Nicotine: The Positive Sides A truth that is has been written at the bottom of any nicotine-based product is that nicotine harms the human body. None the less it is true. However, the reason for such thought comes from it’ relation with the smoking. Nicotine or Nicotiana tabacum found in tobacco plant is a powerful parasympathomimetic stimulant and a naturally occurring alkaloid. It is highly addictive and a small dose can stimulate the nerves on mammals. However, like anything, it has positives sides too. Scientists discovered a couple of incredible benefits which are mentioned in the current presentation.
Nicotine is Not a Carcinogen One of the common beliefs is that using nicotine-based products will cause you tumors or cancers. However, the truth is not that. Nicotine is not a carcinogen. It means that nicotine does not cause you cancer, neither it will cause any tumor. However, one fact that you cannot overlook that is nicotine stimulates the tumor in a few cases. Therefore, taking the nicotine in a limited amount can surely help you.
Nicotine Acts As A Stimulant
A number of us use to take a coffee while we work. The reason is that caffeine used to help in increasing concentration. However, it is same as the nicotine. Nicotine from disposable vape pods also helps in increasing the concentration level. It is an enhancer and stimulant that makes the people on alert. Several reports are there that shows that the contribution of nicotine on improving attention and increase processing speed. Few studies also showed that it helps to reduce the severity of ADHD symptoms in patients.
Nicotine increases memory power As it is mentioned in the above slide that nicotine stimulates, it is also true that nicotine helps in increasing the memory power. It has been seen in many studies that intaking a low dose of nicotine helps in increasing the memory power and learning skills. It helps in long term memory and promotes consolidation of learning. The reason is that it helps in secretion of a hormone named vasopressin that helps in increasing memory power.
Nicotine helps to prevent Neurological diseases Apart from all other things, it has been also seen that nicotine has a neuroprotective effect. It helps in blocking out the estrogen, thus it reduces the inflammation and stimulates nicotinic cholinergic receptors in the brain. It is also one of the reasons that smokers never fall for neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. University of New Mexico's Memory & Aging Center proved through their researches that low doses of nicotine help in overcoming the Alzheimer’s.
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