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Swe dish Sweetsp ot is p ar t of a glob al e or t to change golf

Swedish tech company Sweetspot has been chosen by The R&A, golf ’s governing body, to provide business systems at Golf It!, its new community-focused golf and entertainment venue. The first facility will open in Glasgow in the summer of 2023 and will, among other things, include a nine-hole course, adventure golf and golf simulators

With the concept Golf It!, The R&A – which has160 a liated organisations, including national federations – aims to change the sport fundamentally The concept’s first facility will be located on the banks of Hogganfield Loch in the North East of Glasgow with the purpose of making golf more accessible and inclusive To achieve their goal, The R&A has carefully selected partners they consider the best in each area

Golf It! is a significant investment that will make golf a more inclusive and accessible sport – for everyone The venue has been specifically designed to attract a new audience to the game Therefore working with a system that provides a clear understanding of behavior and how people interact with their activities is of paramount importance This is where the Swedish company, Sweetspot, comes into the picture The deal between the two parties extends over five years, where Sweetspot will develop and establish business systems on behalf of Golf It!

After a thorough and robust scoping process, the Sweetspot platform was the only system we found to have the capability to achieve our business goals Our aim is to provide customers with the right product, at the right time and at the right price, which will ultimately make the game more accessible and a ordable With Sweetspot we believe we can achieve this goal, says Russell Smith, General Manager of Golf It!

Sweetspot will create an overall solution for the whole concept that includes a checkout system where The R&A can follow di erent types of consumer behavior The focus will be on revenue management and increasing the accessibility for more golfers by applying dynamic pricing

– We are delighted to get the opportunity to work with the largest golf organization in the world It ’ s a great recognition of our company and product. They share our vision to modernize golf to get more people to experience the sport we love, says Henrik Ahlin, CEO at Sweetspot.

The R&A is investing £200 million over ten years in developing golf and supports the growth of the sport internationally

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