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Clubs join Dransfields for afternoon of fun and game

At the t ail end of 2022, clubs headed over to Leicester's Nottingham Oddfellows Club for a free, fun af ternoon of enter t ain-ment cour tesy of Dransfields, co-hosted by Club Mirror

West End Wicked st ar Rebecca Gilliland dropped in to per form a blockbusting hit, while Dransfields’ enter t ainment system, Spotlight, saw guests put on their thinking caps for a challenging quiz Brain food was kindly provided by Pukka Pies

• See pages 56-57.

The CMAE’s 2022 European Conference on Club Management has been hailed a success

The four day programme included education sessions, keynote speakers, networking and plenty of free time for delegates to enjoy the various activities on of fer around Tenerife

High profile presenters included the CEO of the Congressional Country Club

Jef frey Kreafle, John Glendinning, CEO of the Wisley Golf Club, personal development coach Nick Taylor and Director of Mindswing Nick Lees • cmaeurope.org

CAMRA Super Round Winners announced

The four Super Round Winners in C AMRA’s Club of the Year competition, run in association with Club Mirror have been announced (see pages 8-9 for details) As we go to press, four C AMRA judges, including Club Mirror ’s Sean Ferris (below) are touring the countr y to determine which club will become the supreme champion

Celebrating Young Ambassadors

The Club Awards’ new peoplefocussed categories now include the Young Ambassadors Recognition Awards Bush Hill Park Golf Club’s inspirat-ional PGA Professional Nicola Bennett was presented with her cer tificate by the CIU’s Nathan Clarke (see right), before being inter viewed on stage by spor ts presenter and Awards host John Inverdale

•See page 52 for full details.

Black Sheep Brewery celebrates its 30th

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