BA Fashion Marketing & Communication Level 5, 2019-20 Module title: 5FAMK003C CWK1 Teacher: Nicolas Godon Alejandra Campbell Hernรกndez
EDITORIAL Editorial brief Stylist Model casting Make up and hair Preparation
The shoot Time scheduele Art direction Model direction
Post shoot Processing Retouching Page Layout
It all started in February of 2016 with two young Italians called Georgia Tordini and Gilda Ambrosio. They happened to be in a taxi in the city of New York, the capital of the American Fashion. These two designers met not long before founding the brand, in fact, they met by a mutual friend. When they met, they talked for hours and they “connected”, or so defined Gilda. “I knew we were going to build a great team; we are very different and that is the best of all.” Both share the same passion, but it is true that they have very different personalities, although, that came all good together, which makes it more than fabulous.
Gilda says that they complement each other quite well in terms of working in a day to day basis. The two young streetstyle icons have joined forces to bring alive what we know as Attico; a definition of totally two different styles. A representation of order and chaos, of elegance and extravagance, of the simple and eclectic, these would be the correct words that define
ATTICO. Attico claims that what is offered from them, is the possibility of dressing a piece differently, in Attico’s way.
Maison founded in 94’ by the French designer that recreated the bohemian incarnation and nonchalance of an androgynous but always exquisitely French chic. The colors and the lines refer to a self-confident woman, who knows how to be her most authentic self. They style of the brand is an indigenous Parisian look mixed with “ethnic bohemia” that play with the street style in a color palette of grays. The color bursts alter the rhythm in a wisely way.
An almost newborn brand as it is Attico, the young founder, has chosen a line outside the box, “not the very Parisian style”, is on the wave of nostalgic sentimentally an autobiographical story focused on a characterization of the female. The designer’s way of seeing the female character is reflected
on his designs, smooth, natural and lover of “minimal chic” would be the attributes he considers when creating. The color palette is immediately recognizable, his strength are the proportions and volumes. He believes on no dress codes.
The brand founded in 1889 have experienced a deep regeneration after the accession of Albert Elbaz to the creative direction in 2003. The company has been repositioned on the market in the range of top luxury players. The iconic silhouette and importance of jewelry. Their remarkable products are party dresses and accessories.
There is a lack of consistency of the co relation between the collection and the stories told on the website. The editorial and the look book do not necessarily follow the idea of retro that the designers claim. The idea is to launch a new collection for SS2020 where the whole brand is going to be involve on the 70s concept. Brand’s unique retro style will relate to the big cities that thundered on that decade. As it is an Italian brand and we don’t want to lose the essence of it, the title of the collection will be “UNA DOMENICA D’AGOSTO”. This would be the way of referencing to the long Saturday nights of the 70’s, and the walk of shame on Sundays wearing fabulous clothes.
The collection claims that day and night prevail together, summer does not sleep and Attico either. With this collection the brand wants to keep the costumers and consumers aware of the continuous work for the collection. That is the message behind the collection. A description of a non-stop lifestyle displayed in images and expressed by the designers in the collection. They are young designers which are precisely the definition of what the collection wants to transmit, empowered woman who work and enjoy.
Since Attico is a recent brand, the communication background is not especial y extensive. When the designers decided to make it official, they posted a picture on their profiles and after a couple of hours, received and email from Lisa Aiken, the fashion director of Net-a-porter. She wanted to visit them and see the collection in Milan. They couldn’t believe that was happening! As they say, social media is a powerful tool for young designers to get known. But this is not the only thing, but having a structure behind, a sales team that accompanies the brand to a professional path and helps building a strong network and distribution. The Attico uses cookies to give you the best browsing experience in alignment with your preferences. PHOTOGRAPH: ATTICO’S INSTAGRAM
To convey this specific message of the collection of Spring/Summer 2020 images of the 70’s wil be used, to set the space where the shooting wil be taking part. The business plan is to rethink the idea of what the brand is inspired on, giving the brand a clearer storytelling, and a precise idea of what the collection is about and inspired on. Attico’s lack of consistency as a solid brand based on a clear inspiration is what shaped this process of change to be explained in an editorial. The objective of this project is to create a bigger impact on their communication. A solid story that gives reviewers and PR something to talk about and publicize the brand. The task of this is to gain sales through a bigger recognition of the brand if possible, worldwide. The idea is to mix all cultures in a recognizable era in a determined city, New York. The city of the American fashion, also for those people in Asia and Middle east that are part of the reachable objective. Famous models from the wanted continents wil be part of the collection campaign giving different importance depending on the continent when presen-
ting the collection/editorial in each one. A brief wil be shown in a selection of images, with small changes depending on the continent. The elected one to be executed to print wil show mainly the photographers and models for the European and American public. Photo Editorial: Changes for the rest Impacting The Public of the countries wil be made from the original idea adapted from the first edition of the editorial. This way, the business plan wil work for the different segments of the market.
Raihanna Thompson - Model Mattia Maestri - Photographer Natividad Ă lcantara - Fashion Editor / Stylist Peyton Yoder - Make up and hair stylist Photo Editorial - ATTICO
like to share life with people of
ttico’s target market are
industry, such as fashion, art, cine-
young women that goes
ma, music etc. Their lifestyle is ba- all different kinds on these fields
from late teens to forties. Nowa-
sed in public events, that requires
and expect to be recognized
days is focused
by their look. They
on European
don’t want to go
unnoticed and love
territory and
to follow the latest
trends. Luxury is their
market. As it
life motto, and these
is a brand that
means quality, which
wants to reach
is part of the we-
a market with
l -known brands as
a high income
Attico presents itself.
and purchasing
Geographically these
power, we wil
people are found in
be focusing on
important cities in the
getting to be
continents mentioned
known in mi-
ddle east and Asian market. The buyers of the products wil be normally
always a certain sense of style,
women that work in the Artistic
personality and boldness. They
T h e c l i e n t g o a l s w i l l b e t o b e i d e n t i f i e d w h e n w e a r i n g A t t i c o , b a c k w a r d s t o a m a r k e t f o c u s e d o n t h e 7 0 ’ s b u t w i t h n e w d e s i g n s a n d m a t e r i a l s . W i t h o u t l o s i n g t h e d e t a i l s o f t h i s t i m e a n d a c q u i r i n g t h e t e c h n i q u e s a n d t r e n d s o f n o w a d a y . T h e c l i e n t w i l l d e m a n d a d e t e r m i n e d k i n d o f m a t e r i a l f o r t h e p r i c e i s w o r t h , a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e a n e x a c t r e p l i c a o f t h e u s e d m a t e r i a l s b a c k t h e n . T h i s w i l l b e m e a s u r e d w i t h t h e d e m a n d o f t h e n e w o p e n e d m a r k e t a n d t h e e x c l u s i v e p r o d u c t s a v a i l a b l e t o p u r c h a s e . O n l y f e w f o r t u n a t e p e o p l e f r o m a c e r t a i n d e m o g r a p h i c s c e n e w i l l b e a b l e t o a f f o r d t h e p r o d u c t s . F i r s t q u a l i t y m a t e r i a l s a r e w h a t p e o p l e e x p e c t f r o m A t t i c o , a n d a s m o r e p e o p l e i s i n f o r m e d t h e m o r e r e c o g n i t i o n f o r t h e c l i e n t s t h a t w e a r t h i s b r a n d .
he aspects of the product of Attico are the extravagance, glitters, vibrant colors and striking accessories and mixed shapes to give a unique look to the items. To design the collection these items wil serve as starting point to design new garments, also the spirit of what the brand wants to reflect is seen in the places the pictures are taken. Is not only about the clothing but about certain situations, events and places.
he feeling of New York night life, fiber of disco music, sexual freedom, everything is possible, and it is all about shows, elite people and rock and roll. These are the metaphors when creating Attico’s Collection ‘UNA DOMENICA D’AGOSTO’. The collection is all about this and how to display all these feelings in a creation within the perfect space, clothing, models, stylists, photographers etc.
t is important to
differentiate the glam disco outfits we want to achieve and focus on from the plain and basic garments also used on that decade. It is important to avoid the bored and plain, no risky items that wil not catch the eye of the attention. Avoid the routineer lifestyle of the 70s and dark side of it. Day light pictures, public spaces and plain outfits are what Attico wil not do in this editorial campaign.