AIESEC EN AZUERO together with The Young Entrepreneurs Club of the University of Panama, Extension of Azuero and different NGO’S is Giving you and incredible experience. Through this Project Amigos Globales, you will develop your skills and imagination to evaluate and elaborate this project in the different NGO’S.
Azuero Peninsula, located in southwest Panama, is a land of traditions and folklore. There, various cultures have come together to give rise to one of the most distinctive parts of the country, considered the main region. Azuero is common to see small towns with Spanish architecture, where people still gather around centuries-old churches. The most important centers are Pedasí, Las Tablas and Chitré. All offer basic services in addition to the entertainment and nightlife. In all the small villages along the peninsula you can buy unique handicrafts such as clay pottery, ceramics, paper mache masks for carnival, leather and wood furniture, embroidered clothes.
The objective of the project is to develop your skills, your imagination to elaborate this project that will help you to become a successful entrepreneur and generate a global impact. Next to working with other volunteers in your project, you will have the opportunity to learn about this culture.
Project Planning and Preparation
Hosting exchange students, Planning, Preparation.
Leadership, Team Work
Make a team with students, give seminars.
Give Seminars
Recycling, Sales
To issue and report on the Recycling Learn to recyclables and sell them as practice.
Multiculturalism, Practice
Give Seminars of Multiculturalism and Practice of tthe other topics
Global Village
Reviewing compliance with goals, feedback, Global Village, Reports, Showcasing Final Farewell to exchange students.
Details Duration: 6 Weeks Arrival Date: June 21, 2015 Departure Date: July 31, 2015 Accommodation:
Provided AIESECers house or trainees’ house or Maybe Host Family. The program will take place in Chitré, or Los Santos City. You will live with other volunteers.
there is no AIESEC office located in these places.
You will have one meal per day for free. For the Other meals, you can find lunch around 3.50 - 4.00 $
Benefits: • Making a Social and Economic Impact in Azuero • Discover one of the most beautiful countries in Latin America • The LEAD of AIESEC • Including : Travel during the weekends to explore Azuero (going to the parks, cities, Museums)
Next Steps: Apply: DDL: 16 May at 10 June. Interview: DDL: 16 May at 10 June We will contact you after you filled in the application form to confirm the interview Match: DDL: 16 May at 10 June Preparation: DDL: 14 June We will prepare you for the program in a virtual meeting before your Arrival. Arrival: DDL 20 June You will receive all instructions to get to the airport. We'll give you all the information and instructions needed to your departure to come here to Azuero from Tocumen, Panamá Airport.
Panama is one of the most beautiful Countries in Central America. It is characterized by it´s amazing diversity in cultures and landscapes. You can Find Mountains, the best beaches, and more in this Peninsula. During the weekend you will have time to travel on your own expenses with other trainees and AIESEC
Azuero is Secure. In general you can pass your time in a safe way. The only thing you have to do is use some precautions and use your common sense. We will make sure that you are prepared before your trip and that we will give you some tips and tricks about how to have a safe experience. Enjoy your Experience
The best assets Azuero has to offer is its solitary travelers, large and sandy beaches, surrounded by the rolling hills and green pastures. Due to the shortage of rainfall throughout the year, the east coast of Azuero is called "dry arc" and is perfect for those looking for a good time constant. If you love surfing, you will certainly enjoy the great waves of the beaches of Venao, Cambutal and Lagarto, among others. The best place to practice scuba diving and snorkeling is the National Wildlife Refuge Isla de la Iguana, south of Pedasi. This spectacular tropical island lies in the Gulf of Panama's largest coral reef. And between June and November you can see humpback whales. Iguana Island is also the site for the spawning of five different species of turtles. Also, you might see red frigates and many other native sea birds.
If you want to know the true spirit of Panama you can not miss the Azuero Peninsula.
Amigos Globales Project Contacts Sadith Burbano Silvia Álvarez Link of Application