Port fol i o:A l ej androChi chi zol aOl i vi eri Graduat ed i n A rchi t ect ure from Escuel aPol i t ĂŠcni caSuperi ordeA l i cant e Sept ember,201 1
Sust ai nabl ehouses.A l i cant e2008 Soft ware: Rhi noceros,A ut ocad,3DSt udi o. Task:compet i t i on,concept ,desi gn,model ,pl ans,sect i ons. Thefi rstl i neoft houghti st oseet hesepeopl ewhocomest o Spai nt oenj oyt hepreci oussunshi neand feelt hewarmt h ofour l ands,such asmi grat orybi rds,whi ch benefi tfrom at erri t ori alsi t uat i on forawhi l e. On t heot herhand t hesearch forasust ai nabl eproj ectatal lscal es,from housi ngt opl anni ng. Socreat eamodelt hatrecoversand prot ect st het erri t ory.
Fi nalProj ect :Open codeTown-pl anni ng( Col l aborat or)2009. Soft ware: A ut ocad,Phot oshop,Il l ust rat or,Fl ash,Premi er. Task:concept ,desi gn. Theproj ecti sex pl ai ned t hrough fundament sand devel opmentpat t erns. They respond t oapersonalconcern fort heci t y and how t o managet hi sone. Wedescri bet hemodelasan open codemodel ,becausei t snat urei srel at ed wi t h unfi ni shed process,i nt ransi t ,performat i ve,i nst ant and cont i nuousdevel opment .Themodeldoesnotwantt obeast opped si t uat i on,butt heconfi gurat i on gui del i nest oi mpl ementt he conceptofgeneri cci t y. Thest art i ngpoi nti sbased on t hereal i t y ofci t i eswhi ch arel osi ngt hei ri dent i t y aswel las t herol eofsoci alfocus,orpl aceof ex change. In addi t i on t hevi si on ofci t i esaspl acesofopport uni t y whereappl y generi cgui del i nes. Thesegeneralgui del i neswi l lbe adapt ed t oeach pl acest hatarei nsert ed,dependi ng t hecondi t i onscreat ed fort heact i on scenes.
Sel f-suffi ci entand l i vi ngprot ot ype.A mst erdam 201 0. Soft ware: A ut ocad,Rhi noceros,3DSt udi o Task:compet i t i on,concept ,desi gn,model ,pl ans,sect i ons. Iti smadeashousi ngspaceand produceroft het opographi ct erri t ory.Itreferst ot heobj ectori t em i n evi dencewhi ch can cont roland getresul t st hrough cont rolparamet ers.
A reasforreadi ngon t heespl anadeofA l i cant e.2008. Soft ware:A ut ocad,Rhi noceros,3DSt udi o,Phot oshop. Task:concept ,st ruct ural ,const rut i ve,desi gnm pl ans,sect i ons. Theai m oft heproj ectwast ocreat esomereadi ngarea,ex hi bi t i on,l ect uresand admi ni st rat i vespacest hatwereconsi dered appropri at e. A swi t h anyproj ect ,t hesi t eofi mpl ant at i on wasoneoft hemosti mport antand i nt erest i ngfori t sdevel opment .Thel ocat i on wasi nt he mi ddl eoft heEspl anadeofA l i cant e,averycrowded area i n frontof t heharboroft heci t y. A si fi tweresmal lcubi cl es,wasborn t heproj ectresul t i ngi n smal lareaswi t hi ndi vi dualreadi ng, i nt hi scase t herout eoft hewal k cont i nued. The densi t yrai ses t ot het opprovi di ngasecond pl at form overl ooki ngt hesea.
React i vat i on oft heUni versi t yCampusofSt ut t gart .2008. Theproposalconsi st si n awi deprogram, i twasdi vi ded i nt wopart s. On onehand workshopareas,l i brary,cafet eri a,whi ch aredevel oped al ongt heex t ensi vegroundsoft hecampus, creat i ngt het opography t hrough i t sconst ruct i on. On t heot herhand t hedevel opmentofan i con t hati ti ncl udesal lt heevent s,sport sevent s,meet i ngpl aces.Thei con generat est hei deaofan ai rbal l oon,whi ch i sest abl i shed asabrand i nt heskyl i neoft heci t y, ast hemosti mport anti ndust ri alcompani es,M ercedes,Porche,Phi l i ps. Soft ware: A ut ocad,Rhi noceros,3DSt udi o Task:concept ,desi gn,pl ans,sect i ons.
Canoei ngcent rewi t ht emporalhousi ng.2008. Soft ware:A ut ocad,Rhi noceros,3DSt udi o,Phot oshop. Task:concept ,desi gnm pl ans,sect i ons. Theai m oft heproj ectwast ocreat esomereadi ngarea,ex hi bi t i on,l ect uresand admi ni st rat i vespacest hatwereconsi dered appropri at e. A swi t h anyproj ect ,t hesi t eofi mpl ant at i on wasoneoft hemosti mport antand i nt erest i ngfori t sdevel opment .Thel ocat i on wasi nt he mi ddl eoft heEspl anadeofA l i cant e,averycrowded area i n frontof t heharboroft heci t y. A si fi tweresmal lcubi cl es,wasborn t heproj ectresul t i ngi n smal lareaswi t hi ndi vi dualreadi ng, i nt hi scase t herout eoft hewal k cont i nued. The densi t yrai ses t ot het opprovi di ngasecond pl at form overl ooki ngt hesea.