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Relay for Life
The Freeborn County Relay for Life will be a bit different this year.
The committee will still raise funds and sell luminaria bags; however, they will not be having a formal in-person relay.
Instead, luminaria bags will be available at the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce office, Broadway Bikes and Frames R Us. People should return the luminaria bags by June 14 to the business they picked them up from.
On June 22, organizers will string the returned luminaria bags together and hang them in 12 businesses’ windows in downtown Albert Lea. These will be hung with purple lights and displayed until June 29.
There will also be an online silent auction, and teams will have the chance to have their own celebrations. Zion’s Beautiful Feat Team will host an event June 26 at Zion Lutheran Church from 5 to 10 p.m., where they will have a raffle. This year’s Relay for Life honorary chair, Rosemary Blomquist, will speak and they will light their own luminaries. If people have questions, they can contact Abigail Schaper at Abigail. schaper@gmail.com.
Luminarias are set up before the evening ceremony a previous year at Relay for Life. Though there will be no in-person Relay for
Life event this year, money will still be raised through the sale of luminaria bags. Colleen harrison/albert lea tribune