Club Mirror - December 2021

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Let Dinner commence! Club Mirror MD Sean Ferris welcomed guests in a pre-dinner speech. “Well it’s been quite a ride has it not? What an 18 months. Who knew it would be two years before we could meet again. So it’s wonderful that you’re all here tonight and we intend to celebrate. “We are the lucky ones – we’ve survived. And while the Club Awards have been unable to take place for all the obvious reasons, we hope that the Festival of Clubs is a happy substitute, a celebratory dinner and a recognition of what we’ve all been through. That said, we can’t ignore what has happened in those lost months, so – pre-moving into total happy mode – let's raise a glass to absent friends.” Sponsors and club-supporting suppliers were then thanked for their support, and previous Club Awards finalists and winners were welcomed. The role that clubs continue to play during the pandemic was highlighted in a short, poignant video, showing clubs tirelessly at work in their communities, from setting up food banks and food deliveries, to acting as vaccination centres and caring for their most isolated and vulnerable members. “Clubs never fail to impress. And talking of impressive, we have special clubs in the room who reached their centenary during 2019 or 2020 but have been unable to celebrate properly. We’re delighted that you’re here to join the party. We’ll be recognising you on stage as you join our new 100 Club.”



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