Fast Hemorrhoids Treatment - Get Relief In 48 Hours With Fast Hemorrhoids Treatment

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Table of Contents What Are Hemorrhoids and How Do You Know You Have Them? .......................... 4

All About Hemorrhoids - Their Treatment And Prevention ..................................... 6

How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last Without Treatment.............................................. 9

Hemorrhoid Treatment to Relieve You of Your Symptoms ................................... 10

Successful And Painless Hemorrhoid Treatment .................................................. 12

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment at Home ......................................................... 13

Effective Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment Options Worth Considering ............... 15

External Hemorrhoids - Causes and Treatment .................................................... 16

What Are Hemorrhoids and How Do You Know You Have Them? Have you recently had to ask someone what are hemorrhoids? If so, you probably were a little embarrassed since it is not something anyone really likes to speak about but it is a very common condition. The more you know about the types of hemorrhoids, the better you can identify the type you have. Internal Hemorrhoids - What do They Look Like? You asked what are hemorrhoids, but did you know there are two different kinds? It is important to know this so you can help identify the kind you have. Internal hemorrhoids are normally caused as a result of chronic constipation where you continually strain to have a bowel movement. Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids The Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids include: • Bright red blood in your stool • The blood is normally at the end of your bowel movement • But you may find streaks of blood in the toilet Internal hemorrhoids are often small and may not have any pain associated with it. However, if the veins around the anus swell large enough, it can protrude outside of the anus causing extreme pain. External Hemorrhoids - What do They Look Like? Since you know what are hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids, you should also know about external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids on the other hand, can cause quite a bit of bleeding, and can be associated with very painful lumps on the outside of the anus. It can make sitting very uncomfortable when the hemorrhoids are swollen. Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids Besides the obvious swollen tissues on the outside of the anus, these develop blood clots and if they do, become extremely hard and very painful. Other symptoms include: • Pain • Blood in the stool • Pools of blood in the toilet

• Feeling the hemorrhoids when you sit down Causes for External Hemorrhoids External hemorrhoids can also be caused by diet, lack of fiber, and straining to have a bowel movement. In addition, heredity can play a part in whether you develop hemorrhoids since there does seem to be a genetic link. What Does the Color of the Hemorrhoids Tell You? When you ask what are hemorrhoids, you should also be aware of the different colors and how the color can help you recognize the type better. Color of Internal Hemorrhoids Internal hemorrhoids, if they are visible are normally a very light red, but many times these internal varieties are not visible at all. It depends on the extent of the swelling. Color of External Hemorrhoids External hemorrhoids on the other hand tend to be more brownish in color and are normally found around the anus opening rather than poking through. Thrombosed Hemorrhoids - The Most Painful Type Thrombosed hemorrhoids are actually external hemorrhoids that have developed a blood clot in them and it turns the hemorrhoids hard and is the most painful type of hemorrhoids. This type of hemorrhoid also needs to have medical treatment as soon as you discover which is easy do to the hardness of it and the pain. Summarizing What are hemorrhoids? They can be extremely painful, or they can be uneventful depending on the type of hemorrhoids you have. Internal hemorrhoids tend to be less painful and in fact, the only symptom you may have is a bit of bright red blood when having a bowel movement. However, sometimes with internal hemorrhoids, if the blood vessels swell too much, it can cause pain and they may even be seen visibly. External hemorrhoids are often quite painful and because the swelling can protrude from around the anus, it can cause extreme itching, pain, and discomfort when sitting. External hemorrhoids can turn into thrombosed hemorrhoids if the external develop blot clots. This is the most painful and often the ones that require surgery in order to get relief.

Final Thoughts Adding fiber into your diet and avoid extremely high-fat foods can definitely help you not strain as much on the toilet, which in turn eliminates hemorrhoids.

All About Hemorrhoids - Their Treatment And Prevention Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are the dilatation, the stretching beyond normal dimensions of radicles of rectal veins inside the anal canal. In this instance a radicle is the smallest branch of a blood vein. Veins are weak compared to arteries due to their thin walls, therefore veins can become strained and twisted with any great back pressure. Veins have one-way valves to prevent back flow. The three rectal veins are named accordingly superior, middle and inferior rectal veins. Obstructions or pressure increase in these veins cause hemorrhoids. Piles, or hemorrhoids, come in two types, internal and external. External hemorrhoids are outside the anus and are skin covered. Their color may be brown or black. Because nerves are so abundant in the anal area an external hemorrhoid is extremely painful. The second type, internal hemorrhoids are in the interior of the anal canal, internal to the anus. They are purple or red and have a mucous membrane covering. They are usually painless. It isn't unusual for a person to have both external and internal hemorrhoids at the same time. Conditions that can lead hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids, a familial disease, tend to occur among members of a family, is sometimes blamed on heredity. The only animals that get hemorrhoids are those that stand on two legs. Most likely this is due to rectal vein congestion because of the pull of gravity. People who are chronically constipated often have piles problems. Resisting the urge to move your bowels at your body's signal can bring about constipation and then hemorrhoids. A high intake of meat, chicken, shrimp, spicy foods and more lead to hemorrhoids. The people least likely to get piles are those who have a high percentage of vegetables and fibrous food in their diet. Some women get hemorrhoids during pregnancy because of the uterus compressing the rectal veins. Rectal cancerous lesions might bring about hemorrhoids through obstructing blood flow. Symptoms and indications of hemorrhoids With external hemorrhoids a protuberance can be seen and felt around the anus. There will be pain and discomfort in the anal area. While straining to expel a stool the pain will be worse. Early on, internal hemorrhoids can't be felt. Subsequently, in progression of

the disease, the hemorrhoids will protrude as a stool is expelled and then retreat by themselves. When the condition worsens the protruded hemorrhoids won't go back. Bleeding isn't unusual for either type hemorrhoid. However, when an internal hemorrhoid is retracted it could bleed internally, into the rectum. Bleeding occurs in splashes while pushing to expel a stool. In some cases the bleeding may be quite profuse. With both types of hemorrhoids there may be a mucus discharge and it will itch around the anus. Other things brought about through hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids can become infected and the infection spreading to deeper veins and producing septicemia. Septicemia is blood poisoning caused by pathogenic microorganisms and their toxic products in the bloodstream. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are not considered dangerous, however, they do cause considerable pain and swelling because they affect the nerve endings located in the anal skin. They're first noticed as an acute extremely painful swelling at the anus. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel that obstructs the flow of blood. It occurs because of high pressure on the veins during excessive straining efforts. It's rare to see thrombosis of an internal hemorrhoid. Fibrosis usually follows thrombosis and is more common with external hemorrhoids than the internal type. Initially fibrosis is like a bump but with repeated friction of stool expulsion it will develop a stem like connecting part. Suppuration is very rare and comes about because of infection of a thrombosed hemorrhoid. It's accompanied by throbbing pain and swelling at the perianal region. An abscess with discharge of pus isn't unusual. Gangrene can develop when the tissues in the hemorrhoids and the adjoining skin die because of loss of blood supply. That occurs only when the arterial supply of the hemorrhoid is somehow or the other constricted. Treatment of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are usually first treated based on the symptoms observed. Mild cases can be treated with over the counter medications, usually some type of cream or ointment. Moderately severe cases will respond to prescribed medications containing hydrocortisone acetate and pramoxine hydrochloride. Constipation should, of course be treated. If the medicines such as creams, ointments and foams are not producing results then the following treatments might be considered. A thrombosed external hemorrhoid, one that has developed a blood clot, can be removed by cutting after administering local anaesthesia. The area is cut into using a scalpel and the clot is removed. There is nearly instant relief of the sharp pain. However, a dull ache may continue. Sitz baths, over-thecounter pain medications and the use of a rubber or air rubber donut may help

with the pain. Sclerosant injection can reduce hemorrhoid size. Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat blood vessels or blood vessel malformations. A medicine is injected into the vessels, which makes them shrink. This procedure is also used to treat varicose veins. Rubber band ligation around the base of hemorrhoids is an useful outpatient treatment for second-degree internal hemorrhoids. The surgeon places a couple of tight rubber bands around the base of the hemorrhoidal vein which will cause it to lose its blood supply. The hemorrhoid will then shrivel and die within 2 to 7 days. The shriveled hemorrhoid and band will fall off during normal bowel movements.There may be some discomfort for a couple of days days after the procedure and a minor amount of bleeding may be experienced. Cryosurgery has fallen out of favor as a treatment for hemorrhoids. The procedure consists of freezing and destroying internal or external hemorrhoids with a cryoprobe, which uses nitrous oxide or liquid nitrogen as freezing agents. The hemorrhoids are either directly frozen ligated first. In either case, local anaesthesia is usually used to deaden the pain. Cryosurgery is more painful than other medical surgeries. And in addition, the patient will have an open wound for as long as a couple of weeks after surgery which can become infected. Moreover, patients can have an abnormal rectal discharge or foul odor which may require the use of absorbent pads. Anal dilatation, or stretching of the anal canal, is no longer a method of choice for hemorrhoid treatment. The high incidence of fecal incontinence is, perhaps, the most objectionable side effect. Additionally, anal stretching can increase the rate of flatus incontinence. However, it may still be considered to help help younger women and en with overly tight sphincters who otherwise would have needed surgery. It may also helpful with strangulated and thrombosed prolapsed hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidectomy is the removal of hemorrhoids through surgery. It is done under general anesthesia and usually in a out patient surgery center. The surgery is performed with a scalpel, a tool that uses electricity (cautery pencil), or a laser. Hemorrhoidectomy is used primary only in severe cases for both internal and external hemorrhoids. It is significant post operative pain and usually it requires two to four weeks for recovery. Prevention of hemorrhoids Diet and habits are the primary means of preventing hemorrhoids. Your diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables and fibrous food. Go easy on meats and shellfish. Eat when hungry, of course, but try to keep regular eating times. Make water your prime liquid intake, and drink plenty of it. Be regular in your bowel movements and do take something, food or medicine to treat constipation.

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How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last Without Treatment This is a difficult question as it varies. I personally suffered with external hemorrhoids as well as internal hemorrhoids for around 30 years, until I eventually discovered the right hemorrhoid treatment and realised that I need not have suffered the agonising pain I did, for all those years. Basically until I was in my forties I had been getting all the wrong advice about treating hemorrhoids. Knowing what I know now, I would have easily spotted the first signs of hemorrhoids in the early days. Needless to say I didn't and went on to suffer major problems for nearly 30 years. Problems such as bleeding piles, and thrombosed external hemorrhoids (they are painful, believe me). There is lots of advice out there on how to get rid of hemorrhoids, everything from hemorrhoid creams and ointments to suppositories, rubber band ligation (the thought makes my eyes water), hemorrhoidectomy (hemorrhoid surgery), as well as a few crazy home hemorrhoid treatment ideas. So back to the question, how long do hemorrhoids last, how to get rid of hemorrhoids and do hemorrhoids go away and probably even the basic questions like, what is a hemorrhoid. Many friends knew I suffered bad hemorrhoid pain and if they felt like they may be starting to suffer, the main questions they would ask were, how long do hemorrhoids last, what are hemorrhoid symptoms, how do you get rid of hemorrhoids etc. I used to get friends wives ask me a lot when they were pregnant and suffering piles during pregnancy. PS - Getting hemorrhoids during pregnancy is very common. OK, I diverge, back to the main question, how long do hemorrhoids last. If you had asked me when I was 40 I would probably have said, hemorrhoids can last a lifetime, or certainly hemorrhoid pain. That was before I discovered how to get rid of piles naturally. I was really angry with myself as I felt that I had suffered unnecessarily for about 30 years, as the answer was right there in

front of me. Let me at this stage just say that whilst I can now definitely tell you how I discovered the best hemorrhoid cure, really by accident, there are several other factors by which you can help yourself, to stay hemorrhoid pain free, once I have shown you how to treat hemorrhoids. Things like how much exercise you do, including the right foods in your diet to keep stools soft, certain foods upset piles. One of the main factors also is how long you have had hemorrhoids. Once the itching and general pain and discomfort start, then it is harder to make a hemorrhoid cure. For internal hemorrhoids, eating the right foods is essential to keep your stools soft. This is important, as hemorrhoids do not like you straining to go to the toilet.

There are many natural hemorrhoid remedies out there also. Various fruits, vegetables and herbs have been shown to help. Hot foods like curries tend to irritate piles. So obviously one part of the answer to how long do hemorrhoids last is that it depends on what line of hemorrhoid treatment you go for. The answer to how long do piles last during pregnancy or alternatively, how long do hemorrhoids last after giving birth, is normally only a few weeks as they are caused by the extra weight bearing down on them by the baby.

Hemorrhoid Treatment to Relieve You of Your Symptoms When choosing a specific hemorrhoid treatment, you should be aware that it is the recommended treatment for your symptoms of the illness. There are many optional treatments for hemorrhoids today. While you can certainly choose among them, we must bare in mind that we should pick the most compatible solution to the degree of pain and discomfort we feel from hemorrhoids. Conventional Hemorrhoid Treatments We can treat mild hemorrhoids by practicing a high-fiber diet, lots of water intake, and certain bowel movement habits. Mild hemorrhoids usually don't require surgery or other specialized treatments. Just stick to a healthy diet and sitz bathing, and the mild pain you feel may go away. For more painful cases of hemorrhoids, however, we would of course have to look at the other conventional treatments available. Sclerotherapy is one treatment that requires a chemical solution to be injected around the hemorrhoid. This solution will help limit the blood supply to the hemorrhoid until it becomes smaller and the pain subsides. Other hemorrhoid treatments include the rubber band ligation, infrared light, and hemorrhoidectomy. Rubber band ligation has a procedure wherein a

rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid vein in the rectum. This band will help cut the blood circulation and can cause the hemorrhoid to grow smaller in a couple of days. More than one session of the rubber band ligation may be needed to accomplish the objective of the treatment. Infrared light treatment is used to inhibit blood circulation to the bleeding internal hemorrhoids. Lastly, there is hemorrhoidectomy, which is the process of excising the hemorrhoids and restructuring the affected areas of the rectum. This treatment is obviously the last resort, when the illness is on its most sever level of pain and the other treatments have failed. Alternative Hemorrhoid Treatments: Supplements and Medicine Many hemorrhoid treatment supplements, creams, and medicines are available today for those suffering from hemorrhoid pains. In choosing which supplements to take for pain relief from hemorrhoids, it would be best to consult with a doctor first and ask for their recommendations. It can also be very helpful for us to know the different ingredients of the supplements, the ingredients that will help reduce hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid supplements will most certainly have the following important ingredients to help with the illness: horse chestnut, citrus bioflavonoids, oat straw, and bilberry. Horse chestnut helps with the swelling and pain of the hemorrhoids. Citrus bioflavonoids helps in preventing the painful complications given by varicose veins and hemorrhoids, improving blood circulation, capillary flow, and vascular tone. Oats have fiber, and fiber helps not only with hemorrhoids but also with high blood pressure, obesity, and varicose veins. Last but not least if bilberry, which is readily recommended because it can manage varicose veins and hemorrhoids, and helps rebuilds healthy connective tissue.

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Successful And Painless Hemorrhoid Treatment There are numerous hemorrhoid treatments that have been proven successful and are virtually painless. However, you should first recognize what hemorrhoids are and why a certain hemorrhoid cure in your situation may work better than others. Your choice of therapies may depend upon several factors including the recommendation of your physician, individual preference and the severity of your condition in regards to how much pain or bleeding you are experiencing. It is also important to understand that there are treatments, which are permanent cures, and there are others that may only give the sufferer temporary relief. There two kinds of hemorrhoids and there can be various causes for either of them. Enlarged veins or vessels around the anus cause external hemorrhoids. Additionally, internal hemorrhoids may be found inside the rectum. Both can produce pain and bleeding or can be non-symptomatic and go unnoticed with hemorrhoid treatment often unnecessary. Some known causes for developing hemorrhoids include constipation and continuous straining, lifting heavy objects, childbirth, diarrhea and chronic coughing. The natural treatment for hemorrhoids can be tried using home remedies such as hot baths several times a day, creams, ointments, and suppositories. Increased fiber ingestion is also often recommended as an effective hemorrhoid treatment. This produces a softer stool and will allow for bowel movements without straining. Adequate fluid intake is another treatment method that often eliminates the problem. Hemorrhoid home treatment may be temporary and the treatment at home may result in the condition worsening with the next occurrence. One of hemorrhoid treatment solution that is a painless and permanent treatment is bipolar coagulation. This is used for internal treatment and is done with coagulation as the basis for the procedure. Another is known as hemorrhoidal arterial litigation (H.A.L.). This is tying off the blood vessel or vessels to stop the flow of blood to the hemorrhoid. Another type of hemroid treatment is called hemorrhoidolysis and is mainly used on internal hemorrhoids. This method literally dissolves hemorrhoids. Lasers are sometimes used in hemorrhoid therapy. They seal off the blood vessels and nerves. Hemorrhoid cure can also be performed, by injecting medicine into the hemorrhoid. However, this is used mainly for treating small hemorrhoids. With so many available options for hemorrhoid treatment the decision you make will probably depend on the severity of your condition and personal preference. Common sense home remedies for hemorrhoid will sometimes temporarily solve the problem. Hemorrhoids may never come back or they may come back with more severe symptoms than before. If that occurs you may want to consult with your physician on the type of surgery or non-surgical

procedure that would be best for you. Since many safe, painless and successful methods of hemorrhoid treatment are available to the patient, choosing the method that you feel the most comfortable with should be easy.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment at Home When you have piles you suffer from inflamed veins which are located inside and round the rectum. This is often a quite painful condition. Occasionally hemorrhoids may even produce bleeding. You thus need a proper bleeding hemorrhoids treatment. But very first you need to understand what hemorrhoids are. Hemorrhoids appear when blood vessels in the rectal canal swell. They can be essentially swollen veins in and about the anus. Whilst quite painful, hemorrhoids usually are not dangerous, and so they can generally be treated through nutritional changes and hemorrhoids medications. In some cases, hemorrhoids may need surgical treatment. External hemorrhoids are much more painful than internal hemorrhoids. They lie inside the rectum, typically close to the surface area. Often external hemorrhoids enlarge and after that protrude. Blood clots can form inside these prolapsed external hemorrhoids, which make it very painful and sensitive to touch. Thrombosis is the term used for prolapsed external hemorrhoids with a blood clot might turn purple and even blue, and often these piles will bleed. Even so, regardless of the frightening appearance, that is still not really a dangerous situation and it'll usually resolve by itself in the week's time, without the help of your doctor. Internal hemorrhoids are way in the anus. Typically an internal hemorrhoids isn't painful, simply because pain-sensing nerves are absent inside anus. The only real indication you might have of the internal hemorrhoids is bleeding when you're on the rest room. Like external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids might prolapse and expand in to the sphincter. Unlike even more small internal hemorrhoids, these expanded internal hemorrhoids could be very unpleasant. In any case you have to find proper bleeding hemorrhoids treatment. Bleeding from hemorrhoids could be handled very easily with cold. Get some ice and fill up a cold pack with it. Once the pack is cold put it on the bleeding piles to help the fissure clot and stop blood loss. This is one of the home bleeding hemorrhoids treatment which is very easy to apply and easily available to anybody suffering from hemorrhoids. For internal hemorrhoids that bleed a warm sitz bath may be the fastest solution you possibly can use. You'll need a bath tub and warm water for this then dip the body making sure the rectal area is submerged in warm water for

a few minutes. The warm water will go through the rectum soaking the internal rectal fissures stopping the bleeding. Lemon and milk mixed work well in stopping the hemorrhoids from blood loss. It is because lemon and milk can strengthen blood vessels. Do that each day for three times every day for results. Lemon peels also are rich with substances which could stop bleeding. Boil the Lemon peels in hot water. Wait for a water to cool down to more tolerable temperatures and drink it. Do this at least one time per day to stop hemorrhoidal bleeding. Quite a few herbs can be used as suppositories to help remedy hemorrhoids. Onions and garlic are these kind of herbal remedies. Turn these into suppositories by taking out the skin that covers the garlic and onions. Cut a tiny part and place it inside the anus until the whole herbal suppository is on the inside. That is a risk-free and inexpensive method to stop bleeding hemorrhoids. These home bleeding hemorrhoids treatments are usually within the reach of people being affected by hemorrhoids, bleeding or not. Always keep in mind that these treatments are most beneficial when utilized immediately when bleeding happens.

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Effective Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment Options Worth Considering Before discussing how to get rid of hemorrhoids or more precisely what the options are for internal hemorrhoids treatment it is imperative to understand what has happened within your body to create this problem in the first place. Inside the rectum area of your body exist many veins lying very close to the surface tissue. Under normal circumstances solid waste material or stool freely moves through the canal and out the anal cavity without any problem. If however you become constipated and need to exert any significant strain to push out the stool this can cause these veins to become swollen (known as internal hemorrhoids) which may block or hinder movement of waste. More straining causes more swelling until veins may actually burst resulting in internal bleeding, one of the most common symptoms of hemorrhoids. Fortunately this is not a life threatening condition and there are a number of options available for internal hemorrhoids treatment. You can opt for prescriptions, however most people prefer to consider home remedies for hemorrhoids first due to the cost savings and the worry about possible side effects of some medications. The advantage of internal hemorrhoids treatment found in commercial products is their ease of use. Simply apply the ointment or cream or take a pill and you are done. So it really is up to the individual as to which way you feel is best for your needs. Should you decide to try the natural route for internal hemorrhoids treatment, there are a number of effective options worth considering. 1. One of the most popular internal hemorrhoids treatment methods, which works wonders for both internal and external hemorrhoids, especially for cases of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, is the Sitz Bath. This consists of simply soaking the buttocks in a small bath tub containing warm water for 20 minutes several times per day. Some people may add herbal ingredients, whereas others prefer just plain water. Avoid adding any perfumes or soaps to the water as this may result in irritation of the affected region thereby reducing the benefits of the bath as a very effective internal hemorrhoids treatment. 2. Another good internal treatment option is using a suppository containing an astringent plus an anesthetic for pain relief. Look for suppositories containing natural ingredients such as witch hazel, aloe vera, zinc oxide and if possible cinchocaine for pain relief. 3. Using a herb known as pilewort is another internal hemorrhoids treatment option since it helps strengthen blood vessels and prevents bleeding. Pilewort may be taken orally as a tea and is sometimes also used externally in

ointment form. Once you have your hemorrhoids problem under control using the internal treatment options mentioned above or any other bleeding hemorrhoids treatment strategies you may already know, it is important to focus on preventing any future episodes. As you may or may not know, there is no actual cure for hemorrhoids, but there are many steps you can take to decrease your risk of getting recurring hemorrhoids and needing internal hemorrhoids treatment in the future. There are many published home remedies for hemorrhoids resources available that can be part of your internal treatment prevention plan. Most of them agree on the fact that you should be eating lots of food rich in fiber to avoid constipation problems, drink lots of water to ensure your stool is soft and eat an abundance of leafy green vegetables. Simple changes in your lifestyle and diet can do wonders for avoiding the need for any internal hemorrhoids treatment in the future.

External Hemorrhoids - Causes and Treatment Hemorrhoids are the vascular structures that are present in the anal canal that help with stool control. Hemorrhoids cause significant problem when they are swollen or inflamed. Generally, the hemorrhoids function as a cushion which is composed of arterio-venous blood vessels and connective tissue, which aid in the passage of stool. External hemorrhoids are caused by the increased pressure within these hemorrhoidal veins. These hemorrhoids typically develop when the pressure in the external rectal veins increases. Thus, the veins become swollen and inflamed around the anus, which causes symptoms like anal bleeding, pain and itching. Many other factors exacerbate the risk of developing this condition such as chronic constipation or diarrhea, obesity, cirrhosis, aging, straining to move stool, and pregnancy. Hemorrhoids treatment options include modified bowel habits, healthy dietary changes, or surgery. The Cause The hemorrhoidal veins remove waste from the anus, run through the large hemorrhoidal cushions on the interior side of the anal canal as well. The veins can either constrict or open wide to provide anal sphincter control and flexibility. The veins pass from the interior part of the body, past the anal sphincter, to the exterior part of the body and flow back again to the heart. These veins, thus running out and in, run close to the exterior skin, which is the exact location where hemorrhoids originate. Though the exact cause has not yet been identified, hemorrhoids occur due to excessive abdominal pressure, which in turn increases the blood pressure

within the hemorrhoidal veins. This increased blood pressure puts excessive force on the walls of the veins; though these walls have high-degree elasticity, they can only hold so much. When the veins stretch too far to contract naturally, it forms hemorrhoids. While most of the hemorrhoids are naturally cured, some grow larger and cause problems. It is advised to treat external hemorrhoids before they reach to a dangerous stage. The increased abdominal pressure can be caused due to a variety of reasons such as heavy lifting, long periods of sitting, diarrhea, constipation and pregnancy. Pregnancy could also cause hemorrhoids, which would only abate months after child birth. External hemorrhoids are also known to occur often in pregnant woman, but pregnancy-related external hemorrhoids heal after a couple of months. Hemorrhoids can also occur if a person has a serious large intestine problem and they would only heal until the problem is identified and cleared up. Several diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Crohn's disease increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Modern toilets are also said to have contributed to increase the risk for external hemorrhoids. Sitting long on the toilet seat forces a person to sit with weak support from the pelvic muscles, causing hemorrhoids. However, whatever be the state of the body, lifestyle changes and a healthy diet help both internal and external hemorrhoid treatment. Symptoms Contrary to internal hemorrhoids that are not usually painful, external hemorrhoids are painful and embarrassing. The symptoms include pain, bleeding, and anal itching. These symptoms can be caused by excessive rubbing, cleaning, or straining around the anal area. Itching can be caused by draining mucus. In some severe cases, external hemorrhoid symptoms can cause a hard lump around the anal area due to the formation of a blood clot, which is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. There is, however, certain percentage of people that do not exhibit any symptoms with external hemorrhoids. Symptomatic Treatment External hemorrhoids have painful and embarrassing symptoms due to the location of their occurrence. The hemorrhoids originate below the dentate line that separates internal mucus membrane from the external skin. Right below this dentate line, is a sensitive nerve band, where external hemorrhoids occur. As the inflammation occurs on the nerve band, the sense of pain is heightened. Luckily, there are many home remedies that can significantly help external hemorrhoids. Fill the bathtub with a few inches of hot water. Sit in the tub for twenty minutes. After stepping out of the tub, use a towel wrapped ice pack to get better relief. Repeat this process for three to four times per day.

Note: Never put bare ice on the skin. Take Ibuprofen tablets or any other anti-inflammatory medicine to get maximum pain relief. With the help of the pharmacist, buy a topical cream with anesthetic. Other ingredients in the cream include corticosteroids, vasoconstrictors, and astringents and corticosteroids. Vasoconstrictors help shrink the blood vessels, which make them very valuable for treatment. Astringents make the skin around the external hemorrhoids to cool down and dry up. The corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone, decrease the inflammation of the external hemorrhoids. Note: Never apply a cortisone cream on a regular basis as it weakens the muscle walls, especially if used for a longer period. External Hemorrhoids Treatment The best treatment for external hemorrhoids is to make lifestyle changes. Though there are medicines that heal the external hemorrhoids, they cannot work with the wrong food choices. There are numerous medicines, both natural and regular, that cure hemorrhoids. Medicine that is applied externally is available over the counter, but oral medicines need prescription. In severe cases, the hemorrhoid develops a blood clot where a total hemorrhoidectomy becomes the only option. Hence, it is always advisable to treat hemorrhoids before it is too late. Management The last but the most important part of hemorrhoids treatment is to manage and prevent its recurrence. Avoid any potential causes for the hemorrhoids. Healthy food and exercise help prevent their recurrence. Elevate the feet when sitting over the toilet so that it is more of squatting position. Always wear loose underwear and clothing. Remove the usage of any irritants such as soaps, toilet paper, and laundry detergent. Wipe gently after regular bowel movements. External hemorrhoids can easily be prevented and is a minor health problem. However, without timely treatment, hemorrhoids escalate into a serious health issue. Making small lifestyle changes such eating fiber-rich content and healthy diet, exercising regularly, and treating hemorrhoids in the early stages will all help avoid any serious escalations.

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Content Credits

What Are Hemorrhoids and How Do You Know You Have Them? Article Source:

All About Hemorrhoids - Their Treatment And Prevention Article Source:

How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last Without Treatment Article Source:

Hemorrhoid Treatment to Relieve You of Your Symptoms Article Source:

Successful And Painless Hemorrhoid Treatment Article Source:

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment at Home Article Source:

Effective Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment Options Worth Considering Article Source:

External Hemorrhoids - Causes and Treatment Article Source:

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