Stanford Optimization Day

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STANFORD! University!

An invitation-only ! Forum to Discuss New Research Directions and Industrial Applications! Organized by Enginsoft and the TFSA Program !

TFSA Affiliates!

T F S A !

Thermal and Fluid Sciences! Affiliates and Sponsors Program!

Optimization Has Become an Indispensable Instrument in Engineering Practice, and Commercial Packages have Achieved Wide Popularity. Applications range from Rapid Product Development to Web searching, From Sophisticated Multidisciplinary Analysis to Robust Design Under Uncertainty. ! What are the Remaining Barriers for Optimization Algorithms? How are Present Computational Resources Changing the Paradigm of Engineering Design? Are Current Optimization Methods Sufficient to Drive DecisionMaking?! Presentation by Recognized Leaders in the Field will Provide an Opportunity to Discuss the Opportunities and Frontiers of Optimization Technology for RealWorld Applications ! Invited Speakers Include:! @ Stanford!

Prof M. Saunder/ W. Murray – MSE Dept! Prof. A. Jameson – Aero-Astro Dept.! Prof. L. Durlofsky/D. Echeverria – ERE Dept.! Prof. A. Saberi – MSE Dept.! Prof. J. J. Alonso – Aero-Astro Dept.! Prof. G. Iaccarino – ME Dept.!

@ Industry!

Representatives From the TFSA ! Member Companies!

February 1, 2011! Munger Conference Center! STANFORD University!

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