How to understand Mao’s regime? Establishment of Single Party States
Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. Mao Zedong Read more at /quotes/quotes/m/maozedo ng115703.html#EC8XZAKoe 3HFSh1l.99
Mao if the father and founder of the People’s Republic of China and he was the Chairman (higher officer of an organized group) of the Communist Party of China from 1949 until his death in 1976. He established a Single Party socialist State, with all the industry and all the business was nationalized with the ownership of the state. Besides the process of nationalization, Mao implemented several reforms in almost every area of society. His ideologies, theories and way of government are usually known as Maoism. Methods “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.” –Mao Form of Government and Ideologies Totalitarism: In Maos’ regime he controlled everything. From publicity to politics, from economy to music. He controlled everything and he created certain rules that people followed. Maoism: 1. Peoples War and The Mass Lines: In order to have a successful revolution the needs and also the demands of the people must be the most important thing. The party if not separated in any way from the people, from the popular masses. 2. Cultural Revolution: In China with Mao, Cultural Revolution was conducted specially against traditionalism. Class struggles continue even in socialism, but Mao tried to change that. 3. Theory of the 3rd Worlds: according to Mao, revolution is more likely to appear in third world countries and on Mao’s view, more revolutions would weaken the imperialists.
Political work is the lifeblood of all economic work.
4. Democracy: Mao created a Concept of New Democracy in which we intended to “overthrow feudalism and achieve independence from colonialism”.
Mao Zedong Read more at 2 /quotes/quotes/m/maozedo ng382243.html#VUH3q95jc YWVjIb2.99
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Political: Mao has two principal political policies Turing his regime. 1. The great leap forward: this campaign was of course led my Mao and his challenge was to transform China from an agricultural economy to a societu of communism using industrialization. This “Great Leap” resulted at last in terror and violence because of Mao’s mandatory processes of industrialization, forced labor and very hard restriction to tons of peasants and rural people. 2. The Five Year Plan: This was a process of social and economic programs in which the communist party of China intended to organize and set the foundations and bases for Chinese Communism. In these periods they designed the economic and social plans for all the regions in China in order for communism to work properly Social: Mao also had a social policy of culture. It is also known as a Cultural Revolution, he eliminated everything that was not revolutionary like religion and Confucianism. Even though in Mao’s government there were many deaths we was able to raise the life expectancy and the literacy rate went up. Mao Foreign Policies: Mao’s vision was limited by his own country. He never cared of anything else that wasn’t related to China. His foreign policies were based on the belief that other countries only mattered they could bring something significant to China or if they intervened with the country. 3
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Communist, do not want to identify conflicting objectives or sectarian interests o Communist party and politically elite know what is best for minorities o During revolution (1940s) he promised minorities independence but then shifted to "autonomy" o Designated autonomous regions where minorities are guaranteed, with limits, rights to express/develop culture and representation politically o Followed Stalin's guidelines on treatment of minorities o The Cultural Revolution1966-1976 damaged cultures in China, 6,000 monasteries were destroyed in Tibet, 790,000 people persecuted in Inner Mongolia, schools were destroyed and books were burned o Shadian Incident- 1975, People's LIberation Army killed 1,000 Hui
Economic: -‐Mao adapted the soviet mode of industrialization -‐redistributed land to the peasantry to so they would support his regime -‐He employment
-‐He improved military power -‐all economic goals are directed to help the state or the ruler gain popularity among the general population -‐Mao used China’s Economy to achieve his goals and own ideologies and also to gain popularity -‐Wanted to de-‐centralize economy by establishing independent local communes
• Mao take some land of the landlords and gave it to poor pleople.
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WOMAN: By 1927, as quoted in the Little Red Book of his writings, Mao referred to the oppression of women as feudal patriarchy: "A man in China is usually subjected to the domination of three systems of authority [political authority, family authority and religious authority].... As for women, in addition to being dominated by these three systems of authority, they are also dominated by the men (the authority of the husband). These four authorities - political, family, religious and masculine - are the embodiment of the whole feudal-patriarchal ideology and system." Mao's comments echo those of Lenin, made six years earlier for International Women's Day: "Under capitalism, the female half of the human race suffers under a double yoke. The working woman and peasant woman are oppressed by capital; but in addition to that, even in the most democratic of bourgeois republics, they are, firstly, in an inferior position because the law denies them equality with men, and secondly, and this is most
important, they are "in domestic slavery," they are "domestic slaves," crushed by the most petty, most menial, most arduous, and most stultifying work of the kitchen, and by isolated domestic, family economy in general." Mao's comments echo those of Lenin, made six years earlier for International Women's Day: "Under capitalism, the female half of the human race suffers under a double yoke. The working woman and peasant woman are oppressed by capital; but in addition to that, even in the most democratic of bourgeois republics, they are, firstly, in an inferior position because the law denies them equality with men, and secondly, and this is most
He ensure the freedom of marrige and equality beetwen man and woman. marriage reform favoring the female And in 1955, as President of the Peoples Republic of China, Mao insisted that "In order to build a great socialist society it is of the utmost importance to arouse the broad masses of women to join in productive activity. Men and women must receive equal pay for equal work in production. Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole"
important, they are "in domestic slavery," they are "domestic slaves," crushed by the most petty, most menial, most arduous, and most stultifying work of the kitchen, and by isolated domestic, family economy in general."
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IMPACT: In late 1949 to early 1950, Mao traveled to Moscow (his first trip abroad) and signed an alliance with the Soviets; but Mao and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (1879–1953) neither liked nor trusted each other and their relationship was to prove unstable. The Korean War (1950– 1953) could not have come at a worse time for the new regime, but at great cost Chinese troops succeeded in repulsing the U.S. advance into the north, near the Yalu River on the Chinese border. His greatest effect is the pressure he put upon other countries in all directions (Korea,
Vietnam, Tibet, Iran, Mongolia, etc.) that involved worldwide Cold War politics. he intervene on the Korean and Vietnam war. when the us was crossing the borneline to chine without permission to pursuit north korea army, he order to send massive numeber of troops which outrun the us and south korea troops. us propose to launch nuclear strike to chine, but the president reject and fire him. since then mao whant china to pursiut nuclear power to show a stand of superpower against the us, china send tons of supply to ficht the us. other impact is the avoid of the religion on the communist countries.
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