Financial Vitality Sampler

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Financial Vitality Sampler DOWNLOAD HERE

The normal individual list price for these items would be ; $ 179.73 The limited time Tradebit cost for this sampler is $49.97 Note that the Entire "Financial Vitality" Collection is a large selection of frequency tracks that are organzied into many 'components'. Each component or section may have up to a dozen or more tracks in it. The entire 'Financial Vitality" Collection is a new, powerful exotic technologies product with a normal retail cost of $577.97. This sampler, allows you to experience a taste of what this collection is capable of, and herein, the tracks are taken from 'Manifest Gain', one of these components. There are three 'types' of tracks contained within this sample of the following classes ; 7 of the 'JPUR' class 1 of the 'JPOF ' class 1 of the 'LUNAJUP' class The function of the 'JPUR' class is described on the web page under the description section, and reads as following ; Manifest sudden and unexpected gains. Experience an internal tendency toward originality of thinking, independence and original enterprise. Increase the possibility of benefit through legacy and general successful activity: induce unexpected good fortune through an increased ability to turn opportunities to your advantage. Enhance a free spirit that flows through and around unwarranted and inappropriate restrictions. Experience your inner nature being more refined into a healthy form of sociable, intuitive, humanitarian and progressive qualities. The 'JPOF ' class Is a frequency emulation of the stellar radiant emissions of Jupiter in harmony with the 'Part of Fortune' - A very very powerful energetic blend for the actual realization of the experience of material gain and or aquisition. Only one of this type of class is provided in the sampler, more of these are available in the full collection. The 'LUNAJUP' class Is a frequency emulation of the stellar radiant emissions of Jupiter harmonizing with the Moon. A powerful energetic impulse driver that stimulates the experience of opportunity fulfillment. ---------------------------------------- WHY are there different frequency tracks with similiar titles and similiar encodings? The reason for this is perpectual rotation. For the JPUR class for instance, in the sampler, there are 7 instances of this type. In each case, similiar informational directives are embedded into the different tracks, but from different PERSPECTIVES (via geometric rotation) this allows for maximum aborption and digestion by the psyche and body-mind AND allows for time drift variances, i.e. when

moods change in accord to background natural cyclic gradients such as lunar phase, the user will instinctually 'know' which of the tracks of a given class is desired and needed most, thus allowing for maximum delivery and effectiveness most of the time! There are 3 primers, 2 of these DO contain similiar instructional sets so its likely they will tend to have a similiar effect on a person, but these two should sound differently. Why is it like this? Perpective renderings of the same landscape rendered from varying angles can convey more qualitative meaning, experience and information for your body-mind and allows for optimal digestion of the embedded codings. We do this often unconsciously which is why when we go to an art gallery when we find a painting we love we may physically change our location to look at it in different lights and from different angles. With some frequencies this perpectual orientation is done for you. Primer 3 contains a different instructional set altogether but its 'message' is synergistic to and complimentary with the others. ======================================== This collection contains the following products: finvit jpof primer4.mp3 finvit jpur primer1.mp3 finvit jpur primer2.mp3 finvit jpur1.mp3 finvit jpur2.mp3 finvit jpur4.mp3 finvit jpur5.mp3 finvit lunajup.mp3 finvit jpur3.mp3


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