STREAMING REVIEWS “The Last Kingdom” Available on Netflix Review by Kim Ehrich
Although it wouldn’t have been my first pick while scrolling on Netflix, I do have to point out that you should not judge a series by its preview photo. One episode and I was hooked. The storyline begins with the main character, Uhtred, as he witnesses his father and Saxon army being killed by Danish troops. He is captured and raised by a Danish family as Uhtred Ragnarsson, who later witnesses his surrogate family be burned alive. From then he becomes a great warrior who vows to avenge Ragnar’s death and reclaim his homeland in Bebbanburg. Along the way he is pulled between the sides of the Saxon and the Danes trying to prove his loyalty, claim land, get silver and fight in battles all while experiencing tragedy and more loss along the way. Each character has their perfect parts while supporting the main character that end up pulling you into the story more and more. You end up connecting with them just as much as the main character and find yourself asking what will happen to them next as well. There are four seasons total and a fifth on the way. Be ready to binge!
“Jane the Virgin”
Available on Netflix Review by Deanna Rochleau Centered around the Latino/Latinx community, “Jane The Virgin” is sometimes an homage to, and sometimes a spoof of telenovelas and their over-thetop soapiness. Jane Gloriana Villanueva lives with her mother and grandmother in
Miami when she is accidentally artificially inseminated despite being a virgin. Throughout the many twists and turns, Jane remains a good person inspiring those around her. At the core of the story is the relationship between the three intergenerational women. They tackle modern-day issues with sensitivity to older perspectives. With witty narration, magical realism and a very rootable love triangle, Jane is definitely worth a watch.