2 minute read

Body calls for low/no consultation Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainability

Alcohol social responsibility body and mar keting regulat or The P or tman Group (t he alcohol social responsibility body and mar keting regulat or) is calling on t he gover nment t o do more t o encourage t he upt ake of low and no alcohol alt er natives

Recent research from YouGov shows t hat, af t er years of rapid growt h, t he low/no mar ket is showing signs of levelling out The Gover nment, said t he body, is overdue t o launch a consult ation t o seek views on updating t he t er minology around how products below 1 2% ABV are mar ket ed This is a key source of confusion f or consumers and t he consult ation should see more alignment wit h global descriptions of low/no and encourage even fur t her upt ake of t hese alt er natives t o alcohol

The research shows t hat 29% of alcohol drinkers now also semi-regular ly drink alcohol alt er natives The t op reason cit ed f or doing so is being able t o drive home saf ely from social events and one in six of t hose who have tried low/no say t heir alcohol consumption has reduced since f irs t tr ying t hem This demons trat es t he positive role of low/no, encouraging moderat e and responsible drinking, and a consult ation would push t his even fur t her

Ma tt La mbe r t, CEO, th e Por tm an Group , s aid: “ The variety and availability of low and no alcoholic drinks has never been s tronger, ref lecting a huge increase in consumer popularity

“ We are calling on t he gover nment t o launch t he low -alcohol descript ors consult ation t his year t o give fur t her suppor t t o t he low and no alcohol sect or It has been expect ed f or near ly two years, but given t he turbulent political year t his hasn’ t been prioritised This is an impor t ant review which should see alignment wit h global descript ors and give anot her push t o t his innovative cat egor y which is an active subs titut e f or alcohol and suppor ts moderat e drinking ” •portmangroup.org.uk

Delphis Eco team recognised for the production of its award-winning, ecological cleaning range

“A business making an outstanding contribution to sustainability and one of only a very few companies to be singled out for recognition through these prestigious awards” was how The Deputy Lieutenant of

Greater London, Christopher Wellbelove, described British-made Delphis Eco when he presented CEO, Mark Jankovich, with the highly coveted Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development 2022

• For details on the company and its products turn to page 66.

All for charity

We are Sue Ryder

The ‘ We Are Sue Ryder ’ campaign, highlights the rewarding and hear twarming moments a career in palliative care can of fer, celebrating the lasting impact palliative care nurses can have on patients and their loved ones at the end of life

Sue Ryder announced that it is facing the worst recruitment challenge in its 65 year-long histor y This is symptomatic of the wider nursing crisis, with one in 10 nurse posts in England currently unfilled across the entire profession

“ Working at Sue Ryder you’ll be par t of a multidisciplinar y team working in a

Supported by highly rewarding area of nursing, helping people live the best lives they possibly can,” says the charity “And you’re given the time to care

“If you want more than just a job, we want you Join our team and be there when it matters ”

• sueryderorg/jobs/careers-inpalliative-care

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