ANCIENT MAGICK DIVINATION CARDS® Limited Edition of 99 Digital Deck/Kits Published By ALCHEMIST PUBLISHING, LLC. Copyright ©January 2011 Londa Marks ISBN-13: 978-1-935615-51-4 ISBN:1-935615-51-3 Concept & Design By: Londa Marks Illustrations By: Londa Marks Written By: Londa Marks Credits: Commons Wiki, Wikipedia, Arthur Edward Waite Genre: Visionary/Metaphysical Collectable Cards Visit for: Tarot Games, Tarot Cards, Tarot Books and Tarot Related Merchandise. Included With Ancient Magick Divination Cards • 28 Divination Cards • Instruction Booklet
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Ancient Magick Divination Cards By Londa Marks
Ancient Magick Divination Cards includes a selection of 28 cards with Talismans and Seals from Black and White Magic. They are accompanied by cards with original art work appropriate to each Seal and Talisman’s potion. Although Black Magick has had a stigma attached to it since the beginning of time, you will find that none of the cards ARTIST LONDA R. MARKS included here have an evil nature – if anything they are all quite positive and good in nature showing how to improve one’s life. There are other Seals and Talismans that have not been included in the Ancient Magick Divination Cards which do have a more malicious attitude. Mystics Many forms of magick have been considered evil doings. White or black magick has been labeled as the Devil’s work without even understanding magick’s purposes or variety of methods. Though magick is becoming more widely accepted and used because it does work, even today some people fear anything related to or having to do with Metaphysics, Occult or Psychic Sciences. Those who do study or indulge in the above sometimes get chided about their interest in that field. Witches have been burned at the stake because of their religion and beliefs. Being able to make things happen can generate whispers of envy. Moreover, achieving lofty goals can be viewed in disbelief of having done so by deceitful measures. One who leads a mysterious life permeated with obscure thinking and curious nature is sometimes looked down upon out of a lack of understanding or knowledge. Those who delve into powers of magick become a mysterious people yet creative individuals, intellectual in nature.
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Designed & Written By: Londa R. Marks
Tarot Decks By Londa R. Marks Available At
Concept: Londa R. Marks
Subject of Title: Visionary Fiction & Metaphysical
Art Style: Oil painting, Montage, Surrealism, Meta-
Tarot Reader Level: Advanced
Title Subject: Fiction, Visionary & Metaphysical
The Alchemist Kit and Deck Kit Includes:
22 Cards Major Arcana cards
Cards sized: 2.75” x 4.75”
2 extra cards per kit
1 booklets sized: 2.75” x 4.5”
Digital and printed booklets
Physical kit packaged in a beautiful box
Signed & numbered
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Tarot Decks By Londa R. Marks Published by U.S.Games Systems, Inc. •
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Surrealistic inspiration and images may have been drawn from various sources including but not limited to original ideas, some entries from Wikipedia, the user-contributed encyclopedia which may not have been reviewed by professional editors and is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. If content is factually incorrect or highly offensive you can edit articles at Wikipedia use of data and may include other wiki’s, stock photos, private archived photos, stock illustrations, and similar sources. Special thanks to contributed photos of rock band UFO and Pete Way from photographer Mike Patton Nashville, TN. Founded in 1993 Alchemist Publishing LLC publishes digital works through ISSUU, the world’s largest electronic publishing and discovery platform for magazines, catalogs, newspapers. The magazines and
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Alchemist Publishing LLC Publishers of thought provoking creativity and innovative learning sources with foundation based in cryptography: The art of writing codes or solving codes; the underlying foundation of Alchemist Publishing LLC. Alchemist Publishing LLC publishes through ISSUU, the world’s largest electronic publishing and discovery platform for magazines, catalogs, newspapers, and other publications. All magazines and Catalogs are registered with R.R. Bowker LLC., based in New Providence, New Jersey, and incorporated in Delaware, an exclusive agent for issuing International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) for works to the book trade, including publishers, booksellers, libraries, and individuals; its roots in the industry trace back to 1868.
©2011 Londa R. Marks, Ancient Magick Divination Cards, Published by Alchemist Publishing LLC
INSTRUCTIONS Tuning into the frequencies of the universe with digital technology tarot through your ‘sending’ and ‘receiving devices’ (mobile devices), can open unexpected and unknown channels for receiving otherworldly messages, information and connecting with appropriate cosmic guides that resonate with this digital tarot reading while revealing deeper meanings not only for you but also for those you are connected with on earth. After all, isn’t that what we use tarot for, tuning into the universe? It is a clearer path with technology and frequencies than with paper. Tarot divination includes important specific numbers among its code, cryptography and frequencies universally structured and intertwined with our souls; our beings. Digital Tarot Readings bring us one step closer to being in sync with the frequencies of the universe and its specific messages for us independently and collectively.
How To Perform Digital Tarot Readings
We are all at-one with our technology devices because we intuitively know our ‘messages’ are there, all messages, not just with Planet Earth but with the universe too. So, instead of shuffling paper tarot cards, go a step further and ask the universe to tell you what page numbers in The Medici Digital Tarot have your cards’ answers for your tarot reading questions. • Ask the universe for 6 page numbers from list on the right for your digital tarot reading. • Either remember the numbers or make note of them. • Select each page number matching the numbers that came to you. These page numbers are your cards with its divination for your Digital Tarot Reading.
6-Cards Layout Guide All cards sum up your Digital Tarot Reading 1. The card in first position represents the nature of your question and shows you what surrounds it. 2. The second position card represents what is influencing your question. 3. The third card is what has past and influenced your question. 4. The fourth card indicates that which will influence your future in relation to your question. 5. The fifth card has to do with the hopes of the outcome. 6. The sixth card influences all five cards.
CHOOSE TAROT CARDS PAGE NUMBERS The page numbers on this list correspond to a tarot card from Ancient Magick Divination cards. Select 6 page numbers to do a 6 Card Layout Reading or select any numbers for custom reading.
18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
50 66 52 68 54 70 56 58 60 62 64
World Of Tarot® Digital Readings
CARDS & DIVINATIONS Card on left page. Divinations on right page (as seen below). DIVINATIONS Ancient Magick Digital Divination readings present in-depth readings.
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Magickally adept choose not to become mixed among the sheep, so to speak. They aren’t afraid to spend a lot of time creating and working to learn and build their magick. They aren’t afraid to live their beliefs. In fact Mystics rather enjoy their own company and don’t have a dire need for someone to make them feel complete. Quite the contrary as those who learn the intricate laws and rules of magick work diligently to help others. These individuals study philosophy, arts, supernatural phenomena, and many other radical sciences. Along with tapping into fragmented edges of life Mystics also include extreme positive thinking in their studies. So extremely positive that some meditate upon symbols and words not included in even the finest of dictionaries to acquire their wishes and goals. They have their own magickal blend of verbiage that empowers them. Mystics view life from a creative mind set. Not so different from any normal existence really, it’s just that they approach normal existence from an abstract vision. They want to know all about everything – especially the out of the ordinary. That doesn’t mean they use evil methods to accommodate themselves and it doesn’t mean they will follow the Saints, but they will learn about them both. Mystics want to understand what no one else wants – or is afraid to. What will happen if the curious ones delve into forbidden knowledge? Will harm come to the curious seeker who meets the wicked shadows of the dark? Or will something be learned? Will they become frogs? Depends on how far they go. Most Witches or Practitioners are of the White Magick nature. Granted there are Black Magick Practitioners. But most people who practice making their wishes happen usually do so through harmless conjuring. Occult Positive thinking, positive practice, Black Magick, White Magick, Anthony Robbins or Aleister Crowley – there are many kinds of magick. The main base ingredient has to be positive thinking and imaging - yes, even in black magick. In order for anything to happen there has to be a positive energy, belief. Combined with magick you have the big bang. Psychic Sciences are becoming more integrated into normal life. It’s because people are seeing that the evil stigma attached to it for so long is only that – a stigma. The occult has long been misunderstood as one thing – The Work of the Devil and beyond human comprehension. So many will believe that the best thing to do is dismiss it or do away with it.
As with any form of positive practice the danger does exist that there is a possibility of whatever you are meditating upon, wishing for, or conjuring will happen. It’s only a danger if it is done in a way to hurt others. Although there is a possibility of being able to avenge through thought and imaging, there is also the reality that Karma exists. By going through all the trouble to hurt others in some perverted fashion the idea of it becoming a boomerang back to the practitioner is as likely as hitting your target. Anger usually does end up being chain reaction that circles back to the avenger. If not this life – next one. And that could also become a chain reaction through many lives, until the avenger finally sees the light. The light is simply this: The one that is bored and unhappy with their life wants everyone to be miserable too, so they do silly, wasteful and tormenting things to others instead of building their best possible self. “Idle hands are the Devil’s Workshop.” Divining The Ancient Magick Divination Cards can be used in a similar fashion to the Tarot for divining. Pulling one card for an answer to a question or 3 cards for a more in-depth answer to a question are the basic guidelines. It’s amazing how cards work with each individual. The magick comes from a person’s thoughts and needs. What is needed comes through in the cards answers. It may not be what you want to hear or apply to what you want but maybe it is what should be considered at the moment? The main objective to these cards is to gain power that magick affords and to give a sense of understanding how a small amount of Ancient Magick can be a positive force instead of an evil one. When it comes down to it, feeling good is better than feeling bad. Thus, ancient magick when used in the positive adds to your life instead of takes from it. Art Magick is a form of art that enhances one’s life. It is a way to become intertwined with a mysterious side of life which can refresh and enrich those that dare. The drawings of the characters that integrate with the Seals and Talismans are magickal entities associated with them. They are spirit guides linked to magick symbolism. They are administering the potions needed. The artwork that accompanies the Seals and Talismans – each character, each Mystic, is designed to help you connect to a higher level of being through their images. You may dream of them at times and they will give you messages. When you do dream of a particular Mystic, check their message, dwell on it and try to understand what is being told to you. It can be rewarding.
Ancient Magick Seals Divinations Rules: Serves for the conjuration of celestial and infernal powers. Upon the utterance of the words to be fortified by the Talismans and Seals of the master, they cannot be obtained by a cheap process. The magick called is from Sage of the Pyramids, they are held to answer all practical requests for practical purposes with sincere intent. The talismans printed or sewn in satin in strict accordance with the description embeds the requests. LOVE: Furfur is considered an Earl – a British nobleman that ranks above a viscount and below a Marquis. He represents this Seal and sometimes appears as a fully grown male deer with a tale of fire. He then assumes a host of an angel speaking with a deep husky tone. His job is to bring love back into a marriage with a barrage of sparks, feelings and emotions like that of an electrical storm. He will shed light on secrets and things that have been hidden. Usually when Furfur appears in a new relationship it will be an intense one that will last a long time. PHILOSOPHY: President Buer comes mainly when the sun is in Sagittarius. He teaches reasoning, philosophy, and the goodness of herbs for healing. When the birds sing he hears them with full understanding of their messages. Buer promotes health; blesses and sends virtuous spirits to your household. SECRETS: Marbas is another president who will come first in the form of a lion then appear as a trustworthy humanitarian. Anything hidden or secret will be brought forth with assurance that it will be righted. Although Marbas is capable of cursing and changing men into various shapes, he will cure his curses once he has had his fun and showed the reason for this lesson. SEDUCER: Once young Prince Sytry takes human form and discards his leopard host he will make the strongest of wills melt. One thing he doesn’t shed is his animalistic charm. In fact he turns it on fully. Little nymphs perform for him willingly. To attain more sexual appeal this will be a good device to meditate upon. SAGE: Mightily, Duke Gunison points his scepter towards the future, which is of the utmost importance now. He knows your past and he knows your future and is telling you that what is coming up is going to be beneficial in progressing – moving forward. His candor and diplomacy are mimicked by those who study him because of all he achieves through these attitudes. His Judgment is sound.
WARRIOR: Another Duke of great strength, Allocen, rages into the elements connecting with the stars, sun and the heavens. He knows how they relate to everything and has taught those who would listen to their importance. This soldier wields his axe victoriously having achieved his goal. His project is successfully completed and he realizes that it is time to serve other needs. Now it is his turn to meld into the power of the animal and recycle strength. SPY: Andromalius is a Duke and an Earl. He finds and catches thieves, then returns the stolen goods back to the owner. The black serpent he is clutching is a signifier of having caught the evil doer. His detective work has paid off. Detectives are trained to think in the same manner as the criminal, thus arming themselves with the means to catch them. The detective’s method is usually like that of a Chinese water torture. Drop by drop, step by step, slow but sure. No underhanded wicked creature escapes his strategies. STRENGTH: This Seal redefines some misconceptions of what a female is capable of. Foras is a female with many male attributes. In fact, very strong male attributes; driven, inflexible, determined and a rattlesnake attitude when someone tries to undermine her. She is articulate, stable and deliberate with acute business decisions and dragon lady persistence. Her intelligence along with her spellbinding sensitivity will numb the most elite of men. THEATRE: The Phoenix is a great Marquis, a nobleman ranking below a Duke and above an Earl or Count. He arrives like the legendary bird which is said to consume itself by fire then rise again renewed from its ashes. Artists, Actors, Writers, Poets and Musicians create in much the same way. When blocked or having a hard time getting into a creative project meditate upon the Theatre card. Picture yourself as a flaming Phoenix rising out of the ashes, burning brightly. FLUIDITY: Procel reigns over fluidity, appearing as an angel but is also considered a Duke. When Procel is in your possession you will begin to feel in tune with nature, especially water. Indulgence in a spa, steam bath, waterfall or warm bath brings a new sense of realization to a problem. This method of relaxation will allow you to look at things as if they were hidden and by discovering the answer will be like when Howard Carter discovered King Tut. SHAPE SHIFTING: Marpas is considered presidential in association with this Seal. First look at Marpas the Crow. Turn around and look at him again but as a human. Who is this tricky guy? He mainly associates with good craftsmen from all over the world. His words are coarse and
low in tone but sweet like a singer whose voice is ragged from a performance the night before. Yet sweet as his words are they should be taken lightly because they come from a deceitful tongue. There are many intricate facets to this person and only a strong, patient, solid type should consider being involved with Marpas in a serious way. MYSTIC: Ipos is an Earl and a Prince, but you will find Ipos comically disguised as a monstrous angel with a lion’s head, webbed feet and even a rabbit’s tale. Some of the jobs of this farcical mystic are to bestow a sense of humor upon the ill hearted, give courage to those in fear and to instill the ability to articulate to the speechless. Ipos knows your past, your future and how serious you have always taken everything.
Ancient Magick Talismans Divinations Rules: Serves for the conjuration of celestial and infernal powers. Upon the utterance of the words to be fortified by the Talismans and Seals of the master, they cannot be obtained by a cheap process. The magick called is from Sage of the Pyramids, they are held to answer all practical requests for practical purposes with sincere intent. The talismans printed or sewn in satin in strict accordance with the description embeds the requests. MAGICK WAND: A circular wand indicates the beginning and the end, joined where one ends and the other begins. An evoking circle is made from bending a six foot rod (sometimes stained in lamb’s blood) replicated as a serpent with the head and the tail joining. A golden chain can aid in joining the mouth and the tail. In evoking the spirits this would be a good instrument in the operation. PROTECTION: Even the most vicious of animals will be blocked from bringing harm. They will easily be overcome. Some people have a tendency to want to bring a wild animal into their life and tame or save it. Thinking they can speak their language is usually a fool proof method in the tamers mind. The results of attempting this ends in a feeling of failure and the animal is driven away. A dangerous animal likes a dangerous toy. Anything soft will be eaten or shredded. For immunity say: HOCATOS, IMORAD, SURATER, MARKILA. To drive them away say: TRUMANTREM, RICONA, ESTUPIT, OXA. REBEL: Evil curses and spells against the one who possesses this Talisman shall return it to sender. It will be as though the one sending it will have sent a boomerang. The spells will go back with speed and force and lay stagnate and lifeless at their feet. The possessor of the Talisman of Rebel has full control of their heart. The Talisman should be of rose satin
embroidered with silver threads if worn. To operate this command bend your head downward in humble effort and repeat in a low tone: SENAPOS, TERFITA, ESTAMOS, PERFITER, NOTARIN. FEMALE: A lady with rose colored wings will fly into your life blending happily with you. She brings stability and sensuality as well as intelligence, femininity and love. There is a possibility of being involved with more than one female being that this female will introduce you to the lady of your dreams or show you how to become the lady of a man’s dreams. To bring her to you quickly: SADER, PROSTAS, SOLASTER. Embroidery of this Talisman should be on black and silver satin. MALE: Some men are so stubborn in harboring their feelings and emotions that you never really know them. Not for long though. With possession of this Talisman he will be bringing a musically talented child into this relationship. The child is male. If he is already in your life he may be giving you a child or indirectly responsible for this child. If he hasn’t yet become part of your life he soon will be. There are also some interesting things you are about to find out from him too. The Talisman should be in gold satin embroidered in gold threads. Whisper: NOCTAR, RAIBAN. CONQUEOR: This represents a person who is un-stoppable in achieving what they want; what they desire in work or career. Usually what is attained is greater than anticipated. This Talisman protects the possessor from negative forces, negative people – the misery loves company crowd. Embroider this Talisman on lilac satin with shaded threads of silk. Powerful Magick: ZORAMI, ZAITUX, ELASTOT. DISCOVERY: Sometimes what you are looking for is in plain sight. In the simplest of places. In the simplest of thoughts. If you have lost something look in the trash, look in the attic or where it is supposed to be even if you have looked there before. There are times when you lose something only to find something else. You may be forced to go on a hunt for one thing and another great thing materializes. Violet satin should be the material used to embroider this Talisman on with silver thread. The words are: NITRAE, RADOU, SUNANDAM. A distant voice will tell you where to look. MAGNATE: All the right moves and strategies are being performed. The added bonus here is a keen insight or perception and the knack for knowing how people think. Being in business for self or executive position is the best route for this person. Natural business acumen. Light grey satin should be used to embroider the Talisman in gold upon it. To know others thoughts say: OTAROT, NIZAEL, ESTARNAS, TANTAREZ. To serve those who deserve you say: NISTA, SAPER, VISNOS.
GIFTS: Possession of this Talisman magnetizes gifts in the area of all artists including acquiring infinite knowledge and understanding of them. The receiver of these gifts will now hold more power than the giver. That’s what a gift should be. White satin should be used for this Talisman to embroider black silk threads on. Speak of the artist’s gift you desire to possess as you say: RITAS, ONALUN, TERSORIT, OMBAS, SERPITAS, QUITATHAR, ZAMARATH. FORTUNE: This is a very lucky Talisman. It is best not to let anyone know about it. When delving into a gambling effort keep this with you on the left side of your body. It is especially good for lottery. If you embroider this Talisman use deep reddish purple satin and use silver and gold threads. To receive winning numbers for lottery meditate upon: ROKES. For an ace meditate upon: PILATUS. TRANSCENDING: Transportation will be fully protected to any part of the universe with this Talisman. Spiritually transcending too. During the ritual of transcending wear a deep grayish purple satin cloak embroidered with gold and say: RADITUS, POLASTREIN, TERPANDU, OSTRATA, PERICATUR, ERMAS. VIRTUE: All virtues, talents and the desire to be the best will be fulfilled. Evil is eliminated or at least designed towards excellence.For unlimited Magick say: TURAN, ESTONOS, FUZA. To re-design evil say: VASOTAS, TESTANAR. The Talisman should be embroidered up on saffron satin in silver threads. KEYS: You have many doors in front of you that can be opened. They have been waiting to be opened. But only by you. In your hand you now hold the keys to unlock any door you. There is one door in particular that you should open, but will you? It’s the door that leads you to the light. Once you go through that door you cannot return. Envision passage while saying: SARITAP, PERNISOX, OTTARIM. Talisman is embroidered with silver on deep blue satin. GHOSTS: If you are in need of being so discreet as to almost be invisible meditate on this Talisman. Many philanthropists prefer to be anonymous and use this when they want to share their wealth. Your presence and your actions will be felt but only God will really know what you do. To be a Ghost and disappear say the words: BENATIR, CARAARKAU, DEDOS, ETINARMI. Yellow satin is embroidered with black silk threads. TREASURE: A sorceress smiles contentedly while seven genii pour golden ducats at her feet from their bags made of hide. There are black hooded birds wh adorn the shoulders of spirits. All these treasures are gathered for lifelong enjoyment. It has been earned. To find your treasure, sing these words: ONAIM, PERANTES, RASONASTOS. Green satin should be embroidered
with gold threads. HEALER: Shamanic mixture of magickal herbs and traditional medicines helps the weak get strong with a holistic approach. People are made of many things and the Healer feels it’s best to come from all directions so nothing is missed. This Talisman should be worn upon the breast and embroidered with silver on orange satin. The meditative words are: RETERREM, SALIBAT, CRATARES, HISATER.
IN THE NIGHT In the night creatures abound Working their magick, not making a sound Thin air fills this world, this place And fairies dance ‘round in organdy and lace Star sprinkled sky in black of night Creatures are visible from glow of moonlight Transparent skin covers these creatures so fain And proudly display an exotic black mane No ears are needed, they hear with their body To know them you’d say, “quite an oddity” But to me, what a beautiful sight! I just love these creatures of the night. -LONDA MARKS
Ist Rule - 34th Spirit Seal Of Furfur
LOVE Furfur — The Thirty-fourth Spirit is Furfur. He is a Great and Mighty Earl, appearing in the Form of an Hart with a Fiery Tail. He never speaketh truth unless he be compelled, or brought up within a triangle N. Being therein, he will take upon himself the Form of an Angel. Being bidden, he speaketh with a hoarse voice. Also he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts, and Great Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits. Furfur’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Occult recognize my Love Symbols, Angels, Secret and Divine bring me what is thine. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 1, 26, 34
2nd Rule - 7th & 10th Demon Seal Of Buer
PHILOSOPHY Buer — The Seventh and Tenth Demon. Buer is a spirit that appears in the 15th century in the Lemegeton (Lesser Key of Solomon) then in the 16th century in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (False Monarchy of Demons): he is the 7th demon on the list. He is described there as the Great President of Hell, possessing 50 legions of demons under his command. And, in the Lemegeton, he is the 10th demon. He appears when the Sun crosses Sagittarius in the Ecliptic. He teaches Natural and Moral Philosophy, Logic, and Herbalism. He is able to reabsorb infirmities, especially in men, and to grant familiar Genies. Buer is described as a Sagittarius. Buer’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Knowledge of natural remedies, understanding the fight of demons. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 7, 10, 50
3rd Rule - Governor of 36 Legions of Demons Seal Of Marbus
SECRETS Marbus — In demonology, Marbus, Marbas or Barbas is a demon described in the Ars Goetia as the Great President of Hell governing thirty-six legions of demons. He answers truly on hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, gives wisdom and knowledge in mechanical arts, and can change men into other shapes. He is depicted as a great lion that, under the conjurer’s request, changes shape into a man. The name Barbas also comes from the Latin “barba,” beard, hellebore (a plant used in witchcraft, especially to invoke demons), and also a male name. Marbus’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Secrets, devious shapeshifting around you. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 3, 36
4th Rule - 12th of 72 Spirits Seal Of Sytry
Sytry — The Demon Sytry (Sitri) is a Fallen Angel and 12th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Sytry is a great prince who appears first with a leopard’s face and griffin wings, then assumes the shape of a beautiful human. He inflames men and women to fall in love with each other and take off all their clothes. He commands 60 Legions of Demons. Once young Prince Sytry takes human form and discards his leopard host he will make the strongest of wills melt. One thing he doesn’t shed is his animalistic charm. In fact he turns it on fully. Little nymphs perform for him willingly. To attain more sexual appeal this will be a good device to meditate upon. Sytry’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Seduction, deception & animalistic charm to get my way. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 4, 12, 60, 72
5th Rule - Duke of 40 Legions of Demons Seal Of Gunison
Gunison — Mightily, Duke Gunison (Gusion) points his scepter towards the future, which is of the utmost importance now. He knows your past and he knows your future and is telling you that what is coming up is going to be beneficial in progressing – moving forward. His candor and diplomacy are mimicked by those who study him because of all he achieves through these attitudes. His Judgment is sound. Gusion is a strong Great Duke of Hell, and rules over forty legions of demons. He tells all past, present and future things, shows the meaning of all questions that are asked to him, reconciles friends, and gives honour and dignity. Gunison’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Future progress & foresight. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 5, 40
6th Rule - President of 30 Legions of Demons Seal Of Warrior
Warrior — Valac (also Ualac, Valak, Valax, Valu, Valic, Volac) is a mighty Great President of Hell, President Valac having thirty legions of demons under his command. Valac is a demon described in the goetic grimoires The Lesser Key of Solomon. Valac is said to give true answers about hidden treasures; he reveals where serpents can be seen, and delivers them harmless to the magician. He is said to appear as a small poor boy with angel wings riding on a two-headed dragon attributed with the power of finding treasures. He has power to locate, summon, and control serpents as well as “household spirits.” Warrior’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Discover treasures, power over serpents & evil spirits. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 5, 30
7th Rule - 72nd Spirit Seal Of Andromalius
Andromalius — The Seventy-second Spirit is named Andromalius. He is an Earl, Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man holding a Great Serpent in his Hand. His Office is to bring back both a Thief, and the Goods which be stolen; and to discover all Wickedness, and Underhand Dealing; and to punish all Thieves and other Wicked People and also to discover Treasures that be Hid. He ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid. Spy’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Discover all wickedness, and underhand dealing. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 7, 72
8th Rule - 31st Spirit Seal Of Foras
Foras Strength — The Thirty-first Spirit is Foras. She is a Mighty President, and appeareth in the Form of a Strong Woman with male characteristics and in Human Shape. She can give the understanding to men how they may know the Virtues of all Herbs and Precious Stones. She teacheth the Arts of Logic and Ethics in all their parts. If desired she maketh men invisible, and to live long, and to be eloquent. She can discover Treasures and recovers things Lost. She ruleth over 29 Legions of Spirits. (Forrasis), in demonology, is a powerful President of Hell, being obeyed by twenty-nine legions of demons. She teaches logic and ethics in all their branches, the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, can make a man witty, eloquent, invisible, invincible and live long. Fora’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Virtues of herbs and precious stones, logic and ethics, recover things lost. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 8, 29, 31
9th Rule - 37th Spirit Seal Of Phoenix
Phenex – The Thirty-Seventh Spirit is Phoenix (or Pheynix). He is a great Marquis, and appeareth like the Bird Phoenix, having the Voice of a Child. He singeth many sweet notes before the Exorcist, which he must not regard, but by-and-by he must bid him put on Human Shape. Then he will speak marvelously of all wonderful Sciences if required. He is a Poet, good and excellent. And he will be willing to perform thy requests. He hath hopes also to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,200 years more, as he said unto Solomon. He governeth 20 Legions of Spirits. Phoenix’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Rise from troubles poetically. Return me to the throne. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 7, 9, 20, 37
10th Rule - 49th Spirit Seal Of Procel
Procel – The Forty-ninth Spirit is Procel (Crocell, or Crokel). He appeareth in the Form of an Angel. He is a Duke Great and Strong, speaking something Mystically of Hidden Things. He teacheth the Art of Geometry and the Liberal Sciences. He, at the Command of the Exorcist, will produce Great Noises like the Rushings of many Waters, although there be none. He warmeth Waters, and discovereth Baths. He was of the Order of Potestates, or Powers, before his fall, as he declared unto the King Solomon. He governeth 48 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid. Procel’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Angel, reveals hidden things. Teach art, geometry and Liberal Sciences. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 10, 48, 49
11th Rule - 39th Spirit Seal Of Shapeshifting
Malpas – The demon Malphas (Malpas) is a Fallen Angel and 39th of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Malphas is a powerful president in HELL who appears first as a crow and then, when commanded, as a human who speaks in a hoarse voice. He skillfully builds houses and high towers and brings down the temples and towers of enemies. He will bring deceivers together quickly. He destroys the desires, thoughts, and accomplishments of anyone’s enemies. Malphas gives good Familiars. He will receive a sacrifice kindly but then deceive the one who offers it. Malphas commands 40 legions of Demons. Malpas’s Seal is this:
Evoking words: Destroy thoughts of enemies. Receives sacrifice and send it back to the one who offers it. At this time multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 1, 11
12th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman Of Magick
Magick Wand – A circular wand indicates the beginning and the end, joined where one ends and the other begins. An evoking circle is made from bending a six foot rod (sometimes stained in lamb’s blood) replicated as a serpent with the head and the tail joining. A golden chain can aid in joining the mouth and the tail. The wand must be flexible, so that it can be bent at need. Magick Wand Talisman is this:
Evoking words: TAROT, Part angel, part bird, part hare, part lion. He knows past, present future at which multitudes of spirits will appearat which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. A certain correspondence between the talismans and the Tarot Trumps is indeed unmistakable, at least in some instances, and seems to indicate that the work has a more definite occult aspect than would appear at first sight. It is the symbolism of the Trumps Major redirected towards the Powers of the Deep. Numbers: 1, 2, 12
14th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Transcending
Transcending – Serves for the conjuration of celestial and infernal powers. Transportation will be fully protected to any part of the universe with this Talisman. Spiritually transcending too. During the ritual of transcending wear a deep grayish purple satin cloak embroidered with gold and say the Keywords below. Transcending’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are RADITUS, POLASTREIN, TERPANDU, OSTRATA, PERICATUR, ERMAS at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 3, 14 - especially 3
15th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Healer
Healer – Gives immunity from the most ferocious animals; gives the means of overcoming them; gives the knowledge of their language; and drives mad animals away. The talisman should be of deep green satin embroidered with gold. Healer’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are RETERREM, SLIBAT, CRATARES, HISATER at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 6, 15, 38, 75
16th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Fortune
Fortune – Gives good fortune in any lottery. The talisman is of cerise-coloured satin embroidered with gold and silver. It should be bound upon the left arm by means of a white ribbon, and the ring must be on the little finger of the right hand. Fortune’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The words are: ROKEN for a winning number, PILATUS for an ambes-ace, ZOTOAS for a denary, TULITAS for a quaternary at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 7, 16
16th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Virtue
VIRTUE – Endows the possessor with every virtue and talent, as-well as with the desire to do good. All substances of evil quality can be rendered excellent by means of it. For the first advantage, it is sufficient to raise up the talisman, having the ring upon the first joint of the third finger of the right hand. and to pronounce the words: The talisman should be of saffron coloured satin embroidered with silver. Virtue’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are RURAN, ESTONOS, FUZA. For the second, say: VAZOTAS, TESTANAR at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 3, 14
16th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Gifts & Gifting
Gifts – Gives all talents and a profound knowledge of every art, so that the possessor will outshine the toil-worn experts though unqualified by scholarship. Hereof are the advantages of an art which--speaking generally concerning it--is nothing except practical and the quality of its claims is not strained. The talisman, which must be carried on the person, should be of white satin embroidered with black silk. The operative words are: Gift’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are RITAS, ONALUN, TERSORIT, OMBAS, SERPITAS, QUITATHAR, ZAMARATH, specifying the art which it is desired to possess at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 3, 9, 18
19th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Keys
Keys – Opens all locks with a touch regardless of security features. Escapes when used as a prop in the form of an ancient talisman can lend an ancient Egyptian mystique to any routine. This palindromic ancient charm dates back to first century and was discovered as graffiti in the buried city of Pompeii. The word Pompeii itself is a centuries-old magic word. The charm’s possible origin is thought to be from Alexandria, Egypt between 30 BCE and 50 CE. Key’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are SARITAP, PERNISOX, OTTARIM at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 1, 9, 19
16th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Rebel
Rebel – Destroys all projects formed against the possessor and compels rebellious spirits. The talisman is of rose-coloured satin embroidered with silver. It should be placed upon a table, the left hand imposed upon it; the ring should be on the middle finger of the right hand, and the operator, with bent head, should repeat in a low voice the words: SENAPOS, TERFITA, ESTAMOS, PERFITER, NOTARIN. Rebel’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are should repeat in a low voice the words: SENAPOS, TERFITA, ESTAMOS, PERFITER, especially: NOTARIN at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 3, 8, 20, 75
21st Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Male
Male – Will make the most taciturn man unbosom himself to its possessor, whose enemies will also be forced to confess all their machinations. The talisman should be of gold-coloured satin with the figures embroidered in gold. By placing the ring on the little finger of the left hand, the talisman against the right ear, and by pronouncing the words NOCTAR, RAIBAN, the most discreet man--as I have indicated--will be compelled to unveil his utterly secret thoughts. Male’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are NOCTAR and the addition of the word BRANTHER will force the enemies of the possessor to declare their projects aloud at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 21 - especially 3
22nd Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Female
Female – Gives the love and complaisance of the entire female sex. It should be embroidered in silver on black satin. The evoking words are NADES, SURADIS, MANINER, pronounced with the ring-which should be on the middle finger of the left hand-pressed against the lips. This conjuration ensures the manifestation of a genius with rose-coloured wings, Female’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are who, if addressed with the words SADER, PROSTAS, SOLASTER, Will traverse all space to transport you the lady of your heart, though she were the queen of the Caliph’s seraglio. At the words MAMMES, LAHER, she will be removed by four slaves. It will be observed that this is occult ribaldry at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 4, 22
23rd Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Treasure
Treasure – Discovers all treasures and ensures their possession. The figure of the talisman should be embroidered in gold upon green satin. The words ONAÏM, PERANTÈS, RASONASTOS, will cause the appearance of seven genii au teint bazané, each of whom will pour out golden ducats from great bags of bide at the feet of the sorcerer, the operations of this Grimoire being performed upon a huge scale. Item, a black hooded bird will be perched upon the shoulder of each spirit. Treasure’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are ONAÏM, PERANTÈS, RASONASTOS at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 3, 23
24th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Discovery
Discovery – Discovers the most hidden secrets and enables its Possessor to penetrate everywhere unseen. The talisman should be of violet satin, with the figures embroidered in silver. It must be held in the left hand, on which also the ring should be worn, and should be placed close to the ear, pronouncing the words NITRÆ, RADOU, SUNANDAM, when a distinct voice will utter the desired mystery. Discovery’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: ITRÆ, RADOU, SUNANDAM, when a distinct voice will utter the desired mystery at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 4, 6, 24
25th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Magnate
Magnate – Sets the possessor in any desired house without the preliminary of entering and reads the thoughts of all persons, so that they can be helped or harmed at pleasure. The talisman is of light grey satin embroidered with gold. To know thoughts, place it on your head, breathe upon the ring, and they will forthwith enjoy every kind of prosperity. Magnate’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: O TAROT, NIZAEL, ESTARNAS, TANTAREZ. To serve those who are worthy: NISTA, SAPER, VISNOS. To punish your enemies or evil persons: XATROS, NIFER, ROXAS, TORTOS, and they will be immediately delivered to frightful torments at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 5, 7, 25
26th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Conqueror
Conqueror – Sets to work enough genii for the immediate achievement of any work which the possessor may desire to undertake, and for the stoppage of any which may oppose him. The talisman should be of lilac satin with the figures embroidered in shaded silk. Conqueror’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: The evoking words are; ZORAMI, ZAITUX, ELASTOT at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 6, 26
27th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Ghosts
Ghosts – Gives invisibility, even to the eyes of genii, so that God alone shall witness the actions of the possessor. It is accompanied by the power of penetrating everywhere and passing through brick walls. For each operation the ring must be placed upon a different finger of the right hand. The talisman is of yellow satin embroidered with black silk. Ghost’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: BENATIR, CARARKAU, DEDOS, ETINARMI at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 7, 27
28th Rule - Sage Of The Pyramids Talisman of Protection
Protection – Gives immunity from the most ferocious animals; gives the means of overcoming them; gives the knowledge of their language; and drives mad animals away. The talisman should be of deep green satin embroidered with gold. Protection’s Talisman is this:
Evoking words: For the first three objects or requests, say: HOCATOS, IMORAD, SURATER, MARKILA. For the last: TRUMANTREM, RICONA, ESTUPIT, OXA at which multitudes of spirits will appear, visible or invisible, and aid you in your requests. Numbers: 2, 8, 28
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