Graduation 2011

Page 1

Friday, May 20, 2011

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Page 2 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

Albert Lea High School Class of 2011

Chastin Allen

Alissa Allison

Lilia Almazan

Aaron Amundson

Dustin Anderson

Faith Anderson

Sidney Anderson

Skylar Anderson

Talia Barber

Abby Barickman

Kaila Beckner

Stephanie Beighley

Justan Bellrichard

Athena Berg

Jesse Bergland

Joy Berglund

April Betten

Dustin Blankenship

Nicole Bliss

Taylor Bordelon

Rachel Boyer

Anna Brouwers

Alex Burkard

Alexis Burnett

Jose Campos

Marley Cardona

Ryan Broitzman

Desmond Brenke

Not pictured: Joleen Anderson Kaden Beckner



Northbridge Mall • 2564 Bridge Ave. Albert Lea, MN • 377-7410

Emily Caron

Congratulations to our graduates!

Congratulations Graduates!

Take advantage of opportunities and good luck in your future! CLASS OF


Ph: 507.377.4284 • Fax: 507-377-4285 971 Plaza St. W, Albert Lea, MN 56007


11 • 2011 • 2011 • 2011 • 2011 •

I-90 & Bridge Avenue, Albert Lea, MN

11 • 2011 • 2011 • 2011 • 2011

Congratulations 2011 Graduates


2011 • 2011 • 2011 • 2011 • 20

Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5 •

Way to go, Class of 2011! Congratulations, Jayna Jepson! Albert Lea Seed House 1414 W. Main (Across from Nelson’s) Albert Lea, MN • 377-2372 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 to 5, Sat. 8 to 4

Congratulations to the Following High School and College Graduates From Holly Fornberg Emma Dahl (college) Ryan Dempewolf Nicholas Barrett Kellie Meier (college) Nicholas Jepson (college) Roxy Paulson (college) Sarah Jensen (college) Rachel Boyer Andrew Schewe Jacob Baseman Matt Friedman (college) Tiffany Politz-Chapman (college)

GRADUATION 2011 Friday, May 20, 2011 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 3

Albert Lea High School Class of 2011

Colton Casterton

Jesse Castro

Luke Cheever

Ariel Christensen

Rachel Christensen

Tawni Christensen

Jade Claassen

Sandra DeBoer

Jacqueline Delano

Derik DeVries

Maddi Dickey

Hunter Distad

Lauren Draayer

Justin Drescher

Travis Drescher

Nicholas Dulas

Martha Dup

Mike Dyrdal

Daniel Edwards

Lynzie Edwin

Josh Eisenbraun

Kate Ellertson

Dyllan Engebretson

Kristen Enger

Monica Enriquez

David Enstad

Aaron Farr

Shawn Ferguson

Colby Fjeldberg

Anthony Flores

Ashlyn Freitag

Taylor Friehl

Tammy Frondal

Maranda Glassel

Caleb Gaudian

Ashley Gilbertson

Not pictured: Gygy Cervantes Shavonna Coleman Christopher Conley Joseph Daniels Samantha Flanders Derek Flesche Thalia Guzman Brooklyn Hayson

Charles Graham

“Congratulations Class of 2011!”

Ariana Guerra

Kadie Habana

Alycia Hall

Congratulations Seniors!

TROY THOMPSON, LUTCF 1619 W. Main • 373-9889 • 2630 Bridge Ave. • 507-373-7227

Karizma Hamberg

Phone: 507-377-2852 Toll Free: 877-974-9597 Fax: 507-377-3301 1330 W. Main St. • Albert Lea, MN 56007

Not your typical bankers, not your typical bank.

See us today for all your banking needs. 2401 Bridge Ave. • Albert Lea • 507-373-8600

Page 4 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

Albert Lea High School Class of 2011

Courtney Hanna

Cory Hansen

Danielle Hansen

Jasmine Hanson

Kammi Hanson

Thor Hanson

Audrey Hassing

Joseph Henderson

Christopher Hernandez

Mollie Hernandez

Shalin Hoelscher

Amy Horejsi

Rosemary Hubly

Samantha Hutchins

Curtiss Ihme

Jacob Jensen

Jayna Jepson

Sophia Jepson

Travis Kaderabek

Joshua Kelly

Aaron Klatt

Jackson Knudson

Hannah Knutson

Jonathan Koenigs

Caleb Kolodge

Carter Kortan

Connor Kortan

Zach Koziolek

Kyle Kriewall

Ethan Kristy

Steven Kruen

Marc Kruger

Shelby Lageson

Kyle Larsen

Haley Lau

Success Starts


Congratulations Class of 2011

Not pictured: Cole Heilig Kiara Hernandez Shelbi Iverson Walter Jordan Nadezha Kobzar

201 East Clark St • PO Box 1226 Albert Lea, MN • 56007-1226 Tel: 507-377-9344 • 800-880-401k

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Congratulations Graduate!

Best Wishes

George R. Lundstrom D.D.S.

209 N. 9th Avenue • Albert Lea, MN 56007 Office - 507-377-1659 Home - 507-373-4665 Fax - 507-377-1650 “Excellence Is Our Chosen Path”

Joey Daniels

Favorite Food: Pizza





New Students: Register for Summer or Fall classes today!

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Wayne O. Sletten, DDS, MSD 1206 W. Front St Albert Lea, MN • 373-1915

Member of the American Association of Orthodontists

GRADUATION 2011 Friday, May 20, 2011 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 5

Albert Lea High School Class of 2011

Abby LeBrun

Cassidy Leduc-Miller

Sophie Lee

Mina Lein

Preston Lein

Kristine Lenze

Vivian Leow

Nya Lony

Chad Maier

Alison Maiers

James Manges

Elisha Marin

Taylor Matz

Alexa McCune

Amanda Merrill

Jake Nelson

Krystle Nelson

Mollie Nelson

Alex Nielsen

Jessica Nolan

Natalie Oakland

Lonnie Orris

Tyler Osmundson

Spencer Overgaard

Melanie Pederson

Ashley Petersen

Kelsea Peterson

Joshua Piper

Callen Pirsig

Tyler Poplow

Amanda Rahn

Silas Randall

Brandon Ranum

Tanelle Roberts

Letisia Rodriguez

Holly Rykes

Alyssa Sager

Jessica Sanderson

Andrew Schewe

Brittany Schreiber

Bethany Sekora

Tavis Severtson

Not pictured: Brian Olson Tanieka Petty Courtney Poplow


Congratulations Class of 2011

CONGRATULATION CLASS OF 2011 Dave Klatt LUTCF 106 S Broadway Ave Albert Lea, MN

373-2377 126 W. Clark St, Albert Lea • 373-7350

2110 Y. H. Hanson Ave. • Albert Lea


congratulations & best of luck in the future! 2114 E. Main, Albert Lea • 373-2341 •

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®


Page 6 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

Albert Lea High School Class of 2011

K-Lynn Sjogren

Mic Skaar

Cole Sorenson

Samantha Sprague

Cassie Slater

Meghan Stadheim

Alik Smed

Brielle Smith

Jocelyn Smith

Cameron Solie

Chris Stahl

Allison Stark

Ray Stephenson

Courtney Stewart

Not pictured: Jesse Silva Samantha Solland Tyler Stadheim Haely Stone

Dillon Stolt

Emily Stoneking

Tim Stoneking

Carlton Stripe

Kayla Swee

Ricky Sundberg

Congrats grads!

GOOD LUCK IN YOUR FUTURE! Wishing you the very best!

Member FDIC

See us for hometown personal SERVICE

Congratulations to the Class of 2011

1550 Blake Ave, Albert Lea


437 Bridge, Albert Lea • 373-1481

GRADUATION 2011 Friday, May 20, 2011 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 7

Albert Lea High School Class of 2011

Blake Talamantes

Anthony Tate

Addison Thomas

Brooke Thompson

Kent Thostenson

Thomas Tiegs

Logan Tufte

Sam Turrubiartes

Aleshia Tyler

Amy Vandenheuvel

Lucy VIllagomez

Kaley Waldemar

Jamie Walton

Adison Wangen

Elizabeth Wangen

Savanna Wangen

Darian Weigel

Amanda Westcott

Cody Wichmann

Karington Widmer

Alexander Wieland

Shelby Williams

Nikki Wilson

Jonathan Wirkus

Jordan Wolney

Alayna Wood

Zach Wilke

Natasha Willey

Not pictured: Sa Taw Brandon Thompson Derek Thostenson Jessica Torres Richard Wilkerson Katie Yotter Fernando Zeferino

Award-winning news coverage.

Congratulations Class of 2011! 373-1061

Every day in the Tribune.

101 E. Richway Dr. Albert Lea, MN

Page 8 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

United South Central Class of 2011

Whitney Adams

Jordan Beyer

Jennifer Bixby

Tony Bracken

Matthew Chicos

Megan Chicos

Taylor Chose

Camille Christian

Frank Dann

John-Mark Dundas

Dustin Dylla

Jared Eilertson

Daniel Elmer

Dakota Farley

Hayden Feist

Kelsey Fraker

Sam Gackstetter

Matt Hassing

Jamie Herman

Erinn Hotzler

Alexander Huper

Collin Jacobson

Danyelle Johnson

Lindsay Johnson

Danielle Koestler

Emily Krohnberg

Eric Lackey

Jenna Legred

Way to go graduates!!!

GRADUATION 2011 Friday, May 20, 2011 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 9

United South Central Class of 2011

Trevor Leland

Jenna Long

Rachel Mattick

Cody Melcher

Joseph Mendoza

Tyson Morton

Brandon Nasinec

Felicia Niebuhr

Riley Niebuhr

Kelsey Nowak

Thane O’Rourke

Alison Ramsley

Joesph Rath

Danielle Roberts

Kelsey Roberts

Ernest Luis Robledo

Javier Rodriguez

Brianna Schroeder

Brooke Schroeder

Marielle Schultz

Dustin Tramm

Nichole Runge

Val Sahr

Rebecca Stallkamp

Jay Staloch

Anthony Stenzel

Kayla Stenzel

Tayla Sunde

Claire Tibodeau

Seth Treptow

Cole Wenzel

Teddy Wiebold

Tony Willette

Alan Yokiel

Colby Yost

Way to go grads!

Page 10 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

NRHEG High School Class of 2011

Jordan Allen

Amanda Anderson

Ashley Bartness

Kyle Bayerkohler

Brian Billing

Katie Carlson

Callie Clausen

Kristina Cole

Tyler Crabtree

Logan Davis

Hailey Dooley

Lisa Dummer

Megan Dummer

Hunter Eustice

Evan Ferber

Brett Fisher

Skylar Guggisberg

Vincent Guggisberg

Bonnie Gullickson

Dylan Hanson

Abbey Holland

Lucas Johnson

Jill Kalis

Cory Kaupa

Rowan Kelly

Katelyn Klug

Cody Kraay

Clay Krueger

Emily Light

Nathan Lutgens

Pieter Majeske

Kaylee Maxon

Hannah Moe

Shelby Mogenson

Matt Nafe

Joshua Naser

Kyle Nelson

Alearah Neumann

Jordan Papinski

Josh Papinski

Aaron Patraw

Kacie Phillips

Jonathan Quezada

Emily Riihl

Travis Ripka

Cody Root

Cory Rosacker

Chad Schlaak

Amber Schmit

Lucas Schmitz

Burchard Smith

MIchael Smith

Trevor Spooner

Bethany Stencel

Jessica Stenzel

Christian Stewart


Congratulations Graduates! Hometown Banking At Its Best Since 1898!

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GRADUATION 2011 Friday, May 20, 2011 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 11

NRHEG High School Class of 2011 Anthony Svoboda

Emily Swanson

Shauntel Thiele

Alexis Tieskotter

Allison Waage

Johnathan Walstrom

Chandler Winkels-Muff

Matt Young

Tatum Wacholz

Tony Wacholz

Glenville-Emmons Class of 2011

Jacob Baseman

Emily Belshan

Nowill Karl Constantino

Devin Cooper

Emily Crews

Kailey Davis

Nisha Davis

Ryan Dempewolf

Levi Garner

Joe Haines

Alayna Hall

Landon Hall

Peter Hansen

Tanner Harty

Tyler Honsey

Jackie Ingvaldson

Rob Jacobsen

Collin Johnson

Jenna Klingson

Spencer Kral

Andrew Lau

Brooke Lawson

Brenden Long

Cody Olson

Robyn Roe

Travis Shaunce

Kalli Van Ryswyk

Tami Wallin

Citizens State Bank Glenville, MN 56036 (507) 448-3981

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Zack Williamson

Tyler Woodside

Good Luck Graduates

Best Wishes Graduates Nick's

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Good Luck Graduates

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Page 12 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

Alden-Conger School Class of 2011

Tyler Adix

Jessica Anderson

Nathaniel Back

Michael Bernal

Emily Bremseth

Catherine Brown

Garret Carrigan

Cambria Caudill

Tyler Drescher

Derrick Fischer

Carissa Hanson

James Hanson

Courtney Hemmingsen

Hayley Knutson

Juan Martinez

Presley Morua

Derek Nelson

Michael Reyerson

Zachary Rinehart

Zachary Roberts

Bradly Schultz

Not pictured: Andrew Jacobs

Good luck grads! WISHING YOU SUCCESS IN THE FUTURE If you can dream it, we can do it!

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Class of 2011!

Good Luck Graduates! Northern Country Coop Feed • Seed • Grain


Alden • Conger • Emmons

GRADUATION 2011 Friday, May 20, 2011 • Albert Lea Tribune • Page 13

Northwood-Kensett Class of 2011 Tyler Bachtle

Trevor Bartz

Ryan Beenken

Alex Breitspreche

Jaime Butler

Spencer Capitani

Kelsey Carlson

Samantha Carlson

Tim Davis

Tim Francis

Jordan Garcia

Kylie Grahn

Samantha Hagen

Kayla Hanna

Tori Harris

Anthony Hauge

Emma Lee Hendrikson

Malinda Holstad

Shelby LaPoint

Jacob McGrane

James Medlang

Mitchell Moretz

Torin Newell

Hayden Olson

Jesse Olson

Eric Otis

MIchael Otis

Taylor Otis

Katherine Paggeot

Quincey Reyerson

Bethany Rops

Bryan Sime

Zachary Stapelkamp

Briar Tenold

Kelsey Tenold

• • • • •

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Page 14 • Albert Lea Tribune • Friday, May 20, 2011 GRADUATION 2011

Lake Mills High School Class of 2011 Cory Aamodt

Drake Abbey

Drew Appel

Charlie Arneson

Nick Barrett

Logan Bidne

Tim Brandt

Royce Byrnes

Scott Christenson

Amber Christianson

Levi Dahle

Tyler Dahle

Dylan Davis

Jaimyan DaVeiga

Joran Durby

Curtis Fell

Jordynn Finer

Holly Fornberg

Marcus Gaskill

Marissa Gasper

Ali Gilbertson

Brittany Groe

Alex Grunhovd

Matthew Harig

Merrick Harig

Abbey Honsey

Jed Johnson

Rebecca Johnson

Corey Knutson

Amanda Lampman

Spencer Larson

Randall Linquist

Drew LyBarger

Michael Malloy

Jordan Manning

Haley Mathews

Mason Oswald

MIcah Peters

Lindy Pins

Jon Rasmussen

Devan Register

Tyler RIce

Zach Ringham

Jake Sorenson

GOOD LUCK GRADUATES! Congratulations to the Class of 2011

Jacob Wuerflein

Josh Zable

David’s Super Foods

Emmons, MN • 507-297-5461

Congratulations Graduates!

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