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The use of new methodologies, such as gamification, filipped classroom




Next, the effect of the use of

new methodologies, such as

gamification, flipped classroom,

or collaborative work in an

ESTEAME environment is

analyzed and the improvements

produced both in the process and

Collaborative learning, practical learning, gamification, flipped classroom.

Educational experiences of gamification and collaborative work in ESTEAME. Analysing the benefits of the introduction of gamification in the ESTEAME field, it is appreciated that elements of the games such as points, prizes or badges that lead players to overcome levels once they reach challenges and dares in a competition if they are used in order to achieve teaching objectives, such

as, for example, increasing student motivation, improving classroom management, stimulating experiential learning, promoting both the development of creativity and certain skills and, ultimately, improving academic results. They increase motivation reaching a great benefit when introducing gamification in the educational field.

In addition to motivation, other aspects are important in VET, such as the development of social and intellectual competences of students and the improvement of both self-confidence and personal satisfaction, due to their direct impact on academic performance.

The experiential experience and meaningful learning is what it is pursued with the use of video games and robotics in education. In addition, although robotics can also be detached from gamification, it is common to use traditional Lego or similar games to promote motivation and facilitate the learning of electronics, mechanics and computer science students, by solving a real technological problem. This new discipline is gradually included in the educational plans of both public and private centers, since the areas of knowledge involved in robotics approaches are part of the secondary school curriculum. This allows the content of


ESTEAME subjects to be combined by means of the practical creation of programmable robots with different platforms, such as Scratch, Arduino or Lego Mindstorms, which allows promoting creativity and the development of computational thinking. It is worth commenting on other gamification proposals that aim to gamify classroom management to help improve the classroom environment and, therefore, the general

performance of students.

It should be noted that the overcoming of levels, badges, insignia and medals imply an element of competition that generates controversy in the educational field, but competition is not only beneficial to motivate students to strive to achieve the objectives set, but also which also stimulates participation, encourages teamwork, interpersonal relationships and the acquisition of transversal skills such as effective oral communication, as well as the development of personal skills and social skills that contribute to employability.

Today’s young people, gamers, who dedicate a large part of their leisure to video games, which can be used in education by creating open immersive worlds in which students are experientially integrated into the space and time of the story of the game, which allows students to understand how the world works and learn to respond to everyday problems.

Today’s society faces the challenge of training citizens with high knowledge of the scientific and technological field, with the aim of making them protagonists of the future. However, due to the difficulty encountered in understanding the abstract concepts that form the basis of scientific-technological

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