OVE Brochure

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Independent Evaluation at the IDB

What is OVE? The Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) is the independent evaluation unit of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). OVE evaluates projects and initiatives of the IDB to find out what works and does not work and why.

What is OVE’s Relationship with the IDB? OVE is responsible for evaluating the institution’s work and reports directly to the IDB’s Board of Directors, which represents the Bank’s member countries. We contribute to the general evaluation framework of the institution by offering an independent perspective on the performance and results of the IDB in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Transnational Programs OMJ

2011 Evaluability Review

FSO (Part 2)


Indigenous Development

Citizen Security


Project Results Validations (PCRs/XPSRs)

Higher MiddleIncome Countries

ICIM Guatemala





What do we do? Our main objective is to improve IDB’s development effectiveness by facilitating institutional learning, while ensuring IDB’s transparency and accountability. We achieve this objective by independently evaluating IDB’s policies, strategies, programs and projects, and disseminating the evaluation results.

WHAT ARE WE EVALUATING? Agriculture Japanese Trust Fund

Private Sector Development


Urban Development Health

IDB Realignment

Crime and Violence


Dominican Republic CPEs

Corporate Evals


Project Results Validations (PCRs/XPSRs)

2013 Belize

2012 Evaluability Review

Climate Investment Funds

Secondary Education

Sector and Thematic Evaluations

Project and Impact Evaluations

Main Types of Evaluations COUNTRY PROGRAM EVALUATIONS evaluate IDB’s recent support to a country, to provide useful inputs for the design of IDB’s next Country Strategy. SECTOR AND THEMATIC EVALUATIONS include a comprehensive analysis of a sector (e.g. education) or topic (e.g. crime) to extract lessons for future IDB sector strategies and projects. PROJECT AND IMPACT EVALUATIONS generate lessons and recommendations for internal and external stakeholders by measuring the impact of individual or specific sets of projects. CORPORATE EVALUATIONS assess the quality of the IDB’s policies, tools, and internal processes to strengthen the institution’s performance.

Project Results Validations (PCRs/XPSRs)


Comparative Project Evaluations


2014 Barbados

Colombia El Salvador

2013 Evaluability Review

Environment & Climate Change Agriculture & Food Security

Sustainable Cities

INDEPENDENT EVALUATION Why Evaluation Matters Evaluation provides essential feedback to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of policies, strategies, programs and projects. It adds value by using findings to bring out new ways of addressing issues and by comparing different approaches to emerging development challenges.

Why Independence is Important in Evaluation Independence ensures an objective perspective on the IDB’s work and is essential for credibility.

OVE’s independence is based on four principles: Organizational and budgetary autonomy

A strict approach to avoid conflicts of interest

The final word on evaluation content

Full disclosure of evaluation findings

Independence allows OVE to strengthen transparency and accountability at the IDB and to make useful recommendations based on lessons learned.


1 Joint Evaluation Work

OVE occassionaly conducts joint evaluations with other development partners and academics. Working on a similar evaluation? We would like to hear from you.

2 Evaluation Capacity Building

We actively work with client countries and regional partners to provide direct capacity-building services on demand. Feel free to contact us.

3 Latin American Center for Learning on Evaluation

We are part of the CLEAR Initiative, a joint program of nine international donors to support capacity-building centers worldwide. Through the CLEAR Center in Mexico, OVE actively contributes to evaluation capacity building for governments and practitioners in Latin America. Visit www.clear-la.cide.edu.

4 Regional Networks on Monitoring & Evaluation

We participate in the organization and consolidation of evaluation networks in the Region, including the Latin American Impact Evaluation Network and the Latin American Network on Monitoring and Evaluation.

5 Research Fellowship Program

Our Research Fellowship Program hires up to 10 Research Fellows per year (recent Master’s and PhD graduates) to strengthen their evaluation skills and contribute to our work in Latin America and the Caribbean.






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