The Albion Analog #1

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The Albion Analog. Autumn Issue 2012. Back in school I used to edit and make a zine called ‘Harami Gunde’. Which was what our teacher used to call us. It was fun. Hand drawn, fucked up and photocopied. We didn’t realize it then but we were echoing a world wide and age old culture. A wiki entry on the zine says: “Since the invention of the printing press (if not before), dissidents and marginalized citizens have published their own RSLQLRQV LQ OHDÁHW DQG SDPSKOHW IRUP 7KRPDV 3DLQH published an exceptionally popular pamphlet titled “Common Sense” that led to insurrectionary UHYROXWLRQ µ So, is what you hold in your hands some kind of dissident literature by marginalized citizens of Albion? (Insert a sniggering Matt here). Well, what you have in your hands is just a humble attempt to get all of us to put our thoughts in words and pictures a little more than we do. Experiment a little more. Inspire and get inspired a little more. Most of all this is about using craft (and getting better at it) to express big ideas better. 7KLV LV WKH ÀUVW LVVXH $Q H[DPSOH RI ZKDW FRXOG EH done. I am looking forward to reading all your words DQG VHHLQJ \RXU DUW DV ZH JR DORQJ :H ZLOO RIÀFLDOO\ begin the zine in January 2013. Oh, and ‘Harami Gunde’ means ‘Fucking Bastards’. Hemant Anant Jain (Editor)

Compiled by James Kemp & Lauren Hurst


Jack G.


What are you trying to say London? With the blackbirds song and robins beautiful displeasure? With your constant hum and the sirens? What with the foxes crying in the night? What with music that disturbs the dreams? What with the march of anarchy as it declares war over capitalism? What with the new engines and cars and the old familiar drone of the ancient aeroplanes? What is this sound that drowns history? As if history had something urgent to tell, and you, too polite to refuse a hearing, just drown its voice? What is it that you are trying VR KDUG WR VD\ /RQGRQ" :LWK PXIÁHG YRLFHV RI JDQJV WKDW DUH RXW DQG DERXW" $QG WKH FRRWV WKDW ÀJKW ZLWK HDFK RWKHU RYHU XQPDUNHG territories. Which part of you dear London is silent still? I’ve been to Kew and it’s ancient tree bones rattle with the thought of the third runway. But let’s not talk of the past because you have raised the Shard over it London. And the noise rises to meet its spectacular height. And the noise looks disgusted, as it rises to the twisted red idea that screams public art and compares itself to an Eiffel that all the towers dream to be. London, you with your noise are making me lie awake and my double glazed windows are no match for your earnest mutterings. London, I have dreamt of you when I was away and as I listen to you speak to me, shout at me, drown my hums, I say, ‘Shut the fuck up London and let me sleep.’ Hemant Anant Jain



Hemant  J.


Hemant  J.

Laura  M.



James  K.



Debs G. & Laura M.



Debs G. & Laura M.

Nick D.



Lauren  H.

Aaron  H.


17. Aaron  H.

19. Aaron  H.

21. Aaron  H.

Sonny  B.


Make The Albion Analogue your own. Send us submissions for the first official issue of The Analogue. It must be something you have written, drawn or created. The Analogue is about your craft. Put your entries in the Analogue drop box which will mysteriously appear at some forthcoming date. Or you can create one. The January issue theme: Cold and dark.

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