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Diversity Club of the Year The Holbeck Moor FC

From LGBT+ football supporter groups and community choirs to children’s charity KidzKlub, local prayer groups, refugee groups and community choirs and orchestras, the club is described as ‘ a home for all those that need a space to do something that might bring joy and satisfaction’ The club’s launch of Holbeck Moor FC has seen barriers to participation removed, with childcare, kit and transport funded for over 150 people It has won community awards for inclusion and participation, featuring in the national press, and in June the club hosted a Jubilee party for 150 guests from six key community partners, including charities for children and elderly people.

Joint Winner

Phoenix Arts Club

Phoenix Arts Club serves diverse audiences in an area where 39% of children come from low-income families The club often runs free entry events for its local community, as well as for Persons of Colour (Lounge Onyx Cabaret, RepresentAsian, The Cocoa Butter Club), the trans community (The Enby Show, Camden LGBTQ+ Forum) and older audiences (Coda Club, Misty Moon). It also welcomed the LGBT+ Military Charity Fighting With Pride on Remembrance Sunday, after their veterans (including venue owner Ken Wright) were allowed to march as part of the Cenotaph service for the first time ever

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