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Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A Technical Information


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion


THE TECHNOLOGY: Negative pressure catalytic depolymerization

Rendering of a 1000 'catalytic depolymerization' unit


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A

1.0 GENERAL The 'catalytic depolymerization' technology is an innovative process for producing synthetic light fuel oils by using as feedstock different types of biomass and residual organic materiais having industrial or municipal origin. The process reproduces in few minutes the long natural process (hundred thousand years) through which residual organic products settled in ponds or oceans, mixed with large quantities of inert minerais having catalytic substances dispersed through, were transformed into fóssil crude oils widely used today for producing liquid synthetic fuels. The above drastic time reduction of the reactions which brake and shorten the complex organic molecules arriving to the linear chain of synthetic light fuel oils is achieved by the combination of the sophisticated and innovative technology and the use of ultrapure crystalline catalysts. Furthermore technology gives a reduced environmental impact when compared to many Waste to Energy Technologies today in operation which, in order to get energy from residuais organic materiais extract first methane and carbon crystals to be then oxidized. Unfortunately the pyrolysis reaction used to get the above compounds suitable for oxidation, releases extremely noxious byproducts (dioxins, furans, aromatic vapors) whose control and abatement require complex additional equipment. A first demonstration plant was realized in México in 2004, it was later upgraded to an industrial size of 500 L/h of light fuel oil production. Other installations have been commissioned later: •





The Facility of Hoyerswerda, in Germany, has recently covered a full EU certification covering ali the aspects, including also: •

Process reliability with different types of feedstock


Environmental and safety issues

Health issues

The process is protected by a worldwide patent and by many regional specific patents.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A

2.0 FACILITY PROCESS DESCRIPTION The correlation and causality of the different processes are rendered in the schematic diagram. 2.1.

W a s t e pre-treatment (Feed S t o c k preparation)

Residual organic product passes a pretreatment unit consisting in a shredding unit followed by a drying phase. The scope is to reduce the bulk materiais to humidity content below 10%, and to a particle size less than 3 mm. It will help to assure an intensive contact between feed material and catalyst, and to facilitate then the depolymerization reactions. The unit also realizes a first separation between useful organic products and inert matters which are extracted and delivered to the ash treatment section. The useful organic material after a fine shredding is mixed with light synthetic oil used as a dispersion media, preheated and delivered to the technology's processing unit.



Screened Fraction

Ballistic Separator




Magnetic Separator

Small Size Fraction

Upper Fraction

i 7.2


Eddy Current Separator

Heavy Fraction



Paper & Plastic

Light Fraction

l Final Shredding

10 Feed Stock Flow Diagram - Feed Stock for Diesel Producing Plant


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion


Appendix A

Diesel Producing Process in brief

The process at relatively low reaction temperatures of about 250 to 350°C and a slight negative pressure from 0.1 to 0.4 bar causes the following: •

Shortening of the hydrocarbon molecule chains to the length of diesel oil.

Detoxification of hazardous halogens with the ion exchange catalyst, by binding the released chlorine atoms as salts, already during the liquid state.

Production of diesel suitable for engines.

Formation of non-elutable residues with <5% organic content, which can be deposited in landfill sites.

Procedures are part of the following main components: •

Material input system including dosing system.

Pre processing with material dehydration and emulsification, preparation of a slurry through a suitable pump, pre -heating.

Special turbine, as center for the depolymerization process and friction heat transfer to the product.

Distillation with condenser.

Vacuum pumps.

Discharge system with a heating screw, refuse cooling and ash discharge.

Automation across multiple control loops.

Diesel desulfurization.

Poisonous emissions are avoided during the process development due to the following: •

The ion exchange catalyst binds the halogens as salts, reaction take place at a temperature below the crack value, consequently the halogens are not allowed to stay in gaseous state and link to precursors substances to form dioxins or furans.

Destruction of prions due to the long exposition to a temperature of 250°C - 300°C.

Retention of heavy metais eventually present into the feedstock by binding them to the catalyst to form insoluble residue. A complete separation of inorganic materiais (metal contamination) entered with the input material takes place during the process. This is due to a crystal adsorption to the catalyst crystals, which agglomerate and form a residue which is easily extracted from the process. In this residue the metal particles are crystallized and not elutable.

The construction of the plant ensures that metais and metal compounds that enter with the shredded input material are bound in the residue (spent catalyst) already during the liquid phase process and are discharged as refuse.

Since the final product "diesel fuel" forms only during the vapor phase, it is therefore free from these substances.

Consequently, the entered metais are extracted with other inorganic substances which may be easily separated from the residue with an electrolysis process.

Since the entered input material is stirred inside the reactor for a long time at a temperature above 300°C, protein molecules and/or prions are completely destroyed before arriving outside.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion



Diesel Producing Process flow diagram 1.

Feedstock input by supply tank with fine dosing system.


Material input with worm gear.


Pre-heating of input material through heat exchanger by exhaust fumes from CHP Waste heat from electricity generation for plant operation. (From Pos. 14)




Levei adjustment between material input, pre-heating and pump system by levei holding tank.


Depolymerization and contaminant removal by friction heat.


Catalyst and lime dispersion into the emulsified pre-heated material through: a.

Central tank with venturi nozzles


Dosing and feeding system for catalyst and lime pumps and the resulting cycle of materiais in liquid state



Separation by centrifugal principie in the central tank: a.

Diesel fraction in the diesel vapor tank


Residue in the bottom product

Distillation through the distillation column: a.

Diesel vapor


Water vapor


Residual diesel vapor in the intake manifold of the CHP (See Pos. 14)

10. Condensation using overhead condensers for: a.

Diesel in the product tank (Pos. 14)


Distilled water in the water tank or sewer

11. Intermittent solid waste discharge by worm gear, squeezing the liquid fraction out and recycling it to the material input. (Pos. 2)11 12. Drying of waste discharge by worm gear, using heat from the CHP. (Pos. 14) 13. Waste pelleting and forwarding into: a.


14. Waste discharge contains spent catalyst, salts, bound heavy metais and carbon; they can be stored in landfill or used in coal heating plant. 15. Storage tank for diesel after condensation. 16. Autonomous energy supply for the technology's equipment by CHP: a. b.

Electricity for Pos. 1, 2, 4, 6.2, 6 . 3 , 1 0 , 1 2 , 1 5 Waste heat for Pos. 3, 8,11


Use of balance of diesel vapor from Pos. 8.3


CHP exhaust to atmosphere

17. Vacuum in the entire piping system through vacuum pump. 18. Tank for collection of water from distillation from Pos. 9.2.

See flow diagram and flow chart below

Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A

Flow diagram


I—• 2 —• 3

6 [~J5L1


± 8

J 2 ) « — J11 l +— 10 í

7.1 í






Residual Oii Residual Vapor




14.4 Schematic Process - KOV Technology 14.4

Distilled Water Flow chart

| K P V aoooj

OS] lC<hm„

f >*1


y No t.rrai?»r and C A » I , S I AilhupO.

te Dryng





Hij'i Pitt-aulí) Pump



Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

1. high power mixing chamber 2. input vaccum tube of the mixing chamber 3. separator 4. venture nozzle 5. conic part of the separator 6. solid residue 7. output valve 8. pressing snail 9. filter wall 10. product steam recycling tube 11. residue cake 12. heating snail 13. nozzle 14. product tank for the heated product 15. product steam recycling tube 16. middle distillate 17. steam bottle 18. distillate bottom 19. recycling canal 20. electrical heating 21. Ă­nsulation 22. exhaust gas tube 23. generator 24. condenser 25. cooling cycle 26. separator wall 27. overflow 28. water separator 29. water and pH-bottle 30. pH-meter


31. conductivity meter 32. outlet valve 33. tube for diesel 34. vacuum pump 35. heating oil cycle 36. circulation evaporator 37. tube 38. circulation pump 39. distillation 40. clock bali bottom 41. condenser 42. product of the generator 43. final product 44. connection to the generator 45. reflux valve 46. product recycling 47. higher levei of the distillation column 48. input of the raw material and waste 49 tube for the input 50 dosing for the catalyst 51 dosing for the neutralization material 52 input liquid waste 53 input solid waste 54 big-bag dosing system 55 temperature measurement for the high power mixing chamber 56 Levei meter measurement


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A

2.4. D e p o l y m e r i z a t i o n The organic materiais dispersed into recirculating synthetic oil is transferred to the receiving hopper while catalyst and lime are injected. A sequence of operations: venturi disperser, premixing hopper, high speed mixing turbine, reaction tank, bottom separator with partial recirculation to pretreatment unit, distillation column, condensation with partial recirculation assure the separation between light synthetic fuel oil delivered to storage or eventual refining process, water, and residual ashes delivered back to pretreatment. Strictly controlled operating conditions: 1.

Rise of the operating temperature from the 19°C of the natural process which arrived to fóssil fuels, up to 330- 350°C, and accurate control in orderto avoid it exceeds 360°C, so that highly toxic gases cannot be formed from plastic materiais.


Use of high efficiency ultrapure catalyst at controlled rate


Intensive and continuous accurate mixing

Ali the above conditions make it possible to reproduce in few minutes the natural process which required thousands of yearto arrive to form the fóssil fuels. The process breaks complex polymeric hydrocarbons into C H groups which then bind each other in order to form the linear molecule of light synthetic fuels: 2




Unusable pollutants are bound to the catalyst and transformed into inert mineral salts which are separated with solid bottom residuais. The plant requires catalyst and lime additives that can maximum arrive to 1.0 - 1.5 % of the total amount of input materiais supplied to the plant, but in many cases much less catalyst is required when using biomasses containing mineral salts which works as catalysts. The catalyst, has the form of a mineral propellant-like substance. The hydrated lime needed for the neutralization of dangerous by-products is to be used only with chlorine-fluorine materiais, particularly with respect to PVC and PCB oils. Neither the catalyst nor neutralizer are chemically dangerous and can be handled easily, if carefully. The output from the plant is: 1.

Synthetic light weight fuel oil




Mineral salts bound with catalyst


Carbonic residuais coming out when organic material used as feed has an excess in carbon against the hydrogen required to form the oil molecule. These carbonic residuais have the form of C 0 , or organic materiais useful to produce combustible in form of pellets. By mixing to the 2

load products rich in hydrogen (i.e. cellulose) can help to reduce the carbon excess and contain the carbonic residuais dose to zero. No emission to atmosphere takes place as the plant operates under light negative pressure.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion




Organic residuais, mainly from industrial origin, could cause sulfur or other contaminants carry over with the oil produced. A cleaning section could be required in such case in order to reach the standard product specification. 2.6.

A s h e s treatment

Solid residuais coming from the pretreatment section passes a screw conveyor where temperature is increased. Vapors are separated, trapped into a condenser and recirculated into the pretreatment section; dried solids are delivered to storage. 2.7.


The plant may be equipped with integrated ancillaries sections in order to have a completely autonomous unit from the energetic point of view. Electric power is produced through an integrated diesel generator fed with 10% of the produced oil. Thermal power is produced both from the exhaust gas from diesel engine, and mechanically through the high speed mixing turbine. 2.8.

Environmental aspects

Safety Considerations The plant is a self-sufficient energy independent platform that has self-supervisory electronic control systems and is built in a manner to exclude any dangerous gaseous emissions. The only emissions of the plant are the exhaust gases emitted by the diesel engine of the block-type thermal power station (BHKW) and the remaining heat dissipation of the plant. The plant as a whole is built in accordance with applicable European standards. Safety requirements for the plant are fulfilled as follows:

Plant Seals. An effective "seal" of the plant is achieved by creating slight permanent negative pressure inside the plant core, with a safety disconnect.

Input Supply and Output Production Seals. The plant is designed to insure input materiais and output production are effectively sealed against loss of material.

No Hazardous Emissions at ali. Since the plant does not reach operating temperatures that can lead to the production of Dioxin and Furan, there is little danger of toxic gas emissions

Turbine/Pump Operations and Liquid Safety Controls. Ali liquid processes of the plant are permanently placed under supervisory controls of qualified plant personnel. Emergency shut-off switches exist to stop ali plant operations if unstable liquid reactions occur, for example, in a liquid emulsion.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A

Special Cut Off Provisions. Should abnormalities in the operating cycle occur, the plant has multiple cut-off provisions from water-cooling to cut-off of the block-type total energy unit to deprive the plant of energy and to run its components to a safety disconnect, using an alarm system in the Central Service Center.

Restarting the Plant after Shutdown. Restarting the plant is only possible after identifying the abnormal cause and an electronic release from the Central Service Center. Thus, control errors and disturbances are minimized due to inappropriate repair attempts. The restart of the plant takes approximately 45 minutes and takes place likewise process-steered and supervised, whereby further sequence errors are minimized.

Redundancy in Sensor Devices. Measuring sensors are redundantly installed throughout the plant so that at least two measured values are required to correlate with one another in order not to cause an alert or even automatic safety disconnection.

Separation of Hazardous Materials. The catalytic process produces certain catalyst crystals (processed metal impurities that originally appear in the input waste materiais) that must be removed once the high-quality Diesel fuel has been delivered to the production storage vessel. The technology of the plant guarantees that the metais and metal connections in the residue of the catalytic process (used up catalyst) are merged together and delivered to the plant's exit waste vessel. The final product, Diesel fuel (which develops exclusively over the vapor phase), is absolutely free from these materiais. If required, the metal impurities that form exit residue can be separated out and used with an additional electrolysis unit attached to the plant.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion


Appendix A

Images of Equipment

Detail of the cyclone separator


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix A

Distillation column and high speed mixing turbine


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion

Appendix B Corporate Profiles


Eco Solutions Inc


Orion Eco Solutions Inc is a Canadian Company that was founded by its partners in 2006 to both; own and operate facilities, as well as to build, sell and maintain facilities that help to solve waste, energy, and pollution problems in Canada and around the world. Orion has concluded agreements to work with companies in the Caribbean Region as well as People's Republic of China. Orion's focus is to be the leader in converting waste to green energy and synthetic fuel using the 'catalytic depolymerization' technology. Orion has a corporate philosophy that involves partnering with welcoming communities and customers to find the appropriate land, a sustainable waste stream, and a market for the synthetic fuel or green energy. The company is currently involved in negotiations to have facilities built and operating in Italy, Romania, Canada, United States, P R C and the Caribbean. The focus of the Orion is to help alleviate waste, energy, and pollution issues while creating jobs and striving to create "Green Centre of Excellence" facilities. For each facility the goal would be to make it a showcase for renewable energy including an education centre while reducing the need to take waste to landfills and reducing the need for any need to export waste. To demonstrate their keen interest in environmental issues, Orion Eco Solutions are currently 'greening' their own internai operations, developing strategies to lowering their energy usage, and lowering their water consumption; ali in an attempt to contribute to a reduction in their own carbon footprint, demonstrating leadership and setting an example in stewardship. The firm's key personnel and principies have participated in global business from North America, to the Caribbean, to Asia. Business sectors and experience have included environmental remediation of brownfields, hazardous waste disposal, recycling, IP networks, residential construction and development.

TOP P A C I F I C E N G I N E E R I N G Top Pacific Engineering specializes in the development and operation of state-of-the-art Waste-to-Fuel facilities. The company has access to zero-emissions technologies which can safely convert municipal solid waste (MSW), medicai waste, and scrap tires to valuable products such as synthetic diesel fuel, carbon black, recycled metais and carbon credits. The facilities are completely modular which allows them to be customized to the scale of operation while remaining standardized. This minimizes the cost of construction while streamlining the ability to manage and improve the facilities in the future. The result is a "zero emission" technical solution to converting landfill waste. Top Pacific Engineering is focused on bringing new Waste-to-Fuel technology to the market in a way that renews the environment, generates economical energy, serves the communities in which it is active, nurtures and develops its employees, and provides a reasonable return on investment to its shareholders. Societal problems in the รกreas of the facilities will be addressed via job creation and improving health, housing, and education capabilities for the local community. Employees are treated with respect and are provided with quality jobs and development opportunities. The company leadership will model the character required by ali employees and will be active in the communities they serve. Through technical expertise and innovation, we provide efficient and fiscally responsible engineering solutions for the construction and management of transportation and municipal infrastructure. We add value and provide engineering solutions that enhance and grow our communities, while remaining good stewards of the earth and its environment. Above ali, we conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity while taking ownership of projects and always being accountable to our clients and each other. We excel at being cost effective without compromising the principies of excellence in engineering. This is due to our ability to anticipate and prevent or overcome challenges that can prolong and even derail the implementation of a project. As professionals, we understand the complex challenges inherent in engineering projects. We have worked extensively with developers and municipalities; we know the planning and approval processes and how that is influenced by the expectation on both the public and private sectors for greater accountability and sensitivity to the environment. Our comprehensive range of engineering services has been organized into three major engineering divisions.

Environmental Sciences & Engineering Land Development Transportation Engineering Ali divisions are led by industry recognized leaders who share the tradition of project team spirit and the philosophy of business that our clients have come to expect.

Room 2207-2209 22/F, Tower 2, Lippo Centre 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong



S T R A B A G is the core brand name of the European construction group S T R A B A G S E , one of the leading construction groups in Europe. The activities of more than 75 000 employees in 2009 financial year resulted in the implementation of total structurai volumes in the amount of nearly G13 billion. Alongside with the core markets of Áustria and Germany, S T R A B A G SE also operates in ali East-European and South-European countries, in the markets of Western Europe, in the Arabian Península, as well as in Canada, Chile and índia. The stock of orders for 2010 has comprised nearly G14 billion. Out of 16 630 projects which are currently implemented by S T R A B A G SE it is possible to outline, several examples such as, a group of high-rise buildings with the total area of 160 000 square meters in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which will include dwelling premises, offices and a hotel; a major overhaul of the Gazella bridge, with the length of 332 and with the width of 27.5 m, basic highway bridge over S a v a River in Belgrade, Serbia; a high-speed railway line between Zhengzhou and Xi'an with the length of 505 km in China; the expansion and widening of the apron and taxiways in the airport BBI Berlin Brandenburg, and many others. In Rússia the company has been operating since 1991. The company attracts both foreign (expats), and Russian specialists for work in Moscow, which ensure, on the one hand, a European levei of dedign and construction, and, on the other hand, the implementation of specific features of the Russian construction market. With the Company's operations andresources in Moscow there have been constructed nearly 1.5 million square meters of premises variously utilized - Office, banking, dwelling, and commercial ones. Among them - the administrative building of J S C "Transneft"on Bolshaya Polyanka Street in Moscow, the administrative and banking building of "Vneshtorgbank" on Lesnaya Street, the General Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Moscow Region on Leninskiy Prospect, Administrative Building "North Tower" in the Moscow International Business Center "Moskva-City", the refurbishment and renovation of architectural monuments in Tretyakovskiy Proezd (passage), on Kuznetskiy Most Street and on Bolshoy Cherkasskiy Pereulok (lane), as well as a Combustion Plant on the Podolskikh Kursantov Street. Presently S T R A B A G builds in Moscow and has concluded construction contracts for more than 1 m illion square meters. One of the most prominent projects is the famous Hotel "Moskva". In the place of the hotel in the historical part of the city S T R A B A G carries out construction of the Multifunctional Complex. Moreover, the Company is responsible for the construction of groups of dwelling buildings on Nagatinskaya Street, on Mytnaya Street, an Office and Dwelling Complex "Kauchuk", and other projects. Recently the amount of industrial projects has increased, for instance, now we are constructing Plate Mill 5000 Complex to manufacture rolled sheet products of the low-alloy steel brands, with the output capacity of 1 200 000 tons annually in the town of Wyksa, the Nizhni Novgorod Region, the client for which is J C S "OMK". We have also signed a contract and started to work at the project of Metallurgical Works to produce rolled section products, with the output capacity of 1 million tons of finished products per year in the town of Balakovo, Saratov Region, the client for which is «Severstal». Within the Group there is a special division - L L C S T R A B A G Property and Facility Services, that has branch offices in many European countries, including Rússia, whose field of activities includes maintenance and servicing of buildings and structures. Since 2008 the Company's department for the implementation of projects for environmental protection methods and techniques started to operate in Rússia. The major emphasis is placed on environmental protection, and based on the up-to-date technologies, patents and know-how, as well as taking into account our broad experience in project execution ali over the world we have an opportunity to carry out projects of any degree of complexity in Rússia on a "turn-key basis". Today S T R A B A G has Consolidated an experience of many years of operation in the Russian construction market, as well as vast experience ali over the world to implement advanced construction methods and techniques, which allows to drastically optimize investments in projects' construction increasing the quality indicators. S T R A B A G in Rússia possesses considerable expert potential, which could be directed to search the tasks' solutions, which are of paramount importance for Rússia, such as economy modernization, attraction of modern construction and management technologies, participation in the activities of various respective committees to realize the optimization and reduction of the budget expenses, fight against corruption, intent cost management for construction of major projects of State importance. Besides, today S T R A B A G Group is interested in capital investments in Russian economy and taking part in sociaily oriented projects. S T R A B A G has vast experience capitalized in course of implementation of large-scale investment and construction projects, as well as in realization of Public Private Partnership ( P P P ) projects. STRABAG SE A - 9800 S P I T T A L / D R A U , O R T E N B U R G E R S T R A S S E 27 • T E L E F O N +43(0)47 62 / 620 - 0 A - 1220 W I E N , D O N A U - C I T Y - S T R A S S E 9 • T E L E F O N +43(0)1 / 224 2 2 - 0 Handelsgericht Klagenfurt, F i r m e n b u c h FN 8 8 9 8 3 h Spittai/Drau, Sitz: Spittal/Drau

^ ^


Industries Ltd. Industries International International Ltd,

Niagara Industries International Ltd. is a participant in many projects involving the import of vehicles, equipment and modern competitive technologies from North America and Europe to the Russian Federation and other C I S states. Niagara Industries International Ltd. has proven to be a reliable partner in addressing a wide range of issues in the industrial sector. The company was founded in 1995 in Toronto, Canada as a private Corporation. During the early days of the company, it was involved in the supply of lines used in weighing and packaging of bulk foods. Niagara Industries International Ltd. accumulated invaluable experience, developed dose ties, and successfully participated in joint projects with various Russian and Canadian companies. Niagara Industries International Ltd. has been involved in a variety of projects in the industrial and civil engineering sectors with companies such as Elver Enterprises Ltd., ELM Developments Corp. and Siboil Company, among which are: -

the construction of condominiums, apartment buildings, townhouses, and detached houses in Ontário and Alberta, Canada; the construction of administrative and commercial buildings in Moscow, Rússia; Astana, Kazakhstan; and in Alberta, Canada; the construction of gas stations in Omsk, Rússia; Almaty and Astana, Kazakhstan.

Today, Niagara Industries International Ltd. is set out to change the current practice of handling waste. The company is currently focusing ali of its power and resources on the novel, relevant and promising field of recycling solid waste into energy. The company offers the innovative technology in this area, and ali the necessary resources to implement projects on a turnkey basis. The successful and efficient implementation of this project is ensured by the use of modern technological innovations and a reliable partnership of Niagara Industries International Ltd. with one of the leading European construction companies - STRABAG AG, Áustria.


Rússia Albert Gontar, Head of Representative Office in Russian Federation and C I S 115(g)niaqara-intemational.ru +7 (495) 646-7313

Canada Yuri Spektor, Chief Technology Officer yuri(5)niaqara-intemational.com +1 (647) 477-6548

28 William Carson Crés., Unit 920, Toronto, Ontário, Canada M2P 2H1 Tel: (647) 430-3400, Fax: (647) 477-5499, E-mail: office@niagara-international.com

TO p

Eco Solutions Inc,






Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion


Table of Contents 1.0

Executive S u m m a r y



Project T e a m Organizational Chart



Niagara Industries International Ltd



Top Pacific Engineering Limited



Strabag SE



Orion Eco Solutions Inc



Project Description


3.1. Understanding the Diesel Production Technology 3.1.1. Fuel Production from Solid Waste 3.1.2. Plant-Wide Diesel Production Technology 3.1.3. State-of-the-Art Process of Catalytic Depolymerization

5 5 6 6


Typical Plant - Conceptual Layouts



Summary and Closure



DVD Presentation - Overview of Solid W a s t e to Synthetic Diesel Plant





Appendix A - Technical Information


Appendix B - Corporate Profiles



Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion



Executive Summary

Due to the saturation of existing landfills in most regions of the world, and the continuous need for the disposal of solid waste, a considerable amount of effort and research has gone into acquiring solutions for this criticai environmental issue. By listening to the needs of governmental clients, it has been the mandate at Niagara Industries International and its associates to find alternative solutions to municipal landfill sites. Much research has gone into the review of various innovative and cutting-edge technologies. One particular method for addressing solid waste has risen above the crowd of options, and emerged as the key solution. This exciting breakthrough utilizes a new economically viable technology which extracts useable, fuel-grade synthetic diesel from the solid waste materiais, suitable for commercial use. Our project team intends to take this cutting-edge technology and apply it to real-world needs with the construction of brand new, state-of-the-art Municipal Solid Waste Processing Facilities. These plants will be capable of processing millions of tons of solid waste per annum, with a significant synthetic diesel fuel output.


Project T e a m Organizational Chart

The Project Team is a combination of various companies, each with their own area of specialty for the intended assignment. The relationships within the Project Team are as follows:


Niagara Industries International Ltd.

Today, Niagara Industries International Ltd's newest initiative will be to take the lead in effectuating positive changes in the way in which current waste-handling practices are administered around the globe. The company's focus will be on the full participation in the relevant and promising field of recycling solid waste into energy. Niagara Industries International Ltd. will support the Project Team's provision of innovative technology of waste-to-fuel, and ali the necessary resources to implement projects on a turnkey basis. Upon receipt order for the construction of a Municipal Solid Waste to Diesel Conversion Plant from the Municipality, Niagara Industries International Ltd. will arrange financing, order the production of the plant through Top Pacific Engineering Limited.


Top Pacific Engineering Limited

Top Pacific Engineering Limited specializes in the development, engineering, and operation of state-ofthe-art Waste-to-Fuel facilities. The company has access to zero-emissions technologies which can safely convert municipal solid waste (MSW), medicai waste, and scrap tires to valuable products such as synthetic diesel fuel, carbon black, recycled metais and carbon credits. Top Pacific Engineering Limited will be responsible for the overall design of the Waste to Fuel Plants. Top Pacific Engineering Limited will provide the overall engineering design and project management services for the entire project; Solid Waste to Diesel Conversion Plant Engineering Contract.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion



Strabag SE

Working as the construction company of choice for Niagara Industries International Ltd., Strabag SE will assist in the successful and efficient implementation of the new Solid Waste to Synthetic Diesel Conversion project with the Project Team. Niagara Industries International Ltd. will utilize Strabag SE as the general contractor for plant construction.

2.4. Orion Eco Solutions Inc. As part of the Project Team, Orion Eco Solutions Inc. will provide the process engineering design for the plants, and facilitate the manufacturing of the proprietary component of this Solid Waste project. Due to an established history of working in the waste-to-fuel industry, Orion Eco Solutions Inc. is committed to driving results with their design and in their manufacturing facilitation. Orion Eco Solutions Inc. will provide the process engineering design package, and process equipment supply for the plant and the technology to generate synthetic-diesel from municipal solids waste.









Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion



Project Description

The Project Team has secured rights to provide turn-key solid waste management processing plants with diesel production capabilities. The goal is to oversee the provision of such facilities to local governments to address their disposal needs, allowing them to capitalize on their existing solid waste (landfill) and future disposal needs. We will engineering and facilitate the procurement of the technology, inclusive of the entire manufacturing plant purchase from start to finish. The intention of the Project Team is to secure the rights to market this waste management solution initially into Russian and the former Soviet Union countries, then expanding to other global markets. The range of plant production and size will be dependent on various factors - composition of solid waste, quantity of waste material available etc. Plant can utilize units for production of diesel from small at 150 liters per hour to large at 5000 liters per hour and can be constructed to suit the magnitude required. As highlighted previously, plants can be constructed in modular fashion to accommodate additional capacity.

3.1. Understanding the Diesel Production Technology The revolutionary process of addressing solid waste disposal utilizes a proprietary process technology known as "Catalytic Depolymerization". It replicates the natural process of converting organic matter into crude oil. Traditionally, this conversion would take 100 to 300 million years but has now been compressed into a remarkable window of only minutes. What starts as solid waste at the initiation of the process, turns into a usable diesel fuel source at the outlet of the plant. 3.1.1. Fuel Production from S o l i d Waste Solid waste in general includes ali the discarded solid materiais from domestic, municipal and industrial activities. The objectives of worldwide solid waste management protocol are to control, collect, process and utilize the solid waste in the most economical fashion, consistent with the protection of public health, and the natural environment. Chemical processes, such as fluidized bed incineration, pyrolysis, and wet oxidation, as well as biological processes including anaerobic digestion, are ali potential method options for reducing municipal waste volumes and converting it into useful products. In this current discussion, diesel fuel is the key desired product. Among ali of the solid waste conversion processes and technologies, catalytic depolymerization via alkaline silicate provides great advantages over other synthetic diesel fuel producing systems. Advantages include: •

Less power and energy consumption

High quality diesel fuel

Fast chemical reactions such as biomass hydrogenation, catalytic depolymerization, distillation etc.

No hazardous/untreatable by product

No hazardous air emissions

To convert solid waste into high quality synthetic diesel fuel, a series of physical processes followed by chemical processes are required. The physical process, or pretreatment of solid waste, produces the required feedstock for the catalytic depolymerization reactor. This is where hot oil mixture is produced and purified to form a synthetic diesel fuel.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion



Plant-Wide Diesel Production T e c h n o l o g y

The feedstock preparation process is the first step in the production of synthetic fuel. The pretreatment phase consists of various physical processes, highlighted as shown below: Sorting and separating

Landfill Site

Liquidification of solid materiais in oil and evaporation of water

Feed Stock Dosifier

Roto Screen

Shredding Units

Metal Separation

Air Separator

The nature and amount of organic waste, i.e. the final product of the pre-treatment phase, is an essential indicator of the overall quality of final synthetic diesel fuel since the main catalytic reaction is contained within the organic waste/biomass itself. In addition, the amount/volume of diesel fuel produced is also dependant on the ratio of organic waste to green (natural) biomass in the feedstock. It is important to note that if the amount of organic compounds inside liquefied feedstock is not sufficient to produce high quality diesel fuel, biomass must be added at this stage, before feeding the depolymerisation reactor. The catalytic depolymerisation reaction from feedstock to final product is shown in the block diagram below:

Liquefied Feedstock


Preprocessing unit for conversion of feedstock to sludge and hydrolysis at 200째C


Turbine Reactor (Generator)

Heat Exchanger (Water/Diesel Separator)

Distillation Column


Final product 3.1.3.

State-of-the-Art P r o c e s s of Catalytic Depolymerization

The Catalytic Depolymerization is the key reaction in diesel production. In the depolymerization reaction, large polymer chain hydrocarbons contained in the feed stock are broken down and converted into smaller molecules. Catalytic Depolymerization takes place inside the rotating turbo reactor which results in the intensive mixing of the catalyst and feed stock. The Rotating Turbine Reactor is the fundamental component of the diesel production plant and the number or extent of the following refining processes such as distillation, condensation, and oil/water separation depends on the organic content of the feed stock. The catalytic reaction of metal-organic substances and organic waste of feed stock occurs under temperature of 300째C and low pressure of 0.1 bar. The final product of depolymerization reaction is a mixture of catalyst, diesel, water and metallic residues. This mixture is further processed to recover the catalyst and separate remaining diesel, water and ash. The distilled diesel from water is pumped into the storage tank. The by-product/residue from depolymerization reaction contains metais which are recovered through series of distillation and condensation processes.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion


One of the great advantages of synthetic diesel production system is its flexibility in modular design. The system can be designed to produce high quality diesel having a Cetane number of 65 at the rate of minimum 150 L/h to over 5000 L/h. The larger design can be obtained by increasing the number or volume of each process unit (turbine reactor, distillation column, separator, etc.)


Typical Plant - Conceptual Layouts

Our anticipation of a typical site layout is depicted in the above representative drawing schematic. Factors to be considered when selecting plant structure locations would be accessibility to Landfill waste, access roads to and from the plant, storage of materiais on-site, office space, ancillary building structures, water, diesel storage - to name a few. Figure 1: Plan Views of Plant Facility a) Municipal Solid Waste Receiving Stating & Treatment (sorting plant) b) Diesel Processing Plant Figure 2: Bird's Eye View of Plant Elevations Figure 3: Elevation of Truck bays, Garbage Drop-off Area The Layout Drawings, as seen in Figure 1, provide an overview of a standard Municipal Solid Waste Plant, with the addition of the proprietary technology as the final segment. For ancillary renderings, refer to Figures 2 and 3.


Solid Waste Management Waste to Diesel Conversion



Summary and Closure

We thank you for considering the services of our Project Team and we trust that this proposal meets with your approval. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


D V D Presentation - Overview of Solid W a s t e to Synthetic Diesel Plant

The attached DVD has been prepared to provide a systematic overview of the entire waste-to-fuel process. The presentation will visually illustrate the process in which raw materiais are extracted from a typical municipal solid-waste landfill and delivered to the plant. This is followed by the progression of sorting, extracting, shredding, drying, and, as it passes through the distillation and proprietary process, becomes a usable, commercially viable diesel fuel.


Appendices Refer to Appendix A -Technical Information Refer to Appendix B - Corporate Profiles








Figure 3 - Elevation of Truck Bays, Solid Waste Drop-off Area

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