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ECEF bursary funds six ethically diverse managers to attend MDP

The European Club Education Foundation (ECEF) have awarded their annual Ethnically Diverse Managers Bursary for the 2023/24 season.

The bursaries, funded by The R&A, have been awarded to six recipients who can now enjoy stepping onto the MDP pathway.

The recipients are: Rebecca Nnachor, David Okach, James Thande Gathu, Maryem Alaoui and Sheif Yusuf and Majd Najada. Five of the six recipients opted to use their bursary to attend the recently held MDP part 1 course in Dubai (see next pages for coverage.)

A word from the recipients:

Rebecca Nnachor: “I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the R&A and CMAE for recognising Ethnically Diverse Managers in the industry through programmes in club management. Your continued support of ethnically diverse individuals in the industry is truly making a difference and has made a significant impact in my life.”

James Gathu Thande: “The bursary enabled me to visit a new country, meet new people and make new connections. I now have a friend from Italy, another one from Hong Kong, another from China, another from Morocco, another from Russia, another from Ireland and very many from Dubai. Apart from making new friends, I mingled with like-minded professionals in the Golf industry. I realised that clubs share challenges across the industry.”

Majd Najda: “For me being selected for this bur- sary is a validation of countless hours of hard work, dedication and sacrifice that went into it. It’s a moment of overwhelming joy and gratitude, a reminder that anything is possible with passion, perseverance, and faith. I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the ECEF and the R&A. Receiving this award is a tremendous honour, and I am deeply humbled and grateful for their acknowledgement. I feel privileged and overjoyed.”

Sheif Yusuf: “I am thrilled and deeply honoured to have been selected as a recipient of the prestigious Ethnically Diverse Managers in Golf Bursary. Words cannot express how grateful I am to the judging panel comprised of ECEF and R&A officials

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