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New Research Fellowship Roles
Alder Hey is known for the outstanding quality of services it delivers for the children and young people of Liverpool and the wider region. We’re not satisfied treating children using today’s medicines and technologies, we want to find the next generation of very best treatments, that are even more effective and safe.
Creating a brighter future for children
And Young People
Research and innovation at Alder Hey means that we help two sets of patients: those in the present; and those who will benefit in the future from the advances which we bring about through new drugs, new devices and new technologies. Ensuring that Alder Hey continues to be at the forefront of UK paediatric research, requires dedicated, well trained, expert individuals. While Alder
Hey has many experienced researchers, until now we have not been able to commit to supporting the career development of talented individuals.
A way forward
Changes to the shape of medical training have markedly reduced the opportunities for individuals to get the required exposure to research and innovation in their roles. In response to this we are creating new career development roles to support the next generation of research leaders in paediatrics, a Career Development Fellowship and a Senior Research Fellowship.
Neither delivery of research or training in research methodology, are supported by core NHS funding, but are extremely important to ensure Alder Hey remains at the forefront of research for children and young people.
These new roles will significantly increase our capacity to deliver research, which evidence shows will lead to improved results for our
I firmly believe that our Researchers at Alder Hey are uniquely placed to be world-class in creating healthier futures for the patients we serve, and for future patients who may not have even been born yet.
Professor John Chester, Director of Research and Innovation, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
brave young patients. Additional resource also means improved safety and improved resilience of our research workforce, to cover for unexpected eventualities, such as staff sickness, and ensure the continued progress of studies.
This is our window of opportunity to improve the lifelong health of a generation. But we can only do this with your help to enable us to continue to drive this forward.
For more information about how you can support these new roles, please contact: tracey.wilson@alderhey.nhs.uk