Bus Me Boston Instructions

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hit me to start recording

Bus Me Boston Volunteer Instructions

launching march 1, 2012

an initiative of


the first

A User-Crowdsourced Bus Intelligence System in Boston


the world


Step 1. Download the app. Step 2. Use app to track the bus when you ride any bus. Step 3. When possible, ask passengers to take short survey. Step 4. When possible, count total and female passengers. Step 5. Smile & take pictures.

Step 1. Download Me.

scan to download using Barcode Scanner, Google Googles, or Other QR Code Reader.

hit me to confirm

You can use any id, as long as you use it every time. the shorter the better.

Setup 1 Fill out this Google form (we need to add your Google account to allow data to be recorded in our Fusion Table and so that we can contact you with any updates / instructions) 2 Check that time and date on phone is correct 3 Turn on GPS and Wi-Fi (otherwise location data will not be as accurate) 4 Make sure your phone’s Settings: Display set to 30 min (otherwise data will not be sent by phone when it falls asleep) 5 Allow data to be sent to Fusion Tables when prompted

start trip

Step 2. Use Me.

bus info

Select ‘other’ to manually enter any field

please use on all bus rides that you take throughout Boston

Step 3. Survey Me.

If it feels uncomfortable to survey others, at least start by surveying yourself

onboard survey page 1

how happy are you with the bus today?

what is your age and annual income?

where do you live and work?



how many times a week do you ride the bus?


4 6

what would you like to improve about bus?

do you own a phone?

5 7

9 8 onboard survey page 2

how long is your commute (one-way)?

Step 4. Count Me.

Count females

1.  Count total passengers first (if possible, count females separately) 2.  Then count people who get in and off the bus (+/-) 3.  A short press of the + button adds to the total; a long press subtracts

Step 5. Smile and Take Pictures

Track Your Progress Against Dhaka


working dashboard at: tinyurl.com/crowdsourcedbusboston

Questions? Email mrching@mit.edu

an initiative of


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