5 plants copia

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PLANTS 1.- The parts of a plant - _________ are underground. They fix the plant to the ground and absorb ___________ and minerals from the soil. - ___________ support the plant and transport water and minerals to all the parts of the plant. The stem usually divides up into _________ which support the leaves, flowers and fruits. There are two types of stems:  

_____________ stems like grasses. They are soft, flexible and usually green. ____________ (trees, bushes). They are hard and rigid (trunk)

- Leaves. Plants make their own food in the leaves. They have two parts:  

The _________ that connects to the stem. The leaf blade is the widest part of the leaf.

Leaves are classified according to their shape (round, ovate, palmate…) and the edge (smooth, jagged, lobed…). ______________ plants lose their leaves in autumn. Evergreens plants have green leaves all year round. - Flowers help the plant to ____________. There are different parts:    

_____________ (male part) contain pollen. _____________ (female part) contains the ovary. Petals. Coloured leaves that form the corolla. Sepals. Green leaves that protect the flower. They form the calyx.

2.- Plant reproduction A) Reproduction Sexual reproduction. It has different stages: 1. Pollen is formed in the stamens. 2. A grain of pollen reaches the pistil (_____________) 3. The grain of pollen joins with an ovule and the ovary turns into fruit with the seeds inside. (_____________) 4. A seed falls to the ground, germinates and a new plant begins to grow. (______________) Asexual reproduction Some plants use parts of themselves to reproduce.    

Stolons, like strawberries, are stems that grow horizontally. Rhizomes, like in irises and ginger, are stems that grow horizontally underground. ___________, like in onions and garlics, are underground stems with leaves that store food. Tubers, like in potatoes, are underground stems that develop roots

B) Nutrition. Through the process of ________________ plants make their own food. They need.

 

Water and __________ absorbed by their roots (raw sap) Carbon dioxide and _____________ absorbed by their leaves.

With these ingredients plants make their food (elaborated sap) and release ______________. 3.- Plant classification There are two groups: A) ________________ produce flowers and seeds. There are two groups:  

Angiosperms (roses, lavanda, daisies…) with beautiful flowers that produce fruit with seeds inside. ______________ (cypress, pines, fir trees…) with small simple flowers that do not produce fruits. The seeds are grouped in cones.

B) Non flowering plants do not produce flowers, fruits or seeds. There are two groups: 

____________ have very small stem, leaves and roots structures (rhizoids). They grow on rocks and damp places. Ferns have underground stems and large leaves. They grow in dark and damp places.

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