Alcanta International College - an IB World School in Guangzhou

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Alcanta International College Achieve Inspire Create


Achieve 路 Inspire 路 Create


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Alcanta International College Achieve Inspire Create

Mission Statement

Grounded in Chinese culture and nurtured in the IB spirit of internationalism AIC students become active and globalised citizens achieving entry to diverse universities worldwide.


Through a rigorous and student-centred programme, we offer the IB philosophy of learning and world citizenship to our community. Students are challenged by a dynamic programme of active learning that will engender in them scholarship and a belief that they can make the world a better place.

使命宣言 以中国文化为经,以 IB 国际教育为 纬,引领 AIC 莘莘学子,跨入世界知名 学府,成为有作为的世界公民。

愿景 我们通过严格的,以学生为中心的课 程,将 IB 的教育理念和世界公民观传递 到我们的社区。学生在充满活力的课程活 动中,主动学习,接受挑战,并以此获得 让世界变得更为美好的才华和信念。


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目录 03 …… 使命宣言 & 愿景 06 …… 成就·激励·创造 09 …… 以行动履行 IB 教育使命 10 …… 国际预科文凭先修课程 11 …… 国际预科文凭课程 12 …… 考核方法 13 …… 课外活动内容 14 …… 将中国文化融入国际教育 15 …… 积极倡导体验式学习 16 …… 把握资源,掌握知识 17 …… 对重大事务要有所思有所为 18 …… 展示学生的责任感 19 …… 参与社会活动,培养国际视野 20 …… 广交朋友,发展友谊 21 …… 你的道路,你的选择,未来从这里起步 23 …… 崭新先进的学校设施 25 …… 学校生活 26 …… 老师与学生语录 28 …… 入学申请 29 …… 奖学金 31 …… 学校位置和交通路线

02 …… Mission Statement & Vision 06 …… Achieve · Inspire · Create 09 …… Supporting the IB Mission through Actions 10 …… Pre-Diploma Programme 11 …… B Diploma Programme 12 …… Assessment Methods 13 …… CAS Activities 14 …… Immersion in Chinese Culture with a Spirit of Internationalism 15 …… Embracing Active Experiential Learning 16 …… Accessing Knowledge through Valuable Resources 17 …… Acting upon Issues that Matter 18 …… Demonstrating Values of Responsibility with Accountability 19 …… Examining Global Perspectives and Growing through Social Engagement 20 …… Cultivating Long Lasting Friendships 21 …… The CHOICE to Make, the ROAD to Take, the First STEP to the Future 22 …… New Contemporary Facilities 24 …… Home Away from Home 26 …… What They Say 28 …… How to Apply 29 …… Up to 100% Full Tuition Scholarships 30 …… How to Find Us

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Achieve · Inspire · Create Alcanta International College (AIC) is an IB World School, authorised by the International Baccalaureate to offer the Diploma Programme. It is also the only IB World School that recruits both local Chinese and international students in Guangzhou, China. Our experienced IB teachers from around the world, and our state-of-the-art facilities, are the key elements to high quality international education at AIC.

成就·激励·创造 亚加国际预科(AIC)是获得世界文凭 组织(IBO)认证的 IB 成员学校,也是广州 唯一能同时招收国际学生和中国学生的学习 者社区。经过严格挑选的教师团队,在 IB 教学方面拥有丰富的经验。一流的学校硬件 设施,也为高素质的国际教育提供了保证。 为 AIC 的学子们创造适应当代国际教育 要求的学习环境,是我们的追求;让外籍学 生与中国学生一同体验国际教育,感受和欣 赏中国语言和文化,是我们的希望;将每位 学生培养成符合 21 世纪要求的世界公民并 在世界顶级学府得到进一步提升,是我们的 梦想! 成就·激励·创造!欢迎您加入 AIC !

We aim to provide a learning environment that is on par with contemporary international education; to create equal opportunity for local Chinese and international students to experience and appreciate Chinese language and culture; to prepare our students to become global citizens admitted to top universities and equipped with proper knowledge and understanding to face the challenges of the 21st century. Achieve. Inspire. Create. Come and join us at AIC!

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Supporting the IB Mission through Actions The IB Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university course of study that includes examinations; it is designed for highly motivated secondary school students aged 16 to 19. The programme incorporates the best elements of the national system without being based on any one. Students are always challenged to strive for the best and are encouraged to be lifelong learners. They understand that other people with their differences can also be right. Since its establishment in 1968, the IB Diploma has gained tremendous recognition of its academic integrity and has become the symbol of the future of knowledge. The IBO has 3484 member schools (IBO, November 2012), in 143 countries around the world. The IB Diploma is globally-recognized and IB graduates gain direct access to top universities worldwide, some even with priority. With outstanding IB scores, IB graduates are eligible to receive up to one-year of college credits in certain universities and to apply for scholarships from 2544 universities in 75 countries. At AIC, We offer a one-year pre-Diploma (Pre-DP) course and a two-year IB Diploma course (IBDP). In Pre-DP, students will enrol in an academic programme specifically designed by our IB experts to prepare them for the IBDP. For students who have the academic potentials to achieve in the IBDP but lack the English skills, they could enrol in our one-year Intensive English Programme before they embark on the journey of our three-year high school programme.

以行动履行 IB 教育使命 国际文凭组织(IBO)的文凭课程是严 格的大学预科课程,对象为 16~19 岁的有志 中学生。该课程吸收了各国教育制度的长处, 而不以任何单一制度为局限,对学生进行挑 战,使其争取做到最好并立志成为终身学习 者。他们通过学校,将认识到,其他人的看 法可能与你不同,但也可以是正确的。 自 1968 年成立以来,IB 文凭的学术诚 信品质在国际上获得了巨大的认可,并已成 为未来知识的象征。截止到 2012 年 11 月, 已经获得国际文凭组织授权的 3484 所学校, 遍布在世界各地的 143 个国家。 由于 IB 文 凭的全球认可度,IB 毕业生能够直接通往世 界各地的顶尖大学,有的甚至享有这些学校 给予的优先权。凭借出色的 IB 成绩,IB 毕 业生可获得来自 75 个国家的 2544 所大学为 期一年的大学学分。在某些大学,他们还可 申请奖学金。 AIC,作为一所集国际高中和大学预科 于一体的 IB 国际学校,提供 3 年的全日制课 程,包括 1 年的国际文凭预备课程 (Pre-DP) 及 2 年 的 国 际 预 科 课 程(IBDP)。 另 外, 对于有一定的学术基础,但英语水平比较薄 弱的学生,AIC 还提供一年的英语强化课程 (Intensive English Programme)。 有 关 课 程 的内容,请咨询招生办。


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IB Diploma Programme


Pre-Diploma Programme The AIC Pre-DP (Grade 10) has been specifically designed to prepare students to meet the challenges of the rigorous IB Diploma Programme. Subject areas to be taken by all Pre-DP students are: Group 1: First Language and Literature Group 2: Second and Foreign Language Group 3: Humanities Group 4: Experimental Sciences Group 5: Mathematics Group 6: Visual Arts Core Elements: Learning to Learn (L2L) & IT

国际预科文凭先修课程 此课程专为 10 年级的学生打造,帮助 他们为接下来的国际文凭课程的学习,打 下一个扎实的基础。课程内容包括: 第一组:母语及母语文学 第二组:第二语言或外语 第三组:人文科学 第四组:实验科学 第五组:数学 第六组:艺术 核心元素:科技、学习方法与技巧

国际预科文凭课程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme),简称 IBDP,是由国际文凭 组织为高中生设计的两年制大学预科课程。课程要求 学生必须从六组学科中选择六门课程来学习。除此之 外,学生还要独立撰写 4000 字左右的专题论文(EE), 学习一门跨学科课程 - 认识论(ToK),以及参与创 作、行动和服务(CAS)的活动项目。这些课堂以外 的核心学习使学生能够初步体验独立撰写专题论文的 过程,对课堂内外获得的知识和经验进行批判性反思, 以及学习如何在生活当中发挥创造能力,提倡实践行 动及履行社会服务。 第一组:语言和文学研究 A(母语、文学及文化) 第二组:语言 B(非母语) 第三组:个人和社会(历史、地理、哲学、心理学、 经济学、商业) 第四组:实验科学(物理、化学、生物、环境系统等) 第五组:数学和计算机科学 第六组:艺术(视觉艺术、音乐、戏剧艺术等) 核心元素:专题论文(EE)、认识论(ToK)、 CAS 项目

The IBDP is a two-year pre-university course designed for high school students by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The course requires that students choose their six subjects from the six groups of subjects respectively. In addition, students must write an independent extended essay (EE) of 4,000 words on any topic of their interest, enrol in an interdisciplinary course called Theory of Knowledge (ToK), as well as participate in the creativity, action and service (CAS) activities. These core elements help students to be well-prepared for their tertiary education in terms of thesis-writing, critical thinking skills from the knowledge and experience gained both inside and outside the classroom, as well as the ability to create, take action and perform community service in their daily lives. Group 1: Studies in First Language and Literature Group 2: Foreign Language Acquisition Group 3: Individuals and Societies Group 4: Experimental Science Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Science Group 6: Visual Arts Core Elements: Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (ToK), Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)

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CAS Activities At AIC, extracurricular activities (CAS) are part of the IB curriculum. CAS activities aim at providing the opportunity for students to become reflective thinkers, to accept new challenges, to be able to work collaboratively on sustainable projects and ultimately to show responsibility for themselves and the environment. Such a wide variety of activities enable students to grow intellectually, physically and emotionally and to become all-rounders.

Assessment Methods The IBDP exam is divided into internal and external assessments. The internal assessment is conducted by subject teachers under the IB syllabus outline, which will then be reviewed by moderators appointed by the IBO. The external assessment is conducted by the IBO examiners, from setting exam questions to marking of the test papers. Candidates’ work is assessed against prescribed and well-defined marking schemes of each subject. The total score of IBDP is 45 points, in which 42 are divided into the sum of the six subjects (7 points per subject), and possible 3 points from ToK, EE and participation in CAS. The minimum total to pass the IBDP is 24 points. Students who obtain more than 32 points stand a higher chance to be admitted to top universities worldwide.

考核方法 IBDP 的 考 试 分 为 内 部 评 估 和 外 部 评 估。 内 部 评 估 由 任 课 教 师 根 据 IB 大 纲 来 组织和评估,并由 IBO 指定的校外评审员 对该教师的审核进行评审,一般占各学科 总分的 20%~50%;外部评估由 IBO 指定 的考官命题和阅卷,一般占各学科总分的 20%~50%。 IBDP 课程的总分为 45 分,其中,42 分为 6 门学科的总和(每门满分为 7 分), 剩余 3 分是学生 TOK,EE 及 CAS 获得的 总分。总分达到 24 分者,便可获得 IBDP 文凭;总分 32 分以上,便可以进入世界名 牌大学。

AIC provides students with a variety of activities including photography, gardening, tutoring children of migrant workers, guitar, piano, mural-painting, fitness, table tennis, badminton, basketball, football, drama, singing, dancing, structure-building challenges, frisbee etc. There are two five-week cycles of CAS activities each semester. In each cycle, students may enroll in an activity organized by other students or initiate their own CAS activity which they would lead. At the end of each CAS cycle, students have to complete their CAS report for evaluation and reflection.

课外活动内容 在 AIC,课外活动是 IB 课程的一部分。活动将 IB 三大元 素“创作、行动、服务”(即 CAS)融入其中,培养学生自 我反思,接受挑战,以及团队合作协调的能力,并最终使学 生有意识地承担对自我以及对社会与环境的责任。我们通过 各种各样的活动来发展学生的智商与情商,使他们成为全方 位的人才。 我们为学生提供丰富多彩的 CAS 活动,包括摄影、园艺、 小雁子农民工子弟课外辅导、吉它、钢琴、壁画制作、健身、 乒乓球、羽毛球、篮球、足球、戏剧、唱歌、舞蹈、结构建 造难题和极限飞碟等。每学期有两次 CAS 活动周期,每个周 期长达四至五个星期。学生可报名参加其他学生或老师组织 的活动项目,或自己主动组织不同的活动项目以发挥各自的 领导能力。


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Immersion in Chinese Culture with a Spirit of Internationalism At AIC, we aim to enrich students’ experience by immersing them in local Chinese culture with a spirit of internationalism in mind. Located in the most vibrant and dynamic city of Southern China – Guangzhou, AIC students are constantly exposed to local museums, art galleries, theatres, historical sites and nature parks. During festive seasons, such as Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival, students partake of the cultural celebrations with food, music, dance and fun!

将中国文化融入国际教育 AIC 提倡将中国本土文化与国际精神相融 合,以此丰富学生的经历。学校位于中国南部 最充满活力的城市 - 广州,这给我们的学生参 观当地的博物馆,艺术画廊,歌剧院,历史遗 迹和自然公园,以熏陶他们的情操,带来极大 的便利。此外,学生也参与节日庆典如农历新 年和中秋节的庆祝活动,分享当地美味菜肴, 音乐,舞蹈和节日的气氛!

Embracing Active Experiential Learning Students at AIC gain learning methodologies, disciplines and skills in order to reach their personal potential through actively participating in class activities and hands-on practical work. They may work together on wood-carving art projects, conducting dissection experiments in the laboratories, or learn baking in cooking class. The opportunity to make mistakes and learn from mistakes is what makes learning so much fun and fulfilling.

积极倡导体验式学习 在 AIC,学生通过课堂活动与动手 实践,获得各科的学习方法与技能,以 发掘他们的个人潜力。他们可在艺术课 上集体完成木雕艺术作品,也可在生物 实验室内进行解剖实验,还可在课后烹 饪班学习烘焙糕点,从而使学生有机会 认识到学习如何从失败中领悟才是学习 的一大乐趣。


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Acting upon Issues that Matter 对重大事务要有所思有所为 我们相信每个人在社会上都有其存在的价 值与独特性,并以全人教育的方式发展他们各 自的潜力。我们努力培养学生的主动性、自主 能力、创新能力、自律习惯以及同情心,以应 对当今世界所面临的挑战。在 AIC,学生将学 会如何了解、理解对每个个体或社会一份子有 影响的事务并采取适当的行动。我们的学生积 极参与社区服务,全球事务研讨会议以及有意 义的公益募捐活动。

Accessing Knowledge through Valuable Resources We want our students to have access to as much knowledge as they can; therefore, we provide the essential tools for them to achieve that. Our computer room is equipped with iMac desktops and students use laptops and iPads for assignment submissions. On top of that, we have a large and spacious library with an international selection of books and magazines for independent research. Access to the World Wide Web is also available via Wi-Fi connection everywhere on campus. In addition, AIC uses MOODLE, an online learning and information platform, as a tool for curriculum management and FAWEB (Faculty Access for the Web) for course planning and student management. Lastly, with the help of NET CLASSROOM, parents can keep track of their children’s progress in terms of attendance, school activities, academic results and communicate directly with the teachers.

把握资源,掌握知识 我们希望学生尽可能在他们的能力 范围内吸取最多的知识。 为实现这一目 标,我们为学生提供了必要的学习设备。 我们的电脑室里都配备了 iMac 台式机, 学生可使用笔记本电脑和 iPad 提交作 业。最重要的是,我们有一个收藏了世 界各地书籍和杂志的图书馆, 好让学生 在知识的海洋里漫游。学校也在校园的 每个角落提供无线网络服务。 此 外,AIC 还 利 用 MOODLE( 在 线学习及资讯平台 )进行课程管理; 利 用 FAWEB(Faculty Access for the Web)进行课程、班级和学生管理;学 生家长则可以通过 NET CLASSROOM 了解自己儿女的出勤、成绩、以及课程 安排等信息。

We recognise the unique worth of every individual in the community and the significance of fostering the individual’s full potential and personal development as a whole person. It is our goal to encourage individuals to be active, innovative, selfdisciplined and compassionate in response to the challenges facing today’s generation. At AIC, students will be taught to learn, understand and act upon issues that matter as an individual and as part of the local and global community. Our students engage in community services, attend Global Issues Network conferences and partake in meaningful global events to raise money for good causes.


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Examining Global Perspectives and Growing through Social Engagement

Demonstrating Values of Responsibility with Accountability Students are given the chance to be team leaders, in and out of the classroom. The Student Council plays an important role in shaping student-initiated events and organization. Apart from that, CAS activities aim at providing the opportunity for students to become reflective thinkers, to accept new challenges, to be able to work collaboratively on sustainable projects and ultimately to show responsibility for themselves and the environment. Such a wide variety of activities enables students to grow intellectually, physically and emotionally.

展示学生的责任感 AIC 的每一位学生都有机会在课堂 内外的活动中成为团队的领导者。这其 中学生会 (Student Council) 在学生活动 中扮演着重要的角色。此外,CAS 活动 也为培养学生的领导能力提供了一个平 台,让学生有机会接受新的挑战,发挥 团队合作的精神,以及履行对自己和对 社会的责任。通过这些活动,学生的身 心健康与智能均得到了发展。

参与社会活动,培养国际视野 AIC 不断寻求扩大学生对世界的认识,以及 发展他们的潜力与理性思维的技能的机会, 以帮 助他们进行各个学科的学习。我们利用各种各样 的学科素材去培养学生们的批判性思维和分析能 力。学生将学习如何为其社区以及周边环境的福 祉作出贡献,尊重自己的文化和身份与其他人的 传统,并学会体谅和分享。

AIC is constantly seeking to extend students' understanding of the world, as well as develop their general potential to make reasoned responses; skills which will be useful in their study of all disciplines. We draw on a variety of subjects, across a number of groups to instil the development of critical thinking and analytical skills. Students learn how to contribute to the well-being of their environment and surrounding community, respect their own culture and identity as well as others, and be considerate, ethical and willing to share.


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The CHOICE to Make, the ROAD to Take, the First STEP to the Future 你的道路,你的选择, 未来从这里起步 AIC 为学生打开了国际教育的 大门,并确保学生为未来的海外学 习做好充分的准备。我们的升学指 导团队在大学申请、学生签证以及 学校生活等方面提供专业的咨询服 务,以帮助学生进入理想的大学进 行学习。此外,AIC 的学生还有机 会与国际顶尖大学的招生官员见面, 并获得详细的大学申请信息。

Cultivating Long Lasting Friendships Students create trust among their peers throughout the three years of learning and living together. With our teacherstudent ratio as low as 1:7, it is certain that your voice will be heard. Our mentor system enables teachers to guide students through the ups and downs of their academic and personal life.

广交朋友,发展友谊 学生在三年的生活和学习当中建立 相互信任的关系。除此之外,我们低于 1:7 的师生比例,也让老师能倾听每个 学生的声音,发展师生之间的友情。我 们的导师制使得学生在学习和生活上的 方方面面都得到了关注。

AIC opens doors to powerful international experiences for our students and makes sure that they are well-prepared to make informed choices when selecting options for further study. AIC provides students with professional advice and services for university placement, student visas and student life-related issues, to help students access their ideal colleges and universities. Furthermore, AIC students get to meet with international admissions officers from top universities as prospective students and gain detailed information about these institutions.


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New Contemporary Facilities Classrooms Classrooms have been designed to accommodate different teaching styles, offering much flexibility to teachers and students. They are well-equipped with state-of-the-art technology such as interactive whiteboards and projectors. Science Laboratories The science laboratories are purpose-built in consultation with experienced IB teachers to facilitate student-centered education. They are equipped with scientific equipment that meets the international standards of functionality, practicality and flexibility. Library A large and spacious library with an international selection of books and magazines provides opportunities for independent research. Recreational Area A rooftop terrace and a recreational garden area invite students to spend their break time outside to study or relax. Sport Facilities A sports field and basketball courts are used for physical education and after-school activities. Multipurpose Room The multi-purpose room provides the ideal venue for lectures, seminars and large gatherings.

教室 教室的设计以适应不同的教学风格为 主要构思,为老师和学生提供了极大的灵 活性。 课室配有投影机、交互式白板和无 线网络。 科学实验室 科学实验室专门按照 IB 以学生为中心 的教学理念而设计,配有符合国际标准的 科学器材与设施,集功能性、实用性和灵 活性于一体。 图书馆 宽敞明亮的图书馆提供各种国际化的 电子以及纸质图书和刊物,为学生学习、 讨论以及开展独立研究创造了良好的环境。 休闲区域 学生可以在楼顶花园和其他园区学 习、交谈、活动以及休闲。 运动场地 学生可以在室外运动场和室内场地从 事田径、篮球、足球、羽毛球、乒乓球、 飞碟等各项活动。 多功能厅 多功能厅为演讲、学生研讨会和大型 集会提供了理想的场所。


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Alcanta International College Achieve Inspire Create

Home Away from Home AIC provides all our boarders with a safe, healthy and comfortable environment. In the boarding house, we encourage students to treat everyone with respect and courtesy while developing their self-confidence and selfdiscipline. The student dormitory consists of triple and quad rooms, all equipped with an en suite bathroom, 24/7 hot water and wireless network. In addition, there is a common room equipped with facilities such as refrigerators, air conditioners, microwave ovens and sofas for the purposes of learning, leisure and social activities. House mentors attend to students’ boarding needs as well as supervise their daily schedule to make sure that they complete their school assignments. We provide a healthy and nutritious breakfast, tea break, lunch and dinner through a couple of catering companies, to meet students’ dietary needs.

学校生活 AIC 为我们所有的住宿生提供安全、 卫生和舒适的住宿环境。在宿舍,我们鼓 励学生相互合作、理解和尊重,并培养学 生的自信和自律。 学生宿舍分 3 人间和 4 人间,宿舍配 有独立卫生间,24 小时热水,以及无线 网络。宿舍配有公共活动室供学生进行学 习、休闲和社交,并备有冰箱,空调,微 波炉和沙发等设施。宿舍有生活老师负责 学生的起居,还有辅导员和海外志愿者监 督并辅导他们完成作业。AIC 提供早餐、 课间餐、午餐和晚餐,由不同的专业公司 负责配送,保证饭菜的卫生与营养。


International College 26 Alcanta Achieve Inspire Create

Alcanta International College Achieve Inspire Create

“The challenge to set up a new school continues. It is an exciting one, as everything has to be built from nothing, and a culture of inspired achievement established. I have really enjoyed the opportunity to be involved at many levels in such an awesome project.”

“So far it has been a great learning experience in this exciting, vibrant and creative environment. I am learning a lot about the Chinese people and their culture while exploring the massive metropolitan city – Guangzhou, with its warm and welcoming weather.”

“建立一所新的学校,所面临的挑战 是持续的,也是令人兴奋的,因为一 切都是从无到有。能从各个层面参与 到一种激励文化的建设当中,我感到 其乐融融。” —— Lynda KEER-KEER

“这里是一个令人兴奋,充满活力和创 造力的学习环境。我学习到了很多中国 文化,同时也在其温暖的天气中探索漂 亮的国际大都会 - 广州。” —— David BELL

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“The Student Council is established based on the concept of learning from each other and developing new ideas. All one needs is a passion to help build a better community. As a member of the Student Council, I have developed my leadership and organizing skills and I am glad to be a part of the change.”

land ew Zea N r, e h r y Teac hemist C d n a Biology -KEER, R E E K Lynda

“AIC 学生会建立在互相学习和发展新思路 的基础上;最重要的是它培养个人去帮助建 立一个更美好社群的激情。作为学生会的成 员,我很荣幸能通过它发展我的领导和组织 能力,并置身于它的不断变化之中。” ——陈思韵

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“AIC is a moving, shifting, changing and dynamic school. I enjoy the challenges ranging from cultural understanding to academic growth that I encounter every day. Being part of this small community is always exciting.”


“AIC 是一所充满变化和活力,动感十足 的学校。每日面对各种挑战,从对文化的 理解到学生的学业进步所带来的问题,我 都欣然接受。成为这个学习者社区的一员 总是令人激动不已。” —— Chrys HILL


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“When I look around in my class, I see all of the different views on life represented by the diverse range of students. Since I came here I have only experienced positive feelings towards me from others and the difference I bring to the group. Welcoming, kind, and engaging people are always ready to help each other in this small family-like community.”

d Zealan er, New h c a e T t ILL, Ar Chr ys H

“As a volunteer at AIC, I am here to help the students with their language acquisition while learning and enjoying the Chinese culture in an international setting. As a former IB student I hope to use my experience to guide AIC students through their IB journey.”

et ), Secr Serena

“当我环顾四周,我看到来自不同地 方以及对生活有着不同想法的学生。 自从我来到这里,我只感受到别人对 我的热情,善良,乐于助人的精神, 就像个大家庭。” ——Dana Maraeva

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“作为 IB 毕业生,我希望用我 以往求学的经验来指导 AIC 学 生的 IB 之旅。” ——Marie Grif


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“AIC has offered me great opportunities to develop my talents and potential. I love interacting with my teachers and classmates, who constantly inspire me to think critically and deeply on my school subjects and society as a whole.”

“AIC 给了我很大的机会去发展我 的才华和潜力。我爱和老师、同学 们沟通,因为他们不断地启发我在 课业及社会方面的批判性思维。” ——苏布尔

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International College 28 Alcanta Achieve Inspire Create

Alcanta International College Achieve Inspire Create


Up to 100% Full Tuition Scholarships

How to Apply Eligibility: Students between the ages of 15 to 17 who have completed the 9th grade can apply, regardless of their nationality, race, and ethnicity. Application procedures 1. Make an appointment to visit AIC and attend trial classes (optional) 2. Submit the completed application form with supporting documents to the Admissions Office along with RMB300 non-refundable application fee 3. Applicants will be notified to take the entrance exam (English & Math) and attend an interview 4.Admissions decisions will be made within two weeks after the interview; admitted applicants will have to pay RMB12, 000 commencement fee to secure a place at AIC.

入学申请 招生对象: 全国各地及海外地区,,凡完成 9 年级(初 三 / 高一,年龄 15-17 岁)课程的中外学生均 可报考,户口、国籍不限。 申请程序: 每位申请入读 AIC 的学生必须通过 AIC 内 部的笔试和面试。笔试分为数学和英文,考试 时间为两小时;面试用英语进行,时间大概为 15 分钟。申请入读的报名程序如下: 1、预约参观学校并参加体验课程(自愿)。 2、提交填写完整的报名表,并提交身份 证或护照复印件及 300 元报名费。 3、申请人参加笔试(英文、数学)。 4、若笔试成绩达到入学标准,则安排申 请人参加面试。 5、AIC 于两周内告知申请人录取情况, 被录取的申请人需支付 12,000 元入学保证金。

奖学金 秉承 AIC 的教育使命、发展愿景和目 标,并鼓励那些有特长和潜力的学生加入 AIC,为他们创造享受一流教育的难得机 会,我们向有潜力的优秀申请人提供奖学 金。AIC 提供的奖学金包括学术奖学金、才 能奖学金和助学金。更多详情请浏览 www., 发 电 邮 到 或致电 020-8618 3666/3999 咨询。

In support of the AIC Mission, Vision and Goals, and to create educational opportunities at AIC for local Chinese and international students of exceptional ability and potential, AIC offers Merit Scholarships and Academic Scholarships from partial to full tuition fees. The goal of the AIC International Students Scholarship Programme is to support exceptionally talented students and challenge them to excel at AIC and beyond, as well as to make the IB Diploma Programme and AIC education accessible to all gifted students interested in building their future at AIC. For more details, please check out our website at or contact our admissions office at: Email: Phone: +86 20 8618 3999/3666

International College 30 Alcanta Achieve Inspire Create

Alcanta International College Achieve Inspire Create



d 黄石



By Public Transport Subway: Take Line 2 (blue) to Jiang Xia station. Walk approximately 100m from exit D and get on bus line 245. Get off at the University of Foreign Studies Bus Stop. AIC is right next to the bus stop. Bus: The Guangdong University of Foreign Studies bus station ( 广 州 外 语 学 院 - 白 云 山 西 门 站 ), serving more than 20 bus lines, is next to the main gate of AIC. The bus lines are: 1, B18, 36, 38, 66, 76A, 76, 127, 223, 245, 265, 424, 529, 804, 805, 864.


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AIC 亚加达国际预科 Alcanta International College 白云山西门 Baiyun Mountain West Entrance

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By Car Coming from the South / Central Guangzhou: Drive towards the north on Baiyun Dadao Nan and pass by the Guangzhou Gymnasium and Baiyun International Convention Centre. Once you pass the Baiyun Mountain West Entrance, AIC is the first building on your right. Coming from the North: Drive towards the south on Baiyun Dadao Bei. Once you pass the intersection with Huangshi Dong Road, AIC is the building on your left.

萧岗地铁站 Xiao-gang Metro

机场高速干线 A

How to Find Us

Roa Dong

白云山风景区 Baiyun Mountain

学校位置和交通路线 驾车 从广州南面或中心出发: 自白云大道向北驶,路经广州体育馆、白云国际会议中心,和白云山西门,右面第一座建筑就是 AIC 。 从北面出发: 在白云大道自北向南行,在黄石东路路口交通灯处朝右拐,AIC 就在右面。 公共交通 地铁:乘坐地铁 2 号线到江夏站,从 D 出口往前走约 100 米到公车站乘搭 245 路公车,到外语学院 白云山西门站下车。车站就在亚加达国际预科的旁边。 公车:乘车至广州外语学院 - 白云山西门站下车,车站紧靠学校正门。公车路线包括 1, B18, 36, 38, 66, 76A, 76, 127, 223, 245, 265, 424, 529, 804, 805,864 等。

International College 32 Alcanta Achieve Inspire Create

新浪微博:@ 亚加达国际预科 Twitter:@ AlcantaInternational

地址:中国广东省广州市白云大道南 1130 号 网址 电话:+86-20-8618-3666/3999 Adress: 1130 Baiyun Dadao Nan, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China Website: Telephone: +86-20-8618-3666/3999 Email:

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