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En este lugar perdemos demasiado tiempo mirando hacia atrás. Camina hacia el futuro, abre nuevas puertas, prueba cosas nuevas. Sé curiosa... Porque la curiosidad siempre

te va a conducir por nuevos caminos.

Los imposibles no existen, son solo miedos que tenemos en nuestras cabezas, por eso; Piensa, Sueña, Cree y Atrévete.

Para mi Tupi Espero que te guste y lo disfrutes, Love You Princess.

Tu Tia/Madrina Ale

One day a little girl awoke, sat up and rubbed her eyes, looked over at her bedroom door and got a

BIG surprise!

Her name, which she had stuck there

shock horror, it was gone! What exactly was she called?

Sam? Or Rose? Or Yvonne?

She looked inside her closet, she peered in all her drawers, she searched underneath her bed, crouched down on all fours.

No luck! Her name had vanished it wasn’t anywhere. So she put clothes, brushed her teeth (and even combed her hair).

An d

o ff t to se nam her find e, n

r eve




th e



For it’s true th is litt le g irl

ver se wa so



dawn, e h t o t n i outside She crept ing trail, d n i w a d and foun see ’s t e L ? e her nam d n fi e h s le! Would a t c i g a ur m on with o



The girl skipped down a s and y be p r a e t t w ach, w y a s m d a n iden a ith a sp -w lash and a it h a splish tail ju st like a fish!

‘Erm... what are you?? asked the girl (who couldn’t help from staring). ‘Your top half’s like a lady, but your bottom half’s... a


red. ‘How e d n u h ure t t a e e cr h t ’


? g n ri r he

I’m a Mermaid, you little squirt with a knot caught in her hair

insolent, I declar e


Who on earth are you, mo re’s the po d i a t h s , e ’ int l w i t o t le gir t kn ’ , sh n l o . ‘I’m es ‘I d affr niff a ed e h s s ’ . n y l i e l i e s d r e d. ‘lo in s I ‘How ’ ve sing om los e di an tm sdain a me y na y o . f u i , l c e a g n n , a a m , n d W d n e a g ’ et t ell, Be don his ’t jus tan t hang gle about. o

ut! ’

knot e h t nd u o f kly c i u q hot’ s d a n it in ,a s e k e ll fr loc ’ I ‘ r he M h g ou The lit an e tle girl delved thr lik d e ap said. ‘Well, since you h ‘It’s th d i s a , p ’re in is hair cli erm M e this h t t’ n e w t i me e r e ‘That’s wh k n ss, s a , h I t , g l l u e w e Ke ss.’ And . ep i . . e t for your missing nam

Along a road the girl walked, and got a dreadful

scare -

out sprand a fearsome creature, with blue skin and

bright pink hair!

‘Who are you?’ the girl asked (once she was over her fright). ‘I’m an Imp’, the creature replied. ‘Oh dear, are you all right?

Don’t believe the things you hear that we’re naughty, rude and bad. Those Fairies, they’ll say anything! It makes me hopping


Just last week - it’s true - I helped an old lady cross the road, I’ve picked up litter, washed windows, and all those lawns I’ve mowed...’

‘So people think you’re bad’, the girl said, ‘when really you’re quite kind?’ ‘Right!’ the Imp said, ‘but they hear my name, and just make up their mind’.

‘Well I haven’t even got a name’, the little girl said, sadly.

‘No name?’ the Imp exclaimed, ‘jeepers! Well now, let me see...

Since my name just causes trouble, why not take this letter.

Now I’m called Mp, instead of Imp folk might treat me better!’

The little girl went on her way, up, down and round and round, completely lost, but happy, with the letters that she’d found.

She smiled as she remembered the great characters she’d met and wondered how much crazier this escapade could get!

The sun was warm, the sky was blue, and she fancied a rest, so she stretched out upon the grass, and thought back on her quest.

She’d had fun so far, lots of it she’d hardly even been scared... and she’d done things that other girls

never would have dared.

But still, she’d be much happier, once she found her name. So she got up, brushed herself down,

and set off once again.

the little girl walked, her n o e, there and and roundabout, n O c a r e o ss an an am imal and c with a

u t. trem o n endous s

‘Hello there’, said the little girl, ‘what animal are you?’ ‘I’m an Aardvark’, said the beast ‘good morning! How’s you do?’.

‘Not good’. the girl said glumly. ‘You see, I’ve lost my name.’ ‘Oh goodness!’ cried the Aardvark, ‘what a dreadful shame!’

The Aardvark rooted busily, nose down among the plants, and said, ‘Perhaps you’d join me for a tasty plate of ants?’

irl said horrified, ‘no g e h , rea ’t ? lly, n s t ot f n ‘A o g s l o g or m o n i my, th ok o l t e e!’ sa Aard e h vark ds took n A pity.

o. d t lue ’ b n g wo n i t l a th fee , w e er l no h l t e t si ly. ‘W t d n n e p,a led g u f f u e n s v gi ’ it o t ‘Lost your name? d nee o n s ’ re But the

Aardvark starts with two As - I can certainly spare one. I’m sure you’ll come across your name before the day is done.’

The little girl turned around, and skipped back the way she’d come, past all the wondrous things she’d seen, and all the things she’d done.

The letters she’d been given can you guess what they spelled out? That’s right, the name she thought she’d lost - was

found again, no doubt!.

‘Yippee!’ the girl cried happily. ‘Hooray! Never say never! Oh that was the best adventure any girl had, ever!’

Up the winding trail she walked, and crept back to her house, into bed, under the sheets (as quiet as a mouse).

She felt so tired and weary, her head one happy whirl, what a quite amazingly courageous little girl - called...


Story based on "Lost my name" books.

Illustrations made by: Ale Gonzalez

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” - Walt Disney

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