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Community Research Committee Spotlight
By Ashley Tarrant, Community Research Committee Chair
The JLM Community Research Committee is responsible for the recruitment and vetting of community organizations to serve as community placements for JLM members. The committee begins meeting in August and wraps up duties by Christmas. The committee is led by a Chair and Co-Chair who are responsible for guiding members in the community research process.
The process begins with the grant workshop usually held in June. At the workshop, community organizations are educated on the JLM grants
ALABAMA coasting presents process as well as what it means to be a community placement. The workshop is also a time for the community organizations to get to know one another and network. Grant applications are usually due in late August/early September. After the submission deadline, the committee convenes to review the list of applicants, and committee members are assigned organizations to review. Each member then reviews their organization’s grant application and makes an appointment to visit the organization for an in-person site visit. After site visits are conducted, the assigned committee member presents their findings to the entire committee. Once all organizations have been presented, committee members rank organizations and develop a slate to present to the membership for a vote. Once approved, organizations are invited to participate in the Placement Fair and the end of the year JLM Membership Meeting.
The Community Research Committee is a vital part of the League because it has the responsibility of vetting organizations who will receive league resources (volunteers and funds) for the next year.