Alessandra Meza N.
Portfolio of works
Selected projects
Other projects
Rockingham Street Redevelopment
Arts Tower Forecourt Module
Jessop West Winter POE
Boston Redevelopment
Holiday bungalow: Mejía-Salazar
House 102
House retrofit: Arcia-Serpa
House retrofit: Eslait-Santodomingo
Portal de Nueva Andrea Development
Santa Marta urban parks network
RM 34-45
Salguero Beach
San Roque Redevelopment
Two 2 Towers
Universal Cemetery Park
Vita 495
Contra-Haus2 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Pindale Farm Outdoor Centre, Youth Hostel 06 12 20
Climate-Based Daylight Modelling for social housing
Contra-Haus2 [Design]
Frankfurt, Germany
Detached family house
14kWh/m2 of annual heating demand
57.72m3 of rain water harvested
Cross-Laminated Timber structure
On-site renewable energy generation
MVHR system
Underfloor Heating System
Located in the outskirts of Frankfurt, Germany, the ContraHaus2 is designed to be a relaxing, thermally comfortable and energy efficient holiday home for a small family.
The passive strategies were key to define the building shape to have an efficient design, but additional technologies were added to improve the overall performance.
The main structure is constructed with local CLT panels and wood fibre insulation, reducing significantly the carbon footprint.
The exposed concrete ground floor is useful as thermal mass for the underfloor heating system.
The two opposed roofs provide on-site renewable energy from photovoltaic-thermal panels (south-facing roof) and additional insulation from green roof (facing north).
The west volume grows to the south for a conservatory as a transition space that also improves the energy performance of the dwelling.
Conservatory Living room Dining room Kitchen Laundry room Bathroom Bedroom MVHR
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Model testing for efficiency
With a combination of the most suitable strategies, the house reduced its heating demand to 13.9kWh/m2a, meeting successfully the PassivHaus benchmark, without compromising neither aesthetics nor comfort.
External windflow
Rainwater harvesting
Treated Floor Area (TFA) 149 m2 149 m2 149 m2 126 m2 Heat loss Form-Factor 3.39 3.52 4.25 3.85 Thermal envelope area 503 m2 523 m2 632 m2 484 m2 Specific annual heat demand (<15%) 40.9 kWh/m2a 43.1 kWh/m2a 52.6 kWh/m2a 13.9 kWh/m2a
0.00 m/s Velocity -7.01Pa Pressure 4.49 m/s 6.12 Pa
Surface area x Run-Off coefficient x average annual rainfall Wind tunnel - Top view Wind tunnel - West view Roof Type Surface Area Run-Off Coefficient Average Annual Rainfall Surface Run-Off Water Totals 1 31.57m3 3 10.60m3 PV panels 41.54m2 0.90 0.718m 26.84m3 Rooflights 8.6m2 0.90 0.718m 5.55m3 Tiles 8.78m2 0.75 0.718m 4.73m3 Tiles 9.38m2 0.75 0.718m 5.05m3 2 Green roof 54.15m2 0.40 0.718m 15.55m3 1 2 3
Timber cladding
Timber cladding battens
Damp-proof membrane
Rigid insulation (0.33m)
Vapour control layer
CLT wall (0.13m - 5 layers)
Concealed metal plate for structural connection
Screws (0.10m)
Polished screed (0.025m)
Metal wall footing
Insulation-backed water resistant drywall wall base
Concrete screed for UHS (0.075m)
Underfloor Heating System pipes @0.10m
Rigid insulation (0.15m)
Continuous foundation wall (0.13m x 0.45m)
Vapour control layer
Concrete foundation floor (0.20m)
Damp-proof membrane
Continuous footing (0.80m x 0.25m)
Sand (0.10m)
Pitched roof optimised for on-site renewable energy generation
Enhanced cross-ventilation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Detail Section 1
Detail Section 1
Underfloor Heating System
Rainwater harvesting
Roof coping
Metal covering face
Steel profiles - vertical
Damp-proof membrane
CLT wall (0.13m - 5 layers)
Vapour control layer
Rigid insulation (0.33m)
Damp-proof membrane
Timber cladding battens
Timber cladding
Asphalt shingle roof tiles
Roof battens for tile support
Roof battens for slope
Damp-proof membrane
Chipboard sheathing
Rigid insulation (0.24m)
Vapour control layer
CLT roof (0.10m - 5 layers)
Growth medium (0.20m)
Root barrier
Drainage deck
Damp-proof membrane
Rigid insulation (0.24m)
Vapour control layer
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
Detail Section 2
Detail Section 2
MVHR system
Rooflights to increase daylight and heat gains without direct sunlight
Conservatory to increase heat gains during winter months
Prevailing wind
from South
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre [JCCAC]
Hong Kong
Deep retrofit for the cultural centre of the Shek Kip Mei [石硤尾] area
50% of built area available for unrestricted public access 100% of permanently occupied rooms have direct connection with greenery 85% of rooms have illuminance values between 100-3,000 lux throughout the year 50% of external surfaces absorb rainwater Kinetic courtyard glass roof responsive to wind direction Recycled bamboo for fenestration
Reduction of direct solar incidence in west facade
The retrofit aims to improve its response to the microclimatic conditions of the site, the occupants’ experience and its resilience to the negative effects of climate change. Conclusions from site and building scale research revealed the following issues to address as priority:
Existing problems addressed
Case of introvert building, which affect negatively a cultural centre. Noise from transportation, construction and daily activities from habitants. Pollutant particulates affecting the air quality.
Lack of thermal insulation, plus temperature reaching 33oC. High precipitation and hard ground and roof increases the rainwater run-off resulting on urban flooding. Poor illuminance levels and high electricity demand for artificial lighting. No opportunity for effective cross-ventilation.
Public spaces
Open areas
Restaurant % Cafe
Retail Library
Semi-public spaces
Events hall
Tenancy spaces
Private spaces
Studio spaces
Performance studio Management offices
HKGBC Guidebook on Urban Microclimate Study
Adopted measures [North-West facade]
Increased building permeability
Adoption Ventilation bay/permeable podium
Green wall to reduce heat gains from DSL and the impact of rainwater in urban floods
Greening to increase evapotranspiration and absorb rainwater
Reducing surface water run-off by using permeable paving
Reduce thermal mass heat storage of building material
Specific strategies
Hanging gardens
Living walls
Permeable pavement materials
Green roof
Permeable walking roof
Gardens in the main entrance
Improved thermal comfort for users
Isolation from noise and air pollution from Pak Tin street
Reduced rainwater surface run-off
Reduced use of fresh water on building’s water demand
Annual Temmperature Range
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2010 2000 0 1000 500 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Hong Kong Observatory Headquartes (1947-2017) +40mm/decade 2013 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2015 2014 2016 2017 Sham Shui Po during 2013-2017 (µ/m3) NOX (Nitrogen oxide) NO2 (Nitrogen dioxide) RSP (Respirable suspended particulates) O3 (Ozone) FSP (Fine suspended particulates) SO2 (Sulphur dioxide) Jan -10oC -5oC 0oC 5oC 10oC 15oC 20oC 25oC 30oC 35oC 40oC Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Coordenates: 22.32o North, 114.17o Eas,t HONG KONG Data Source: CityUHK-45007 450070 WMO Station Number, Elevation 65m ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 using PMV Design range Average range Mean Comfort Summer Comfort Winter
Noise pollution levels at urban scale Air pollutants concentration trend Annual rainfall average (1947-2017) Increasing noise levels
HKGBC Guidebook on Urban Microclimate Study
Adopted measures [South-East facade]
Manipulate building facade design to provide shading Adoption Ventilation bay/permeable podium
Increased ground zone air volume
Increased building permeability
Increase useful daylight, reduce direct sunlight
The South-East facade is affected by DSL between 10:00-12:00 most of the year. The existing building blocked effectively DSL, yet it prevented daylight from coming into the rooms.
The new proposal has an increased window-wall ratio which along with a difference in the building profile, allows the neccesary daylight for each space acording to the designated activity.
Spatial Daylight Autonomy
Annual Sunlight Exposure (sDA + ASE)
86% of building area meets sDA % hours
6% of building area >ASE hours threshold
85% of rooms meet sDA >55% room area
85% of rooms meet sDA 75% room area
5% of rooms >ASE hours >20% room area
15% of rooms that do not meet sDA % hours are not permanently used spaces, such as restrooms, storage rooms, and temporary exhibitions open areas.
sDA: 300lux / 50% annual hrs
ASE: 1000lux / 250 hrs
Rooms: All Days: Jan 01 to Dec 31
Time: 8:00 to 18:00
Sky Cover Range
The high percentage of cloud cover throughout the year helps to balance the relation between direct solar radiation and direct sunlight. It facilitates to reduce aggressive solar radiation on the South-East facade without sacrificing effective daylighting indoors.
Coordenates: 22.32o North, 114.17o Eas,t HONG KONG
Data Source: CityUHK-45007 450070 WMO Station Number, Elevation 65m
Sun angle Jun-Sept-Dec 12:00 Jan 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Extended - balcony Regular - balcony Extended + balcony Regular + balcony
Annual Cummulative Insolation validation South-East facade 9 kWh/m2 462 kWh/m2 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 100% 90% 236 kWh/m2
January | NE & E
February | E
March | E
April | E
Windflow during January, February, March, April, September, October, November, and December. Also, part of May, June, July, and August.
May | NE & SW
June | E & W
July | NE & SW
August | NE & SW
Windflow during parts of May, June, July, and August.
September |
October |
| E
| NE & E
Noise and air pollution come from heavy traffic street
Living walls to reduce the direct incidence of solar radiation and block noise and air pollution
Novel kinetic glass roof allows the hot air escape with opening responding to prevailing wind
Hanging gardens to block noise and air pollution but allowing cross-ventilation
Significant openings cross-ventilation
Summer solstice | 12:00
Equinox | 12:00
Green roof to reduce the direct incidence of solar radiation and the rainwater run-off
Winter solstice | 12:00
Balcony levels allow different spaces typologies while protecting from DSL without sacrificing useful daylight
openings allows cross-ventilation in the building
Double height open gallery welcomes public and wind East terraces for shaded activities during afternoon
Pindale Farm Outdoor Centre, Youth Hostel
Peak District, Derbyshire, UK
Retrofit in Grade II listed buildings (3 buildings) New energy efficient buildings for supporting activities (4 buildings)
BREEAM ‘Excellent’ achieved in Re-Designed and New buildings
On-site renewable energy production using Photovoltaic-Thermal panels
Rainwater harvesting system + Water management system
Fabric-first approach for retrofitted buildings
Annual Energy Consumption between 2,000 kWh - 54,000 kWh Illuminance levels comply with CIBSE requirements
Bus station
Railway station
Located in the Hope Valley (county of Derbyshire) in the Peak District National Park, UK, the hostel provides accommodation and camping facilities for its visitors.
Dure to historical and architectural interest, the building is Grade II listed and is under the control of Peak District National Authority.
The site is easily accessible for visitors from train and coach within 2.0km radius, and is located in the centre of the 3 major communities and hence has the potential to attract the local community.
Types of accommodation
Bed & Breakfast Camping
Users & Visitors
Families Bikers
Cyclists Hikers Tourists Students
Service wing
Camping site
Barn House Engine House Pavilion Agora Bike Hub
Parking Owner residence
Camping site
Camping site
Camping site
Castleton Pindale Farm Outdoor Centre Bradwell Sheffield Manchester Breedon Cement Factory Edale mountain rescue team Hope Golf Club
Limestone quarry
On-site renewable energy production &Efficient water management system
The high exposure of the site to direct sunlight and the constant precipitations in the zone were the main factors to propose on-site renewable energy production utilising PV-T panels for energy and heating, and a water management system to collect stormwater and re-use it in appliances on the Service Wing, and hence reduce the demand of fresh water where grey water can be used. The on-site RE systems are located in three buildings: Barn House, Pavilion and Bike Hub, while the water management systems are in the Service Wing and the Agora.
Weather station location: Buxton, England, UK Distance from project site: 18 km 200 150 50 100 0 Jan Average sunshine (hours) Buxton Average sunshine (hours) UK Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Weather station location: Buxton, England, UK Distance from project site: 18 km W 0 >0 >3 >7 >12 >17 >24 >31 >38 WSW SW SSW Annual wind speed (mph) S SSE SE ESE E ENE NE NNE N NNW NW WNW Weather station location: Buxton, England, UK Distance from project site: ≈18 km 150 100 50 0 Jan Avg Annual rainfall (mm) Buxton Avg Annual rainfall (mm) UK Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
120m2 | 93,961kWh 120m2 | 95,202kWh 123m2 | 94,841kWh 128m2 | 99,287kWh PV system 1 (122m2) 67,075.6kWh/yr PV system 2 (120m2) 65,976kWh/yr PV system 3 (114m2) 62,677.2kWh/yr Water management system 1 Rainwater collected: 92.94m3 Water management system 2 Rainwater collected: 455.87m3
Annual sunshine hours Annual wind rose Annual precipitation
The existing Barn House offered six selfcatered rooms accommodating 8-10 people per room. However, poor ventilation and insulation were the main factors affecting the users’ comfort, including the insufficient daylight in the spaces. Moreover, the existing floor layout showed no relation with the building’s structure nor heritage.
The new Barn House layout hosts the same amount of rooms but each with two levels, be the ground floor the service area and the first floor the sleeping area. Three rooms are self-catered and three are non-catered The rooms’ size adjust to the main walls and roof structure, to which more windows were added to improve the air circulation and daylight levels. Furthermore, the room capacity increased,
The service wing contains three main areas. The dining and kitchen for the non-catered rooms and campers, the bathroom and shower area for the campers, employees, and visitors, and the cleaning and recycling rooms for all guests and employees. This service wing accommodates together in one building the functions of other spaces scattered in the property.
CIBSE illuminance levels
Bedroom = 50-100 lux
Kitchen = 150-300 lux
Bathroom = 150 lux
Living room = 50-300 lux
Exposed timber = 0.008m
Timber battens = 0.06m
Concrete screed for UFHS = 0.075m
Clip rail for UFHS UFHS pipes @ 0.10m
Polythene barrier
Floor insulation panel = 0.10m
Concrete subfloor = 0.20m
EXTERIOR (ground)
Paint = 0.001m
Plaster = 0.03m
Gypsum board = 0.0125m
Wood fibre insulation = 0.1m
Timber stud = 0.1m
Polwood sheating = 0.005m
Damp proof membrance
Limestone = 0.4m
Walls = 0.24
Floor = 0.25
Roof = 0.26
Windows = 0.5
Main strategies
Fabric-first approach
PV-T panels for renewable energy and heat.
Underfloor heating system
Extra rooflights & windows to improve daylighting & air movement.
Rainwater management system
Potable water processing
Rainwater cistern Graywater collection and processing
0 lux Summer
200 lux 400 lux 600 lux 800 lux
Solstice Winter Solstice
Although the existing hostel provided enough rooms, camping zones and service facilities for the guests, there was no gathering/ communal space within its boundaries. Result of this, was the proposal of the Agora, a new building for social and cultural activities for guests and visitors.
Its geometry reflects the current site terrain. Taking the main curves from the existing retaining walls, the space is closed at the top by a dome-like green roof, resulting in a low lying structure and blends with the surroundings. The building has a cutout on the north to give space for the existing trees in that area, creating an outdoor terrace.
Curved green roof blends the building with the site topography and acts as an insulation layer to the interior. In winter, it reduces thermal heat loss and in summer, it prevents overheating . Moreover it captures rainwater to be used on site maintenance.
Growth medium
Root barrier
Drainage layer
Membrane protection
Waterproof membrane
Steel sheeting
Vapour control layer
Supporting panel
Glulam structural beams
Glulam structural columns
Glulam structural beam @ 1m
Lateral support plate / U bracket
Glulam structural columns
Raw materials Manufacturing Transport Construction Maintenance & Use Landfill Waste Re-purpose Re-use
Raw material extraction
Common timber species used in Glulam manufacturing is ‘European Larch’ because of its natural durability. These forest sources comply with certification system of FSC and PEFC The energy required for raw material extraction is minor compared to steel or concrete.
76% of the carbon will be contained in Glulam with respect to the carbon content of input materials. For 1m3 of Glulam, 591kg/m3 of Lumber and 6.13kg/m3 of resins are used. 643MJ/m3 i.e. 10% of cumulative energy for resin production. 52% of cumulative energy for Glulam manufacturing process.
Lumber, green Lumber, dry
Melamine urea formaldehyde
Phenol resorcinol formaldehyde
Electricity Natural gas
Wood fuel energy
= 149 kg/m3 = 442 kg/m3 = 0.96 kg/m3 = 5.17 kg/m3 = 304 MJ/m3 = 153 MJ/m3 = 508 MJ/m3
The nearest Glulam supplier for the site is Constructional Timber manufacturer’s Ltd in Brensley, South Yorkshire. It is 29.3 miles away from the site. The transportation of materials will be from trucks using fossil fuels
Since high degree prefabrication of Glulam is possible, it saves energy in construction site. The low weight of Glulam helps in reducing the foundation and erection cost and energy. The steel beam is 100% and concrete beam is 500% heavier than the proposed Glulam beams.
Maintenance & Use
Glulam is susceptible for extreme variations in temperature and relative humidity, which may lead to debonding between layers which might result in cracks. Regular checkings are necessary to verify cracks and joints. Periodic cleaning is required to prevent fungal decay.
Recycling & Re-Use
Glulam can be reused or recycled completely at the end of life cycle. It can be re-used as woodchips or biofuel for combined heat and power plant. It is environmentally friendly even if it is sent to landfills.
Wood trimmings
Wood waste
Manufacturing Inputs (1m3 of glulam) Manufacturing Outputs (1m3 of glulam) 1
VOC Methanol
Phenol PM10 Ethanol Isopropanol 483 kg/m3 = 89 kg/m3 = 20kg/m3 = 0.28 kg/m3 = 0.01 kg/m3 = 0.01 kg/m3 = 0.05 MJ/m3 = 0.005 MJ/m3 = 0.01 MJ/m3 =
Glulam Life Cycle & Carbon
m3 Glulam captures 732kg CO2
Re-Designed buildings
BREEAM | Excellent | 73.88% UK Refurbishment & Fit-Out 2014 1.1 (Technical Manual SD216)
New buildings
BREEAM | Excellent | 73.91% UK New Construction 2018 2.0 (Technical Manual SD5078)
Heating Cooling zones Lighting Cooling (AHU) Fans (AHU) Equipment Heat rejection Fans (Zones) Pumps
Building Rating | BREEAM | Barn House 53,943 kWh/yr
Energy Performance & Green
Reception 2,380 kWh/yr Engine House 10,216 kWh/yr Service wing 19,901 kWh/yr Pavilion 47,320 kWh/yr Agora 11,505 kWh/yr Bike Hub 10,051 kWh/yr
Alessandra Meza N. +44 7555711453 | +57 3234989259