This publication takes a journey that starts from the very remote past of Navarre and its inhabitants, because wine is almost as old as the human race and life itself. A journey that combines, in an endless coming and going over time, personal testimonies, historical episodes, social, political and cultural contexts, collective experiences, anecdotes and interesting references to wine in literature, art and popular expression. The author covers these skilfully to create an atmosphere of camaraderie and complicity between society and wine culture, similar to the atmosphere that existed among family and friends in the past when it came to collecting the grapes in the harvest.
Ion Stegmeier Blázquez was born in San Sebastián on 5th January 1976, although he lived in Arrasate/Mondragón (Guipúzcoa) until the age of 18. A graduate in Journalism from the Universidad de Navarra, he has worked in the newspapers Tribuna de Salamanca, El Mundo, El Nuevo Heraldo-The