Kragujevac Issue - Third Outreach Weekend of EYP Serbia

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Kragujevac I 3rd Outreach weekend of EYP Serbia


Table of Content 4-5

Interview with the President


How did we find ourselves in Kragujevac


Find me

10 - 11

Behind the scenes

Editorial Dear reader, We hope you had a good time at this session and that the fact that it is coming to an end is not making you as sad as it is making us. Kragujevac really had an impact on our team and we hope that you, as well, have challenged yourselves throughout these two days, made new friendships and discovered a part of yourself you never knew existed. We would like to thank you all for engaging in media throught the session. Chairs, Orgas and especially delegates, you were the essence of our work, and withour you this wouldn’t be possible! But most importantly, we want to thank our Media team, the four people who worked with us on shaping this event, and who made our work so much easier and happier. Duťan, Ivana, Vladan, Luka, thank you! We hope that all of you will continue to do EYP, and that we will see you somewhere in Europe, Yours with love, Jovana and Aleksa

Miša Vučković President of the Session

1. Fića or Jugo? Fića. 2. Do you have any advice for the delegates? Enjoy the session. 3. What would you do if you woke up one day as a women? I would put makeup on. 4. If you were an animal which one would you be? Panda. 5. If you were not born in Niš where would you like it to be? Barcelona. 6. What would be the first thing you would do as the President of a country? Make education free for everyone. 7. If you won a lot of money on lottery what would you do? I would buy a house, a really good car and open a music studio.

10. In your opinion, should pineapple be on pizza or not? Absolutely not. 11. If you cought a golden fish, which three wishes would you wish for? First, I would like to be successful in a job. Second, to cure all incurable diseases in the world. Third, to have friends that I have right now. 12. Which officials team is the hottest one? Chair’s team of course. 13. Tracksuit or suit? Suit. 14. What is the best way to survive zombie apocalypse? You need to have basment full with necessary stuff and have a full plan. 15. What do you think about the editors? I love them so much.

8. Trump or Putin? Putin.

16. Cats or dogs? Dogs but I have two cats.

9. What is the internet? A place full of interesting stuff but we should be afraid of it.

17. Coffee or Tea? Coffee. Written by Luka Poljak

How did we find ourselves in Kragujevac? A city with a hectic and turbulent past; a city of cars and firearms; a city of broken and rebuilt dreams ? 9:00 AM 11. Nov 2017. The Delegates have just arrived. A new day and a brand new journey for you has started. This is the first step of discovering who you are through a rather unconventional way. EYP may be a first experience in the sphere of youth activism for you, or it may be a first step in the direction of academic or social development. EYP can be a lot of someone’s firsts. 19th Century Kragujevac was the first capital of modern Serbia. It’s first grammar school was also established then, followed by the first university of the newly independent Serbia. Kragujevac, at that time, really went through a period of intense innovation and development of a historical and strategic significance. 4:00 PM 11. Nov 2017. The committee work is in full swing. The delegates are working hard in a safe learning environment on the potential solutions to the core problems Europe faces, in hopes of helping maintaing the general well-being of society. All of you took the time to think about your place in your community, and educating yourself on things you at first though were out of your reach. 76 years ago On a day just like this one, during the World War II, a whole class of the First Kragujevac grammar school was murdered. German soliders conducted a shooting in vengance for the partisan attack on them. For every injured solider 50 people were shot, while a 100 were shot for each murder of one.

5:30 PM 12. Nov 2017. After the GA has come to an end, where heated disscussions and articulated debates took place, so has the session. It all left us feeling a bit empty. We’ve enjoyed the breif moments of relaxation, tense hours of work and general feeling of satisfaction, and all we can look forward to now is the future. We have to keep living our everyday lives, but the doors of EYP will forever be open. We encourage you to keep working on yourselves, wether through an EYP prism, or any other, but we hope that we’ve made something you’ll remember. After the World War II Kragujevac developed more industries, with its main exports being vehicles, leather and textile. The biggest industry, the one that kept the city together, was Zastava, which hired thousands of people. Kragujevac has kept its work ethic since the day of its founding, and with that mentality sailed through many obstacles it had in front of it. Through all the shootings, explosions and misfortunes this city has faced, it kept one thing. It’s work ethic and its pioneering, unbreakable spirit. We hope that you do the same, something you’ll remember and be proud of. Be willing to take a risk and not give up, just like the city this session took place in.

Written by Dušan Janković


ME Photos by Ivana Rijavec and Vladan Božić

BEHIND THE SCENES Have you ever wondered what is the purpose of a random person running around and taking photos of you? What it takes to have a table filled with goods to indulge in? Or are you confused by the function of your very mentor? Then this project is for you! We hope to shed some light on the structure of the European Youth Parliament, and by explaining these roles for you, intrigue you enough to interest you for further investment in the organization. Being a chair is a layered and complex thing. The chair, for the delegates, represents more than an academic role model, more than somebody that writes their resolution, which in my opinion is the least important . The chair has to offer the essence of EYP to his/hers delegates. The delegates have to feel that lively EYP spirit; they need to feel cozy and honey within their working environment; they have to be a part of team. The chair is absolutely responisble for the whole academic output of their committee, because without the resolution, the whole session is just a lot of noise, running, but th at responsibility is not the key and only Andor Šereš factor of the chair’s presence at a session. For example, when I chaired in Novi Sad, my resotyping took hours, and when I have finally finished, it was 4 AM. I didn’t really want to sleep because I’d have to wake up three hours later. What I did instead was take a brufen, caffetine and a magnesium pill, mix it all with a cola and rave alone in my room to theinfamous hit single ‘’Bombe Devedesetih’’. That was the ultimate highlight, an enlightment of mine during the session.

Sara Mirović

Being an organizer can be quite challenging and uncomfortable. Doing all these little things which are crucial to the functioning of the whole session that go by unnoticed can be excruciatingly irritating. Things such as ringing a ton of numbers unsuccessfully, begging for donations and being available 24/7 to the whole official’s team and the delegation, all in the name of providing future generations with the ability to develop themselves just like we were, can be quite tiring. The most bizzare thing that happened to me while organizing Kragujevac ’17 was a seemingly harm less phone call.

I rang up a dairy store here in Kragujevac and introduced myself to the lady who answeredred the phone. I politely asked to speak with the store’s owner and said that we, as a non-profit youth organization, would like to arrange something. She replied by asking me what is the arrangement about and I said it was about a donation we’d like to receive from the dairy store. The woman completely seriously replied to me in a second that the store owner actually passed away and that she unfortunately cannot offer us any help. Being a media team member is, when you look at it subjectively, a piece of cake, so to say. For the most part, compared to the work of a vice-president or a head organiser, that is relatively true. However, a media team member’s job is not only to mindlessly run around and take photos. A media team member is a (no pun intended) medium for the academic aspect of the session, as well as the sole human interaction between the seemingly distant delegates and officials. It’s job is to, in a way, mend them, and create something warm and friendly, something that will make them bond. A journalist is some one Dušan Janković who cools the water down and help everyone be on equal grounds.The night before we were supposed to turn in all of our articles for the session newspaper, I took a slightly larger amount of medicine. Fastforward to 4 in the morning, I legit passed out on the floor while finishing up an article. For instance, when I was in Denmark as a journalist, one night we slept in a theatre, on the floor, and as I have back problems when I don’t sleep comfortably, the rest of the days I’ve spent in Denmark, I’ve spent on meds.

Written by Dušan Janković

WHAT NOW? You may be wondering what is the next stop on your EYP journey? Well the very next session you can apply to will be the one of the Regionals sessions next year, and then the National Selection Conference in July in Novi Sad, which will be our flagship event this year! So follow us on social media and we hope to see you soon!

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