First Five // Alfredo Cramerotti is a writer, curator, editor...
What are the first five websites you visit every day? A Abboouutt Like First Five on FFaacceebbooookk Follow me on TTw wiitttteerr
TTaaggss:: iittss nniiccee tthhaatt ,, fifirrsstt fifivvee ,, ddiiggiiccuulltt ,, aallccrraam meerr ,, ffooaam m ,, w whhaattss nneexxtt ,, ffoottoo m muusseeuum m ,, ppiinntteerreesstt ,, aallffrreeddoo ccrraam meerroottttii
A Allffrreeddoo CCrraam meerroottttii is a writer, curator, editor and artist working across a variety of media such as TV, radio, publishing, internet, media festivals, photography, writing and exhibition curating. He directs Mostyn, Wales’ largest and leading contemporary art centre, co-directs AGM Culture, roaming curatorial agency and CPS Chamber of Public Secrets, media & art production unit (co-curator of Manifesta 8, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Region of Murcia, Spain, 2010). He is Research Scholar at the European Centre for Photography Research, University of Wales, Newport, Visiting Lecturer in various European Universities among others NTU Nottingham Trent University, University of Westminster, HEAD Geneva and DAI Dutch Arts Institute, and Editor of the Critical Photography book series by Intellect Books. His own publications include the book Aesthetic Journalism: How to inform without informing (2009) and Unmapping the City: Perspectives of Flatness (2010).
Here are Alfredo’s first five…
hhttttpp::////ppiinntteerreesstt..ccoom m ““VViissuuaallllyy rreelleevvaanntt””
hhttttpp::////bblloogg..ffoottoom muusseeuum m..cchh// ““CCrriittiiccaallllyy vvaalluuaabbllee””
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23/07/2012 13:51
First Five // Alfredo Cramerotti is a writer, curator, editor...
hhttttpp::////w ww ww w..ffooaam m..oorrgg//w whhaattssnneexxtt ““TThheeoorreettiiccaallllyy cchhaalllleennggiinngg””
hhttttpp::////aallccrraam meerr..ttuum mbbllrr..ccoom m// ““CCuurraattoorriiaallllyy iinnttrriigguuiinngg ((tthheerree aarree aa nnuum mbbeerr ooff ppeeooppllee ccoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg ttoo tthhee bblloogg,, nnoott oonnllyy m mee))””
hhttttpp::////w ww ww w..iittssnniicceetthhaatt..ccoom m ““RReellaattiioonnaallllyy oobblliiqquuee””
P.S. You can click on the images to go to the site… PPoosstteedd oonn JJuullyy 1111tthh,, 22001122
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23/07/2012 13:51