Learning Journey

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Gómez Ríos José Alberto 509 5

Tacos or Tortas? Omar- Hey José! How are you? José- all good but since this morning I have a doubt ... it all started whenmy mother asked me what I wanted for my lunch, if a torta or tacos, Omar- I obviously prefer the tortas José - Why? Tacos are easier to transport! Omar- no! You can put the torta on a napkin to comparison of the tacos, they may fall José - but the tacos are easier to make and quick to eat Omar- yes, but a torta you can put more things like ham and eggs José - but the tacos are healthier Omar- Healthier? Tortas can be made very very healthy! can be made withham lettuce and tomato, that's healthy! Also when the tortilla is cooled,can be broken, José - but tacos can be soft, and tortas not, and tacos can also be a snack Omar- but the tortas’ bread is more crisp, fried tacos are very greasy José - but the tacos are almost a full meal Omar- we agree on that, the tacos are easier to get José - also, see prices and tortillas are much cheaper than bread Omar- if something is true, is that both’s ingredients may be more variedthan other dishes José - you’re right, both are meals more delicious than others Omar- Oh yes, then ... share with me your tacos? José - Sure, take them Omar- thank you very much

Introduce Myself Let me introduce Myself I'm Alberto and I'm studing in Prepa 1 in the fifht year.I'm fifteen years old, I was born in Mexico City in 1996, I live in a quiet zone of the Distrito Federal It name is Milpa Alta Now I tell you about my hobbies and preferences,I like listening to music, play the guitar and go to the cinema whit my friends, too for fun I create songs whit my guitar. The hamburgers and pizza are my favorit dishes and I love visit museums because is more interesting for me.As well I like watching T.V and movies, I like the music but only for relaxing me and for doing my homework, I love read books of sciencie fiction and comics of the superheroes for example: The avengers, Superman, Batman and others. Now I tell about my family, I have two cousins how live whit me, we are very attached, my mother is beautiful and loving her name is Ana, she love me above all things and I too, and my father is serious and intelligent his name is Arturo and I love soo much.I live with my mother in a big house and I don't have any brothers and sisters, I'm an only child but I have two dogs and I love them. My family is very close and I like this. Because they support me when I need.

Independent Study

How to Survive 413 group. (Prezi) http://prezi.com/usbjamcetjsa/how-to-survive-413-group/

Halloween Poster

https://www. smore.com/fjtd

Phone Conversation

A: Hello? O:Hi! It's Omar! A:Ohhhh Omar. How are you? O:Fine, but today is your birthday!! Congratulations Pollo, Happy birthday! A:Tanks! but Don't forget the party. Is this night O:Yeah! Tank you for inviting me. See you later. See you this night A: Its at nine o'clock O:Ok. See you later. A: Ok bye!

My grandma! (past tense) My Grandmother...

I will start to talk about of my grandmother’s life. In this time the people were more educated and they had more values. My grandmother used to go to the market every day because her mother sent my grandma to buy food. When she was just a girl she couldn't have boyfriends because this act was frowned and the girls who had a boyfriend should marry with this man. Also my Grandma used to work everyday she could not study because this was only for men. The country at that time was completely male chauvinist and my grandmother had to respect the rules. Besides work she played with her friend. They used to play games like: football “burro castigado” “bote pateado” “canicas” and other games that made them fun. In her adolescence my grandma had a sneaking her first boyfriend, his name was Gilberto and then they decided live together. Over the years my grandparents had a 7 children My grandma was in charge of the children and usually she went to the cinema with my grandfather. In this moment in the life of my grandma she used to knit a lot and made craft. Then in the 90’s she became ill and died in 2001. My grandma was happy because she had a full and enjoyable life.

Shock & Storm This happened two years ago. My Family and me went to visit my uncle in Michoacรกn. We were in the mountains at a house of my uncle. It was extremely cloudy and cold. We were in the garden, when a big storm started and we all together ran into to the house but my uncle didn't run and a bolt touch his body and he screamed!! I was scared, but a little later my uncle look liked a crazy scientific because his hair was crispped and we decided not to tell anything about this. Ups!! I've just told you!! It was very funny! :) This day I laughed because he looked crazy!!!

Romeo and Juliet (Book composition) Romeo and Juliet is a love story about two young starcrossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. It’s a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. It’s an exciting novel because it has a interesting end and a story of impossible love that makes you travel through the medieval age. This book is 100% appropiste for the young who has an impossible love...

"Dear Santa" Christmas is coming and Im looking forward to your visit. This year, I would like many things for Christmas: First of all I would like lots of health and money as well as need a new computer because mine is very old finally I'd like a motorcycle to go to school every day and avoid the traffic!! I have been a good student and excellent son this year, ok forget "the excellent son", so I think I diserve these presents. 3 good things I have done are: 1.- I did my homework 2.- I have a high average in the school 3.- I helped my friends and family When you come down the chimney, please look in the kitchen. I'm going to leave chocolate milk and cookies on the table for you. Tank You Santa, I'm very excited... By: Alberto

Thanks Mrs. Delgado

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