spot that is semi private so students can take a break in an environment unlike the common classroom.

     

      


    

Looking from second story passage south towards parkingsouth lot. Rendering of way inside eating area facing 


Tape Space

Group Partners: Isreal Guevera, Marlon Mendez, Joao Velaz, Hagop Hovhanessian, Chris Andriassian Architecture Materials 14 Professor Coleman Griffith and Dionicio Valdez Pasadena City College Spring 2011 

Site: Pasadena City College Galloway Plaza 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA, USA

Objective: The project was to create something architectural using only one material that was chosen by a group. With the chosen material, various types were studied and tested for multiple criteria that the group decided upon such as elasticity, strength, transparency, and cost. After various studies and models, a final plan was to be carried out where the project was to be built off site and then transported to then installed.

Man hours: 5 people - 36 Hours Rolls of tape: 75 Rolls Tape Type: Packaging tape The project consists of 3 types of modules: the tunnel modules(Red), the connection modules(Tan) and the turning modules (Gray). The modules were built within a wooden frame with the dimension of 8'x4'x3'. The intentions were to create the modules and through site installation techniques they would take on characteristics of the site and adapt to its enviroment.




The structure works as an object in suspension and uses tension and compression throughout the whole structure to not only suspend it but also how the membrane part of the structure reacts to people when they inhabit the space inside.



Outer Layer Structural Support Line Inner Layer

1: Create compression rings at both ends of the module by extending armatures to the jig for support.


2: Create a secondary structural support line that will be taped from one compression ring to the other on the opposite side with a regulated tension.

3: Reinforce the module by creating tertiary structural tape support from ring to ring on regular intervals between the secondaries.

4: Enclose the module by infilling the space from support strands to create the surface inside and outside.

Looking into the conversation area from a ventilation space.

5: Create the secondary module that will attach to adjacently to the end of the first module create repeating steps 1-4.

6: Create the third module by doing compression rings, primary and secondary structures and armatures to attach to the first modules.

7: Enclose the third module in a radial gesture inside and out to support up to two persons.

8: Spaces in modules should be left open strategically for interaction to the outside and also ventilation to the structure. 


Places Of Performance "Resonance" Architecture Design Fundamentals 10B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Fall 2010 

Site: Grand Central Market 317 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA, USA

Problem: The Grand Central Market has always been a place of diverse culture. The Passage way from one community to another with it opened to Broadway St. and Hill St. Los Angeles is known for having a good music scene, But to most people this never includes classical music in its repetoire. The City Symphony lacks the popularity it once had and could use more exposure. With the lack of business that the market has encountered its latest years, and the opportunity to bring more in from Bunker Hill.

The Objective: The solution should be able to help create a new relationship between the orchestra and the community by interjecting a performance space into the market.

The Solution Phase1: Concept Development An instrument was chosen to be used as an inspiration to design and research of specific characteristics of the instrument were chosen to aid in decision making for the solution.

3rd St.

4th St.

Hill St.

Broadway St.

Site Plan

Violin and its Characteristics: The violin was chosen because of its organic characteristics of sound. Resonance is achieved best by the most crafted makers. Resonance is the idea carried through the project starting at the main performance area. It was designed to have sound resonate through the rest of the structure and the individual parts are repeated to help emphasize that. The violinist produces sound by drawing a bow across one or more strings (which may be stopped by the fingers of the other hand to produce a full range of pitches), by plucking the strings (with either hand), or by a variety of other techniques.


Performance space for chamber orchestra 1st floor.

Helmholz Resonance Helmholz Resonance is a specific type of Resonance that deals with volumes that have an opening to air and how the air inside the volume springs back and forth to create resonance. When a violin is played a lot of different frequencies occur at the same time but the most efficient are the only ones heard well. This is taken care of in the making of the instrument and how the construction of the instrument and how it is tuned so that the violin resonates the best with its final tuning.

The ratio of the volume of the the air cavity in realtion to the sound holes is how the violin is ultimately tuned as a whole. Violin makers make that ratio so that the air resonance the cavity is most efficient at is just below the 2nd lowest string. on the violin it is set slightly lower than D(294Hz). The ratio also implies that the ending wavelength's value is also always higher than the volume of the instrument.

Phase 2: The grand central market's existing condition Sounscapes and Circulation For the organization of circulation, the way sound reacted with the space was the deciding factor. Soundscapes were made through decible readings in the grand central market at different times of the day. The average of all of the readings were calculated and the where that specific frequency fell in the market place. This was used with the idea that it was where sound like the plates described below was at equilibrium between loud and soft.

Floor Plan with comprised Soundscape data 

Spatial Rhythm

Sky-light Openings

Cross Beams



Morning at 10 AM

Evening at 6pm (close)


Produce Juice-Coffee-Dessert Restaurants Dried goods-Spices Meats-Poultry-Seafood Specialty shops-Information Vacant-Dining Areas



Phase 3: Resonance in the market The market acts like as an instrument and where the orchestra performs resonates throughout the rest of the market out into the openings inviting new prospective listeners a glimpse of what the orchestra has to offer,

Exploded Axonometric


Main Floor Plan


Interlocking Spaces





The Surfaces The shape of the surfaces are inspired by the movement of the bow across the strings of a violin.

Performance Space on the rooftop 


Spatial Sequence

Architecture Design Fundamentals 10B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Fall 2010 

Site: Hidden House Mount Washington Los Angeles, CA, USA

Architects: Standard

Objective: Spatial Relationships The objective of the project is to see the relationships of public and private spaces and how the design of a building is directly related to each other in the way they are sequentially laid out from beginning to end experientially.

Design Process: From the floor plan of a completed structure, identify the public and private spaces and identify a specific path from beginning to end to create a spatial sequence.

A Hand drawn sketch that was made previous to building the model.

Floor plan (Standard Architects)

Adjacent Spaces 

Adjacent Spaces and Public Spaces

Physical Model of Hidden House's Spatial realtaionships

Adjacent Spaces and Circulation

Adjacent Spaces, Public Spaces, and Circulation 

In this model, basswood is the circulation, walnut is adjacent spaces and base, and the clear pteg are the public spaces. 

Sequence starts at front door and moves straight to second space.

First piece moves through dining/ living room thats interlocked between other outside patios.

Second piece moves through kitchen/living room. *secondary piece moves through outside patio and outside deck.

Third piece moves through kitchen (space within a space.)/living room. *secondary piece ends at outside deck.

**secondary piece moves to small living room interlocked with outside patio.

Fourth piece moves through garage and ends at back door entrance.

Fifth piece ends at garage back door entrance. **secondary piece moves through outside patio/deck and ends there. 



Visual Communications II Professor Neiel Norheim Pasadena City College Fall 2010 

Site: Grand Central Market 317 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA, USA

Objective: Orchestra and the Community The site downtown was a site chosen that is a passage way between two different communities with one side being completely business and corporate and the other the immigrant worker. Though only really seperated by a street, the two rarely cross over eachother’ s area because of the big jump of class. Grand Central Market has always been a place where the two have coexisted. That being said one is still more prominent then the other. The solution provided in this design incorporates the idea of the orchestra and its background into helping the two cultures integrate with eachother. The orchestra’ s of late have also been having trouble getting new audiences and trying to really captivate people’ s attention with such a broad market for music. This design takes all three of these communities and tries to emphasize the integration of all three creating an emerging culture.

1 create bounding box from distance between center of pillars in space. start dividing up the box in halves of halves.


2 find the quarter line from the long side of the box.

3 from the half line create a line from the end diagonally to the end of the bounding box.

4 create a spline from the same point on the mid line and go diagonally to the intersection of the two construction lines then out to the other end of the box.

5 move the middle control point on the line created to the end of the quarter line.

6 create a sphere from the midpoint of the bottom side to the top sides mid point.

7 loft the top line to the diagonal line created before.

8 find the intersect line created between the sphere and the lofted surface.

9 loft the intersect line to the polyline created from before.

10 mirror the surface created about the midline.



Transitional Spaces "Halfway Theater" Architectural Design 20B Professor Coleman Griffith Pasadena City College Spring 2011 

Site: Pan Pacific Park 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA

Problem: Transitional spaces are scarce in the city of Los Angeles where many people find themselves in between life decisions and styles and need help and guidance.

The Objective: Create a Halfway house for Former Drug Addicts and Terminally Ill Patients in the Pan Pacific Park and try to help the needs of the community surrounding the park.

The Solution: Phase 1: Concept Development Gardner ST.

Word diagrams created with the theme of transition, rehabilitation, and Halfway house were produced to arrive to a concept. With connections made the word Catharsis was chosen to base the idea of filtering as the main concept. The Halfway house instilled into the park has a residential to park relation and makes the idea of a person being able to connect back to the "real world" by setting up that type of environment. A theater program was also instilled to be something that either the formerly addicted can help recreate real life situations through role play, but also for the terminally ill help recall past events in their lives as well.

3rd St.

Site Plan

Phase 2: Pan Pacific Park and the surrounding community A Matrix Grid was developed to decide where to put the program in relation to the park and its constraints.


Able to see par needs


ot Flood Zone


orth Side

est Side

ast Side

South Side


                  

Inlet ut

’ ’ ’

Inlet In



Flood Zone Flood Inlets


Transportation Bus Pedestrian Parking Automobile Parking access Bus Stops

             

Flood Zone Flood Capacity/ Building restriction


     



        

Artificial Light

Entrance facing West

A 3D Datums diagram was created to help visually see the site that was laid out. The only transition in the park is located along the eastern elevation from the residential to the the park.

Transition Park

Park Buffer

Transitional area

Residential Buffer








3. 8.



2. 1.




11. 9.






9. 15. 13.

Floor Plan 1. Front Desk 2. Lobby 3. Office 4. Drug Testing Lab 5. Conference Room 6. Small Conference Room 7. Restroom 8. Single Session Area 9. Workshop

Short Section 

10. Living Room 11. Terminally Ill Bedrooms 12. Former Drug Addict Bedrooms 13. Terrace 14. Storage 15. Auditorium 16. Kitchen 17. Dining Area 18. Serving Area


The layout of the program is layed out with private areas such as the housing on the eastern side to tie into the residential houses and as it moves west starts opening up to more public spaces with the biggest public areas looking out to the public park. This is to emphasize the transition of the park to the residential street. It also provides eyes to an area of the park that can provide more security to an area of the park that is usually unseen from where the park offices are on the northern area of the park. This provides a service to the community and can help make the park an even safer place.

Circulation Terminally ill patient Former addict patient Doctor Community Service

View of shared theater and dining area looking out to park facing west

Phase 3: Halfway Theater The Halfway theater is a project inspired by the process of rehabilitation and purification. The Terminally ill and the former addicts' treatment therapy involves the instilled theatrical production portion of the proposed program that coexist with the halfway house.The idea of the additional program is to help the former addicts to practice what everyday situations in normal society through role playing. The Terminally ill will be able to act out through the different emotions that they had experienced in their everyday life. Together the two put productions on for the rest of the community to enjoy.

Daily patient schedule Monday







0700 Breakfast 0800 Morning Reflections 0900 Individual Counseling 1045 Break 1100 Group Psycho Drama (Seperate Groups) 1200 Lunch 1300 Park Beautification 1400 Film Appreciation 1500 Acting Classes 1630 Theater Production Class 1730 Dinner 1845-1945 12 Step Meeting (Former Addicts) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2000 Free Time 2200 Curfew 2300 Lights Out

0700 Breakfast 0800 Morning Reflections 0900 Individual Counseling 1045 Break 1100 Group Psycho Drama (Seperate Groups) 1200 Lunch 1300 Park Beautification 1400 Lecture 1500 Play Writing Class 1630 Theater Production Class 1730 Dinner 1845-1945 12 Step Meeting (Former Addicts) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2000 Free Time 2200 Curfew 2300 Lights Out

0700 Breakfast 0800 Morning Reflections 0900 Individual Counseling 1045 Break 1100 Group Psycho Drama (Seperate Groups) 1200 Lunch 1300 Park Beautification 1400 Film Appreciation 1500 Acting Classes 1630 Theater Production Class 1730 Dinner 1845-1945 12 Step Meeting (Former Addicts) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2000 Free Time 2200 Curfew 2300 Lights Out

0700 Breakfast 0800 Morning Reflections 0900 Individual Counseling 1045 Break 1100 Group Psycho Drama (Seperate Groups) 1200 Lunch 1300 Park Beautification 1400 Lecture 1500 Play Writing Class 1630 Theater Production Class 1730 Dinner 1845-1945 12 Step Meeting (Former Addicts) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2000 Free Time 2200 Curfew 2300 Lights Out

0700 Breakfast 0800 Morning Reflections 0900 Individual Counseling 1045 Break 1100 Group Psycho Drama (Seperate Groups) 1200 Lunch 1300 Park Beautification 1400 Film Appreciation 1500 Acting Classes 1630 Theater Production Class 1730 Dinner 1845-1945 12 Step Meeting (Former Addicts) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2000 Free Time 2200 Curfew 2300 Lights Out

0900 Breakfast 1000 Morning Reflections 1100 House Chores/Deep Cleaning 1200 Lunch 1300 Free Time: Visitors Welcome 1630 Theater Production Class 1730 Dinner 1845 Clean-up/Set up 1930 Open Doors to public 2000 Neighborhood Show 2200 Curfew (All) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2350 Lights Out

0900 Breakfast 1000 Morning Reflections 1100 Clean-up/Set up 1200 Lunch 1300 Open Doors to public 1330 Neighborhood Show 1730 Dinner 1845 Free Time: Visitors Welcome 2000 Movie Night 2200 Curfew (All) Nurse Check up (Terminally Ill) 2300 Lights Out



Lobby Offices Interview Area Drug Testing Lab Large Conference Small Conference Theater Workshops Shared Lounge/Terrace

Terminally Ill Housing Former Addict Housing Auditorium Dining Area Kitchen/Serving Restrooms Storage




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