Slowly take a careful step
The air so cold about your neck
The breath escapes in clouds of white The glistening snow a wondrous sight
The earth so hard each step rings out
Your wary tread a thunderous shout
The crunching of the flakes beneath
As feet descend on frozen leaf
As you see the world transformed
By beauty such your heart is warmed
Even though the air is chill
The sight does make you stop, grow still.
How such beauty can astound
When we pause and look around A gift that's sent from up above To share with those we truly love.
Sue in poetry form from spirit. These readings are totally unique and can be combined with a healingtreatment
Poetry that is wonderfully insightful and full of healing to anyone reading them. Available on Amazon www.soulverse.co.uk
Imbolc or Candlemass this year will be on 1st February until sundown on 2nd February It is a time for honouring Brighid, the goddess of the hearth. There are so many different ways that you can celebrate this time of year, either on your own or with a group of friends or family It is a time for purification and new beginnings.
At this time of the year, we are usually fed up with the cold dreary, and dark days and are looking forward to the coming spring With days starting to get lighter you could focus on the aspect of Brighid as a deity of fire and fertility or you could be more guided to look at the cycles of the season
Whatever you decide it just needs to feel right for you.
To set up your altar for Imbolc you can focus on the colours of this sabbat which are traditionally red green and white, cauldrons or chalices are also associated with Brighid as are corn dolls and baked goods, especially seed cake.
Brighid is also a goddess of poetry so you could place a poem that you have written on your altar. Candles are definitely required for this sabbat, you could also try to find them in the colours mentioned above
Always place your altar in a place that is visible to you daily, it does not need to be a large space, a window cill will do. However, if you are lighting candles then make sure that nothing is likely to be close to any flames
FireImbolc is often celebrated with fire, what is not to love about a bonfire in the cold and dark of a winter night?
You can make this fun with children and friends by toasting marshmallows over the flames As this is also a season of new beginnings you can write your wishes for the month or year ahead and place this into the fire for the smoke to take those wishes up to the heavens to get blessings from the gods and goddesses
Always set your intention when you do this for the wishes to come true
This ritual is best performed outside if possible
You can light candles as you make wishes for your friends and family as a very basic ritual or you can do something more formal You may wish to use the following ritual to help you manifest a goal that you would like to achieve in the year ahead:
4 tealight candles in white, red, or green something to light them with your intention of what you would like to achieve in the coming year written down on a piece of paper A cauldron or heat proof bowl to safely burn the piece of paper in A glass of water or some sand to douse the flames if necessary
As you light the first candle you can say Thoughinwinterwestillbe NewlifestirsthedarkIsee
Light the second candle and say Icallinlightasthesungrowsstrong Anddaysfromshortdonowgrowlong
Light the third candle and say... Inspiration,wisdomtoo Arestirredupnowwithallthingsnew
As you light the final candle, envision all of the flames joining together as one and feel a sense of purification as the energy increases.
Then say Icallupontheseflamessobright Tobanishdarknesswiththeirlight Cleanseandpurifymysoul Andhelpmemanifestmygoal
Place the piece of paper into the flame of one of the candles and put it into the caldron or deep heat proof bowl to burn. Make sure that you carefully watch the paper as it burns to ensure that it is safe and I would have some water or sand nearby to douse the flame should it start to escape from the bowl.
The old stove stood alone in the forest, reminiscing of times that had been. It used to be surrounded by a house, proudly on display, bringing warmth and joy to the people who lived there.
Now the house was gone and the people had moved beyond the veil The stove had a story to tell but alas, no one to tell it to
Sadly, sometimes also people turn into old stoves. They have warmth to give and stories to tell but no longer anyone to care for or tell stories to. We see them sitting on a bench in a park We see them clutching a book in the library We see them in the supermarket, selecting groceries for one
Maybe you can think of a person like that? Why not put the kettle on and invite that person for a nice cup of tea and enjoy a story or two Life is about exchanging love and warmth It is about listening and talking It is about sharing
Now go to the kitchen and put the kettle on...
A great meditation to start your New Year with!
This meditation has an Attractor Frequency of 734LoC (Levels of Consciousness)
The Gold Seal meditation journey helps you to release deep toxins, removing any 'foreign bodies' attached to you that hinder your divine pathway. These foreign bodies can include chemicals absorbed through consumption or merely by touch. When these toxins are released, you will reunite to your personal strength and courage bringing you back into alignment with your divine self, honesty and love
A New Year Angel card reading is a five card reading that looks at where you have been, the influences and circumstances in your life, and how they are changing as you move into 2023.
You can either have a full reading by email only or include a zoom chat to discuss the findings further.
Angel card email reading is £60 Zoom call is an additional £70
If you were to listen to the media, which I try to avoid at all costs, we are either going to be bombed in our sleep due to the ongoing hostilities in the world, starve or freeze to death because of the huge increases in the cost of living.
Whilst most of us just simply shrug our shoulders and have a 'what will be will be' attitude others can become almost paralyzed with fear and anxiety from the constant worry of all that is going on around them.
Apart from staying away from the daily news, newspapers, and media of all kinds what else can we do to help with the increasing waves of anxiety and fear that plague many of us?
Crystal wise the best stone by far to help with both fear and anxiety is Amethyst This stone, which also happens to be my birthstone, has so many positive attributes. It is great for dealing with addictions, probably because a lot of these will stem from fear or anxiety. It soothes the soul and calms the nerves too.
Amethyst is great for dispelling negative energies and brings clarity and peacefulness to the waking mind.
To aid a restful night's sleep try placing a piece of tumbled amethyst in each of the four corners of the bed If you are suffering from anxiety, stress or fear then try wearing a natural amethyst pendant for some extra protection.
We are constantly surrounded by Electro Magnetic Fields, but why is it considered to be harmful and what can we do about it?
From signal towers to the electricity in our homes, it is part of the modern world and we can rarely go anywhere to totally escape it It has been shown by research that frequent exposure to EMF can cause a multitude of reactions from fatigue to depression, headaches, sleeping problems, nausea to skin tingling.
Crystals have been used since the beginning of human existence to ward against bad energies, sorcerers, etc and now they have been shown to protect against the effects of the electromagnetic smog that constantly surrounds us. Some, especially those with a high iron content can block and protect the mind, body, and soul from EMF
The best crystals to use are Hematite and Black Tourmaline both of these crystals are also extremely grounding and absorb and block negative energies
Other great crystals to consider are Shungite which being 98% carbon means it packs a he punch in absorbing the bad vibes and Pyrite which also gives you a great energetic boost.
Try wearing a bracelet made from these crystals and experiment on which one works best for you.
Have you ever experienced that feeling like you are being watched? Well, I certainly felt like that all the time in my house, and leaning over the bath years ago to wash my hair was completely nerve racking, not being able to see BEHIND ME!!
I walked into the the lounge to pick up my son's toys, his toy Simon was always working on it's own, or was it? As I entered the room something caught my eye, on the wall to my right. As I looked I saw a skull shape, the more I looked the clearer it became, eyes formed looking at me, then the flesh, hair and garments I called to my husband to look at the wall, he saw nothing!
This wall in the house became full of faces! I took photos but nothing showed, just the plain wall paper. "Look at the wall, what can you see?" I'd say to visitors, the reply was always the same... "Nothing?" So, after few months of this I thought I was going mad, or I had a brain tumor? I began to draw the faces.
I couldn't concentrate watching television as the faces were just staring at me, their eyes sometimes moving, or their facial expressions changing.... this is just not happening I told myself Maybe I'm heading for a nervous breakdown and this is the first sign, seeing things that are not there?
We had a free paper back then called The Star. Looking casually through it, I saw an advert for an "Open Circle" at the local Spiritualist church. Somehow this really struck a cord in me to go, maybe I could talk to someone about what's happening to me, or maybe I'd be told to see my doctor!!
I spoke to the leader of the circle and explained my situation, he said come along next week and bring your pencil and sketch pad So I did
I was very nervous, the open circle was big, and I'd never experienced anything like it before, let alone meditate Once the meditation was over, the leader asked me to draw any faces that I could see? I looked around the church... nothing, simply nothing happened. Ahh well, I am going mad in that house for sure, I thought, when suddenly, a face appeared in front of me on the carpet, then another on the wall, I quickly sketched them, I think I did about six drawings in all The leader got up from his chair, took my pictures, looked through them, and said nothing! He then proceeded to show my pictures to the sitters in the circle, and to my utter amazement, every picture was taken, because I had drawn a face they had recognised! The leader said, "Do you know what you are doing?" I replied "No" He said, "you're a medium and you need to channel your ability properly". I started to cry in sheer relief, I explained about my HOUSE!
From that moment on my life changed. I was invited into several different closed spiritual development circles, one with people who were very experienced at trance and rescue work, and my interest developed towards spiritual healing.
A portal was closed down in my house, but rescues continued to come, especially during my SNU healing training years It was during those years that one day, when I returned from picking my son up from school, we found his upstairs bedroom carpet completely covered in dried tree leaves! What on earth did this mean? How on earth did the leaves get there? We don't even have a tree in our garden!
Little did I know that this was the start of the Elemental Kingdom arriving in my life, next in this HOUSE!
Based in Farnborough jeannedewitt@sky.com https://www.spiritual holistics.co.uk/
Dance to this guided meditation in the comfort of your home...
Spirit Dance has an attractor frequency of 821 LoC (Levels of Consciousness).
It is a wonderful exploration and investigation of oneself!
Learn about who you truly are, accept yourself and move into who you want to be feel whole and complete again and be The Powerful You!
This moving meditation is 1 hr long and takes you on a journey through your 8 chakras, to help you to realign and balance each one, so you can ultimately bring in your missing soul parts
In the shamanic communities it is believed that any time anyone goes through a traumatic experience, a part of their soul leaves them. Spirit Dance helps you to call them back
Movement and music helps to get the energy flowing and enables practical application of the kinesiological process To purchase:
'Variations on a Theme' is 22mins long piece of music that works on your 11th chakra Pathwork to the Soul
The eleventh chakra is your ability to acquire advanced spiritual skills (travel beyond the limits of time and space, teleportation, bi location, instantaneous precipitation of thoughts and telekinesis).
The eleventh chakra is the spiritual library of the individual, containing all that he or she will need to operate as a divine human being Work on this chakra is much like a librarian in a library, putting things in order but not changing anything that is found.
www.love2meditate.com/consiousness music
The oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.
12 km to the west of Cairo is the Giza Plateau. Here at Giza stand four remarkable structures constructed in stone. Guarding the plateau is the Great Sphinx, the oldest sculpture on the planet, to the west of this enormous statue are three stone pyramids of colossal size.
Egyptologists believe the Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for the 4th Dynasty pharaoh Kufu built in the 26th century BC over a period of 27 years. However, no body was found inside the pyramid
"Kathleen and her team had arranged a private visit on our last evening 22.2.22 (22 is associated with Mary Magdalene and even my hotel room number was 2222)."
Initially standing at 481 feet (146.5m), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years (the Eiffel Tower is taller) Over time, most of the smooth limestone casing was removed, along with the capstone (on the top is a 24 footsquareplatform).
The Great Pyramid was built by quarrying over 2 million large blocks weighing 6 million tonnes Primary limestone from the Giza Plateau was used Other blocks were imported by boat down the Nile: white limestone from Tura for the casing, and granite blocks from Aswan, weighing up to 80 tonnes, for the Kings Chamber
Even today scientists are puzzled how the construction of the pyramid was achieved.
Until around 1990, it was thought the Great Pyramid contained only the King’s Chamber (10), the Queen’s Chamber (7), the Grand Gallery (9), the Grotto (11) and the Well (5). They have since found four more rooms and three more rooms off the Queen’s Gallery.
I was on a tour led by bestselling author Kathleen McGowan who is researching a book on the women who shaped Egypt for 5000 years (including Mary Magdalene)
Kathleen and her local team had arranged a private visit on our last evening 22222 (22 is associated with Mary Magdalene and even my hotelroomnumberwas2222)
Entering the pyramid through the ‘Robbers Tunnel’ (2), after a short distance we started to ascend steeply through a narrow tunnel (6) As we moved into the Grand Gallery (9) I was almost bent double it was hot and cramped as we climbed a long wooden plank with handrails. I was relieved when I emerged into a small antechamber where I could stand up beforeenteringtheKingsGallery
NOTHING can prepare you for your first sighting of the Great Pyramid.
All the measurements in the Great Pyramid follow sacred geometry The King’s Chamber is a square root of 5 room a perfect 1 by 2 by square root of 5 room The floor plan is a perfect 1 by 2, and the height of the room is exactly one half the diagonal of the floor. The room is made up of 100 stones on the walls and ceiling, with a large black granite sarcophagus towards one end.
I sat on the stone floor with my back against the sarcophagus and waited for the rest of our group to settle themselves What followed could only be described as a cosmic trip. As I meditated, I found myself travelling through the universe at high speed Timeless, formless, weightless, ‘blissed out’, in awe of the majesty and wonder of the universe beyond words
When I returned home I did some research It came as no surprise to me that the Great Pyramid was thought to be a portal to other realities
The Right Eye of Horus Mystery School was taught only once and not written down anywhere It was purely an oral tradition, though its primary components are evidently etched on a single wall under the Great Pyramid that leads into the Hall of Records.
High up on a wall is a Flower of Life measuring about four feet in diameter; beside it are 47 other images in sequence, which are the images of the chromosomes of Christ consciousness, the level of consciousness we are moving into now
the plateau is the Great Sphinx, the oldest sculpture on the planet, to the west of this enormous statue are three stone pyramids of colossal size.Ascension and resurrection were the absolute purpose of the Great Pyramid Yeshua and Mary Magdalene both underwent initiation here www marymagdaleneslegacy com
Helping you to We visit past lives that could be the source of a current issue. We clear emotional and physical pains carried over from many lifetimes jovi@love2meditate.com www.shamanicjoy.co.uk Based in Fleet and Basingstoke Alchemical Voice L2M Issue 18
release the past change belief systems feel more complete bring yourself into alignment 25
I always ask the Angels when I sit down to write these articles, what do you want me to say? Just as before an Angel card reading the general question is asked, what do you want this person to know today?
An Angel card reading is either a one card reading, where we ask the Angels what they want this person to know today, it is the here and now
A three card reading is a card for the past, one for the present, and one for the potential future The card for the past is self explanatory, as is the card for the present.
Both cards may only be one aspect of the person’s life, and of course the present is in the here and now The future card is not set in stone, it is just guidance from the Angels, that if the person continues the way they are and doing what they are doing, then this future will materialise. If you do not like the future card, then you have to change what you are doing in the here and now
So many people ignore the here and now, and are always looking to the future, the next good business deal, the next thrill and excitement, or even worrying about the next bill. So what do the Angels want me to share with you at the start of the New Year It is about the here and now, it is about gratitude and love.
If you think about the here and now, think about today (and do this every day) You cannot influence the past but you have today. You may not be here tomorrow, but you are here today The Universe has enabled you to wake up, and you are breathing and living today.
Today will be affected by your thoughts, so at the start of each day be grateful for waking, and be grateful for everything around you.
What is there for you to be grateful for? Your home? The food on your table? The fresh air? Your sense of hearing to hear the birds? Your ability to see everything? Your partner? Loved ones? As you keep your focus on what you are grateful for (don’t think about what you lack) you will find that your “energy“ rises, your outlook expands and you “feel” better.
You may still have bills to pay or health issues, or 101 different circumstances to cope with, but focusing on what you do have and what you are grateful for, enables you to raise your energy and bring your focus back to the here and now.
The Angels are reminding you that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. What you focus on you manifest/create in your life So if you focus on the here and now, consider what you are thinking about. This is your focus for creation. If you focus on gratitude, then you will create more of what you are grateful for. If you focus on negativity, then you will get more negativity.
Be very aware of your thoughts in the here and now, focus on gratitude and focus on love. The Angels, Archangels, and Universe operate on love
If you “hear” judgement that is your own ego talking to you The Angels and Archangels are always loving.
The Angels today want you to live in the here and now, be grateful for all the positives in your life, and express your thoughts and feelings from a position of love The kind word, the good deed, the helpful comment As you do this daily you will be focusing on love and gratitude and so create more of the same. Your life will be increasingly filled with love, gratitude and abundance.
Always ask the Angels, Archangels and Universe for their intervention and love each day. WOW!! What a day you will have, and many more of them, surrounded by your Angel army. The Angels send their love.
Based in Guildford & S W Surrey, we have over 20 years’ experience of supporting peoples’ wellbeing for body, mind & spirit; and we are here to enhance and support this. We are a not for profit community group
Below is information on our activities, contact us to join our mailing list so you can get priority access to book into sessions
This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional activity that connects body, mind and spirit It centres on who we are, how we are and where we are in the present moment. Spoken positive words about & over areas of the physical body encourage the participant to understand their uniqueness and the importance of their body
As we move or create a stance or position during the session the person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others and the world.
Designed to support your mental health, physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others and the planet
This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional walking activity that connects body, mind and spirit As we engage with the ‘outdoor space’ around us we can sense, learn, receive, and understand more about ourselves, the world around us physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It centres on who we are, how we are and where we are in the present moment
As we walk, talk, think, rest, breathe during the session the person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others and the world
Designed to support your mental health, physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others, and the planet SpiritSpace: Online monthly gathering via zoom Creative expression, Encounter Rooms for Inner Healing, Heart & Destiny Insight, Ruach Cards and much more: more on this via: https://linktr ee/inspiritspace
These meditation sessions are shaped to help participants rest, relax, and find new depths of peace for the mind, body and spirit Good for those who may have anxiety, restlessness, negative feelings, lack of motivation or self worth
Differing Meditational activities focus on creativity, the natural world, breathing, imagination, use of the senses and tactile interaction
Designed to support your mental health, physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self, others, and the planet
Dream Station: Dream Interpretation email us your dreams for interpretation
Most people will sooner or later come across a Being in spirit form. That Being can be a nature spirit, an animal spirit, a human spirit or another form of spirit.
Many people feel at home in a forest, near the ocean or when visiting a garden For various reasons, we often feel drawn to certain types of places. When we are in those places, we sometimes sense a connection not only to the place, but to a certain aspect of it. The place speaks to us. We even feel that someone or something is trying to communicate with us.
When we tell people about our excursion, we often say that it was “as if the trees talked to me”, or that we could hear “whispers in the waves” of the ocean. It is as if our love for the place contributes to attuning us to the energies or vibrations of that place, so that we become able to pick up shifts and changes in those vibrations. We begin to hear the “voice” of the place speaking to us
When we visit a place that is new to us, we should greet the land and pay respect to the local spirits. Go for a walk; observe trees, plants, animals It is also a good idea to notice and acknowledge signs of people who have lived there. I am not only thinking of buildings, but also of stone walls, fields that were once ploughed, streams that were once dammed up
Eventually, we will become more adept at tuning in to the vibrations of a place, the energies and local spirits. That is when we can have unplanned encounters with local spirits, beings or deities. Those beings will be attracted to us. They will sense our ability to be in tune and they will approach us to make contact. It is a good idea to have at least a basic understanding of the spirit world and how it might manifest itself.
t is also good to have some insight into how to protect yourself and your personal energy against pirit intrusion and power loss Please look for dvertisements in Alchemical Voice Magazine for practitioners who can offer training or advice on how to protect yourself. You can also contact the publisher, Jovi Hoonjan for a guided meditation on protection against unwanted energetic intrusions. There are many meditations on her website. Here is n example of one that could help you, this hamanic meditation is called Protection Shield https://www love2meditate com/store/p41/protect on shield.html
n 2015 I visited Avebury in Wiltshire, England, to ee the famous standing stones and to explore the egion. The B&B I was staying in was not far from Windmill Hill I put a packed lunch and a thermos of hot coffee in my backpack and I walked along lovely ootpaths and fields until I arrived at an area with nteresting archaeological features from prehistoric times There were ditches from the Neolithic Era
He found it astonishing that I could se him but the entire group of people, his t them could see me and it was clear tha there was a portal in the web of time, t connecting their time with mine continued speaking and he said that he s I had unusual spiritual abilities and had of a great village medicine man. He w that he was now communicating with a from the future. The entire group was e the man, as their leader or chief, invited through the portal and join them in their
The chief told me that I would enj privileges, be allocated a wife and be giv hut to live in In return, I would handle matters for the tribe, heal the sick, fo future, perform divinations and commun the spirits to invite them to bring good the tribe.
I felt completely overwhelmed by this m by the remarkable invitation to time tra past and continue my existence there. afraid and vulnerable by being face to face with a local chief from th l t N lithi i d H stretched out his when he returned t
With as much grac I respectfully thank to my time as he d we live in the perio and it is not for me at me, indicated th what I meant, utte to return to his tr and all the people i and vanished out o with from my enc on Windmill Hill is between worlds, g another Any de connected with a c the risk of losing yo where you actually serious matter and have extensive tra practitioner or som
rway, I used to ng sessions. A et regularly. We and take turns to e would lie on a stand around the usly used to be a very om the late 19th receive healing, I to do an “out of nt. Carefully and of my body and Standing there, I own body on the er people around mall dog, standing stylish and wore g , g nd small hat, all in the style of the early 20th century All of a sudden she twitched when she realized that I was looking at her She communicated with me and said, “Can you see me?”
I confirmed that I could clearly see her as well as her little dog. She was surprised and told me that this was the first time that anyone could actually see her. Usually, people would pay no attention to her or to her dog, as she would remain invisible to them She became quite excited and she began asking me questions The first thing she wanted to know was who all those people in the room were, what they were doing and why they were in her apartment I began trying to explain to her but then I realized that the ongoing healing session was coming to an end and I had to hurry back to my body before I was supposed to “come to life” and climb off the bench.
So I apologized to the woman in black and rushed to my body and climbed back into it When I had stepped off the bench, I looked back to the window but the woman and her dog were nowhere to be seen.
The following days, I tried to do some research about the building. I found that it had been built around 1890 and that the whole neighbourhood was quite fashionable at the time. However, I failed to find any information about the individual people who had lived there.
One day, a couple of weeks later, I was sitting by my desk in the office at work. I took a small break and thought about my encounter with the spirit of the woman in black. Then all of a sudden she was standing next to me, together with her dog! She had sensed that I was thinking about her. In her mind, I had called her to come visit me She seemed happy and she said hello to me. I felt surprised and somewhat anxious I tried to signal to her to leave me in peace but she lingered. It was as if she found me unique and did not want to let go. She was very happy to have found someone who could actually see her and communicate with her.
I focused really hard to convince her to “go into the light” Then I left the room The woman was gone but I feared her absence was only temporary. Sometime later, I visited a friend who helped me to finally convince and assist the woman to stop wandering in limbo and to journey back to the source, where her spirit was supposed to be.
The learning I came away with from my encounter with the spirit of the Oslo lady, was to be very cautious and watchful about the behaviour of spirits.
There is a constant risk that they will become “attached” to you, quite literally. Having no body themselves, they can easily find you radiant and full of energy and that is quite irresistible for them.
They could become a permanent follower, a shadow who follows you everywhere, happy to have found a friend in you. But by being near you or even attaching themselves to you, they can access your energy and drain you.
Be careful what you invite into your life and consider some kind of “spiritual protection” to ward off too close attention by spirits
saw a young man standing close to it He was s, greatly worn and confused I had not alized that he was a e looking at him, he round to a young me distance behind sitant. He spoke to Then he looked past eone here who can d of people slowly ng man said “Maybe ery fast and quite anxious about what ad much training in th spirits or ghosts. m them and then I y as I could back to pped in a café and p of coffee and a d failed those poor time and suffering. ned them.
The building of the King’s wall caused trauma and soul loss. People got sick and many died prematurely Their untimely deaths resulted in spirits becoming lost and unable or unwilling to move into the light, to transcend into “heaven” The ghosts I met by the wall were a few of those lost souls trapped in time
Two years later, I returned to the same place. This time, I performed a ceremony and managed to facilitate the journey to the afterlife for many lost souls, ensuring their safe return to their ancestors or to source. When I had finished my work, there was a feeling that the air had cleared and that peace had returned.
The learning I came away with from my initial encounter with the lost souls in southern Öland was to be attentive to my intuitive “reading” of a place, to develop and trust my subconscious to sense that there can be something in a place, a local vibration, an energy and indeed local spirits. I also learned to not be afraid of encounters with local spirits, but to view them with compassion and love. As long as I am properly protected and guarded I am always safe. It is important to avoid taking any action that you do not have the proper training for. The task at hand could easily become overwhelming and you risk causing damage not only to yourself but also to the spirits you are trying to help
Be happy if you encounter a spirit. Be grateful for the privilege Be gentle, compassionate and respectful. But keep your distance. Do not send out any invitations Use whatever protection you have If you have had no training or instruction on how to stay safe when meeting spirits, then try to imagine yourself being filled with protective light. Imagine that you are shielded.
Every encounter with spirit is an opportunity to learn And keep in mind that every such encounter happens for a reason.
3 week course (4 hrs a week) based near Basingstoke is open to anyone who is keen to learn about the shamanic way of healing
Fear is not an emotion that I have felt much of in my whole life!
From the beginning of 2022, fear took center stage and I was forced to experience it in its entirety The feeling I had was that I was plummeting from a high mountain to a deep dark cavern with a blindfold on and my hands tied behind my back!
Let me share my story with you I nearly lost my life through illness.
In March 2022, I was hospitalized with pneumonia and sedated for several weeks When I was eventually brought out of sedation, I was informed I had lymphoma.
Fear took over me! I had absolutely no control over my life anymore
I stayed in fear until only recently when I was informed I was safely in remission. This moment in time was when I was able to see some sort of future for myself on this beautiful planet with my beautiful family and friends...
A rational fear occurs when there is a real threat of death.
There is always a fear that the lymphoma may return, but life is for living and I can’t live in a state of fear forever, otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to function.
I've attempted to put into words the reason for the fear The fear I felt wasn't anything to do with death but a really strong sense of "I have so much to live for, I have things I need to do!"
I was deeply grateful for the love and support of my beautiful friends and family they got me through my dark days.
Create a new routine. I started to build my new life that included regular simple exercises and small chores. Although I couldn't do much, I made sure I had a plan to do something every day. I started to feel my independence coming back and this really helped my energy to lift up.
It wasn't easy to do anything initially, having been in the hospital for so long
I have made so many massive improvements mentally. I can see the future and I am going to be in it!
The fear I am processing at the moment is that I will not be able to get my physical strength back to what it used to be. My lungs are weak and have scarring from the pneumonia So whenever I attempt to do anything, I get breathless and it hinders my progress
However, thinking about it rationally, I know I am being impatient... If I put things into perspective and reflect on exactly how far I have come, I can see that I have actually made great progress:
I can walk further
I can complete more chores
I can visit friends and family
I am living!
Plus I live in Cornwall, a wonderful stunning part of the World.
Seriously, time is a great healer!
I will continue to take things one day at a time and visualise things I want to do and want to have in my life in the future. I love being here and I will enjoy every moment
I'm so happy to have been given the opportunity to share my story with you.
A survey taken in March 2020 about the state of people's sleep quality post COVID found that fewer than 1 in 10 people report they are getting "very good sleep" at night. This ‘coronasomnia’ has led more and more people having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, and perhaps more worryingly this has led people to increase their use of sleep inducing medicines.
The same survey found that the proportion of people reporting "very poor sleep" doubled from 5 4% in the autumn of 2020 to 10 1% in January 2021.
Why is this? Is the effect of the COVID pandemic still an issue? ...or is it something else?
It has been suggested that multiple factors could be driving this drop in sleep quality Daisy Fancourt, PhD, and colleagues found people with lower household incomes, with mental or physical health conditions, lower levels of education, and those from ethnic minority backgrounds were more likely to report "very poor" sleep quality, with stress being the most likely factor.
Hence this suggests that it is not just COVID that is the problem On going fear and anxiety due to the economic downturn, the cost of living, war, including significant changes in sleep quality, sleep patterns, and sleep disturbances, can and do have widespread and long lasting negative consequences on physical, mental, and emotional health.
According to Louise Hay, a virus is a ‘lack of joy flowing through life’, and emotional ‘bitterness’
om a kinesiological point of view, the crown akra relates very well to this ‘corona virus’. As uise Hay pointed out in her ground breaking book eal Your Body’ a virus is a ‘lack of joy flowing ough life’, and emotional ‘bitterness’ or anger d disappointment at the way one is being treated, ding to a ‘lack of sweetness’ This can lead to volving thought patterns’ or worry literally a rona virus’ that will cause sleepless nights!
wever, from a physiological point of view, a ent study in the Journal of Experimental edicine did show that SARS CoV 2, the virus that uses COVID 19, can bind to neurones and cause tabolic changes at a cellular and mitochondrial el Therefore it is possible that the virus itself can ect the relevant neurotransmitters, and therefore e areas that control sleep in our brain, and the ect will be a change in sleep patterns as a result. e more about mitochondria in Alchemical Voice ue 17 Nov/Dec 2022) It is also known that ep has an important role in supporting the mune system
So the question could be: which comes first? or maybe it is more accurate to ask: what causes what?
Sleep specialists appear to agree that for people with insomnia, the mitigation of stress through relaxation techniques is more beneficial than medication.
Shakespeare called sleep "the balm of hurt minds”. While this is true, it also suggests that a hurt mind is going to find sleep somewhat challenging!
They recommend good sleep hygiene as the best means of obtaining restful sleep, including regular bed and wake times, limited exposure to stressful news, reduced consumption of alcohol and stimulants such as coffee or caffeine drinks, avoiding use of electronic devices in bed or near bedtime, and a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise
They also frown on self medication with over the counter aids, because these products may not be addressing the underlying issue, as noted before.
Tetyana Kendzerska, a professor at the University of Ottawa, suggests that: “medications such as melatonin, and short term treatment with hypnotic agents such as zolpidem (Ambien), eszopiclone (Lunesta), or zaleplon (Sonata) should be used only as a last resort
Medications, even over the counter medications, all have side effects, and if one is taking a medication that has stimulants in place, such as pseudoephedrine in antihistamine combinations, they can potentially contribute to, or exacerbate any underlying sleep disorders”
"It is also foreseeable that there may be an increase in individuals who may require professional guidance to taper off from sleeping medications started or increased during the pandemic
While some of these sleep problems may be transient, it should be a high priority to ensure they do not evolve into chronic sleep disorders," Kendzerska and colleagues wrote.
Gnosis is a Greek word which means ‘insight’, an intuitive process of knowing oneself. And to know oneself is to know human nature and human destiny.
Gnosis was a path of knowledge, not a religion.
Gnostics directed the Mystery Schools of the Near East in antiquity. The Mysteries were schools of paranormal knowledge, not religious institutions
Gnosis is relevant here as it describes the Universal Truth, what something is, rather than an idea conceived from what is observed. All religious traditions acknowledge the world is imperfect. Few are able to account for all the pain and suffering that exists in our world
Gnostics believe the world is flawed because it was created in a flawed manner. Gnostics believe there is a true, ultimate and transcendent God, who is beyond all created universes and never created anything.
Gnostics taught that the true mind of human beings, nous authenticos, is part of the cosmic intelligence that pervades nature, but due to the intrusion of the Archons, this ‘native mind’ can be subverted or even occupied by another mind.
Gnostics believe within all of us is a fragment of the divine essence from the true God, referred to as the divine spark, the I AM.
The basic gnostic myth refers to Aeons, intermediate deific beings who exist between the ultimate true God and ourselves The Aeons and the true God comprise the realm of Pleroma (Fullness), the totality of divine powers
world; consisting of a perishable physical t d b the false God, the Demiurge, divine essence from the true divine spark, or the I AM. n is to liberate that divine ten unaware of this divine e Demiurge and his Archons g men and women ignorant nd destiny. All our earthly slaved to these lower cosmic divine spark, but unless attained gnosis prior to incarnate back into the rs of Light, or Avatars, have ue God to assist us in our us is considered the main cs.
In the gnostic texts Jesus speaks of illusion and enlightenment, not of sin and repentance. Instead of redeeming us from our sins, he comes as a guide to aid our spiritual understanding
When the individual attains enlightenment, Jesus is no longer their spiritual master they become equal.
Gnosticism encourages us to become a ‘being in the world, but not of it’, with a lack of egotism, and a respect for the freedom and dignity of all other beings.
In the fullness of time, with conscious effort, every spiritual being will be reunited with its higher self and be able to enter the Pleroma
Most gnostic texts are written in mythical form to
mind does not understand. When a symbol touches the soul there is a change. Every myth takes its origin in inspiration, from the Latin inspirare, a message from the spirit, the breath of life.
The spirit speaks from the cosmos, and gives us answers to the unanswered. Meeting this spirit fulfils a destiny way beyond our material world and these texts are trying to show us the way.
In Gnostic texts, the Archons are often referred to as the ‘Authorities’.
In today’s world the Archons would equate to our world rulers, monarchy, big business, religion and offshoots of these
Aristotle observed that the mark of a mature mind is to entertain an idea without accepting it, or ‘buying into it’
This form of analysis is referred to as ‘non ordinary reasoning’.
In effect, non ordinary reason is just like ordinary reason, except that its subject matter is imagined rather than perceived.
Gnostic seers were able to apply non-ordinary reasoning whilst in states of heightened perception to their observations of the Archons.
They concluded the main danger we face with the Archons lies in their ability to deceive, especially about the nature and extent of their powers
As I said before, information or knowledge is power
If we know how the Archons operate, then we can reclaim the sovereign power of our spiritual intelligence, or Higher Self Development (HSD).
The Nature of the Rulers (or The Hypostasis of the Archons) maintain the malevolent Demiurge and Archons are real and do exist, but when they are opposed vigorously by the children of the light, will be defeated.
http://andromedaeffect.uk/2022/07/12/bl og-4-gnostics/
What does 2023 bring for you?
In the coming editions of Alchemical Voice we will cover the following chapters of the full story for our present times from tens of thousands of years ago
Part 1: Walking (May/June edition)
Part 2: The mighty river (May/June edition)
Part 3: “The gods are playing with us” (July/August edition)
Part 4: Our Medicine Man speaks (Sept/Oct edition)
Part 5: The Eagle calls (Nov/Dec edition)
Part 6: “For the sakes of our children’s children’s children” (this edition)
Part 7: The sticks for the Grandmothers
Part 8: Gogogama speaks
Kwekwe is an inspired leader and time spirit He is leading us, his people, along the coast to where he believes the Sun God will be turning to our left when rising out of the sea instead of to our right. We reached a wide, mighty river with many small islands We could not even see the other side of the estuary and decided to make camp. A group of elders designated one island with glee glee trees and scrum scum bushes as our sacred meeting place. Our medicine man Oo oo warawara stays there
He is telling the elders how the eagle spirit called him to climb rocks upstream From the top, he saw in the distance wildebeest running from a spreading forest fire and finding a way to cross the mighty river: “We must climb those rocks to reach the river crossing before the Sun God’s fire reaches us here I do not know if our strong men can help the eldest amongst you gathered here ”
I take a look around our circle. Most of the older men and women are sitting heads bowed looking at the ground in front of them Some of the younger men are staring at Oo oo warawara open mouthed
I catch Kwekwe’s eyes and he gives me a tiny nod, before also looking to the ground That is enough for me. The fire that has gone from Kwekwe’s spirit for now, has reached me.
I stand up in the gloom of dusk and speak: “Elders, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters, we have all heard the words of our gifted one It is clear what we must do
“Tomorrow, we must prepare to continue our journey, for the sakes of our children’s children’s children. Now, go back to your shelters and your families Tell them to get ready in the morning and all gather here, but first sleep well. We will need our rest before the tasks of the next day. ”
The next morning, I am awake before the Sun God In the dark, I rouse my wife and ask her to look after our wildebeest hides, gazelle skin pouch with our sharp stones and to keep our three youngest children close I must go and talk with some elders and then with all the grandmothers and grandfathers I remember with sadness the grandparents of our own children They were lost in the great floods before we started our walking, when our old leader was also killed
I soon find Guruguru, the older brother of our late leader He has been quiet since so many of our people were lost when his brother failed to make the right rituals for the gods. But he has gained a wisdom and a knowing He is sitting, chewing a long root for his breakfast, watching his younger woman chew some roots too and then give her chewed food to the youngest child who can barely walk
Guruguru notices me approach, stands and walks to greet me, knowing that we need to talk quietly, away from the others.
“Brother Guruguru, did you and your family sleep safe?” I give the customary greeting.
“We did, thank you, brother And you and yours?” “We slept well and lion free.”
We both smile at the old sayings and I continue: “Brother, you were at the circle last night. You heard the words of our medicine man and I saw that you understood, like me, what our tribe must do today ”
“Yes, brother, and my oldest woman was there too We spoke afterwards and she is worried about her mother This will not be easy, especially for the women. ”
“I know, but we must do it, for our children’s children’s children. Will you help me speak with the grandmothers? We must make it as easy as possible for them And then the grandfathers will also accept it.”
Guruguru nods and I go to find our oldest grandmother
As I thought, she has stayed on the sacred island after i l l i n the bare earth She hears a twig t as I approach and gently raises ground, leaning back against a small ra is in the background, gathering stones and bird feathers into his uttering to himself or perhaps to
Gogogama looks at me and gives me a faint smile with her toothless gums. There is still a sparkle in her eyes and a sadness as she blinks at me She has mothered six girls and five boys, although you can hardly believe it, looking at her skinny frame now. Eight of them are still with us and all with their own families now, living in three different kinship groups. Gogogama has always known which are the best plants and roots to eat and, most importantly, when to eat them But even she has struggled to know whether some of the plants in this land now are safe or poisonous
“Ririjojo, my son, good to see you awake with the early rays of the Sun God May this day be blessed with the fruits of the sun, the rain and the earth for you and your family,” she croaks.
“Grandmother,” I say. “Peacefulness be with you How are your bones today?”
“Son, my bones are heavy. Last night, they would not even carry this flesh back to the shelter with my firstborn girl But I slept safe and well here on this, our sacred island for these times.”
“Grandmother, wise one, you understand that we must leave this resting place today We men must continue with our women and children towards the future that the Gods have promised for us following the path that our medicine man was shown by the eagle spirit ”
“Yes, you must. Spirit be praised.”
We sit in silence.
What will happen to Gogogama and the other grandmothers and the grandfathers?
Read Part 7 “The sticks for the Grandmothers” in the March/April edition of Alchemical Voice!
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