avance press kit

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Time Totems is the work of mexi-

can and scotish designers, joined together to develop a projets that reflected the mixture of cultures, the diferences between and how they can interact and create something ephemeral

Mexican culture is full of tradition, colors and symbolism

The Project El recorrido de una pelota de golf puede crear reacciones que se impregnan en la memoria, estas crean un espacio en el que se combinan culturas, ideas y diseño. Este año la universidad del Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara en colaboración con Glasgow Caledonian University participó en la Feria Internacional del Mueble de Milán, la presentación consistió en el proyecto TIME TOTEMS la cual busca demostrar la representación de dos cul-

diseñadores escoceses que trabajando por separado lograron conseguir un medio de expresión artística y al mismo tiempo con un diseño propio e innovador en el cual se aprecia una nueva forma de dar a conocer el color y forma de vida de cada uno de estos dos países. La idea fue crear un TOTEM que pudiera hacer viajar una pelota de Golf en un espacio de 1m x 30cm x 30cm y que durante el lapso de un minuto esta pudiera

Designers Making this projets was something really interestig by mixing two diferent cultures and contrasting ideas.

Making this projets was something really interestig by mixing two diferent cultures contrasting ideas.come in the elaboration of the project Making this projets was something really interestig by mixing two diferent cultures and contrasting ideas.

Making this projets was something really interestig by mixing two diferent cultures and contrasting ideas.

Making this projets was something really interestig by mixing two diferent cultures contrasting ideas.come in the elaboration of the project Making this projets was something really interestig by mixing two diferent cultures and contrasting ideas.

The process was about mixing diferent traditional techniques and material from each culture

scottish culture represents the legacy fro an antique culture, reflects the nature influence.

This Totem come from the mexican popular graphism, the sound of mexican games and the colors of the traditional textiles.

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